Thursday, May 11, 2023

Turkey: Erdogan's Challenger Kilicdaroglu Pledges 'True Democracy' ahead of Election | DW News

May 10, 2023 | Turkish presidential candidate Kemal Kilicdaroglu told DW that he and his six-party alliance would "fulfill people's longing for democracy" and would "turn towards the West" in foreign policy matters if successful at the polls on Sunday.

"We will fulfill people's longing for democracy. That's the biggest change and it won't only be seen here in Turkey but by the whole world," Kilicdaroglu told DW. "We will bring true democracy to this country."

Polls suggest that the Nation Alliance with Kilicdaroglu as the candidate — long the leader of the center-left CHP, Turkey's second-largest political party after President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's AKP — could pose the biggest threat to Erdogan in his 20 years in power.

Bank of England Raises UK Interest Rates to 4.5%

THE GUARDIAN: Latest 0.25 point hike marks 12th rise in a row as Bank battles stubbornly high inflation

The Bank of England has raised interest rates by a quarter of a percentage point to 4.5% amid growing concerns about persistently high inflation in the UK.

The Bank’s monetary policy committee voted by a majority for a 12th successive increase in borrowing costs, continuing its most aggressive rate-hiking cycle since the 1980s in an attempt to dampen UK inflation which remains in double digits.

UK rates are at the highest level since October 2008, when the global economy was in the grips of the financial crisis. » | Richard Partington | Thursday, May 11, 2023

Donald Trump Calls Sex Accuser a 'Wack Job' in US TV Interview

May 11, 2023 | Donald Trump has gone on live TV in the US to ridicule the writer who he's been found liable of sexually abusing, calling her a "wack job". He said the trial was a "witch-hunt" and argued he had never met E Jean Carroll. In the interview, the former US President also refused to say who he wants to win the Ukraine war, saying we shouldn't refer to President Putin as a war criminal.


‘What was CNN thinking?’: our panel on Donald Trump’s town hall: Lies, ridicule and applause from a pliable audience – the ex-president gave the audience what they came for, much to the discredit of CNN »


Donald Trump multiplie piques et provocations pour son grand retour sur CNN : Ce « town hall », un grand rituel de la politique américaine, était la première apparition médiatique, mercredi, de l’ancien président américain depuis qu’il a été reconnu responsable d’agression sexuelle par un tribunal de New York. »


Vorwärts in die Vergangenheit: Donald Trump hat beim ersten Fernsehauftritt bei CNN seit 2016 viele seiner alten Standpunkte wiederholt. Auch von seinen Lügen über den Wahlausgang 2020 kann er nicht lassen. »

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Kremlin Calls Poland’s Decision to Rename Kaliningrad a ‘Hostile Act’

THE GUARDIAN: Russian city will now be known as Królewiec in official documents, its name in the 15th and 16th centuries

The Kremlin has described Poland’s decision to rename the Russian city of Kaliningrad in its official documents as a “hostile act”, as ties continue to fray over the Ukraine war.

Kaliningrad, which sits in an exclave sandwiched between Lithuania and Poland on the Baltic coast, was known by the German name of Königsberg until after the second world war, when it was annexed by the Soviet Union and renamed to honour politician Mikhail Kalinin.

On Wednesday, Poland’s development minister, Waldemar Buda, said Kaliningrad would now officially be called Królewiec, its name when it was ruled by the Kingdom of Poland in the 15th and 16th centuries. » | Staff and agencies in Warsaw | Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Jacob Rees-Mogg's Hypocrisy Exposed

May 10, 2023 | This is grotesque: as Donald Trump was found guilty of sexually abusing a columnist, a GB News show hosted by Jacob Rees Mogg featured a panel composed exclusively of Trump apologists. This whole episode exposes the hypocrisy of right-wingers like Mogg - who grandstand on moral issues when it means opposing civil rights, but having no words of condemnation for the most morally corrupt figures of our time.

Nana Mouskouri | The White Rose of Athens & at the BBC Documentary

Apr 12, 2021 | Profile of Greek singer Nana Mouskouri, known as the White Rose of Athens and one of the best-selling female artists of all time. The documentary features a revealing interview with Nana herself, rare archive footage and interviews with family and friends including Harry Belafonte, Julio Iglesias and Charles Aznavour.

Trump Trial: 'This Is about Getting My Name Back' - E Jean Carroll

May 10, 2023 | E Jean Carroll has spoken to NBC's Today programme, giving her reaction to a jury deciding that Donald Trump sexually abused her in a changing room at a department store in the 1990s and then defamed her by branding her a liar. She says she's "overwhelmed with happiness for the women of this country".

Praise the Lord! Justice at last for this lady, E Jean Carroll. Hang your head in shame, Mr Trump. By the way, the world does not need you back in the White House. My suggestion: Retire to Mar-a-Lago and enjoy your dosh instead. By doing that, you will do yourself and the world a big favour. – © Mark Alexander

Marriage Equality in Japan

You can support gay marriage in Japan by signing this petition.

Cooking with Alia: Spiced Lamb Kefta

Jan 31, 2023

For a full list of the ingredients and the cooking method, click here and then click on ‘Show more’.

Au cœur de l'histoire: Alexandra, épouse du tsar Nicolas II (Franck Ferrand)

Sep 4, 2020 | Franck Ferrand nous parle aujourd’hui de la dernière tsarine, Alexandra Feodorovna, de son nom de règne. Elle était née allemande : Alix de Hesse-Darmstadt. Elle fut l’épouse de Nicolas II, et l’histoire retient qu’elle a partagé son martyre, il y aura cent ans en juillet prochain. Je suis heureux qu’Alexandre Jevakhoff ait accepté de venir nous parler de cette passionnante souveraine.

Quant à Lorena Martin, elle nous fera visiter le palais de Livadia, qui fut, sur la mer Noire, la résidence d’été de la famille impériale.

Invité : Alexandre Jevakhoff, historien et haut fonctionnaire
Son dernier livre : "La guerre civile russe", Perrin, janvier 2017

Life after Shunning: What I Faced after Coming Out as a Queer Jehovah’s Witness

THE GUARDIAN: My community ostracized me in the name of love. What followed was years of confusion

The night the world ended, I was at a bowling alley in a strip mall in the suburbs of Montreal, throwing strikes with other Jehovah’s Witness friends. Wholesome activities were the only way we could cool our hot teenage blood. If we weren’t bowling, we were at chaperoned, alcohol-free basement parties or outings to the cinema to watch movies that didn’t contravene God’s laws.

