Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Julian Assange World Exclusive: Secrets from Inside the Embassy | 60 Minutes Australia

There’s no middle ground when it comes to what the world thinks of Julian Assange. He’s either loved or loathed. Just over a fortnight ago, the Australian founder of WikiLeaks made more headlines when police dragged him, not so much kicking, but definitely screaming, out of the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where he’d been holed up for seven years. Watching the shock eviction was Assange’s father, John Shipton, who fears his son will be sent to the United States, locked up and never released. In a 60 MINUTES world exclusive, Shipton tells Tara Brown he wants everyone to know the real Julian Assange is not some careless villain computer hacker, but a hero of free speech.

Monday, April 29, 2019

US Threatens Iran with 40% Inflation

After withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal, designating the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps a terrorist organization and reversing on oil sanctions waivers, the US is now threatening to hike inflation in Iran up to 40 percent. Former US diplomat Jim Jatras sits down with RT America’s Manila Chan to discuss US President Donald Trump’s hawkish policies toward the oil-rich country.

Joe To President Donald Trump: You Can Call Out White Nationalism | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The president on Friday accused Democrats and the intel community of attempting a coup in the form of the special counsel's investigation and said he didn't need a gun to fend it off. Joe Scarborough reacts to Trump's remarks and to new reporting on the NRA.

Amal Clooney Calls Out Trump Administration at the UN | NowThis

Human rights lawyer Amal Clooney called out the Trump administration for undermining efforts to help women raped during war, warning that it's their 'chance to stand on the right side of history.’

In the latest current events news on the Trump administration, Amal Clooney, human rights lawyer and wife of George Clooney, recently spoke at the United Nations in front of the UN Security Council about some of the most dire global issues: sexual violence, sex slavery, and other related war crimes. In the Amal Clooney speech, she directly called out the President Trump administration for impeding the UN's efforts to help women hurt by the Islamic State and other destructive regimes. The Donald Trump White House has been persistent over reproductive rights, but this Amal Clooney UN speech, Clooney showed she wasn't afraid.

Can Iran Close Hormuz Strait? | Inside Story

The Strait of Hormuz is the only sea route in and out of the Gulf. Twenty percent of the world's oil is carried through it by tankers.

Now, the US decision to impose further economic sanctions on Iran has prompted threats from Tehran to close this strategic waterway. This week, Washington will end all waivers granted to eight countries, including China and India, that import Iranian oil.

The Trump administration says it's part of its 'maximum pressure' campaign to stop Iran from destabilising the region. But what are the consequences of shutting the Strait of Hormus, not just for Iran, but the region and global oil markets?

Presenter: Kamahl Santamaria | Guests: Mohammad Eslami, political researcher and columnist; Manouchehr Takin, independent oil and energy consultant; Simon Mabon, senior lecturer in international studies at Lancaster University

Nigel Farage Is Fuelled by the Betrayal Myth. And Brexit Is Only the Start

THE GUARDIAN: His rhetoric was always that the elite would thwart the will of the people, enabling a new movement to rise up amid the anger

It is a grim reflection that no contemporary British politician better understands the networks, dynamics and ever-changing rules of modern politics than Nigel Farage.

He is as effective as he is awful. His fledgling Brexit party is not fielding candidates in Thursday’s local elections – though its baleful spirit will surely loom over the battle for control of 248 English councils, in which the Tories are expected to suffer serious losses.

Instead, Farage is keeping his powder dry for the European elections that will be held on 23 May, assuming Theresa May has not secured Britain’s exit from the European Union by then.

In the latest Opinium poll of voting intention, his new movement is level pegging with Labour on 28% – 14 points ahead of the Tories. » | Matthew d’Ancona | Monday, April 29, 2019

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Prince William Speaking Inside the Al Noor Mosque in Christchurch

Published on 25 Apr 2019

Markus Auer, Koch von Marlene Dietrich

What Shapes US Foreign Policy in the Middle East? | Inside Story

Qatar hosts a two-day conference on US policy and the Gulf crisis. From the crisis in the Gulf to the war in Syria, the decisions made in Washington have long-lasting consequences.

US president Donald Trump has taken a 'hands-off' approach to foreign policy while pushing his 'America First' strategy. He has long promised to find a solution to the conflict in Palestine with what he calls the 'deal of the century'. But there hasn't been much detail on what that deal contains.

