Monday, April 07, 2014

The Bush-Nazi Connection (June 2013)

Muslim Parents Object to Easter Egg Hunt

Apr. 06, 2014 - 3:36 - Flyers spark controversy in Michigan

Ukraine Crisis: Donetsk Officials ‘Proclaim Independence from Kiev’ and Set Date for Referendum on Joining Russia

THE INDEPENDENT: Russian media reports suggest industrial hub Donetsk could be set to follow in footsteps of Crimea

The eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk has reportedly declared itself independent from the central government in Kiev and set a date for a referendum on joining Russia, according to local media reports.

The local government building was taken over last night by pro-Russian activists, and today members of the regional legislature moved to declare the city and its surrounds the Donetsk People’s Republic, the Russian news agency Itar Tass reported.

The Ukrainian prime minister denounced the creation of a separatist state, describing it as part of a Russian plan to invade the east of the country. » | Adam Withnall | Monday, April 07, 2014

Trois femmes émiraties attaquées au marteau

LE MATIN: LONDRES — Trois femmes émiraties d'une trentaine d'années ont été attaquées à coup de marteau dimanche vers deux heures du matin, dans un luxueux hôtel londonien, par un homme qui les a surprises dans leur sommeil.

A Londres, trois femmes émiraties ont été victimes d'une agression dans un hôtel de luxe. Un homme les a frappées à coups de marteau alors qu'elles dormaient.

Selon les enquêteurs, le suspect se serait introduit dans la chambre située au septième étage du Cumberland, un hôtel quatre étoiles situé près de Marble Arch, où les trois femmes, originaires des Emirats arabes unis, dormaient.

«L'homme aurait ensuite été dérangé par l'une des occupantes de la chambre. Il aurait alors frappé les femmes avec un marteau qui a été retrouvé sur les lieux», ont déclaré les enquêteurs. » | afp/Newsnet | lundi 07 avril 2014

The Stream: Marriage in Kenya: A Man's World?

Kenyan parliament passes a bill that legalises polygamy without a wife’s consent.

'Extremist’ Working as Psychiatrist for NHS

Dr Imran Waheed
THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: Doctor treating vulnerable patients is a senior leader of radical Islamic party that seeks to ban same-sex relationships and oppress women

A British doctor responsible for the care of some of the country’s most vulnerable people can today be exposed as a senior leader of a radical Islamist party banned in several countries.

Dr Imran Waheed is a consultant psychiatrist at Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Trust, one of the largest of its kind in the country.

He specialises in the treatment of sexual dysfunction, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and obsessive compulsive disorders, and also provides advice to courts in criminal cases on potentially dangerous individuals.

But Dr Waheed is also the spokesman for Hizb ut-Tahrir, which campaigns for a caliphate ruled by Sharia.

Dr Waheed is the group’s chief media adviser and is listed by the organisation as one of its six leading members in Britain.

Under a caliphate, men and women would be segregated in public places and women and non-Muslims would be banned from holding positions of power. Alcohol would also be banned, along with same-sex relationships. Critics have said his professional role conflicts with his extreme views on women’s rights, alcohol, and same-sex relationships. » | Patrick Sawer and Ben Lazarus | Sunday, April 06, 2014

Sunday, April 06, 2014

How CIA Used Copies of Doctor Zhivago in Battle to Win Cold War

THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: After nearly six decades of secrecy, newly declassified documents reveal the CIA's clandestine programme to bring the great Russian novel to readers behind the Iron Curtain

t had all the hallmarks of a classic Cold War spy caper, and it began in January 1958 when British intelligence’s Moscow station delivered two rolls of microfilm into the hands of the CIA’s Langley headquarters.

However the films showed not the blueprints for a new Soviet warplane or ballistic missile, but something potentially even more powerful in the ideological war between East and West: the complete Russian text of Boris Pasternak’s masterpiece, Doctor Zhivago.

In a nine-point memo, marked Secret but recently declassified, British intelligence said it was “in favour of exploiting the book”, warning that Soviet censors were already putting pressure on Pasternak to put out a “revised” version of the novel. » | Peter Foster, Washington | Sunday, April 06, 2014

Lara’s Theme »

Doctor Zhivago: Trailer (1965) »

Négociations: Israël menace les Palestiniens de représailles

Le premier ministre israélien, Benyamin Nétanyahou.
LA PRESSE: Les contacts se sont poursuivis dimanche en coulisses sous l'égide des États-Unis pour tenter de sauver le processus de paix, Israël menaçant de représailles unilatérales les Palestiniens qui ont décidé de demander leur adhésion à des traités internationaux.

