Thursday, June 11, 2015

Hitler DID Escape Germany in 1945: Staggering New Claims Point to Huge Nazi Cover-up

Hitler and Eva Braun in Germany in 1940
DAILY EXPRESS: ADOLF Hitler did not commit suicide but escaped before his death was faked in a massive cover up by the Nazis, historians have sensationally claimed.

In allegations set to debunk one of the biggest slices of world history, Russia is also accused of hiding vital evidence proving the Fuhrer and his wife Eva Braun fled in disguise.

Two corpses found after the Second World War reported to be those of Hitler and Braun were in fact murdered body doubles.

The claims due to be aired in an explosive television expose tomorrow will blow wide open theories of what happened to the world’s most infamous mass murderers.

The programme claims Hitler did not die at the end of the war and threatens to expose the foundation of post-Second World War history as nothing more than a tissue of “lies”.

Official records hold the brutal dictator, shamed in defeat in April 1945, shot himself in the head in a bunker in Berlin while his wife took a lethal cyanide pill.

But their bodies were swiftly burned with reports confirming their deaths based on what is now claimed to be dubious eyewitness evidence.

Journalist, author and historian Gerrard Williams claims two innocent lookalikes were murdered with the world falling victim to a “duplicitous deception”.

He said: “I believe that in April 1945 the real Hitler along with Eva Braun were spirited out of the bunker where they escaped.

“They did not die, we were lied to, we’re still being lied to.” Read on and comment » | Nathan Rao | Thursday, June 11, 2015

Australia PM Tony Abbott Urges Regional Action against IS

Australia has introduced new national security measures
including criminalising travel to terror hotspots
BBC AMERICA: Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has urged Asia Pacific nations to fight jihadist groups, saying Islamic State (IS) has global ambitions.

At a conference in Sydney on countering terrorist propaganda, he said IS was a death cult with far-reaching tentacles.

Australia says more than 100 of its citizens are fighting with militant jihadist groups in Syria and Iraq.

Last year, Australia raised its threat level to high and has conducted a series of counter-terrorism raids.

The two-day regional security summit includes ministers from 25 countries and executives from Google, Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites.

"Daesh [IS] is coming, if it can, for every person and for every government with a simple message: 'Submit or die','" Mr Abbott said in his opening remarks. "You can't negotiate with an entity like this, you can only fight it."

"This is not terrorism for a local grievance, this is terrorism with global ambitions." » | Thursday, June 11, 2015

Die Queen besucht Deutschland, den Ort ihrer Wurzeln

Die Queen in ihrer zeremoniellen Kutsche in London
DIE PRESSE: Für die 89Jährige ist der Besuch Ende Juni bereits der fünfte Staatsbesuch in jenem Land, dem viele ihrer Ahnen entstammen. Auf dem Programm stehen unter anderem Berlin, Frankfurt und das KZ Bergen-Belsen.

Die britische Königin Elizabeth II. scheut auch im gesegneten Alter von 89 Jahren keine größere Tour: Von 23. bis 26. Juni wird die Queen Deutschland besuchen, und damit jenes Land, wo im Grunde die Wurzeln ihrer eigenen Familie, des Hauses Windsor, liegen. Für die Queen ist Deutschland tatsächlich auch schon ein ziemlich vertrauter Ort: Neben bereits vier formellen Staatsbesuchen (1965, 1978, 1992 und 2004) und offiziellen Visiten (1987 und 2000) reiste sie mehrmals an, um die britische Rheinarmee zu besuchen:[sic]

Diesmal stehen auf dem Besuchsprogramm unter anderem das Berliner Scholss Bellevue, Amtssitz des deutschen Bundespräsidenten; das Brandenburger Tor; die Paulskirche in Frankfurt, im 19. Jahrhundert Tagungsort der Deutschen Nationalversammlung; und das ehemalige KZ Bergen-Belsen nahe Celle am Niederrhein, wo von 1941 bis 1945 mehr als 70.000 Menschen umkamen.

