Sunday, May 27, 2018

Italy's Populists Reach for Power - Five Stars for Rome | DW Documentary

The Five Star Movement celebrated an historic victory in the Italian parliamentary elections. Luigi di Maio has been under consideration for prime minister.

But what does the movement stand for? The Five Star movement defines itself as grassroots and post-ideological. Its program of environmentalism, criticism of Italian refugee policy and the promise of financial aid for the socially disadvantaged appeals to both right and left-wing voters. A camera team accompanied the populist "anti-system party" on the campaign trail. Its core voters are in southern Italy, where unemployment is high and average incomes are low. Salvatore Micillo, who won 58 per cent of the votes cast in his constituency north of Naples, says, "Populism means addressing the people, and that's not bad: it's more about providing answers. The promise of a basic income of € 780 is intended to signal our intention of looking after our citizens. It doesn’t mean letting them stay at home, it means that the state will take you under its wing, protect you, give you work and trys to train you.” The candidates themselves project an image of modesty. "The ultimate goal of politics is not to do extraordinary things, but to prevent crap from happening," proclaims Party founder Beppe Grillo. But is the "MoVimento 5 Stelle" really ready for the responsibilities of government?

Why is the Capitalist West Fighting with Capitalist Russia? (2016)

Alexandr Buzgalin and Paul Jay discuss the antagonism between Russia and US despite the former adopting ‘Jurassic Park capitalism’ since the demise of the USSR

Mikhail Gorbachev: America needs a Perestroika (2014)

The Ukrainian issue has intensified the tension that existed between the West and Russia: now, another Cold War is possibly lurking on the horizon. Are we to witness another stand-off - or will it be averted? The relations between Russia and the West seem to be stuck at dead-end, so is there hope common ground will emerge between the two? We ask these questions to the man who prides himself on ending the Cold War, the last leader of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev, on Sophie&Co today.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Steve Bannon Interview on Europe's Far-right and Cambridge Analytica

One man who knows how Donald Trump rolls is Steve Bannon. The former chairman of the hard, right-wing Breitbart News website was appointed by Trump as his chief strategist after helping run the presidential campaign. But while the White House may have broken ties with Steve Bannon he's still carrying on with the work that brought him to the President in the first place - flying the flag for right wing populism in the US and across the globe. Our Europe Editor Matt Frei went to meet him.

Steve Bannon: The Full Euronews Interview

Steve Bannon on populism, the media, Nato and the future of the EU.

Have Bolton and Pence Killed US-North Korea Peace?

After cancelling his June 12th summit with Kim Jong-un, President Trump now says talks are still possible. We speak to journalist Tim Shorrock about North Korea's overlooked and misunderstood concerns and how Mike Pence and John Bolton stand in the way of peace.

Iran's Leader to Europe: Fulfil Demands or Nuclear Deal Is Dead | Al Jazeera English

Iran's supreme leader has set out conditions for Tehran to stay in its nuclear deal with world powers, including steps by to be taken by European banks to safeguard trade with Tehran after the US withdrawal from the deal.

European powers must continue buying crude oil, protect Iranian oil sales from US pressure and promise to not seek new negotiations on Iran's ballistic missile programme and Middle East activities, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's official website said on Wednesday.

Al Jazeera's Zein Basravi reports from Tehran.

Reports: A New Concern For Donald Trump Jr. | The Last Word | MSNBC

New reporting from Yahoo News that the FBI has obtained foreign intelligence wiretaps of a Putin ally who met Trump Jr. at an NRA convention in 2016 and a prosecutor with knowledge of the calls say the President’s son should be concerned. It is apparently all tied to the Russia Probe. Michael Isikoff explains his reporting and Joy Reid is joined by Danny Cevallos and David Corn.

Trump Seeks Regime Change in Iran, as He Rips up Nuclear Deal and Imposes 'Strongest' Sanctions

Donald Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani said the US president is very "committed to regime change" in Iran, in a speech for the Iranian opposition cult the MEK. Then Trump sabotaged the JCPOA and Mike Pompeo announced "the strongest sanctions in history."

