Thursday, June 22, 2017

N24 Nachrichten - Gedenkfeier für Helmut Kohl: Lammert kritisiert die Witwe Maike Kohl-Richter

Bundestagspräsident Norbert Lammert hat an das Lebenswerk des verstorbenen Altkanzlers Helmut Kohl erinnert. Gleichwohl äußerte er Kritik an Kohls Witwe Maike, die einen deutschen Staatsakt verweigert.

Saudi Arabia's 'Prince of Chaos'

Former Muslim Al Fadi Explains Why He Left Islam and Followed Christ

Ramadan Bombathon in Iran | David Wood

Why Saudi Arabia Is Our Friend And Iran Is Our Enemy

The official reasons from the US government are lies. Jimmy Dore, and Steve Oh discuss on the latest episode of Aggressive Progressives.

Saudi Succession Change | World

Saudi Arabia’s King Salman has promoted his favoured son, Mohammed bin Salman, to crown prince in a shake-up of the established succession order that clears the young royal’s path to the throne.

Glenn Beck: Islam Is Taking Over And No One Is Paying Attention

Boris Johnson Has Embarrassing On-Air Meltdown in Car Crash Queen's Speech Interview

Read the article in the Mirror here

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Piers Morgan is an Enemy of Reason and an Affront to Human Dignity

Has the Press Lost Its Power? - BBC Newsnight

Are the days when "It's The Sun Wot Won It" over? The BBC's media editor Amol Rajan reports on the political power of the press today.

Saudi King Ousts Nephew for Son - BBC News

Saudi Arabia's king has appointed his son Mohammed bin Salman as crown prince - replacing his nephew, Mohammed bin Nayef, as first in line to the throne.

King Salman's decree also means Prince Mohammed bin Salman, 31, will become deputy prime minister while continuing as defence minister.

Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, 57, has been removed from his role as head of domestic security, state media say.

He has pledged allegiance to the new crown prince, his younger cousin. Why is this significant?

Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Dave Rubin on Political Islam, Sharia Law, and “Islamophobia” (Full Interview)

Ayaan Hirsi Ali (Human Rights Activist) joins Dave Rubin to discuss the preaching of Islam, the left’s alliance with Islamists, the dangers of political Islam, Sharia law, "Islamophobia", her serious fight against the practice of female genital mutilation as well as, her political and idealogical awakening, her foundation and activism, and much more. *This episode was filmed on location, not in The Rubin Report studio.

Brigitte Gabriel and Dave Rubin: Terrorism, The Muslim Brotherhood, and Linda Sarsour

Inside Story - Are the US and Russia Headed for a Conflict in Syria?

Russia warns the US and its allies it will shoot down any aircraft flying west of the Euphrates river. It's a new red line and this time in the form of a river. Russia says it will shoot down any aircraft that flies west of the Euphrates river in Syria.

The US military shot down a Syrian fighter jet on Saturday. The White House is insisting the action was taken in self defence. But the Russian and Syrian governments have condemned it. So what does this mean for the war in Syria? | Presenter: Sohail Rahman | Guests: Pavel Felgenhauer - Defence and Military Analyst and a Columnist with the Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta; Jean-Marc Rickli - Head of Global Risk and the Geneva Centre for Security Policy; Larry Korb - Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress and a former naval Flight Officer.

Mohammed bin Salman Named Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince

Mohammed bin Salman named Saudi Arabia's crown prince.

Saudi Arabia's King Salman has appointed his son, Mohammed bin Salman, as heir, in a major reshuffle announced early on Wednesday.

A royal decree removed Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, a 57-year-old nephew of the king, as next-in-line to the throne and replaced him with Mohammed bin Salman, 31, who was previously the deputy crown prince.

Al Jazeera's Moreana Hond reports.

