Saturday, October 17, 2015

Merkel's Dilemma as Germany Frets over Refugees

THE TELEGRAPH: Even those who supported Angela Merkel's decision to welcome hundreds of thousands of refugees last month are starting to worry that Germany cannot cope

Hundreds of people are huddled outside Berlin’s main government office for asylum-seekers in the pouring rain. Some have soaking sleeping bags wrapped around them against the cold, others stand shivering in thin plastic ponchos; they are all waiting to be registered as refugees.

They come every day to wait. Some arrive as early as 4am and stay until after dark, only to leave empty-handed. There are Syrians, Afghans, Iraqis. Until they are registered, they are homeless in the heart of Europe’s richest country. Many have been waiting for weeks.

The German authorities are overwhelmed, and simply cannot keep up with the thousands arriving every day.


In Germany, her personal approval ratings have fallen to their lowest level since 2011, and her Christian Democrat party is sinking fast in the polls.

At a meeting with her own party activists in Germany last week, Mrs Merkel was told bluntly she “should be ashamed” and was a “failure as a government leader”. One activist turned up with a banner that read “Dethrone Merkel”.

Read the whole article » | Justin Huggler in Berlin and Peter Foster, Europe Editor | Saturday, October 17, 2015

Revealed: How UK Targets Saudis for Top Contracts

Prince Khalid bin Faisal bin Abdulaziz welcomes David Cameron
as he arrives in Jeddah in 2012 to push for more arms sales.
THE GUARDIAN: Documents show that the controversial kingdom is seen as a ‘priority market’ for British companies

Government departments are intensifying efforts to win lucrative public contracts in Saudi Arabia, despite a growing human rights row that led the ministry of justice to pull out of a £6m prison contract in the kingdom last week.

Documents seen by the Observer show the government identifying Saudi Arabia as a “priority market” and encouraging UK businesses to bid for contracts in health, security, defence and justice.

“It’s becoming increasingly clear that ministers are bent on ever-closer ties with the world’s most notorious human rights abusers,” said Maya Foa, director of Reprieve’s death penalty team. “Ministers must urgently come clean about the true extent of our agreements with Saudi Arabia and other repressive regimes.”

The UK’s increasingly close relationship with Saudi Arabia – which observes sharia law, under which capital and corporal punishment are common – is under scrutiny because of the imminent beheading of two young Saudis. Ali al-Nimr and Dawoud al-Marhoon were both 17 when they were arrested at protests in 2012 and tortured into confessions, their lawyers say. France, Germany, the US and the UK have raised concerns about the sentences but this has not stopped Whitehall officials from quietly promoting UK interests in the kingdom – while refusing to make public the human rights concerns they have to consider before approving more controversial business deals there. Several of the most important Saudi contracts were concluded under the obscurely named Overseas Security and Justice Assistance (OSJA) policy, which is meant to ensure that the UK’s security and justice activities are “consistent with a foreign policy based on British values, including human rights”. Foreign Office lawyers have gone to court to prevent the policy being made public. Read on and comment » | Jamie Doward | Saturday, October 17, 2015

Deutschland: Maas: Pegida mitschuldig an Anschlägen

RP ONLINE (RHEINISCHE POST): Berlin. Der Bundesjustizminister übt scharfe Kritik an den Rechtspopulisten.

Nach den jüngsten Vorfällen bei einer Demonstration der sogenannten Pegida-Bewegung ("Patriotische Europäer gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes") in Dresden hat Bundesjustizminister Heiko Maas (SPD) schwere Vorwürfe gegen rechtspopulistische Hetzer erhoben. Die Anhänger der Gruppe sieht Maas als mitverantwortlich für Brandanschläge auf geplante Flüchtlingsheime. "Niemand, der da mitläuft, kann sich von der Verantwortung freimachen für die Taten, die diese Hetze inspiriert", sagte Maas unserer Redaktion. Als Beispiele nannte er brennende Heime oder verletzte Flüchtlingshelfer. Wer Galgen baue und Menschen daran baumeln sehen wolle, setze Hemmschwellen herab. Es gebe keine Ausreden mehr, so der Minister. » | Von Michael Bröcker und Jan Drebes | Quelle: RP | Samstag, 17. Oktober 2015

