Monday, April 14, 2014

More Schools to Be Investigated over 'Extremist Muslim' Plot Fears

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: More schools will be investigated by the Department for Education over concerns about extremist plots to take over institutions

The number of schools to be investigated over fears children are being “radicalised” by extremist Muslims attempting to seize control of institutions has increased to 25.

Teams of inspectors are to be sent into schools and will be able to penalise those where religious conservatism is believed to be getting in the way of teaching.

The Department for Education (DfE) launched the investigation after an alleged Islamic takeover plot to force out governors and head teachers was reported in Birmingham.

An anonymous letter claiming responsibility for changes in leadership at four schools in the city says it was part of a campaign called Operation Trojan Horse. The letter set out a blueprint for seizing control of schools and claimed a radical group of Muslims were pursuing their own agenda in classrooms and forcing out head teachers and governors who refused to cooperate. Read on and comment » | Claire Carter, and agencies | Monday, April 14, 2014

My comment:

The politicians/authorities are up their necks in trouble, all caused by mass immigration. Serves them right! Trouble is that we, the people, have to suffer for their foul up. If ever we were in need of a change of narrative, we are today. Change it now! Islam is not a 'religion of peace' but a religion which brings with it only trouble and strife. Can't the fools look around them and observe? In each and every country where Islam is strong, there is trouble and strife. Yet these fools keep on with the narrative of Islam being a 'religion of peace'. – © Mark

This comment appears here too.

Op-Ed: Islam Is As British As the Gray Sky of London

ARUTZ SHEVA: These words were uttered by a London Alderman. Sheer numbers of Muslims weak British backbones and the desire for Arab investments are turning Britain into something unknown.

“Islam is British like grey sky”

In 1215, Britain enacted the “Magna Charta Libertatum”. It is the basis of the UK legal system which protects individual rights.

800 years later, for the first time, that glorious legal system is changing face. It is now an experiment unique in the world, the hybridation of the Magna Charta and Islam. This is not Londonstan or Islamisation, the multicultural ghettos or threats, but Islam injected into the most important sectors of the country’s government: law, education and finance.

Given the high rate of Islamic presence in England, sharia, or Islamic law, will now be used by notaries and lawyers. The initiative comes from the Law Society. Baroness Cox, a member of the House of Lords who has always been engaged in campaigns for the protection of women against discrimination, asserts emphatically that these latest developments “would turn suffragettes in their graves”.

Sharia in the UK has become so powerful that 85 Islamic courts in the country operate daily in familial disputes. The advent of this parallel system has been made possible thanks to the British Arbitration Act and the Alternative Dispute Resolution. These courts, it must be stressed, are based on the rejection of the principle of the inviolability of human rights. » | Giulio Meotti | Friday, April 11, 2014

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Moscow Accuses Kiev of Issuing 'Criminal Orders' and Warns of Civil War

THE GUARDIAN: Russia orchestrating latest violence in east Ukraine and is staging another Crimea-syle intervention, claims US and Nato

The crisis in Ukraine escalated dramatically on Sunday night as Russia accused Kiev of issuing a "criminal order" against protesters and warned of a civil war in the country, which has been hit by a wave of unrest that America believes has been orchestrated from Moscow.

The Russian statement came after unknown armed men attacked a convoy of Ukrainian troops in Slaviansk, about 100 miles from the border, launching the first gun battle in Ukraine since the standoff began, in which at least one person was killed. Both the US and Nato accused Russia of staging another Crimea-style intervention, with Samantha Power, the US ambassador to the United Nations, saying events were following the same pattern as in Crimea, where unidentified military forces took over government installations before the peninsula was in effect annexed last month.

"[The unrest] is professional, it's co-ordinated, there is nothing grassroots-seeming about it," Power said. "The forces are doing, in each of the six or seven cities they've been active in, exactly the same thing. Certainly it bears the telltale signs of Moscow's involvement," she told ABC's This Week.

The Nato secretary general, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, described the protests as "a concerted campaign of violence by pro-Russian separatists, aiming to destabilise Ukraine as a sovereign state". » | Paul Lewis in Washington and Alec Luhn in Slaviansk | Sunday, April 13, 2014

Israeli Teenagers Risk Being Sent to Prison by Refusing to Join the Army

Draft-age pupils in Israel have defied the law and Benjamin Netanyahu by telling him they will not join the army after leaving school

Read the Telegraph article here | Robert Tait, Tel Aviv, with video by Quique Kierszenbaum | Sunday, April 13, 2014

Turquie : le Premier ministre accuse Twitter d'évasion fiscale

LE POINT: Recep Tayyip Erdogan soupçonne le réseau, utilisé pour diffuser des enregistrements et des écoutes téléphoniques mettant en cause son entourage, d'évasion fiscale.