Top U.S. & World Headlines — June 21, 2017

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Top US & World Headlines — June 20, 2017

Brexit – No Future for Europeans in the UK? | DW Documentary

Published on 20 Jun 2017 | EU citizens in the UK are worried about their future. After Brexit the country is struggling to retain qualified EU professionals – we meet those affected.

It’s now been one year since the UK electorate voted in favor of "Brexit”. Overnight, more than three million EU citizens living in the UK realized they were unwanted migrants, with a big question mark hanging over their future residence and work permits; people who had previously assumed they could stay in Britain for as long as they wanted.

Since then, they have lived with a growing sense of uncertainty. Brigitte Vollmer, a German doctor working at a clinic in Southampton, is considering looking for a job outside of the UK. She came as a European, not as a migrant whose presence is merely tolerated. Some British hospitals are concerned they won’t be able to keep operating if all the EU migrants leave. German scientists are now also turning down professorships at prestigious British universities - unthinkable just a year ago. The future of science and research in Britain is now considered too uncertain, given that a good portion of funding for research will be lost when the UK leaves the European Union. The sense of unease and uncertainty is great among EU citizens.

Amir Ashour, the Queer Face of Iraq (June 2016)

Interview with the founder of IraQueer, the first movement to come out openly in the country torn by sectarian militias and partly controlled by Isis. Ashour, who lives in Sweden, has reported about the very dangerous life of the LGBT community in his native country during a meeting organized in London in the Baker & McKenzie Law Firm.

Amir Ashour - BBC Interview

IraQueer's Executive Director, Amir Ashour talks about our work and the influence of the travel ban on the LGBT+ movement in Iraq/KurdistanRegion

Londoners Fear ‘We’re Not Safe’

Douglas Murray - Europe Belongs to Europeans

I like Douglas Murray, he's one of the most measured conservative political commentators out there and he seems to be the furthest ahead in the movement to save Europe (and by extension the entire west). His commentary here shines a light on the painful history of Europe and how he suggests Europeans need to get over what happened in WW2. Europe is obviously the home to Europeans and should not be left to be trashed by people who don't really care about it.

Douglas Murray: What Have We Learned?

Tommy Robinson VS Piers Morgan Full Interview | Heated Debate

Religion - Fünf Fragen an den Islam

Monday, June 19, 2017

Egyptian Writer: Saudi Arabia Bankrolling Authoritarian Regimes Across the Arab World

In Egypt, dozens of activists have been arrested in a series of sweeping raids in recent days. The arrests came as Egyptians took to the streets to protest an agreement to hand over control of two islands to Saudi Arabia. Critics say the islands belong to Egypt and that their transfer is linked to the billions of dollars the Saudis have given to support Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi’s government. The arrests and raids come amid a nationwide crackdown against human rights activists and press freedom advocates. We speak with Egyptian filmmaker and writer Omar Robert Hamilton, who says Saudi Arabia’s strategy is to counteract democratic movements in countries surrounding it.

The Changing Face of America: Why I Converted to Islam

These four people share what it’s like to be a Muslim convert in 2017.

Remembering Helmut Kohl; A Tale of Two Londons

UK - Incident at Finsbury Park Mosque Treated as Terrorism

Trump's Policy Agenda Is a Bigger Scandal Than His Russia Ties

Trump’s health care plan and budget show the scandal hiding in plain sight.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Germany, Austria Warn US against Imposing New Sanctions on Russia

Plans for new US sanctions to be levied against Russia have been met with anger in Germany, as officials say they are intended to hinder a joint Moscow-Europe gas pipeline.

Alastair Campbell vs Tony Blair: Will Corbyn Become Prime Minister? | GQ Politics | British GQ

Tony Blair, the three-term Labour prime minister, is returning to fight for progressive politics in Britain and around the world.

Huge Forest Fire Kills Dozens in Central Portugal

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Inside Story - What's the Human Cost of the Gulf Row with Qatar?

"A violation of freedom of expression," - that's what Human Rights Watch has called the crackdown by three Gulf countries against people who criticise them on social media.

