Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Asra Nomani on Radical Islam & the Regressive "Honor Brigade" (with Bill Maher)

Asra Nomani appeared on Real Time with Bill Maher on November 13, 2015, the night of the Paris terror attacks. She discusses the illiberal "honor brigade" (Regressive Leftists) who consistently attack any and all critics of islam, and the need for people to Wake Up.

Asra Nomani is a journalist, former Wall Street Journal correspondent, and author of the book "Standing Alone: An American Woman’s Struggle for the Soul of Islam".

She co-wrote the Washington Post opinion piece: "As Muslim women, we actually ask you not to wear the hijab in the name of interfaith solidarity": Read the article here

The Glazov Gang - Can I Criticize Islam without Fearing for My Life?

France Presidential Debate: The Last Words of the Candidates

Turkey “Ignoring Diplomatic Conventions” | DW News

In recent comments, Turkish president Erdoğan claimed Angela Merkel was employing "Nazi tactics" in a row over Turkish politicians campaigning inside Germany. Martin Schulz, the leader of the German SPD has called those comments an “outrage”.

Monday, March 20, 2017

François Fillon: "The French Economy Must Not Be Controlled by American Funds and Gulf Countries"

Marine Le Pen: 'I Want to Put a Stop to Legal and Illegal Immigration'

Marine Le Pen: "I Want to Be President of the French Republic, Not Angela Merkel's Vice-Chancellor"

Why These French Voters Support Macron

Emmanuel Macron is young, never been elected to any office, and is standing without the backing of any of France's main parties. Some of his supporters say that to them, he means change.

Spies and Lies: FBI Confirms Russia-Trump Campaign Probe

Are Turkey and the EU Ready to Sever Relations?

Erdoğan: EU Would Revive Gas Chambers & Concentration Camps, If Not Ashamed

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has once again compared Europe with the Nazis saying that they “would revive gas chambers” if they weren't ashamed. He also fired a personal broadside at Angela Merkel, accusing her of “Nazi practices.”

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Erdoğan Attacks Merkel Again | DW News

Turkey's president Recep Tayyip Erdogan has launched a personal attack against German Chancellor Angela Merkel, accusing her of using "Nazi measures." His comment widens the diplomatic rift between the two countries even more.

Why Hungary's Crackdown On Refugees Is Being Criticised? – Inside Story

Trump Triples Down On Wiretap Charge

The State of the Union panel Bakari Sellers, Rep. Marsha Blackburn, Jen Psaki & Jim DeMint discuss Pres. Trump's refusal to step back his wiretapping claims

Turkey Referendum Dispute: Interview with Arnoud Van Doorn on Turkey-Netherlands Row

Arnoud Van Doorn, a Hague City Council Member and the leader of PVDE party, also known as the Unity Party, talks to TRT World about political dispute between two countries. He was a member of Wilders’ right-wing Freedom Party until the end of 2011 and personal friend of Wilders. But then he declared his conversion to Islam.

Schulz vs. Merkel - What Are the Odds? | DW News

Martin Schulz, the main challenger in Germany's upcoming national election, is the Social Democrats’ new party leader. Schulz’s popularity is high in polls, giving him a chance at dethroning Chancellor Angela Merkel. We take a look at the candidates.

Germans React to US President Trump

Saturday, March 18, 2017

The US Allies Trump Has Offended Since Taking Office

Read the Washington Post article here

SS Archive | Hitler’s Rise to Power | Colour Documentary

Ann Coulter Speaks Out against Accepting Refugees

Mar. 17, 2017 - 6:07 - Author goes on 'Hannity' to slam Germany's immigration policies, reacts after judge blocks President Trump's revised travel ban

Brexit to Affect Northern Ireland’s Economy

Prime Minister Theresa May's expected to trigger article 50 in the coming days, beginning Britain's divorce from the European Union.

Donald Trump Says Germany Owes 'Vast Sums of Money' to Nato and the US

THE TELEGRAPH: Donald Trump has taken to Twitter to demand that Germany "pay more" to the United States for its defense, only hours after meeting with Angela Merkel.

