Friday, February 29, 2008

There Should Be a Million Anti-Koran Films, Says Grant Swank

J GRANT SWANK JR: What fuss over “Fitna,” the Dutch anti-Islam film soon to be out.

There should be countless numbers of these films shown worldwide to stop Islam World Rule enthusiasts who would lay down their bodies for the take-over.

Per The Washington Times’ Leander Schaerlaeckens: “Europe's uneasy relationship with its Muslim minority faces another blow next month, when Dutch politician Geert Wilders releases a 15-minute film that compares Islam to Nazism and communism.

“The film is called ‘Fitna,’ an Arabic term for ‘discord.’ It intersperses verses of the Koran with footage of terrorist attacks and other Islamist-inspired violence.”

To begin with, all civil individuals around the planet should read the Koran just to know what they are talking about. The Koran in its complete form is on the Internet. Anyone can get to it via ”Koran.”

Then the knowledgeable individual will realize why these kinds of films are necessary to stave off the enemy encroaching at freedom countries’ doors.

"’The film will show that the Koran isn't a dead work, but the face of Islam — a tremendous hazard,’ Mr. Wilders told the daily newspaper NRC Handelsblad.

“He said the film calls the Koran ‘the latest test to Western democracies since Nazism and communism.’”

That is so true. Following Nazism and Communism, civil nations are now confronted with Islamic murderers espousing [that] all non-Muslims [be] slain. There are so-called moderates? All moderates will be considered cowards if they do not play out the final scene of erasing non-Muslims from the world. If they persist in being cowardly, they will be slain.

The Koran’s Allah demands it. ’Fitna’: There Should Be a Million ‘Dutch Anti-Islam’ Films >>> By J. Grant Swank Jr.

Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)