DIE PRESSE: Deutscher Justizminister warnt vor Pegida-Marsch-Teilnahme » | APA/dpa | Samstag, 17. Oktober 2015

Köln: Stadt unter Schock

SUEDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG: Ein paar Minuten dauert es, bis Helfer der niedergestochenen OB-Kandidatin Henriette Reker den Angreifer zu Boden gerungen haben. Danach ist alles anders in Köln.

Der Mann kam und sagte, er sei hier, um den Messias zu retten und die Bürger der Stadt Köln vor dunklen Mächten. "Ich befreie euch vor solchen Leuten." Dann sticht er zu, mit einem etwa 20 Zentimeter langen Säbel. Er trifft Henriette Reker am Hals, sie sackt zusammen. Ihre Helfer stürzen sich auf den Angreifer, der weiter um sich sticht. Ein paar Minuten dauert dieser Kampf und danach ist alles anders in Köln, die Stadt nicht mehr dieselbe. » | Von Bernd Dörries, Köln | Samstag, 17. Oktober 2015

Messerattacke auf Politikerin in Köln »

Messerattacke auf Politikerin in Köln

SCHWEIZER RADIO UND FERNSEHEN: Vor der morgigen Oberbürgermeisterwahl ist die Mitfavoritin Henriette Reker niedergestochen worden. Der Täter befindet sich in Polizeigewahrsam. Laut Medienberichten hat er als Motiv die Flüchtlingspolitik genannt. Die Politikerin befindet sich laut Wahlkampfteam ausser Lebensgefahr.

Einen Tag vor der Kölner Wahl ist die Oberbürgermeisterkandidatin Henriette Reker bei einer Messerattacke auf einem Wochenmarkt schwer verletzt worden. Ein mit einem Messer bewaffneter Mann habe die parteilose Reker am Morgen um kurz nach neun Uhr an einem Wahlkampfstand der CDU angegriffen, teilte die Stadt Köln mit. Reker sei durch einen Stich in den Hals verletzt worden. Der etwa 30- bis 40-jährige Angreifer wurde festgenommen. » | SRF 4 News, 11:00 Uhr; agenturen/roso; stric | Samstag, 17. Oktober 2015

Pascal Weber: «Der Konflikt wird internationaler»

Les premiers cars de migrants arrivent en Slovénie

LE MATIN: CRISE MIGRATOIRE — Ce pays est la nouvelle destination des candidats à l'asile dans l'Union européenne.

Six premiers autocars transportant des migrants sont arrivés samedi matin à la frontière de la Slovénie. Ce pays est la nouvelle destination des candidats à l'asile dans l'Union européenne après la fermeture par la Hongrie de sa frontière avec la Croatie.

Trois autocars ont poursuivi leur route jusqu'à un centre d'accueil, selon la police. Les passagers des trois autres étaient directement enregistrés à la frontière, a constaté un journaliste. » | afp/nxp | samedi 17 octobre 2015

Allemagne : "Nous avons froid", le cri d'alarme des réfugiés

LE POINT: Alors que les températures dégringolent outre-Rhin, des migrants logés, faute de mieux, sous des tentes non chauffées, interpellent les autorités.

"Nous avons froid !" : des réfugiés, logés faute de mieux sous des tentes en Allemagne, poussent un cri d'alarme alors que les températures dégringolent et obligent des autorités surmenées à chercher des solutions pour des dizaines de milliers de migrants. "Ils disent qu'ils vont faire quelque chose mais ils ne nous disent pas quand. Peut-être quand tout le monde se sera transformé en glaçon !" : Hussein, un jeune Afghan de 25 ans refusant de dévoiler sa véritable identité, dort depuis un mois sous l'une des tentes non chauffées montées en urgence par la ville de Hambourg (Nord).

