Thursday, September 06, 2018

Lawrence’s Guess: Who’s The Trump Official Behind The Anonymous Op-Ed? | The Last Word | MSNBC

Lawrence O'Donnell considers who among the senior Trump officials could have written the anonymous NYT op-ed. Jennifer Rubin, Ron Klain and Jason Johnson share their guesses as well.

Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Sanders Discredits Woodward Book on Trump

In an interview on ABC, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said the new book on President Trump written by journalist Bob Woodward does not depict what is going on inside the White House.

Parkland Victim Father: Kavanaugh Turned Away When I Brought Up My Daughter | The Last Word | MSNBC

Fred Guttenberg gets The Last Word on the day that Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee turned away from him when he tried to introduce himself at Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing. Guttenberg explains what happened and why he is concerned about Brett Kavanaugh’s record.

Brexit: Sympathy without Support from Europe – BBC Newsnight

Why Austria's sympathy for Brexit doesn't necessarily translate into solid support.

Lawmaker Questions Why Trump Picked Kavanaugh

CNN's Don Lemon speaks to Senator Cory Booker about the clash between Democrats and Republicans during the first day of hearings to confirm or deny President Trump's nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

Don Lemon on Woodward Book: This Is Really Ominous

CNN's Don Lemon discusses the revelations from the new book "Fear: Trump in the White House" by Bob Woodward.

Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Jeffrey Toobin: Trump Tweet May Be Impeachable

CNN chief legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin discusses President Trump's tweet that blasted Attorney General Jeff Sessions over the Justice Department's decision to bring charges against two GOP congressmen.

Welcome to the 'Nazi Village'! | DW Documentary

The Lohmeyers stand up to the neo-Nazis in their German village with a rock festival.

Birgit and Horst Lohmeyer live in a village mainly inhabited by staunch neo-Nazis. Once a year the couple takes a public stand against the right with a rock festival that attracts such iconic bands as “Die Ärzte”. The tiny village of Jamel in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern can be quite frightening. Almost all of the 40 inhabitants are staunchly right-wing, but Birgit and Horst Lohmeyer are exceptions. They want to do something to counter the rising blood-and-soil ideology. For the past eight years, they’ve been putting together a music festival in their village that takes a stand against the far right. Some local residents have reacted with hostility, and tried to drive the couple out. Their barn was even burned down by an unknown assailant. The Lohmeyers say it’s an oppressive atmosphere, except for a few days each year when bands and fans fill the village. Cult bands like “Die Ärzte”, “Die Toten Hosen” and “Fettes Brot” have already joined the event to stand up for tolerance and openness. The right, however, won’t stand for it. Will things remain peaceful? A report by Mariel Müller.

Monday, September 03, 2018

Brexit Feud between May and Johnson

"Two thirds of Diddly Squat" is what we'll get from Theresa May's Chequers Brexit plan, according to Boris Johnson. In reply, her office said that his criticisms were not accompanied by an alternative plan. So began the back-to-school Brexit bickering, which looks like it's fast developing into a full-scale feud between the Prime Minister and her former foreign secretary.

Bannon Says Trump’s Presidency Will "Grind to a Halt" If Republicans Do Badly in Mid-term Elections

Steve Bannon, the chief strategist for President Donald Trump tells Four Corners the stakes are very high for both Republicans and Democrats in the 2018 midterm elections.

C-SPAN Interview with Roberta McCain

C-SPAN interview with Roberta McCain, mother of presidential candidate Sen. John McCain (R-AZ).

Sunday, September 02, 2018

Diana – Her True Story

Diana - Her True Story, Andrew Moreton. Mariella Frostrup talks to Andrew Morton about the revelations, controversy and the legacy of Diana: Her True Story

How President Donald Trump Is Increasingly Becoming 'President Non Grata' | Deadline | MSNBC

WaPo’s Ashley Parker, former FBI assistant director Frank Figliuzzi, former RNC chairman Michael Steele, Daily Beast politics editor Sam Stein and MSNBC analyst Elise Jordan on Trump’s reaction to John McCain’s death and a key consequence of his reluctance to adhere to presidential norms

Saturday, September 01, 2018

Was France Right to Ban the Burqa? (2010)

The Burqa Battle (2010): Sarkozy's ban on burqa's has stirred up a lot of controversy in France, but what do Muslims actually think of it?

