Millions are desperate to prevent Britain unravelling, but we need to be as passionate as those who would wrench us from the EU
Britain faces its biggest peacetime crisis since 1945. Leaving the EU on the slightest of referendum majorities, after a campaign in which the leave side was never constitutionally compelled to agree what leave meant, is already plunging Britain into a constitutional, political and legal quagmire. Prolonged economic stagnation, perhaps depression, seem inevitable. A liberal, tolerant, outward-looking country is being transmuted into an illiberal, intolerant, inward-looking one. This is as fundamental as it gets. Battle is being joined for our soul, yet many of those who see all they hold dear being ripped away from them are strangely mute. Nigel Farage was right when he said it was a revolution “without a shot being fired”.
Read on and comment » | Will Hutton | Wednesday, November 2, 2016