Tuesday, June 06, 2017

UAE Email Leak: 'On What Planet Can Trump Be President?'

The latest round of leaked emails of the United Arab Emirates' ambassador to the US reveal repeated criticism by the diplomat of US President Donald Trump.

Trump le climato-sceptique

Le président américain doit se prononcer ce soir sur le retrait ou le maintien dans l’accord de Paris. Mais son indifférence face au climat est déjà notoire.

Trump le climato-sceptique by LePoint

La réaction d'Emmanuel Macron au retrait des États-Unis de l'accord de Paris

Emmanuel Macron réagit au retrait des États-Unis de l'accord de Paris.

La réaction d'Emmanuel Macron au retrait des... by LePoint

Pourquoi l'Arabie saoudite met au ban le Qatar

Riyad et ses alliés ont rompu leurs relations diplomatiques avec le petit émirat, accusé d'un double jeu vis-à-vis du voisin iranien.

Pourquoi l'Arabie Saoudite a rompu ses... by LePoint

Faithkeepers: Inspire the World to Stop Christian Genocide

Monday, June 05, 2017

Morning Joe & Mika's Epic Reaction To Trump's Latest Tweets

Trump Trolls London Mayor after Terror Attack

London Attack: Policing, Politics and the Response to the Latest Rampage (Parts 1 & 2)

Inside Story - What's Behind the Diplomatic Breakdown in the Gulf?

What's behind the diplomatic breakdown in the Gulf? – Inside Story This time it's more than just recalling ambassadors. Land and sea borders have been closed. On top of that, major airlines are cancelling flights to and from Doha. And Qatar residents have two weeks to leave the Gulf states in question.

Qatari leaders say they’re astonished at what they call the unjustified decision by seven countries to cut diplomatic relations. A cabinet statement said the aim is to strip Qatar of its sovereign decisions. The Foreign Ministry said: 'The aim is clear and it is to impose guardianship on the state. This by itself is a violation of Qatar's sovereignty as a state. So, how far will this crisis go? And what will mean for the Gulf Cooperation Council? | Presenter: Kamahl Santamaria | Guests: Abdulaziz Alhorr, Academic, researcher and contributor to the book: 'Policy-making in transformative state: The Case of Qatar'; Mahjoob Zweiri, Associate Professor in contemporary history of the Middle East, Qatar University; David Hearst, Editor in chief of Middle East Eye

Le Qatar face au défi de son isolement dans le Golfe

LE FIGARO: L'Arabie saoudite, les Émirats et l'Égypte rompent avec Doha, accusé de financer le terrorisme.

Rupture des relations diplomatiques, fermeture des espaces aériens et maritimes, interdiction de voyager au Qatar: la mise en quarantaine du minuscule émirat est entrée en vigueur. Appuyée par les Émirats arabes unis, Bahreïn et l'Égypte, l'Arabie saoudite a décidé lundi d'isoler son remuant voisin qu'elle accuse de financer le terrorisme. «Le Qatar accueille divers groupes terroristes pour déstabiliser la région, comme la confrérie des Frères musulmans, Daech et al-Qaida», souligne Riyad. À son tour, Doha, réagissant avec colère, a accusé ses voisins du Golfe de vouloir mettre le Qatar «sous tutelle» et de l'étouffer économiquement. » | Par Georges Malbrunot | lundi 5 juin 2017

Trump Attacks London's Mayor & Jeremy Corbyn Calls for Theresa May's Ouster After Terror in London

Should Internet Be Regulated in Effort to Prevent Terror?

Jun. 05, 2017 - 4:08 - Debate gets heated on 'Outnumbered'

Diplomatic Spat: Several Gulf States Cut Ties with Qatar for Allegedly ‘Supporting Terrorism’

The Middle East has descended into a huge diplomatic row. Four Gulf countries: Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain and the UAE have severed diplomatic ties with Qatar. While Saudi Arabia and Bahrain have also closed their borders with the country. They accuse Doha of supporting terrorism and interfering in the internal affairs of Arab states.

GCC Rift: Five Nations Cut Diplomatic Ties with Qatar

The Qatari government says it regrets the unjustified decision by four countries to cut diplomatic ties. Bahrain, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the UAE are also imposing an air, sea, and land embargo. The Saudis accuse Qatar of supporting extremism and radicalism as well as media incitement, which Qatar denies. Al Jazeera's Hashem Ahelbarra explains.