This one summer night at the lanes, I made the mistake of calling another young man handsome. My friends heard me but didn’t say anything. For the Witnesses, to be queer is an abomination. I had hidden my queerness successfully for years, suffocating my desires and my identity so that I could have a chance to live forever on a paradise earth. » | Daniel Allen Cox | Wednesday, May 10, 2023

The Guardian View on Loneliness: Private Pain Should Be a Public Priority

THE GUARDIAN – EDITORIAL: The personal anguish of those who long for meaningful ties has social causes – and social and economic costs

Lacking social connection is as dangerous to health as smoking up to 15 cigarettes a day and twice as risky as consuming six alcoholic drinks daily. This is the stark warning from the US surgeon-general, Vivek Murthy, who has released an advisory urging public officials to take loneliness as seriously as matters such as obesity or drug abuse.

Up to one in four people in the US report experiencing prolonged loneliness, while in the UK, 6% of people said they felt lonely “often” or “always” in the year to September 2022, and 19% reported feeling that way “sometimes”. Analysis published last year suggested that loneliness “at a problematic level” was a global issue. The evidence that it is damaging physical as well as mental health has amassed steadily, with one overview of 70 studies finding that it put people at 26% higher risk of early mortality. The impact on public services and the economy (research has suggested it costs employers in the UK as much as £2.5bn a year) is prompting governments to take some interest in what had previously been regarded as a private problem. » | Editorial | Monday, May 8, 2023

Related with my commentary.

Elton John : Something about the Way You Look Tonight

Sep 1, 2010 | "Directed by Tim Royes, the music video for The Big Picture’s first single features supermodels Alek Wek, Kate Moss, and Sophie Dahl. 'Something About The Way You Look Tonight' peaked at #1 in over 20 countries as the double-A side single with 'Candle In The Wind 1997'".

His Majesty King Charles III in a New Portrait

HELLO! Magazine

With many thanks to HELLO! Magazine on Pinterest for this regal photograph.

Here are portraits of both the King and the Queen, courtesy of HELLO! Magazine.

The British Royals’ Connections to the NSDAP | The Royals and The Nazis

Mar 17, 2023

Queen Victoria & the Victorian Era | Documentary

Dec 2, 2022

For those who wish to do so, this channel, The People Profiles, can be supported on Patreon.

The Coronation of Tsar Nicholas II

Apr 23, 2020 | The ceremony of the Coronation of Tsar Nicholas II took place in May 1896 in Moscow. The ceremonies began on Thursday, May 9, with the Imperial Procession into the city from the Petrovsky Palace. The Emperor went on horseback, followed by two golden carriages, containing the Dowager Empress Marie Feodorovna in the first, and the young Tsarina in the second. May 10 and II were days of ceremonial receptions. On May 12, Trinity Sunday, the Banner of State was consecrated with the Imperial Regalia that was delivered from the Armory to the Throne Hall of the Kremlin Palace. May 14, saw the Coronation itself with the procession to the Assumption Cathedral under a baldachin.

This video is an excerpt from a special edition entitled "In the Path of Love and Blood", featuring 30 minutes of high-quality newsreel footage from the Russian State Documentary Film & Photo Archive (RGAKFD) and photographs from the Russian State Archives (GARF). The total runtime is 40 mins.

Sen. Warren: 'Deeply Threatening' That Republicans Continue to Support Trump

May 10, 2023 | Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., reacts to the Trump sexual abuse verdict and congressional debt ceiling negotiations.

If Americans elect Trump back into office, won’t they deserve the fall of their American empire? Hello China! – © Mark Alexander

Democracy Now! Top US & World Headlines — May 10, 2023

Pourquoi les couvertures de livres françaises sont si fades

Apr 22, 2023 | Une couverture blanc crème ou bleue avec, pour seules fioritures, le titre et le nom de l'auteur : voilà bien souvent ce à quoi les couvertures de livres ressemblent en France. Une sobriété très éloignée de la tradition anglo-saxonne, qui privilégie les graphismes et lettrages colorées qui se démarquent sur les étals des librairies. Mais pourquoi donc les éditeurs français sont-ils si frileux ?

Prince Harry: Mirror Publisher Apologises in Phone Hacking Trial

Prince Harry attended the High Court in March for a separate hearing against a newspaper publisher | REUTERS

BBC: The publisher of the Mirror has apologised to Prince Harry for unlawful information gathering, at the start of a trial over alleged phone hacking

Mirror Group Newspapers (MGN) said it would never be repeated.

Lawyers representing Harry told the court he was subjected to the "most intrusive methods of obtaining personal information".

Harry is one of several high profile figures bringing claims against MGN.

Lawyers argue that executives at the company knew about widespread phone hacking but failed to act. » | Tom Symonds, Home Affairs correspondent, & James Gregory, BBC News | Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Prince Harry: Mirror publisher phone hacking trial explained: A High Court trial in which Prince Harry will give evidence against a newspaper publisher is under way. »

Former President Trump Found Liable for Battery and Defamation in E. Jean Carroll Civil Trial

May 9, 2023 | A federal jury in New York found former President Donald Trump liable for battery and defamation in a civil trial stemming from allegations he raped the writer E. Jean Carroll in a department store dressing room in the mid-1990s. CBS News had a special report on the verdict.

Donald Trump to Appeal after Jury Finds Former US President Sexually Abused E Jean Carroll- BBC News

May 10, 2023 | Donald Trump's lawyer said he plans to appeal after a jury in a civil case found the former US president sexually abused a magazine columnist in a New York department store in the 1990s. Mr Trump was found not liable for raping E Jean Carroll in the dressing room of Bergdorf Goodman. The jury also found Mr Trump liable for defamation for calling the writer's accusations "a hoax and a lie". The Manhattan jury ordered Mr Trump to pay her about $5m (£4m) in damages. After the verdict, Mr Trump, 76, posted on his social media platform Truth Social in all capital letters: "I have absolutely no idea who this woman is."

