Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Blogger Who Criticized Government, Radical Islam Killed In Maldives

WBUR: Yameen Rasheed, a 29-year-old blogger and activist in the Maldives, was stabbed to death on Sunday. Rasheed was a prominent satirist and commentator who took aim at radical Islam in the Maldives, and was a frequent critic of the government. Last year he reported receiving death threats. » | Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Saudiarabien in UNO-Kommission für Frauenrechte gewählt

DIE PRESSE: 45 Länder sitzen in der UN-Frauenrechtskommission. Und ausgerechnet Saudiarabien ist nun in das Gremium gewählt worden. Das sorgt für Kritik.

In Saudi-Arabien werden Frauen elementarste Rechte vorenthalten, sie dürfen nicht ohne männliche Begleitung auf die Straße und auch kein Auto lenken. Zum Entsetzen von Menschenrechtlern wurde die Regierung des wahhabitischen Königreichs nun in die UNO-Frauenrechtskommission gewählt, die weltweit Frauenrechte und Gleichberechtigung fördern soll. Weiter lesen und einen Beitrag hinzufügen » | APA | Dienstag, 25. April 2017

Hundreds of Thousands Take to the Streets Worldwide for the Global March for Science

On Saturday, hundreds of thousands of scientists and science supporters took to the streets around the world in a global March for Science on Earth Day. More than 600 marches and rallies took place, with one on every continent, including on Antarctica. Massive marches occurred from coast to coast in the United States, including at a massive rally in Washington, D.C. Among those who took to the stage were Bill Nye, "The Science Guy"; Earth Day founder Denis Hayes; former EPA environmental justice official Mustafa Ali, who resigned after Trump took office; Sam Droege of the U.S. Geological Survey; and James Balog, of the Extreme Ice Survey, which is documenting the rapid retreat of glaciers due to climate change.

Trump's Best Enemy? North Korea in Washington's Crosshairs (Parts 1 & 2)

"Without Nuclear Weapons, North Korea Would Cease To exist"

'I Don't Think Gay Sex Is A Sin' Says Tim Farron - BBC News

Following repeated questions about his views, Lib Dem leader Tim Farron has told the BBC's Eleanor Garnier that he does not believe gay sex is a sin. He added that - in his view - political leaders should not "pontificate on theological matters".

Is There a Risk of Complacency in the Macron Camp?

Southern Border Plan: Mexico's Own Fight Against Illegal Immigration

Who Are Le Pen and Macron's Voters?

The Debate: "Macron Stands for Interest, Le Pen Stands for Core Beliefs"

Netanyahu lässt Treffen mit Gabriel platzen

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Affront beim Besuch von Außenminister Gabriel in Israel: Ministerpräsident Netanyahu hat ein Treffen kurzfristig abgesagt. Hintergrund ist eine geplante Diskussionsrunde des Deutschen mit Regierungskritikern.

Israels Premier Benjamin Netanyahu hat ein geplantes Treffen mit Bundesaußenminister Sigmar Gabriel abgesagt - weil der SPD-Politiker bei seinem Besuch in dem Land auch Regierungskritiker treffen will. Das berichtete Gabriel selbst. Der Schritt ist ein diplomatischer Affront.

Ein israelischer Sprecher bestätigte die Absage später. "Die Politik von Ministerpräsident Netanyahu ist, sich nicht mit ausländischen Besuchern zu treffen, die auf diplomatischen Trips in Israel wiederum Gruppen treffen, die israelische Soldaten als Kriegsverbrecher verleumden", teilte das Büro des Premiers mit. » | kev/dpa/Reuters | Dienstag, 25. April 2017

L'hommage de la Nation au policier Xavier Jugelé

LE FIGARO: Le chef de l'État a rendu un hommage national au policier assassiné jeudi soir sur les Champs-Élysées. Il a appelé son sucesseur à donner «les ressources budgétaires nécessaires pour recruter les personnels indispensables à la protection de nos concitoyens».

À 11 heures ce mardi matin, la République avait rendez-vous dans la cour d'honneur du 19 août de la Préfecture de police de Paris, au coeur de l'île de la Cité, à quelques pas du palais de justice, pour rendre hommage à Xavier Jugelé, le policier tué jeudi sur les Champs-Élysées. Le lieu est symbolique: son nom rend hommage au soulèvement de la préfecture, aux gardiens de la paix qui ont combattu pour la libération de Paris lors de la Seconde Guerre mondiale pendant laquelle 177 policiers avaient trouvé la mort. Symbolique aussi car c'est dans cette même cour qu'avait eu lieu l'hommage des trois policiers - Clarissa Jean-Philippe, Franck Brinsolaro et Ahmed Merabet - tombés le 7 janvier 2015 sous les balles des frères Coulibaly, ceux-là même qui avaient perpétré le carnage à Charlie Hebdo. » | Par Anne Jouan | mardi 23 avril 2017

Burqa & Sharia Court Ban: UKIP Unveils New Agenda ahead of Snap Elections (Debate)

UKIP is calling for new measures ‘Islamization of the country’ ahead of June’s snap general election. UKIP also wants to put a ban on Burqas as well as Sharia Laws.

German Crowd Boos Ivanka Trump for Calling Her Father a ‘Champion’ for Families

THE WASHINGTON POST: A German crowd booed Ivanka Trump on Tuesday after she called her father a “a tremendous champion of supporting families.”

Trump was taking her first crack at diplomacy abroad in her new role as assistant to the president, vowing at an economic conference in Berlin to create “positive change” for women in the United States.

“He encouraged me and enabled me to thrive,” she said on a panel with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. “I grew up in a house where there was no barrier to what I could accomplish beyond my own perseverance and my own tenacity.”

Miriam Meckel, editor of the German magazine Wirtschaftswoche, noted the audience’s response of groaning and hissing and asked Ivanka Trump whether her father is actually an “empowerer” of women. » | Danielle Paquestte | Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Top US & World Headlines — April 25, 2017

Fox's Future after O'Reilly

Apr. 23, 2017 - 7:46 - Allegations end cable star's long run

Obama’s $400,000 Cantor Speech Makes Him Wall Street's Newest Fat Cat

FOX BUSINESS: When he was president he called them “fat cats,” but now he’s likely thanking them for a huge payday.

Former President Barack Obama, less than 100 days out of office, has agreed to speak at a Wall Street conference run by Cantor Fitzgerald LP, senior people at the firm confirm to FOX Business. His speaking fee will be $400,000, which is nearly twice as much as Hillary Clinton, his secretary of state, and the 2016 Democratic Party candidate, charged private businesses for such events.

Obama has agreed to speak at Cantor’s health care conference in September and will be the keynote luncheon speaker for one day during the event, people at the firm tell FOX Business. These people say Obama has signed the contract, but the company, a mid-sized New York-based investment bank, is waiting to coordinate with the former president before making a formal announcement. » | Charlie Gasparinon, Brian Schwarz | Wall Street | Fox Business | Monday, April 24, 2017

France Rejects The Establishment

For the first time in nearly sixty years, French voters have chosen two candidates outside of their mainstream parties. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down.

View from the Right: EU Élites Out to Crush Le Pen

The European Union Elites are out to crush Le Pen and prevent her victory in the second-round of France's Presidential election.

In Memory of Xavier Jugelé, the Police Officer Slain on the Champs-Élysées, Paris

Xavier est dans nos pensées. Qu'il repose dans la paix éternelle !