Le Premier ministre turc a accusé Twitter d'évasion fiscale après que le réseau a été utilisé pour diffuser des enregistrements et des écoutes téléphoniques mettant en cause son proche entourage dans un scandale de corruption. "Twitter, YouTube et Facebook sont des sociétés internationales créées pour faire du profit", a déclaré Recep Tayyip Erdogan dans des propos retransmis à la télévision. "Twitter est parallèlement aussi un évadé fiscal." "Nous allons nous occuper de cela", a ajouté le Premier ministre. » | Source AFP | samedi 12 avril 2014

Ukraine : Obama crie au loup mais manque d'options et de vision

LE FIGARO: Les Russes se sont gaussés des sanctions économiques décidées à Washington et à Bruxelles contre des personnalités de l'équipe Poutine

Tandis que Poutine poursuit «son plan» de déstabilisation rampante de l'Ukraine, l'Amérique en est réduite à crier au loup et à appeler vainement à la «désescalade». Le contraste entre la résolution du dirigeant du Kremlin et le désarroi qui plane dans les capitales occidentales, comme tétanisées par l'enchaînement des événements, est flagrant. Après avoir annexé la Crimée, le patron du Kremlin est passé à la phase «provocations» dans l'est du pays, tandis que des dizaines de milliers de soldats russes sont massés aux frontières, prêts à entrer. … » | Par Laure Mandeville | dimanche 13 avril 2014

Konflikt in der Ostukraine: „Russland führt Krieg gegen die Ukraine“

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG:: Angesichts blutiger Gewalt im Osten der Ukraine haben sich die Führungen in Kiew und Moskau gegenseitig das Anzetteln eines Kriegs vorgeworfen. Bei Feuergefechten zwischen ukrainischen Truppen und prorussischen Milizen wurden mehrere Menschen getötet und verletzt.

Nach blutigen Zusammenstößen in der Ostukraine hat Übergangspräsident Alexander Turtschinow die prorussischen Separatisten ultimativ zur Aufgabe aufgefordert. Nur wer bis Montagmorgen die Waffen niederlege und die besetzten Verwaltungsgebäude verlasse, werde strafrechtlich nicht belangt, sagte Turtschinow am Sonntag in Kiew. Zugleich drohte er mit einem „groß angelegten Anti-Terror-Einsatz“ unter Beteiligung der Streitkräfte, um die Unruhen im Osten des Landes zu beenden. Nach Angaben des Präsidialamtsleiters Sergej Paschinski gilt das Ultimatum bis 9 Uhr Ortszeit (8 Uhr MESZ).

Russland warnte die prowestliche Regierung in Kiew nachdrücklich vor einem Militäreinsatz gegen die Separatisten. Moskau sei „empört über den verbrecherischen Befehl“ von Turtschinow, der die Proteste von der Armee niederschlagen lassen wolle, teilte das Außenamt in Moskau am Sonntag mit. Russland trete dafür ein, die Krise von der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) und dem Weltsicherheitsrat untersuchen zu lassen. „Gerade vom Westen hängt es jetzt ab, einen Bürgerkrieg in der Ukraine zu vermeiden.“ » | Quelle: AFP | Sonntag, 13. April 2014

Russische Propaganda: Der gute und der böse Hitler

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: In Deutschland verbieten sich Vergleiche mit der Nazizeit. Hitlers Verbrechen sind einzigartig, der Relativierung will sich niemand bezichtigen lassen. Jüngst bekam dies Finanzminister Schäuble zu spüren, der vor einer Schulklasse angeblich eine Parallele von Putins Krim-Politik zu Hitlers Vorgehen im Sudetenland zog. Die Nation war empört.

Auf dem Gebiet der ehemaligen Sowjetunion hat man diesbezüglich weniger Berührungsängste. Hier gilt Hitler in erster Linie als imperialistischer Feldherr, dessen grösstes Vergehen der Angriff auf die UdSSR war, der Holocaust kommt im Bewusstsein erst an zweiter Stelle. Die Reduktion der Rolle Nazideutschlands auf diejenige einer unterlegenen Kriegspartei führt mitunter zu sonderbaren Situationen. So hat schon mancher deutsche Besucher anerkennende Worte über Wehrmacht und Hitler zurückweisen müssen, die als wohlwollende Schmeicheleien gedacht waren. » | Volker Pabst | Freitag, 11. April 2014

Erneut Giftgas in Syrien

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Acht Monate nach dem verheerenden und international geächteten Chemiewaffenangriff nahe der Hauptstadt Damaskus hat die syrische Regierung den Rebellen vorgeworfen, erneut Giftgas eingesetzt und dabei mehr als 100 Menschen verletzt zu haben.

Das staatliche Fernsehen meldete am Wochenende, Aufständische der radikalislamischen Nusra-Front hätten in der Ortschaft Kfar Seita auf diese Weise zwei Menschen getötet sowie mehr als 100 verletzt. » | ap | Sonntag, 13. April 2014

Ukraine-Krise: Politisches Powerplay des Kremls

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Russland bestreitet, in der Ostukraine aktiv zu intervenieren. Gleichzeitig erhält es seine politische und wirtschaftliche Drohkulisse aufrecht. Moskau ist zunehmend unberechenbarer.

