Showing posts with label Jan Peter Balkenende. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jan Peter Balkenende. Show all posts

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Netherlands Shifts to the Right

NRC HANDELSBLAD INTERNATIONAL: The right-wing liberal VVD and populist PVV were the big winners of Wednesday's parliamentary election in the Netherlands. Prime minister Jan Peter Balkenende was ousted after eight years in power.

After a neck-and-neck contest with the Labour party, the VVD emerged victorious, garnering 31 of 150 seats in parliament, with 98 percent of the votes counted. "It looks like, for the first time in history, the VVD will be the biggest party in the Netherlands," VVD leader Mark Rutte told supporters Thursday morning, when preliminary results showed Labour would be left with 30 seats. The right-wing liberals may have shaken the social democrats, led by former Amsterdam mayor Job Cohen, but never has the biggest party in parliament occupied so few seats, and never was the margin seperating it from the runner-up so slim.

Geert Wilders' PVV won the most in the election. Wilders, who is internationally known for his unequivocal criticism of Islam, went from 9 to 24 seats in parliament. While he ran a muted campaign and polls predicted he would barely double his seats, Wilders proved especially popular in the south-east of the country. His growing following there is part of the reason the Christian democratic party of incumbent prime minister Jan Peter Balkenende was halved at the polls. The CDA lost 20 of its 41 seats and will now be the fourth party in Dutch parliament. >>> News Staff, NRC Handelsblad | Thursday, June 10, 2010

Dutch Election: Liberals Take One-seat Lead as Far-right Party Grows in Influence

THE TELEGRAPH: The Liberals have won a narrow one-seat lead in the Dutch election, putting them in pole position to form a coalition.

Right-wing Dutch MP Geert Wilders. Photograph: The Telegraph

With 88 per cent of the votes counted, published partial results showed the Liberals with 31 and Labour on 30.

But the real victory went to Geert Wilders' Party for Freedom (PVV), which demands an end to immigration from Muslim countries and a ban on new mosques. The PVV took its number of seats from nine in the last parliament to 24, and could hope to enter a coalition government.

The far-right leader with his distinctive shock of fair hair called the result "magnificent".

"The impossible has happened," he told a televised party gathering. "We are the biggest winner today. The Netherlands chose more security, less crime, less immigration and less Islam."

The election ousted Christian Democrat Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende from eight years in office.

The Liberals' narrow lead gives leader Mark Rutte a mandate to form a coalition and become prime minister, but sticking to his austerity policies could prove tough because he needs at least three other parties to secure a parliamentary majority. >>> | Thursday, June 10, 2010

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Niederlande: Den Koran verbieten!

ZEIT ONLINE: Die Niederlande stehen vor einer Neuwahl. Der Populist Geert Wilders hat gute Chancen

Gibt sich als Anwalt der kleinen Bürger und ist antiislamisch: Rechtspopulist Geert Wilders. Foto: Zeit Online

Diesen Niederländer halten viele für einen Fanatiker, einen bedenkenlosen Populisten und Hetzer. Er sei besessen von der Vorstellung, Europa sei bedroht durch eine gigantische Welle der Islamisierung, es nahe das Ende der westlichen Kultur. Ist so einer mit einer derart fixen Idee nicht selbst gefährlich für die liberale Demokratie?

Die Frage ist wichtig, denn Geert Wilders könnte vor einer neuen Stufe seiner Karriere stehen. In den Niederlanden ist die Regierung zerbrochen, am 9. Juni wird das Parlament neu gewählt. Wilders wird seit Monaten in den Meinungsumfragen hoch gehandelt. Anfang März, bei den landesweiten Kommunalwahlen, wird er seine Stärke wohlkalkuliert nur in zwei Gemeinden testen, in Den Haag und in einer modernen Satellitensiedlung in der Nähe Amsterdams. Wilders wird in jedem Fall zu den Gewinnern zählen.

