Saturday, February 16, 2019

Karl Marx's London Memorial Vandalised for Second Time

THE GUARDIAN: The words ‘doctrine of hate’ and ‘architect of genocide’ were painted on Highgate cemetery memorial

The tomb of Karl Marx in Highgate cemetery in London has been vandalised for the second time in the space of a month.

The words “doctrine of hate” and “architect of genocide” were found daubed in red paint across the Grade I-listed monument in the north London graveyard on Saturday.

The latest attack comes less than two weeks after the marble plaque on the tomb was defaced by an apparent attempt to scrape and chip Marx’s name off the marble slab with a hammer. » | Ruth Quinn | Saturday, February 16, 2019

Mike Pence Rebukes European Powers over Iran and Venezuela

US vice-president rebuked European powers over Iran and Venezuela on Saturday, in a renewed attack on traditional US allies, rejecting a call by Germany’s chancellor to include Russia in global cooperation efforts. Describing the results of Donald Trump’s presidency as 'remarkable' and 'extraordinary', the vice-president told senior European and Asian officials the European Union should follow the US in quitting the Iran nuclear deal and recognising the head of Venezuela’s congress, Juan Guaidó, as president Pence hails 'remarkable, extraordinary' Trump tenure in attack on US allies

Rede der Kanzlerin: Merkel live auf der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz

Bundeskanzlerin Merkel hält eine Rede auf der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz. Merkel hat bereits angekündigt, dass sie ein Plädoyer für den sogenannten Multilateralismus halten will. Das dürfte als Reaktion auf Trumps "Amerika zuerst"-Außenpolitik verstanden werden.

THE GUARDIAN: Angela Merkel criticises US isolationism, urging 'win-win solutions' »

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Merkel Rejects U.S. Demands That Europe Pull Out of Iran Nuclear Deal »

UK's Saudi Weapons Sales Unlawful, Lords Committee Finds

THE GUARDIAN: Report finds UK arms ‘highly likely to be cause of significant civilian casualties in Yemen’

The UK is on “the wrong side of the law” by sanctioning arms exports to Saudi Arabia for the war in Yemen and should suspend some of the export licences, an all-party Lords committee has said.

The report by the international relations select committee says ministers are not making independent checks to see if arms supplied by the UK are being used in breach of the law, but is instead relying on inadequate investigations by the Saudis, its allies in the war.

It describes the humanitarian plight of Yemenis as “unconscionable”. » | Patrick Wintour, Diplomatic editor | Saturday, February 16, 2019

Saudi Women, Unveiled

A 60 Minutes team returns from Saudi Arabia and talks about how the society is changing, especially for women

'Why I Fled Saudi Arabia and Sought Asylum in the UK' - BBC News

Hundreds of Saudi women flee the conservative kingdom every year and run away to Western countries over allegations of domestic abuse and oppression back home. One popular destination is the UK, where dozens seek asylum every year. Hanan Razek met two people who explain how they risked everything to flee from Saudi Arabia. Produced by: Dina Demrdash

Pelosi Slams Trump's National Emergency over Border Wall

Responding to Donald Trump's decision to declare a national emergency to fund his border wall with Mexico, House speaker Nancy Pelosi says he is setting a precedent that should be met with 'great unease and dismay' and the Democrats are considering making a legal challenge. 'You want to talk about a national emergency? Let’s talk about today,' Pelosi adds, noting that it is the first anniversary of the massacre at Florida's Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school, in which 17 people died

Friday, February 15, 2019

German Minister Calls for Ban on Conversion Therapy

THE GUARDIAN: ‘Homosexuality is not an illness,’ says gay health minister Jens Spahn

The German health minister, Jens Spahn, has said that he will seek to ban “conversion therapies” that claim to change sexual orientation.

“Homosexuality is not an illness, which is why it does not need to be treated,” Spahn, who is gay himself, told the left-leaning Berlin daily Die Tageszeitung.

He hoped that a German law banning such therapies could be adopted by the summer. » | Agence France-Presse | Friday, February 15, 2019

David Gergen: There's No Border Emergency, It's a Fake

CNN's David Gergen says that President Donald Trump's national emergency declaration is different than ones made by presidents in the past because there is no emergency.

Antisemitism Rising Sharply across Europe, Latest Figures Show

THE GUARDIAN: France reports 74% rise in offences against Jews and Germany records 60% surge in violent attacks

Antisemitism is rising sharply across Europe, experts have said, as France reported a 74% increase in the number of offences against Jews last year and Germany said the number of violent antisemitic attacks had surged by more than 60%.

The figures confirm the results of three recent Europe-wide surveys showing Jewish people feel at greater risk, and are experiencing markedly more aggression, amid a generalised increase in racist hate speech and violence in a significantly coarser, more polarised political environment.

France’s interior ministry said this week that recorded incidents of antisemitism rose to 541 last year from 311 in 2017, while the German government said offences motivated by hatred of Jews hit a 10-year high of 1,646 in 2018. Physical attacks rose from 37 to 62, leaving 43 people needing medical treatment. » | Jon Henley, European affairs correspondent | Friday, February 15, 2019

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Trump Will Declare National Emergency to Fund Border Wall, Says White House

THE GUARDIAN: Trump is also expected to sign a funding bill that will prevent another government shutdown

The White House said it is going to declare a national emergency on America’s southern border as a way of funding Donald Trump’s long-promised border wall with Mexico.

The announcement came just before the Senate voted 83 to 16 to advance a spending package designed to prevent another government shutdown. The House will take up the bill later evening and Trump has said he will sign it.

“President Trump will sign the government funding bill, and as he has stated before, he will also take other executive action – including a national emergency – to ensure we stop the national security and humanitarian crisis at the border. The President is once again delivering on his promise to build the wall, protect the border, and secure our great country,” the White House said in a statement. » | Ben Jacobs and Lauren Gambino in Washington | Thursday, February 14, 2019

Saudi Crown Prince Won't Be Standing On The Holy Mosque For Long - Imminent Regime Change!

Mike Pence Attacks UK for 'Breaking US Sanctions against Iran'

NAME: Mike Pence, the US vice president, has accused Britain, France and Germany of trying to sabotage American sanctions against Iran and called on the European states to withdraw from the 2015 nuclear deal.

In an unusually blunt attack on America’s traditional European allies, Mr Pence told a summit in Warsaw that the three countries were leading “an effort to break American sanctions against Iran’s murderous revolutionary regime”.