«Nous répondrons (...) par des mesures unilatérales à toutes les mesures unilatérales qu'ils (les Palestiniens) prendront», a affirmé le premier ministre israélien, Benyamin Nétanyahou, lors du conseil des ministres.

Ces démarches palestiniennes, elles-mêmes lancées en réaction au refus d'Israël de libérer un dernier contingent de prisonniers comme prévu dans le cadre des pourparlers de paix, «ne feront qu'éloigner un accord de paix», a-t-il martelé.

«Les Palestiniens ont beaucoup à perdre d'une démarche unilatérale. Ils n'obtiendront un État que par des négociations directes (avec Israël) et pas par des déclarations vides, ni par des décisions unilatérales», a averti le premier ministre. «Nous sommes prêts à continuer les pourparlers, mais pas à n'importe quel prix». » | Daphne Rousseau | Agence France-Presse | Jerusalem | dimanche 06 avril 2014

Retired Art Teacher Committed Suicide because of Frustration with Modern Life

THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: The 89-year-old, named only as Anne, complained that people were becoming 'robots' before travelling to Dignitas in Switzerland

A retired art teacher committed suicide at the Dignitas clinic because she was frustrated at the lack of interaction in modern life, because of our reliance on computers and the Internet.

The 89-year-old, who asked only to be identified as Anne before her death, was frustrated with the trappings of modern life, including fast food, consumerism and the amount of time people spend watching television.

Anne, a former electrician with the Royal Navy, was not terminally ill or seriously handicapped and travelled to Dignitas in Switzerland last month.

Before her death she told the Sunday Times [£]: “People are becoming more and more remote … We are becoming robots. It is this lack of humanity.”

She described the modern age as “cutting corners” and said she could not adapt to it, as she felt all the traditional ways of doing things had disappeared. » | Claire Carter | Sunday, April 06, 2014

Why It Is More Important Than Ever to Invest in Defence of Democracy

THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: Ukraine crisis shows that defence matters as much as ever. Every ally needs to invest in its armed forces, Nato's secretary-general warns in the Telegraph

Sixty-five years ago this month, Nato was born into a dangerous world. As the Soviet shadow deepened across Europe, 12 nations from both sides of the Atlantic committed to individual liberty, democracy, human rights and the rule of law determined to stand together to safeguard their security.

Those nations were Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom and the United States. They took the most solemn pledge that any country can take: an attack on one would be viewed as an attack on all.

Today’s Nato brings together a unique combination of the world’s strongest democracies with an integrated military structure, a permanent political decision-making process and a network of more than 40 partners from around the world. It is where Europeans and North Americans consult, decide and act every day on security issues that concern us all. We have learned much from the last 20 years of challenging operations, from Afghanistan to Kosovo, from Libya to the Horn of Africa. We are now more efficient and effective than at any time in Nato’s history.

We still live in a dangerous world, and the threats are more complex and unpredictable than 65 years ago. Some are new: cyber and missile attacks. Others are age-old: attempts to redraw borders by force. What has not changed is Nato’s commitment to our fundamental values and purpose. Our motto remains: all for one, one for all. » | Anders Fogh Rasmussen | Sunday, April 06, 2014

Anders Fogh Rasmussen is the secretary general of Nato

La polémique sur les parallèles Poutine/Hitler s'enlise

LE FIGARO: Alors que la Russie légifère pour sanctionner la «réhabilitation du nazisme», l'Allemagne reste empêtrée dans la controverse après un parallèle hasardeux de son ministre des Finances.

Moscou entend mettre fin aux parallèles «Poutine/Hitler» qui se développent depuis l'annexion de la Crimée par la Russie. La Douma a examiné vendredi en première lecture un projet de loi visant à sanctionner «la négation de l'action des armées de la coalition anti-hitlérienne pour soutenir la paix mondiale et la sécurité ainsi que la diffusion d'informations mensongères relatives à la Seconde Guerre mondiale». La «réhabilitation du nazisme» sera punie, au maximum, d'une peine de prison de cinq ans. » | Par Pierre Avril, Nicolas Barotte | vendredi 04 avril 2014

Did Pot Legalization Do More Harm Than Good In Colorado?

