Showing posts with label Washington. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Washington. Show all posts

Saturday, March 28, 2015

'There's a Great Deal of Mistrust in Iran towards Washington'

Iran is hoping to reach a deal over its nuclear program at ongoing talks with the P5+1 group in Switzerland. That's amid an unprecedented thaw in relations which is upsetting some of Washington's closest friends. RT spoke to Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich, an independent researcher on Iran.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Muslims Chant to Remove Jesus at Washington’s National Cathedral

ISRAEL TODAY: It looked like a chilling scene from a Last Days, anti-Christ-takes-over-the-world disaster movie. Hundreds of Muslims take over America’s most notable church, prostrate on their prayer rugs as their unified chant echoes out in full volume: “There is only one god, he begets not and I bear witness that Muhammad is His only servant and Apostle."

Only this was not a movie. This was the scene, last Friday, for the first time in history, at the iconic National Cathedral in Washington, where orthodox Muslim clerics were invited to lead an Islamic prayer service. A congregation of hundreds were lead by an Imam in declaring that “god has no son, that Jesus Christ cannot be his son, and that there is no god like Allah.”

Only a single middle-age woman jumped up in the middle of the service and shouted, “America was founded on Christian principles. . . . Leave our church alone!” She was escorted quickly out of the church by security guards. » | David Lazarus | Thursday, November 20, 2014

Monday, June 16, 2014

Obama Administration Weighs ‘My Enemy’s Enemy’ Foreign Policy with Iran

FOX NEWS: The Obama administration, unable to move the needle in the three-year-old Syrian civil war, now finds itself on the verge of moving toward a "my enemy's enemy" foreign policy with Iran in order to keep Iraq from falling apart next door.

The possibility of partnering with Iran to deal with a common foe -- a radical Sunni militant group bent on regional domination -- has immediately divided some of the Obama administration's toughest critics.

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., called the idea of an alliance of convenience with Iran the "height of folly."

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., who typically is in lockstep with McCain on national security matters, on Sunday, though, likened it to the U.S. aligning with Stalin during World War II, because he "was not as bad as Hitler."

"The Iranians can provide some assets to make sure Baghdad doesn't fall," Graham said. » | | Monday, June 16, 2014

Monday, April 28, 2014

View from Russia Today: 'Last Thing US Wants in the World Is Democracy. It Wants Control'

The crisis in Ukraine and the steadily dropping temperature in relations between Moscow and Washington made many talk about a new Cold War; and many others are worried it may turn 'hot'. But there's another war going on right now: the information war. US Secretary of State Kerry has already attacked RT, calling it "Putin's propaganda machine." But Washington itself uses dubious evidence and fake facts. What is the information war? What methods is America using? Sophie talks to Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and veteran correspondent Chris Hedges.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Ukraine Crisis: Obama Warns Putin That Moscow Faces Further Action

THE GUARDIAN: Presidents clash in tense telephone call as armed separatists seize more buildings in eastern Ukraine

Barack Obama has told his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in a tense phone call that Moscow would face further costs for its actions in Ukraine and should use its influence to get separatists in the country to stand down.

Armed pro-Russian separatists seized more buildings in eastern Ukraine earlier in the day, expanding their control after the government failed to follow through on a threatened military crackdown.

In a call on Monday night that the White House said Moscow requested, the US president told Putin that those forces were threatening to undermine and destabilise the government in Kiev.

"The president emphasised that all irregular forces in the country need to lay down their arms, and he urged president Putin to use his influence with these armed, pro-Russian groups to convince them to depart the buildings they have seized," the White House said in a statement. » | Reuters | Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Ukraine : Obama crie au loup mais manque d'options et de vision

LE FIGARO: Les Russes se sont gaussés des sanctions économiques décidées à Washington et à Bruxelles contre des personnalités de l'équipe Poutine

Tandis que Poutine poursuit «son plan» de déstabilisation rampante de l'Ukraine, l'Amérique en est réduite à crier au loup et à appeler vainement à la «désescalade». Le contraste entre la résolution du dirigeant du Kremlin et le désarroi qui plane dans les capitales occidentales, comme tétanisées par l'enchaînement des événements, est flagrant. Après avoir annexé la Crimée, le patron du Kremlin est passé à la phase «provocations» dans l'est du pays, tandis que des dizaines de milliers de soldats russes sont massés aux frontières, prêts à entrer. … » | Par Laure Mandeville | dimanche 13 avril 2014