He focused his criticism on a financial mechanism created by the three states and the EU to allow European firms to continue trading with Iran in a way that skirts punishing US sanctions.

“It's an ill-advised step that will only strengthen Iran, weaken the EU, and create still more distance between Europe and the United States,” Mr Pence said.

He said the British, French, and German governments had “not been nearly as cooperative” in backing America’s anti-Iran policy as Israel and the Gulf Arab states like Saudi Arabia and the UAE. » | Raf Sanchez, Warsaw | Thursday, February 14, 2019

Venezuela’s Foreign Minister: “Washington Hijacked Guaidó”

In an exclusive interview with TRNN, Venezuela’s Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza says Guaidó has not accepted the Pope’s offer to negotiate since he is being directed by Washington

'Salman Rushdie Radicalised My Generation'

BBC: It's Valentine's day 1989. Margaret Thatcher is prime minister and Kylie, Yazz and Bros are making noise. Far away, Iran's supreme leader issues a fatwa demanding the death of British author Salman Rushdie - and the effect on young Muslims in the UK is huge.

Alyas Karmani was soaking up everything student life had to offer. He'd grown up in Tooting, south London, in a traditional Pakistani household, his father a bus driver and trade unionist. Religion was an important part of Alyas's upbringing but not something he was particularly interested in.

"We were obedient to our parents. We'd go to the mosque when it was required but we had a clandestine double-life existence," he says. "We were partying, smoking weed, going out with girls and doing everything we could possibly do."

So when it was time to choose a university, Alyas ran away from his Pakistani Muslim identity and headed 400 miles north to Glasgow. "I was running as fast as possible. I was a 'self-hating Paki'. I didn't want brown friends. All my friends were white liberal mainstream types. That was my crowd." » | Mobeen Azhar, BBC News | Thursday, February 14, 2019

Dutch PM on Brexit: UK Is a Waning Country Too Small to Stand Alone

THE GUARDIAN: Mark Rutte gives withering verdict as he warns against ‘devastating’ no-deal scenario

Britain is a “waning country” and too small to stand alone on the world stage, the Dutch prime minister, Mark Rutte, has claimed in a withering assessment of the UK’s exit from the EU.

Rutte, who has emerged as a key player in the talks over the past two years, also warned in an interview that the UK looked to be sliding off the “precipice” towards a “devastating” no-deal Brexit.

“Who will be left weakened by Brexit is the United Kingdom,” he said. “It is already weakening, it is a waning country compared to two or three years ago. It is going to become an economy of middling size in the Atlantic Ocean. It is neither the US nor the EU. It is too small to appear on the world stage on its own.” » | Daniel Boffey in Brussels | Thursday, February 14, 2019

THE GUARDIAN: Netherlands PM uses Britain's Brexit 'chaos' as cautionary tale »

Glenn Greenwald: As Bezos Protests Invasion of His Privacy, Amazon Builds Global Surveillance State

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos is publicly accusing the owner of the National Enquirer of “extortion and blackmail,” weeks after the paper revealed details about his extramarital affair. Bezos had recently hired a private investigator to determine how the tabloid newspaper obtained private text messages between him and his lover, and whether the paper’s actions were politically motivated. The National Enquirer’s parent company, American Media, Inc., responded to Bezos’s investigation by threatening to publish revealing photos of Bezos if he did not agree to publicly state that the Enquirer’s coverage was not politically motivated or influenced by political forces. We speak with Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald about the dispute and Amazon’s role in building the surveillance state.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Brexit Is National Crisis, Former Diplomats Tell Theresa May

THE GUARDIAN: Ex-ambassadors and high commissioners say UK is weakened by ‘fiasco’

More than 40 former British ambassadors and high commissioners have written to Theresa May warning her that Brexit has turned into a “national crisis” and urging her to delay proceedings until the government has greater clarity about Britain’s likely future relationship with Europe.

The letter, signed by many of the most senior diplomats of the last 20 years, underlines concerns that British influence in the world will wane if the country leaves Europe’s trading and foreign policy bloc.

In a joint statement they write: “As former diplomats who have served around the world we have a clear understanding of what contributes to Britain’s influence in the world. Our advice to Theresa May today is clear: we should not leave the EU when we have no clarity about our final destination. Instead we must use the mechanisms at our disposal, above all we must seek to extend the article 50 negotiating period.” » | Patrick Wintour, Diplomatic editor | Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Photographer Shows Trump Without Fake Tan And Fake Hair And It's Hilarious

A photographer in New Zealand has taken the liberty of showing the world what Donald Trump would look like if he decided to be honest about his natural skin color and the fact that he’s losing his hair. The results were posted online after extensive photoshopping, and it shows that Donald Trump would be just a run-of-the-mill old white guy. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

Opinion: My Father Faces the Death Penalty. This Is Justice in Saudi Arabia.

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The kingdom’s judiciary is being pushed far from any semblance of the rule of law and due process.

Despite the claims of Prince Mohammed bin Salman and his enablers, Saudi Arabia is not rolling back the hard-line religious establishment. Instead, the kingdom is curtailing the voices of moderation that have historically combated extremism. Numerous Saudi activists, scholars and thinkers who have sought reform and opposed the forces of extremism and patriarchy have been arrested. Many of them face the death penalty.

Salman Alodah, my father, is a 61-year-old scholar of Islamic law in Saudi Arabia, a reformist who argued for greater respect for human rights within Shariah, the legal code of Islam based on the Quran. His voice was heard widely, partly owing to his popularity as a public figure with 14 million followers on Twitter. » | Abdullah Alaoudh | Mr. Alaoudh is a legal scholar at Georgetown University. | Wednesday, February 13, 2019

France's Yellow Rebellion – A Movement against Macron | DW Documentary

Who are the "yellow vests” that have plunged France into crisis? Hundreds of thousands have been demonstrating to demand lower taxes and higher pensions.

What began as a spontaneous protest against high gasoline prices swiftly evolved into a mass movement that has caused a major crisis in France. The "yellow vests” have become synonymous with the widespread anger at the reform policies of President Emmanuel Macron - and constitute his greatest challenge since he took office. The protesters accuse Macron of being a representative of the rich while ignoring the plight of ordinary citizens. The wave of demonstrations was triggered by Jacline Mouraud and her video tirade on social media. Her subsequent fame has enabled her to continue criticizing politicians on TV talk shows. The "yellow vest” demonstrations have been organized almost exclusively online and without the involvement of opposition parties or unions.