Here's What's Behind the Qatar Diplomatic Split

Four Arab countries led by Saudi Arabia cut diplomatic ties with Qatar and moved to close off access to the Gulf country, escalating a crisis that started over its relationship with Iran and its support of the Muslim Brotherhood. Bloomberg's Mohammed Sergie reports on "Bloomberg Markets."

Iran's Leader Lashes Out at Trump, Saudis for Anti-Tehran Alliance

REUTERS.COM: Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei lashed out on Sunday against U.S. President Donald Trump and Saudi Arabia's leaders for their new regional alliance against Tehran, saying it would bear no fruit.

Trump singled out Iran as a key source of funding and support for militant groups during his visit to Saudi Arabia in late May, two days after the Iranian election in which pragmatist President Hassan Rouhani won a second term.

During Trump's visit to Riyadh, the U.S. sealed a $110 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia, Iran's regional arch-rival.

Khamenei called the visit a display of brazenness.

"The U.S. president stands alongside the leaders of a tribal and backward system and does the sword dance, but criticizes an Iranian election with 40 million votes," the supreme leader said in a speech broadcast live on state TV.

"Even with a multi-billion dollar bribe to America, the Saudis cannot achieve their goals in the region," he said. » | Reuters | Sunday, June 4, 2017

Sunday, June 04, 2017

What's the Reason behind Recent Media Attacks against Qatar? – Inside Story

It's been a week of tension in the Arabian gulf. Last week, Qatar's official news agency was hacked. Then, fake remarks critical of US foreign policy were posted on its website and wrongly attributed to Qatar's leader. Now, a series of e-mails belonging to the UAE's ambassador to the US have been leaked. They reveal a close co-ordination between the diplomat and a pro-Israeli Think tank in Washington DC. The e-mails also show how Ambassador Youssef al-Otaiba and the Foundation for Defense of Democracies or FDD lobbied in the US against Qatar and Kuwait. So, how will this impact US policy in the Gulf? | Presenter: Hashem Ahelbarra | Guests: Saad Djebbar - International lawyer; Ian Black - Visiting Senior Fellow at the Middle East Centre at London School of Economics and a former Middle East Editor for The Guardian newspaper; Mohammed Cherkaoui - Professor of Conflict Resolution at George Mason University.

London Attacks: Police Arrest 12 after Terror Attack - BBC News

Twelve people have been arrested after the London terror attack which left seven people dead and 48 injured. The arrests in Barking, east London, followed a raid at a flat belonging to one of the three attackers.

No Ma’ame, It’s Not a Perversion of Islam!

Our prime minister has come out yet again with the trope that this is a “perversion of Islam.”

I am sick to death of listening to our so-called leaders’ twaddle about these terror attacks being a “perversion” of the 'peaceful faith of Islam.' How stupid do they think the electorate is? As I tweeted today: ‘Jihad is to Islam what Coke is to cola. It’s the real thing!’ Beat that, Mrs. May! That would be a good soundbite for you!

Our politicians will never get a grip on this problem, because they simply refuse to confront the truth. As I have told you before, this is not a law enforcement issue, which they insist it is; rather, it is a war – a war on the West. The Islamic State has already come out and called for ‘All Out War’ on the West during Ramadan. Islamic State is the real thing, too. Not much different from the version of Islam practised in Saudi Arabia. In fact, one could say it is identical. The only difference is that what is pracatised in Saudi Arabia is state-sanctioned rather than rogue. But the end result is the same.

How many more innocent people are going to have to be killed and maimed before our weak leaders change the narrative and accept that they have made a mistake allowing all these people into the West? When will our politicians come to their senses? They need to stop talking nonsense and start talking sense for a change.

Sad times!

© Mark Alexander

All Rights Reserved

Election Gamble: Tight Race before UK Vote, Polls Suggest Drop in Theresa May’s Ratings

A number of polls in the UK are showing a large drop in support for Prime Minister Theresa May, just days before the country votes. It paints a very different picture to when she called the snap election two months ago, amid predictions she was on course for an overwhelming victory. And while there's a chance they are just rogue polls, RT's Polly Boiko has been looking at what might happen if they turn out to be true.

