Monday, February 06, 2017

France Presidential Race: Candidate François Fillon Gives Press Conference amidst Series of Scandals

Moderator nennt Putin „Killer“: Russland fordert Entschuldigung von Fox News

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Ein Fox-Moderator hat Donald Trump nach seinem Respekt vor Putin gefragt und das russische Staatsoberhaupt als „Killer“ bezeichnet. Jetzt fordert Moskau eine Entschuldigung von dem „so respektierten Fernsehsender“. » | Quelle: Reuters | Montag, 6. Februar 2017

Another Heated White House Daily Briefing From Sean Spicer | February 2, 2017 (FULL)

Germany: Merkel Challenged by Populists?

The Big Picture: The Making And Breaking Of Europe - Featured Documentary

Europe is at a crossroads. Populist far-right movements are challenging the very premise of an integrated European Union. Anti-immigration rhetoric is coalescing with anti-EU politics to challenge the liberal ideals of the European integrationist project. We chart the trajectory of that project from the ashes of World War II, in tandem with the story of the European far-right, exploring the shifts that have led to today’s critical juncture. We trace how far-right ideas have challenged and inflected mainstream politics, setting the political agenda on issues such as the EU and immigration. Combining a compelling narrative, in-depth interviews and informed discussion, The Big Picture sheds historical light and offers incisive analysis on the history and future of Europe.

Le Pen Kicks Off Campaign with 'France First' Promise

French far right politician Marine Le Pen has launched her presidential bid with a campaign featuring many of the themes that propelled Donald Trump to the White House.

Steve Bannon’s War with Islam: Trump May Not Even Understand His Adviser’s Apocalyptic Vision

SALON.COM: Bannon has long yearned for a civilizational conflict between the West and the Muslim world. Now he may get it

There seems to be considerable urgency right now to enshrine Donald Trump’s Islamophobia into law. Talk of an immigration ban, a Muslim registry and even internment camps once sounded like the machinations of a spray-tanned salesman looking to indulge the electorate’s need for a good villain narrative. Amid an atmosphere of overwhelming chaos, the early days of Trump’s reign have made clear, however, that Islam is Public Enemy No. 1 and serves as the centerpiece of Steve Bannon’s ethno-nationalist agenda. (Trump’s ban on immigration and travel from certain Muslim-majority nations is currently on hold, thanks to a Friday federal court order. That does nothing to resolve the larger questions.) Read on and comment » | Jalal Baig | Sunday, February 5, 2017

Sunday, February 05, 2017

Saudi Oil Minister Welcomes Trump Era - BBC News

Saudi Oil Minister Khalid al-Falih has told the BBC's Chief International Correspondent Lyse Doucet he is pleased that US President Donald Trump plans to pursue a more fossil fuel-oriented energy policy. He insisted he was unconcerned by Mr Trump's promise to pursue energy independence and said Saudi Arabia had invested billions of dollars in the American oil industry.

Bill O'Reilly's Super Bowl Interview with President Trump

America Is Not A One-Man Show

Frontline: Muslims in America (2014)

PBS Frontline documentary about challenges that Muslims are facing throughout the world especially in America

Brother Rachid: Islam Is More Than a Religion

Part of the problem of why many westerners do not get Islam is their understanding of religion. They think that religion is a personal thing, it’s something private. The problem with that view of religion is that it does not apply to Islam; Islam is more than a religion, it’s not only about a Muslim praying, fasting, or worshiping. Islam has more than prayer and worship, it has dangerous elements as well: Sharia law is one of the most dangerous elements in Islam

Islamic States of America

What is happening to your America now. Your very future is changing under your own noses by those who have come to take your country. The Grand Deception.

Muslims Establishing No-Go Zones in America

January 14th, 2015 • Muslim enclaves that are hostile to surrounding communities are springing up across America. Funded by Pakistani radicals, 22 villages in 9 states have been established that are teaching terrorist tactics to members of their compounds.