The protesters have a range of demands, from lower taxes to high pensions and a greater say in the running of the country. They feel neglected by the Paris elite, who they see as showing no interest in their economic duress and fears of social decline.

Monday, February 11, 2019

The Iran Revolution at 40: From Theocracy to ‘Normality’

THE NEW YORK TIMES: In February of 1979, Tehran was in chaos. A cancer-stricken Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, the Western-backed autocrat, had gone into exile in mid-January, leaving behind a rickety regency council. On Feb. 1, Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the godfather of the revolution, returned from exile in Paris. And in the Iranian version of “Ten Days That Shook the World,” street demonstrations raged until the government collapsed on Feb. 11.

Ecstatic Iranians danced in the streets, playing cat and mouse with soldiers as lingering pro-government sharpshooters fired from the rooftops. Families joined in mass protests, as vigilantes ransacked liquor stores and people kissed the foreheads of turbaned clerics leading the revolution. » | Thomas Erdbrink | Sunday, February 10, 2019

Reporting from Iran's 40th Revolution Anniversary Celebrations l Al Jazeera English

In Tehran, tens of thousands of marchers gathered at Azadi Square, one of the capital's most iconic monuments built by the United States-backed shah and renamed after the victory of the forces loyal to Khomeini.

Iran organises the nationwide rally every February 11 to highlight the size of grassroots support for the revolution, which replaced Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi's government with an Islamic Republic under Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.

Thousands of others also gathered in other cities, including the holy city of Mashhad. Al Jazeera's Zein Basravi reports from Mashhad, where he provides a first-hand experience of celebrations.

Additionally, Foad Izadi, professor of international relations at Tehran University, tells Al Jazeera how Iran has taken a more militaristic approach to diplomacy as a result of US President Donald Trump's decision to break the 2015 nuclear agreement.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Will Saudi Arabia Be Held to Account for Jamal Khashoggi's Murder? l Inside Story

It's been more than four months since journalist Jamal Khashoggi was murdered inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul.

Despite widespread demands for an international investigation and to hold the Saudi government accountable, Donald Trump has largely stood by his ally, the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman.

The US President has now missed a Friday deadline to tell Congress who's responsible for Khashoggi's killing. Instead, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo wrote a letter insisting the Trump administration will seek accountability.

So, will anyone be held to account for Khashoggi's murder?

Presenter: Peter Dobbie | Guests: Scott Lucas - Professor of American Studies at the University of Birmingham; Selva Tor - Political and Financial Strategist; Drew Liquerman - Vice Chairman of Republicans Overseas UK

Jeff Bezos’ Extortion Claim And The ‘Saudi Angle’ | The Last Word | MSNBC

Trump ally David Pecker could lose his immunity deal as federal prosecutors investigate whether AMI violated its non-prosecution agreement by trying to blackmail Jeff Bezos. A new report by the Daily Beast details the inner workings of the National Enquirer's "blackmail machine." Ari Melber discusses the new details with Noah Shachtman, Jonathan Alter and Nicholas Kristof.

Friday, February 08, 2019

Geo-Political Realignments Over Venezuela

On the heels of the hard-line anti-Maduro Lima Group meeting in Ottawa, countries favoring a negotiated solution, including Uruguay, Mexico, and Bolivia, met in Montevideo on Thursday. The final declaration, however, compromises Venezuela's sovereignty, according to Bolivia. We discuss the outcome with Miguel Tinker Salas and Greg Wilpert

The Saudi Arabia Connection To The AMI Story | Morning Joe | MSNBC

In his Medium post, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos writes that the Washington Post's investigation into David Pecker's ties to Saudi Arabia 'seems to hit a particularly sensitive nerve.' And the NYT reports on evidence the Saudi crown prince considered killing Jamal Khashoggi long before his death in Istanbul.

With Jeff Bezos, Has 'The Enquirer' Messed With The Wrong Guy? | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos accused the National Enquirer's parent company, American Media Inc., of 'extortion and blackmail' on Thursday for threatening to publish photographs from his personal life. The Morning Joe panel digs into the story.

Thursday, February 07, 2019

Stephen Fry Takes On Global Anti-LGBTI Leaders

This important documentary should be shared with all people. The LGBTI community continues to face oppression, arrest and in some countries death just because of who they are, how they look or who the love. The haters need to be called out and Stephen Fry is doing just that.

France Recalls Rome Ambassador after Worst Verbal Onslaught 'Since the War'

THE GUARDIAN: Move comes after Italian deputy prime minister met with leaders of the anti-Macron gilets jaunes movement

Paris has taken the extraordinary step of recalling its ambassador from Rome in the worst crisis between neighbouring France and Italy since the second world war.

France blamed what it called called baseless and repeated verbal attacks from Italy’s political leaders which it said were “without precedent since world war two.”

In a statement, the French foreign office said: “For several months, France has been the target of repeated, baseless attacks and outrageous statements.”

It added: “Having disagreements is one thing but manipulating the relationship for electoral aims is another.”

Italy’s two deputy prime ministers, Matteo Salvini of the far right League and Luigi Di Maio of the populist, anti-establishment Five Star Movement, have criticised the centrist French president, Emmanuel Macron, on a host of inflammatory issues, from immigration to the gilets jaunes (yellow vest) anti-government demonstrations in France. » | Angelique Chrisafis in Paris | Thursday, February 7, 2019

Wednesday, February 06, 2019

Dutch Former Anti-Islam MP Says He's Become a Muslim

THE TELEGRAPH: A former far-Right MP who once called Islam "the biggest disease to have hit our country in the last hundred years" has become a Muslim in a shock conversion.

Joram van Klaveren was an MP from 2010 until 2017 for the far-right Party for Freedom (PVV) led by anti-Islam and anti-immigration firebrand Geert Wilders. Mr van Klaveren once fiercely advocated Mr Wilders' policies of banning the Koran and closing down mosques.

However, he has now said that he discovered out he had more in common with Islam than he initially thought when he started research for a book criticising the religion, which caused him to completely change his view.

Mr van Klaveren said: "I looked at the Bible on my bookshelf, on the table were books about the Prophet Muhammad. "The prior years I had a big aversion to Islam. When you then have to conclude that you were wrong, it is not a fun moment. But while searching for God I always felt a certain unease. And that slowly disappeared. It felt a bit like coming home in a religious way." » | Telegraph’s Foreign Staff | Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Donald Tusk: 'Special Place in Hell' for Those Who Backed Brexit without Plan

THE GUARDIAN: European council president also says remain movement has no effective leadership

Donald Tusk, the European council president, has said there is a “special place in hell” for politicians who promoted Brexit “without even a sketch of a plan”, while he reiterated the EU’s refusal to renegotiate the withdrawal treaty.