Now, with an election year coming up in the US, and an ever-changing political dynamic in the Middle East, what will be America's policy in the region? And are we heading towards more uncertainty?

Presenter: Peter Dobbie | Guests: Mahmoud Jabara - Visiting Lecturer, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg; Seyed Mohammad Marandi - Dean at the Faculty of World Studies, University of Tehran; Omar Ayasra - Researcher in Religious Sociology and Political Transformation; Mohammed Cherkaoui - Senior Fellow, Al Jazeera Centre For Studies

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Nicola Sturgeon Interview on Brexit, Scottish Independence and the Euro

First Minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon discusses her time frame for a second Scottish referendum - and is challenged on whether Scotland would have to commit to adopting the Euro if an independent Scotland were to join the EU.

Will Macron's Promises End Yellow Vests Protests? | Al Jazeera English

President Emmanuel Macron responds to months of riots by vowing to 'transform France'. They are the results of the so-called 'great debate'. After months of hearing complaints from the length of and breadth of France, Emmanuel Macron has told TV viewers that he has listened to the cries for change.

He's responded to the biggest challenge to his presidency by offering some concessions to the Yellow Vest protesters. They've brought Paris - and other cities - to a standstill every Saturday for months demanding cuts to the cost of living.

Macron is proposing lower taxes for some, pensions reform, stopping the closure of schools and hospitals - and making it easier to hold a referendum on vital issues. There are other proposals too. But are they enough to stop the riots and revolt against his ideas for the future of France?

Presenter: Adrian Finighan | Guests: Renaud Girard - Chief Foreign Correspondent, Le Figaro newspaper; Charles Lichfield - European Affairs Analyst, Eurasia Group of consultants; Jacques Reland - Head of European Research, Global Policy Institute

Marlene Dietrich's Daughter, Maria Riva, Speaking at the William J. Donovan Award® Dinner

Loneliness Epidemic As Deadly As Smoking | 60 Minutes Australia

In Australia, and around the world, loneliness has become a massive health epidemic. In fact, researchers say being lonely is just as detrimental to our wellbeing as smoking and excessive drinking. And that means loneliness can be deadly. Just as worrying, it doesn’t discriminate. Loneliness can strike anyone, young, old, male, female, rich or poor.

Brazil Governed by ‘Lunatics’ and US ‘Lackeys’, Says Ex-president Lula

THE GUARDIAN: Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Brazil’s president from 2003 and 2011, is in jail over corruption charges that he disputes

Brazil is being governed by “a bunch of lunatics” and United States “lackeys” who have shattered its international reputation, former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has claimed in his first interview since being jailed one year ago.

Lula, Brazil’s president from 2003 and 2011, surrendered himself to police last April after being convicted on corruption charges he disputes.

The 73-year-old leftist had been forbidden from giving face-to-face interviews until Friday, when two Brazilian journalists were allowed to visit him at his prison in southern Brazil following a lengthy legal battle.

Lula told them Brazil needed to undergo period of “self-reflection” after what he described as the “crazy” fake news and hate-filled election of far-right populist Jair Bolsonaro last year. “What we can’t have is this country being run governed by a bunch of lunatics. The country doesn’t deserve this and above all the people do not deserve this.” » | Anna Jean Kaiser in São Paulo and Tom Phillips | Saturday, April 27, 2019

Friday, April 26, 2019

Trump Withdraws from UN Arms Treaty as NRA Crowd Cheers in Delight

THE GUARDIAN: Democrats condemn Trump’s ‘myopic’ decision to withdraw / President at NRA summit vows to defend second amendment

Donald Trump has announced that the US will withdraw its support for a United Nations treaty regulating the multibillion-dollar global arms trade.

Addressing the National Rifle Association (NRA) in Indianapolis, the president said he would revoke America’s status as a signatory of the arms trade treaty regulating conventional weapons including small arms, battle tanks, combat aircraft and warships.

“My administration will never ratify the UN arms trade treaty,” Trump said. “We’re taking our signature back. The United Nations will soon receive a formal notice that America is rejecting this treaty.”

Trump added: “Under my administration, we will never surrender American sovereignty to anyone. We will never allow foreign bureaucrats to trample on your second amendment freedom. I’m officially announcing today that the United States will be revoking the effect of America’s signature from this badly misguided treaty.” » | David Smith in Indianapolis | Friday, April 26, 2019

UN Condemns Saudi Executions, US Barely Reacts

Amnesty International and members of the US Congress are expressing outrage over the mass execution of 37 prisoners in Saudi Arabia. While their trials failed to meet international standards of fairness and their deaths have drawn worldwide rebuke, the US State Department has refused to condemn them. RT America’s Dan Cohen reports for News.Views.Hughes.