Friday, May 25, 2018

Weinstein in Court; Ireland Abortion Vote; Italy's Populist Takeover

What Next for North Korea? | Inside Story

Donald Trump called off much-awaited talks with Jong-un scheduled for next month in Singapore. North Korea said Trump's decision was 'extremely regrettable', a sentiment echoed worldwide, as a missed opportunity for peace.

The US President called it a 'sad moment of history'. He blamed Pyongyang's anger and open hostility for the cancellation. But both aren't ruling out a change of mind sometime in the future. The North's Vice Foreign Minister said that they are willing to meet any time to resolve any issues. So what happens to the North's nuclear weapons now?

Presenter: Elizabeth Puranam | Guests: Mintaro Oba - Former US State Department diplomat specialising in North Korea; Ra Mson - Lecturer in International Relations and Japanese Foreign Policy, University of East Anglia; Se-Woong Ko - Dormer Korean Studies Lecturer, Yale University

George Galloway: "The Truth about Syria Is Finally Being Told”

George delivered a true-to-style monologue in which he said "The day will come when we will look back on our role in Syria and conclude THIS is the worst thing we have ever done." He also discussed Grenfell Tower, the Manchester arena bombing, and Tommy Robinson.

Top US News & World Headlines — May 25, 2018

WW3: George Galloway : North Korea Will Never Bow To Trump

Thursday, May 24, 2018

After Iran, North Korea: Trump Scraps Summit While Macron Visits Putin

Pompeo Makes War Not Deals Says Trita Parsi

As tough talk between the US and Iran heats up and diplomatic relations deteriorate, the majority of Americans remain opposed to the American withdrawal from the JCPOA. To analyze the impact of crumbling relations between the two countries, RT America’s Ed Schultz is joined by author of ‘Triumph of Diplomacy’ and President of the National Iranian-American Council, Trita Parsi.

Democracy in Chains: The Radical Right’s Stealth Attack on American Democracy

In part one, Nancy Maclean reveals Nobel-prize winning economist James M. Buchanan as the architect of the Koch Brothers' secret campaign to undermine public education, unions and to reshape America

Will Europe Defy Trump and Save the Iran Deal?

After withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal, the US is threatening those countries who remain in it. We speak to scholars Eskandar Sadeghi and Pooya Ghoddousi, who have organized an open letter urging the European Union to withstand US pressure and save the agreement

Open Letter to Federica Mogherini »

Steve Bannon: 'Martin Luther King Would Be Proud of Trump' - BBC Newsnight

Donald Trump's former chief strategist, Steve Bannon, talks to Newsnight’s Emily Maitlis about President Trump, the Mueller investigation and US-UK relations.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Iran Slams US over Threat of 'Strongest Sanctions in History' | Al Jazeera English

Iran has condemned the US for its threat of the "strongest sanctions in history". Secretary of State Mike Pompeo outlined new demands for Tehran in a speech on Monday.

Top US News & World Headlines — May 23, 2018

Highly-skilled Migrants Told to Leave UK under ‘Hostile Environment’ Policy

It’s been estimated that a thousand highly-skilled migrants, among them doctors, teachers and entrepreneurs, have been told to leave the country under measures intended in part to expel terrorists and war criminals.

US Sanctions on Iran Sends a Wrong Message to North Korea: Bill Richardson

The US decision to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal and re-impose sanctions may imperil the upcoming summit with North Korea, former US ambassador Bill Richardson tells RT America’s Ed Schultz.

'We Are Seeking a New Deal', Pompeo Advisor Says on Iran

Populist Takeover: Italy Approves Unprecedented Coalition

Italy is raising anchor and setting sail for unchartered waters, with Europe's boat rocked by an unprecedented populist coalition. President Sergio Mattarella is expected to approve law professor Giuseppe Conte as premier. The new government, led by the anti-establishment Five-Star Movement and the far-right League, is promising a flat tax, welfare payments to poor families, a pivot towards Russia and the deportation of migrants. Will this government be the kiss of death for a strong EU?

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

What If Iran Does Not Comply with US Demands? | Inside Story

Mike Pompeo has outlined America's tough new policy on Iran in his first major speech since becoming Secretary of State.