Der 46-jährige Abgeordnete nennt den Koran vergleichbar mit Adolf Hitlers Mein Kampf, weshalb er verboten gehöre. Der Islam sei »faschistisch und krank«, und die Kriminalität muslimischer Jugendlicher sei ein Produkt ihrer Religion und Kultur. Finanzpolitisch noch nicht ganz ausgegoren wirkt Wilders’ Forderung nach einer Kopftuchsteuer. >>> Von Werner A. Perger | Donnerstag, 25. Februar 2010


Geert Wilders ist kein Rechtspopulist, und er ist auch nicht “besessen” von einer falschen Vorstellung von der Bedrohung von Islam. Eigentlich, ist es eine Tatsache, daß Europa vor einer "gigantischen Welle" der Islamisierung steht. Leider, haben andere Politiker den Mut nicht dazu, etwas dagegen zu tun. Geert Wilders hat den erforderlichen Mut, und deshalb gehört er an der Spitze der Politik in den Niederlanden.
– © Mark
Niederlande: Balkenende flirtet mit Islam-Kritiker Geert Wilders

WELT ONLINE: Nach dem Koalitionsbruch bereiten sich die Niederlande auf vorgezogene Neuwahlen vor. Schon jetzt zeichnet sich ab, dass die Partei des Rechtspopulisten Geert Wilders den amtierenden Ministerpräsidenten Jan Peter Balkenende in eine weitere Amtszeit befördern könnte. Und der schließt eine Zusammenarbeit nicht aus.

Der Christdemokrat Jan Peter Balkenende könnte nach den vorgezogenen Neuwahlen in den Niederlanden mit dem Rechtspopulisten Geert Wilders zusammenarbeiten. Bilder: Welt Online

Nach dem Bruch der christlich-sozialen Koalition in Den Haag rückt in den Niederlanden eine Regierung unter Beteiligung des islamfeindlichen Rechtspopulisten Geert Wilders näher. Der amtierende Ministerpräsident Jan Peter Balkenende schließe ein Zusammengehen seiner Partei Christdemokratischer Appell (CDA) mit Wilders' Partei für die Freiheit (PVV) nicht aus, hieß es am Dienstag in Medienberichten.

Einen Aufruf der Sozialdemokraten an den CDA, auf keinen Fall mit Wilders zusammenzuarbeiten, wies Balkenende zurück. „Wir schließen niemanden von vornherein aus“, sagte er im Fernsehen. Nachdem am Wochenende die Regierungskoalition im Streit um den niederländischen Militäreinsatz in Afghanistan geplatzt war, haben sich inzwischen fast alle Parteien gegenüber Staatsoberhaupt Königin Beatrix für Neuwahlen ausgesprochen. In den Umfragen liegen CDA und PVV weit vorn.

Für den Fall von Koalitionsverhandlungen mit dem CDA signalisierte Wilders bereits ein Einlenken bei seinen umstrittensten Forderungen - darunter ein Einwanderungsverbot für Muslime und staatliche Maßnahmen gegen die „Islamisierung“ der Niederlande. „Ich verstehe, dass wir nicht in jeder Beziehung unseren Willen bekommen können“, sagte er der konservativen Zeitung „De Telegraaf“. >>> dpa/ks | Dienstag, 23. Februar 2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Dutch Parties Tussle Over Approach to Far Right: Labour Figure Calls On Others to Keep Wilders Out of Govt

REUTERS: Wilders, other politicians blast move as undemocratic / Blocking approach could push more voters towards far right

AMSTERDAM - A Dutch Labour politician's call to keep far-right leader Geert Wilders out of a new government has stirred anger among other parties who consider the move undemocratic and likely to drive voters towards him.

Wilders and his Freedom Party have been a focus of debate since the Dutch cabinet collapsed on Saturday, as the election on June 9 will be a key opportunity for the anti-immigration group to increase its influence after a stunning success at European elections last year.

Frans Timmermans, a Labour party member and minister for European affairs, said on Monday that Labour would refuse to govern in coalition with Wilders' party, and called on other parties to consider a similar approach.

"The Labour party stands for a completely different Holland than the party of Wilders, and for that reason we cannot be in a government with him," a Labour spokeswoman said.

"He (Timmermans) dared other parties to think the same thing. Do they want to be in a government that segregates people by race and religion?"

Wilders has described the call as an "arrogant" attempt to ringfence his Freedom Party (PVV) and said it was an insult to the democratic system, telling Dutch media "the voter will seek punishment for this". >>> Catherine Hornby | Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bitter Election Campaign Looms

NRC HANDELSBLAD INTERNATIOBAL: Cleaning up the economy is the issue for the upcoming parliamentary election. How many seats will Wilders get? And what possible coalition could rule? These are the main questions now.

The election campaign kicked off just minutes after the Dutch cabinet collapsed at 4 am Saturday morning. Geert Wilders’ populist PVV party was the first to send out a press release, entitled “PVV is ready for new elections”. The Socialist Party issued one an hour later and left wing liberal D66 followed quickly.