Bahrain has jailed one of its citizens for comments made on social media after it passed a controversial law criminalising sympathy with Qatar, while Saudi Arabia and the UAE have threatened similar punishments as the diplomatic crisis in the Gulf worsens.

Together with Egypt, the four countries severed diplomatic ties with Qatar on June 5 and imposed a land, sea, and air blockade.

Qatar's National Human Rights Committee says since then, more than 13,000 citizens from the three Gulf countries living in Qatar have been affected, with the rights group receiving 155 complaints from mixed families separated by the travel ban.

The committee also says it's received reports of at least 764 human rights violations.

So what's the human cost of the blockade against Qatar? And what will be the long-term impact?

Presenter: Jane Dutton | Guests: Saeed Al-Shehabi - Bahraini activist and leader of the Bahrain Free Movement; Khalil Jahshan - Executive director of the Arab Center of Washington; Saad Djebbar - International lawyer.

Sir John Major | Full Q&A on Brexit | Oxford Union

Book Review: The Dawning of a New Dark Age by Mark Alexander

The author has a deep insight and personal knowledge of the Islamic faith, upon which he evidences his clear-sighted views.

The book is clearly written and makes fascinating reading.

The warnings to the West, as to what will happen when extremists control such a religion, are all so skillfully stated.

I found it difficult to put the book down once I started to read it.

Glynne (Wales)

Available at:

Amazon (UK)


Theresa May on Grenfell Tower - Full BBC Newsnight Interview

The prime minister defends the government's response to the deadly fire in west London in an interview with Emily Maitlis.

Friday, June 16, 2017

'Putin Is Deadly Serious about Attacking US Democracy'

Top U.S. & World Headlines — June 16, 2017

'May's Election Gamble': What Happened? - BBC Newsnight

Newsnight's Political Editor Nick Watt looks back at what happened during the Conservative election campaign.

Sir John Major | Why Britain Should Remain in the EU | Oxford Union (2016)

EU Debate – Oxford Union | Lord Michael Heseltine (2016)

Lord Heseltine Brexit Is the Cancer Gnawing at the Heart of the Conservative Party

Lord Heseltine Talks Theresa May and Brexit

Brexit Is Dead: A Wave of Anger Crashes over Britain

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: Europe used to have a fearful respect of the Tories. But those days have long since passed. Now, the weakened party may have accidentally killed off Brexit -- a pet project that most party leaders didn't want in the first place.

Once upon a time, under the leadership of Margaret Thatcher, the Tories filled all of Europe with trepidation. French President François Mitterrand complained to his psychologist that he was plagued by nightmares caused by the British leader and German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, as unclassified British documents revealed in late 2016, once preferred to chow down on a cream pie in Salzburg than meet with the British prime minister.

Many in the UK thought a bit of fear was a good thing. Fear sounded like respect and influence -- and, more than anything, like good deals. But now, after two catastrophic elections in less than a year, that is over. Completely.

"The country looks ridiculous," the Financial Times -- not exactly a leftist mouthpiece -- wrote recently. Indeed, the party of Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher has turned into a gaggle of high rollers and unwitting clowns. » | An Editorial by Thomas Hüetlin | Thursday, June 15, 2017

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

What's Her Game Plan? Weakened Theresa May in Paris ahead of Brexit Negotiations

Bernie Sanders Slams Trump for Ignoring Climate Change, Income Inequality & Voter Suppression

Full Interview: Naomi Klein on "No Is Not Enough: Resisting Trump's Shock Politics"

Naomi Klein: Trump is the First Fully Commercialized Global Brand to Serve as U.S. President

Brexit Negotiations "Could End Absolutely Anywhere"

Now, "the terms will be dictated by the EU," says Sajjad KARIM, British Member of the European Parliament. The real danger now is that May won't have the majority to pass whatever agreement comes of the negotiations.