$5 Million in Damages: Donald Trump has been found liable for sexual abuse. »

Trump Is Mainstream, Whether We Like It or Not: Hunker down, America. Here we go again. »

Trump is now a legally defined sexual predator – will it affect his 2024 bid?: Verdict was dire for the Republican frontrunner, but more shocking than that was how unshockable the US has become »


L’ancien président américain Donald Trump reconnu responsable d’agression sexuelle à l’issue d’un verdict historique : Le magnat de l’immobilier, favori des primaires républicaines pour 2024, devra verser 5 millions de dollars à sa victime, l’ancienne chroniqueuse de presse E. Jean Carroll. « Ce verdict est une honte », a-t-il réagi. Ses avocats ont annoncé qu’ils feraient appel. »


Trump wegen sexueller Nötigung zu Millionen-Entschädigung verurteilt: Die amerikanische Autorin E. Jean Carroll hatte Trump vorgeworfen, sie vergewaltigt zu haben. Der frühere Präsident sagt, er kenne die Frau gar nicht. Er will nicht zahlen. »


Tuesday, May 09, 2023

Tory MPs Condemn Use of New Laws to Detain Coronation Protesters

THE GUARDIAN: Backbenchers speak out after Metropolitan police express regret over arrests of six members of Republic

Conservative MPs have condemned the use of new laws to hold anti-monarchy protesters for up to 16 hours during the coronation after the Metropolitan police admitted they had “regrets” following dozens of arrests.

The criticism came after Sadiq Khan demanded a review of policing on Saturday, while Keir Starmer, the Labour leader, declined to rip up the new public order bill under which six members of the protest group Republic were arrested.

New sections of the bill were rushed into law two days before the coronation and were used to arrest six demonstrators. However, all six have been released and the Met has expressed regret. » | Rajeev Syal and Jamie Grierson | Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Jury Finds Donald Trump Sexually Abused Columnist E Jean Carroll

THE GUARDIAN: Verdict for first time brands a former US president as a sexual predator but as case is civil he will only face financial punishment

Donald Trump speaks at his Mar-a-Lago estate on 4 April, in Palm Beach, Florida, after being arraigned earlier in the day in New York City. Photograph: Evan Vucci/AP

A New York jury has found that Donald Trump sexually abused the advice columnist E Jean Carroll in a New York department store 27 years ago.

The verdict for the first time legally brands a former US president as a sexual predator. But as it is the result of a civil and not criminal case, the only legal sanction Trump will face is financial.

The jury deliberated for less than three hours. The verdict will add to Trump’s growing legal woes. Last month he pled not guilty to 34 criminal charges of falsifying business records over the payment of hush-money to the porn star Stormy Daniels during the 2016 presidential election. It also looks likely that Trump will face criminal charges over his attempts to falsify the result of the presidential election in Georgia. » | Chris McGreal in New York | Tuesday, May 9, 2023


Donald Trump déclaré responsable d'agression sexuelle par un tribunal civil de New York : «Ce verdict est une honte», a réagi l'ancien président américain, qui devra verser cinq millions de dollars de dommages et intérêts à la plaignante, E. Jean Carroll. »

The Guardian View on Coronation Day: A Mix of Serious and Absurd

THE GUARDIAN – EDITORIAL: The crowning of King Charles III was rooted in Britain’s past but disconnected from its future
King Charles III and Queen Camilla. ‘It bears repeating that there was no constitutional need for the coronation.’ Photograph: Shutterstock

For many, the coronation of King Charles III was another great British occasion in a seamless tradition. That was the way the ever respectful broadcasters mostly saw it. For others, though, the coronation was either an affront to the way we live now or, perhaps in most cases, just an irrelevance. Most people had other things to do with their time than watch the events in Westminster Abbey and the streets of London.

True, the crowds in the Mall on Saturday represent something real about modern Britain. But they are only one part of the weekend story. Other parts matter too. In Glasgow and Cardiff there were demonstrations under Not My King banners. At Anfield, Liverpool football supporters drowned out the national anthem that was being played to mark the occasion. » | Editorial | Sunday, May 7, 2023


Protesters in handcuffs and nonstop bling: this coronation has been an embarrassment: Other European royals would never have risked a display on this scale. From the much-mocked pledge of allegiance onwards, Charles’s gamble has gone terribly wrong »

Are we supposed to believe in the 'Divine Right of Kings'? Isn't that what that anointing oil was all about? If we are, count me out! I could never believe in that! Surely, one would have to have lost one's marbles to believe in such an absurd notion. – © Mark Alexander

Après l'extravagance pour la famille royale, la pénurie pour les paysans ! – © Mark Alexander

David Miranda, Campaigner and Former Brazilian Congressman, Dies Aged 37

THE GUARDIAN: Lula celebrates ‘extraordinary trajectory’ of favela-born politician and Guardian columnist who played key role in Snowden leaks

David Miranda, a champion of the LGBTQ+ cause married to the journalist Glenn Greenwald, had been suffering a severe gastrointestinal infection. Photograph: Sérgio Lima/AFP/Getty Images

Brazilian politicians, celebrities and social activists have paid tribute to the vivacious, loving and combative former congressman and campaigner David Miranda who has died in Rio de Janeiro aged 37.

President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, celebrated the “extraordinary trajectory” of the favela-born politician who served in the country’s congress between 2019 and 2022 and was a powerful voice of resistance during the far-right administration of Jair Bolsonaro.

The death of Miranda, who was also a columnist for Guardian US, was announced on Tuesday by his husband, the American journalist and lawyer Glenn Greenwald, with whom he raised two adopted sons, João and Jonathan.

“He would have turned 38 tomorrow,” Greenwald tweeted. “He died in full peace, surrounded by our children and family and friends.” » | Tom Phillips in Rio de Janeiro | Tuesday, May 9, 2023


The far-right Bolsonaro movement wants us dead. But we will not give up: Demagogues rely on fear to consolidate power. But courage is contagious – that’s why we must join hands and fight back »

A Beautiful Mercedes Roadster, Vintage 1956

Mercedes 300 Sc roadster 1956

With many thanks to André Ritzinger on Pinterest for this superb exemplar of a vintage Mercedes Roadster.

Le tragique destin des Romanov : Treize années à la cour de Russie | Reupload

Dec 30, 2020 | La fin d'une dynastie impériale

WIKIPEDIA: Pierre Gilliard.