How Much of a Threat Is the Far-right in Germany? – Inside Story

The city of Chemnitz, in the east German state of Saxony, has seen a series of violent anti-migrant protests. They began last Sunday after the fatal stabbing of a 35-year-old German man…and the arrest of two suspects...asylum seekers from Iraq and Syria.

Briefly, the streets were owned by far-right protesters, who chanted Germany for Germans, and who reportedly gave Hitler salutes and chased anyone who looked foreign. Police struggled to keep control them and fights continued the following day between far-right and left-wing demonstrators.

The violence has raised concerns that the city is a neo-Nazi stronghold, and has shown divisions in German society about immigration.

Chancellor Angela Merkel allowed more than a million migrants into the country at the height of the refugee crisis in 2015. The biggest opposition party, the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) seized on what it saw as an open-door policy, winning 92 parliamentary seats in last year’s elections.

Is anti-migrant sentiment growing in Germany?

Presenter: Hashem Ahelbarra | Guests: Philipp Sauter, Student Activist and anti-Fascism campaigner; Cynthia Miller-Idriss, Professor of Education Sociology at the American University; Mona El Omari, political activist and community educator

President Donald Trump's Disapproval Soars, Robert Mueller Approval Solid | The Last Word | MSNBC

Donald Trump reached his highest disapproval number yet and nearly half of Americans want him impeached, but there is a number that is "stunning” says Michael Tomasky, Neera Tanden and Jonathan Alter join Ali Velshi to talk Trump's rising unpopularity.

Chris Hedges, "America: The Farewell Tour"

A longtime foreign correspondent, Hedges has reported from more than fifty countries. His latest book is a profound exploration of one of the most troubled: today’s United States. Hedges, author of American Fascists and War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning, cites the opioid crisis, the increases in gambling and magical thinking, and the explosion of xenophobia as symptoms of a society that has lost hope. He traces this disillusionment to the twin ills of a de facto corporate coup d’état and a failed democracy. The anger and frustration these have spawned helped bring Trump to power and Hedges issues a passionate call to action to reverse them.

Friday, August 31, 2018

Full Interview: Lebanon PM Hariri on the Syrian War, Putin as an Ally, and Hezbollah

Right-wing Protests in Chemnitz: What Is the Root of This Hate? | DW English

Rage and violence in the streets of Chemnitz. A deadly knife attack by refugees on a German man has led to riots and the targeting of foreigners. Right-wing demonstrators and anti-fascist counterdemonstrators are facing off. Are police and politicians out of their depth? Our guests: Karen Taylor (Policy Advisor), Hans Pfeifer (DW), Malte Lehming (Tagesspiegel)

Koch Brothers Backed Conservative Archbishop Attacks Pope and "Homosexuals in the Church"

On the heels of the sexual abuse disclosures conservative Archbishop accuses Pope of hiding sexual abuse and attacks "homosexual underground" in the Church. He is backed by the Koch brothers and other right wing Catholics

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The Secrets Donald Trump Doesn't Want You To Know About: Business, Finance, Marketing

David Cay Boyle Johnston (born December 24, 1948) is an American investigative journalist and author, a specialist in economics and tax issues, and winner of the 2001 Pulitzer Prize for Best Reporting.

Why Are We So Gay? - Homosexual Documentary

The Court Ruling That Could Lead To President Donald Trump's Tax Returns | The Last Word | MSNBC

President Trump was dealt a major legal setback after a federal judge allows an emolument lawsuit against him to proceed. David Cay Johnston explains what comes next in a court case that could have bigger implications for Trump than the Mueller investigation.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Can Europe Live without the US? | Inside Story

With friends like Donald Trump who needs enemies? That was the reaction from European Council Chief Donald Tusk when the US president withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal and re-imposed sanctions.

EU leaders want to save the nuclear deal - and multi-billion dollar business contracts. But European companies are bowing to US demands by pulling out of Iran - including British Airways and Air France, which are grounding flights to Tehran.

That's despite revised EU legislation called "blocking statute". It's aimed at nullifying US legal action against European firms which defy US sanctions on Iran.