Tensions between the two countries grew considerably when President Donald Trump pulled the U.S. out of the 2015 Iran Nuclear deal. But Pompeo’s hardline stance goes far beyond the nuclear issue, although he did threaten that America was ready to respond if Iran resumed its nuclear activities, refusing to elaborate.

The Iranian President Hassan Rouhani dismissed Pompeo's demands saying the world would no longer blindly follow America's lead.

One senior Iranian official said Pompeo's remarks showed the U.S. was seeking régime change in Iran.

Presenter: Elizabeth Puranam | Guests: Michelle Dunne, Senior Associate at Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; Mohamed Marandi, Head of American Studies Post-Grad. Program at the University of Tehran; Ali Vaez, Director of Iran Project at the International Crisis Group

British Royals Rebrand with Royal Wedding, but Critics Say White, Neoliberal Monarchy Needs to Go

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were married Saturday at Windsor Castle in a ceremony that many heralded for celebrating black culture and history. Markle is biracial, divorced and a self-proclaimed feminist. The wedding featured a sermon about slavery, poverty and the enduring power of love by Bishop Michael Curry, the first African American to preside over the Episcopal Church. The British royal family is a “celebration of wealth, of elitism, of privilege in the hands of the few, of all the resources concentrated in the hands of a very small percentage of the country. In that sense it very much represents the current economic order in which we all live,” says Priya Gopal, a university lecturer in the faculty of English at the University of Cambridge.

Pompeo Threatens Iran With Strongest Sanctions in History, Speeding US March Toward War

On Monday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo used his first major policy address to threaten Iran with “the strongest sanctions in history.” Pompeo presented a list of 12 “basic requirements” for a new nuclear treaty with Iran, including “unqualified access” to all nuclear sites and an end to its interventions in Yemen. This comes just under two weeks after the Trump administration withdrew the United States from the Iran nuclear deal. “Pompeo and Bolton have made the choice for the international community much, much easier,” says Trita Parsi, founder and president of the National Iranian American Council. “Either you collaborate with the Trump administration and go along with these sanctions, walk away from this nuclear deal and speed up this march toward war—or you resist.”

Monday, May 21, 2018

Pompeo Lays Out US List of Demands for Iran

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo laid out a list of demands for the Iranian regime for the country to achieve relief from sanctions and reach a new international agreement.

Petro-Euro? Tensions between EU & US Grow over Sanctions against Iran

The European Commission launched a process to prevent EU firms from being hit by US sanctions on Friday. European firms would also be able to get compensation and loans if they are affected. Shabbir Razvi, director of International Finance Solutions Associates shares his view on the possible outcome of tensions between EU & US.

Top US News & World Headlines — May 21, 2018

Saturday, May 19, 2018

The Royals Arrive at St. George's Chapel

Members of the royal family arrive at St. George's Chapel in Windsor for the marriage of Prince Harry & Meghan Markle

Imam Tawhidi Speaks with Pauline Hanson on Muslims in Australia and Those Seeking to Go There

Pauline Hanson caught up with Imam Tawhidi while he visited Brisbane to speak to his supporters in Queensland. He recognises the work Pauline Hanson is doing to try and prevent radical Islam from affecting those Muslims who want to carry on living in peace in Australia. Hanson thinks most people will appreciate the time Imam Tawhidi gave her to sit down and talk about the troubles Australia faces. | May, 17, 2018

US-North Korea Peace Talks: Trump Threatens Kim with Gaddafi’s Fate

Col. Larry Wilkerson: Trump’s threats, Bolton’s inexperience, combined with the military exercises in the region is putting the North Korean peace talks at risk. It is inexplicable form of diplomacy, unless you want the talks to fail

Friday, May 18, 2018

French and Noble in 2018: What Remains of France's Aristocracy?

A Message for Muslims in Europe by an Ex-Muslim

Top US News & World Headlines — May 18, 2018

With Friends Like Trump... What's Europe's Answer to 'America First'?

It's Donald versus Donald. The president of the European Council let loose on trade tariffs and the Iran nuclear deal ahead of an EU leaders' dinner in the Bulgarian capital on Wednesday. A fighting speech, but how does it help those trying to salvage the Iran deal? Already French giant Total has warned its new mega gas project with the Iranians is in jeopardy. How can the EU respond when the US owns the currency used to trade oil? What will Europe do?

