Saturday, November 17, 2012

One Fat Lady in Race Row over Muslim Ghetto Jibe

MAIL ONLINE: Chef was 'surprised any of the people who might object could read what I wrote as it is written in English' / She describes visit to the 'ghetto' after getting lost in traffic and found herself 'in an area where all the men were wearing Islamic clothing' / But she says there's an upside — she's thankful for the large number of Asian restaurants in the city as 'you can eat excellent curry' there / Her comments were criticised by the Muslim Council of Britain and the city's mayor, who claims her account 'may help sell books but it is cheap'

She is as renowned for her outspoken views as she is for her cooking.

So when celebrity chef Clarissa Dickson Wright decided to write about her day out in a multi-cultural part of Leicester, she didn't mince her words.

The former star of the BBC's Two Fat Ladies claimed a visit to the city, which has a large Muslim population, was 'the most frightening experience of her life'.

Describing parts of Leicester as a 'ghetto', she said seeing so many men in Islamic clothing and women in a burkas left her feeling 'in the middle of my own country, a complete outcast and pariah'.

Yesterday her comments provoked fury from Muslim groups and local leaders.
But Miss Dickson Wright remained defiant, saying: 'I'm surprised any of the people who might object could read what I wrote as it is written in English.' The Islamic area of Leicester frightened me, says TV chef » | Paul Bentley | Friday, November 17, 2012

Friday, November 16, 2012

Hamas feuert Rakete auf Tel Aviv

Deutschland und Frankreich wollen enger kooperieren

Homosexualité = zoophilie ? L’UOIF riposte

SAPHIR NEWS: L’Union des organisations islamiques de France (UOIF [Union des Organisations Islamiques de France]) désapprouve le mariage homosexuel et l’homoparentalité et a souhaité le faire savoir par une tribune, publiée sur Saphirnews,[,] dans laquelle elle décline tous ses arguments pour expliquer sa position.

Or, les médias mainstream n’ont retenu qu’un passage : celui où l’UOIF évoque la zoophilie. « Si le mariage entre deux personnes de même sexe devenait une norme, alors où s’arrêteront les revendications ? Les plus incongrues peuvent, un jour, être légitimées au nom du même principe d’égalité. Qui pourra délégitimer la zoophilie, la polyandrie, au nom du sacro-saint amour ? », s’était-elle interrogée.

Plusieurs médias en ont conclu alors que l’UOIF compare homosexualité et zoophilie, ce qui a suscité une réaction d’indignation de Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, la porte-parole du gouvernement. « Les propos de l'UOIF sont évidemment un dérapage, une violence langagière terrible pour les principaux intéressés mais pas seulement, pour la société tout entière », a-t-elle déclaré. » | Rédigé par La Rédaction | vendredi 16 novembre 2012
Economist 'Time-bomb' Cover Sparks French Ire

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: French officials angrily rejected a charge by The Economist on Friday that France was the "time-bomb at the heart of Europe", accusing the magazine of sensationalist journalism.

The Economist's front cover showed seven loaves of "baguette" bread held together by a French tricolour with a lit fuse protruding from the centre.

Its main article raised concerns that President Francois Hollande's economic reforms are not ambitious enough and so could jeopardise the future of the euro currency.

"Unless Mr Hollande shows that he is genuinely committed to changing the path his country has been on for the past 30 years, France will lose the faith of investors—and of Germany. As several euro-zone countries have found, sentiment in the markets can shift quickly," The Economist wrote.

"The crisis could hit as early as next year. Previous European currency upheavals have often started elsewhere only to finish by engulfing France—and this time, too, France rather than Italy or Spain could be where the euro’s fate is decided. Mr Hollande does not have long to defuse the time-bomb at the heart of Europe."

Industry Minister Arnaud Montebourg told Europe 1 radio: "Honestly, The Economist has never distinguished itself by its sense of even-handedness." » | Telegraph Staff, and agencies | Friday, November 16, 2012
War Looms Over Gaza As Israel Mobilizes Troops Near Border

FOX NEWS: JERUSALEM – Both the Israeli military and militants in the Gaza strip continued relentless air strikes Friday as Israeli troops, tanks and armored personnel carriers massed near the Palestinian territory, signaling a ground invasion might be growing near.

Hopes of even a brief cease-fire were dashed after both sides accused the other of violating a proposed cease-fire during a visit by the prime minister of Egypt to Gaza.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had told Egypt that Israel was prepared to suspend its military offensive in the Gaza Strip during Prime Minister Hisham Kandil's three-hour visit there Friday.

However, Israel later said Hamas did not honor the deal, saying rockets fired from Gaza had hit several sites in southern Israel as Kandil was in the enclave.

Israel strongly denied it had carried out any attacks from the time Kandil entered Gaza, though Gaza militants claimed Israel had continued strikes during the visit.