Germany's foreign minister has called for independent payment channels to be created which could avoid US sanctions. And French President Emmanuel Macron says Europe's historical partner 'seems to turn his back on this common history'. So, how wide is the rift across the Atlantic?

Presenter: Elizabeth Puranam | Guests: Thorsten Benner - Director, Global Public Policy Institute; Cathryn Clüver Ashbrook - Executive Director, Future of Diplomacy Project, Harvard Kennedy School; Daniel Gros - Director, Centre for European Policy Studies

Trump Biographer Calls Mike Pence a 'Shadow President'

President Trump's biographer Michael D'Antonio tells CNN's John Berman that Vice President Mike Pence has been positioning himself to assume the Oval Office at the conclusion of Trump's tenure.

Meet the Jews Rejecting Israel for Berlin | Foreign Correspondent

Berlin was Holocaust headquarters — but for young Israeli Jews it’s the paragon of cool. Eric Campbell tracks one of the odder modern migrations.

The Madness of Prince Charles – British Royal Family Documentary | Timeline

Bombshell: Paul Manafort Sought Mueller Plea Deal | The Beat with Ari Melber | MSNBC

Former Trump campaign manager, Paul Manafort, could be changing his approach to the Mueller probe. The Wall Street Journal reports Manafort sought a plea deal in his upcoming trial in D.C. but talks broke down. The reporter who broke the story, Aruna Viswanatha, joins Ari Melber to discuss the potential implications for the Russia investigation.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Teachers Can’t Afford Supplies, But Betsy DeVos Will Pay For Their Guns

The US Department of Education is considering a proposal that would free up some federal money to arm and train teachers in this country how to kill people. This proposal comes at a time when teachers all over the country are paying more than $1,000 each year out of their own pockets on school supplies because schools are so dangerously underfunded, and the administration has actually reduced the amount that teachers can write off on taxes. But Betsy DeVos wants to carry the NRA’s water, and now she’s offering to buy them all guns. What could go wrong? A lot, as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains.

How I See the US After Living in Sweden for 6 Years

WaPo: Trump Rejected Plans for White House Statement Praising McCain

White House aides drafted a fulsome statement for President Donald Trump on the death of Sen. John McCain, but it was never sent out, a person familiar with the matter confirmed to CNN.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

National Enquirer Insider: They Have Safe Full of Trump Stories

Jerry George, who worked at the National Enquirer for 28 years, tells CNN's Erica Hill there were safes in the Los Angeles and New York offices of the National Enquirer.

Friday, August 24, 2018

Trump Calls Off Pompeo's North Korea Trip over Lack of Progress

Citing insufficient progress on the issue of denuclearization, President Donald Trump nixed plans for Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to make what would have been his fourth visit to North Korea.

Lawrence: Trump Talks Impeachment, as Trump Allies Talk to Fed Prosecutors | The Last Word | MSNBC

President Trump lashed out at “flippers” and Attorney General Jeff Sessions amid reporting that media mogul David Pecker was granted immunity by prosecutors and the National Enquirer kept a safe with Trump-related documents in it.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Trump: ‘Impeach Me and Market Will Crash’

'I don't know how you can impeach somebody who's done a great job', Donald Trump has insisted - telling Fox News that if he was impeached the markets would crash and "everybody would be very poor". And in another tirade against his former laywer Michael Cohen - who claimed the President directed him to make hush money payments to two alleged mistresses - Mr Trump suggested plea bargains should be illegal because people "just make up lies". Here's our Washington correspondent Kylie Morris.

What's Next for President Donald Trump? | Inside Story

It's been a bad week for Donald Trump - starting with the conviction of his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort for financial crimes and fraud. Then came the guilty plea by his former-lawyer Michael Cohen, who said he broke campaign finance laws on Trump's orders. But Cohen's statement that he's willing to now help the Mueller investigation into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 election, could mean even bigger worries ahead for the US. President.

Trump has denied doing anything wrong and says Cohen is making up stories. All this is ahead of crucial mid-term elections in November. So, is this a turning point for the Trump presidency?