37 Men Were Executed and Court Filings Show Some Protested Their Innocence

Saudi Arabia says 37 men have been executed after being convicted of terror-related crimes, but documents reviewed by CNN show that many said they were totally innocent and their confessions had been written by the same people who had tortured them.

Brazil Must Not Become a 'Gay Tourism Paradise', Says Bolsonaro

THE GUARDIAN: LGBT campaigners say Brazilian president’s comments risk inciting hatred

Brazil’s far-right president, the self-declared homophobe Jair Bolsonaro, has been accused of inciting hatred towards LGBT people after declaring the South American country should not become a “gay tourism paradise”.

“If you want to come here and have sex with a woman, go for your life,” Bolsonaro reportedly told journalists in the capital, Brasília. “But we can’t let this place become known as a gay tourism paradise. Brazil can’t be a country of the gay world, of gay tourism. We have families,” Bolsonaro added, according to the Brazilian magazine Exame.

The comments – made during a breakfast meeting with Brazilian reporters – sparked an immediate reaction from LGBT campaigners. » | Tom Phillips and Anna Jean Kaiser in São Paulo | Friday, April 26, 2019

Simon Schama on the Lessons of History for Brexit and Donald Trump

Historian Simon Schama is probably best known for his television documentaries on the history of Britain, America and art. His new book, Wordy, is a collection of his writings covering everything from interviews with rock musicians to food and the future of liberal democracy.

Should Trump Be Committed to a Mental Health Facility?

Donald Trump's campaign opened with shouts of "Lock Her Up" from his followers and supporters. Two years into his presidency calls for impeaching Donald Trump are using that phrase against him. Now Dr. Justin Frank, Psychoanalyst, and author of 'Trump on the Couch' joins the Thom Hartmann program to call for locking Donald Trump up in a Mental Health facility, Is it time to put Donald Trump in the funny farm? Is the President's mental health out for lunch?

Elizabeth Drew On 'The Danger in Not Impeaching President Donald Trump' | The Last Word | MSNBC

Watergate reporter Elizabeth Drew explains why even though Democrats might face political danger in impeaching Trump, the bigger danger may be doing nothing.

Sri Lanka: After the Attacks, Muslims Fear a Backlash

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Sen. Warren Wants to Jail Those Who Caused 2008's Meltdown

BIll Black examines the historical context of Warren's bills for easier prosecution of banks and corporate leaders

Kim - Putin Summit: What's Different from Meetings with Trump? | DW News

Russian President Vladimir Putin has welcomed North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un to a summit in the far eastern city of Vladivostok. The meeting is the first between the two leaders, and is a chance for Pyongyang to seek support from Moscow, especially when it comes to ending international sanctions imposed over North Korea's nuclear program. Just two months ago a summit with US president Donald Trump broke down over that topic. Before Kim and Putin went in to their private meeting, they talked about one of their major points of discussion, peace on the Korean Peninsula.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Irans Präsident nennt Trump einen „Halbstarken“

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Iran will auf die Öl-Politik von Donald Trump reagieren, Präsident Rohani schließt auch militärische Optionen nicht aus. Die Revolutionsgarde droht mit einer Blockade der wichtigsten Öl-Handelsroute im Persischen Golf.

Der iranische Präsident Hassan Rohani hat den amerikanischen Präsidenten Donald Trumpals einen „Halbstarken“ bezeichnet. „Diplomatie ist nur dann möglich, wenn gegenseitiger Respekt herrscht und kein Druck ausgeübt wird“, sagte Rohani in einer Kabinettssitzung am Mittwoch. Verhandlungen mit einem „Halbstarken“ seien in dieser Phase auch nicht möglich, so der iranische Präsident laut dem Webportal des Präsidialamtes.