Apr. 06, 2014 - 3:58 - Increase in violence, black market

Why America Is Changing So Drastically

Apr. 04, 2014 - 4:00 - Talking Points 4/4

Saudi-Arabien: Monarchie am Tropf

DER TAGESSPIEGEL: Der König ein kranker 90-Jähriger, das Volk jung, chancenlos und frustriert: Saudi-Arabien steht vor dem heikelsten Machtübergang seiner Geschichte

Beim Besuch von Barack Obama letzte Woche trug sein hochbetagter Gastgeber einen Sauerstoffschlauch in der Nase. Über 90 Jahre alt ist Saudi-Arabiens König Abdullah, rückenleidend, übergewichtig, schnell ermüdend und nur noch per Rollator beweglich. Der Monarch habe Krebs und nur noch wenige Monate zu leben, verbreiteten amerikanische Diplomaten, auch wenn er die zwei Stunden Diskussion mit dem eine Generation jüngeren US-Präsidenten offenbar mit Witz und Elan absolvierte.

Erst 24 Stunden zuvor hatte Abdullah wie aus heiterem Himmel seinen jüngsten Halbbruder, Muqrin bin Abdulaziz, zum zweiten Kronprinzen befördert. Weiter lesen und einen Beitrag hinzufügen » | Von Martin Gehlen | Sonntag, 06. April 2014

Saturday, April 05, 2014

Pakistani Couple Get Death Sentences for Blasphemy

BBC: A Pakistani Christian couple have been sentenced to death for blasphemy after allegedly sending a text message insulting the Prophet Muhammad.

The couple, named as Shafqat Emmanuel and Shagufta Kausar, were found guilty of sending the text message to the imam of their local mosque.

Allegations of blasphemy against Islam are taken very seriously in Pakistan.

Several recent cases have prompted international concern about the application of blasphemy laws.

The imam brought a complaint against the couple last July.

The couple's lawyer told the BBC he would appeal against the sentences and said the trial had not been conducted fairly.

Pakistan has a de facto moratorium on the death penalty so it is unlikely the couple will be executed.

They come from the town of Gojra in Punjab, previously the scene of communal violence. » | Saturday, April 05, 2014

Fracking On: Businesses & UK Government Dismiss Public Outcry

Protests are escalating against oil & gas companies' plans to expand fracking in UK. One drilling site (operated by Dart Energy) fears have been increased by the risk of un-exploded bombs underground. But as RT's Eunan O'Neill reports, for the politicians - business interests come first.

Der russische Vormarsch: Was tun? Deckmantel der Geschichte

ZEIT ONLINE: Wie Wladimir Putin die Vergangenheit missbraucht, um seine Politik der Gegenwart zu rechtfertigen

Am 18. März feierte Wladimir Putin einen persönlichen Sieg über die jüngere Geschichte seines Landes: Im prachtvollen Georgs-Saal des Kremls proklamierte er den Anschluss der Krim. Mit seiner Rede hat Russlands Präsident nicht nur seine Landsleute erreicht, sondern auch die Debatte in Deutschland über die Annexion der Krim – die erste Annexion in Europa seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg – verwirrt. Seither wird diskutiert, ob Putin mit seinen Ausführungen nicht doch recht habe und sein Vorgehen daher verständlich sei.

Um den Anschluss der Krim zu erklären, langte Russlands Präsident tief in die Vergangenheit und deutete die Geschichte für seine Zwecke. Diese Art von Geschichtspolitik ist so altbekannt wie simpel: Man verkürzt und verdreht die Vergangenheit so lange, bis der Gegner der Gegenwart diskreditiert ist. Putin hat eine Falle aufgestellt. Er tut so, als ginge es ihm ums Gestern, um historische Gefühle, um alte Ungerechtigkeiten. Russland und die Russen stellt er als Opfer des Westens, einer sich ausdehnenden Nato und finsterer Faschisten in Kiew dar. Russische Staatsjournalisten und Diplomaten wiederholen das wortgetreu. Man sollte ihnen genau zuhören, denn die russische Argumentation bedeutet in ihrem Kern nichts anderes als einen Angriff auf das friedliche Zusammenleben in Europa. Putin hat im Wesentlichen drei Thesen aufgestellt, die ungeheure Sprengkraft enthalten. Weiter lesen und einen Beitrag abgeben » | Von Michael Thumann | Freitag, 04. April 2014

Mormon Leader Reiterates Church's Opposition to Same-sex Marriage

THE GUARDIAN: Neil L Andersen said during the church's biannual conference that though others had redefined marriage, 'the Lord has not'

A Mormon leader on Saturday reiterated the church's opposition to gay marriage.

