Friday, December 04, 2015

Islamic State Terror Squad 'In Thailand' Planning To Kill Russians, Warns Moscow

THE TELEGRAPH: Ten-person terrorist squad entered the Kingdom in October on a mission to target Russians, Moscow warns

Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isil) has dispatched a ten-person squad to kill Russian tourists in Thailand, Russian security services have warned.

Thai police confirmed on Friday that they had received intelligence from Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB), the main successor agency to the KGB, about 10 terrorists from Syria who reportedly entered Thailand in October.

The warning came to light in a leaked letter, marked “secret” and “urgent”, that began circulating on Thai social media on Thursday.

Thailand is a popular holiday destination for Russians, especially in the peak Christmas and New Year periods.

Phuket, Pattaya and Bangkok are all also popular with British visitors, meaning there is a high chance any terrorist attack there could also target Britons. » | Roland Oliphant, Moscow and Philip Sherwell, Bangkok | Friday, December 4, 2015

Syrien-Krieg: Trial and Terror

Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel
ZEIT ONLINE: Angela Merkel war immer skeptisch gegenüber militärischen Lösungen. Jetzt schickt sie deutsche Soldaten in den Syrien-Krieg. Was will die Kanzlerin damit erreichen?

Das Wort Krieg hat sie eigentlich immer gern vermieden. Wenn es um die deutsche Beteiligung an Missionen in Afghanistan, Irak oder Mali ging. Wenn es um Russlands Vormarsch auf die Ukraine ging und die Frage, ob sich daraus womöglich Folgen für das Baltikum ergeben könnten. Nun schickt Merkel das erste Mal in ihrer Amtszeit deutsche Soldaten in einen laufenden Kampfeinsatz.

Es ist nicht der erste deutsche Einsatz, aber es ist Merkels erster Krieg.

Sie setzt damit erneut eine Zäsur, für ihre Kanzlerschaft, aber auch für das Land. Denn dieser Krieg ist besonders gefährlich und unberechenbar: Es ist ein Einsatz, bei dem nicht nur das Ziel unklar ist, sondern auch der Weg. Nicht eigener Antrieb oder Überzeugung haben ihn bewirkt, keine überstarke Weltmacht erzwingt ihn, sondern tiefe Ohnmacht: Der Nahe Osten löst sich auf, der Terror kommt nach Europa, und die EU wirkt wie gelähmt. Und auf den Schurken von gestern ruhen die Hoffnungen für die Zukunft. » | Von Matthias Geis und Tina Hildebrandt | Freitag, 4. Dezember 2015

Read the English version of this article here »

Comment «réagir en cas d’attaque terroriste»

LE MATIN: SÉCURITÉ — Trois semaines après les attentats de Paris, le gouvernement français a publié ce vendredi une affiche indiquant au grand public la conduite à adopter en cas d'attentat.

«A la suite des attentats du 13 novembre 2015, le Gouvernement lance une campagne de sensibilisation pour mieux préparer et protéger les citoyens face à la menace terroriste. L’affiche «réagir en cas d’attaque terroriste» donne des instructions pratiques qui s'articulent autour du triptyque: "s’échapper, se cacher, alerter".», peut-on lire sur le site officiel de Matignon. De plus, le document sera placardé dans tous les lieux publics. » | Par K. A. | vendredi 4 décembre 2015

Islamic Terrorism: It’s Time to Look to Russia. The US under Obama Has Failed to Give Us Any Leadership

Sergei Lavrov has got it right; Putin has got it right. And some of us have been saying this for a very long time. It makes absolutely no sense to get rid of Bashar Al-Assad. He is certainly not perfect; but he's far better than the alternative. As Lavrov said succinctly: Haven't we learnt from our mistakes in Iraq and Libya?

It's time to work with the Russians. They understand the situation well, and are achieving results. Russia has shown real leadership in this matter. Obama should bow his head in shame. – © Mark

Working with Assad may be the only option in Syria » | Friday, December 4, 2015

This comment appears here too.

UK Airstrikes 'All Noise of Bombing and Propaganda' - Syria Minister

BBC: British warplanes have carried out their first airstrikes over Syria, after British MPs backed UK military action against so-called Islamic State (IS).

RAF Tornados conducted air strikes on six targets in Syria, according to the Ministry of Defence.

The BBC's Lyse Doucet spoke to Syria's information minister, Omran Zoubi, who described the airstrikes as "a noise of bombing and propaganda".

He also said anyone wanting to fight terrorism was "welcome" but had to do so "according to international law, and together with the Syrian government". (+ BBC video) » | Thursday, December 3, 2015

Secret Video Shows Life Inside Islamic State Stronghold of Raqqa

BBC: Syria's information minister has criticised the first British air strikes on so-called Islamic State (IS) targets in the country, describing them as "a noise of bombing and propaganda".

Omran Zoubi told the BBC that anyone wanting to fight terrorism was welcome, but that they should follow Russia's example and work with the Syrian government.