Presenter: Sami Zeidan | Guests: James Boys - US Politics Analyst; Oliver McGee - Advisor at the National Diversity Coalition For Trump; Steven Erlanger - Chief Diplomatic Correspondent Europe, ‘The New York Times’.

How Will Iran Respond to Trump's Escalations?

After re-imposing sanctions, Trump's new "Iran Action Group" is the latest step in his destabilization campaign against Tehran. International Crisis Group President Robert Malley, who helped negotiate the Iran nuclear deal under the Obama administration, joins TRNN's Aaron Maté to discuss the White House's goals and Iran's response.

Syrian Cartoonist Najah Albukai Bears Witness to the Horrors of Al-Assad's Prisons

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The Case against the Prophet | DW News

Trump's Dirty Energy Appointees Dismantle Clean Energy Controls

Trump's EPA announced a plan to end Obama's Clean Power Plan, using coal companies' proposals, which lowers federal regulations on emissions and allows states to set their own emissions reduction goals. We discuss the proposal with Mustafa Ali.

Spike Lee on Donald Trump and the Rise of the Right – BBC Newsnight

Evan Davis speaks to director Spike Lee about his new film BlacKKklansman, the future of the Oscars and racial politics in the US today.

Anderson Cooper: Cohen Basically Called Trump a Crook

President Trump's former personal attorney Michael Cohen pleads guilty, and Paul Manafort was convicted on eight counts on the same day. CNN's Anderson Cooper breaks down what this means for the President.

Lawrence: Michael Cohen Says Donald Trump Ordered Him To Commit Crimes | The Last Word | MSNBC

Lawrence puts Michael Cohen’s guilty plea into context: Michael Cohen says Donald Trump ordered him to commit crimes so Donald Trump could win the presidency. This is the day that changed everything in the Trump presidency.

Chris Cuomo: This Was a Bad Day for Trump

CNN's Chris Cuomo weighs in on a day of bad news for President Donald Trump after his former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, was found guilty of eight financial crimes and his former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, agreed to a plea deal with the Southern District of New York.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Has Assad Won the Syrian War? – BBC Newsnight

The British government has decided to stop giving some aid to rebel-held areas in Syria.

Lawrence: "Melania Trump Has Done Nothing For Our Children" | The Last Word | MSNBC

Lawrence looks at First Lady Melania Trump’s cyber bullying prevention event “for our children,” held on a day her husband spent the day cyber bullying. Meanwhile, 565 children separated from their parents at the border by the Trump Administration still have not been reunited.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Do US Sanctions Work? | Inside Story

Punishing its enemies economically, when stopping short of armed force, has long been a favoured American way of achieving foreign policy goals.

Sanctions have been around for decades, but came to the fore after the 9/11 attacks on the US in 2001. They are now again present when diplomacy does not work.

President Donald Trump has been imposing them more widely and more often. The latest were over Turkey’s detention of US pastor Andrew Brunson, which has triggered one of the most serious rifts with a NATO ally. But those targetted by the US are hitting back with their own sanctions, some of the same level and scale. And the list of countries affected is long. But do the sanctions serve any purpose? And who gets hurt the most?

Presenter: Hoda Abdelhamid | Guests: Richard Weitz, Director of the Center for Political-Military Analysis at the Hudson Institute; Mohammad Marandi, Head of North American Studies graduate programme at the University of Tehran; Christopher Preble, Vice president for defense and foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute.

"That’s Rich"... Anderson Cooper Laughs at Sanders Explanation about Trump's Revoking Clearances

Twitter CEO: 'We Are Not' Discriminating against Any Political Viewpoint

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey knows the tech world has a problem. He's asking big questions like "How do we earn peoples' trust?" "We realize that more and more people have fear of companies like ours," Dorsey said in an in-depth interview with CNN.

Ex-Fox News Analyst, Lt. Col. Ralph Peters: Trump Is a Danger to the US

Lt. Col. Ralph Peters, a former Fox News military analyst who left after accusing the network of "assaulting our constitutional order and the rule of law," talks to CNN's Brian Stelter about his views on President Trump's impact on the country.

