Saturday, September 18, 2021

L'Iran ne laissera pas s'installer l'État islamique à sa frontière afghane

LE FIGARO : L'Iran ne permettra pas au groupe jihadiste Etat islamique de s'installer à sa frontière avec l'Afghanistan, a prévenu samedi le président iranien Ebrahim Raïssi. Regardez la vidéo » | Figaro Live | samedi 18 septembre 2021


L'Iran ne laissera pas s'installer l'EI à sa frontière afghane »

Vintage Gay : Gay Love ; Gay Romance

Anti-gay Campaign Shows Russia's Worst Side

Jan 30, 2014 • As Russia prepares to host the Sochi Winter Olympics, Europe Editor Matt Frei reports that the country's campaign against gay people shows its worst side just when it hoped the world would see only its best.

The Guardian View of Lib Dem Strategy: Bringing Down the ‘Blue Wall’

THE GUARDIAN – EDITORIAL: Boris Johnson’s record of incompetence and dishonesty has given Sir Ed Davey an opportunity

‘History, geography and demography are on Ed Davey’s side.’ Photograph: House of Commons/PA

Electoral history is full of upsets, but few are as stunning as the Liberal Democrats’ byelection victory in Chesham and Amersham, deep in the heart of Tory Britain. In June there was a 25% swing against the ruling party and a study by the UK in a Changing Europe thinktank this week calculated that more than 30 Tory MPs would be vulnerable if such a revolt were repeated. With their party conference starting on Friday, the Liberal Democrats are determined to make that win just the first step in bringing down the Conservatives’ “blue wall”.

While there are causes for optimism, one ought to be realistic. The Lib Dems have 12 MPs. Sir Ed Davey is the party’s fourth leader in six years. He will not be telling delegates this weekend to go back to their constituencies and “prepare for government”. But there are good reasons to believe something is happening. The local election results in May signalled Lib Dem gains at the expense of the Conservatives.

Boris Johnson’s authoritarian and populist Tory party, designed to appeal to a new coalition of voters, has alienated large parts of its traditional base. When our correspondent canvassed with Lib Dems in the leafy Surrey marginal seat of the deputy prime minister, Dominic Raab, not a single voter professed loyalty to the Tory MP. Voters can punish those who take them for granted. » | Editorial | Friday, September 17, 2021

Sind Manieren out? Der Knigge* von heute – Dokumentation von NZZ Format (2004)

Jul 10, 2015 • Manieren seien veraltet, meinen viele. Aber gutes Benehmen kann für eine Anstellung ausschlaggebend sein. Manieren sind dem Zeitwandel und der Kultur unterworfen. Aber ihnen zugrunde liegt der Respekt vor dem Gegenüber.

Ein Hort der Manieren ist das Fünfsternhotel Bellevue Palace in Bern, das seine Gäste nach den Regeln tradierter Manieren empfängt, begleitet und bewirtet.

Wie lernen Kinder heute Manieren? An der Lobdeburgschule in Jena gibt es weder Gewalt unter Jugendlichen noch Füsse auf den Schultischen. Lehrer, Eltern und Schüler arbeiten gemeinsam am guten Verhalten.

In internationalen Unternehmen passen die Verkäufer ihre Kleidung der Kundschaft an. Betriebsintern aber gehört bei IBM der Respekt zur Unternehmenskultur. Viele Massnahmen fördern das Vertrauen und eine gute zwischenmenschliche Kommunikation.

* Verhaltensregeln wie man mit Menschen umgeht, nach den Prinzipien vom deutschen Schriftstellers A. Freiherr v. Knigge (1752–1796).

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky - Hymn of the Cherubim

Orchestra : The USSR Ministry Of Culture Chamber Choir | Conductor : Valery Polyansky | Album : V/A - Sacred Treasures - Choral Masterworks From Russia | Label : Hearts Of Space – 1998 | Views on YouTube: 9,995,342

This Was My Comment on Thursday, September 16th. in the New York Times apropos of AUKUS

I strongly disapprove of this deal, especially the duplicitous way that the US, UK and Australia have gone about it.

This deal between the US, UK and Australia has greatly angered the French and the Chinese: The French are understandably very angry (and greatly disappointed) because it cancels their huge deal with Australia - they feel let down; the Chinese are also understandably very angry because they apparently view it as resurrecting the Cold War mentality. They also see it as meddling in their region and waters.

It seems to me that the West is going the wrong way about trying to curb the rise of China. First and foremost, we should not be cutting off France like this; instead, the US, UK, and Australia should be working closely with France and Europe. We should not be causing divisions by our actions, for to do so will only embolden and empower China. The West should be working as one hand!