Auf breiter Front ist Moskau am Wochenende der internationalen Kritik an seiner Ukraine-Politik entgegengetreten und hat jegliche Verantwortung für die angespannte Lage von sich gewiesen. Es sei nicht im Interesse Russlands, südöstliche Regionen der Ukraine abzuspalten und sich einzuverleiben, sagte Aussenminister Sergei Lawrow. Ob allfällige Referenden über den Beitritt zur Russischen Föderation von Moskau genauso anerkannt würden, wie dies auf der ukrainischen Halbinsel Krim der Fall war, ist jedoch unklar. » | Daniel Wechlin, Moskau | Sonntag, 13. April 2014

Debate: Anjem Choudary vs. David Wood: Would Sharia Help the West?

Muslims claim that the West is immoral, and that Islam can improve Western society. But can the teachings of Muhammad really help the United States, Great Britain, and other Western nations? Anjem Choudary and David Wood debate the evidence.

Anjem Choudary: Khilafah (Caliphate) Is Our Objective

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Adultery Is Good For Your Marriage – If You Don’t Get Caught, Says Infidelity Website Boss

Noel Biderman is the Canadian founder of Ashley Madison, a
controversial but globally[-]popular adultery website that connects
married men and women and discretely enables them to have affairs
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: As global membership to the world’s biggest infidelity site soars to over 24 million, its founder explains the international appeal of adultery

He receives regular death threats, websites are devoted to his demise, the Vatican has sent letters of complaint and the Queen of Spain has sued him.

The man in question is not a criminal, a terrorist or a dictator. Instead, he is the businessman behind the world’s biggest website for extramarital affairs.

Noel Biderman is the Canadian founder of Ashley Madison, a controversial but globally popular adultery website that connects married men and women and discretely enables them to have affairs.

Famed for its catchy motto – “Life is short. Have an affair” – the dating service is free for women but paying for men. Its array of features include virtual “winks”, instant messaging and “travelling” services for members seeking an affair during business trips.

Its mobile app uses GPS technology to track down the nearest available potential lover. » | Danielle Demetriou, Tokyo | Saturday, April 12, 2014

Church of England Faces 'Crisis’ As Gay Priest Weds

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Church of England faces "crisis" as Canon Jeremy Pemberton, a priest from Lincoln, becomes the first to defy its ban on gay clergy marrying

A priest has become the first in Britain to defy the Church of England’s ban on gay clergy marrying.

Canon Jeremy Pemberton, 58, a divorced hospital chaplain, wed his long-term partner Laurence Cunnington, 51, on Saturday afternoon.

Campaigners expressed delight that the couple had taken advantage of Britain’s newly-introduced gay marriage laws and urged bishops to “bless” their partnership. They predict he will be the first of many gay clergy to marry. » | Edward Malnick | Saturday, April 12, 2014

Margaret Thatcher: Life, Love & Letters

Documentary: Geert Wilders: Europe's Most Dangerous Man?

Geert Wilders in America (2009)

Geert Wilders (IPA: ['xe:rt 'ʋɪldərs], ['ʝe:ʁt 'ʋɪldəʁs]; born September 6, 1963) is a Dutch politician and leader of the Party for Freedom. Born of a German father on the border town of Venlo and raised a Roman Catholic, the young Geert Wilders formed many of his political views in his travels to Israel and the neighboring Arab countries. His early job at the Dutch social insurance agency moved him to politics, where he worked as a speechwriter for the liberal People's Party for Freedom and Democracy. In 1996, he moved to the city of Utrecht, and represented his pluralistic neighborhood in the city council, and later the House of Representatives of the Netherlands. There he was noted for his witty one-liners and outlandish blond hairstyle.

Pat Condell: A Society of Cowards

We're getting what we deserve.

Here's What I Would Have Said at Brandeis

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL: We need to make our universities temples not of dogmatic orthodoxy, but of truly critical thinking.

On Tuesday, after protests by students, faculty and outside groups, Brandeis University revoked its invitation to Ayaan Hirsi Ali to receive an honorary degree at its commencement ceremonies in May. The protesters accused Ms. Hirsi Ali, an advocate for the rights of women and girls, of being "Islamophobic." Here is an abridged version of the remarks she planned to deliver.

One year ago, the city and suburbs of Boston were still in mourning. Families who only weeks earlier had children and siblings to hug were left with only photographs and memories. Still others were hovering over bedsides, watching as young men, women, and children endured painful surgeries and permanent disfiguration. All because two brothers, radicalized by jihadist websites, decided to place homemade bombs in backpacks near the finish line of one of the most prominent events in American sports, the Boston Marathon.

All of you in the Class of 2014 will never forget that day and the days that followed. You will never forget when you heard the news, where you were, or what you were doing. And when you return here, 10, 15 or 25 years from now, you will be reminded of it. The bombs exploded just 10 miles from this campus. » | Ayaan Hirsi Ali | Thursday, April 10, 2014

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Ayaan Hirsi Ali Publishes Remarks She Planned for Brandeis

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