Mr Trump and the German Chancellor sat down together in The Oval Office for the first time yesterday and included discussions of America's terms for its continued commitment to Nato.

Mrs Merkel told the president she believed Germany must work to pay its fair share to be in the alliance – a key demand by Mr Trump, who has repeatedly said he believes America is bearing the brunt of the costs.

But Mr Trump appeared unconvinced by these assurances on Saturday morning, when he tweeted from Mar-a-Lago, his Florida redoubt, that "Germany owes vast sums of money to NATO & the United States must be paid more for the powerful, and very expensive, defense it provides to Germany!" » | Ruth Sherlock, Washington | Saturday, March 18, 2017

Referendum in Turkey, Breaking News in Europe - The Listening Post

Could President Erdogan's narrative of a Europe at battle with Turkey sway voters in advance of April's vote?

Interfaith Leaders to Tour Europe, US to Introduce Indonesia’s Moderate Islam

THE JAKARTA POST: Indonesian interfaith leaders are set to visit several countries across Europe and the United States to introduce values of tolerance among Islamic religious followers in the country.

As a country of multi-ethnic groups and religions, Indonesia has long been considered a good example for other countries in building harmony among religious followers.

“The delegates will speak about the religious concord in Indonesia, how moderate Islam plays a crucial role in the country and how Indonesian nationalism can have tolerant and inclusive religious followers as its pillars,” said Leimena Institute founder, Jacob Tobing, said as quoted by kompas.com after he met with Vice President Jusuf Kalla at the Vice Presidential Office in Jakarta on Friday. » | News Desk | The Jakarta Post | Jakarta | Saturday, March 18, 2017

Saudi Arabia Is Redefining Islam for the World's Largest Muslim Nation »

No Beards, No Veils': Uighur Life in China's Xinjiang

BBC: China says Islamist separatists in Xinjiang are the greatest threat to national security. The far western region is home to a community of some 10 million Uighurs, who are mostly Muslim.

Beijing is concerned that young Uighurs are vulnerable to radicalisation. Widespread intimidation makes reporting from the region extremely difficult, but the BBC gained exclusive access to the area. (+ BBC video) » | Saturday, March 18, 2017

Filmed and edited by Matthew Goddard; Produced by Ashley Semler

Chancellor Angela Merkel's Playbook for President Donald Trump | The New York Times

Angela Merkel and Donald Trump couldn't be more different. They disagree on immigration, NATO, the European Union and trade. As they meet for the first time as world leaders, here are the factors that may shape their relationship.

Is Trump Counterterrorism Aide Sebastian Gorka a Sworn Member of Hungarian Nazi-Allied Group?

Is President Donald Trump’s top counterterrorism adviser, Sebastian Gorka, a member of a Hungarian far-right, Nazi-allied group? We speak with reporter Larry Cohler-Esses, who first reported the allegations in The Forward, a leading Jewish American newspaper. The outlet reports members of the Vitézi Rend elite order confirmed Gorka took a lifelong oath of loyalty to the Hungarian far-right group, which is listed by the U.S. State Department as having been “under the direction of the Nazi Government of Germany” during World War II. Questions first emerged about Gorka’s ties to the group after the website LobeLog published photographs of Gorka wearing a Vitézi Rend medal on his lapel at a presidential inauguration ball on January 20. Gorka has denied reports of his involvement with the group, but if he is found to have failed to disclose this in his immigration application, it could make him inadmissible to the country under the Immigration and Nationality Act. The revelation comes as Jewish community centers and synagogues around the U.S. reported another wave of bomb threats over the weekend.

Fareed Zakaria's Full Interview on Trump

CNN's Fareed Zakaria sits down with CNN Tonight host Don Lemon to discuss the state of Donald Trump's presidency.

Organizations Call for Sebastian Gorka's Resignation for Ties to Far-right Group

USA TODAY: A number of organizations called for the resignation of Trump aide Sebastian Gorka, after reports that Gorka has ties to a far-right group in Hungary.