The Jangmadang

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Trump Pursues Denuclearization in North Korea & Nobel Peace Prize, While Ramping Up US Weapons Sales

North Korea, Cold Feet and the US Deal – BBC Newsnight

Kim Jong Un has warned they are now reconsidering their summit with President Trump next month - and pointed the finger, in no unwavering terms, at Trump's National Security Adviser John Bolton. John Sweeney reports.

Planned US - North Korea Peace Talks in Jeopardy as Trump Adviser Bolton Pushes for Régime Change

Top US News & World Headlines — May 17, 2018

Trump’s Jerusalem Move Caters to Religious Extremists

The opening ceremony of the US Embassy in Jerusalem featured billionaire Sheldon Adelson prominent far-right evangelical Christian leaders John Hagee and Robert Jeffress. We discuss the alliance between Trump, Netanyahu, and far-right extremists in both the US and Israel with journalists Max Blumenthal and Dan Cohen

How Has Netanyahu Transformed Israel?

'There Is No Opposition in Israel' as Netanyahu Massacres Gazans, Israeli Journalist Says

Renowned Israeli journalist Gideon Levy says "the victims of Gaza hardly touch anybody in Israel," as the IDF mows down protesters. Hardline right-wing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has a stranglehold on politics and the left barely exists.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Norman Finkelstein: Outrage over Israeli Massacre Shows Power of Non-violent Palestinian Resistance

The United States is refusing to criticize Israel after Israeli forces shot dead at least 61 unarmed Palestinian protesters taking part in the Great March of Return in Gaza Monday. More than 2,700 Palestinians were injured. At the United Nations, U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley has blocked a call for an international investigation into Israel’s actions. On Tuesday, she repeatedly blamed the violence on Hamas while praising Israel for showing restraint. During her remarks, Nikki Haley refused to place any blame on Israel. She later walked out of the Security Council chamber when the Palestinian ambassador to the U.N., Riyad Mansour, addressed the council. Since Palestinian protests began on March 30, Israel forces have killed at least 112 Palestinians and injured more than 12,000. On Tuesday, the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court said she was closely following the situation in Gaza and would “take any action warranted” to prosecute crimes. Meanwhile, the United Nations human rights office has condemned the “appalling deadly violence” by Israeli security forces in Gaza. For more, we speak with Norman Finkelstein, author and scholar whose most recent book is titled “Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom.

Top US News & World Headlines — May 16, 2018

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Arms Industry Stocks Shoot Up after Trump Withdraws from Iran Deal

As soon as Donald Trump withdrew the US from the Iran nuclear deal, and Israel bombed Syria, stocks of the top weapons corporations immediately increased. Author Andrew Feinstein says this sabotage of the JCPOA offers companies new opportunities for war profiteering

US Embassy Move Makes MidEast Peace Process 'Mission Impossible On Steroids'

Top US News & World Headlines — May 15, 2018

Journey through Iran

Inside Story - Is India Defying Western Sanctions on Iran? (2012)

India has been exploring trade opportunities with Iran, but is it willing to join in international efforts to prevent Iran's emergence as a nuclear power?

Guests: Sreeram Chaulia, Richard Weitz, Mohammad Marandi

The Secrets Donald Trump Doesn't Want You to Know About: Business, Finance, Marketing

David Cay Boyle Johnston (born December 24, 1948) is an American investigative journalist and author, a specialist in economics and tax issues, and winner of the 2001 Pulitzer Prize for Beat Reporting.

Rev. Barber Slams Anti-Muslim, Anti-Semitic Pastors Trump Chose to Open U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem

While tens of thousands of Palestinians gathered near the heavily fortified border with Israel for nonviolent protests against the U.S. Embassy’s opening in Jerusalem Monday, a new Poor People’s Campaign launched in the United States. Rev. Dr. William Barber II, a co-founder of the movement, is bringing together low-wage workers, clergy and community activists around the country to advocate for the rights of the poor. People in 40 states are participating in actions and events starting today that will culminate in a mass protest in Washington, D.C., on June 23. We are joined by Rev. Dr. William Barber, president of Repairers of the Breach and distinguished visiting professor of public theology at Union Theological Seminary, to discuss human rights from Gaza to Washington, D.C., and the anti-gay, pro-Trump pastor from Dallas chosen by the Trump administration to lead the prayer at the opening of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem.