Why Saudi Arabia Is Our Friend And Iran Is Our Enemy

The official reasons from the US government are lies. Jimmy Dore, and Steve Oh discuss on the latest episode of Aggressive Progressives.

UK: May Says “Things Need to Change,” Then Repeats False and Failed Analysis That Jihad Is “Perversion of Islam”

JIHAD WATCH: Theresa May says “far too much tolerance of extremism in our country,” and that “when it comes to taking on extremism and terrorism things need to change.” Then she repeats the same false and failed analysis, that the jihad “is a perversion of Islam.” Her refusal to identify the motivating ideology behind these jihad attacks means that she will never confront this enemy properly, and never deal with the real source of the incitement to violence. And so for all her tough talk, she is doomed to failure. Read on and comment » | Robert Spencer | Sunday, June 4, 2017

London Attacks: Theresa May 'Enough Is Enough' - BBC News

Prime Minister Theresa May has said it is time to say "enough is enough" when it comes to tackling terrorism. "We cannot and must not pretend that things can continue as they are," she said. She said the general election will go ahead as planned on Thursday.

London Attacks: UK PM Theresa May Addresses Nation

How Islamic State Called for 'All-Out War' on West during Ramadan

THE TELEGRAPH: European security services are bracing for more attacks during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, after Islamic State called on its followers to rise up in an “all-out war” on "infidels” in the West.

Last Saturday marked the start of a 30-day period of fasting and reflection in the Islamic world, which has in recent years seen a large uptick in Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) terror attacks.

“Muslim brothers in Europe who can’t reach the Islamic State lands, attack them in their homes, their markets, their roads and their forums,” the jihadist group said in a message entitled Where are the lions of war? and published on YouTube. Read on and comment » | Josie Ensor, Middle East Correspondent, in Beirut | Sunday, June 4, 2017

London Bridge Attack: Van Mows Down Pedestrians, Reports of Stabbing at Nearby Restaurant

Saturday, June 03, 2017

Behind The Scenes : The Prince Of Monaco's Kitchen - Documentary

''The politics divides the men, the gastronomy gathers them.'' In the service of the princely Couple, H.S.H. Prince Albert II and H.S.H. Princess Charlène of Monaco, the chef Christian Garcia prepares the particular meals of the family Grimaldi and orchestrates the big receptions of the Palace. We are going to follow in their everyday life, the Chamberlain, the servants, the linen maids, the gardeners, silver cleaners and entire staff of the Palace of Monaco which protect all the secular traditions in the art to receive. Through this exceptional documentary, we discover the wings of one of the most famous Palaces of the planet and the principality which fascinates the whole world. ''La bonne cuisine est la base du véritable bonheur.'' Auguste Escoffier, 1846 - 1935

Privacy And Power: A Year In The Life Of Prince Albert Of Monaco

For one year, our cameras followed the Prince in his daily head of state and family. Twelve key moments of a year of reign behind the scenes of princely palaces and abroad. His personal office atop one of the towers of the palace (rarely filmed) to the most private rooms where he always meets with the family, sports events in charitable prestigious galas, political obligations very personal passion, Monaco or abroad, the ruler of Monaco sharing for the first time his public and private life ... A topic not to be missed, in which man is surrounded by his top aides, his wife and his whole family to reveal its personality and intimate answer the questions related to his reign.

BBC Documentary - Abu Dhabi, UAE

BBC Presenter-Reporter Amandeep Bhangu | Current Affairs Documentary | Broadcast internationally | The UAE is often thought of in terms of oil wealth and conspicuous consumption. But the new name of the game is economic and cultural diversification. So is it really changing? Amandeep Bhangu examines by interviewing Emiratis and expats who work in the capital, Abu Dhabi.

UAE Direct »

"Cool, Smooth, Terrific": Macron's First Steps on the World Stage

Mike Pence Can't Understand Why People Care About Climate Change

Actually he understands fine. He’s acting perplexed because he’s a pathological liar who just needed to squeeze one more lie into an interview. Cenk Uygur, Ben Mankiewicz, John Iadarola, and Michael Shure, hosts of The Young Turks, discuss.

Branson: Paris Exit Cements Donald Trump As Worst President In U.S. History | For The Record | MSNBC

Virgin Group founder Sir Richard Branson tells Greta Van Susteren that President Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris climate accord has “dragged America to a new, very shameful low.”