Stelter Examines Fox's 'Echo Chamber' in Trump

CNN's Brian Stelter breaks down the relationship between President Trump and Fox News.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

900 Litres of Maple Syrup Rejected by Saudi Arabia Have Been Sold

Canadians from across the country offered to buy Anna Hutchinson's 900 litres of maple syrup after the government of Saudi Arabia rejected her shipment amid the diplomatic dispute between the Canadian and Saudi government.

John O. Brennan: I Gave Trump a Year to Live Up to the Office. He Didn't. | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

John Brennan, former CIA director, talks with Rachel Maddow about his criticisms of Donald Trump and his early awareness of Russian efforts to intrudce upon the 2016 presidential election.

Former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan Dies at 80

The Rise of the Extreme Far-right in Britain – BBC Newsnight

The former head of the Metropolitan Police's counter terrorism unit is warning the extreme right-wing is on the rise in Britain and we "haven't woken up" to it yet.

Ex-CIA Official to Trump Supporter: We're Done. Get Out!

Former CIA and FBI official Phil Mudd debates President Trump's revocation of John Brennan's security clearance with Paris Dennard.

Ronald Reagan's Daughter: My Father Would Be Appalled by Trump

Patti Davis, daughter of former President Ronald Reagan, says that her father would be appalled by the leadership of President Donald Trump.

Friday, August 17, 2018

Sweden Struck by Co-ordinated Arson Attacks 3 Weeks before Elections

A string of arson attacks has rocked Sweden, 3 weeks ahead of September elections. Three suspects have been arrested, one of them in Turkey. It's widely thought that the timing of the fires, which appear to have been co-ordianted, was not accidental. Speculation is rife as to who carried out the attacks and what impact they may have on the electoral race.

Trump: I've Never Respected John Brennan

As he departed the White House for Marine One, President Trump made comments about John Brennan from the South Lawn.

Turkey - US Spat: Trump Called for Release of American Pastor to Win Evangelical Vote

World Financial Markets Suffer as US-Turkey Ties Decline, Washington Vows to Keep Sanctions

The US says economic sanctions against Turkey will remain in place even if Ankara releases an American pastor, whom it arrested on suspicion of terrorism offences. That's after both sides imposed further tariffs on each other. Concerns over whether the situation has escalated too much, were raised at the US State Department.

Aretha Franklin Remembered – BBC Newsnight

The Queen of Soul has died. Joan Armatrading and Estelle remember the greatest soul artist of all time.

US Press Unite against Trump ‘Fake News’ Attacks

The 'fake news media' is the opposition party, President Trump declared today, but across the United States some 350 newspapers from the New York Times to the Kentucky Times Tribune have launched an unprecedented joint campaign to counter the President's attacks on the media.

Jake Tapper: Stunning Admission by Trump

CNN's Jake Tapper looks back on the White House and President Trump's conflicting explanations on why he revoked former CIA Director John Brennan's security clearance.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

John Major at Chatham House on the Realities of Brexit for Britain and Europe

In his first public speech since the EU referendum, Sir John Major outlined the realities that he believes both Britain and Europe face in the future at Chatham House.

Turkey Willing to Talk with US as Equals over Tariffs and Pastor | Al Jazeera English

Turkey says its ready to enter talks with the United States regarding the ongoing trade and diplomatic disputes. The US insists that the steel tariffs are not related to Turkey's detention of Andrew Brunson, a US pastor that Ankara links to the 2016 failed coup attempt and are based on national security grounds. Turkey's foreign minister has said that it is prepared to negotiate with the US as equals, but will not be dictated to. The White House, however, has not changed its threatening rhetoric thus far. Al Jazeera's Mike Hanna reports from Washington, DC.

Robert Mueller Prosecutors: Paul Manafort Is a Lying Criminal | The Beat with Ari Melber | MSNBC

The jury in former Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort’s trial has the case and will begin deliberations Thursday. Mueller’s prosecutors say Manafort is a lying criminal in their closing argument and that “the star witness” in the case is “the documents”. Former Prosecutor Eli Honig says Paul Manafort’s defense suggests he’s “hoping for a pardon”.

Is Donald Trump Likely to Be Impeached? – BBC Newsnight

As the trial of Donald Trump's former campaign chief heats up, is the collusion probe even the biggest legal threat for the president?