Welcome to the Islamic States of America | Secure America Now

Secure America Now is the nation's largest digital national security platform, dedicated to bringing critical security issues to the forefront of the American debate.

BBC Newsnight Has a Bruising Interview with Trump Deputy Breitbart's Sebastian Gorka

Holocaust Survivor Rae Kushner

Jewish survivor Rae Kushner describes when the Soviet Union occupied Poland after World War II, Kushner, along with the few family members that survived the Holocaust, left Poland to look for refuge in any country that would open its doors. Finally, reaching Italy Kushner waited over three years in a displaced persons camp before immigrating to the United States.

Rae Kushner's testimony to the Holocaust is preserved in the Visual History Archive.

Jared Kushner's Grandmother

Rae Kushner (Jared's grandmother) on US immigration, refugee camps, asylum, and the rise of dictators.

Jared Kushner: I Will Bring Peace to Middle East | Jared Kushner, Most Trusted Trump Advisor

‘The People Hold the Power to Get Rid of Mainstream Politicians’ – Patricia Chagnon

The National Front’s Marine Le Pen and ex-Socialist turned Independent Emmanuel Macron both chose to kick off their official campaigns this weekend. National Front member Patricia Chagnon says mainstream politicians are worried by the rise of anti-establishment sentiment - and are having to borrow ideas

Iran Warns the United States: Don’t Make a Problem over Missile!

'Street Justice': Why US College Students Are Protesting

Judge Jeanine Pirro looks for answers

Trump as Nero: Europe Must Defend Itself Against A Dangerous President

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: The United States president is becoming a danger to the world. It is time for Germany and Europe to prepare their political and economic defenses.

There are times in life that really do count. Times when a person's character is revealed, when the important is separated from the unimportant. Soon decisions are taken that will determine the further path a person takes. With some, this can be tragic, and the moment comes too soon in their youth at a time when they aren't mature enough yet to foresee all the potential consequences. They make the decisions cheerfully and they lead to either luck or bad luck. But countries and governments are seldom as innocent when it comes to their decisions.

That's the kind of situation now approaching. The people who will soon have to decide are already grown up. They now have to start preparing, even if it will be painful. » | A DER SPIEGEL Editorial By Klaus Brinkbäumer | Sunday, February 5, 2017

Most Britons Believe Selling Arms to Saudis Is ‘Unacceptable’

THE OBSERVER: The government is keen to promote arms exports in a post-Brexit world

Almost two-thirds of British people think selling arms to Saudi Arabia – the UK’s largest defence customer – is unacceptable.

The finding comes ahead of this week’s high court case, which has the potential to derail arms sales to the kingdom – and could have major consequences for defence exports to other countries too.

The case, on Tuesday, comes at a time when Theresa May’s government is keen to promote UK arms exports. In a post-Brexit world, ministers believe the arms industry could be a major beneficiary when the UK establishes new trade deals. Last month, May agreed a £100m deal to help equip the Turkish military with fighter jets.

But an Opinium poll conducted for the Campaign Against the Arms Trade suggests the government’s enthusiasm for selling weapons to regimes with questionable human rights records is firmly out of step with public opinion. » | Jamie Doward | Sunday, February 5, 2017

Saturday, February 04, 2017

Helmut Schmidt | Erfahrungen und Einsichten (NZZ Standpunkte 2009)

Er gilt als einer der herausragendsten Politiker in der Nachkriegsgeschichte Deutschlands und Europas, und er hat wie kein zweiter in den letzten Jahrzehnten die politische und gesellschaftliche Debatte seines Landes als Minister, Regierungschef, Intellektueller, Publizistik und Herausgeber der Hamburger Wochenzeitung „Die Zeit“ geprägt: Alt-Bundeskanzler Helmut Schmidt.

