Sunday, September 27, 2015

La polémique enfle entre Ryad et Téhéran sur le drame de La Mecque

Des hommes manifestent à Téhéran contre l'Arabie Saoudite
après la mort de 150 Iraniens à la Mecque, le 25 septembre 2015
L’EXPRESS: Quatre jours après la bousculade meurtrière au hajj, le ton monte entre l'Iran chiite et l'Arabie saoudite sunnite. Cette dernière accuse Téhéran de chercher à "politiser" le pèlerinage musulman de La Mecque.

Voilà qui ne va pas arranger les relations entre Ryad et Téhéran, qui se sont encore dégradées ces dernières années avec la crise syrienne, la guerre au Yémen, et plus récemment avec l'accord sur le nucléaire conclu entre l'Iran et les grandes puissances.

La République islamique d'Iran a exigé ce dimanche "des excuses" du royaume saoudien, après avoir demandé en vain d'être associée à l'enquête sur la tragique bousculade qui a coûté la vie à 769 pèlerins, dont au moins 155 Iraniens, jeudi près de La Mecque. » | Par avec AFP | dimanche 27 septembre 2015

Merkel verliert an Zustimmung

Flüchtlinge aus dem Irak und Syrien fotografieren sich
gemeinsam mit Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel.
ZEIT ONLINE: Die Haltung der Kanzlerin in der Flüchtlingskrise lässt offenbar ihre Beliebtheit in der Bevölkerung sinken. Auch aus ihrer Partei bekommt Angela Merkel viel Kritik.

Die Beliebtheit von Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) hat deutlich gelitten. In einer Umfrage des Nachrichtenmagazins Der Spiegel musste die Kanzlerin erstmals in dieser Legislaturperiode den Spitzenplatz als beliebteste Politikerin abgeben. Auch im jüngsten ZDF-Politbarometer rutschte Merkel bei der Frage nach den wichtigsten Politikern auf Platz vier ab. » | Quelle: ZEIT ONLINE, dpa, cz | Sonntag, 27. September 2015

Nigel Farage Why Are Rich Arab States Not Taking Immigrants?

Nigel Farage 2015: Shocking, Unseen Footage of Muslim Refugees Attacking Everywhere in Europe!

Unverhofft kommt oft- Flüchtlingsstrom als Destabilisierungsmechanismus

Christoph Hörstel, freier Journalist und Regierungsberater, zum Thema: "Ist der Flüchtlingsansturm plötzlicher Zufall oder doch gezieltes Instrument zur Destabilisierung der Bundesregierung?"

Game of Thrones à la Golf: Saudische Clan-Mitglieder fordern Sturz von König Salman

Seit kurzem kursiert Berichten zufolge ein Schreiben im saudischen Königshaus, der zum Sturz des herrschenden Königs Salman ibn Abd al-Aziz aufrufe. Das Schreiben enthält eine Vielzahl an politische Anschuldigungen, einschließlich Kritik am Feldzug in Jemen. Angeblich wurde das Schreiben von einem Mitglied der al-Saud-Familie selbst verfasst. Der Nahost-Experte Colin S. Cavell glaubt, dass das Überleben des Königs größtenteils vom Gutwillen der USA abhänge.

Related »

Deutschland: Zwangsvermietung leerstehender Immobilien

Verwandt »

US-trained Syria Rebels Gave Weapons to Al-Nusra Islamists, Pentagon Confirms

The U.S. military has revealed that American -trained Syrian rebels surrendered equipment to an Al Qaeda-linked terrorist group in exchange for safe passage. They handed over pick-up trucks and ammunition. A spokesman for the military described the move as "very concerning".

Rising Smoke: Blaze Rages at Baitul Futuh Mosque in London

The Baitul Futuh Mosque in London has caught fire. Half of its ground floor and first floor are in flames. Seventy firefighters and 10 fire engines are reported to be tackling the blaze.

Hungary to EU: Migrant Quotas Will Repeat Western Europe's 'Failed' Attempts at Multiculturalism

THE TELEGRAPH: Budapest tells EU officials to stop "lectures" over question of taking in Syrian refugees

Hungary has defended its opposition to Brussels' plans for compulsory migrant quotas, saying it did not wish to repeat the West's "failed experiments" in multiculturalism.

In a defiant rejection of diktats from Europe's high command, the country's right-wing government said it was not interested in "lectures" from the European Union about taking in Middle Eastern refugees.

The comments were a direct challenge to remarks last week by one of the EU's most senior figures, who criticised Hungary's prime minister, Viktor Orban, for opposing the quotas plan and for fencing off its borders to migrants trying to reach Europe.