The Forward reported Thursday that Gorka, President Trump's counter-terrorism adviser, is a formal member of Vitézi Rend, a group that is listed by the State Department as an organization that is under the direction of Nazi Germany. » | Jessica Estepa | USA Today | Thursday, March 16, 2017

Jamie Glazov Moment: Muslim Primary School Students Threaten to Behead Teacher

Irish PM Tells Trump: ‘St Patrick Was an Immigrant’

With Donald Trump standing only a few feet away, Irish PM Enda Kenny identifies St Patrick with immigrants – ‘the patron saint of immigrants’ – at the annual St Patrick’s Day lunch in Washington on Thursday. Kenny quotes from Emma Lazarus’s The New Colossus, saying the Irish were ‘the wretched refuse on the teeming shore’

Read the Guardian article here

Friday, March 17, 2017

Kellyanne Conway's Husband George 'Set for Top Job at Justice Department'

THE INDEPENDENT: Department is gearing up to appeal rulings that blocked Donald Trump's new travel ban

The husband of Donald Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway is in line to be nominated as head of the Justice Department's civil division, it has been reported.

George Conway is a Yale- and Harvard-educated lawyer and a partner at the Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz firm. According to its website he has "extensive experience in securities litigation, mergers and acquisitions litigation, contract litigation [and] antitrust litigation". » | Jon Sharman | Friday, March 17, 2017

Why You Shouldn't Eat Pig – Joel Osteen

Joel Osteen on Homosexuality

In an interview on CNN's "Piers Morgan Tonight," Joel Osteen, the pastor of mammoth Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas, toes a fundamentalist, homophobic line on the interpretation of the Bible.

Trump: Allies Must Pay Fair Share for NATO

President Trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel hold a joint press conference in Washington.

Trump Snubs Merkel's Handshake: "It's Off to an Awkward Start..." (Erin Zaleski)

Trump Meets with Merkel

Guttenberg on Trump, Merkel Meeting: They're Coming from Two Different Planets

KT zu Guttenberg, former defense minister under German Chancellor Angela Merkel, on President Trump's meeting with her.

Kellyanne Conway's Interview Tricks, Explained

Kellyanne Conway has a supernatural ability to derail any interview that paints Donald Trump in a negative light. How does she do it?

The Economics of Beard Popularity in the US

Erdogan Accuses EU of 'Crusade' against Islam

DEUTSCHE WELLE: The Turkish president has also said Europe is regressing to the pre-World War II era. German Chancellor Angel Merkel called for an end to the exchange of "insults."

In a speech given to supporters in the western Turkish city of Sakarya, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan invoked the medieval religious wars between Christian Europe and the Islamic Middle East in the context of present-day escalating tensions between the European Union and Turkey.

"My dear brothers, a battle has started between the cross and the half moon. There can be no other explanation," Erdogan said on Thursday.

The Turkish president also stated the European Court of Justice's (ECJ) Tuesday ruling, which permits companies to ban the Islamic headscarf as part of policies barring religious symbols in the workplace, was the start of a "crusade" by Europe. » | cmb/sms (AFP, dpa, Reuters) | Friday, March 17, 2017

Breitbart Editor: Steve Bannon Calls Less Than Expected | Morning Joe | MSNBC

NBC News' Stephanie Gosk talks with Breitbart editor-in-chief Alex Marlow about the controversial news web site, a favorite of the president, and if the wiretapping claims started with the site.

'Might Not Be Her Type': Merkel to Meet with Trump for 1st Time

The highly anticipated first face-to-face meeting between the leaders of the U.S. and Germany, is taking place today. Washington-Berlin ties - which flourished under previous U.S. administrations - have taken a hit under the new one. RT's Caleb Maupin has more.

Lord Heseltine Says He Is 'Not Surprised' Brexiteers in Government Don't Know What They Are Doing

THE INDEPENDENT: Lifelong pro-European campaigner said he had been committed to Europe since 'standing under German bombs in 1940'

Lord Heseltine has said he is “not surprised” that leading Brexiteers in Government appear not to understand what they are doing, in a thinly-veiled attack on senior Eurosceptics promoted to Theresa May’s Cabinet.