Friday, June 02, 2017

What Does US Decision on Climate Mean for our Planet? - Inside Story

President Donald Trump announced the United States was formally withdrawing from the landmark 2015 Paris climate agreement, keeping his campaign promise to American workers, especially coal miners.

The president, surrounded by his supporters, made the address during a speech at the White House on Thursday. Global leaders formed a united front in criticising the decision with condemnation coming from Asia, Australia and Europe. What is the impact of his decision? And what will it mean for our planet? | Presenter: Hazem Sika | Guest: Gina Loudon - former Trump campaign media surrogate and author; Michael Dorsey - director of the Sierra Club, the largest environmental organisation in the US; Damian Ryan - director of strategy at the Climate Group

Morning Joe: Steve Bannon Is Now the President! – June 2, 2017

Trump Staff Shortage – Nobody Wants To Work In His Disastrous Administration

According to a senior Republican official, the White House is struggling to hire more staffers because there aren’t enough qualified, talented people applying for positions to work with Donald Trump. The anonymous Republican claims that too many people view the president as “crazy,” and they don’t want to be associated with his brand. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

Ireland Could Elect Its First Gay Prime Minister

Ireland could soon have its first openly gay prime minister. Leo Varadkar, the son of an Indian immigrant, is the favourite to win a ruling party vote. His political achievements are sign of huge generational change in the once staunchly Catholic country. Al Jazeera’s Neave Barker reports from Dublin

UK: What Does Theresa May Stand For?

World Leaders Condemn US Withdrawal from Paris Climate Deal

World leaders have condemned US President Donald Trump’s decision to pull America out of the Paris Climate Agreement. Al Jazeera’s Andrew Thomas reports from Sydney.

Question Time from Barnet – June 1, 2017

Chinesischer Ministerpräsident in Berlin: Pressekonferenz Li und Kanzlerin Merkel

Pressekonferenz mit Bundeskanzlerin Merkel und dem chinesischen Ministerpräsidenten Li Keqiang in Berlin

Our Disgraceful Exit From the Paris Accord

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Only future generations will be able to calculate the full consequences of President Trump’s incredibly shortsighted approach to climate change, since it is they who will suffer the rising seas and crippling droughts that scientists say are inevitable unless the world brings fossil fuel emissions to heel.

But this much is clear now: Mr. Trump’s policies — the latest of which was his decision to withdraw from the 2015 Paris agreement on climate change — have dismayed America’s allies, defied the wishes of much of the American business community, threatened America’s competitiveness as well as job growth in crucial industries and squandered what was left of America’s claim to leadership on an issue of global importance. » | The Editorial Board | Thursday, June 1, 2017

Speech of the French President Emmanuel Macron in English - Reaction to Donald Trump

"Make our planet great again"

Thursday, June 01, 2017

Emmanuel Macron to US Climate Researchers: "Come Here and Work with Us!"

Trump on Paris Climate Accord

President Trump announces his decision on U.S. participation in the Paris climate agreement. The address follows days of speculation and weeks of intensive lobbying.

Democracy Now! US News and World Headlines

Advocates: Trump Pulling Out of Paris Climate Accord Would Be "Suicide Note to the World"

Britain's Billionaire Immigrants - 2017

Dispatches - When Cousins Marry | Channel 4 Documentary

BBC Documentary - How Princess Diana Died

Who Really Killed Diana? The Conspiracy On The Death Of The Princess of Wales

Etienne Cardiles marié à titre posthume avec le policier tué Xavier Jugelé

L’EXPRESS: François Hollande et Anne Hidalgo ont assisté mardi soir au mariage posthume du policier Xavier Jugelé, tué dans un attentat sur les Champs-Élysées, et de son compagnon.

Le mariage posthume entre Xavier Jugelé, policier tué dans un attentat sur les Champs-Élysées, et son compagnon,Étienne Cardiles, s'est déroulé mardi soir dans la mairie du 14ème arrondissement de Paris. Les deux hommes étaient déjà pacsés.