Frans Timmermans, the Dutch vice-president of the European Commission, said that "diversity was the future of the world," and that Eastern European nations would just have to "get used to that."

In an interview with The Sunday Telegraph, Mr Orban's spokesman, Zoltán Kovács, responded by saying that integration in much of Western Europe had been at best a limited success. Hungary, he said, felt neither the wish nor the obligation to follow suit.

"Contrary to Mr Timmerman's vision, we can't see into the future," Mr Kovács said. "But we are aware of the past, and multi-culturalism in Western Europe has not been a success in our view. We want to avoid making the same mistakes ourselves." » | Colin Freeman, Chief foreign correspondent | Saturday, September 26, 2015

My comment:

Viktor Orbán is now the true leader of Western Europe, not Mutti Merkel. As Mr. Orbán rightly states, Europe is founded on Judaeo-Christian, not Islamic, principles. More power to Viktor Orbán. If he came here, I'd vote for him in a heartbeat. I'm sure many others would too. – © Mark

This comment appears here too.

Österreichs Rechtspopulisten im Aufwind

TAGES ANZEIGER: Bei regionalen Wahlen erwartet die FPÖ hohe Stimmengewinne – sie dürfte von der Flüchtlingskrise profitieren. Im Internet lassen ihre Anhänger Mordfantasien freien Lauf.

Wenn Andreas Rabl über seine Heimatgemeinde spricht, könnte man meinen, er beschreibt einen südamerikanischen Slum: hohe Arbeitslosigkeit, Drogen überall, Ausländer und nun auch noch Asylbewerber. Die Stadt sei «abge­sandelt», was so viel heisst wie: völlig verkommen. Rabl lebt allerdings nicht in Rio oder Bogotá, sondern in Wels, der zweitgrössten Gemeinde Oberösterreichs. In diesem zutiefst konservativen Bundesland war Wels immer eine rote Hochburg. 60 Jahre lang wählten Arbeiter, Angestellte und die vielen Bähnler die SPÖ. Vor fünf Jahren kam der erste Schock: Die absolute Mehrheit war dahin, die rechtspopulistische FPÖ verdreifachte ihre Stimmen, überholte die bürgerliche ÖVP und rückte gefährlich nahe an die SPÖ heran. » | Von Bernhard Odehnal, Korrespondent | Freitag, 25. September 2015

La Catalogne vote sur son indépendance

leJDD: Dimanche, les électeurs de Catalogne sont appelés aux urnes à l'occasion d'élections régionales présentées sur place comme un plébiscite pour l'indépendance.

Les électeurs de Catalogne vont se prononcer dimanche pour la première fois sur l'indépendance de leur région, malgré l'opposition de Madrid, après l'une des campagnes électorales les plus intenses qu'ait connues l'Espagne post-franquiste. Dans la forme, ce ne sont que des élections régionales destinées à renouveler le parlement de cette région industrieuse de 7,5 millions d'habitants située dans le nord-est, entre Pyrénées et Méditerranée. Mais les indépendantistes les présentent comme un plébiscite sur l'indépendance et, reconnaissant que l'enjeu est "historique", ce sont les leaders nationaux qui ont mené la campagne en Catalogne, à commencer par le chef du gouvernement conservateur, Mariano Rajoy. » | Thomas Liabot (avec AFP) - | Thomas Liabot (avec AFP) | samedi 26 septembre 2015

Statins: Heart Disease Drug Speeds Up Ageing Process, Warns New Research

SUNDAY EXPRESS: STATINS make regular users become older faster, leaving them open to long-term mental and physical decline, according to disturbing new research.

Scientists have found the heart disease drug badly affects our stem cells, the internal medical system which repairs damage to our bodies and protects us from muscle and joint pain as well as memory loss.

Last night experts warned patients to “think very carefully” before taking statins as a preventative medicine.

A GP expert in the field said: “They just make many patients feel years older. Side effects mimic the ageing process.”

The new research by scientists at Tulane University in New Orleans has reignited the debate about statin side effects which many doctors say have been played down.

They include memory loss, muscle pain, diabetes, cataracts, liver dysfunction, [diabetes], fatigue and memory loss. » | Lucy Johnston | Sunday, September 27, 2015

French School Makes Muslims and Jews Wear Red Discs

THE TELEGRAPH: Primary school outrages parents by making non-pork eaters wear red discs around their necks in canteen

A school in central France has provoked outrage for making Muslim and Jewish pupils wear a red disc around their necks at lunchtime so canteen staff would not serve them pork.