Mit Helmut Schmidt, der im Dezember 91 Jahre alt wird, unterhalten sich NZZ-Chefredaktor Markus Spillmann und Marco Färber über die deutsche Wiedervereinigung, die Rolle und die Begrenzung Deutschlands in Europa und der Welt, über Freundschaften und ihren Stellenwert in der internationalen Politik und über die Bedrohung und Herausforderungen der Zukunft. Und über das Altern und Gott.

European Parliament’s Chief Brexit Negotiator - Guy Verhofstadt

HARDtalk’s Stephen Sackur speaks to Belgium's former Prime Minister and current MEP Guy Verhofstadt, an EU politician who'll be at the heart of the complex negotiations over a Brexit deal.

Listen to this here

‘Davos Man Is Dead’ – Ted Malloch, Tipped to Be Trump’s Pick for EU Ambassador

Afshin Rattansi talks to the man tipped by some to be the next US Ambassador to the EU, former UN Executive Secretary Deputy Chief, Ted Malloch, on his relationship with Trump & the UK post-Brexit.

Author: What's Good for Evangelicals Is Good for America

Feb. 04, 2017 - 3:09 - Eric Metaxas reacts to Neil Gorsuch's Supreme Court nomination

Jared Kushner Documentary

Profiles in Tremendousness - SCOTUS Nominee Neil Gorsuch: The Daily Show

President Trump announces the Supreme Court nomination of Neil Gorsuch, a Colorado judge who may be more conservative than his predecessor, the late Antonin Scalia.

Sean Spicer Will Now Take Your Pre-Approved Question

White House spokesman Sean Spicer has begun fielding questions from some unusual reporters during his daily press briefings.

Trump Takes Aim At Seattle Judge By Tweeting In Defense Of Travel Ban

President Donald Trump responding to a federal judge’s temporary restraining order on his controversial travel ban via twitter.

The Media, Muslims and Trump's Travel Ban - The Listening Post (Full)

On The Listening Post this week: As US borders tighten, we trace the media narratives on immigrants, refugees and Muslim "Others". Plus, how one of France’s richest men is colonising the media.

Pamela Geller: Trump's "Gorgeous" Executive Order Is Not A "Muslim Ban"

Author and activist Pamela Geller joins Ezra Levant of to talk about Trump's 90-day pause on immigration from seven terror-infested nations.

US: Mosque Burnt After Trump Announced Muslim Ban

It's been a week since the U.S. President announced his controversial travel ban on seven mainly Muslim countries.

Bannon Film Outline Warned U.S. Could Turn into ‘Islamic States of America’

Read the Washington Post article here

Trump Travel Ban: 'President Must Honour Ruling'

BBC: President Donald Trump must honour the temporary nationwide block on his travel ban, the Washington state Attorney General Bob Ferguson has said.

Earlier, Federal Judge James Robart ruled against government lawyers' claims that US states did not have the standing to challenge Mr Trump's executive order. (+ BBC video) » | Saturday, February 4, 2017

Greta Van Susteran – February 3, 2017 | Harvard Law Professor: Trump’s Travel Ban ‘Is Going to Encourage Evil’ | Sean Spicer on Trump’s Agenda

Arab-Americans in Crisis Mode over Trump’s Travel Ban

There's growing anger over Donald Trump's recent travel ban on refugees and immigrants from seven Muslim-majority countries.

Trump Sets Up Next Great Recession

President Trump just gutted the Wall Street reform put in place after the crash in 2008. Ana Kasparian, John Iadarola, and Michael Shure, the hosts of The Young Turks, tell you how Trump set up the next recession.

ACLU Lawsuit Targets President Trump’s Travel Restrictions

Friday, February 03, 2017

Justin Trudeau Continues His Super Élite Ways

Brian Lilley reports more revelations of Trudeau's inappropriate use of the Challenger Jet and taxpayer money.

Trump, Trudeau to Meet: What Could Go Wrong?

Ezra Levant of wonders what Trump will think of Canada's PM considering the sorts of things Trudeau has said about him.