Democracy Now! Top US & World Headlines — May 9, 2023

Why Is Russia's Victory Parade Scaled Down? | DW News

May 9, 2023 | Special coverage of Russia's commemorations marking the 78th anniversary of its victory over Nazi Germany in World War Two. But this year's Victory Day comes at a time that sees Russia deeply entrenched in its invasion of Ukraine - one that's proving costly in both monetary and human terms.

This year the traditional parade of military hardware through Moscow's Red Square will be closed off to the public, although the proceedings will be given wall-to-wall coverage on state television channels.

Food Banks Are Taking Over from the Welfare State, Warns Gordon Brown

THE GUARDIAN: Former Labour PM, writing in the Observer, calls for action as charities increasingly take over role of social security system

Food banks are increasingly “taking over from the welfare state”, former Labour PM Gordon Brown has warned, amid growing concerns that lack of state support is forcing them into a permanent role in fighting poverty.

With food banks increasingly warning that even working people are seeking help, a new “multibank” model is now emerging to help families with everything from hygiene products to furniture. However, concerns are growing within the food aid movement that their services are becoming so widespread that they are now a crucial fixture, rather than a last resort.

Writing in the Observer last Sunday, Brown, who works with a multibank in Fife, calls on companies to donate their surplus goods and produce more items at cost price as he warns of “rising deprivation among those without money or power”. He also warns food banks are filling the growing hole in support. “As charities take over from the welfare state as our national safety net and the food bank, not the social security system, becomes the last line of defence against destitution, it is difficult not to fear for the future,” he writes. » | Michael Savage, Observer Policy Editor | Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Russia’s Victory Day Parade: President Putin Calls for 'Victory' - BBC News

May 9, 2023 | Russia's President Vladimir Putin told Moscow's Victory Day parade that the world is at a "turning point", with a "real war" being waged against Russia. Putin once again sought to link Russia’s invasion of Ukraine with the struggle against Nazism during World War Two. Hours before the Victory Day celebrations began, Russia launched a fresh wave of air strikes on Ukraine, with Kyiv saying 23 of the 25 cruise missiles fired were destroyed. Most were aimed at the capital, which came under attack for the fifth time this month.


„Die Ukraine gehört zu unserer europäischen Familie“: Während in Moskau eine Militärparade aufmarschiert, bekennt sich Kiew mit der Feier des Europatags zur EU. Mit dabei ist die Kommissionspräsidentin, die zu politischen Gesprächen anreist. »

La cérémonie du sacre à travers les collections du palais du Tau (Reims)

Aug 23, 2021 | Le palais du Tau est le musée des sacres des rois de France et de la cathédrale de Reims. Sculptures, tapisseries, peintures, costumes, ornements et pièces d’orfèvrerie constituent un trésor exceptionnel, du Moyen Âge au XIXe siècle.

Une partie de ces œuvres relate, étape par étape, le déroulement de la cérémonie des sacres dans la cathédrale de Reims. Les sacres de Louis XV et Charles X sont particulièrement bien documentés et illustrés.

Pour découvrir plus en détails l’histoire des sacres royaux et observer de près les œuvres qui s’y rattachent, préparez votre visite du monument.

Pakistan’s Former PM Imran Khan Arrested in Islamabad

THE GUARDIAN: Khan taken into custody as he appeared in court to face charges in a corruption case

Imran Khan, the former prime minister of Pakistan, has been arrested by the military as he appeared in court in Islamabad to face charges in a corruption case. » | Agencies in Islamabad | Tuesday, May 9, 2023


Imran Khan, Pakistan’s Ex-Leader, Is Arrested: Mr. Khan, a former cricket star, has staged a comeback since being ousted, openly challenging the powerful military. His detention raises fears of mass protests. »


Au Pakistan, l’ex-premier ministre Imran Khan arrêté au tribunal : L’arrestation d’Imran Khan survient au lendemain de la mise en garde de l’armée contre « les allégations sans fondement » prononcées, selon elle, par l’ex-premier ministre. »

Pakistan : des tirs de gaz lacrymogènes contre les manifestants après l'arrestation d'Imran Khan : L'ancien premier ministre comparaissait devant un tribunal d'Islamabad pour l'une des nombreuses affaires le visant depuis qu'il a été chassé du pouvoir en avril 2022. »


Pakistans früherer Ministerpräsident Imran Khan festgenommen: Seit seinem Sturz im vergangenen Jahr laufen zahlreiche Korruptionsverfahren gegen Imran Khan. Der wittert eine Verschwörung des Militärs. Nun wurde Khan in einer undurchsichtigen Aktion festgenommen. »

Rachmaninoff : Piano Concerto No. 2, Op. 18 | Rubinstein

Mar 9, 2014b| Arthur Rubinstein, piano; Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Fritz Reiner, cond. RCA/BMG, recorded Jan. 9, 1956

I Moderato
II Adagio sostenuto
III Allegro scherzando

Monday, May 08, 2023

One Little Click; One Big Blast!

Boogieing keeps you young!

Click here to boogie.

With many thanks to on Pinterest for this splendid photo of a ballet dancer.

Tabagisme : « Avec le stress, la vie morne et arrêtée, je suis passé à une trentaine de cigarettes par jour en 2020 »

LE MONDE : Après un an de crise sanitaire, économique et sociale, des lecteurs nous ont expliqué pourquoi ils ont repris la cigarette.

L’année de crise sanitaire et sociale qui vient de s’écouler a eu raison de la bonne volonté d’anciens accros à la cigarette, ou de fumeurs occasionnels. D’après la dernière étude de Santé publique France (SPF) publiée mercredi 26 mai, le nombre de fumeurs a arrêté de baisser, réaugmentant même chez les personnes aux revenus les moins élevés. Pour la population générale, la consommation de tabac a cessé de diminuer entre 2019 et 2020.