Elizabeth besucht damit auch ein Land, das sie selbst noch gut als Gegner im Zweiten Weltkrieg in Erinnerung hat. Als die damals 14 Jahre alte Elizabeth sich am 13. Oktober 1940 vor ein Mikrofon der BBC setzte und eine Rede an die Kinder Großbritanniens und des ganzen Empires hielt, machte sie damit Millionen Menschen Mut inmitten des Kriegs. "Gott wird sich um uns kümmern und uns Frieden und Sieg schenken", sagte das junge Mädchen, das nach dem Tod ihres Vaters George VI. 1952 im Juni 1953 zur Königin gekrönt wurde. » | | Mittwoch, 10. Juni 2015

Obama's Smoking Struggle

THE GURADIAN: Obama photo ignites rumors that the president has rekindled smoking habit: The photo appears to show the president holding a packet of cigarettes during last weekend’s G7 summit. Unless it’s gum. But who steps outside to chew gum? » | Tom McCarthy in New York | Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Secrets of Althorp – The Spencers (Full Documentary)

Althorp, childhood home and final resting place of Princess Diana, is currently the home of Diana’s brother, Charles, the 9th Earl Spencer. Nineteen generations of Spencers have presided over this grand estate for more than 500 years. The Spencer dynasty has produced politicians, military heroes, dukes and duchesses and will one day furnish Britain with a king: Diana’s son, Prince William.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Iranian Refugee Case Could Test Religious Freedom Laws, Experts Say

ABC: A group of Iranian asylum seekers whose claims for protection have been rejected are appealing against the decision in the Federal Court, in what constitutional experts say could test Australia's protection of religious freedom.

The ABC understands the seven asylum seekers have all converted from Islam to Christianity and fear persecution if they return to Iran.

Human rights lawyer David Manne, who heads the Refugee and Immigration Law Society said in Iran, said apostasy - which is defined as the deliberate abandonment of Islam by a Muslim - is punishable by death.

"The evidence is crystal clear that [such] conversions to Christianity can result in serious human rights abuses, including execution," he said.

"Although the criminal code doesn't proscribe apostasy, they draw upon Islamic law to impose it.

"It's considered to be an offence against sharia law, which is punishable by death." » | Stephanie Dalzell | Thursday, May 28, 2015

Cardiff Rapist Who Forced His Victim to Marry Him Is the First Person Jailed under a Forced Marriage Law

WALES ONLINE: The man is the first person in the UK to be prosecuted under forced marriage laws introduced a year ago

A Cardiff man has become the first person in the UK to be prosecuted under forced marriage laws introduced a year ago.

The man, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, was jailed for 16 years after making a 25-year-old woman marry him under duress last year.

Merthyr Crown Court heard the already married man systematically raped his victim for months before threatening to go public with hidden camera footage of her showering unless she became his wife.

'Irrational obsession'

The 34-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, developed an “irrational obsession” with his victim and lured her to his home under the promise of a get-together with friends.

But when she arrived at his home in Cardiff, the woman found the property empty before the curtains were drawn and the front door locked.

A judge then told of how the terrified woman - a devout Muslim - was bound and gagged with scarves before music was played loudly to drown out her cries for help.

But the woman’s ordeal was far from over.

She was shown secret footage of her showering moments after her virginity had been cruelly stolen and her attacker later threatened to make the video public unless she married him. » | Benjamin Wright | Wednesday, June 10, 2015

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Première condamnation au Royaume-Uni pour un mariage force : Un homme qui avait contraint une jeune femme à l'épouser a été condamné à 16 ans de prison. Une première depuis l'entrée en vigueur de la loi sur les mariages forcés. ¶ Un homme marié de 34 ans a été condamné à seize ans de prison par un tribunal du Pays-de-Galles pour avoir contraint une jeune femme à l'épouser. Il s'agit de la première application de la législation de 2014 contre les unions forcées. ¶ Le condamné est un homme d'affaires gallois, dont l'identité n'a pas été divulguée. Il a aussi plaidé coupable de viols, bigamie et voyeurisme, ont précisé les services du procureur de la couronne (CPS), dans un communiqué. » | ats/Newsnet | mercredi 10 juin 2015

Wo die Regierung fast zu modern für ihr Volk ist

Ein Graffiti in Ljubljana: Das neue Gesetz über die Homo-Ehe
sorgt für Streit in Slowenien
DIE WELT: Das katholische Slowenien hat die modernste Homo-Gesetzgebung Europas. Schwule und Lesben dürfen heiraten und Kinder adoptieren. Die Gegner geben sich nicht geschlagen, sie verlangen ein Referendum.

