Showing posts with label General David Petraeus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label General David Petraeus. Show all posts

Saturday, November 19, 2016

David Petraeus: Trump Must Prioritise ISIL over Assad – Talk to Al Jazeera

Former CIA director General David Petraeus discusses the challenges President-elect Donald Trump will inherit and how US foreign policy might change.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Petraeus Testifies in Benghazi Attack Inquiry

The US Congress continues to investigate the circumstances surrounding the attack on the US consulate in Libya two months ago. Former CIA director David Petraeus - fresh from a scandal about an extra-marital affair - has been testifying behind closed doors. Al jazeera's John Terrett has the latest from Washington DC.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Des républicains comparent l'affaire Benghazi au scandale du Watergate

LE POINT: L'ancien chef de la CIA, qui a démissionné vendredi, témoignera au Sénat sur l'attaque contre le consulat américain de Benghazi.

L'ancien chef de la CIA David Petraeus, qui a démissionné vendredi après la révélation d'une liaison avec sa biographe, témoignera auSénat sur l'attaque contre le consulat américain de Benghazi, une affaire que le républicain John McCain compare au scandale du Watergate. Le sénateur John McCain a indiqué à des journalistes mercredi que David Petraeus se rendrait bien en personne devant la commission du Renseignement du Sénat, répondant ainsi à la demande de parlementaires. La CIA n'a pas commenté ces informations. "Le général Petraeus, comme vous le savez, participera à l'audition devant la commission du Renseignement", a-t-il indiqué en conférence de presse, avant d'indiquer plus tard que cela aurait lieu lors de l'audition déjà programmée de jeudi. Mais la date précise de l'audition ne semblait toutefois pas définitivement calée, contrairement à ce que laissait entendre John McCain.

John McCain a appelé à la formation d'une commission parlementaire spéciale au Sénat pour enquêter sur les événements de Benghazi, dans lesquels l'ambassadeur et trois autres Américains ont été tués dans un assaut à l'arme lourde, le 11 septembre. "Il est essentiel que le Congrès conduise sa propre enquête indépendante. Je veux être parfaitement clair : l'administration n'a aucune crédibilité, pour la plupart d'entre nous, concernant les multiples controverses et contradictions soulevées dans la gestion de cette affaire", a lancé John McCain. » | Source AFP | jeudi 15 novembre 2012

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Petraeus-Affäre, ein Sumpf unabsehbaren Ausmaßes

WELT ONLINE: Außenministerin Clinton, Pentagon-Chef Panetta und Finanzminister Geithner wollen aufhören, und nun weitet sich die Petraeus-Affäre aus. Ein Fehlstart für den US-Präsidenten.

Inzwischen sind alle sicherheitspolitischen Großorgane der USA alarmiert: CIA, FBI, Pentagon. Die außereheliche Affäre des CIA-Chefs David Petraeus ist für den Helden des Irak, der als künftiger US-Verteidigungsminister und Präsidentschaftskandidat 2016 gehandelt wurde, nicht nur peinlich sondern auch Karriere zerstörend. » | Von Dietrich Alexander | Dienstag, 13. November 2012

Monday, November 12, 2012

Was Petraeus Forced Out to Silence His Account of Benghazi Killings?

TELEGRAPH – BLOGS – CON COUGHLIN: As they say in politics, timing is everything, and the shock resignation of David Petraeus as CIA director raises serious questions about whether this was genuinely a resignation caused by his affair with his biographer, or whether it was a hatchet job by Barack Obama's administration to prevent him giving evidence this Thursday to the Senate Intelligence Committee.

There is no doubt that General Petraeus made a monumental error of judgement by embarking on an affair with Paula Broadwell, the author of the recent hagiography of America's most celebrated soldier of modern times, All In: The Education of David Petraeus.

But the general's friends tell me that his sudden departure from Langley has nevertheless raised suspicions that his political enemies in the Obama administration – and there are many – used his dalliance to force him out of the CIA before he could make damaging allegations about the handling of the al-Qaeda attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi last September, in which US Ambassador Chris Stephens and three other staff died. Read on and comment » | Con Coughlin | Monday, November 12, 2012

Friday, May 27, 2011

Former British Ambassador Criticizes US Commander

Britain's former ambassador to Afghanistan, Sherard Cowper-Coles, harshly criticized America's top military commander, General David Petraeus

Afghanistan War Tactics Are Profoundly Wrong, Says Former Ambassador

THE GUARDIAN: Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles says General Petraeus has increased levels of violence and should be ashamed of himself

Britain's former ambassador to Afghanistan has attacked the conduct of the war by the US commander, General David Petraeus, describing the future CIA chief's tactics as counter-productive and "profoundly wrong".

Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles, who also served as the UK's special envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan, added that Petraeus should be "ashamed of himself" for making claims of the number of insurgent commanders his forces had killed.

"He has increased the violence, trebled the number of special forces raids by British, American, Dutch and Australian special forces going out killing Taliban commanders, and there has been a lot more rather regrettable boasting from the military about the body count," said Cowper-Coles. He added that the use of statistics was reminiscent of the Vietnam war. "It is profoundly wrong and it's not conducive to a stable political settlement."