En réponse à un appel à témoignages lancé par Le Monde, de nombreux lecteurs disent avoir « craqué » pour une cigarette alors que le stress les envahissait en mars 2020, ou que la déprime était proche, au creux de l’hiver, quand le couvre-feu de 18 heures les obligeait à rentrer chez eux. A l’occasion de la Journée mondiale sans tabac, lundi 31 mai, nous leur avons donné la parole et avons essayé de comprendre les mécanismes liés à cette reprise du tabagisme dans un contexte de crise sanitaire, économique et sociale inédite. » | Par Brune Mauger | lundi 21 mai 2021


La baisse du tabagisme en France stoppée en 2020, avec un rebond significatif chez les plus précaires : Le nombre de fumeurs a arrêté de baisser, réaugmentant même chez les personnes aux revenus les moins élevés, et ce « dans un contexte de crise sociale », selon une étude de Santé publique France. La Journée mondiale sans tabac aura lieu lundi 31 mai. »


Jugendliche rauchen wieder häufiger: Das Ende der Vernunft: Wieder mehr Jugendliche in Deutschland rauchen. Beliebt sind E-Zigaretten, doch die bergen Gesundheitsrisiken. »


That Cloud of Smoke Is Not a Mirage: Cigarettes, once shunned, have made a comeback with a younger crowd who knows better. »

Surgeon General Discusses Health Risks of Loneliness and Steps to Help Connect with Others

May 3, 2023 | The U.S. Surgeon General declared a new public health epidemic in America, loneliness. A new report finds loneliness can have profound effects on mental health as well as heart disease, stroke and dementia. It tracks a decline in social connections and links all this to billions of dollars in health care costs. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy joined Amna Nawaz to discuss the risks.

Should it be any wonder to the authorities that loneliness is such a big problem in society today? In recent decades, Western governments have done all in their powers to destroy families and family life, including in the case of the United Kingdom, stopping benefits for women having children—called ‘Family Allowance’ back in the day—and introducing law after law, often originally with good intenetions, but ultimately with deleterious consequences, which have led to social isolation of many people. More especially the elderly.

Let us take an example: Smoking bans. Smoking bans have done nothing but cause loneliness for hundreds of thousands of people, probably millions, because smokers are unwelcome in all places these days: cafés, pubs, restaurants, hotels, and many other venues besides. Just this one obsession that politicians have with smoking has caused untold damage to the smoker’s ability to interact with his/her peers.

I speak as an ex-smoker. So it no longer affects me. However, because I am an ex-smoker, I can feel for those that still enjoy a cigarette. Nobody wants you in their homes anymore; and, furthermore, by law, they can go nowhere out in public and be themselves. So, if they are like I used to be, they chose to stay at home instead.

We know that excessive smoking can cause major health issues. But excessive anything can! But in moderation? I don’t think so! All things done in moderation are far less likely to wreak havoc with one’s health. In fact, by the Surgeon General’s own admission, loneliness can be every bit as damaging to people’s health as smoking can.

At the risk of being shouted down, I will also say the followinG: Ever since the Sixties/Seventies, women have been encouraged to go out to work. Women have been indoctrinated with the ridiculous notion that children do not need mothers at home. But, in reality, they do! At least somebody. Children don’t bring themselves up. When left unattended, children are in danger of running wild. One need observe only plants in the garden! A plant, if left unattended, will revert to its wild state. Isn’t this what we are observing today in our Western populations? One need only listen to the vocabulary used by young people today!

Western governments and their stupid, so-called progressive policies have caused a lot of this loneliness. How a widower in years-gone-by could have connected with his friends at the pub and enjoy a pint and a smoke. Or for others, gone to a café and do something similar: smoke, drink coffee and chat. But who today wants to go out and meet his friends with such draconian restrictions? Further, it is risky to drive if one has drunk even one or two drinks.

Am I advocating being able to drink and drive? No, of course not. But I am pointing out a few of the reasons why loneliness is on the rise. – © Mark Alexander

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in 1954

”Beautiful … Her Majesty Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, Queen of Australia and Her other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth. ...”

With many thanks to Content in a Cottage on Pinterest for this beautiful picture of a painting of Her Majesty the Queen.


National Museum of Australia: Queen Elizabeth II wattle painting »

EU Lawyers Say Plan to Scan Private Messages for Child Abuse May Be Unlawful

THE GUARDIAN: Under proposed ‘chat controls’ regulation, any encrypted service provider could be forced to screen for ‘identifiers’

According to the internal EU legal advice, the regulation ‘risks falling foul of a judicial review on multiple grounds’. Photograph: DCPhoto/Alamy

An EU plan under which all WhatsApp, iMessage and Snapchat accounts could be screened for child abuse content has hit a significant obstacle after internal legal advice said it would probably be annulled by the courts for breaching users’ rights.

Under the proposed “chat controls” regulation, any encrypted service provider could be forced to survey billions of messages, videos and photos for “identifiers” of certain types of content where it was suspected a service was being used to disseminate harmful material.

The providers issued with a so-called “detection order” by national bodies would have to alert police if they found evidence of suspected harmful content being shared or the grooming of children. » | Daniel Boffey, Chief reporter | Monday, May 8, 2023


WhatsApp could disappear from UK over privacy concerns, ministers told: ‘Intentional ambiguity’ over end-to-end encryption in online safety bill could lead to messaging app being withdrawn »

WhatsApp and Signal unite against online safety bill amid privacy concerns: Encrypted chat apps sign open letter warning of ‘unprecedented threat to safety and security’ of UK citizens »

WhatsApp would not remove end-to-end encryption for UK law, says chief: Meta’s head of chat app says it would not comply with the requirements set out in online safety bill »

Why Diana’s Brother Won't Go to the King's Coronation | Earl Spencer

Feb 20, 2023 | "I think of Diana every day, but in different contexts and the whole royal thing, I don't find it as interesting ... I just get on with my life." Earl Spencer says he won't be attending the Coronation on #timesradio.

Democracy Now! Top US & World Headlines — May 8, 2023

King Charles III's Secret Love Affair... with Another Country | The New Statesman

May 5, 2023 | For decades the King has been making private visits to a tiny village in Transylvania, Romania. This secret "affair of the soul" reveals much about what the King really believes - and what kind of a king he will be. …

St Kitts and Nevis Is Not Totally Free under King Charles III, Says PM – BBC News

May 8, 2023 | The prime minister of a Caribbean nation has said his country is "not totally free" as long as King Charles III remains head of state. Dr Terrance Drew said that a public consultation on whether St Kitts and Nevis should become a republic would begin during his leadership. He also said he would welcome an apology from the monarchy for its historic links to the slave trade. Buckingham Palace said the King takes slavery "profoundly seriously".

