Saturday, September 18, 2021

This Was My Comment on Thursday, September 16th. in the New York Times apropos of AUKUS

I strongly disapprove of this deal, especially the duplicitous way that the US, UK and Australia have gone about it.

This deal between the US, UK and Australia has greatly angered the French and the Chinese: The French are understandably very angry (and greatly disappointed) because it cancels their huge deal with Australia - they feel let down; the Chinese are also understandably very angry because they apparently view it as resurrecting the Cold War mentality. They also see it as meddling in their region and waters.

It seems to me that the West is going the wrong way about trying to curb the rise of China. First and foremost, we should not be cutting off France like this; instead, the US, UK, and Australia should be working closely with France and Europe. We should not be causing divisions by our actions, for to do so will only embolden and empower China. The West should be working as one hand!

This is an ill-conceived move. It is divisive and counterproductive. – © Mark

This comment can be found on the New York Times here. If you approve of the comment, please be so kind as to give it a thumbs up. I would greatly appreciate that. (There are also more comments of mine on this topic beneath this comment. Please read those as well and like them if you feel so inclined.)