Petraeus is due to leave Afghanistan to become CIA director this summer. Since taking command of US and coalition troops in Afghanistan last June, he has increased the use of special forces raids and drone attacks against Taliban commanders. » | Julian Borger, diplomatic editor | Wednesday, May 25, 2011

THE GUARDIAN: Sherard Cowper-Coles:'The nightly slaughter of the Taliban is profoundly wrong': When he was British ambassador in Afghanistan, Sherard Cowper-Coles was a lone voice as an outspoken critic of western policy. Now he's back and he's sticking to his guns » | Julian Borger | Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

L'OTAN condamne le projet d'une église chrétienne de brûler publiquement le Coran

LE MONDE: La Maison Blanche s'est dite "préoccupée" par le projet d'un groupe évangélique américain de brûler publiquement un exemplaire du Coran à l'occasion du neuvième anniversaire des attentats du 11 septembre 2001. Cette réaction rejoint de sévères mises en garde, notamment de l'OTAN, qui craint pour la vie des soldats américains.

Le Dove world outreach center, groupe fondamentaliste chrétien créé en 1986, accuse l'islam, "religion diabolique", de chercher à dominer le monde. Il a invité à brûler des exemplaires du Coran, samedi, devant les portes de son siège à Gainesville (Floride) et a appelé d'autres centres religieux à en faire autant pour se souvenir des victimes des attentats du 11-Septembre.

Si elle était mis à exécution, cette action servirait la propagande des talibans en Afghanistan et renforcerait le sentiment anti-américain dans le monde musulman, a averti le général David Petraeus qui commande la force de l'OTAN (ISAF) et les troupes américaines en Afghanistan. "C'est précisément le genre d'actions que les talibans utilisent et cela pourrait engendrer des problèmes significatifs. Pas seulement ici mais partout dans le monde où nous sommes présents au côté de la communauté musulmane", a déclaré dans un communiqué.

Ces mises en garde ont été confirmées par le secrétaire général de l'OTAN, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, qui a lui aussi condamné le projet : il bafouerait les "valeurs" de l'Alliance atlantique et "il risque d'avoir des conséquences néfastes sur la sécurité de nos troupes", a-t-il déclaré à quelques journalistes pendant une visite à Washington. >>> avec AFP | Mardi 07 Septembre 2010

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US-Christen wollen Koran verbrennen – Nato besorgt

WELT ONLINE: Die anti-islamische Aktion einer US-Gemeinde gefährde in Afghanistan das Leben von Soldaten, warnt der Nato-Befehlshaber David Petraeus.

Die afghanischen Demonstranten beschmutzten die US-Flagge. Foto: Welt Online

Der Oberbefehlshaber der Nato-Truppen in Afghanistan, David Petraeus, hat sich besorgt über Pläne einer US-Kirche gezeigt, zum Jahrestag der Anschläge vom 11. September 2001 den Koran zu verbrennen. Die Verbrennung des Heiligen Buchs der Muslime könne das Leben von Soldaten am Hindukusch gefährden, sagte der US-General dem „Wall Street Journal“. Die Aktion von einer Evangelikalen-Gruppe aus Florida spiele der Propaganda der Taliban in die Hände und könne „schwerwiegende Probleme“ hervorrufen – und das nicht nur in Afghanistan. Die geplante Koran-Verbrennung hat bereits für erste heftige Reaktionen und Proteste in der islamischen Welt gesorgt.

Die Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville im US-Bundesstaat Florida hatte angekündigt, am 11. September Exemplare des Koran zu verbrennen. Die 50 Mitglieder zählende Gruppe von Evangelisten wirbt auf ihrer Seite im Online-Netzwerk Facebook mit dem Slogan „Islam kommt vom Teufel“. Die Gemeinde bezeichnet sich als neutestamentarische, charismatische Kirche. Sie ist nicht mit einer der großen Kirchen der USA assoziiert, sondern eher eine jener sektiererischen Glaubensgemeinschaften, mit denen die Vereinigten Staaten seit ihrer Gründung so reich gesegnet sind. Pastor Terry Jones erläuterte der Tageszeitung „Houston Chronicle“, der Islam sei „eine Religion der Unterdrückung und der Koran definitiv ein gefährliches Buch“.

Auf der Webseite der Gemeinde liest man zur Begründung der Aktion, dass der Islam eine totalitäre Religion sei und dass „wir mit dieser Aktion vor den Lehren und der Ideologie des Islam warnen wollen, die wir hassen, weil sie hasserfüllt ist. Wir hassen jedoch keine Menschen. Wir lieben – wie Gott – alle Menschen auf der Welt und möchten, dass sie in den Besitz der Wahrheit kommen.“ >>> AFP/KNA/ks | Dienstag, 07. September 2010

Koran Book Burning Will Endanger American Lives, Warns Gen Petraeus

THE TELEGRAPH: General David Petraeus, the US military commander in Afghanistan, has warned that the lives of American troops will be endangered if evangelical Christians in Florida go ahead with plans to burn the Koran on Saturday's ninth anniversary of September 11.