The fall of the latest cabinet led by Jan Peter Balkenende brings some interesting political times, fraught with uncertainty and excitement. New parliamentary elections will be held in three months or so. A definitive date should be set this week.

The campaign is gearing up to be a repeat performance of the 2002 election, marked by the rise and fall of the populist right-wing politician Pim Fortuyn. Fortuyn was assassinated just one week before the election, but his threat to the traditional balance of power had made political leaders from all sides lash out in an unusually bitter election campaign.

This time, populist politician Geert Wilders seems set to play the part of Fortuyn. While he may lack the charisma of the late politician, he is very proficient at generating publicity and dominating public debate.

The main question is: how will the centre-right CDA deal with him? Will the Christian democrats seek cooperation with a party that agitates so loudly against Islam? Wilders has already created a possible deal breaker: he wants to maintain the age for state pensions at 65. Raising the age of eligibility to 67 was the only major cutback decision the fallen cabinet had taken. >>> Herman Staal | Monday, February 22, 2010

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Neuwahl Chance für Wilders: Koalitionsbruch in Holland nützt den Populisten

WELT ONLINE: Das Bündnis aus Christlich-Demokratischem Appell, Sozialdemokraten und der protestantisch-konservativen Christen-Union scheiterte am Streit um den Einsatz holländischer Soldaten in Afghanistan. Bei Neuwahlen könnte die rechtsgerichtete Partei für die Freiheit (PVV) des Populisten Geert Wilders zweitstärkste Kraft werden.

Geert Wilders. Bild: Welt Online

Zwei Tage vor ihrem dritten Geburtstag ist die vom niederländischen Christdemokraten Jan Peter Balkenende geführte Koalition zerbrochen. Das Bündnis aus Balkenendes Christlich- Demokratischem Appell, den Sozialdemokraten von Vizepremier Wouter Bos und der kleinen protestantisch-konservativen Christen-Union scheiterte am Streit um dem Einsatz holländischer Soldaten in Afghanistan.

Die Sozialdemokraten hatten öffentlich gefordert, einer Nato-Anfrage nach einer Ausweitung des niederländischen Engagements am Hindukusch eine klare Absage zu erteilen. Auch ein 16-stündiger Beratungsmarathon konnte die vierte von Balkenende geführte Koalition nicht retten – sehr zur Freude der Oppositionsparteien des linken und rechten Spektrums, die bei den nun vermutlich vorgezogenen Wahlen mit kräftigen Stimmenzuwächsen rechnen können.

Nutznießer des Koalitionsbruchs dürfte besonders die rechtsgerichte Partei für die Freiheit (PVV) des Populisten Geert Wilders sein. Nach Meinungsumfragen dürfte sie bei der nächsten Parlamentswahl die Zahl ihrer Mandate von derzeit neun auf 24 mehr als verdoppeln und zweitstärkste Kraft werden. >>> Von Rachel Levy | Samstag, 20. Februar 2010

Verbunden / Related:

Dutch Cabinet, Balkenende’s Fourth, Collapses >>> Petra de Koning in Brussels | Friday, February 19, 2010
Dutch Cabinet, Balkenende's Fourth, Collapses

NRC HANDELSBLAD INTERNATIONAL: The Dutch coalition government fell in the early hours of Saturday morning because it could not come to an agreement over whether to extend the Netherlands' military mission in Afghanistan.

Labour, the second largest party in his three-party alliance, is quitting what had always been an uneasy partnership with the bigger Christian democratic CDA and junior partner ChristenUnie, a small orthodox Christian party.

After a 16-hour cabinet meeting in The Hague last night, prime minister Jan Peter Balkenende gave a brief press statement explaining the parties have no confidence left in each other. "Where there is no trust, it is difficult to work together," Balkenende said. "There is no road left for this cabinet to walk."