Bernie Sanders: We Must Reevaluate Our Relationship With Saudi Arabia

Sen. Bernie Sanders spoke about his vote for a resolution of disapproval of arms sales to Saudi Arabia.

Ivanka Calls Her Father's Critics 'Vicious'

Ivanka says that she didn’t expect her father’s critics to be so vicious. Hannah Cranston, Mark Thompson, and Amberia Allen, the hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

May's Mess: UK PM Struggles to Form Government after Losing Majority

British Prime Minister Theresa May has apologized to Conservative MPs for losing the party's majority in the general election. Amid much media speculation over her political future, the Tory leader is now trying to form a coalition government. But there are hurdles, as Polly Boiko explains.

Landslide: Where Will Macron's Momentum Lead France? (Parts 1 & 2)

French Legislatives: Does the French Working Class Care about Europe?

Monday, June 12, 2017

Qatar Airways Chief: Air Blockade ‘Unfair and Illegal’

The Chief Executive of Qatar Airways says the measures taken against Qatari air traffic should be declared illegal. Speaking to Al Jazeera's Andrew Simmons, Akbar Al Baker criticised Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain for closing their airspace to Qatari flights.

Oman's Flourishing Youth Consider the Future of Their Nation

'A Young Nation' portrays Oman through the eyes of its youth and strives to put a human face on what is at stake in the country, touching on the anxious question of stability in Oman and the rest of the Middle East. This report was filmed, edited and produced by Hannah Gaber.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Bad News in the Battle for Freedom of Speech

Ezra Levant of reports more bad news in the battle for freedom of speech as the Supreme Court of Canada refused to hear his appeal of the defamation judgment against him.

The Trump Experiment Has Failed – Still Think We Should Run Government Like A Business?

Republicans have long been telling us that we should elect a businessman to the Presidency to run this country like a business. How’s that working out for ya? It is time that we understand that political experience means something in this country, and that the United States is not a business. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

General Election: Britain Post-Brexit – May's Misjudgment

MARK ALEXANDER: Brexit is tearing the UK apart. It was a very bad idea from the start.

Prior to the referendum, there was no good, rational debate on the subject. Debate was governed by emotion and misinformation. So people ended up voting without knowing the facts.

As a result, the country is divided: younger people tend to be Remainers; older people tend to be Brexiters. Many young people feel they have had their future taken away from them; old people feel that Britain now has a chance to regain sovereignty and take back control.

We are living, however, in an increasingly globalized world; so how much true sovereignty can we expect to regain by leaving the EU? Moreover, what is it going to cost us?

The problem for the Tories is simple to understand. Ever since the UK entered the EU, the Party has been split – split between Europhobes and Europhiles. It seems that no leader has been able to heal the rift between these two groups. Thatcher couldn’t do it; and nor could Cameron. That’s why Cameron called the Brexit referendum: to try and bring his Party together. The mess we have now is the result. So now, instead of just the Tories being divided, the nation is divided too.

May had been herself a Remainer. She’d have been better off sticking to her principles.

© Mark Alexander

All Rights Reserved

Inside Story - How Long Can Britain's May Cling to Power?

Theresa May, British prime minister, is fighting to save her political career after Thursday's election setback. May addressed the nation on Friday - saying she has struck a deal with the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) to form a minority government. She says what the UK needs now more than ever - is stability, and not division.

Despite Theresa May's enthusiasm to go forward, the leader of the Scottish Nationalist Party, Nicola Sturgeon, says it is time for May to move on. Sturgeon says she has lost all "authority and credibility". She says the conservatives were "reckless", and Sturgeon is promising to form alliances with any party willing to keep them out of power. So, did Theresa May's call for a snap elections backfire? | Presenter: Jane Dutton | Guests: Alex Deane - former chief of staff to David Cameron, former UK prime minister, and now heads up the public-affairs firm, FTI Consulting; Matthew Goodwin - senior fellow at the Brexit think tank, UK in a Changing Europe; Matt Zarb-Cousin - former spokesman for Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn | Source: Al Jazeera News