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Violation Kingdom: US, Saudi Ties Tighten Amidst Human Rights Outcry

The US President is on his way to Saudi Arabia to meet King Abdullah. The countries enjoy a close relationship, and the talks are unlikely to touch on human rights violations in the Arab nation. One such case is that of a former Saudi diplomat - seeking asylum in the US, after coming out as gay. RT has been closely following his story, and Gayane Chichakyan now brings us the latest. It's easy to understand why returning home is not an option for the former diplomat. Being gay in Saudi Arabia leads to capital punishment. You can also find yourself on the wrong side of the law in the kingdom by posting on Twitter. Earlier this month, two Saudis received lengthy prison sentences for their activity on the microblogging site. Saudi Arabia enforces rigid rules of conduct for women - who are banned from travelling alone, driving, or talking to male non-relatives and are often subjected to domestic violence. Daoud Khairallah, international law professor at Georgetown University, believes the dire rights situation in Saudi Arabia is there to stay...

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

View from Moscow: Ukraine Blame: US Criticism of Moscow At Odds with White House Policies

And on the frontline of the deepening diplomatic row over Ukraine Washington has been making some harsh statements against Moscow's stance on the crisis. With Secretary of State John Kerry once again travelling to Kiev to meet with the new government there - Anastasiya Churkina looks at whether the US has been following its own advice.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Espionnage : coup de froid dans les relations Paris-Washington

François Hollande rt Barack Obama

LE POINT: Hollande a fait part lundi soir de sa "profonde réprobation" et de "pratiques inacceptables" entre alliés et amis lors d'un appel téléphonique à Obama.

L'espionnage de dizaines de millions de conversations téléphoniques en France par les services secrets américains a entraîné un brusque coup de froid dans les relations entre Paris et Washington, déjà marquées cet été par un puissant mais éphémère réchauffement autour du dossier syrien. En des termes particulièrement rudes, François Hollande a fait part de sa "profonde réprobation" et de "pratiques inacceptables" entre alliés et amis, à l'issue d'une conversation téléphonique lundi soir avec son homologue américain Barack Obama. » | Source AFP | mardi 22 octobre 2013

Monday, September 16, 2013

Chemiewaffenabkommen mit Assad: Iran spottet über US-Niederlage in Syrien

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Das Regime in Teheran brüstet sich nach der abgesagten US-Intervention in Syrien mit einem Sieg über den Westen. Den Kompromiss zur Chemiewaffenkontrolle wertet der Kommandeur der Revolutionswächter als Einknicken gegenüber Assad. Nach dieser Lesart hat auch Iran nichts mehr zu befürchten.

Teheran - Irans Regime sieht sich durch den Kompromiss über die Chemiewaffenkontrolle in Syrien gestärkt. Die vorerst abgewendete US-Militärintervention gegen das Assad-Regime zeige die Schwäche des Westens, sagte Mohammad Ali Dschafari, Kommandeur der iranischen Revolutionswächter, am Montag in Teheran.

"Die Feinde, die keine Macht haben, die Widerstandsfront in Syrien anzugreifen, werden auch nicht die Macht haben, irgendetwas gegen Iran zu unternehmen", sagte Dschafari. Die "Verschwörung der arroganten Mächte" gegen Damaskus und Teheran sei gescheitert, die USA hätten "eine Niederlage und ein Scheitern" in Syrien erlebt. Der Kommandeur räumte ein, dass Kämpfer seiner paramilitärischen Kuds-Brigaden in Syrien und dem Libanon aktiv seien - jedoch nur als Berater. » | syd/AFP/Reuters | Montag, 16. September 2013

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Washington prêt à frapper, Ban Ki-moon appelle à la paix

24 HEURES: Les Etats-Unis sont prêts à mener une frappe contre la Syrie, accusée d'avoir perpétré un massacre aux armes chimiques. Ban Ki-moon a appelé le Conseil de sécurité à «agir pour paix».

Les Etats-Unis sont prêts à frapper la Syrie. Pour préparer le terrain de cette opération armée, Washington a pour la première fois explicitement montré du doigt Damas, le vice-président Joe Biden déclarant que «les responsables de cet usage effroyable d'armes chimiques en Syrie ne font aucun doute: c'est le régime syrien».

