Showing posts with label LGBTI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LGBTI. Show all posts

Friday, October 15, 2021

Xavier Bettel’s Testimony – LGBTI Inclusion in the Workplace

avier Bettel’s testimony (Prime Minister of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg) concerning LGBTI inclusion in the professional environment.

The project "LGBTI inclusion in the workplace" aims to raise awareness and provide tools to the company's different audiences to prevent discrimination against LGBTI employees. The testimonies from which this video is taken and multiple actors' contributions were used to construct a good practice guide to collect companies' inclusion ideas. Available on

Project in collaboration with the Lëtzebuerg Diversity Charter, the Ministry of Family, Integration and the Greater Region, and the European Social Fund.

En français :

Témoignage de Xavier Bettel (Premier Ministre du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg) concernant l’inclusion des personnes LGBTI dans le monde professionnel.

Le projet « LGBTI inclusion in the workplace » vise à sensibiliser mais également à outiller les différents publics au sein de l’entreprise pour prévenir toute situation de discrimination à l’encontre des collaborateurs ou collaboratrices LGBTI.

La série de témoignages, dont est issue cette vidéo, et les apports de multiples acteurs ont été utilisés dans la construction d’un guide de bonnes pratiques afin de recueillir des idées inspirantes d’actions inclusives. À retrouver sur

Projet en collaboration avec la Charte de la Diversité Lëtzebuerg, le Ministère de la Famille, de l’Intégration et à la Grande Région, et le Fonds Social Européen.


Thursday, February 07, 2019

Stephen Fry Takes On Global Anti-LGBTI Leaders

This important documentary should be shared with all people. The LGBTI community continues to face oppression, arrest and in some countries death just because of who they are, how they look or who the love. The haters need to be called out and Stephen Fry is doing just that.