Brexit Doubts Loom after May's Snap UK Election Gamble Back Fires

European leaders took little time to digest Britain’s complex general election result before insisting that Brexit negotiations must go on, regardless of the hung parliament which threatens to sink talks before they’ve even begun.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Bill O'Reilly on James Comey's Testimony, Fox News and More

Qatar FM in Moscow for Talks with Russia

Qatar's Foreign Minister was in Moscow on Saturday for talks with his Russian counterpart. Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani said only dialogue will solve the dispute that's dividing the Gulf. But Washington's role as mediator is in question. Al Jazeera’s as Andrew Simmons explains.

Merkel Assumes UK Will Stick with Its Brexit Plan

German Chancellor Angela Merkel says the EU is ready to start Brexit negotiations despite the UK election shock.

Brexit: 'I Feel I've Been Excluded' – BBC News

Theresa May says she is determined to start Brexit negotiations with the EU in 10 days' time, as originally planned. There are three million EU nationals living in the UK who were not eligible to vote at the election, but the way Brexit is delivered will have a profound effect on their lives. The BBC spoke to a group of EU nationals living in Edinburgh to gauge their reaction.

Is the President a "Serial Fabricator"? Fired FBI Director Comey Says Trump Repeatedly Lies

Tuesday, June 06, 2017

Meet Larry Krasner: Civil Rights Attorney, Death Penalty Opponent & Democratic Philly DA Candidate

Saudi Move against Qatar Is a Game-of-Thrones Style Power Play

Engulfed: How Far Will Qatar Row Go? (Parts 1 & 2)

Is Saudi Arabia Preparing an Annexation of Qatar?

Paris's Notre-Dame: Attacker Shot Outside Cathedral - BBC News

French police say they have shot a man outside the cathedral of Notre-Dame in Paris, after he tried to attack an officer using a hammer. Police have closed the area and are asking people to stay away. Reports say the attacker has been injured and his condition is not clear. Eyewitnesses reported tourists fleeing for cover. France is in a state of emergency since attacks by jihadists in Paris left 130 people dead in 2015.

Is the Qatar Boycott a Precursor to Invasion?

The London Bridge Massacre: David Wood

Hat tip: Always On Watch »

Top US & World Headlines — June 6, 2017

Comey Prepares to Testify on Trump and Russia - BBC News

The former FBI Director will testify in front of US Congress and comment on whether President Trump wanted him to stop investigating his connections to Russia. | Produced by Franz Strasser.

Qatar's Foreign Minister Talks to Al Jazeera about Diplomatic Crisis

Qatar's Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed Bin Abdulrahman Al Thani spoke to Al Jazeera after several member nations of the Gulf Cooperation Council and others severed diplomatic ties.

How Should We Tackle Extremism? - BBC Newsnight

How should society balance the need for security with the protection of civil liberty? Evan Davis speaks to Henna Rai, Director of the Women Against Radicalisation Network, and Anas Altikriti, CEO of the Cordoba Foundation.

Sebastian Gorka on President Trump’s Twitter Feud with London Mayor - BBC Newsnight

Following a Twitter feud between President Donald Trump and London Mayor Sadiq Khan, Evan Davis speaks to Trump adviser Sebastian Gorka.

President Trump vs President Obama Visiting Saudi Arabia

Fight Over the Succession in Saudi Arabia?

He might be only a little more than 30 years old, but Mohamed Bin Salman is already one of the most powerful people in the world and he controls more money than we could ever possibly count.

Leaked UAE Emails: Yousef al-Otaiba Criticises Trump

The latest round of leaked emails of the United Arab Emirates' ambassador to the US reveal repeated criticism by the diplomat of then-US presidential candidate Donald Trump.

The Huffington Post, the US media outlet that received the latest series of emails, said they showed Yousef al-Otaiba denigrating Trump and others with officials close to then-President Barack Obama.