Here the US President’s former adviser Sam Nunberg and Elizabeth Holtzman, who helped impeach Nixon, give their thoughts on how likely Donald Trump is to be impeached.

Ian McEwan on the Burka and Freedom of Speech – BBC Newsnight

Author of the Children Act Ian McEwan gives his take on religious freedom v freedom of speech.

Saudi-Canada Diplomatic Row Obscures Canada’s Support for the Deadly War on Yemen

Canadian Journalist Anthony Fenton Explains Canada’s Extensive Arms Sales to the Saudi Autocracy

Lemon: Trump's Actions Straight Out of a Dictator's Playbook

CNN's Don Lemon discusses President Trump's recent decision to revoke the security clearance of former CIA director John Brennan.

Burnett: Trump Is Going After His Enemies

CNN's Erin Burnett wonders why the White House chose to revoke former CIA Director John Brennan's security clearance today.

Trump Revokes Security Clearance for Ex-CIA Chief, Vocal Critic

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Lawrence: Trump's ‘Dog’ Tweet Shows ‘Something Seriously Wrong’ With Him | The Last Word | MSNBC

Lawrence O'Donnell on Pres. Trump's tweet calling his African American ex-aide Omarosa a "dog" as she releases another damaging recording of the Trump campaign.

John O. Brennan: President Donald Trump Is ‘Dangerous To Our Nation’ | The Last Word | MSNBC

Fmr. CIA Director John Brennan says Trump “will never understand what it means to be president” and tells Lawrence why Donald Trump is "the most divisive president we have ever had in the Oval Office".

German Police Attack a Jewish Professor, and Blame It on “a Palestinian”

Prof. Yitzhak Melamed was the victim of a hate crime in Bonn, perpetrated by those whose duty is to protect him

Turkey’s President Erdogan Vows to Win ‘Economic War’ With US

Economist Heiner Flassbeck and Political Analyst Ekrem Ekici say Turkey’s economic crisis runs deeper than US sanctions

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Watch Sarah Sanders Defend Trump Calling Omarosa a 'Dog'

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders says that President Trump's description of former aide Omarosa Manigault Newman as a "dog" had "nothing to do with race."

CNN's Brooke Baldwin Reads Trump's Insults

CNN's Brooke Baldwin reads off a list of insults President Donald Trump has used to describe people since taking office and says that Trump continues to lower the bar on civility.

#democracynow : Top US News & World Headlines — August 14, 2018

Lemon Reveals 'Secret to Success' in White House

CNN's Don Lemon comes to Sen. John McCain's defense after President Trump thanked multiple members of Congress, failing to mention McCain, while passing the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act.

Lawrence O'Donnell: ‘They Are All Omarosa… Including President Donald Trump’ | The Last Word | MSNBC

Lawrence O'Donnell explains why Omarosa Manigault Newman’s new claims expose the broader problem with Donald Trump campaign claim that he hires the "best people" and predicts that every Trump staffer will eventually have an "Omarosa moment" where they regret their "complicity" in Trump's policies.

President Donald Trump Team Destroying Careers of Comey Witnesses One by One | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Rachel Maddow points out that six of the seven people James Comey told about his meetings with Donald Trump are gone or leaving the FBI, with the one who hasn't been made into a political punching bag, David Bowdich, firing Peter Strzok, contrary to FBI personnel office guidance.

Grappling with the Far-right on the UK's Airwaves | The Listening Post

Monday, August 13, 2018

#democracynow : Former Iranian Ambassador: Trump’s Re-imposed Sanctions Against Iran Are an Act of Warfare

Tensions are escalating between the U.S. and Iran after the Trump administration re-imposed economic sanctions against Iran last week. This news followed Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal. Trump has threatened other countries seeking to trade with Iran, tweeting, “Anyone doing business with Iran will NOT be doing business with the United States.” Iranian President Hassan Rouhani condemned the sanctions as “psychological warfare,” saying last week he would not begin negotiations until the sanctions are withdrawn. We speak with Ambassador Seyed Hossein Mousavian, Middle East security and nuclear policy specialist at Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. He served as spokesperson for Iran in its nuclear negotiations with the European Union from 2003 to 2005.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Inside Story – Is the US Looking for War in Space?