Royal Drama at Sydney Opera House after Refusal to Light Up Sails for King’s Coronation

THE GUARDIAN: Government argues the financial burden would have been significant if the projection had gone ahead

The government of New South Wales has said it costs up to $100,000 to light up sails of the Sydney Opera House, as it defends scrapping plans to do so for the coronation. Photograph: Jaimi Joy/Reuters

A decision to scrap plans to light the sails of the Sydney Opera House in honour of the coronation of King Charles has been defended by the premier of the state of New South Wales, Chris Minns.

The famous sails of the Opera House are often lit for major events in Australia, including for a tribute to Queen Elizabeth II after she died and a controversial projection promoting a horse race.

But Saturday’s coronation did not make the cut, with the recently elected Labor government in the state reversing its predecessor’s decision to do so. » | Jordyn Beazley | Monday, May 8, 2023

'Fire under the Ashes': Why Executions Are Not Stopping Iranian Protesters

Jan 23, 2023 IRAN | It has been more than four months since the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini at the hands of Iran's morality police sparked waves of protests across the country.

After mass arrests, the Iranian regime has now begun executing people connected to the protests in what the UN human rights office has called ‘unfair trials based on forced confessions’. As concern grows for those demanding change in Iran, journalist Deepa Parent explains what we know about the executions so far – and how they have created a 'fire under the ashes' by fuelling protesters' anger.


Iran hangs two men for blasphemy as executions rise amid unrest: Deaths take number of prisoners executed to at least 203 since start of this year, says human rights group »

Sunday, May 07, 2023

Smoking* a Cigarette in the UK Has Almost Become an Act of Rebellion!

"Thomas Michael Shelby OBE DSM MM MP is a fictional character, and the protagonist of the British period crime drama Peaky Blinders." – Source: Google.

Many thanks to AMIR on Pinterest for this great photo.

In a few days’ time, on May 10th, it will be thirteen months since I smoked my last cigarette. I used to really enjoy a smoke, but I have given up smoking with relative ease. I do not miss cigarettes at all; but I do look back on my smoking days with pleasure. I would never wish to spoil the pleasure smokers get from their habit. Interestingly, since giving up smoking, I haven’t even once smellt the smoke from a cigarette. I can now think of nobody who smokes. Unfortunately, these days, instead of smoking tobacco, people smoke other substances far mor dangerous to their health. – © Mark Alexander

Aretha Franklin : I Say A Little Prayer | Official Lyric Video

Marvin Gaye: Too Busy Thinking About My Baby

Jul 31, 2018 | Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group

Health Matters: The Big Fat Surprise - Why Dietary Guidelines Are Making Us Fat | The Empowering Neurologist

Apr 3, 2023 | What underlies the war on fat? It’s big business, wanting us all to eat more refined carbs and sugar to replace the fat calories that we’ve been instructed to reduce. And I can think of no one who has done more to open our eyes to this ongoing travesty than Nina Teicholz. Here’s more about her from her website:

Nina Teicholz is an investigative science journalist and leader in nutrition reporting who is challenging the conventional wisdom on dietary fat–particularly, whether saturated fat causes heart disease and whether fat really makes you fat. The New York Times bestselling author of The Big Fat Surprise. Teicholz also serves as Executive Director of The Nutrition Coalition, an independent non-profit group that promotes evidence-based nutrition policy. She is one of a new generation of researchers arguing that diets lower in carbohydrates are a scientifically sound approach for reversing nutrition-related diseases.

For more than half a century, we’ve been told to eat a diet high in grains, low in fat, saturated fat (and cholesterol), but the last two decades of research have led a growing number of scientists to conclude that this diet, despite being rigorously tested, could never be shown to prevent any kind of disease.

Teicholz’s work also explains why this diet has remained official policy for so long: the roles played by crusading scientists, the food industry, and more. The story is as much about politics as it is about science, and Nina Teicholz’s research ultimately confirms that the traditional foods we were told to abandon (meat, cheese, eggs, butter) are safe, and even good for health. …

Australia: Is the British Monarchy Still Relevant? | 60 Minutes Australia

Msy 7, 2023

An Insider's Experience of King Charles III

May 3, 2023 | What kind of king will Charles be? Lisa LaFlamme sat down with India Hicks for an intimate conversation with his goddaughter about what to expect from his reign.

King’s Coronation: Royal Family Appear on Buckingham Palace Balcony - BBC News

May 6, 2023 | The newly-crowned King Charles III and Queen Camilla have emerged onto Buckingham Palace balcony to wave to crowds gathered along The Mall in central London. They were joined by members of the Royal Family, including Prince William, Kate and their children. Some of Queen Camilla's grandchildren were also present on the balcony, but there was no sign of Prince Harry.

Michael Lambert's Viewpoint: Unlimited Police Power to Stop & Search

May, 7 2023

Saturday, May 06, 2023

Charles III Was Crowned King. But Can He Ever Be the Star?

THE NEW YORK TIMES: On Saturday, Charles finally became the focal figure of the long-running royal TV drama — if only for a day.

The coronation of King Charles III mixed traditional pageantry with modern touches. | Andrew Testa for The New York Times

It is always a challenge to introduce a major cast change in a long-running serial. Saturday morning, in a special episode with elements of “The Crown” and “Succession,” King Charles III finally became the focal figure of the royal ensemble — if only for a day.

The coronation of a British ruler is, of course, a political ritual and a religious ceremony. But it is also, as the crowning of Queen Elizabeth II in 1953 established, a TV show. It’s an anachronistic assertion of divine right retooled to recognize that, in the electronic era, even hereditary rulers have to argue their relevance.

Charles’s coronation was a full-color spectacle, showing off the peacocked glory of British tradition and the bells and whistles of 21st-century TV. Britain brought out its finest garments, its finest relics, its finest rain. The networks took in all the splendor they could capture on camera; there were even graphics offering an X-ray of Westminster Abbey. The term “fairy tale” was deployed more than once.
But fairy tales have messages. This one had many: To convey continuity while styling the monarchy as modern, to reframe the narratives around the royal family and to introduce Charles not just as a leader but as a lead. » | James Poniewozik | Saturday, May 6, 2023


Au Royaume-Uni, le couronnement de Charles III, un héritage millénaire à l’épreuve d’une société multiculturelle et sécularisée : La cérémonie religieuse est prévue samedi dans l’abbaye de Westminster. Pour la première fois, des femmes, évêques, prendront part à la liturgie, et les dignitaires portant les insignes royaux refléteront la diversité d’origines des Britanniques. »


Der König wirkte geradezu fragil: Melancholie und festliche Nachdenklichkeit an einem verregneten Krönungstag: König Charles III. gibt sich gemessen. Der Gottesdienst aber enthält zahlreiche Gesten, die seinen Willen zeigen, ein moderner Monarch zu sein. »

Prince Harry Leaves Alone After Attending Coronation

The Duke of Sussex has attended his father's Coronation, sitting two rows from his brother at Westminster Abbey.