Monday, May 14, 2018

George Galloway Discusses Trump's Lunatic Threats To Sanction The USA's Allies

George Galloway Discusses Trump's Lunatic Threats To Sanction The USA's Allies.

Trump is clearly setting the wheels in motion not only for the possible economic destruction a global trade wa-r with the US would be for the US economy, but also putting into place the conditions to go into total conflict with Iran at the behest of Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Yanis Varoufakis on Iran Nuclear Deal Demise, US Trade Negotiations, Europe’s Far Right & Capitalism

Where Does the Middle East Conflict Go from Here? | Inside Story

Tens of thousands of Palestinians gathered at Gaza's border with Israel on the eve of the Nakba anniversary, the day they call "catastrophe".

Yanis Varoufakis on Lost US Credibility in Middle East, from Iran Deal to Israel Embassy Move

Tehrangeles: Why Are There So Many Iranians In Los Angeles?

Princess Diana Biographer Weighs In On Meghan Markle

Princess Diana biographer Andrew Morton weighs in on Meghan Markle after writing the unauthorized biography Meghan - A Hollywood Princess.

Top US News & World Headlines — May 14, 2018

Islamophobia Inc | Al Jazeera Investigations

Across the United States, there has been a growth in organizations that portray Islam as a threat. Over two years, the number of groups that make up what’s become known as the Islamophobia industry has more than tripled.

This investigation reveals the tactics these groups use to instigate a fear of Islam, including how they manipulate social media to create a false narrative that Muslims are trying to take over the country. Anti-Muslim messages proliferate social media with bought-in followers, fake accounts and robotic amplifiers.

The investigation also shows how these organizations try to suppress the rise of a Muslim political voice in America. It uncovers the “dark money” that has fuelled the rapid growth of Islamophobia Inc. - tens of millions of dollars, which are funnelled through secretive, anonymous donor funds. We unveil the donors of the dark money and ask; what do they ultimately hope to achieve?

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Is ISIL Expanding in Southeast Asia? | Inside Story

Indonesia's suffered a number of attacks in recent years. It has long struggled with rebel groups, particularly al-Qaeda affiliated Jemaah Islamiyah, and now ISIL, which has been recruiting in the region.

ISIL claimed responsibility for Sunday's attacks on three churches. Police say the suicide bombings were carried out by one family, including two children aged 9 and 12.

At least 13 people died and more than 40 wounded. ISIL has lost territory in Syria and Iraq, but it's been active in other countries. Can the group be stopped?

Presenter: Mohammed Jamjoom | Guests Rahima Abdulrahim - Executive director of the Habibie Center; Olivier Guitta - Managing Director of GlobalStrat consultancy firm; Greg Fealy - author of " Voices of Islam in Southeast Asia: A Contemporary Sourcebook

Bernie Sanders Rips John Bolton, Trump over Iran

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) ripped White House security adviser John Bolton over his role in US going to war in Iraq while criticizing President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw the US from the Iran nuclear deal.

Bolton: It's 'Possible' US Would Sanction European Countries

White House national security adviser John Bolton said that "it's possible" there will be secondary sanctions imposed on European companies as a result of the US withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal.

Bolton said on CNN's "State of the Union" that he believes some European countries will end up supporting the United States despite comments from European leaders that they regret Trump's decision to withdraw.

Nicola Sturgeon – Extended Interview: Brexit and the Future for Scotland (2017)

Nicola Sturgeon's extended interview speaking about Brexit, her relationship with Prime Minister Theresa May, and another independence referendum for Scotland.

Europe: Scotland's Dilemma – BBC Documentary 2017

Scotland is coming out of the European Union with the rest of the UK. That's despite the fact Scots voted to remain. So what happens next?

Allan Little travels to the coast and whisky-producing glens of Moray, the part of the country which came closest to voting Leave. There, he finds out what that decision could mean for workers and business owners.