Trumps Entscheidung, bei Sanktionen gegen Öl-Importe aus Iran keine Ausnahmen mehr zuzulassen, führte in Iran zu unterschiedlichen Reaktionen. Die Revolutionsgarden (IRGC), die Eliteeinheit der Streitkräfte, drohten sogar damit, die Straße von Hormus im Persischen Golf zu blockieren. Sie gilt als die wichtigste Öl-Handelsroute, durch die fast ein Drittel aller Öl-Exporte verschifft wird. Eine Blockade dieser Route würde nach Meinung vieler Beobachter zu einem militärischen Konflikt am Persischen Golf führen. » | Quelle: dpa/AFP | Mittwoch, 24. April 2019

La première ministre écossaise appelle à un second référendum sur l’indépendance

LE FIGARO: La cheffe du Parti national écossais, Nicola Sturgeon, a déclaré devant le Parlement sa volonté d’introduire «prochainement» un projet de loi visant à faire de nouveau appel au peuple d’ici 2021.

Le gouvernement écossais va introduire «prochainement» un projet de loi visant à organiser un nouveau référendum sur l’indépendance de l’Écosse d’ici 2021, a déclaré ce mercredi la première ministre écossaise Nicola Sturgeon. «Nous allons prochainement présenter un projet de loi fixant les règles pour tout référendum relevant actuellement ou à l’avenir de la compétence du parlement écossais», a déclaré la cheffe du Parti national écossais (SNP) au Parlement écossais à Édimbourg, espérant que ce texte serait voté d’ici à la fin de l’année. » | Par Le figaro.fr et AFP agence | mercredi 24 avril 2019

UK Condemns Saudi Arabia over 'Repulsive' Mass Executions

THE GUARDIAN: Foreign Office minister criticises country’s human rights after 37 people killed

Britain has issued its sharpest condemnation of the direction of Saudi Arabian human rights policy, describing its mass executions as “repulsive” and “utterly unacceptable in the modern world”.

The remarks came after further details emerged of the Saudi government’s execution on Tuesday of 37 people, including three who were minors at the time of their alleged offence.

One of those executed was then crucified, according to Saudi state media.

The Foreign Office minister Sir Alan Duncan, answering an urgent question in the Commons, spurned the usual diplomatic niceties, saying the mass executions were “a deeply backward step which we deplore”. He added it was “deplorable and totally unacceptable” that at least one of those executed had been a minor at the time of the arrest.

He highlighted reports that one of those executed was displayed on a cross, saying that anyone in the House, just two days after Easter, would find “more repulsive than anything we could picture”.

He added: “Any country needs to realise that when it uses methods like this they will eventually backfire. The practical benefit is entirely negative.” » | Patrick Wintour, Diplomatic editor | Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — April 24, 2019

Chris Hedges - The American Empire Will Collapse Within a Decade, Two at Most | November 19, 2018)

Here, Chris speaks with CBC Radio about his new book and predicts that the US empire will collapse within the next 20 years, probably within the next 10.

The Guardian View on Donald Trump’s UK Visit: A Mistake

THE GUARDIAN: The US president is no respecter of democracy or Britain. He should be held at a distance, not given dinner with the Queen

Rolling out the red carpet for a US president ought to be easier than this. Britain and America share a “special relationship” which rests on a common language, histories and ideals. Yet Donald Trump makes building on this impossible. He is no friend of this country. The president has repeatedly attacked leading British politicians, singling outLondon’s mayor, Sadiq Khan. He retweets fascists. On the day news emerged that Mr Trump would be accorded a state visit to Britain, he was threatening to veto a UN resolution against the use of rape as a weapon of war. America has been taken over by a demagogue who sees Brexit as an opportunity for a rabble-rouser to rise here too. He is a dangerous liar whom racists and misogynists think of as one of their own. Mr Trump ought to be held at a distance, not invited for dinner with the Queen. » | Editorial | Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Donald Trump's Comments About Princess Diana Will Definitely Give You The Creeps »

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Stop Buying Iranian Oil or Face Sanctions? | Inside Story

Oil prices are on the rise after the United States announced a new crackdown on Iran's oil exports aiming to reduce them to zero.

Iran is threatening retaliation by blocking the Strait of Hormuz - the world's lifeline of oil from all Gulf countries, including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Iraq. The move has brought America's rivals and allies on the same page.

China and Turkey have condemned the decision; and India and Japan, major buyers of Iranian oil, are scrambling to meet the shortfall.

Many countries would now feel the pinch of sanctions Washington re-imposed after pulling out from Iran nuclear deal last year.

Will the development stoke tensions in the Gulf? And does Donald Trump risk alienating friends and antagonizing rivals?