Le mariage à titre posthume est autorisé en cas de "motifs graves" - les attentats entrent dans cette catégorie, précise le site du gouvernement - et d'une "volonté matrimoniale non équivoque" de la personne décédée. C'est le président de la République qui autorise, par décret, la célébration du mariage. » | Par LEXPRESS.fr avec AFP | mercredi 31 mai 2017

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Does Trump Pulling Out of Paris Climate Deal Matter, Explained

In December 2015 the world came together in Paris to combat climate change, tonight, despite the pleading of other world leaders, President Trump is poised to take the United States of America out of the accords - joining only Syria and Nicaragua.

Breaking Down the White House Press Briefing

Press secretary Sean Spicer held an off-camera press briefing Wednesday, deflecting questions about the Paris climate agreement and the Russia investigation. CBS News national correspondent Chip Reid joins CBSN to discuss the latest.

Smoking Has Become the Root of ALL Evil! What's Being Done to Repair the Damage Done by Smoking? – Inside Story

According to the World Health Organization, seven million people - almost the entire population of Hong Kong - die every year because of smoking and other ailments related to cigarette use.

The WHO's annual report says the industry is costly to health, the economy and the environment. The report called Big Tobacco says discarded cigarette ends and waste contain more than seven thousand toxic chemicals that poison the environment.

Cigarette butts account for up to 40 percent of all litter collected in coastal and urban clean-ups. The report also said that between 10 to 14 percent of children in tobacco-growing families miss class because they're working in tobacco fields.

Tobacco also contributes to one in six deaths from non-communicable diseases. So what's needed to control the industry?

Presenter: Hazem Sika | Guests: Vinayak Mohan Prasad, Head of the WHO Tobacco Free Initiative; Hazel Cheeseman, Director of Policy at Action on Smoking & Health

Wendy Sherman: Jared Kushner Backchannel Defense 'Took My Breath Away' | The Last Word | MSNBC

Ambassador Wendy Sherman says President Trump's actions on his recent European trip shows that he "plays checkers while other leaders play chess." She agrees with Lawrence O'Donnell that French President Emmanuel Macron is now "leader of the free world."

Forbidden Talk: The LGBT Community In the Middle East

Description Recently pride marches were cancelled in Turkey due to threats from ultra-nationalists and this August, Iran plans to hold a conference to discuss Islamic Human Rights principles which will exclude LGBT rights...which begs the question, is the LGBT community at greater risk now than ever before, in the region?

OhMyHappiness »

Forbidden Talk - Homosexuality in the Middle East (2014)

Homosexuality in the Middle East remains a highly controversial issue. We discuss what being gay means for people from the region, whether they believe it is compatible with religion, and if there could be a change in people's attitude in the near future.

Masculinity in the Middle East: New Report Reveals Surprising Results

The New Germans - Featured Documentary

Nearly one million ethnic Arabs fleeing war and violence back home have come to Germany since 2015.

This film follows one of them, newspaper editor and Syrian asylum seeker Ramy Alasheq, as he looks into historical patterns of Arab immigration and how the latest arrivals are being received in their new country.

For Ramy and many others, life has not been the same since young men said to be Arab were accused of robbing and attacking German women on New Year's Eve 2015 in his new hometown, Cologne. It is a city that Ramy has come to love. But while he and fellow immigrants initially received a warm reception, there are now widespread calls to halt the entry of Arab refugees into Germany.

For hundreds of years, Germany has been a magnet for migrants and refugees from all over the world. But its specific focus on encouraging migration from countries in the Middle East like Egypt, Syria, Iraq and to a lesser extent Jordan, Palestine and North Africa, is not often discussed.

Through the human stories of second and third-generation migrants, as well as incoming new refugees, this film paints a picture of how the experience of Arab immigrants in Germany has changed over the decades.

We ask what it means to be a foreigner in Germany, and at the same time come to understand Germany itself and the reasoning behind its immigration policies. We also hear from German analysts and decision-makers about Germany's dependency on migrant communities to re-populate its dwindling towns and keep its economy strong.

Inside Story - What's Triggering Hate Crimes in the US?

What's triggering hate crimes in the US? The fatal stabbing of two men on a train – and serious injuries to another - has turned the spotlight on bigotry and intolerance in the United States. All three were standing up to a known white supremacist who was heard racially abusing two young women, one of them a Muslim wearing a headscarf. Their alleged attacker is facing trial for aggravated murder and other charges. Was the attack an isolated incident or evidence of a growing trend?