The Piedalloues primary school in Auxerre, in Burgundy, gave red discs to non-pork eating pupils and yellow discs to those who do not eat meat.

Eighteen of the school’s 1,500 pupils were made to wear the discs. They were withdrawn after protests by angry parents and community leaders, who said they were reminiscent of the yellow stars Jews were forced to wear under the Nazi occupation.

“It’s revolting. It reminds you of the darkest times,” said a local councillor, Malika Ounès. “Practices like this are not acceptable. No one has the right to impose this on children.”

Christian Sautier, director of communications in the mayor’s office, said it was “an isolated, clumsy and unfortunate initiative” that lasted only one day. He said it had been put into effect by canteen staff without informing local authorities, who ended it immediately.

“When we learned about it, we fell out of our chairs,” Mr Sautier said, adding that the mayor had ordered an investigation. » | David Chazan, Paris | Saturday, Septemebr 26, 2015

Saturday, September 26, 2015

L'Eglise orthodoxe bulgare veut refouler les musulmans

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: L'Église chrétienne orthodoxe bulgare, à laquelle appartient plus de 80% de la population, a appelé le gouvernement à ne plus laisser entrer de migrants musulmans.

La Bulgarie est un des pays de transit pour des milliers de personnes cherchant à se rendre de Turquie en Europe de l'Ouest. L'Eglise chrétienne orthodoxe de ce pays s'oppose à l'entrée de migrants musulmans.

«Nous aidons les réfugiés déjà arrivés dans notre patrie, mais le gouvernement ne doit en aucun cas laisser entrer plus de réfugiés», souligne le Saint Synode, corps dirigeant de l'Église, dans une déclaration sur son site internet. «Il s'agit d'une vague qui adopte tous les traits de l'invasion», estime-t-il. » | ats/nxp | samedi 26 septembre 2015

Viktor Orbán Press Conference "We Feel That Hungary Was Let Down" (September 2015)

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban holds press conference in Austria stating there are two reasons he asked Austrian Chancellor, Werner Faymann, to meet him: Relations between Austria and Hungary and the refugee situation affecting both countries.

German Woman Threatened with Eviction to Make Way for Refugees

THE TELEGRAPH: A 51-year-old German woman is being evicted from her home of 16 years to make way for refugees, with shelters already full across the country

A woman in Germany is being evicted from her home of 16 years to make way for asylum-seekers, amid growing concerns over how Germany will find accommodation for the hundreds of thousands of refugees flooding into the country.

Bettina Halbey, a 51-year-old nurse, has lived alone in her flat in the small western German town of Nieheim since her children grew up.

On September 1, she received a letter from her landlord, the local municipality, telling her the building was being turned into a refugee shelter and she had until next May to leave.

“I was completely taken aback,” Ms Halbey told Welt newspaper. “I find it impossible to describe how the city has treated me.”

When Ms Halbey vented her frustration on Facebook, asking why she was being evicted when properties were standing empty in the town, her comment was shared 200,000 times. » | Justin Huggler in Berlin | Friday, September 25, 2015

Satire: HEIL MERKEL! Die beliebteste Kanzlerin Europas!

Halle/Saale grüßt die beliebteste Kanzlerin Europas, Angela Merkel von der CDU, am 18. September 2015 vor der hallensischen Leopoldina! Im Anschluss darauf gibt es ein Interview mit dem Unternehmer und Investor Frank Strotzenhoevel, der von der Politik Angela Merkels profitiert. Danach marschiert das Begrüßungskomitee zum Gefallen unserer geliebten Kanzlerin durch Altstadt von Halle an der Saale.

Anticipating Islam’s Conquest of Europe and America at Al-Aqsa

THE JERUSALEM POST: Any European who would oppose Muslim immigration by arguing that the current waves of desperate people hoping to find safety and prosperity north of the Alps will pave the way for a hostile attempt to conquer Europe for Islam would certainly be denounced as an “Islamophobe.” But what do you call it when a preacher at the Al-Aqsa mosque – which is usually described as Islam’s “third-holiest” place – passionately announces that “soon, we will trample them [Europe’s Christians and Jews] underfoot, Allah willing”? » | Petra Marquardt-Bigman | Friday, September 25, 2015

ISIS Attacks Yemen Mosque During Holiday Prayers

In Yemen - tragedy struck during the Eid celebrations. Two suicide blasts at a mosque in the capital Sanaa have killed at least 29 people. Islamic State say they carried out the attack. Local journalist Muhammad Al-Attab reports.