"La nuit, on ne peut pas rester plus d'une heure sous la tente", poursuit-il. Dans ce grand port du Nord comme dans le reste du pays, le thermomètre a vertigineusement chuté, transformant les nuits sans chauffage en cauchemar. Et l'hiver allemand, réputé pour sa rigueur, n'a pas encore démarré. » | Source AFP | samedi 17 octobre 2015

Germany: Refugee Train Re-routed due to Far-right Rally at Berlin Airport

Around 20 far-right protesters gathered outside Berlin Schoenefeld Airport where a train with at least 550 asylum seekers was due to arrive on Saturday morning. The demonstration was organised by the German far-right National Democratic Party (NPD). The protesters held banners reading "Asylum deception makes us poor!" and "No to sheltering refugees! We are against!"

Germany: Merkel Talks Refugee Crisis as She Addresses CDU/CSU Youth

Israeli Forces Lockdown the Al-Aqsa Mosque

Israeli security forces imposed age restrictions at the al-Aqsa Mosque compound in East Jerusalem, allowing only Palestinian men over 40 to attend Friday night prayers.

Hungary Plunges Europe into Further Chaos with SECOND Border Closure with Croatia

EXPRESS: HUNGARY will tonight permanently close its border with Croatia, plunging Europe into further turmoil.

A four-metre high razor-wire fence has been erected along Hungary's southern border with Croatia over recent weeks as the country continues its crackdown on the migrants entering en route to Germany and northern Europe.

Officials had said the frontier would remain open if European Union (EU) leaders could agree on a scheme to send security forces to Greece to stem the flow of migrants and refugees.

But the Hungarian foreign minister announced today that the fence would close at midnight local time (10pm BST). » | Tom Batchelor and Agnes Kegl | Friday, October 16, 2015

Une fusillade fait 5 morts en Arabie saoudite

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Une attaque dans une mosquée chiite revendiquée par le groupe EI a fait 5 mort en Arabie Saoudite.

Un homme armé a abattu vendredi cinq personnes, dont une femme, lors d'une fusillade dans une salle commune de la ville de Saihat, dans l'est de l'Arabie saoudite, rapporte le ministère de l'Intérieur. L'attaque visait une réunion de membres de la communauté chiite.

L'attentat a également fait neuf blessés, précise le ministère dans un communiqué. L'agresseur a été abattu par la police saoudienne.

Le document précise que l'attaque a eu lieu vendredi vers 19h00 (18h00 en Suisse), lorsqu'un homme portant une arme automatique «a commencé à tirer au hasard» dans la husseiniya (une salle utilisée pour des commémorations chiites) d'Al-Haidaria, dans le quartier de Saihat de la ville de Qatif. » | samedi 17 octobre 2015

Germany Ready to Give Greece Financial Aid to Tackle Refugee Crisis

THE GUARDIAN: Berlin acknowledges Greek economy too weak to cope with influx and is willing to give support in return for more robust border controls

Germany is willing to give Greece financial backing to deal with the unprecedented refugee crisis on its own soil instead of exporting it north towards central Europe.

With thousands of refugees pouring into Greece every day and the economy still sputtering, officials in Berlin indicated that Germany would come up with support for Athens in return for a more robust effort to control its borders in the Aegean Sea.

Stressing that there was no connection between any support linked to refugees and the bailout deal agreed this year, as had been suggested in German media, the government admitted Greece’s economy was too delicate for it to be able to deal with the crisis on its own.

“We want to support Greece in this, so that it is able to meet its duties as a member of the EU to protect its borders in the most effective way,” the government spokesman Steffen Seibert told journalists in Berlin. » | Kate Connolly in Berlin and Helena Smith in Athens | Friday, October 16, 2015

Turkey Rejects Offer of EU Membership in Exchange for Halting Refugee Influx

THE TELEGRAPH: Turkey says plan agreed by EU officials for joint action on migrants amounts to 'bribery'

Turkey has brushed off the offer of EU membership in exchange for halting the refugee influx as “bribery”, hours after European leaders sought to buy the country’s co-operation at a price of £2 billion.