Presenter: Imran Khan | Guests: Adolfo Franco, Republican strategist & Former Adviser to President George W. Bush and Senator John McCain; Mohammad Marandi, Head of the North American Studies Graduate Program at the University of Tehran; Dan Wang, China Analyst, The Economist Intelligence Unit

Trump's Latest Iran Sanctions Show an Unraveling of US Foreign Policy

Col. Lawrence Wilkerson says unilateral sanctions against Iran are illegal, and show the ascendancy of John Bolton; they intensify tension with China and threaten our international position

Monday, April 22, 2019

Is Zelensky Up to the President's Job? | Inside Story

Comedian Volodymyr Zelensky wins a landslide victory in Ukraine’s election. He played a fictional president for years. Now he is going to play it for real.

But stand-up comedy is one thing, standing up to Russia and the myriad other problems facing Ukraine is another thing altogether.

Outgoing president Petro Poroshenko says Zelensky's too naïve for hard politics, but it is dissatisfaction with old faces like Poroshenko that has probably benefitted the comedian.

He's campaigned on an anti-establishment, anti-corruption platform; and that seems to have resounded with his supporters.

Zelensky won with more than 70 percent of the vote. But with no previous political experience how will he tackle the many challenges ahead? What's the punchline?

Presenter: Imran Khan | Guests: Valentin Yakushik, Professor of political science at the National University of "Kiev-Mohyla Academy"; Uly Brueckner, Jean Monnet Professor in European Studies at Stanford University, Berlin; Dmitry Babich, Political Analyst at Rossiya Segodnya news agency

Brunei Defends Death by Stoning for Gay Sex in Letter to EU

THE GUARDIAN: Kingdom’s mission to bloc calls for tolerance and understanding over penal code

Brunei has written to the European parliament defending its decision to start imposing death by stoning as a punishment for gay sex, claiming convictions will be rare as it requires two men of “high moral standing and piety” to be witnesses.

In a four-page letter to MEPs, the kingdom’s mission to the EU called for “tolerance, respect and understanding” with regard to the country’s desire to preserve its traditional values and “family lineage”.

The new penal code, which also provides for the amputation of thieves and whipping of people wearing clothes associated with the opposite sex, was brought in on 3 April, despite international condemnation.

But in the letter, the kingdom claimed the outcry is due to a misconception that it wanted to clarify.

“The criminalisation of adultery and sodomy is to safeguard the sanctity of family lineage and marriage to individual Muslims, particularly women,” it said.

“The penal sentences of had – stoning to death and amputation – imposed for offences of theft, robbery, adultery and sodomy, have extremely high evidentiary threshold, requiring no less than two or four men of high moral standing and piety as witnesses, to the exclusion of every form of circumstantial evidence.” » | Daniel Boffey in Brussels | Monday, April 22, 2019

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — April 22, 2019

Did Jesus Die On Cross? | BBC Four Documentary

Will Brexit Happen? Political Heavyweights Take On Debate | 60 Minutes Australia

In London, the parliament is a complete mess of chaos and confusion, all because of Brexit: the decision taken at a referendum three years ago for the UK to withdraw from the European Union. As Sarah Abo reports, the problem – an enormous one – is the politicians, who can’t agree on how to do it. While they’re being distracted by bickering and backstabbing, many others fear the “great” is being ripped out of Great Britain. Reporter: Sarah Abo; Producers: Joel Tozer, Stefanie Sgroi

Comedian Wins Landslide Victory in Ukrainian Presidential Election

THE GUARDIAN: Petro Poroshenko concedes defeat as Volodymyr Zelenskiy takes over 70% of votes, promising: ‘I won’t mess up’

Volodymyr Zelenskiy, an actor and comedian with no political experience other than playing the role of president in a TV series, has won a landslide victory in Ukraine’s presidential election, with near-complete counting showing he has won over 70% of the vote.

The incumbent, Petro Poroshenko conceded defeat on Sunday evening before results started coming in.

According to official results released on Monday morning, with 85% of the vote counted, 41-year-old Zelenskiy had won 73.4% of the vote, compared to Poroshenko’s 24.4%. » | Shaun Walker in Kyiv | Monday, April 22, 2019

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Iraq's Oldest Christian Town Celebrates Easter without Isis

THE GUARDIAN: Hamdaniya has been reclaimed from the extremists who made it a hotbed of violence

The church ceiling was still scorched and some cherished relics missing, but after five years of war and exile, their tormentors were finally gone.