Kurtz, Fleischer on Negative Coverage of Trump Presidency

Feb. 02, 2017 - 5:45 - Reaction on 'The First 100 Days' after media draws drastic conclusions about Trump administration after two weeks

Why Is Romania Suddenly in Turmoil? - Inside Story

Around the world tens of millions of people can only dream of an income of $48,000.

Douglas Murray: Believing Impossible Things

Excerpted from a one day conference at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Douglas Murray sat on a panel entitled Multi-culturalism and the record of assimilation.

Milo: Media Legitimizes Violence On Conservatives

French Soldier Stops Attack at the Louvre

Police: Suspect attacked soldier with machete

UK Publishes ‘Shoddy’ Brexit White Paper

MPs have voted to allow Theresa May to get Brexit negotiations under way. But the FT’s Sebastian Payne says those hoping for a comprehensive exit strategy will be disappointed by the government’s white paper.

Edward Snowden: Everything about Donald Trump

Protecting Trump's Mar-a-Lago Presents Unique Challenges

President Trump travels to his Mar-a-Lago club in Florida for the first time since his inauguration. The Red Cross says he's expected to attend its annual charity ball at the estate Saturday. Protesters plan to gather outside a nearby Trump property in West Palm Beach. Manuel Bojorquez reports from the "winter White House."

Kellyanne Conway's False "Bowling Green Massacre" Claim

Kellyanne Conway, counselor to President Trump, used false information on a "Bowling Green massacre" to defend the president's executive order on immigration. But the "massacre" she mentioned never happened. Conway's other claim that the Obama administration put a six-month ban on the Iraqi refugee program is also inaccurate.

Is Trump's Muslim Ban a Gift to ISIL? - UpFront

In this week's UpFront, we speak to former FBI agent and counter-terrorism expert Ali Soufan on the potential consequences of President Donald Trump's Muslim ban.

In the Reality Check, Mehdi Hasan points out the hypocrisy of global leaders of nuclear powers on their ever-expanding nuclear arsenals.

And in the Arena, we debate whether Russian President Vladimir Putin is outmanoeuvring his political opponents both at home and abroad.

Kellyanne Conway - Democrats Are Bunch of Cry Babies. Everything Makes Them Cry and Scream

Romania's Boiling Point: Outrage over Decree to Loosen Corruption Laws (Part 1 & 2)

Paris Louvre Attempted Assault: "France Is a Target, No Question about It!"

Matteo Salvini Speaks in Koblenz

Matteo is the leader of The Northern League. A North Italian separatist group that wants to separate from Southern Italy, as the two areas of radically different cultures and economies. This speech was at the Koblenz Germany gathering of non-Marxist and Eurosceptic politicians, which was held on the day of Trump's inauguration, and that was no accident.

Iran Vows More Missile Tests Despite 'Notice' | MSNBC

NBC's Ali Arouzi reports of the diplomacy breakdown between Iran and America after Sec. Michael Flynn put the country 'on notice.' Sen. Richard Blumenthal discusses how the U.S. should proceed.

Richard Fowler: Rioters Don't Represent Progressive Movement

Feb. 02, 2017 - 4:17 - Fox News contributor Richard Fowler and conservative commentator Ben Shapiro react on 'The First 100 Days' to riot at UC Berkeley

President Obama's Responsibility for the Refugee Chaos

Feb. 01, 2017 - 4:42 - Former Rep. Dennis Kucinich analyzes the fallout of the previous administration's Mideast policy on 'The O'Reilly Factor'

Krauthammer Analyzes the US-Iran Tensions under Trump

Fox News contributor provides insight on 'Special Report'

Glenn Beck Chats with Dave Rubin

Thursday, February 02, 2017

Jihad Sisters, French Women Bound for ISIS

Treasury Department Easing Sanctions On Russia | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC

The Treasury Department has sent early signals of easing sanctions on Russia, allowing U.S. companies to do business with Russia's security service. MSNBC'S Peter Alexander reports.

