Monday, February 04, 2013
British Islamists,
François Hollande,
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INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TIMES: German officials probing video
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has received a death threat from Islamic extremists who warn that Europe's nations will experience a 'European Summer' similar to the Middle East's 'Arab Spring', according to German newspapers.
A video has been released by a German Islamist calling himself Abu Azzam, in which he vows to take down Germany and Merkel, according to the daily Die Welt.
"Looking back on an Arab Spring, we look forward to a European summer. Osama, waiting for us, we have tasted blood. We want to see Obama and Merkel dead!," says the video message.
Citing the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center, the Islamists threaten similar attacks on German soil.
"You will bleed, your heads will roll (...) Oh Allah, give the German people what it deserves! Know that we get free advertising through you," said the radical Islamist in the video.
He also said that their "troops" are already in position in Germany, to carry out the threatened acts of terrorism. » | Vasudevan Sridharan | Sunday, February 03, 2013
THE VOICE OF RUSSIA: Obama, Merkel under Islamist death threat: An Islamist website has posted a video threat to kill Barak Obama and blow up Angela Merkel, together with the Berlin building of the German Bundestag. » | | Sunday, February 03, 2013
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LE FIGARO: Un salafiste radical allemand annonce dans une vidéo des attentats contre Angela Merkel et contre le Reichstag à Berlin.
Angela Merkel est définitivement rattrapée par la rançon de la puissance et de la gloire. Adulée outre-Rhin pour sa gestion de mère de famille, la chancelière allemande était déjà décriée dans le sud de l'Europe où sa cure d'austérité lui vaut d'être parfois grimée en dictateur nazi dans les rues d'Athènes. La voici désormais ciblée par les terroristes djihadistes, qui la menacent de mort.
Un islamiste allemand, connu des autorités, a menacé d'attaquer Berlin cet été et de tuer la chancelière dans une vidéo postée sur Internet. «Nous voulons voir (Barack) Obama et (Angela) Merkel morts», déclame Abou Azzam, un salafisteradical allemand, installé en Égypte depuis un an, dans une chanson appelant au djihad. Abou Azzam aurait rejoint au pays des pharaons le prêcheur salafiste d'origine autrichienne Mohammed Mahmoud, alias Abou Oussama al-Gharib. Déjà condamné à cinq ans de prison pour ses liens avec al-Qaida, cet émir est devenu le cauchemar des services de sécurité allemands en raison de ses prêches enflammés lancés dans un allemand chevrotant et appelant à se soulever contre les «infidèles» outre-Rhin.
«En nous souvenant du printemps arabe, nous nous réjouissons de l'été européen, lance Abou Azzam dans son «Nashid», sa chanson appelant au djihad. Obama, attend-nous. Nous avons léché le sang. Nous voulons voir Obama et Merkel morts.» Et de promettre à Berlin des attentats semblables à ceux du 11 septembre 2001 à New York, notamment contre le bâtiment du Reichstag, où siège la Chambre basse du Parlement. «Nos troupes sont déjà déployées, se réjouit le terroriste. Vous allez saigner et vos têtes vont rouler. Oh Allah donne au peuple allemand ce qu'il mérite.» » | Par Patrick Saint-Paul | Correspondant du Figaro à Berlin | lundi 04 février 2013
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RT.COM: A Kuwaiti opposition youth activist has been given the maximum sentence of five years in prison for insulting the 'inviolable' emir on Twitter in the third case of its kind since January, following a crackdown on free speech in the country.
Mohammad Eid al-Ajmi will likely appeal his case, despite the fact that his sentence took “immediate effect,” said lawyer Mohammad al-Humaidi, director of the Kuwait Society for Human Rights.
The sentencing was the latest in a series of similar prosecutions for criticizing the 'immune' emir on social media. » | Monday, February 04, 2013
eMARRAKECH: Rabat : Ces salafistes embastillés, sont tous condamnés à des peines de prisons, pour terrorismes, apologie de terrorisme ou constitution de cellules terroristes.
400 salafistes se seraient accordés à produire, un courrier adressé, auxministères de la justice et de l’intérieur, y annonçant faire acte de repentance et se séparer de leursidéologies et agissements extrémistes passés. » | Rédigé par Larbi Amine – Emarrakech | lundi 04 février 2013
DEUTSCHE WELLE: Germany's domestic security agency has warned of a self-radicalizing Salafist scene, with the Rhineland considered one of its strongholds. DW's Naomi Conrad takes a look inside the Salafist scene in the city of Bonn.
Young men in baggy track suits linger around a gas station in Bonn. Rain drizzles. This is the meeting point for my interview with two Salafist preachers. A minute past 5 o'clock in the evening, a lone man arrives to pick me up.