Speaking to journalists after meeting the Irish prime minister, Leo Varadkar, Tusk also took aim at Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn, claiming there was a leadership void at the heart of the remain movement.

Tusk, who has never disguised his hopes that the UK might change its mind, said he knew there were “still a very great number of people” in the UK, on the continent and in Ireland who wanted to reverse the decision.

“I have always been with you with all my heart, but the facts are unmistakable. At the moment the pro-Brexit stance of the UK prime minister and the leader of the opposition rules out this question. Today there is no political force and no effective leadership for remain.” » | Jennifer Rankin in Brussels | Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Pope Francis Holds Arabian Peninsula's Largest Mass | DW News

It was billed as the largest show of Christian worship ever seen on the Arabian Peninsula. Pope Francis celebrated mass in the Muslim-majority United Arab Emirates. More than 130,000 people attended the event in the capital Abu Dhabi. The mass wrapped up a three day trip to the country, the first ever by a pontiff. Pope Francis condemned war and said his main aim was to promote harmony and tolerance between Christians and Muslims.

Maduro Issues Threat to Jail Venezuela’s Opposition Leader

THE GUARDIAN: Incumbent asks how long Juan Guaidó will persist with his ‘virtual presidential term’

Nicolás Maduro has issued a thinly veiled threat to the young opposition leader trying to force him from power, hinting that Juan Guaidó could soon be imprisoned as a result of his challenge.

Addressing a meeting of supporters on Monday night, Maduro questioned how long Guaidó – who declared himself Venezuela’s rightful interim president on 23 January – would persist with his “virtual term”.

“Until 2025, too?” Maduro said, referring to the six-year term he recently assumed to a storm of international condemnation. “Or until he ends up in jail by order of the supreme court of justice.” » | Tom Phillips in Caracas | Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Venezuelan Foreign Minister: The US Interferes in Latin American Politics Every Day, Every Hour

A Coup in Progress? Venezuelan Foreign Minister Decries US & Brazil-backed Effort to Oust Maduro

Read the article here »

Top US News & World Headlines — February 5, 2019

Trump's Venezuela Fiasco

Trump will regret listening to the neocons on Venezuela.

Pope Francis Pays Historic Visit to the United Arab Emirates | DW News

Pope Francis has paid the first ever papal visit to the United Arab Emirates. During his two day visit, the pope is due to meet leading Muslim clerics and hold an open air mass in the Muslim-majority kingdom. The historic papal trip is aimed at turning a page in Christian-Muslim relations in the region.

Is Venezuela Headed towards Civil War? - BBC Newsnight

Sunday, February 03, 2019

The Real Venezuela: From Caracas, Prof. Aline Piva, Explains US Coup Attempt

Moderate Rebels episode 35: Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton speak with Aline Piva, who lives and teaches in Caracas, Venezuela and explains what's really going on in the country, with a US-led coup attempt to install the right-wing opposition. We discuss the economic warfare and US sanctions on Venezuela, the daily life and problems, coup leader Juan Guaidó and the opposition's neoliberal politics, and the geopolitics of regime change against Nicolás Maduro.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Can the US Force Maduro to Step Down? l Inside Story

Venezuela’s economy has been in crisis for years. Hyperinflation is skyrocketing and millions of people have left the country. And the president hasn’t been able to fix it.

Now the US is hitting Nicolas Maduro even harder where it hurts, in a bid to get him out of office. It’s imposed sanctions on Venezuela’s state oil company blocking seven billion dollars in assets and is recognising opposition leader Juan Guaido as interim president.

Washington’s called on the military, which is so far standing by Maduro, to accept a peaceful transfer of power… and warned otherwise there could be consequences. How far will Washington go to change the government in Caracas?

Presenter: Richelle Carey | Guests: Jairo A Lugo-Ocando, Director of Executive Education and Graduate Studies at Northwestern University in Qatar; Charles Shapiro, Former US Ambassador to Venezuela; Diego Moya-Ocampos, principal analyst for Country Risk at IHS Markit in the Americas team.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Power-Mad Tony Blair Defends Billionaire Festival

Mike Pompeo Begs United Nations To Support Venezuelan Coup

Mike Pompeo made his way to the U.N. Security Council to urge them to support their guy in Venezuela. Sam Seder and the Majority Report crew discuss this.

Bolton: We're Taking Venezuela's Oil

Yesterday, Trump's National Security Advisor John Bolton made the US position clear in a FoxNews interview: Washington will overthrow the Venezuelan government and take its oil for the benefit of US companies. This is "regime change" on steroids!

Monday, January 28, 2019

What Can Investigation into Khashoggi's Murder Achieve? l Inside Story

Jamal Khashoggi was a critic of the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. The journalist was killed at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul almost four months ago. But his body or remains have never been recovered, and the murder case remains unresolved.

Turkey's not satisfied by the Saudis own investigations and wants a full international inquiry. What it’s got is an independent investigation led by the UN’s special rapporteur on extrajudicial executions. Agnes Callamard and her team are in Turkey for a week-long mission.

She also wants to visit Saudi Arabia. But will this independent international inquiry make any difference anyway? Can Saudi Arabia be held to account?

Presenter: Richelle Carey | Guests: Sultan Barakat, Director For Conflict and Humanitarian Studies at the Doha Institute; Carl Buckley, Barrister at Guernica 37 International Justice Chambers

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Is Support for Trump Fading?

West Virginia: in 2016, it was one of the most pro-Trump states. Now that the Government has opened again, how do his supporters feel he handled the shutdown? And at more than 1,000 miles from the US-Mexico border, do the community still want Trump to build the wall?

Friday, January 25, 2019

Historian: Venezuela Is “Staging Ground” for US to Re-assert Control over Latin America

While Mexico and Uruguay are calling for dialogue to address the crisis in Venezuela, much of Latin America has sided with the Trump administration by recognizing Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó as Venezuela’s new leader. We look at what this mean for the broader region with professors Alejandro Velasco and Steve Ellner.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Why Latinos Are Converting to Islam

Latinos are one of the fastest growing groups within Islam in America. VICE's Lee Adams travels to Houston Texas, the home of America's first Islam in Spanish center, to investigate what’s behind this phenomenon and how America’s current political climate might be related.