«Le président (Barack Obama) pense et je pense que ceux qui utilisent des armes chimiques contre des hommes, des femmes et des enfants sans défense doivent rendre des comptes», a martelé le numéro deux de la Maison Blanche.

Son gouvernement doit rendre publique cette semaine une partie d'un rapport des services de renseignement étayant la responsabilité syrienne. Et la perspective d'une opération militaire s'est faite plus précise.

D'après le secrétaire à la Défense Chuck Hagel, les Etats-Unis ont «positionné des éléments pour être capables de répondre à toute option choisie par le président»: «Nous sommes prêts à y aller».

L'intervention serait limitée à une campagne ponctuelle de quelques jours de tirs de missiles de croisière Tomahawk depuis les quatre destroyers croisant au large de la Syrie, ont affirmé des responsables de l'administration Obama. Toutefois, «le président n'a pas encore pris sa décision» formelle, ont insisté la Maison Blanche et le département d'Etat. » | afp/Newsnet | mercredi 28 août 2013

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Syria, the Saudi Connection: The Prince with Close Ties to Washington at the Heart of the Push for War

THE INDEPENDENT: He has been gone from the capital for eight years, but Prince Bandar bin Sultan, who as Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to Washington wielded influence over no fewer than five different US presidents, has re-emerged as a pivotal figure in the struggle by America and its allies to tilt the battlefield balance against the regime in Syria.

Appointed by the Saudi king, his uncle, last year as the head of the Saudi General Intelligence Agency, Prince Bandar has reportedly for months been focused exclusively on garnering international support, including arms and training, for Syrian rebel factions in pursuit of the eventual toppling of President Bashar al-Assad. (+ video) » | David Usborne | Monday, August 26, 2013

Monday, August 26, 2013

Assad Warns Failure Awaits US Military Intervention in Syria

THE GUARDIAN: President says chemical weapons allegations are politically motivated and all US wars since Vietnam have ended badly

Syrian president Bashar al-Assad has dismissed as politically motivated western allegations that he used chemical weapons and warned Washington that any US military intervention would fail, in an interview published in a Russian newspaper on Monday.

"Failure awaits the United States as in all previous wars it has unleashed, starting with Vietnam and up to the present day," he told the Izvestia daily when asked what would happen if Washington decided to strike or invade Syria.

Assad said Syrian government forces had been close to where rebel forces say chemical weapons were used last week during the country's more than two-year-old civil war.

"Would any state use chemical or any other weapons of mass destruction in a place where its own forces are concentrated? That would go against elementary logic," Assad told Izvestia, a pro-Kremlin newspaper.

Russia has been Assad's most important international ally throughout the civil war, supplying his troops with arms and resisting pressure at the UN for tighter sanctions on Damascus.

Asked about the arms deliveries, Assad said: "I want to say that all contracts that have been concluded with Russia are being fulfilled." » | Reuters in Moscow | Monday, August 26, 2013

Sunday, August 25, 2013

America Ready to Take Action against Syria as Iran Warns of 'Harsh Consequences'

THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: America is ready to take action against the Syrian regime and has "prepared options for all contingencies," as Western leaders summon their advisers to discuss how to handle the crisis.

Chuck Hagel, the American defence secretary, said the US was still assessing the evidence from Wednesday's chemical weapons attacks in Damascus, that are thought to have killed up to 1,300 people.

Four American warships have moved into the Mediterranean as President Barack Obama weighs up his options.

"President Obama has asked the defence department to prepare options for all contingencies. We have done that," said Mr Hagel, speaking in the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur as part of a south[-]east Asia tour.

"Again, we are prepared to exercise whatever option, if he decides to employ one of those options." » | Harriet Alexander | Sunday, August 25, 2013

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Kritik an Obama-Äußerungen: Moskau wirft den USA antirussische Aktionen vor

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Wortgefechte fast wie im Kalten Krieg: Der einflussreiche russische Außenpolitiker Alexej Puschkow kontert die Vorwürfe von US-Präsident Barack Obama. Nicht Russland verhalte sich feindselig - sondern die USA

Moskau/Washington - Russland hat die Vorwürfe von US-Präsident Barack Obama zurückgewiesen, in Moskau habe sich die Amerika-Feindlichkeit verstärkt. "Nicht Russland hat den jüngsten Konflikt im bilateralen Verhältnis mit den USA ausgelöst", sagte der einflussreiche Außenpolitiker Alexej Puschkow am Samstag der Agentur Itar-Tass. Vielmehr habe Washington in den vergangenen eineinhalb Jahren "eine Reihe von antirussischen Aktionen" unternommen, behauptete Puschkow. » | sha/dpa | Samstag, 10. August 2013

Friday, June 28, 2013

Snowden Scrap: Ecuador Thumbs Nose at Washington

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: In the latest tit for tat in the controversy over Edward Snowden's asylum application, Ecuador has terminated a trade agreement with Washington. President Rafael Correa will score points for standing up to the US, but some worry sanctions could follow.