When the men and women of Iraq’s oldest Christian town gathered for Easter mass this weekend, they did so knowing that the Islamic State extremists who had chased them away were not coming back. Their battlefield defeat two months ago meant the people of Hamdaniya (also called Qaraqosh) could once again celebrate without fear.

A large congregation shuffled into pews that only two years ago lay in splintered ruin, both in the Church of the Immaculate Conception and every other church in Hamdaniya, which, like much of the rest of northern Iraq, had been overrun by extremists from Isis.

A priest in bright red robes holding a gold crosier in one hand and a small cross in the other spoke in Syriac only blocks away from where militants plotted chaos and even genocide for vulnerable communities. » | Martin Chulov in Hamdaniya | Sunday, April 21, 2019

Marlene Dietrich - Ein Engel in der Dämmerung

Dokumentation über Marlenes letzte Lebensjahre in Paris. Neben diversen Archivaufnahmen von Marlene, werden Maria Riva, Peter Riva, Werner Sudendorf (Filmmuseum Berlin), Marlene's Freund Louis Bozon ua. interviewt. Sehr zu empfehlen, um mal den Blick auf die etwas andere Marlene zu erhaschen.

Mayor Pete

Once a long-shot, Pete Buttigieg, the mayor of Indiana's fourth-largest city has been rising in the polls for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination, attracting dollars, attention, and name recognition (if not pronunciation). The Afghanistan War veteran, Rhodes scholar and trained pianist talks with CBS News' John Dickerson about the importance of narratives, coming out, what youth brings to public office, and reanimating his party's values for a new era, including a connection with faith.

(Un)Welcome: Sweden's Rise of the Right

In this installment of CBSN Originals’ ongoing examination at how migration is reshaping the world, Adam Yamaguchi travels to Sweden to examine how a record influx of migrants has coincided with the recently welcoming and politically progressive nation's swift shift to the right.

How Can Stateless People Cross Borders? | DW Documentary

After the end of the First World War, millions of people in Europe became stateless refugees. A newly devised passport created by the League of Nations’ High Commissioner for Refugees was their salvation.

In the aftermath of the First World War, more than two million people fled the Russian Revolution and the Armenian massacres. To prevent them from returning to their home countries, their respective governments revoked their citizenships. These permanent exiles had no choice but to start anew elsewhere and spread out around the world. To deal with this fraught situation, Norwegian diplomat Fridtjof Nansen, the League of Nations’ first High Commissioner for Refugees, worked hard to create a passport for these "stateless" persons. The so-called "Nansen Passport" was introduced on 5 July 1922. It was a symbolic document that made history as the first international legal instrument for the protection of refugees. This identity card and travel document allowed them to enter all the member states of the League of Nations at a time when many European states were closing their borders because of fascism, anti-Semitism and war and paying increasing attention to the legal status of both residents and foreigners. Famous artists such as Anna Pavlova, Vladimir Nabokov, Marc Chagall, Igor Stravinsky and Robert Capa, as well as more than a million other stateless persons, mostly refugees from Russia and the Ottoman Empire, received these precious passports. States have not used collective deprivation of citizenship as a weapon since 1945, but the UN General Assembly did not officially ban it until 2012.

The Princesses of Monaco – Intimate Portrait

When Hollywood queen Grace Kelly married Prince Rainer of Monaco, she brought elegance and class to the tiny principality previously known as "a sunny place for shady people." But the couple's daughters, Caroline and Stephanie, became known for rebellious, scandal-seeking behavior, seemingly designed to tarnish their mother's aura of dignity.

Ironically, it was through tragedy - Grace's 1982 death in a terrifying car accident, and later the death of Caroline's husband - that the family finally made peace with itself. Today, Caroline and Stephanie are Princesses on their own terms: out of the public eye and raising families of their own. THE PRINCESSES OF MONACO: the fairy tale faltered; the family endures.

THE GUARDIAN: Prince Rainier of Monaco » | Dennis Barker | Wednesday, April 6, 2005

Greece to Ask Germany for Billions in War Reparations

THE GUARDIAN: MPs vote to put pressure on Berlin as European parliamentary elections loom

Greece is poised to send Germany a formal diplomatic note detailing its demand for billions of euros in wartime reparations after MPs voted overwhelmingly for the emotive issue to be raised officially.

In a move bound to stir sentiment ahead of crucial European parliament elections, Athens vowed to pile pressure on Berlin, taking legal and diplomatic steps that will throw the spotlight on crimes committed during the brutal Nazi occupation.