As a former gang leader, Jaime "Mujahid" Fletcher claims that Islam saved his life, inspiring him to found the Islam in Spanish center. He dedicated himself to translating Muslim texts for a Spanish-speaking audience.

We spoke to Jaime and other recent Latino Muslim converts to find out why two of America’s most discriminated groups are coming together.

How to Solve the Political Crisis in Venezuela? | Inside Story

After years of turmoil, Venezuela's political crisis has escalated dramatically over the past few days.

The head of the opposition-controlled National Assembly declared himself the interim President after the biggest protests against Nicolás Maduro in two years. The US, Canada and much of Latin America quickly threw their support behind Juan Guaidó.

But Maduro says he's not going anywhere, and has ordered US diplomats to leave the country by Sunday. So what will this mean for Venezuela's deep economic and political crisis?

Presenter: Laura Kyle | Guests: Paul Dobson - Journalist for; Leopoldo Martinez - Former Venezuelan Congressman and President of The Center for Democracy and Development in the Americas; Christopher Sabatini - Executive Director of the Think Tank Global Americans and Editor of the news and opinion website

A Coup in Progress? Trump Moves to Oust Maduro & Install Pro-US Leader in Oil-Rich Venezuela

The Venezuelan government is accusing the United States of staging a coup, after President Trump announced that the U.S. would recognize opposition leader Juan Guaidó as Venezuela’s new leader. Trump made the announcement shortly after Guaidó, the new head of Venezuela’s National Assembly, declared himself president during a large opposition protest. The European Union and the Lima Group have joined the U.S. in recognizing opposition leader Juan Guaidó as president. Mexico is the one dissenting nation in the Lima Group to still recognize Maduro. We speak with Miguel Tinker Salas, professor at Pomona College, who says, “This is unprecedented not only in Venezuelan history, but in Latin America.” He is the author of “The Enduring Legacy: Oil, Culture, and Society in Venezuela” and “Venezuela: What Everyone Needs to Know.”

Top US News & World Headlines — January 24, 2019

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Global Billionaires Are Terrified Of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Billionaires, CEOs, and other people who have devoted their lives to money are gathered in Davos, Switzerland, and they all seem to have one thing on their mind right now: Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The billionaires at the summit are freaking out over her idea to raise marginal tax rates on income over $10 million to 70%, which is actually not as high as it had been in the past. Her policies are popular, and that’s what scares these billionaires, as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains.

Top US News & World Headlines — January 23, 2019

Venezuela: Trump Recognises Opposition Leader as President

THE GUARDIAN: Juan Guaidó, 35, seeks to oust ‘usurper’ Nicolás Maduro / Move is dramatic escalation of crisis in South American country

Venezuela’s opposition leader Juan Guaidó has declared himself interim president, in a dramatic escalation of efforts to force out President Nicolás Maduro who has overseen the country’s slide into authoritarianism and economic ruin.

The move was immediately welcomed by the US, Canadian and a dozen Latin American governments. Donald Trump said he would use the “full weight” of US economic and diplomatic power to push for the restoration of Venezuela’s democracy.

Thousands of protesters clogged the streets of the capital, Caracas, as Guaidó, the head of the opposition-run national assembly, raised his right hand and said: “I swear to assume all the powers of the presidency to secure an end to the usurpation”. » | Joe Parkin Daniels in Bogotá and Mariana Zúñiga in Caracas | Wednesday, January 23, 2019

THE GUARDIAN: Venezuela: who is Juan Guaidó, the man who declared himself president? »

Monday, January 21, 2019

Egypt TV Host Mohamed al-Ghiety Jailed for Interviewing Gay Man

BBC: An Egyptian TV presenter has been sentenced to one year of hard labour for interviewing a gay man last year.

A court in Giza also fined Mohamed al-Ghiety 3,000 Egyptian pounds ($167; £130) for "promoting homosexuality" on his privately owned LTC TV channel.

The gay man, whose identity was hidden, had talked about life as a sex worker.

Homosexuality is not explicitly criminalised in Egypt, however, the authorities have been increasingly cracking down on the LGBT community.

They routinely arrest people suspected of engaging in consensual homosexual conduct on charges of "debauchery", immorality or blasphemy. » | BBC | Monday, January 21, 2019

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Ministers Agree to Consider Lib Dem Plans for New Referendum

THE OBSERVER: Vince Cable says move follows cross-party talks on Brexit deadlock options

Cabinet ministers involved in cross-party talks on how to break the Brexit deadlock have given the first indication that they are prepared to examine plans for a potential second referendum on the UK’s departure from the EU, according to the Liberal Democrat leader, Sir Vince Cable.

The offer to examine a possible timetable for a second vote drawn up by the Lib Dems was made during discussions between senior Liberal Democratsand two cabinet ministers involved in the talks, Michael Gove and David Lidington, in the Cabinet Office on Thursday morning.

While Theresa May’s government remains strongly opposed to the idea of returning the issue of Brexit to the electorate, the revelation by Cable shows that ministers are determined to look at a wide range of ideas being put forward by opposition parties. » | Toby Helm, Political Editor | Saturday, January 19, 2019

President Pence? That Vision Should Terrify Women

THE GUARDIAN: The news that Karen Pence is returning to work at an anti-gay Christian school should remind us of the vice-president’s dangerous bigotry

President Pence would turn America into The Handmaid’s Tale

Karen Pence is not just the wife of the US vice-president, she’s an empowered career woman in her own right. While her husband works tirelessly alongside Trump to make America white again, Karen Pence, it was announced this week, is returning to her old job teaching kids art.

Or rather, she’s going to teach heterosexual kids art, and they shouldn’t expect to draw any rainbows.

The Christian school in northern Virginia where Pence will be working requires its teachers to agree that they won’t engage in or condone “homosexual or lesbian sexual activity” and “transgender identity”. The school also reserves the right to expel or refuse to admit students if they or their parents participate in, support, or condone, homosexual or bisexual activity. A policy that seems to chime perfectly with the vice president’s own bigoted worldview – Pence has a long history of homophobia and transphobia. » | Arwa Mahdawi | Saturday, January 19, 2019

Friday, January 18, 2019

Interview: Rahaf Mohammed On Escaping Saudi Arabia to Canada

In her own words, Saudi teen Rahaf Mohammed talks to Susan Ormiston about fleeing her family, how she finally ended up in Canada and what she plans to do next.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

John Brennan Agrees: President Donald Trump Is Clear and Present Danger to US | All In | MSNBC

Former CIA director John Brennan concurs with former senior Justice Department official David Laufman’s conclusion that the president is a clear and present danger to the national security of this country.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Theresa May Loses Brexit Deal Vote by Majority of 230

THE GUARDIAN: MPs vote down EU withdrawal agreement in resounding defeat for prime minister

Theresa May has sustained the heaviest parliamentary defeat of any British prime minister in the democratic era after MPs rejected her Brexit deal by a resounding majority of 230.

The Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, immediately moved to sieze the initiative, tabling a vote of no confidence in the government.

“This is a catastrophic defeat. The house has delivered its verdict on her deal. Delay and denial has reached the end of the line,” he said.

Brexit-supporting Conservatives joined with opposition parties and the Democratic Unionist party to trounce the government in the “meaningful vote”, which the prime minister delayed before Christmas in the vain hope of winning over waverers.

Following the defeat, May immediately invited a formal vote of no confidence in her own government, which she said would be voted on as soon as Wednesday. » | Heather Stewart, Political editor | Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Saudi Woman Who Fled Family Pledges to Fight for Women Escaping Persecution

THE GUARDIAN: Rahaf Mohammed said she will work in support of ‘the same freedom’ she experienced after arriving in Canada

Rahaf Mohammed, the Saudi teen who shot into the headlines after barricading herself into a Thai hotel room, has pledged to fight for women fleeing persecution after she successfully escaped abuse and the fear of death in her home country.

“Today and for years to come, I will work in support of freedom for women around the world – the same freedom I experienced on the first day I arrived in Canada,” she told reporters at a press conference in Toronto.

After her plans to seek asylum in Australia fell apart and she feared deportation back to Saudi Arabia, UNHCR intervened and granted her refugee status. Canada offered to resettle her and she landed in Toronto on Saturday. » | Leyland Cecco in Toronto | Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Ivanka Trump Is Just As Corrupt As Her Father

According to a new report by ProPublica, Ivanka Trump might be as corrupt as Donald Trump, and she routinely defrauded investors on the Trump Organization’s business dealings. This is criminal activity, but it is just now coming to light because investigators and journalists are starting to pay attention to how the Trump family made their money. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains what’s happening.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Republican Describes Donald Trump's Handling Of The Shutdown As Total Chaos | The Last Word | MSNBC

Nancy Pelosi and Democrats held their position today- a firm no to the wall- while Donald Trump went to the Capitol to implore Republican lawmakers to hold his position to continue the shutdown. Lawrence discusses with Sam Stein, John Heilemann and Charlie Sykes.

Carl Bernstein: Trump Helped Putin Destabilize US

Veteran journalist Carl Bernstein discusses a report by the Washington Post that says President Donald Trump tried to hide his conversations with Russian President Vladimir Putin from senior officials in his own administration.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Archbishop of Canterbury Urged to Act over Vatican Envoy Who Questioned Resurrection

THE TELEGRAPH: A row has erupted within the Church of England as senior Anglicans are calling on the Archbishop of Canterbury to force his ambassador to the Vatican to resign because he does not believe Jesus rose from the dead.

It has emerged that Dr John Shepherd, an Australian cleric appointed last week as the new representative to Rome, had delivered a sermon in which he said Christians should be “set free” from the traditional view of the resurrection.

The controversial comments, delivered while he was Dean of Perth Cathedral, have been criticised for flying in the face of the most fundamental Christian doctrines. » | Steve Bird | Saturday, January 12, 2019

Rahaf al-Qunun: Saudi Teen Granted Asylum in Canada

BBC: A Saudi woman who fled her family and became stranded at Bangkok's main airport is flying to Canada after being granted asylum status.

Rahaf Mohammed al-Qunun, 18, had been trying to reach Australia via Bangkok, but was initially told to return to Kuwait, where her family were waiting.

She refused to fly back and barricaded herself into her airport hotel room, attracting international attention.

She said she had renounced Islam, which is punishable by death in Saudi Arabia. » | BBC | Friday, January 11, 2019

Friday, January 11, 2019

«Gilets jaunes» : les autorités anticipent une mobilisation plus forte samedi 12 janvier

LE FIGARO: À Paris, le préfet de police craint «plus de radicalité» pour «l'acte 9» du mouvement. Sur l'ensemble du territoire, la police nationale prévoit un retour possible à un niveau de mobilisation similaire à celui des rassemblements organisés avant les fêtes. Nous faisons le point sur les rassemblements annoncés.

Plus forte et plus «radicale». Voilà à quoi s'attendent les autorités pour la journée de samedi 12 janvier et l'«acte 9» des «gilets jaunes», à Paris notamment. Après une baisse régulière du nombre de personnes mobilisées au cours des week-ends de la fin du mois de décembre, le samedi 5 janvier dernier a marqué une nouvelle hausse de la participation (environ 50.000 manifestants selon les autorités), émaillée de violences qui ont choqué. Et semble avoir donné lieu, du même coup, à une dynamique nouvelle dans ce mouvement. » | Par Blandine Le Cain | vendredi, 11. Janvier 2019

The New Feudalism

Are Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos the new feudal elite? Anand Giridharadas talks to INET President Rob Johnson about how the titans of Silicon Valley use “philanthropy” to control more of our lives.

New Far-right German Party Adopts Former Secret Nazi Symbol

THE GUARDIAN: AfD politician quits to set up party that uses symbol of 1930s Austrian Nazis in logo

A German politician has left the far-right Alternative for Germany to set up a new party with a logo that uses a symbol adopted as a secret sign by Austrian Nazis in the 1930s.

André Poggenburg resigned from his post as the AfD’s regional leader in eastern Saxony-Anhalt state last year after labelling Turks as “camel drivers” and immigrants with dual nationality a “homeless mob we no longer want”. He announced his resignation from the party in an email sent to the leadership earlier this week. » | Josie Le Blond in Berlin | Friday, January 11, 2019

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Shutdown : Trump boude le Forum économique de Davos

LE POINT: Le président américain, en plein bras de fer avec les démocrates au sujet du mur, « annule respectueusement » son déplacement en Suisse.

Donald Trump reste à Washington. Le président américain a annoncé jeudi qu'il ne participerait pas comme prévu au Forum économique mondial de Davos, qui aura lieu du 21 au 25 janvier, mettant en avant la paralysie partielle de l'administration fédérale. « En raison de l'intransigeance des démocrates sur la sécurité aux frontières et de l'importance de la sécurité pour notre pays, j'annule respectueusement mon voyage très important à Davos, en Suisse, pour le Forum économique mondial », a tweeté le président des États-Unis. » | Source AFP | 10 janvier 2019

Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Schumer: Trump Walked Out of Meeting after Pelosi Said No to Border Wall

Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) talk to reporters after meeting with President Donald Trump about a deal to end the partial shutdown of the federal government. Schumer told reporters that President Donald Trump walked out of the meeting after Pelosi said she wouldn't support funding a border wall.