But there's a bigger question: what will it mean for the other union, that of the United Kingdom? Europe: Scotland's Dilemma asks whether Brexit could break up Britain too.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Friday, May 11, 2018

Are Iran and Israel Itching for a Fight? - BBC Newsnight

Tensions between Iran and Israel have intensified - with Iran launching rockets into Israeli territory from their bases in Syria, and Israel responding in kind.

The Israeli Ambassador to the UK, Mark Regev, and the journalist and author, Azadeh Moaveni, discuss why the conflict erupted.

Israel-Iran Escalation: Could Syria Strikes Lead to All-out War?

Are Israel and Iran Inching Closer to War? | Inside Story

Israel has launched its most ferocious attack inside Syria, since the war of October 1973. But now the target is Iran, Syrian President Bashar Al Assad's ally.

Just a day after the Trump administration walked out of the Iran nuclear deal, Israel accused Iran of firing rockets on the Golan Heights, which Israel occupies. Tehran says those claims are baseless. Israel responded by striking dozens of Iranian positions in Syria.

The two sides have exchanged hostile rhetoric for years, but now there are signs of an open military conflict, putting the region on edge.

Presenter: Mohammed Jamjoom | Guests: Hamed Mousavi - Professor of Political Science at the University of Tehran and Head of the U.S. Department at the Iranian Institute for European and American studies; Robbie Sabel - Professor at Hebrew University in Jerusalem and former legal adviser to the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Ali Vaez - Director of the Iran project at the International Crisis Group who was part of the negotiations that led to the Iran nuclear deal

Trump Withdrew from Iran Nuclear Deal. Now Israel May Be Trying to Provoke War

BBC Question Time – May 10, 2018

Question Time this week focuses on key issues such as the £10,000 pledge to 25 year olds and the customs union. Filmed in Kettering.

Panellists: Esther McVey MP (Conservative Party), Chuka Umunna MP (Labour Party), Alejandro Agag, Chloe Westley, Akala.

All rights go to the BBC and Mentorn Scotland.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Can Europe Keep Iran Nuclear Deal Alive? - BBC Newsnight

Now that President Trump has announced his intention to withdraw the US from the Iran nuclear deal, what does it mean for the remaining powers? Gabriel Gatehouse has been looking at how the clash of strategies could play out.

Trump Withdraws from Iran Nuclear Deal - BBC Newsnight

As President Trump withdraws the US from the Iran nuclear deal, Kirsty Wark is joined by the president's former adviser Sebastian Gorka, journalist Nazenin Ansari and Jarrett Blanc from the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace to discuss the implications of this decision.

US Sanctions Against Iran and Its Consequences for European Allies

European allies scrambles to save the Iran nuclear deal, we explore the growing rift between the Trump administration and its European allies with syndicated columnist, James Dorsey

Ayatollah Khamenei Slams US Threats

The Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, has blasted US President, Donald Trump, for threatening the Iranian nation.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the US president is in no position to threaten Iran and that the nation is standing firm. The Leader stressed that the hostile behavior of the US president was not unexpected. He added that such a behavior existed in the era of former presidents in different forms. Ayatollah Khamenei said neither the US nor the European countries can be trusted in regards to the nuclear agreement.

Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Trump Pulls United States Out of Iran Nuclear Deal, Dramatically Escalating Threat of War with Iran

European nations are scrambling to save the landmark nuclear agreement with Iran, one day after President Trump announced he would pull the United States out of the deal and reimpose sanctions on Iran. The 2015 agreement was worked out by the United States, five other world powers and Iran. Former President Obama described Trump’s decision to withdraw as a serious mistake and warned it could lead to another war in the Middle East. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani responded by saying Iran would continue to abide by the agreement and would not renew its nuclear program for now. For more, we speak with Trita Parsi, founder and president of the National Iranian American Council. His most recent book is titled “Losing an Enemy: Obama, Iran, and the Triumph of Diplomacy.” We also speak with Medea Benjamin, co-founder of CodePink. Her latest book is titled “Inside Iran: The Real History and Politics of the Islamic Republic of Iran.” She is also the author of “Kingdom of the Unjust: Behind the U.S.-Saudi Connection.”

What Are the Ramifications of US Exiting Iran Nuclear Deal? | Inside Story

“A horrible one-sided deal that should have never, ever been made” - the words of President Trump after he withdrew the US from the international nuclear pact with Iran. And he’s re-imposing sanctions on Tehran.