Das Läuten der Kirchenglocken hallt über den Rathausplatz von Ljubljana. Die Fenster des Bürgermeisters und seiner Angestellten sind offen, aber das Geläut kann sie nicht stören. An diesem Morgen sind die Amtsstuben nämlich verwaist, die Mitarbeiter nehmen gerade geschlossen an einem Workshop teil. Wenn die vier Stunden vorbei sind, dann dürfen sie sich ein Zertifikat an ihre Türen hängen: "Offiziell ein freundlicher Ort für LGBT", steht darauf. Was sie damit sagen wollen, ist, dass Lesben, Schwule, Bisexuelle und Transgender hier willkommen sind.

Das ist keine Selbstverständlichkeit in einem katholischen Land, das an den Balkan grenzt. Im benachbarten Serbien etwa wurde die Parade der Schwulen und Lesben in der Vergangenheit immer wieder wegen angeblicher Sicherheitsbedenken abgesagt, oder sie ging in Krawallen rechts-nationalistischer Gruppen unter.

In Slowenien aber weht ein anderer Wind, auch weil man sich hier historisch schon immer eher an Wien orientierte als an Moskau. "Hier muss niemand fürchten, verprügelt zu werden", sagt Miha Lobnik, ein Aktivist der NGO Legebitra aus Ljubljana, die für die Rechte von Homosexuellen kämpft. » | Von Silke Mülherr , Ljubljana | Dienstag, 09. Juni 2015

Syrian Woman Films Life under ISIS in City of Raqqa

Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Germany's Oldest Student, 102, Gets PhD Denied by Nazis

BBC AMERICA: A 102-year-old German woman has become the world's oldest person to be awarded a doctorate on Tuesday, almost 80 years after the Nazis prevented her from sitting her final exam.

Ingeborg Rapoport (then Syllm) finished her medical studies in 1937 and wrote her doctoral thesis on diphtheria - a serious problem in Germany at the time.

But because of Nazi oppression she has had to wait almost eight decades before being awarded her PhD.

Her mother was a Jewish pianist.

So, under Adolf Hitler's anti-Semitic race laws, Ingeborg was refused entry to the final oral exam. She had written confirmation from Hamburg University that she would have received her doctorate "if the applicable laws did not prohibit Ms Syllm's admission to the doctoral exam due to her ancestry".

'For the victims'

Now the university has set right that wrong.

Three professors from Hamburg University's medical faculty travelled last month to Ingeborg's sitting room in east Berlin to test her on the work she carried out in pre-war Germany.

They were impressed and a special ceremony took place at Hamburg University Medical Centre on Tuesday, in which she finally received the PhD that the Nazis stole from her. (+ BBC video) » | Damien McGuinness, BBC News, Berlin | Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Inside The Court Of Henry VIII – Documentary 2015

Henry VIII is the most iconic king of English history. Part medieval tyrant, part renaissance prince, he ruled over his people as no king of England had ever done before. He took a country salvaged by his father from the wreck of civil war and set over it a single, sovereign ruler. By the end of his reign the power of the Tudor dynasty was absolute — but at a terrible cost. Personally responsible for the death of two of his own wives, along with many of his closest friends and advisors, he is said to have ordered the execution of up to 72,000 Britons. His reign will go down as one of the bloodiest in history.

Al Hayat TV: Propheten-Medizin aus Datteln, Honig und Kamelurin

Ohne die „islamische Wissenschaft“ würden die Europäer heute noch im Dunkeln tappen, behauptet der verdrossene Herr Islam, der die Dankbarkeit der Menschen im Westen für die wunderbare islamische Kultur und Zivilisation vermisst. Seinen Psychotherapeut Dr. Sam will er von der wirkungsvollen Propheten-Medizin überzeugen. Diese besteht hauptsächlich aus Datteln, Honig und Kamelurin.

HT: Politically Incorrect »

Islam Can't Fool the Free World Any More – Geert Wilders

The free world is waking up to Islamic horrors, the Islamic apologists and the so called moderate Muslims can't fool us any more.

Freedom of Speech in Islam? There is NONE! No Freedom of Speech or Expression in Islam

Mullah Krekar in Norway Gives Chilling and Honest Interview about Islam and the West

More Norwegians Convert to Islam Youthful rebellion and, paradoxically, a perceived need for stronger rules in Norway’s liberal society are believed to be behind a recent rise in the number of Norwegians converting to Islam. “I think we need stronger rules,” one young Norwegian convert told newspaper Aftenposten on Monday.