“It is an open issue that must be resolved,” Greece’s deputy foreign minister, Markos Bolaris, told the Guardian, hitting back at German insistence that compensation claims had been conclusively settled.

“For matters of this kind there is international justice,” he said on Friday. “In all disputes the EU abides by it, on principle. Germany may say it has been resolved but what counts is international law.” » | Helena Smith in Athens | Sunday, April 21, 2019

On Contact: Russiagate & Mueller Report with Aaron Mate

Chris Hedges discusses with Nation reporter Aaron Mate how despite the categorical statement in Robert Mueller’s report that Donald Trump and his campaign did not collude with Russia, the conspiracy theories by the nation’s mainstream media show little sign of diminishing.

Sri Lanka Easter Attacks: Multiple Explosions Hit Churches, Hotels | Al Jazeera English

Sri Lanka was rocked by multiple explosions, including at churches, on Easter Sunday, a police spokesman said. One of the explosions was at St Anthony's Church in the Kochchikade district of the capital, Colombo. Another church in Negombo was also hit. Police also reported explosions at the Shangri-La, Kingsbury, and Cinnamon Grand hotels. Al Jazeera's Minelle Fernandez joins us by phone now from Colombo.

THE GUARDIAN: Sri Lanka imposes curfew after more than 150 killed in attacks » | Jason Burke and Benjamin Parkin in Delhi | Sunday, April 21, 2019

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Millions for Notre Dame – But Nothing for Us, Say Gilets Jaunes

THE GUARDIAN: Yellow vest protesters angry over high taxes and inequality march in Paris days after blaze

Riot police and protesters have fought running battles in the centre of Paris as gilets jaunes anti-government demonstrators in fluorescent yellow vests led street marches over what they called “a crisis” of high taxes and economic inequality.

Less than a week after the fire that destroyed the roof and spire of Notre Dame Cathedral, firefighters rushed to put out multiple small fires around the Place de la République, as motorbikes, bins, bicycles and cars were set alight on roads and pavements. Groups of masked men threw projectiles and police fired teargas. Some rioters in masks smashed the window of a sports shop and ran in to loot it, emerging with bags full of goods. » | Angelique Chrisafis in Paris | Saturday, April 20, 2019

How Mayor Pete’s Moments Are Translating Into Big Dollars | Deadline | MSNBC

The Daily Beast’s Sam Stein, Politico’s Anna Palmer, former DOJ spox Matt Miller, and WaPo’s Robert Costa on Mayor Pete’s powerful moments as he rises in the 2020 polls

Robert De Niro Calls Donald Trump a 'Wannabe Gangster'

THE GUARDIAN: Oscar-winning actor says US president has proven himself to be a ‘total loser’ with no morals

Robert De Niro has criticised Donald Trump again, calling the US president a “total loser” and “wannabe gangster”.

The actor has been involved in a long-running dispute with Trump, saying “fuck Trump” at the Tony awards last year.

Trump responded by saying De Niro was “a very low IQ individual”.

During an appearance on the Late Show With Stephen Colbert on Friday, De Niro told the host he had tried giving Trump a chance. “That’s what I said right after he was elected. Give him a chance. I give everybody the benefit of the doubt. This guy has proven himself to be a total loser.” » | Press Association | Saturday, April 20, 2019

THE GUARDIAN: Robert De Niro wins ovation for 'Fuck Trump' speech at the Tony awards » | Catherine Shoard | Monday, June 11, 2018

Julian Assange: Within Washington's Grasp? | The Listening Post (Full)

The Tobacco Conspiracy – Documentary

This France-Canada co-production goes behind the scenes of the huge tobacco industry, whose economic power has been expanding for five decades at the expense of public health. A gripping investigation covering three continents, Nadia Collot's film exposes the vast conspiracy of a criminally negligent industry that conquers new markets through corruption and manipulation. To confront the tobacco cartel, anti-smoking groups are organizing and scoring points, but the fight remains fierce. With ist diverse viewpoints, shocking interviews and riveting images, The Tobacco Conspiracy deftly defines the issues in a complex situation where private interests and the public good collide. Enlightening and engrossing, this documentary is a hard-hitting critique of an industry gone mad.

UKIP Launch EU Election Campaign amid Candidate Controversy

UKIP have launched their European election campaign with their leader insisting the party is the "true voice" of Brexit.

But just as Gerard Batten unveiled his top candidates, there were calls from some UKIP members to deselect one of them for offensive comments made online.