This is an ill-conceived move. It is divisive and counterproductive. – © Mark

This comment can be found on the New York Times here. If you approve of the comment, please be so kind as to give it a thumbs up. I would greatly appreciate that. (There are also more comments of mine on this topic beneath this comment. Please read those as well and like them if you feel so inclined.)

Crise des sous-marins : la tumultueuse amitié entre les États-Unis et leur «plus vieil allié»

Le général de Gaulle en compagnie du président américain Richard Nixon à Washington en mars 1969. AFP

LE FIGARO : DÉCRYPTAGE - Depuis la Seconde Guerre mondiale, la France n'a jamais voulu être considérée comme un valet des États-Unis, quitte à jouer les «Gascons» avec son tout-puissant allié.

Pour la première fois en deux siècles, la France a rappelé son ambassadeur aux États-Unis. Le geste est fort, à la mesure de la colère française, qui ne digère pas que son allié ait sabordé le contrat juteux, qui assurait au fleuron industriel français Naval Groupe la construction de douze sous-marins australiens.

Le 17 septembre 2021 fera donc date dans l'histoire qui unit les États-Unis et son «oldest ally» («plus vieil allié»). Une histoire mouvementée et passionnée, car si la France et les États-Unis n'en sont pas à leur première prise de bec, les deux pays sont historiquement très liés. Quelque cinq cents villes et villages américains portent le nom de la Fayette qui combattit aux côtés des Américains durant la guerre d'indépendance. De même, on ne compte plus les rues françaises aux noms des présidents Wilson ou Roosevelt. Car si les États-Unis ont acquis leur liberté avec l'aide de la France, cette dernière a conservé la sienne en 1917 et 1944 grâce aux soldats américains. » | Par Stanislas Poyet | samedi 18 septembre 2021

Réservé aux abonnés


Sous-marins australiens: «La France ne doit compter que sur elle-même si elle veut peser encore demain» »

Crise des sous-marins : Paris évoque un «mensonge» et une «crise grave» : Après avoir rappelé ses ambassadeurs à cause de la «gravité exceptionnelle» de la crise, Jean-Yves Le Drian a dénoncé «une rupture majeure de confiance». »

Beef Stroganoff | French Cooking Academy

Stroganoff de bœuf

Get the printable recipe here.

Nach geplatztem U-Boot-Deal: Paris ist verärgert über die USA

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: In Frankreich hat man erzürnt auf das neue Militärbündnis im Indopazifik und das geplatzte Abkommen mit Australien zum Bau von zwölf U-Booten reagiert. Gross ist die Wut besonders auf Washington.

Australiens Premierminister, Scott Morrison, wandte sich vom Abkommen mit einem französischen Konzern über den Bau von zwölf U-Booten ab. | Leo Baumgartner / Australian Defence Force / Getty

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: In Frankreich hat man erzürnt auf das neue Militärbündnis im Indopazifik und das geplatzte Abkommen mit Australien zum Bau von zwölf U-Booten reagiert. Gross ist die Wut besonders auf Washington.

Es kriselt zwischen Paris und Washington. Aus Ärger über die Entwicklungen der letzten Tage hat die französische Botschaft in Washington ein für Freitag vorgesehenes Galadinner abgesagt, mit dem die beiden Länder an einen gemeinsamen Sieg während des Amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskriegs erinnern wollten.

Für Frankreich war es ein Schlag vor den Kopf, als der australische Premierminister Scott Morrison am Mittwochabend (europäische Zeit) den Beitritt Australiens zu einem Bündnis mit den USA und Grossbritannien, als Reaktion auf die Expansionsbestrebungen der Grossmacht China, sowie den gemeinsamen Bau von acht atombetriebenen U-Booten verkündete. Zugleich liess Morrison ein bereits geschlossenes Abkommen mit einem französischen Konzern über den Bau von zwölf dieselelektrisch angetriebenen U-Booten platzen. Frankreich macht die USA verantwortlich für Australiens Kehrtwende » | Judith Kormann | Samstag, 18. September 2021

Aukus: France’s Ambassador Recall Is ‘Tip of the Iceberg’, Say Analysts

THE GUARDIAN: Aukus pact announcement ‘puts a big rift in Nato alliance’ for France, says former UK ambassador

The French foreign minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, has described the Aukus security pact as a ‘stab in the back’.Photograph: Jens Schlueter/AP

France’s historic decision to recall its ambassadors to the US and Australia is far more than a diplomatic spat, analysts have warned.

The move, in protest at Canberra’s surprise decision to cancel an order for French-built submarines and its security pact with Washington and London, will affect France and Europe’s role in Nato and already strained relations with the UK.

French officials have accused Australia, the US and the UK of behaving in an underhand, duplicitous manner that has betrayed and humiliated France.