Inside Story - Does the Two-State Solution Still Have a Future?

Trump on Refugee Deal with Australia: Why Are We Doing This?

President says he respects Australia as a country, but questions the logic of promise by the Obama administration to resettle nearly 1,200 asylum seekers being held on Pacific island camps

Steve Bannon: The Strategist behind Trump's Travel Ban

Steve Bannon has been a naval officer, an investment banker, a film producer and an executive at Breitbart News. Now he’s Donald Trump’s chief strategist and arguably the most influential man in the White House. He was reportedly behind the chaotic move to restrict immigration from certain majority Muslim countries and has called on the media to ‘keep its mouth shut’ about Trump.

Read the Guardian article here

Trump Defends 'Tough Phone Calls' at Prayer Breakfast

Donald Trump told an audience at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington not to worry about his ‘tough phone calls’, in an apparent reference to his diplomatic row with Australia. ‘They’re tough, we have to be tough … We’re taken advantage of by every nation in the world, virtually,’ he said on Thursday. The comments came after a public row with the Australian prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull, over a refugee resettlement agreement

Trump's arrogance: We’re going to straighten out the world

European Parliament Leaders Call on EU to Reject Trump's Likely Ambassador Pick

THE GUARDIAN: Exclusive: Heads of parliament’s main political parties issue unprecedented call opposing Ted Malloch, who likened his goal to ‘bringing down the Soviet Union’

The European parliament’s main political parties are making an unprecedented attempt to block Donald Trump’s likely choice as ambassador to the European Union from EU buildings, describing him as hostile and malevolent.

In a startling move that threatens a major diplomatic row, the leaders of the conservative, socialist and liberal groups in Brussels have written to the European commission and the European council, whose members represent the 28 EU states, to reject the appointment of Ted Malloch.

Malloch, a businessman who stridently supported Brexit ahead of the vote in June, is said to have been interviewed for the post by />
When recently asked by the BBC why he was interested in moving to Brussels, Malloch replied: “I had in a previous career a diplomatic post where I helped bring down the Soviet Union. So maybe there’s another union that needs a little taming.” » | Daniel Boffey in Brussels | Thursday, February 2, 2017

Glenn Beck: "You Can Sense There’s Trouble Coming"

On CNN'S Anderson Cooper 360 show, Nationally Syndicated Radio Host, Glenn Beck weighs in on President Trump's several executive orders this past weeks including the controversial Muslim Ban.

Flaws In US Handling Of Iran Remarks Apparent | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Romania: Massive Protests Continue Over Government Corruption Decree

Schwarzenegger Responds to Trump

Arnold Schwarzenegger responded to President Donald Trump on Twitter after Trump joked about his ratings on "The Apprentice."

Donald and Melania Trump's 2005 Interview as Newlyweds | CNN Larry King Live (Full Interview)

Donald and Melania Trump talk to CNN's Larry King Live just months after their extravagant wedding about the couple's relationship and what the future has in store. (From May 17, 2005)

Got a Crick in My Neck - Trump

Donald Trump has a crick in his neck.

Gorka: The Message To Our Enemies Is 'Deadly Clear'

Deputy assistant to President Trump reacts to Gen. Flynn's warning to Iran on 'Hannity'

Activist Calls Women's March Organizer A 'Fake Feminist'

Ayaan Hirsi Ali says on 'The First 100 Days' that Linda Sarsour is a supporter of Sharia law

European Union: Donald Tusk Warns Of Trump Impact

Greg Palkot reports from London

US - Why Are '1984' Sales Surging After President Trump's First Week In Office?

Anti-Donald Trump Backlash Outpacing Tea Party | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Rachel Maddow reports on Democrats and anti-Trump opposition groups organizing more quickly and with greater popular support among Americans than the tea party of 2010.