Lyse Doucet reports from the Syrian capital, Damascus, as footage emerges showing life under IS in their stronghold of Raqqa in Syria. (+ BBC video) » | Thursday, December 3, 2015

Australia Gets Tough on ISIS: Jihadis Banned from Country Even If Not Convicted

EXPRESS: ISLAMIC STATE (ISIS) jihadis fleeing Australia to fight for Daesh will be stripped of their citizenship even if they haven’t been brought before a court in a major crackdown on international terrorism.

The country’s tough stance on extremism will see anyone with dual citizenship who travels to the Middle East to fight for the crazed jihadis stranded in the group’s so-called Caliphate or deported elsewhere.

Senators voted on tough new laws targeting Islamist militants in response to the growing threat that ISIS poses to Western nations.

Security services believe that at least half of the 100 Australian extremists fighting for ISIS, also known as Daesh, hold dual nationality.

The Government has acted now to prevent them from coming back home and carrying out terrorist atrocities against innocent civilians. » | Nick Gutteridge | Friday, December 4, 2015

Schengen Crumbles: EU 'to Bring Back Borders and Passport Checks between Countries'

EXPRESS: BORDER checks could be reimposed between European Union countries under proposals expected to be put to ministers in Brussels today.

The proposal to suspend the 26-country Schengen passport-free travel zone is driven by the crisis of hundreds of thousands of people fleeing Syria, Afghanistan and other countries to Europe via Greece and Italy this year.

The mass arrivals have sparked fears about the wisdom of letting people move freely around key EU countries with no document checks after inadequate initial assessments of their origins and motives for being in Europe.

Suspending Schengen - which the UK has never been part of - is the most drastic emergency measure its members can consider. » | Alison Little | Friday, December 4, 2015

Do We Now Have to Look to Russia for Leadership? Listen to This Excellent Short Interview: ‘Business As Usual’ with Erdogan Is Now Over - Putin's Chief of Staff

‘Business as usual’ with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is now over, Sergey Ivanov, the head of Putin’s office, confirmed to RT after the Russian president’s address.

Germany: US Created IS "Monster" Through War - Die Linke's Wagenknecht

The Co-chair of Die Linke Sahra Wagenknecht fired sharp criticism against the US, saying that they are the ones "who created the monster" of the so-called Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) in order to oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, as she spoke in opposition to German participation in the war against IS, in Berlin, Friday.

Letter From German Nurse on Muslim Invaders

A riveting account from a nurse in Bavaria Germany you won't hear from the Mainstream media on the invasion going on in Europe by Muslims, who have no intention of assimilating to the culture of the host countries they are invading.

'Devout' Muslim and Saudi Wife Kill 14 in Massacre - Obama Says Could Be 'Terrorism'

EXPRESS: A DEVOUT Muslim and his Saudi wife were shot dead after killing at least 14 people at a work Christmas party.

Officers confirmed the suspects as Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, and Tashfeen Malik, 27.

The couple had more than 6,000 rounds of ammunition and a dozen pipe bombs on them and elsewhere, authorities said as they sought to determine whether the pair had links to Islamic militant groups.

They were a married couple who dropped off their 6-month-old baby with her grandmother hours before carrying out the deadly rampage, according to a family member.

In a press conference US President Barack Obama said it is possible the mass shooting was “terror-related” but the motive is not yet clear.

Law enforcement sources have said Farook was radicalised and was in contact with an individual under FBI investigation for terrorism links but other motives may have played a role in the shooting.

Farook attended a Christmas party with colleagues at the San Bernardino County Health Public Health Department but had left in an “angry” state, according to witnesses.

He was next seen by his co-workers dressed in battle gear and wielding an assault rifle.

The suspects have killed at least 14 people and injured another 17 - two of which [sic] remain in a critical condition, California Hospital confirmed. » | Dion Dassanayake, Peter Henn, Jake Burman & Selina Sykes | Thursday, December 3, 2015

America to Allow Women to Serve in All Military Roles

THE TELEGRAPH: Ash Carter, the defence secretary, announces that woman will be able to apply for any job in the military

America is to allow women to serve in all roles in the military – including in front line combat roles – in a sweeping decision announced on Thursday by the defence secretary in a historic move to strike down gender barriers.

Ash Carter, speaking at the Pentagon, said he had decided to overrule objections raised by the Marine Corps that mixed-gender units were, in some cases, less efficient.

"I am announcing my decision to proceed with opening of all these remaining occupations and positions to women," said Mr Carter. "There will be no exceptions." » | Harriet Alexander, New York | Thursday, December 3, 2015

Sweden Considers Emergency Closure of Bridge to Denmark

THE TELEGRAPH: Swedish government prepares proposal to halt traffic across the Oresund bridge to Denmark in bid to stop influx of asylum-seekers

Sweden’s government is rushing an emergency bill through parliament which will give it the power to halt road traffic across the Oresund Bridge to Denmark — bringing any future influx of asylum seekers to a sudden and dramatic halt.

The bridge, made famous by the popular television drama The Bridge, is used by 20,000 road commuters a day and has been the main entry route for those seeking asylum in Sweden. The country is expecting to receive some 190,000 asylum-seekers this year.

“This bill, if passed, would give the government the ability in an emergency to close the bridge without having to deal with it in parliament, because that would probably take too long”, Elin Tibell, press secretary to infrastructure minister Anna Johansson, told Sweden’s Dagens Industri newspaper.