While not naming Boris Johnson, David Davis and Liam Fox, the Tory peer said it was right that those who campaigned to leave the EU be put in charge of Government departments to ensure they take responsibility for the difficult decisions ahead. » | Tom Peck | Thursday, March 16, 2017

THE INDEPENDENT: Theresa May has made a huge mistake sacking Lord Heseltine over Brexit » | Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Turkey's Nazi Remarks 'Unacceptable', Say Hollande and Merkel

THE GUARDIAN: French and German leaders condemn Turkish politicians’ behaviour since ban on rallies in support of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

François Hollande and Angela Merkel have condemned the behaviour of Turkish politicians ahead of the country’s upcoming constitutional referendum, saying it was “unacceptable” for Turkey to accuse Germany and other countries of “Nazi practices” for banning rallies in support of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. » | Philip Oltermann in Berlin | Thursday, March 16, 2017

After the Dutch Vote: Prime Minister Hails Win Over "Wrong Kind of Populism"; Traditional Parties Suffer in General Elections (Parts 1 & 2)

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Heated White House Briefing Exchange You Need to See

Press Secretary Sean Spicer says President Donald Trump stands by his unfounded allegation that former President Obama wiretapped him at Trump Tower during the election. The speaker of the House, the Senate Intelligence Committee chairman and the ranking Democrat on the committee said they've seen no evidence of President Trump's accusation.

Inside Islam: Interview with Nonie Darwish

Sunday, December 6, 2015

David Horowitz on Communism, Marxism, and the Black Panther Party; Why I Am No Longer a Leftist; On Abortion, Islam, and Donald Trump (Parts 1, 2 & 3)

David Horowitz (author) joins Dave Rubin to discuss the Communist Party, Black Panthers, similarities with the hate for Reagan and the hate for Trump and more.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali & Maajid Nawaz: M103

Canadians need to hear this before deciding on M103. M103 will silence debate on Islam and this is VERY dangerous

The World's Fastest Growing Religion? Islam

NEWS8000.COM: Islam expected to surpass Christianity

(CNN) - Islam is the world's fastest growing religion -- and not just in Muslim majority nations: 10% of all Europeans are projected to be members of the Muslim faith by 2050, according to a recent Pew Research Center study.

The study estimates that from 2010 to 2050, Muslims will have increased across the world by 73%, followed by Christians who are projected to grow by 35% during the same time period, and Hindus at 34%.

That means that Islam -- currently the world's second-largest religion -- will surpass Christianity as the world's biggest religion by the end of the century, the study projects. » | Tricia Escobedo | Thursday, March 16, 2017

US - Who Is Kellyanne Conway Really? "The Trump Whisperer?"

How Anglophones Speak French without Knowing It

Nonie Darwish: Why I Chose Christian Values Over Islamic Values

Nonie Darwish, author of the new book, "Wholly Different: Why I Chose Christian Values over Islamic Values," talks about her personal journey in faith. Born in Egypt and raised a Muslim, Ms. Darwish converted to Christianity as an adult. She compares and contrasts the two world religions as she has experienced them.

The event, a guest lecture at Georgetown University sponsored by CBLPI and hosted by the College Republican Club, was recorded on February 28, 2017.

(Note: the recording camera had to be handheld, which resulted in greater movement in the video than we would like.)

The Glazov Gang – Biblical Values vs. Islamic Values

Dutch General Election: German Chancellor Angela Merkel "Very Happy" Over Results

Mark Rutte Says Dutch People Have Rejected 'Wrong Sort of Populism'

Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte says the election result, in which his VVD party comfortably beat the anti-Islam Freedom party of Geert Wilders, shows the people have said no to ‘the wrong side of populism’. As party supporters celebrate the victory around him, Rutte says the vote was also a vote for economic stability, ‘that we should not experiment, that we should continue the policies of recovery.’