Labour leader, and now ex-finance minister, Wouter Bos had given the cabinet a Friday deadline to confirm it would withdraw all 1,600 Dutch soldiers from the Afghan province Uruzgan no later than December 2010. The CDA and ChristenUnie refused to comply with his demand, which goes against the explicit wish of Nato for the Netherlands to stay longer. The Nato secretary general filed an official request for the extension of the Dutch mission earlier this month. >>> AP, NRC | Saturday, February 20, 2010

NRC HANDELSBLAD INTERNATIONAL: Nato flabbergasted by Dutch reaction to troop request: Dutch politicians asked for an official Nato request to keep troops in Uruzgan. The current political infighting in The Hague is raising eyebrows at the organisation’s headquarters. >>> Petra de Koning in Brussels | Friday, February 19, 2010

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Balkenende: Europe Should Adopt Dutch “Polder Model”: Consensus system "sorely needed"

Jan Peter Balkenende. Photo courtesy of Radio Netherlands Worldwide

RADIO NETHERLANDS WORLDWIDE: In an exclusive interview with the English Department of Radio Netherlands Worldwide, Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende announced on Wednesday evening that he will suggest that other European countries adopt the Dutch "polder model" of government.

He will make the proposal during the European Union summit to be held in Brussels on 18 and 19 June.

Mr Balkenende believes that Europe sorely needs a system similar to the Dutch one, whereby employers, trade unions and governmental authorities meet and negotiate until they arrive at a consensus agreeable to all parties.

The Prime Minister says that this type of system is needed now more than ever since millions of workers in Europe risk losing their jobs and many companies are suffering record losses. 

It is extremely important that employers, workers and local and national governments are able to reach agreement on salaries, job protection, training schemes and taxation.

The Dutch Prime Minister and German Chancellor Angela Merkel support the introduction of a so-called "Rhine-Delta model" for Europe, which is extremely similar to the Dutch model. >>> By Herman Van Gelderen | Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Friday, March 27, 2009

Wrap Antilles, Tie with Bow and 
Give It to Chavez, Says Wilders

THE DAILY HERALD: THE HAGUE--Faction leader of the Dutch Party for Freedom PVV Geert Wilders has advised Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende to gift-wrap and sell off the Netherlands Antilles to Venezuela.

“Just dial this number. Write along. You have a pen? 00-58-212-806-3111. Again: 00-58-212-806-3111. You got it? That is the number of the palace of President Chavez in Venezuela. He would love to have the Netherlands Antilles and we [would] love to get rid of [it]. I would make a good deal with him. Tie a nice bow around the islands and goodbye,” stated Wilders on Wednesday.

Wilders put this piece of advice for Balkenende on the Website of the opposition party after the PVV leader and the rest of his faction walked out of the session of the Second Chamber with the Prime Minister. >>> Copyright ©2008 The Daily Herald St. Maarten | Friday, March 27, 2009

Monday, January 26, 2009

Balkenende Mentioned as European Commission President

NRC HANDELSBLAD: The name of the Dutch prime minister keeps coming up in speculation about who the next president of the European Commission will be. When asked, Jan Peter Balkenende says he needs to finish his job in The Hague.

A well-connected source in Brussels this week said that: "I hear from all corners that he is in a good position." The source added that Balkenende is himself interested in the prestigious post.

However, the Dutch prime minister called the appearance of his name "remarkable." He said, "I understand that his issue came up in an interview between Dutch journalists with my colleague [minister of finance and deputy prime minister] Wouter Bos."

Balkenende said that it would be good for Europe if the current president of the commission Jose Manuel Barroso could extend his tenure beyond the fall. >>> News staff | Friday, January 23, 2009

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback & Hardback – The Netherlands) >>>

Sunday, January 25, 2009

VVD Leader [Mark Rutte] Wants Wider Freedom of Speech

RADIO NETHERLANDS WORLDWIDE: Mark Rutte, the leader of the conservative VVD, says Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende must take the initiative to safeguard full freedom of speech in the Netherlands. In an interview with De Telegraaf, Mr Rutte said everybody should be able to speak their minds, as long as they do not incite to violence against persons or their possessions.

The conservative leader said other possible limitations on freedom of speech, such as blasphemy, should be removed. Mr Rutte said he would himself [take] submit a bill to substantially widen freedom of speech should the prime minister fail to do so.

Mr Rutte's statements were prompted by a ruling of an Amsterdam court, which decided that Freedom Party leader Geert Wilders must be prosecuted for incitement to hatred and discrimination. The VVD leader said it was ridiculous that Mr Wilders should stand trial because of his ideas on Islam. [Source: RNW] | Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback & Hardback – The Netherlands) >>>

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Blasphemy Law Is Dropped in Netherlands

RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE: Blasphemy will no longer be a crime in the Netherlands, the Dutch government announced last week. On Nov 1 Justice Minister Ernst Hirsch Ballin said the country’s coalition government would repeal a 1930s blasphemy law in favor of strengthening the current anti-discrimination legislation.