No one knows for certain how many “ethnic Norwegians” have converted to Islam, according to Aftenposten, but researchers believe their numbers have increased from around 500 at the end of the 1990s to around 3,000 today. That’s still a tiny percentage of the Norwegian population, but the growth rate is significant, as is the perceived reason behind it: “Converting to Islam is perhaps the most extreme form of youthful rebellion today,” Anne Sofie Roald, a professor in religion, told Aftenposten, which launched a series of reports over the weekend about Islam in Norway. Islam, Roald noted, is a religion that can require a lifestyle for converts that’s “extremely different from the life they’ve lived earlier.” » | Nina Berglund | Monday, June 08, 2015

Vets Urge Shops to Label Halal Meat after Mass Public Outcry – But Will Cameron Act?

Some 72 per cent of people back the labelling of halal meat,
according to a new survey
DAILY EXPRESS: VETS have called for supermarkets and butchers to label meat from halal abattoirs after a mass public outcry.

The British Veterinary Association (BVA) said that shoppers had a right to know whether their meat came from animals which were not stunned before being slaughtered.

Their calls came after a European Commission survey revealed that 72 per cent of people back the labelling of halal meat.

An EU directive requires animals to be stunned, but Britain was granted exemption for religious communities.

The religious slaughter of goats and sheep rose by 60 per cent between 2011 and 2013 – and some is sold into the general market.

But John Blackwell of the BVA said that not labelling halal meat "takes away the individual's right to make an informed decision".

The government has repeatedly ducked the issue, with the Conservative manifesto even promising to "protect methods of religious slaughter".

Last year David Cameron said that he was "very happy to eat halal meat", adding: "While I am prime minister of this country, halal is safe in Britain." Read on and comment » | Tom Parfitt | Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Nazi Sympathiser and Former King the Duke of Windsor 'Wanted England to Be Bombed', International Archives Reveal

The Duke of Windsor was forced to abdicate in 1936
THE INDEPENDENT: The Duke of Windsor, who is widely regarded as a Nazi sympathiser, once argued that bombing England could bring peace by ending WWII, it has emerged.

Correspondence kept in the Royal Archives between the British royal family and their German relatives in the run up to WWII remains confidential.

However, information pieced together from open archives across 30 countries, including Germany, Spain and Russia, has revealed the close relationship some members of the European aristocracy had with the Nazis.

Dr Karina Urbach, senior research fellow at the Institute of Historical Research at the School of Advance Study at the University of London, has uncovered how the Duke of Windsor told Don Javier Bermejillo, his old friend and Spanish diplomat, that the British royal blamed “the Jews, the Reds and the Foreign Office for the war”. » | Kashmira Gander | Monday, June 08, 2015

Monday, June 08, 2015

Modern Duchy: Luxembourg Prime Minister Turns Tradition on Its Head

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel is trying to reshape the Grand Duchy into a country as liberal as he is himself. He has introduced gay marriage and curbed the Catholic Church's once powerful influence over the country.

Xavier Bettel wears a golden wedding ring on the ring finger of his left hand. In his case, that's something that is certainly worth mentioning. Just three weeks ago, the 42-year-old prime minister of Luxembourg married his long-term partner, Gauthier Destanay of Belgium. "It was an obvious step for me -- we've been together for years," says Bettel. "I am happy to live in a country in which a large majority in parliament voted for same-sex marriage."

Prime Minister Bettel was able to marry thanks to a law that his government passed as one of its first acts. Prior to his election, as a member of the opposition, Bettel himself had experienced firsthand how deeply rooted anti-gay sentiment remains, including in Luxembourg. A state secretary from former Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker's government called him "miss" during a debate in parliament.

Today, he's the prime minister of the Grand Duchy and the first and only male leader of a European Union government to have married a man. A year and a half ago, he replaced Juncker, who had lost power because of a secret service scandal. Juncker has since become president of the European Commission, but he left behind a difficult legacy for the unusual government coalition that replaced him, comprised of the business-friendly liberals, Social Democrats and Greens. » | Christoph Schult | Monday, June 08, 2015

WIKI: Xavier Bettel »

The Hidden Brutality Of Qatar's FIFA World Cup Preparations

Qatar's World Cup Slaves: The devastating truth about Qatar's world cup bid.