Longtime Reporter, William Arkin, Leaves NBC Saying Media Is “Trump Circus” That Encourages Perpetual War

“Prisoners of Donald Trump.” That’s how longtime NBC reporter and analyst William Arkin described the mainstream media in a scathing letter last week announcing he would be leaving the network, accusing the media of warmongering while ignoring the “creeping fascism of homeland security.” He issued the blistering critique after a 30-year relationship with NBC, calling for “Trump-free” media days and a reckoning about how the network encourages a state of perpetual warfare. We speak with Arkin, whose award-winning reporting has appeared in The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post. He is the author of many books, including “Top Secret America: The Rise of the New American Security State.”

Tuesday, January 08, 2019

Trump Administration Downgrades EU's Status in US, without Informing Brussels

THE GUARDIAN: Downgrade of diplomatic role seen as a snub reflecting a general antipathy to the EU in the Trump administration

The Trump administration has downgraded the diplomatic status of the EU mission in Washington, without informing the mission or Brussels, officials confirmed on Tuesday.

The downgrade from nation state to international organisation status reverses an Obama administration decision in 2016 to grant the EU an enhanced diplomatic role in Washington, and is being seen in Brussels as a snub reflecting a general antipathy to the EU in the Trump administration. The president has supported Brexit and has described the EU as a “foe”.

The change, first reported by the German news agency, Deutsche Welle, potentially means that the EU mission would have less clout and access to US officials. » | Julian Borger in Washington | Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Monday, January 07, 2019

Trump Officials Get Massive Raises As Government Shutdown Continues

Federal workers aren’t getting raises in 2019, thanks to an executive order by Donald Trump. 800,000 federal workers are currently not being paid thanks to the government shutdown. But the people in Trump’s cabinet, including Vice President Mike Pence, are getting raises of up to $13,000 starting today for no apparent reason other than they can. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses what’s happening to our federal government.

Thursday, January 03, 2019

Joe: President Donald Trump's Actions Call Into Question Fitness For Office | Morning Joe | MSNBC

During a Wednesday Cabinet meeting, the president appeared to praise the Soviet Union's 1979 invasion of Afghanistan while also managing to get in references to Tom Cruise, President Obama and plane loads of cash. Is the president fit for the position he holds?

Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Documentary: Portugal's Moorish Legacy

In this documentary, we uncover the influence that 500 years of Muslim occupation had on Portugal and Portuguese culture. We visit some important sights and hear from Portuguese people regarding their views on this significant part of their history.

While in Spain, the seven centuries of Muslim rule is very well-known, in Portugal it typically goes unnoticed. Despite being overlooked at times, the Islamic occupation, known as its Moorish past, has had a huge impact on Portugal.

The Muslims invaded present-day Portugal in the year 711 and established their capital in what is modern day "Silves". A significant part of this documentary takes us to Silves, which is still one of the best places in Portugal to see the influence of the Muslim period. Silves was the main access route to the inland areas of the Algarve, and the Silves castle, which was built by the Almoravid Arabs in the 11th century, is the best-preserved and most significant castle in the region. One of Portugal's main tourist attractions are its the beautiful beaches in the Algarve region. The name Algarve itself is derived from the Arabic word "al-Gharb", meaning the West. Portugal was the most Western part of the Muslim Empire and it was officially referred to as al-Gharb al-Andalus, meaning West of Al-Andalus. Nowadays Al-Andalus is often referred to as Muslim Spain, or Islamic Iberia.

It is not just the physical monuments which make Portugal’s Muslim past evident, but you can also find it in the country’s language and culture, even though the entire Reconquest centred around getting rid of Islamic influence altogether. Some Arabic words have permanently entered the Portuguese language, words for sugar, rice, olive oil, lettuce, village, the West and many others. Even Portugal’s most popular holiday spot, Albufeira, gets its name from Arabic, having then been called (Albuhayra) which means the lake in Arabic. The journey also takes us to Sintra, among other places, where the massive Moorish Castle stands. It was built by Muslims between the 9th and 10th centuries, the castle was vital in order to protect its population.

The southernmost region of Portugal, was finally conquered by Christians and taken away from the Muslims in 1249, and in 1255 the capital shifted to Lisbon. Neighbouring Spain would not complete its Reconquista until 1492.

Mes voeux 2019 aux Français | Emmanuel Macron

Fidèle à une tradition qui nous est chère, je suis heureux de vous présenter tous mes vœux de vérité, de dignité et d'espoir pour l’année 2019 qui s’ouvre.

Merkel wirbt in Neujahrsansprache für mehr Zusammenhalt

Die Bundeskanzlerin sagte, 2018 sei ein überaus schwieriges politisches Jahr gewesen. Die Herausforderungen unserer Zeit könnten nur durch Zusammenarbeit über Grenzen hinweg gemeistert werden.

Theresa May’s New Year Message: Back Brexit Deal

The prime minister uses her new year message to urge MPs to allow the UK to 'turn a corner' by voting for her Brexit deal. In the video, released late on New Year’s Eve, Theresa May says that after the divisiveness of the EU referendum and its aftermath, she wants 2019 to be 'the year we put our differences aside and move forward together' In 2019 the UK will start a new chapter, says Theresa May

tagesschau 20:00 Uhr, 31.12.2018

Themen der Sendung: Bundeskanzlerin Merkel wirbt in Neujahrsansprache für mehr Solidarität, Tote und Verletzte nach Gasexplosion in russischer Stadt Magnitogorsk, Kulturhaupstädte des Jahres 2019, Vorbereitungen für Silvester in Berlin, Das Wetter

Monday, December 31, 2018

Asia and Australia Usher in New Year with Huge Firework Displays

Hong Kong welcomed the new year with a pyrotechnics show over Victoria Harbour, while Taiwan's capital held a firework display around the Taipei 101 skyscraper. In South Korea, a traditional bell-tolling ceremony was held near City Hall in Seoul, and North Koreans watched fireworks and a music performance in Pyongyang. Sydney Harbour in Australia held its biggest ever show. In New Zealand, colourful fireworks burst from the top of the Auckland Sky Tower

Friday, December 28, 2018

President Trump Approval At Record Low As Country Blames Him For Shutdown | The Last Word | MSNBC

Polls say Pres. Trump is to blame for the shutdown as his approval matches an all-time low. Jason Johnson, Mara Gay and Jennifer Rubin join Ari Melber to discuss the prospects for Trump as he digs in on his unpopular shutdown.