Two of the three members of the centre-right government of Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende --- the Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA) and the Christian Union (CU) --- had balked at past demands made by junior coalition partner the Dutch Labour Party (PvdA) that Netherlands scrap the Blasphemy law, but have now agreed to back Labour’s demand that religion not be given a privileged place above free speech.

The push to reform the blasphemy laws comes in response to heightened tensions with the Netherland’s Muslim minority. Criticism of Islamists and Islam by comedians, cartoonists, filmmakers and politicians has led to threats of prosecution for offending Muslim sensibilities. >>> By George Conger | November 9, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback & Hardback – The Netherlands) >>>

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Now We Can See What Sarkozy Is All About!

EXPATICA: Nicolas Sarkozy voiced his solidarity with Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende, who fears a Muslim backlash over a film criticising Islam made by a far-right Dutch MP.

PARIS, March 6, 2008 - French President Nicolas Sarkozy on Wednesday
voiced his solidarity with Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende, who
fears a Muslim backlash over a film criticising Islam made by a far-right
Dutch MP.

Sarkozy assured Balkenende of his "support" over lunch at the Elysee
Palace, saying he was "highly aware of the question of Islam's place in
European societies, and French society in particular," a presidential
spokesman said.

Balkenende stressed once again that he was in "total disagreement" with the
film's author Geert Wilders, warning it could spark protests similar to those
unleashed by the publication of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in Denmark.

"Obviously, we need to be careful of what is happening in other countries,"
he said.

Wilders, head of the Dutch far-right Freedom Party, said that if he finds a
Dutch broadcaster to show the film uncut it could be on the air within a
couple of days, and that he will otherwise present it at a press conference
later this month and on the Internet. Sarkozy voices 'support' for Dutch PM in anti-Islam film row >>>

Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

”Balkenende Is a Weak, Frightened Man Who Gives Way to Threats”, Says Wilders

DUTCH NEWS: Anti-Islam MP Geert Wilders says he will allow the Dutch anti-terrorism coordinator to see his controversial anti-Koran film before it is released, but only on condition that the viewing is not used as and excuse to ban it, NOS tv reports on Tuesday.

Earlier the Telegraaf said Wilders had refused to show the 10-minute film to Tjibbe Joustra, who is responsible for Wilders' security.

Wilders also blamed prime minister Jan Peter Balkenende for ‘all the trouble to come’, according to NOS. Balkenende is a ‘weak, frightened man who gives way to threats’, Wilders, leader of the PVV anti-immigration party said. Wilders to show film to anti-terrorism tzar >>>

Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)

Friday, February 29, 2008

Dutch Cabinet “Gravely Worried” about Wilder’s Film

”Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende on national TV, calling on Mr Wilders to reconsider his movie plan.” Photo courtesy of Radio Netherlands Worldwide

RADIO NETHERLANDS WORLDWIDE: Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende says he's "gravely concerned" about the consequences of the yet-to-be-broadcast anti-Qur'an film being produced by right wing politician Geert Wilders.

The Dutch cabinet discussed the repercussions of the film at length during their weekly meeting. The cabinet clearly wants to get a message of tolerance and moderation out before the film is released.

In a statement to the press, the Prime Minister said the Netherlands stands for freedom, but also for respect. He stopped short of calling on Mr Wilders not to broadcast the film, but, he said, "the first person who has to take responsibility for the consequences, is Mr Wilders himself. And that's not a call for him to do anything, but he should look into his own conscience, and ask what his responsibility here is."

Capitulating to Islam

In reaction to the Prime Minister, Mr Wilders said "The cabinet is capitulating to Islam. I will never, ever do so." Earlier in the week, in an unusual move, Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen called on Mr Wilders not to broadcast the film. Mr Wilders was even stronger in his response to the Foreign Minister, telling him to "stuff it".

Mr Wilders is the leader of the populist Freedom Party, the fifth largest party in the Dutch parliament. He has long been making headlines with his claims that Islam's holy book of is fascist, and should be banned. His film, which is said now to be finished, has been creating controversy in the Netherlands and abroad since the plan to make it became known in early December. The film is fifteen minutes long, and is called Fitna, Arabic for trial or ordeal. Dutch cabinet gravely worried about Wilders film >>>

Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)