Trains across the bridge will continue to run, but operators expect travel times to double from 30 minutes to an hour as police carry out passenger checks.

It comes as European ministers meeting in Brussels discussed sweeping measures to reintroduce border checks for up to two years, in an effective suspension of the thirty-year-old Schengen agreement. » | Richard Orange, Copenhagen | Thursday, December 3, 2015

Thursday, December 03, 2015

Pakistani Lawyer Files Petition for Return of Koh-i-noor Crown Jewels Diamond

The Koh-i-noor diamond is set in the state crown of Queen Mary,
consort of George V, and last worn by the Queen Mother.
THE GUARDIAN: Gem set in crown last worn by Queen’s mother belongs to Punjab province and was forcibly taken by British colonialists, says petitioner in Lahore

A lawyer in Pakistan has filed a court petition seeking the return of a diamond he says Britain forced India to hand over in colonial times.

Once the largest cut diamond in the world, the 105-carat Koh-i-noor is one of the crown jewels. It is set in a crown last worn by the Queen’s late mother during her coronation.

Lawyer Jawaid Iqbal Jafree filed the petition at the high court in Lahore on Wednesday naming Queen Elizabeth II as a respondent. The application asks that Britain hand back the diamond, now on display in the Tower of London.

India also has made regular requests for the jewel’s return, saying the Koh-i-noor is an integral part of the country’s history and culture. In 1850, Britain’s then colonial governor-general of India arranged for the huge diamond to be presented to Queen Victoria. » | Reuters | Thursday, December 3, 2015

EDL Co-founder Tommy Robinson to Launch New UK Anti-Islam Movement

BT.COM: The co-founder of the far-right English Defence League (EDL) Tommy Robinson is to launch a new UK anti-Islam movement.

The co-founder of the far-right English Defence League (EDL) Tommy Robinson is to launch a new UK anti-Islam movement.

The former EDL leader, who left the group in 2013 to work with anti-extremism think-tank The Quilliam Foundation, will signal a return to politics on Thursday in an interview with Channel 4 News, the broadcaster said.

He is to appear on the programme to discuss launching a "new anti-Islam street movement in the UK", believed to be international far-right group Pegida - whose roots are in Germany.

Mr Robinson spoke at a Pegida rally in the German city of Dresden last month where, according to a Facebook post by the group, he spoke about the Paris attacks and said he wanted them to "save our culture, save our country, save our future". » | PA | Thursday, December 3, 2015

Putin kritisiert Ankara erneut

Greece: Refugee Electrocuted to Death on Macedonian Border after Clashes

A refugee was electrocuted to death on the Greek-Macedonian border near the Idomeni crossing, Thursday. Fellow refugees read Muslim prayers for the deceased, who is believed to be of Moroccan origin.

Russlands Präsident droht der Türkei: „Nur Allah weiß, warum sie das gemacht haben“

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Wladimir Putin droht Ankara nach dem Abschuss eines russischen Kampfflugzeugs mit weiteren Sanktionen. Die westlichen Staaten macht der Präsident für die Ausbreitung des Terrorismus verantwortlich.

Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin hat der türkischen Führung schwere Vorwürfe wegen der angeblichen Unterstützung von Terroristen gemacht. „Wir wissen, wer jetzt in der Türkei den Terroristen hilft, sich zu bereichern, indem das gestohlene Erdöl verkauft wird“, sagte Putin am Donnerstag in seiner Rede an die Nation. Das türkische Volk sei fleißig, aber das „Regime“ in Ankara sei verräterisch. » | Quelle: dpa | Donnerstag, 3. Dezember 2015

«Les Turcs vont regretter» la destruction d'un avion russe

Vladimir Poutine a proféré des menaces lors de son adresse
annuelle devant les parlementaires, le gouvernement et les
gouverneurs des régions de Russie.
LE MATIN: SYRIE — Vladimir Poutine a dénoncé la Turquie et affirmé que la Russie «n'oubliera jamais».

La Russie «n'oubliera jamais» la destruction d'un avion militaire russe le 24 novembre au-dessus de la frontière syrienne et les Turcs «vont regretter ce qu'ils ont fait», a prévenu jeudi le président russe Vladimir Poutine. «Nous n'oublierons jamais cette complicité avec les terroristes. Nous considèrerons toujours la trahison comme l'un des pires et des plus vils actes. Que ceux en Turquie qui ont tiré dans le dos de nos pilotes le sachent», a déclaré le président lors de son adresse annuelle devant les parlementaires, le gouvernement et les gouverneurs des régions de Russie.

«Je ne comprends pas pourquoi ils ont fait ça. Seul Allah le sait», a-t-il ajouté, suscitant les applaudissements de l'assemblée. «Il semble qu'Allah ait décidé de punir la clique au pouvoir en Turquie en la privant de la raison et du bon sens». «Il ne faut pas attendre de nous une réaction nerveuse, hystérique, dangereuse pour nous et pour le monde entier», a-t-il promis. «Nous n'allons pas brandir les armes». » | ats/nxp | jeudi 3 décembre 2015