Friday, February 29, 2008

Dutch Cabinet “Gravely Worried” about Wilder’s Film

”Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende on national TV, calling on Mr Wilders to reconsider his movie plan.” Photo courtesy of Radio Netherlands Worldwide

RADIO NETHERLANDS WORLDWIDE: Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende says he's "gravely concerned" about the consequences of the yet-to-be-broadcast anti-Qur'an film being produced by right wing politician Geert Wilders.

The Dutch cabinet discussed the repercussions of the film at length during their weekly meeting. The cabinet clearly wants to get a message of tolerance and moderation out before the film is released.

In a statement to the press, the Prime Minister said the Netherlands stands for freedom, but also for respect. He stopped short of calling on Mr Wilders not to broadcast the film, but, he said, "the first person who has to take responsibility for the consequences, is Mr Wilders himself. And that's not a call for him to do anything, but he should look into his own conscience, and ask what his responsibility here is."

Capitulating to Islam

In reaction to the Prime Minister, Mr Wilders said "The cabinet is capitulating to Islam. I will never, ever do so." Earlier in the week, in an unusual move, Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen called on Mr Wilders not to broadcast the film. Mr Wilders was even stronger in his response to the Foreign Minister, telling him to "stuff it".

Mr Wilders is the leader of the populist Freedom Party, the fifth largest party in the Dutch parliament. He has long been making headlines with his claims that Islam's holy book of is fascist, and should be banned. His film, which is said now to be finished, has been creating controversy in the Netherlands and abroad since the plan to make it became known in early December. The film is fifteen minutes long, and is called Fitna, Arabic for trial or ordeal. Dutch cabinet gravely worried about Wilders film >>>

Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)