More indications emerged late Thursday that the conflict may erupt into an all-out war, as at least 12 trucks were seen transporting Israeli tanks and armored personnel carriers toward Gaza and buses carrying soldiers headed toward the border area. » | | Friday, November 16, 2012

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Binyamin Netanyahu Accuses Hamas of War Crimes

The Israeli prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu says the Palestinian armed groups are committing war crimes, attacking Israeli civilians and using Palestinians as human shields. A Hamas spokesman says they will decide when the fighting ends, not Israel. A Hamas rocket has killed three Israelis north of the Gaza Strip on Thursday. The Palestinian death toll has risen to 15

Romney Breaks Silence in Bitter Broadside at Obama

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Mitt Romney, speaking for the first time since losing the US presidential election to Barack Obama, has blamed his defeat on "gifts" showered by the president on his female, young, African-American and Hispanic supporters.

Mr Romney accused Mr Obama of following the "old playbook" by bestowing favors on key Democratic constituencies in exchange for their support at the ballot box.

"In each case they were very generous in what they gave to those groups," the defeated Republican presidential nominee said during a phone call with his national finance committee.

"With regards to the young people, for instance, a forgiveness of college loan interest, was a big gift," Mr Romney said.

Mr Obama garnered 51 percent of the popular vote, while Mr Romney got 48 percent. The president's win was more decisive in the Electoral College, where he earned 332 votes against Mr Romney's 206.

Romney's remarks, reported by the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times, echoed controversial remarks made to donors at a private fundraiser, denigrating the "47 percent" of US voters who he said failed to pay income tax. » | Source: AFP | Thursday, November 15, 2012
War Looms Over Gaza as Death Toll Rises

REUTERS.COM: (Reuters) - A Hamas rocket killed three Israelis north of the Gaza Strip on Thursday, drawing the first blood from Israel as the Palestinian death toll rose to 15 in a military showdown lurching closer to all-out war and an invasion of the enclave.

On the second day of an assault Israel said might last many days and culminate in a ground attack, its warplanes bombed targets in and around Gaza city, where tall buildings trembled.

Plumes of smoke and dust furled into a sky laced with the vapor trails of outgoing rockets.

The sudden conflict, launched by Israel with the killing of Hamas's military chief, pours oil on the fire of a Middle East already ablaze with two years of revolution and an out-of-control civil war in Syria. Palestinian allies, led by Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi, denounced the Israeli offensive.

After watching powerlessly from the sidelines of the Arab Spring, Israel has been thrust to the centre of a volatile new world in which Islamist Hamas believes that Mursi and his newly dominant Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt will be its protectors. » | Nidal al-Mughrabi | GAZA | Thursday, November 15, 2012
"Panic" in Gaza after Israeli Strike – Rough Cuts

Ahmed Jabari, a top Hamas military commander, was targeted by an Israeli rocket and killed Wednesday. Panic quickly ensued around the wreckage. Dan Williams, senior correspondent in Jerusalem, reports. (November 14, 2012)

Des républicains comparent l'affaire Benghazi au scandale du Watergate

LE POINT: L'ancien chef de la CIA, qui a démissionné vendredi, témoignera au Sénat sur l'attaque contre le consulat américain de Benghazi.

L'ancien chef de la CIA David Petraeus, qui a démissionné vendredi après la révélation d'une liaison avec sa biographe, témoignera auSénat sur l'attaque contre le consulat américain de Benghazi, une affaire que le républicain John McCain compare au scandale du Watergate. Le sénateur John McCain a indiqué à des journalistes mercredi que David Petraeus se rendrait bien en personne devant la commission du Renseignement du Sénat, répondant ainsi à la demande de parlementaires. La CIA n'a pas commenté ces informations. "Le général Petraeus, comme vous le savez, participera à l'audition devant la commission du Renseignement", a-t-il indiqué en conférence de presse, avant d'indiquer plus tard que cela aurait lieu lors de l'audition déjà programmée de jeudi. Mais la date précise de l'audition ne semblait toutefois pas définitivement calée, contrairement à ce que laissait entendre John McCain.

John McCain a appelé à la formation d'une commission parlementaire spéciale au Sénat pour enquêter sur les événements de Benghazi, dans lesquels l'ambassadeur et trois autres Américains ont été tués dans un assaut à l'arme lourde, le 11 septembre. "Il est essentiel que le Congrès conduise sa propre enquête indépendante. Je veux être parfaitement clair : l'administration n'a aucune crédibilité, pour la plupart d'entre nous, concernant les multiples controverses et contradictions soulevées dans la gestion de cette affaire", a lancé John McCain. » | Source AFP | jeudi 15 novembre 2012
Filipino Man Wins Last Minute Stay of Execution for $1 Million Blood Money

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: A Filipino man won a stay of execution hours before he was due to be beheaded for murdering his landlord in Saudi Arabia as his family were given four months to raise $1 million (£630,000) blood money.