Racep Tayyip Erdogan, the man Europe hopes can hold back a vast new wave of migrants, ridiculed an offer of visas, cash and a fresh chapter of accession talks drawn up by European leaders last night.

If Brussels wants his co-operation, nothing less than full EU membership will do, the president said, adding that the offer did not appear to be “sincere”.

“The West and Europe's security and stability is contingent on our security and stability. They have accepted this now. So if it can't happen without Turkey, why don't you take Turkey into the EU? The problem is clear but they are not open,” he said.

Mr Erdogan’s determination to drive a hard bargain with Europe came as Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, prepared to travel to Turkey this weekend to try build momentum for a workable deal with Ankara. » | Matthew Holehouse, Brussels and Peter Foster, Europe Editor | Friday, October 16, 2015

Family of Saudi Schoolboy Protester Fears His Execution Is Imminent

Ali Mohammed al-Nimr is accused of participating in an
illegal demonstration and firearms offences
THE TELEGRAPH: Barack Obama urged to intervene on behalf of Ali Mohammed al-Nimr after Riyadh rejects his appeal against the death sentence

The family of Ali Mohammed al-Nimr, a Saudi teenager facing death by crucifixion or beheading for taking part in an anti-government protest, fear his execution is imminent.

A member of the Shia minority, he was only 17 years old and still a schoolboy when he was arrested three and a half years ago at a rally in Qatif during the Arab Spring.

The Saudi authorities sentenced the teenager to death after convicting him of armed robbery, possessing a machine gun, attacking security forces and attending an illegal protest.

An appeal was rejected by the country’s supreme court last month and he was moved into solitary confinement along with, it is believed, two other teenagers facing the death penalty for similar offences – Dawood Hussein al-Marhoon and Abdullah Hasan al-Zaher.

The death sentence imposed on the teenager has intensified criticism of Saudi Arabia's human rights record.

Fears that the Saudis are preparing for his execution have been heightened by the abrupt cancellation of prison visits and phone calls. » | David Millward | Friday, October 16, 2015

Friday, October 16, 2015

"Merkels neues Deutschland – Schaffen wir das?“ - Unter den Linden am 12. Oktober 2015

Zu Gast bei Michael Hirz sind u.a, Prof. Herfried Münkler (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)

Warning! This Video Is Not Suitable for Children! Foul Language! Islamophobia: Pregnant Muslim Woman Verbally Abused on a London Bus

Date of incident: 14/10/2015. The joys of multiculturalism!

BBC TRENDING: Black woman's racist rant on a London bus: Footage showing a woman's anti-Muslim tirade on a London bus has prompted a discussion about the fact that the abusive woman is black. » | Blog by Mike Wendling | Reporting by Anne-Marie Tomchak | Friday, October 16, 2015

German Anti-Islam Protesters Slam 'Dangerous' Merkel

FRANCE 24: DRESDEN (GERMANY) (AFP) - Germany's anti-Islam party PEGIDA stepped up its attacks on Chancellor Angela Merkel on Monday, slamming her as "the most dangerous woman in Europe" and demanding she resign.

PEGIDA leader Tatjana Festerling told a rally of thousands of supporters in the eastern city of Dresden that Merkel's policy of welcoming refugees had turned Germany into a "gigantic camp in the jungle".

Festerling, who came fourth in Dresden's mayoral elections in June with 10 percent of the vote, denounced Merkel as "irresponsible" describing her as "the most dangerous woman in Europe". » | AFP | Monday, October 12, 2015

Worlds Apart: 'US Responsible for Refugee Crisis, It Should Pay the Bill' - Vaclav Klaus, Former Czech President

The dissolution of Czechoslovakia offers a rare example of how radical social and political change can be brought about both peacefully and legally. What lessons from the Czechoslovak experience can be applied to the resolution of numerous conflicts besetting the EU, from the refugee crisis to the Ukrainian conflict? Oksana is joined by Vaclav Klaus, the former President of the Czech Republic, to discuss these issues.