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Mark Cuban On Trump: 'No Leadership Skills'

In an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper, billionaire Mark Cuban criticized President Donald Trump's communication skills. He also didn't reject the possibility of running for president in 2020.

WIKIPEDIA: Mark Cuban »

Lindsay Lohan on Converting to Islam | Good Morning Britain

A Growing Number of Latinas Are Converting to Islam

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and is projected to become the second largest religion in the United States. There are 200,000 Latino Muslims living in the U.S. and a growing number of Latinas are converting to the religion. So, in this election cycle when attacks are being fielded left and right, imagine being a woman, Latina, and a Muslim. We spoke to some about why they decided to convert and the struggles they've faced.

Trump Will Be Most Bigly Tremendous Vacation-taking President Ever

--After criticizing former President Obama for taking vacations, Donald Trump has already had 15 days of vacation time which makes up about 30% of his presidency so far

Above the Law? Fillon, Le Pen Dismiss Corruption Probes

Wilders: I’m No Trump But Media Equally Tough On Me

The Dutch are voting in a general election today. It's a tight race between the anti-establishment Party for Freedom, and premier Mark Rutte's ruling party.

‘Travel Ban Is Last Resort’: Germany Threatens to Stop Turkish Politicians from Entering Country

Germany has threatened to ban Turkish politicians from entering the country, after relations between Berlin and Ankara reached a new diplomatic row. Angela Merkel’s chief of staff Peter Altmaier has said that an entry ban would be a 'last resort' measure.

Scotland Leaving EU No Matter What - PM

BBC: The prime minister has claimed that Scotland will be leaving the European Union regardless of whether or not it votes for independence.

Speaking during an exchange with the SNP's Angus Robertson, Theresa May also warned against "constitutional game-playing".

Mr Robertson had accused Mrs May of breaking promises to secure a UK-wide agreement on Brexit.

She said there would be further talks with devolved administrations.

The heated exchange, at Prime Minister's Questions, came after First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced plans to call for a second independence referendum in response to the UK voting to leave the EU.

Ms Sturgeon wants the vote to be held in the autumn of next year or the spring of 2019, to coincide with the conclusion of the UK's Brexit negotiations. » | Wednesday, March 15, 2017

What Will the Dutch Decide? (Parts 1 & 2)

‪Erdoğan Calls Merkel a ‘Terrorist Supporter,’ Says Turkey Will Go to ECHR over Netherlands Rally Row‬

Turkey will challenge the Netherlands in the European Court of Human Rights over its refusal to allow Turkish officials to enter the country and deliver campaign speeches, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has warned.

Hizb ut-Tahrir Jokes about a Muslim Takeover of Australia

'Mr Gay Syria': Changing Perceptions of a Suppressed Community

Dutch Election: Will Populism Win or Lose in the Netherlands? - BBC Newsnight

Will the Dutch general election be the latest uprising led by the forces of populism, or the first recent sign of resistance to them? Newsnight’s Gabriel Gatehouse reports from The Hague.

Netherlands General Election: Dutch Go to Polls in Test of Far-right Strength

Breitbart Leaks Audio Of Paul Ryan Trashing Trump

Ramos: America Has Never Been White

Jorge Ramos reacts to Iowa Rep. Steve King's tweet in agreement with Geert Wilders, a right-wing extremist, regarding race and immigrants.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Do Egyptians Still Want Change? – Inside Story

Could London Refuse Second Scotland Referendum? "They Wouldn't Dare!"

War of Words between the Netherlands and Turkey

France Presidential Race: Fillon Placed Under Formal Investigation Over 'Fake Jobs'

Obaid: Life Beyond Faith

Born in India and raised in Canada, Obaid began questioning faith at a young age - early-on his sense of wonder was kindled by Carl Sagan’s Cosmos and science classes. Moved by the rationality and logic of evidence-based thinking and a scientific worldview, he stopped believing entirely by the time he was 16 years old.

Obaid’s line of work has taken him across the globe: he has spent time in Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Sudan and Haiti. He learned first-hand how damaging sectarian violence can be to a society, experiences which led to him realizing the dangers of faith.