Joselito Zapanta, a Philippine construction worker was sentenced to death after killing the Sudanese landlord in 2009.

The relatives of Salah Ibrahim, who was killed in a dispute with Zapanta, 34, over unpaid rent, however agreed to waive the sentence in return for blood money.

The predawn decision to put off the sentence came after a Philippine official handed in a written plea for more time to King Abdullah, the Saudi ruler.

Raul Hernandez, a spokesman for the Philippine government, said the Saudi government had given more time but could not defy the wishes of the bereaved.

"The family has been given four months to raise four million riyals," he said. » | Damien McElroy, Foreign Affairs Correspondent | Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Spain Anti-austerity Protests: 'There Is a Great Deal of Anger on the Streets'

Fiona Govan, the Telegraph's correspondent in Madrid reports on the escalating tension as Spanish workers join strikes to protest against spending cuts and tax hikes that trade unions say have brought misery and deepened the country's economic crisis.

Read the article here | Contains video from Reuters | Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Damascus Demonstration: To Hell with Freedom, We Want an Islamic Caliphate and Weapons | The Internet - September 14, 2012

Egyptian Salafi Sheik Murgan Salem Calls to Destroy Pyramids, Tax Christians, and Says: Bin Laden Greater than Saladin | Dream 2 TV (Egypt) - November 10-13, 2012

Attempt to Pre[-]empt Ban: Far-Right NPD Asks Court to Confirm Its Legality

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: Germany's far-right NPD party has taken the unusual step of asking the country's highest court to confirm its constitutionality in an effort to avert a possible future attempt by the government to outlaw it. Mainstream politicians have dismissed the move as a populist stunt and say it is high time authorities move ahead with their bid to ban the party.

The far-right National Democratic Party (NPD) faces a possible bid to outlaw it on the grounds that it has an extremist manifesto that challenges Germany's democratic constitution. The country's domestic intelligence agency has described it as a "racist, anti-Semitic, revisionist" party bent on removing democracy and forming a Fourth Reich. » | cro – with wire reports | Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Damas dénonce la position «immorale» de Paris sur l'opposition syrienne

LIBÉRATION: Le vice-ministre des Affaires étrangères estime qu'en reconnaissant l'opposition, la France «soutient les terroristes».

En reconnaissant mardi l’opposition syrienne, la France a pris une position «immorale», a estimé mercredi le vice-ministre syrien des Affaires étrangères Fayçal Mekdad dans un entretien à l’AFP.

«Permettez-moi d’utiliser ce mot, c’est une position immorale car elle autorise l’assassinat de Syriens. Ils soutiennent les meurtriers, les terroristes et encouragent la destruction de la Syrie», a-t-il déclaré, réagissant aux déclarations du président français François Hollande.

Depuis le début en mars 2011 d’une révolte populaire devenue conflit armé, les autorités syriennes assimilent rebelles et opposants à des«terroristes» armés et financés par l'étranger pour semer le chaos dans le pays.

Le président français François Hollande a annoncé mardi que Paris reconnaissait la nouvelle coalition de l’opposition syrienne, formée dimanche, comme «la seule représentante du peuple syrien» et a ouvert la voie à des livraisons d’armes à l’opposition, jusqu’ici refusées. » | AFP | mercredi 14 novembre 2012
Pippa Middleton : son livre ne se vend pas

Seuls 2000 exemplaires ont été achetés Relégué dans les bas-fonds du classement sur (180e) et sur (308e), Dedicate, le premier livre de Pippa Midleton est un échec cuisant.

Pippa Middle-down…

Les tabloïds ne devraient pas tarder à surnommer ainsi la sœur de la princesse de Cambridge si les ventes de son ouvrage ne décollent pas.

Disponible dans les librairies depuis le 30 octobre, son livre sur l’organisation de fêtes a du mal à trouver son public. Pire, alors qu’elle aurait perçu une avance de 400 000 livres (près de 500 000 euros), la jolie Pippa est la cible de violentes critiques de la part de la presse britannique. » | mercredi 14 novembre 2012
Austerity Protests in Spain and Portugal on Europe-wide Day of Action

Union members and activists in Madrid and Lisbon gather to join a European day of action against austerity measures. Workers in Spain, Greece, Italy and Portugal were all due to hold protests on Wednesday. A 24-hour strike causes transport disruptions, including many cancelled flights

En Espagne et en Italie, des manifestations dégénèrent

LE FIGARO: EN IMAGES- À Paris, Lisbonne, Bruxelles ou encore Athènes, la mobilisation anti-austérité est importante. Forces de l'ordre et manifestants s'affrontent violemment à Madrid, Turin et Milan.

» | Par Sébastien Thévenet | mercredi 14 novembre 2012