The US military commander in Afghanistan has warned that the lives of American troops will be endangered if evangelical Christians in Florida go ahead with plans to burn the Koran on Saturday's ninth anniversary of September 11.

Gen Petraeus said that burning Islam's holy book would be a propaganda coup for the Taliban in Afghanistan and stoke anti-US sentiment across the Muslim world.

"It could endanger troops and it could endanger the overall effort in Afghanistan," he said.

"It is precisely the kind of action the Taliban uses and could cause significant problems. Not just here but everywhere in the world we are engaged with the Islamic community." >>> | Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

General David Petraeus Collapses in Senate Hearing

THE TIMES: General David Petraeus, America’s best-known military commander, collapsed while giving testimony on the campaign in Afghanistan to a Senate hearing.

His face turned deathly white and his head fell forward on to the desk in front of him just as he was being closely questioned during a hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee about President Obama’s decision to start withdrawing US troops from Afghanistan.

General Petraeus — commander of US Central Command which is responsible for both Afghanistan and Iraq — recently had treatment for prostate cancer but had insisted he was fully healthy. He is fanatical about his health and runs every day.

His sudden collapse, which brought his staff rushing to his side, came after he was being questioned by Senator John McCain, the former Republican presidential candidate and a Vietnam veteran, who had given grave warnings about the “negative trends” in Afghanistan.

He decried Mr Obama’s “arbitary” timetable for starting to withdaw US troops in July next year which, he claimed, had sent the wrong signal to Kabul. It was this timeline, he said, which he believed had persuaded President Karzai that the US wanted to get out of Afghanistan and had begun to refocus his efforts towards an accommodation with the Taleban and Pakistan’s military.

“It’s time for the President to say unequivocally that we will stay in Afghanistan until we succeed,” Mr McCain said. Read on and comment >>> Michael Evans, Pentagon Correspondent | Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Friday, March 19, 2010

General David Petraeus Tipped as Republican 2012 Presidential Candidate

THE TELEGRAPH: Speculation is mounting that Gen David Petraeus could run as the Republican presidential candidate in 2012.

General David Petraeus with President Barack Obama. Photograph: The Telegraph

The shrewd and articulate military commander, credited with turning around the Iraq war, will deliver a speech at Saint Anselm College in New Hampshire next week, a traditional staging post in the state where the first presidential primaries are held every four years. Each of the last eight presidents has spoken at the college on their way to victory.

It will be the latest in a series of speaking engagements where the head of the US Central Command region, which covers the Middle East and Central Asia, has veered well into foreign policy discussion and often faced questions about his political ambition.

His stock response is the same as any potential aspirant at this early stage - a flat no. But for someone who professes to have no interest in running for president he has a way of talking about it even when he hasn't been asked directly.

In a recent appearance at the World Affairs Council of Philadelphia Gen Petraeus turned a question about whether or not he planned to write a book upon retiring into an opportunity to deny he had political ambitions. On other occasions he has laughed off the notion of a White House bid in a slightly disingenuous manner. >>> Alex Spillius in Washington | Friday, March 19, 2010

Friday, April 18, 2008

'Zawahiri Tape' Calls for Fortress Islam in Iraq

THE GUARDIAN: A message claiming to be from al-Qaida's second-in-command, Ayman al-Zawahiri, has called on Muslims to turn Iraq into the "fortress of Islam".

In the second such audio message in a month, the speaker said the battle for the establishment of a greater Islamic state was the "most important duty" of every Muslim.

The call to arms came in a 16-minute long audio file posted on the internet to mark the fifth anniversary of the US-led invasion of Iraq.

The authenticity of the tape could not immediately be verified but the voice was said by experts to sound like Zawahiri.

In the speech entitled, Five years after the Invasion of Iraq and Decades of Injustice by the Tyrants, the speaker refers to US Iraqi commander General David Petraeus's recent testimony to the US Congress, and to a textile worker strike in Egypt on April 6.

The tape reportedly said: "We will only get our rights back with our own hands and not through beggary or fraudulent elections."

It called on Muslims to make Iraq a "fortress of Islam" and railed against Shia Iran for siding with the US against Iraq – a plot which he said would lead to an explosion of violence in the Middle East.

Zawahiri, an Egyptian-born surgeon thought to be in hiding in Pakistan or Afghanistan, regularly appears in video or audio clips. Earlier this month, he pulled off a propaganda coup for al-Qaida by answering questions from hundreds of people invited to take part in an online "open meeting".

In the internet Q&A he justified attacks against "crusaders", Jews, and their agents, predicted that "jihadi influence" will spread to Jerusalem after the US leaves Iraq and attacked the UN as "the enemy of Islam".

He also claimed that Bin Laden was "healthy and well". [Source: 'Zawahiri Tape' Calls for Fortress Islam in Iraq] By Anil Dawar and agencies | April 18, 2008

Al-Zawahiri Audio Tape HERE

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback - UK)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback - UK)