Read the BBC article here.

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Once Close, William and Harry Are Now Rows Apart: The sons of King Charles III did not appear to interact during their father’s coronation. »


Ein Zurück wird es für Harry nicht geben: Es war ein kurzes Gastspiel von Prinz Harry, das umso genauer beäugt wurde und schnell endete: Harry ist bereits auf dem Weg zurück zu seiner Familie. Inzwischen wird er auch nicht mehr gebraucht. »

Viel Geld möge Prinz Harry schon haben, aber die Zugehörigkeit der königlichen Familie ist ihm verloren gegangen. Und das ist eine Tragödie. Meines Erachtens, ein Weg zurück scheint es ihm nicht zu geben. Sein zu Hause hat er für seine Familie und sich in Kalifornien gemacht; und, wie es nun aussieht, in Kalifornien werden er und seine Familie auch bleiben müssen. Leider hat Prinz Harry sein Nest beschmutzt. Die alten Zeiten scheinen unwiederbringlich vorbei zu sein. – © Mark Alexander

Papi und Papa – wenn schwule Männer eine Familie gründen

NZZ FORMAT: Timo und Markus, Bastian und Dominik, Thomas und Sven. Drei schwule Paare, die sich den Traum von einer eigenen Familie erfüllt haben. Und jetzt? Wie ist es, Eltern zu sein?

Lesen Sie weiter hier. | Natalie Derbort | Freitag, 21. April 2023

The Coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla | The Coronation Service in Full

Streamed live on May 6, 2023 | Watch King Charles III and Queen Camilla being crowned in Westminster Abbey.

Coronation order of service in full here.

Livestream auf Deutsch hier.

En direct en français ici.


Westminster Abbey bis Buckingham-Palast: Die besten Bilder von Charles und Camilla: Grossbritannien ist im Festfieber und die Welt schaut nach London. Heute wurde Charles III. offiziell zum König gekrönt. Wir zeigen die besten Bilder. »


Friday, May 05, 2023

Secrets d'Histoire - Prince Charles, aux marches du trône… (Intégrale)

May 16, 2018

Sunak under Pressure after Dire Tory Losses and Leadership Gripes

THE GUARDIAN: PM calls results ‘disappointing’, while Labour says it’s on track to win power at next general election

One of Rishi Sunak’s Tory MPs described the losses to the Lib Dems and Greens in the south as ‘a bloodbath’. Photograph: Stefan Rousseau/PA

Rishi Sunak has faced devastating losses of more than 1,000 Tory seats in the local elections, while Labour has said the party is on track to win power at the next general election.

The prime minister conceded on Friday the English council results were “disappointing”, but faced a scathing verdict from some of his MPs and the first rumblings of a threat to his leadership from allies of Boris Johnson.

Keir Starmer, the Labour leader, was buoyed up by winning more than 500 seats, with the party believing its projected vote share puts it on course to take power in 2024 for the first time in 14 years. » | Rowena Mason and Peter Walker | Friday, May 5, 2023

Recent Conservative prime ministers: A succession of duds, one dud after the other! First came Cameron, an unmitigated disaster because of Brexit, then came May, slightly better, but still a disaster, then came Boris Johnson, a total and utter disaster, then Liz Truss, an unspeakable disaster, a cipher, and now Sunak, yet another disaster – a catastrophe, a calamity waiting to happen! (or has it already happened?) – © Mark Alexander

Health Matters: Sugar: The Bitter Truth | Robert Lustig | Talks at Google

Aug 3, 2011

Health Matters: Obesity and Corporate Greed | DW Documentary

May 26, 2022 | Doctors predict that by 2030, half of the world's population will be overweight or obese. An epidemic of obesity is causing a rapid rise in diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. It's becoming the biggest health challenge worldwide.

Why has no country managed to stop this epidemic? The food industry and government authorities say it's due to a lack of individual self-discipline. Is this true? Or is it the result of collective failure -- a symptom of a liberal society that abhors obesity, yet produces people who are overweight. Is society itself to blame for this situation?

Around the world, politicians, priests, doctors, and average people are standing up to multinational food corporations. They want to take back control of their nutrition and their bodies -- and they're using the law, scientific evidence, and political activism to correct the claim that people who are obese have only themselves to blame. These critics focus on sugary drinks that can be as addictive as some hard drugs; misleading advertising directed at children and low-income people; governments that turn a blind eye to junk-food companies; and lobbying that pushes the limits of legality.

These people say that a "hostile takeover" of our food has been underway for four decades, and they're demanding new legislation to put a stop to it. This documentary investigates how Chile is leading the way in this struggle. Which country will be the next to confront the big food corporations in the name of public health?

Qui est Justin Welby, l’archevêque de Canterbury qui va couronner Charles III

LE MONDE : Au Royaume-Uni, le chef spirituel de l’Eglise anglicane chargé du couronnement du roi et de la reine consort, le 6 mai, possède un parcours atypique. Il a d’abord fait une assez longue carrière dans l’industrie du pétrole.