CBC News Special: The Fight for the Philippines

CBC news Senior Correspondent Adrienne Arsenault reports from Manila about the horrors of President Rodrigo Duterte's war on drugs. She also speaks to jailed Philippine Senator Leila de Lima who is a vocal critic of the country's strongman president.

Martial Law under Duterte: The Fight against Islamists in the Philippines (Parts 1 & 2)

'This Ramadan Could Be Even Bloodier Than Previous Years'

UK Elections: New Era for British Politics?

US - The Internet Goes Wild Following a Crazy Tweet by Donald Trump!

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

The Last Days of Jacqueline Kennedy

Jacqueline Bouvier Onassis Kennedy

Jo Coburn Interviews Shirley Williams about Her Life and Political Career

Jo Coburn interviews Shirley Williams about her life and political career. What does everyone think of the Liberal Democrats; the policies and how the SDP was good/bad for Britain?

Jimmy Carter: Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski Was One Of The Best I've Ever Known | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Former President Jimmy Carter discusses his national security advisor, Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, and why he says no one in government was more loyal to him than Dr. Brzezinski.

Joe On President Trump's First Overseas Trip: 'This Was A Disaster' | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The panel discusses Donald Trump's first overseas trip, why it wasn't a success and why Trump was a 'bull in a China shop' when it came to meeting with European leaders.

Top US News & World Headlines — May 30, 2017

Inside Story - Can the EU Go It Alone?

Angela Merkel is Germany's Chancellor, but is also seen by some as Europe's leader.

Emmanuel Macron et Vladimir Poutine au Château de Versailles

French President Macron and Russian Leader Putin's Joint Press Conference

Phillippines Unrest: ISIS Activity Spreading in Asia

France 24 speaks to Richard Heydarian about recent unrest in the Phillippines and the escalation of ISIS in the region

Jeremy Paxman Interviews Jeremy Corbyn and Theresa May

Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn face questions from Jeremy Paxman on the big issues of the 2017 General Election, hosted by Sky News and Channel 4.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Macron Scolds RT, Sputnik for Coverage of French Election

Read the Washington Post article here

Macron-Putin: "A Frank Exchange"

Noam Chomsky in Conversation with Amy Goodman on Climate Change, Nukes, Syria, WikiLeaks & More

Documentary: Inside Iran

In this series Channel One News goes inside Iran to better understand its people and our shared history.

Traveling Iran by Train | DW Documentary

Iran is opening its doors to foreigners and a train ride from the Persian Gulf to the Caspian Sea is a great way to get to know the country and its people.

The travel restrictions that are now being lifted were in place for decades. Many Iranians are hoping they will now be able to lead a freer life – and we meet many of these hospitable and welcoming people on our journey through the Middle Eastern nation.

The country’s most important rail link, the Trans-Iranian Railway, runs for approximately 1400 kilometers from the Persian Gulf via Teheran to the Caspian Sea. The journey starts in Khorramshahr on the Shatt al-Arab, the river border between Iraq and Iran.

Traveling past oil fields, the train reaches Shushtar. One of the top sights here is the historic hydraulic system, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. After that, the train heads up into the Zagros Mountains. The journey is interrupted by a break for prayer. Breath-taking landscapes move past the train window until we reach the highest point not only of our journey but of the entire rail network: 2,200 meters above sea level between Dorud and Arak.

During a brief stop in Qom, travelers can refuel with sohan, a pastry made of wheat germ, flour and sugar. The next section of the track is high-speed and we continue on to Teheran at 160 km/h. The metropolitan area is home to more than 15 million people. The last leg takes us to the north of the country.

In the Alborz Mountains, we find out what role the Trans-Iranian Railway played during Stalin’s major offensive against the German army in World War II. Our oriental rail adventure ends in Bandar-e Torkaman on the Caspian Sea.

Don’t Be Fooled – Ivanka Is As Ruthless As Donald, Just Not As Outwardly Mean

Lindy West wrote in The Guardian recently that Ivanka Trump is not moderating her father or helping him with issues, she’s only in the White House to sell his horrible policies to moderates who don’t care for his brash personality. She’s every bit as ruthless, she just comes across as slightly less volatile. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

Jimmy Kimmel on Trump’s Visit with the Pope

Donald Trump went to the Vatican to meet the Pope so Jimmy breaks down how that went.