“This is far more than just a diplomatic spat, the withdrawal of ambassadors is the tip of the iceberg,” Peter Ricketts, a former permanent undersecretary at the Foreign Office and former UK ambassador to France, told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme.

“There is a deep sense of betrayal in France because this wasn’t just an arms contract, this was France setting up a strategic partnership with Australia and the Australians have now thrown that away and negotiated behind the backs of France with two Nato allies, the US and UK, to replace it with a completely different contract.

“For the French this looks like a complete failure of trust between allies and calls into doubt what is Nato for. This puts a big rift down the middle of the Nato alliance … Britain needs a functioning Nato alliance.”

Ricketts added: “I think people underestimated the impact that this would have in France and how this would seem as a humiliation and betrayal in a year President Macron is running for election in a very tight race with the far right.” » | Kim Willsher | Saturday, September 18, 2021

The nuclear option: why has Australia ditched the French submarine plan for the Aukus pact? : Just two weeks before the bombshell, senior ministers from both countries met and declared they were ‘committed to cooperation’. How did it all go so wrong? »

Cabinet Reshuffle: Boris Johnson Thinks Government Is a Game. Truth To Power

Sep 18, 2021 • As Labour overtake the Tories in the polls for the first time since the pandemic started, one third of Boris Johnson’s failing ministers have been moved sideways or booted out during this week’s cabinet reshuffle. I don’t think it’s a coincidence. We take a look at some of those leaving or joining Johnsons top team, and what it means for the future of Johnson’s government. Boris Johnson has today described his cabinet as his rugby squad, with references to half time pep talks, gum shields and other nonsense. The usual Johnson bluster, but what it does show is that he considers governing the country to be just one big game.

If anyone ever doubted the verity of my description of BoJo as a clown, take one look at the above photo of him! That will disabuse you of your doubts! – Mark

Post Brexit ‘Global Britain’ to Help Threaten China’s World Domination with 3 New Submarines!

Sep 18, 2021 • Post-Brexit Britain's influence in the world is much diminished. Whilst Global warming is clearly the greatest challenge we face, inequality is also becoming a big problem all over the world.

But the other great challenge we face is the historic and unprecedented expansion of China. I have been visiting China for thirty-five years and have witnessed the astonishing transformation of China from being a very poor and backward nation to being the richest and most powerful nation on earth.

This poses challenges for the rest of the world and especially for a weak and declining economy such as the newly liberated 'Global Britain'. Sending an aircraft carrier to the South China Sea is ridiculous and humiliating. And now, with the help of the U.S. we are to help Australia to build three new nuclear powered submarines to 'keep China in check'.


Th richest cities in the world according to number of resident billionaires are the following:
Beijing – 100
New York - 99
Hong Kong - 80
Moscow – 79
Shenzhen - 68
Shanghai - 64
London - 63

New Zealand Bill to Ban LGBTQ Conversion Practices Receives Record 100,000 Submissions

THE GUARDIAN: Activists hopeful the majority of submissions will be in favour, amid previous signs of support and large social media campaign

More than 100,000 people have sent in submissions on New Zealand’s plan to ban LGBTQ conversion practices – more than have ever been made on a piece of legislation.

“We’ve already made history with this movement and we’re not even done,” said Shaneel Lal, an activist and organiser in the movement to ban conversion practices. “People really and truly care about this because in 2021 it is not appropriate to erase queer identities.” » | Tess McClure in Christchurch | Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Gay Times Ends Print Magazine after Nearly 50 Years

PINK NEWS: Gay Times, one of the world’s longest-running print magazine for the LGBT+ community, has ceased printing after nearly 50 years.

The UK-based magazine was first published in 1984, but its predecessors date as far back as 1975. During that time it’s been a vital resource for LGBT+ people in periods of misinformation and violent rhetoric, from the early days of the Gay Liberation Front through to the repeal of Section 28. » | Emma Powys Maurice | Friday, September 17, 2021

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis Marries Husband in Historic First for Nation

Polis wed his longtime partner Wednesday.

ADVOCATE: On Wednesday, Democratic Colorado Gov. Jared Polis married his longtime partner Marlon Reis in a small ceremony. The event is the first same-sex wedding of a sitting United States governor.

"The greatest lesson we have learned over the past 18 months is that life as we know it can change in an instant," Polis wrote to his Governor of Jared Polis Twitter account. The 18 months is likely a reference to the ongoing global pandemic. "We are thankful for the opportunity to celebrate our life together as a married couple. » | Mikelle Street | Thursday, September 16, 2021

First openly gay person elected governor in US history marries partner in beautiful ceremony »

Let Me Kiss You!

Laisse moi t'embrasser ! / Lass mich dich küssen!

With thanks to the Daily Mail for the photo. You can read the article here.