Trump has the backing of Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Israel. But not China, Russia, the UK, France or Germany...who all signed the deal and want it to survive.

So what will be the impact of Donald Trump’s decision? Will it - as feared - stoke more conflict in the Middle East.

Presenter: Mohammed Jamjoom | Guests Foad Izadi, Professor of Political Science at the University of Tehran; Reza Marashi, Research Director at the National Iranian American Council; Nicholas Fitzroy, Middle East Analyst for the Economist Intelligence

Yemen: The World Looks Away | DW Documentary

Trump Officially Breaks Iran Nuclear Deal

Trump is paving the way for war with Iran. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down.

Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Obesity: Fed Up | 2014

Democracy Now! Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Democracy Now! is a national, daily, independent, award-winning news program hosted by journalists Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez. Democracy Now!’s War and Peace Report provides our audience with access to people and perspectives rarely heard in the U.S.corporate-sponsored media, including independent and international journalists, ordinary people from around the world who are directly affected by U.S. foreign policy, grassroots leaders and peace activists, artists, academics and independent analysts. In addition, Democracy Now! hosts real debates–debates between people who substantially disagree, such as between the White House or the Pentagon spokespeople on the one hand, and grassroots activists on the /> other.

Dr. Mercola Interviews Dr. Robert Lustig | Full Interview

Natural health expert and founder Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Robert Lustig, Professor of Pediatric Endocrinology at the University of California in San Francisco (USCF), discuss how sugar acts as a poison when consumed in excess.

Why Is Washington Re-activating Its Second Fleet? | Inside Story

The US has announced it is re-establishing its naval presence in the North Atlantic as Russia increases its patrols in the area. It's part of a military build-up from both sides that hasn't been seen in decades.

The Second Fleet was disbanded in 2011 after more than six decades of service. The reason? To save money, and as part of a restructuring operation. But what does this Cold War rhetoric mean? And how will Moscow respond?

Presenter: Hoda Abdelhamid | Guests: Olivier Guitta - Managing Director of GlobalStrat; Dmitry Babich - Political analyist at Russia Profile Magazine; Lawrence Korb - Former US Assistant Secretary of Defense

Geopolitics of Germany

Middle East Forecast: More Turbulence Expected

Monday, May 07, 2018

Boris Johnson Warns US against Ending the Iran Deal

British foreign secretary says the flaws in the Iran nuclear agreement need to be fixed.

Sunday, May 06, 2018

Saturday, May 05, 2018

Widowmaker | TV Version

Note that the fixes for cardiovascular disease primarily involve lowering hyperinsulinemia (mainly via a well-formulated LCHF diet), adequate magnesium, optimum Omega3:Omega 6 ratio, adequate sun exposure/vitamin D and many others. The movie here mainly mentioned meds, a very small part of the risk-reversal story

What Happened to Dubai's Princess Latifa? - BBC News

Sheikha Latifa, the daughter of Dubai's ruler Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, has not been seen since March 2018.

It's claimed she was snatched while trying to escape the country with the help of a former French spy and a Finnish martial arts instructor. Gabriel Gatehouse investigates.

Is Your Cardiologist Killing You? Mind-blowing Interview with Dr. Jack Wolfson

Friday, May 04, 2018

BBC: Question Time – May 3, 2018

Question Time tackles topics such as the Windrush scandal, and whether Donald Trump should be given the Nobel Peace Prize.

Wednesday, May 02, 2018

Fmr IAEA Inspector: Netanyahu’s Cartoons about Iran’s Nuclear Program Are 'Baseless and Childish'

In a ‘show and tell’ type talk, Netanyahu claimed that Iran is developing a nuclear weapons program and tried to provide evidence that Iran is violating the JCOPA. Former US IAEA Nuclear Weapons Inspector Robert Kelley tells TRNN Netanyahu’s claims are baseless, self-serving, and childish

Tuesday, May 01, 2018

French Politicians Shift Blame for Anti-Semitism onto Muslims

French politicians and celebrities signed a manifesto blaming French Muslims for anti-semitism in France. Yasser Louati addresses the hypocrisy in France’s human-rights discourse.