Trump Was the Laughingstock of NATO

Handshakes that never end and shoving the Prime Minister of Montenegro had some world leaders chuckling amongst themselves.

Jared Kushner Under More Scrutiny after Russia Revelations

President Trump's son-in-law and White House senior adviser, Jared Kushner, reportedly held meetings during the presidential transition to set up a secret communications channel with Russia. Errol Barnett reports.

Putin 'Gets the Tsar Treatment' as He Meets Macron in Versailles

Le patriarche russe réveille la polémique du mariage pour tous

LE FIGARO: Le patriarche Kirill a réaffirmé son soutien aux Français qui avaient manifesté en 2013 contre l'adoption du mariage homosexuel.

Alors que Vladimir Poutine entame sa visite en France, le patriarche Kirill, vu comme un allié spirituel du chef du Kremlin, s'est lancé, lundi, dans une diatribe contre la loi française instaurant le mariage gay et soutenu les manifestants qui s'étaient soulevés en 2013 contre l'adoption de ce texte. Ces derniers ont agi «pour les mêmes raisons que lorsqu'ils se sont soulevés contre les lois fascistes et pro apartheid», a déclaré le chef de l'Église orthodoxe russe. … » | Par Pierre Avril, Correspondant du Figaro à Moscou | lundi 29 mai 2017

CNN Politics Panel Angry Reaction To Trump's Latest Actions

Living with the 'New Normal': How Governments Need to Innovate in the Fight against Terrorism

Jared Kushner Scrutinized for Real Estate Deals

White House senior adviser and President Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, is under fire after a New York Times Magazine and Pro Publica report said that he went after low-income tenants as a real estate developer. Pro Publica reporter Alec MacGillis wrote the article, and joins CBSN with more details.

Trump Wraps Up World Tour at G7 Summit in Italy (Parts 1 & 2)

Trump White House Fails to Address Kushner Allegations

Europe’s Dependence on Allies Is Over – Merkel

Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel stressed on Sunday that the country is decreasingly able to rely on its allies. The G7 summit this weekend in Sicily saw leaders struggle to find common ground on the usually-harmonious issue of climate change. Angela Merkel also complained that it was tough to reach consensus with the Americans.

Russian Ambassador Told Moscow that Kushner Wanted Secret Channel with Kremlin

Read the Washington Post article here

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Trump Returns to Crisis Over Kushner as White House Tries to Contain It

THE NEW YORK TIMES: President Trump headed home on Saturday to confront a growing political and legal threat, as his top aides tried to contain the fallout from reports that his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, is a focus of investigations into possible collusion between Russia and the president’s campaign and transition teams.

As Mr. Trump ended a nine-day overseas trip that aides considered the most successful stretch of his presidency, he was returning to a crisis that had only grown in his absence. The White House canceled a presidential trip to Iowa in the coming days and was putting together a damage-control plan to expand the president’s legal team, reorganize his communications staff and wall off a scandal that has jeopardized his agenda and now threatens to engulf his family. » | Maggie Haberman, Glenn Thrush and Julie Hirschfeld Davis | Saturday, May 27, 2017

Is The American Mafia Making A Comeback?

Via America’s Lawyer: Guest host, Farron Cousins, talks to author and historian, Christian Cipollini, about what led to the decline of the Italian-American mafia.

Trump Admin Wants To Change The Law To Jail Journalists

Via America’s Lawyer: Guest host, Farron Cousins, is joined by Mollye Barrows, legal journalist for the Trial Lawyer Magazine, to discuss the threats President Donald Trump has made to ‘open’ up U.S. libel laws.

Professor Michael Dougan Dismantles Theresa May's Brexit Election Pitch

Advice To Donald Trump Staffers: Run! | AM Joy | MSNBC

Joy Reid and her panelists debate: Will people who stick around in the Trump administration be able to survive (or thrive), or will their careers be destroyed?

Friday, May 26, 2017

Bill O'Reilly On The Glenn Beck Show | May 26, 2017

Bill O’Reilly spends the hour with Glenn and discusses the events of this past week and the ratings collapse at Fox News we’re seeing in his absence …Time to drop the Trump/Russia investigation? …The perfect Father’s Day gift? …Glenn’s dad is buried in Montenegro? …Bill O’Reilly’s Memorial Day plans …Why Bill O’Reilly is unhappy with Chelsea Clinton? (Full Interview)