Justin Welby, l’archevêque de Canterbury, tient entre ses mains une édition spéciale de la Bible qui sera utilisée durant le couronnement de Charles III, le 20 avril 2023, à Londres. DANIEL LEAL/AFP

Une responsabilité historique

Archevêque de Canterbury, chef spirituel de l’Eglise anglicane, la confession chrétienne en vigueur au Royaume-Uni, Justin Welby aura, le 6 mai, la responsabilité du couronnement du roi Charles III et de la reine consort, son épouse Camilla. Il devra présider une cérémonie de deux heures, durant laquelle il donnera l’onction d’huile au roi, avant de lui remettre les attributs royaux : la robe, l’orbe (un globe en or surmonté d’une croix), le sceptre et, bien sûr, la couronne de saint Edouard. La pression est telle que Justin Welby a même reconnu en avoir fait des « cauchemars ». Son mauvais rêve ? Oublier la couronne juste avant de devoir la poser sur le crâne du nouveau monarque. Une première vie dans l’or noir » | Par Sarah Belouezzane | vendredi 5 mai 2023

Article réservé aux abonnés


La consécration d’Antonio Pappano, l’un des chefs qui orchestrera le sacre de Charles III : Le Britannique, qui vient de publier une version d’anthologie de « Turandot » et d’être nommé à la tête du London Symphony Orchestra, sera l’un des maestro à diriger le Coronation Orchestra, le 6 mai, à l’abbaye de Westminster. »

"The Undertow": Author Jeff Sharlet on Trump, the Far Right & the Growing Threat of Fascism in US

Apr 6, 2023 | We speak with award-winning journalist and author Jeff Sharlet, who has spent the last decade reporting on the growing threat of fascism across the United States. In his new book, _The Undertow: Scenes from a Slow Civil War_, Sharlet says the language of "civil war" has become central to right-wing rhetoric, mainstreamed by former President Donald Trump, Congressmember Marjorie Taylor Greene and other Republicans.

UK Government Told to Give LGBTQ+ Ugandans Safe Asylum Route as Anti-Homosexuality Bill Looms

PINK NEWS: Politicians and charities are calling on the UK government to create a safe and legal route for LGBTQ+ people fleeing Uganda over the Anti-Homosexuality Bill.

UK prime minister Rishi Sunak. (Getty)

Uganda’s parliament passed the anti-LGBTQ+ bill for a second time on Tuesday (2 May), removing a provision that would have made it illegal to simply identify as LGBTQ+.

It remains a deeply troubling piece of legislation designed to persecute the community. Within its clauses is the introduction of the death penalty for the crime of “aggravated homosexuality” – ostensibly said to mean having sex with a minor, having sex while HIV positive or engaging in incest.

With the bill now awaiting president Yoweri Museveni’s signature, the lack of safe asylum routes for LGBTQ+ Ugandans is an urgent issue.

“The Anti-Homosexuality Bill will mean that Uganda has among the harshest anti-LGBTQ+ laws in the world, and violent attacks on LGBTQ+ Ugandans are likely to increase in its wake,” Labour MP Nadia Whittome told PinkNews.

“The UK government must urge Uganda’s president to veto the bill and create safe routes for LGBTQ+ refugees fleeing persecution to rebuild their lives in the UK.” » | Patrick Kelleher | Friday, May 5, 2023

Diana: “The Queen of Hearts.”

Diana : « la reine des cœurs. » / Diana : « Die Königin der Herzen. »

Many thanks to the Daily Mail on Pinterest for this super photo of Princess Diana.

Tories Could Lose over 1,000 Seats in Labour’s Local Election Landslide

May 5, 2023 | “It looks like the Conservatives could be on for over 1,000 losses.” Today is ‘not a good day’ for the Conservative party, says Joe Twyman, co-founder of Delta Poll.

Ex-Bodyguard von King Charles warnt: „Ein Angriff zur Krönung ist wahrscheinlich“

May 5, 2023 | Sechs Jahre lang war er der starke, unsichtbare Mann an der Seite von König Charles: Simon Morgan. Als Bodyguard begleitete er die Königsfamilie zu jedem Event, sorgte rund um die Uhr für ihre Sicherheit. Und war bereit, im Kampf um Leben und Tod eine Kugel für sie abzufangen.

Democracy Now! Top US & World News — May 5, 2023

Prince Charles | 60 Minutes Archive | 2005

May 5, 2023 | "What is the most difficult part of your job?" Steve Kroft asked then-Prince Charles in 2005. King Charles III, who will be crowned on Saturday, also discussed his responsibilities as the Prince of Wales, and took 60 Minutes to Poundbury, an 18th century village adapted for the 21st century, which he created on his land near Dorchester, in the south of England.

Ballooning 'Black' Budget and Leaked Conversations: Emerging Cracks in Putin's Russia | DW News

Mar 30, 2023

What It's Like inside Russia 14 Months after Ukraine Invasion

Life in Ukraine is unrecognisable since Russia invaded in February 2022. But how has life in Russia changed since the invasion?

The BBC's Russia editor Steve Rosenberg, who lives in Moscow, reports on the shift he has seen in the country from day-to-day life to how Russia portrays its history to its people. » | Friday, May 5, 2023

Guilty: MAGA Militia Faces Prison after Trump Said ‘Stand by’: Melber Report

May 5, 2023 | Militia leaders now face decades in person after heeding to Donald Trump’s call to “stand by.” The DOJ convicting four leaders of The Proud Boys militia on seditious conspiracy charges. MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber reports on the quest for justice that began on January 6.

How King Charles III’s Coronation Will Stand Apart From Others

The new monarch will debut his modern take on the centuries-old ceremony, which is expected to be quite different from Queen Elizabeth’s groundbreaking coronation 70 years ago. | By Chevaz Clarke and Meg Felling•May 4, 2023

Inside King Charles III’s Coronation Coaches

The king and his queen consort will ride in two royal carriages, including one that Queen Elizabeth described as “horrible.” They feature pieces of British history and modern conveniences like air-conditioning. | By Shawn Paik•May 5, 2023

Lib Dem leader Hails ‘Groundbreaking Results’ in English Local Elections

THE GUARDIAN: Ed Davey says party has delivered ‘hammer blow’ to Tories in blue wall seats before general election

The Liberal Democrat leader, Sir Ed Davey, makes a speech to local activists during a rally in Eastleigh, Hampshire on Thursday. Photograph: Andrew Matthews/PA Media

Ed Davey has hailed what he called “groundbreaking results” for the Liberal Democrats in local elections, as party activists predicted they were on track to oust large number of Conservative MPs in so-called blue wall seats.

In early results, the Lib Dems defeated the Conservatives to win control of Windsor and Maidenhead council, Theresa May’s home territory.

Across England the party had gained nearly 60 seats, with the bulk of its target areas still to count, and maintained control of seven other councils.

“These are groundbreaking results for the Liberal Democrats, far exceeding the expectations,” Davey, the party’s leader, told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme. “We’ve been beating Conservatives, and I think it’s going to get worse.” » | Peter Walker, Deputy political editor | Friday, May 5, 2023


Tories heading for another drubbing in the local elections: If you are a Conservative MP worried about the next general election, the results thus far will cause alarm »