Today, Obaid is an unflinching advocate for free speech and inquiry. He sees religion to be inherently opposed to free thought and speech, which he considers the best tools to break free from the chains of faith.

Hope, Fear and Uncertainty in London as Brexit Looms

Muhammad Syed: Ex-Muslim

Muhammad Syed is an ex-Muslim and President of the Ex-Muslims of North America. He spent a few minutes with Seth Andrews in conversation about his former faith.

Ex-Muslims of North America »

Egypt: Ex-President Hosni Mubarak to Be Freed

Lawyers for former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak say he will be released from a military hospital in the next two days.

Brexit Greenlight: UK Parliament Passes Trigger Bill

The UK Parliament has given the green light for the country to leave the EU, as the House of Lords passed a landmark Brexit bill allowing Prime Minister Theresa May to begin official Brexit procedures.

A Strategy for Christians in a Post-Christian World

Mar. 13, 2017 - 4:23 - Author and conservative columnist Rod Dreher tells American Christians how to prepare for a coming Dark Age in new book, 'The Benedict Option' #Tucker

I see someone else is now talking of the coming Dark Age. – Mark

Monday, March 13, 2017

‘They Should Make Excuses’: Rift between Turkey & Netherlands Deepens

A row has exploded between Turkey and The Netherlands - after the EU country banned rallies in support of the Turkish president, who's drumming up support ahead of a constitutional referendum. In response, Ankara compared Amsterdam's actions to those of the Nazis. Two Turkish ministers were also effectively barred from entering The Netherlands. In his latest speech, the Turkish president called the EU state ‘a banana republic.’

What Will the Dutch Decide? (Parts 1 & 2)

Is the Far-right Headed for Victory in the Netherlands? Inside Story

The Netherlands has long been known as a country of socially liberal values.

Why should the rise in the so-called far-right in The Netherlands be an enigma? The Dutch were very liberal when there was no threat to their liberal way of life. Now that there is, the Dutch have become more 'conservative.' As Islam has grown in strength in The Netherlands, and as Islam is very regressive and illiberal, this has been the motivating factor for the rise in the far-right in the country. This should not be a surprise to anyone. – Mark

UK: The Rise in Ex-Muslims: Leaving Islam and Converting to Christianity | Sky News, 2017

This documentary focuses on the phenomenon rise of Muslims leaving Islam and converting to Christianity, it is happening throughout the UK and Europe, here we interview some ex muslims/new Christians to discuss the reasons why people are finding the truth in Christianity, and how they helping to spread the true word of the Gospel.

Sharia Law Explained

We know we are learning the truth about the Sharia because Muslims are telling us that we don’t understand it. A Washington Post guest writer put forth a refutation of the myths about the Sharia. Of course he makes deceptive arguments about Islam. I debunk the 5 myths, with the 5 truths, of Sharia.

How To Deal With Homophobic Religious Extremists

When I Say "I'm Gay"

Is being gay a sin? Is being gay "unnatural," as boxer Manny Pacquiao said recently? These are questions I've thought deeply about.

Inside Stephen Bannon's Nomadic Lifestyle | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The Washington Post's Shawn Boburg reports on presidential adviser Stephen Bannon's nomadic lifestyle prior to Trump's nomination.

Kellyanne Conway: Full Interview On New Day

Counselor to President Trump Kellyanne Conway sits down with CNN's Chris Cuomo to discuss the president's wiretapping allegations, executive orders and the GOP's health care plan.

'Netherlands Will Pay the Price': Turkish Press React to Erdoğan's Threats

Netherlands: Geert Wilders Rides Turkey Row Wave

Nicola Sturgeon to Seek Second Scottish Referendum

Speaking at a press conference in Bute House in Edinburgh on Monday, the Scottish first minister, Nicola Sturgeon, says she is going to ask the Scottish parliament for its approval to hold a second referendum on Scottish independence at the end of the Brexit process

Read the Guardian article here

The Glazov Gang – Canada’s Surrender to Islamic Blasphemy Laws?

Sunday, March 12, 2017