What Is Trump's Strategy for Syria and the Region? l Inside Story

For the first time since he became president two years ago, Donald Trump visited American troops in a conflict zone - Iraq. His surprise three-hour stop was at an air base west of Baghdad the day after Christmas. He didn't meet any of the Iraqi leadership but invited Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi to the White House in the New Year.

Trump used the opportunity to defend the withdrawal of troops from Syria saying it was made possible by the defeat of ISIL. But critics have condemned what they see as the president's increasingly isolationist foreign policy saying it will give ISIL a chance to re-group.

Trump says the work of US forces is complete, and regional forces will ensure ISIL remains dismantled. It's reported Trump also wants to reduce the number of US troops in Afghanistan from 14,000 to 7,000.

What is Trump's strategy for the region and what message is he trying to send?

Presenter: Mohammed Jamjoom | Guests: Ali Al-Nashmi, Political Analyst; Peter Galbraith, Former U.S. Ambassador; Afzal Ashraf, University of Nottingham

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Why I Am Not a Christian by Bertrand Russell

Bertrand Russell first delivered this lecture on March 6, 1927 to the National Secular Society, South London Branch, at Battersea Town Hall.

Saudi King Salman Announces Government Reshuffle | Al Jazeera English

Saudi Arabia's King Salman has announced a major reshuffle of his cabinet. Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir has been replaced and a new political and security council has been formed. Marwan Kabalan, head of policy analysis at the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, talks to Al Jazeera about what could be behind the shuffle.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

The Real Jesus Christ | Biblical Documentary | Timeline

After the death of Jesus, his followers split into two factions. They held radically different views about their leader – his identity, his message and his vision of the future. One of those factions flourished under the guiding genius of St Paul – and eventually wrote its version of the story in the Gospels of the New Testament. The other faction withered and died away, leaving behind no written records. But what if the losers in this power struggle had written their version of the story? The Real Jesus Christ reconstructs that lost biography of Jesus: an alternative version of his life as it would have been told by those who lost the battle for the succession, but who knew him better than anyone else – his closest followers and his family.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Pope Francis Uses Christmas Homily to Decry Modern Consumerism

THE GUARDIAN: Pontiff told pilgrims in the Vatican City that mankind has become ‘greedy and voracious’
Pope Francis has assailed the “insatiable greed” of today’s consumerism, calling on people in his Christmas homily to make “sharing and giving” more a part of their lives.

“Mankind became greedy and voracious,” the leader of the world’s 1.3bn Catholics said in an address to thousands of followers in St Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican City.

“In our day, for many people, life’s meaning is found in possessing, in having an excess of material objects.”

“An insatiable greed marks all human history, even today, when, paradoxically, a few dine luxuriantly while all too many go without the daily bread needed to survive.” » | Agencies | Monday, December 24, 2018

Einsamkeit - wenn keiner da ist | Nachtcafé

Die Adventszeit ist für viele nicht nur die Zeit der Besinnlichkeit, sondern vor allem die Angst vor dem, was unausweichlich kommen wird: Weihnachten alleine! Auch wenn es das Fest der Liebe, der Familie und der Geborgenheit ist: Millionen Deutsche verbringen diese emotional besonders aufgeladenen Feiertage einsam und alleine zu Hause. Während an Heilig Abend aus der Nachbarswohnung glückliches Kinderlachen, fröhliche Lieder und Familientrubel zu hören sind, läuft in den eigenen vier Wänden der Fernseher als Dauerberieselung, um dem unerträglichen Alleinsein etwas entgegenzusetzen..

Markets Stage One of Worst Christmas Eves Ever, Closing Down More Than 600 Points as Trump Blames Fed for Stock Losses in a Tweet

THE WASHINGTON POST: The Dow Jones industrial average followed its worst week in a decade with a 653-point drop Monday, and President Trump once again took to Twitter to interject himself into financial markets.

As blue chips sank even deeper into the red after weeks of chaos, Trump tried to assign sole blame for the sell-off to the Federal Reserve, likening the central bank to a golfer who “can’t putt.”

“The only problem our economy has is the Fed,” the president said in a tweet. “They don’t have a feel for the Market, they don’t understand necessary Trade Wars or Strong Dollars or even Democrat Shutdowns over Borders. The Fed is like a powerful golfer who can’t score because he has no touch — he can’t putt! » | Thomas Heath & Philip Rucker | Monday, December 24, 2018

Clapper Blasts Trump's 'Appalling Arrogance' on ISIS

Former Director of National Security James Clapper says ISIS has not been defeated and blasts President Donald Trump's previous claims that he knows more about ISIS than the generals do.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

The Real Problem Is the US-Saudi Relationship, Not Just Crown Prince MBS

Peace activist Medea Benjamin of CODEPINK says US support for the Saudi monarchy must be fundamentally challenged. Some American officials want a cosmetic change, simply replacing Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, but the problem runs much deeper.

Friday, December 21, 2018

Can the US Be a Dependable Ally? l Inside Story

Retired general James Mattis was seen as a measure of calm and stability in a White House swirling with chaos and unpredictability. Now, he's resigned as US Secretary of Defense, after disagreements on foreign policy with the president.

His departure comes as Donald Trump ordered a withdrawal of US forces from Syria and suggestions he'll pull thousands out of Afghanistan too.

In his resignation letter, Mattis said he believes in treating allies with respect. Trump’s announcement certainly took the US's friends by surprise and left many wondering if the US is a dependable ally.

So with Mattis gone, who will now try and control an unpredictable president?

Presenter: Imran Khan | Guests: David DesRoches, Professor of Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies at the National Defense University and Former Director of NATO Operations at the Pentagon; Habib Wardak, Founding Member of Transparency Afghanistan and National Security Analyst; Andreas Krieg, Assistant Professor at the Defence Studies Dept., King's College London and Specialist on Jihadist Groups in the Middle East.

Jim Mattis Resigns as White House Unravels from Within | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis announced his resignation Thursday afternoon, sending President Donald Trump a letter that implicitly criticized the president's military judgment. The Morning Joe panel discusses Mattis' resignation and the other major news of the week.