Monday, May 08, 2023

Surgeon General Discusses Health Risks of Loneliness and Steps to Help Connect with Others

May 3, 2023 | The U.S. Surgeon General declared a new public health epidemic in America, loneliness. A new report finds loneliness can have profound effects on mental health as well as heart disease, stroke and dementia. It tracks a decline in social connections and links all this to billions of dollars in health care costs. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy joined Amna Nawaz to discuss the risks.

Should it be any wonder to the authorities that loneliness is such a big problem in society today? In recent decades, Western governments have done all in their powers to destroy families and family life, including in the case of the United Kingdom, stopping benefits for women having children—called ‘Family Allowance’ back in the day—and introducing law after law, often originally with good intenetions, but ultimately with deleterious consequences, which have led to social isolation of many people. More especially the elderly.

Let us take an example: Smoking bans. Smoking bans have done nothing but cause loneliness for hundreds of thousands of people, probably millions, because smokers are unwelcome in all places these days: cafés, pubs, restaurants, hotels, and many other venues besides. Just this one obsession that politicians have with smoking has caused untold damage to the smoker’s ability to interact with his/her peers.

I speak as an ex-smoker. So it no longer affects me. However, because I am an ex-smoker, I can feel for those that still enjoy a cigarette. Nobody wants you in their homes anymore; and, furthermore, by law, they can go nowhere out in public and be themselves. So, if they are like I used to be, they chose to stay at home instead.

We know that excessive smoking can cause major health issues. But excessive anything can! But in moderation? I don’t think so! All things done in moderation are far less likely to wreak havoc with one’s health. In fact, by the Surgeon General’s own admission, loneliness can be every bit as damaging to people’s health as smoking can.

At the risk of being shouted down, I will also say the followinG: Ever since the Sixties/Seventies, women have been encouraged to go out to work. Women have been indoctrinated with the ridiculous notion that children do not need mothers at home. But, in reality, they do! At least somebody. Children don’t bring themselves up. When left unattended, children are in danger of running wild. One need observe only plants in the garden! A plant, if left unattended, will revert to its wild state. Isn’t this what we are observing today in our Western populations? One need only listen to the vocabulary used by young people today!

Western governments and their stupid, so-called progressive policies have caused a lot of this loneliness. How a widower in years-gone-by could have connected with his friends at the pub and enjoy a pint and a smoke. Or for others, gone to a café and do something similar: smoke, drink coffee and chat. But who today wants to go out and meet his friends with such draconian restrictions? Further, it is risky to drive if one has drunk even one or two drinks.

Am I advocating being able to drink and drive? No, of course not. But I am pointing out a few of the reasons why loneliness is on the rise. – © Mark Alexander