"Yeah, we're radical," the man smiles. After a dramatic pause, the clean shaven 20-year-old adds: "radically on time." His smile turns into a grin. He does not shake my hand. "You have to understand," the man says. In western countries, not shaking someone's hand is considered an affront. But this man's strict interpretation of the Koran forbids him from offering me - a woman - his hand to shake.
The man explains that he will film the conversation with the preacher. "It's safer for you, and it's safer for us. But you probably don't want to be on camera at all, right?" The two preachers, who would like very much to be on camera, sit in a small café across from the gas station. We walk over. Turkish music plays from a loudspeaker. The older one, Ibrahim Abu Nagie, stirs his coffee while the younger of the two, Abu Dujana, plays with his white iPhone.
They offer me a friendly greeting and wave a waitress over: "Sister, another coffee, please." » | Naomi Conrad / slk | DW.DE | Wednesday, January 16, 2013
SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: The Greek right-wing extremist party Golden Dawn has established contacts with German neo-Nazis in Bavaria. The group, which is represented in Greek parliament, is also attempting to set up a cell in the southern German state.
The Greek right-wing extremist party Golden Dawn is establishing close contacts with Bavarian neo-Nazis and began setting up a cell in Nuremberg last year. The party, known in Greek as Chrysi Avgi, even held a conference in the southern German city recently.
Bavaria's state intelligence agency is particularly interested in meetings that have been taking place between right-wing extremists from Greece and those in Bavaria.
An umbrella organization of Greek communities in Germany has called on all Greeks in Germany to reject attempts by neo-Nazis to promote "violence, inteolerance and social cannibalism." » | cro/SPIEGEL | Monday, February 04, 2013
Chrysi Avgi,
Golden Dawn,
SPIEGEL ONLINE: Sie lebten schon in ihrer Heimat häufig in Armut, hier schaffen sie den Aufstieg auch oft nicht: Zuwanderer aus Rumänien und Bulgarien fallen nach SPIEGEL-Informationen manchen deutschen Städten zur Last. Sie klagen, dass die Migranten viel Geld kosten - und fordern Hilfe vom Bund.
Hamburg - Die deutschen Städte klagen über die Zuwanderung aus Rumänien und Bulgarien: "Die soziale Balance und der soziale Friede" seien "in höchstem Maße gefährdet", heißt es nach Informationen des SPIEGEL in einem internen Papier des Deutschen Städtetages. Viele Migranten zögen in Quartiere, die ohnehin unter hoher Arbeitslosigkeit litten. Betroffen sind Städte wie Berlin, Dortmund, Duisburg, Hamburg, Hannover, München und Offenbach. » | son | Sontag, 03. Februar 2013
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Human remains found buried deep beneath a Leicester car park have been identified as those of Richard III, scientists confirmed today.
In an announcement that rewrote history, archaeologists confirmed that "beyond reasonable doubt" that the skeleton was found in the resting place of the Plantagenet king.
They said that long-awaited DNA results on the bones proved beyond doubt that they belonged to the king, more than 500 years after he was killed in battle.
Speaking before more than 140 journalists from all over the world, the University of Leicester team described their find as "truly astonishing".
They said the skeletal evidence "provides a highly convincing case for identification as Richard III". They said that the skeleton was the king as far as all scientific tests could prove.
"Ladies and gentlemen, it is the academic conclusion of the University of Leicester that, beyond reasonable doubt, the individual exhumed at Greyfriars... is indeed Richard III, the last Plantagenet king of England," said Richard Buckley, who led the research. » | Nick Britten, and Andrew Hough | Monday, February 04, 2013
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: A man who was stopped by police with a Taser stun gun as he ran towards Buckingham Palace wielding two knives has been charged and will appear in court today.
Talhat Rehman, 54, broke from a crowd of tourists in the middle of the Changing of the Guard ceremony yesterday morning, holding one blade to his chest and another to his throat.
As an officer tried to intervene, he lunged at him waving both knives and was shot with the stun gun before being arrested and taken away in a police van.
Mr Rehman, of Harrow, North West London, was later charged with two counts of possessing a bladed weapon in public and one of affray. He will appear at Westminster Magistrates’ Court later today.
"He was not making threats to members of the public but he was challenged by police. He acted aggressively and a Taser was discharged,” a Scotland Yard spokesman said.
Officers at the scene suggested that Mr Rehman was known to them and was mentally ill. He had previously worked at the Maharaja Halal butcher a mile from his home address, it was reported. » | Victoria Ward and Sam Marsden | Monday, February 04, 2013
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Sunday, February 03, 2013
The Spanish Inquisition
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