Tensions continue to simmer between Washington and Quito over the Edward Snowden affair. After the United States threatened to eliminate special trade benefits with Ecuador, the South American country unilaterally moved on Thursday to terminate a trade benefits deal with the country. A short time later, the US said it would also review trade advantages given to Ecuador.

For Washington, the latest developments are a further setback in the diplomatic nightmare surrounding whistleblower Snowden, who has been on the run since leaking documents about collossal American and British Internet spying programs to Britain'sGuardian newspaper. Washington's threatening gestures come at an opportune time for politicians in Quito.

In Ecuador, few believe that a trade deal in place with the US since 1991 will be extended. Numerous conflicts already existed between the two countries even before the Snowden affair. » | Johannes Schneider in Quito, Ecuador | Friday, June 28, 2013

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

China's State Newspaper Praises Edward Snowden for 'Tearing Off Washington's Sanctimonious Mask'

THE GUARDIAN: State-run People's Daily says whistleblower has exposed US hypocrisy after Washington blamed Beijing for his escape

China's top state newspaper has praised the fugitive US spy agency contractor Edward Snowden for "tearing off Washington's sanctimonious mask" and rejected accusations Beijing had facilitated his departure from Hong Kong.

The strongly worded front-page commentary in the overseas edition of the People's Daily, the official newspaper of the Chinese Communist party, responded to harsh criticism of China from the US for allowing Snowden to flee.

The Chinese government has said it was gravely concerned by Snowden's allegations that the US had hacked into many networks in Hong Kong and China, including Tsinghua University, which hosts one of the country's internet hubs, and Chinese mobile network companies. It said it had taken the issue up with Washington.

"Not only did the US authorities not give us an explanation and apology, it instead expressed dissatisfaction at the Hong Kong special administrative region for handling things in accordance with law," wrote Wang Xinjun, a researcher at the Academy of Military Science in the People's Daily commentary.

"In a sense, the United States has gone from a 'model of human rights' to 'an eavesdropper on personal privacy', the 'manipulator' of the centralised power over the international internet, and the mad 'invader' of other countries' networks," the People's Daily said. » | Jonathan Kaiman in Beijing and agencies | Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Escobar: Obama Starts Syria War to Deviate from Snowden Scandal

CIA whistle blower Edward Snowden has reportedly been stopped from flying to the UK. The man who lifted the lid on America's secret surveillance activities is being pursued by Washington. For his latest revelation, he told a Hong Kong newspaper that the U.S. repeatedly hacks into Chinese computer networks. For more about the leaks and Snowden's future we're now joined live by Pepe Escobar, a roving correspondent for the Asia Times.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Crackdown Cohorts: US Backs Gulf Regimes, Ignores Rights Abuses

Support for several Gulf states where a crackdown on Internet freedom has reached new highs, resulting in arrests and bans, is also causing deep concern. Given this disturbing string of incidents across the Gulf States, many wonder why Washington is ignoring the persistent human rights violations there.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Washington Imam Marries Gay Muslim Couples Despite Backlash

AL ARABIYA: As more states in the U.S. legalize same-sex marriage, it is easy to forget that in many communities, such as the Islamic one, homosexuality is frowned upon.

The U.S. based Washington Post tells the story of Imam Daayiee Abdullah who is seeking to make a change.

The openly gay African-American convert to Islam quietly helps same-sex Muslim couples marry and keep the secret from their families.

Abdullah led a particularly sensitive marriage ceremony for a Muslim marrying his Quaker partner.

“We had to ask all our guests to do a social-media blackout of our wedding. No Facebook, no Twitter no Instagram,” said M.Q., the Muslim partner, “our relatives could be killed, their homes could be destroyed…if our wedding was on the internet.”

The atypical imam is regarded as something of a hero within the local gay Muslim community. » | Al Arabiya | Thursday, April 18, 2013