Neil L Andersen, of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' Quorum of the Twelve, said during the church's biannual general conference in Salt Lake City: "While many governments and well-meaning individuals have redefined marriage, the Lord has not.

"He designated the purpose of marriage to go far beyond the personal satisfaction and fulfilment of adults, to more importantly, advancing the ideal setting for children to be born, reared and nurtured."

After a June 2013 US supreme court ruling struck down parts of the federal Defence of Marriage Act, gay marriage has become legal in 17 states and the District of Columbia. Federal judges have also struck down bans in Michigan, Utah, Texas, Oklahoma and Virginia, and ordered Kentucky and Tennessee to recognise out-of-state gay marriages, though stays have been issued pending appeals.

On Friday, a judge in Ohio said he would order the state to recognise same-sex marriages from other states.

The Mormon church's message on homosexuality has softened in recent years, but this marks the second consecutive conference in which leaders have talked about their opposition to gay marriage. In 2012, Dallin H Oaks of the Quorum said human laws cannot "make moral what God has declared immoral". Read on and comment » | Associated Press in Salt Lake City | Saturday, April 05, 2014

Tu felix Helvetia: 3300 Euro Mindestlohn für die Verkäuferin

DIE PRESSE: Die bevorstehende Volksabstimmung genügt schon, damit bereits jetzt Schweizer Unternehmen den Mindestlohn auf 4000 Franken erhöhen.

Beim Urlaub sind die Schweizer sparsam. Sechs Wochen? Nicht notwendig, befand das Volk im März 2012 und stimmte mit beachtlichen 67 Prozent gegen eine Initiative, die den Mindesturlaub um zwei Wochen ausweiten wollte.
Beim Geld aber kennen die Eidgenossen keine Grenze nach oben - oder besser: nur eine sehr, sehr hohe Grenze. Während die deutsche Bundesregierung am Mittwoch - nach überaus heftigem Tauziehen - einen Mindestlohn von 8,50 Euro brutto pro Stunde beschlossen hat, dringt man in der Schweiz in völlig andere Sphären vor: Lidl, Aldi (der Schweizer Hofer) und jetzt auch die Bekleidungskette H & M haben eben einen Mindestlohn von 17,98 Euro pro Stunde umgesetzt. Hochgerechnet auf den Monat sind das 3269 Euro brutto für eine ungelernte Arbeitskraft. Nur zum Vergleich: Das Durchschnittseinkommen in Österreich liegt bei 2163 Euro brutto. » | Von Norbert Rief | Die Presse | Samstag, 05. April 2014

Metamorphosis: A Hungarian Extremist Explores His Jewish Roots

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: Csanád Szegedi was a prominent right-wing extremist in Hungary until he discovered his own Jewish roots in 2012. Since then, he has undergone a radical reinvention and is even learning Hebrew. His grandmother, though, continues to hide her Auschwitz tattoo.

Csanád Szegedi's second life began in the apartment of Rabbi Baruch Oberlander, located above the Synagogue in the Erzsébetváros quarter of Budapest. A mohel -- a circumcision specialist -- had arrived from Israel. And with a single cut, the anti-Semite Csanád was transformed into Dovid, a Jew.

Csanád Szegedi, 31, had been the deputy head of right-wing extremist party Jobbik, which he also represented in the European Parliament. He had made a career of claiming that the Jews sought to plunder Hungary and that they had entered into an alliance with the Roma to turn "pure" Hungarians into a minority in their own country. In public, he would often wear the black military pants and vest of the Hungarian Guard, the banned right-wing extremist group.

But then he learned that his family was Jewish, a revelation that turned his life on its head.

Now, he calls himself Dovid Szegedi, eats kosher, is learning Hebrew and goes to the Synagogue every Friday. "This is my true identity," says Szegedi, who is almost two meters (6" 6') tall. He wears an Italian designer suit, scruffy stubble and a black kippah.

The story of Csanád's transformation into Dovid is one of radical reinvention, and also one of a desperate search for a reliable identity, one which continues to elude Eastern Europe even 25 years after the end of communism. » | Jan Puhl | Thursday, April 03, 2014