Garry Kasparov: 'Putin's Main Philosophy Is Confrontation'

President Donald Trump Allegedly Blasts Australian PM, Threatens Mexico | The Last Word | MSNBC

‘If There Was a Honeymoon, It Was Pretty Short’: VP Pence on Relations between Trump Administration & Media

Respectful relations between the new US administration and the media have ended almost before they began, says Vice President Mike Pence. Gayane Chichakyan looked into the negative and at times aggressive anti-Trump coverage that seems to be fueled by growing political divides.

Trump Considering Deporting Immigrants On Public Assistance

Democratic strategist David Morey and Fox News contributor Deneen Borelli debate

Donald Trump Threatens to Cancel Berkeley Federal Funds After Riots Shut Down Milo Event

BREITBART.COM: President Donald Trump reacted to the massive rioting at UC-Berkeley in response to a scheduled campus speech by Breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopoulos.

“If U.C. Berkeley does not allow free speech and practices violence on innocent people with a different point of view – NO FEDERAL FUNDS?” Trump wrote on Twitter early Thursday morning. News of the rioting made cable news last night as students smashed ATMs and bank windows, looted a Starbucks, beat Trump supporters, pepper sprayed innocent individuals, and set fires in the street. Others spray painted the words “Kill Trump” on storefronts. The speech was canceled by UC-Berkeley police as security failed. Yiannopoulos was evacuated from the area. » | Charlie Spiering | Thursday, February 2, 2017

Alt-right Speaker Cancelled as Berkeley Protests Erupt

Anti-fascist activists shoot fireworks at the University of California Berkeley on Wednesday, where the ‘alt-right’ Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos had been due to speak at a Republican students event. Yiannopoulos said the cancellation proved ‘the left is absolutely terrified of free speech and will do literally anything to shut it down’

Read the Guardian article here

MEP Holds Protest Sign behind Nigel Farage in EU Parliament

Labour MEP Seb Dance holds a sign which reads, ‘He’s lying to you’ behind Nigel Farage as he speaks in the European parliament on Wednesday. Dance produced the sign as former Ukip leader Farage was speaking about president Trump’s travel ban on nationals of seven Muslim-majority countries

Read the Guardian article here

Wednesday, February 01, 2017

France's Penelopegate: Presidential Race Upended by Scandal (Parts 1 & 2)

What Trump’s Gorsuch Nomination Means for the Supreme Court

President Donald Trump has made his choice, but will Democrats vote to confirm Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court? How would Gorsuch reshape the court, after months with an open seat. Judy Woodruff and John Yang report.

Michael Flynn: 'We Are Officially Putting Iran On Notice' For Missile Launch | NBC News

President Trump's National Security adviser Michael Flynn says that a recent Iran missile launch posed a risk to Americans, and the US is "putting Iran on notice."

Inside Story - Conservatives Just One Vote Away from Controlling All Three Branches of US Government

US President Donald Trump has announced his nominee for the country's highest court, a man described as a "solid conservative".

Calexit? California Paves Way for Independence Vote

EURONEWS: Grassroots organisers have received the green light to start campaigning for California to secede from the United States.

Spurred by widespread discontent towards Donald Trump’s presidency, the Yes California group has begun collecting signatures to pave the way for the western US state to effectively become its own independent country. » | Tuesday, January 31, 2017

European-style Media Censorship Looming in Canada

Ezra Levant predicts that the Trudeau government will punish for allegedly posting "fake news" regarding the Québec mosque attack.

Donald Trump: I Wanna Be Like The Donald – Theme Song

"I Am the Victim of a Smear Campaign" - Fillon

France Presidential Race: Fillon Will Not Abandon Candidature Over Penelopegate

US - What Will Neil Gorsuch's Nomination to the Supreme Court Change in American Society?

What They Won’t Tell Us About Québec Mosque Attack

Jon Stewart Reads Trump's Next Batch Of Executive Orders

Friend of the show Jon Stewart stops by to give Stephen a sneak peek at some executive orders he borrowed off the President's desk.

'President Bannon?'