US Vice President Mike Pence says the time has come to prepare for the next battlefield… and that battlefield is space. The Americans want to create a space force within two years… to defend US satellites and space-craft from attack.

It will be the first new branch of the military since 1947.

Pence’s boss Donald Trump wants Congress to vote yes to the plan…and agree additional funding of $8bn. But who will the US be competing against? And is it the start of a new space race?

Presenter: Hoda Abdelhamid | Guests Oliver McGee, former adviser to Donald Trump; Einar Tangen, China Political Analyst; Morris Jones, a space analyst and author of '' When Men Walked on the Moon''

Trump Making Asbestos Great Again

ASBESTOS... It’s not like we didn’t have enough to worry about already. Cenk Uygur, and Ana Kasparian, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

Irak: Die Wahrheit über Saddam Hussein

Saddam Hussein geht ohne jeden Zweifel als einer der brutalsten Herrscher des 21. Jahrhunderts in die Geschichte ein. Seine Karriere beginnt 1979, als er den Präsidenten Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr stürzt und sich selbst zum neuen Staatsoberhaupt ernennt. Seine erste Amtshandlung besteht in der blutigen Säuberung der Ba'ath-Partei von Gegnern. Es folgen zahllose Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit, darunter die systematische Ermordung nordirakischer Kurden. "Die Wahrheit über Saddam Hussein" wirft einen umfassenden Blick auf das Leben des Diktators und zeigt, wie US-Truppen schließlich seine Festnahme gelingt.

Betsy DeVos Caught Not Paying Taxes

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Documenting Hate – Full Film | FRONTLINE

FRONTLINE and ProPublica investigate the resurgence of white supremacists in America.

Iran: Persian Rug Industry Takes a Hit after US Sanctions | Al Jazeera English

Last year, Tehran sold $126m worth of Persian rugs to the American market, but the new US sanctions on Iran include the hand-woven carpets. But the beautiful rugs are more than just a commodity; they are recognised around the world as a form of art and are part of Iran's cultural identity. Weavers say the sanctions are not just an attempt to block an important revenue stream, but also an attack on Iranian culture. Al Jazeera's Zein Basravi reports from Karaj, Iran.

Jonathan Capehart: Laura Ingraham Is Deplorable | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC

Watch Stephanie Ruhle review the week that Fox News host Laura Ingraham has had, full of commentary now drawing criticism. MSNBC Terror Analyst Malcolm Nance and Washington Post Opinion writer Jonathan Capehart join the conversation to discuss the effects of Ingraham’s racist remarks, the NFL protests, and Omarosa’s tapes from the White House.

Saudi Arabia v Canada: A Diplomatic Spat - BBC Newsnight

Saudi Arabia and Canada are locked in a diplomatic row which escalated from comments first made on Twitter as Canada’s foreign ministry expressed concern over arrested civil rights activists in Saudi Arabia.

Evan Davis is joined by Neil Quilliam of Chatham House and Alex Neve, Secretary General of Amnesty International Canada, to discuss the growing diplomatic tensions between the two countries.

'Serious Consequences' to Trump's Re-Imposing Sanctions on Iran and Gutting the Nuclear Deal

Trita Parsi to examines the complexities of Trump's attempt to end the Iran nuclear deal with US and EU. Could we be heading towards war? What's happening in Iran and could the fallout be of increased tensions in the Gulf of Hormuz?

Friday, August 10, 2018

US: 'Chain Migration' Grants Melania Trump's Parents Citizenship | Al Jazeera English

Immigration activists in the US are accusing the president of being a hypocrite. Donald Trump has been critical of the legal practice that gives relatives of citizens preference for moving to the US. Now his wife's parents have been granted citizenship, seemingly as a result of the same immigration policy. Al Jazeera's Kimberly Halkett reports.

Melania Trump Is Everything Trump Claims to Hate about Immigrants

Melania Trump spent her first few weeks in the United States working illegally. Her parents were just sworn in as citizens through chain migration. These are both items that Trump has said have to go, and under the new proposed rules for immigrants that become citizens, Melania would technically be up for having her citizenship revoked. The rules, however, aren’t meant to target people that look like Trump, as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains.

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