Carl Benjamin is one of the party's top listed candidates, but he's refused to apologise for a tweet he sent in 2016 to a Labour MP referring to rape. He said it was satirical. And Channel 4 News has learnt he made similar remarks at a comedy show, just last night.

Victoria Macdonald's report, does contain language you may find offensive.

Friday, April 19, 2019

What Does the Mueller Report Mean for President Trump? | Inside Story

U.S President Donald Trump is declaring "total victory" after the release of a censored version of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report on alleged collusion between his 2016 campaign and Russia. But outside Trump's inner circle, many are reacting very differently.

At a news conference shortly before the report's public release, Attorney General William Barr defended Trump, saying Mueller had cleared the president of any wrongdoing. But once the document was made public, many of Barr's assertions appeared, at best, questionable.

For example, Barr told reporters that the president "co-operated fully" with Mueller's investigation, but the report criticised Trump for refusing to agree to an in-person interview with the Special Counsel and for refusing "to provide written answers to questions on obstruction topics or questions on events during the transition".

Barr also said that Trump had done nothing to obstruct the investigation. But according to the report, Trump ordered a top White House official to fire Mueller and then, when that official refused, ordered him to lie about it.

Perhaps most importantly, Barr repeatedly said that the report showed there had been no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. But it actually says the Russian government tried to help Trump's campaign and that the campaign "expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts".

Congressional Democrats plan to subpoena the full, unedited report along with all of its supporting documentation.

So will the Mueller report change the discussion in Washington? Or has it already become just another partisan talking point?

Richelle Carey reports.

Guests: Joe Watkins, Republican Political Strategist and Former White House Aide to George H. W. Bush; Clyde Wilcox, Professor of Government, Georgetown University; Claire Finkelstein, Professor, University of Pennsylvania Law School

Jesus' Female Disciples | Biblical Documentary | Timeline

Theologians Helen Bond and Joan Taylor embark on a journey around the world in search of evidence of the role played by women in the beginnings of Christianity. Their quest takes them from ancient caves in Israel to catacombs in Italy, and leads them to question centuries of Christian ideology.

'Whimsical, Uninformed': French Ambassador's Parting Verdict on Trump

THE GUARDIAN: Exclusive: Gérard Araud compares regime to court of Louis XIV and warns UK over post-Brexit trade

The outgoing French ambassador to the US has compared the Trump administration to the court of King Louis XIV, filled with courtiers trying to interpret the caprices of a “whimsical, unpredictable, uninformed” leader.

Gérard Araud, who retires on Friday after a 37-year career that included some of the top jobs in French diplomacy, said Donald Trump’s unpredictability and his single-minded transactional interpretation of US interests was leaving the administration isolated on the world stage.

“When they say ‘America first’, it’s America alone,” Araud said in an interview with the Guardian. “Basically, this president and this administration don’t have allies, don’t have friends. It’s really [about] bilateral relationships on the basis of the balance of power and the defence of narrow American interest.”

He cautioned the UK against expecting any special treatment from Washington in post-Brexit trade talks, predicting that the administration would force London to accept US imports on US terms, such as looser standards for genetically modified organisms (GMOs). » | Julian Borger in Washington | Friday, April 19, 2019

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Mueller's Report Would Have Signaled the End for Anyone Other Than Trump

THE GUARDIAN: Analysis: activity discovered by Mueller was not, as Trump and his allies falsely insist, standard stuff for a political campaign

For all his bluster about being a master builder, Donald Trump really made his millions through branding. From chewy steaks to failing casinos, Trump has spent decades putting lucrative lipstick on pigs.

So when faced with a sprawling criminal investigation into how Russiaworked to get him elected – and how he then repeatedly tried to obstruct the inquiry – the president devised a brutally effective public relations campaign.

During his two years under investigation by Robert Mueller, Trump repeated his newest slogan ad nauseum: “no collusion”. Some Americans seemed tricked into forgetting that conduct falling short of that bar could be seriously problematic, too.

Mueller’s 448-page report confirms that his investigators did not find any overarching conspiracy between Trump’s team and Russian operatives.

But it also lays out, in damning detail, how senior Trump advisers acquiesced with Russia’s interference, while Trump simultaneously sought the Kremlin’s approval for a property deal in Moscow that could make him millions of dollars. » | Jon Swaine in New York | Thursday, April 18, 2019

Ivanka Trump Says Father Offered To Give Her World Bank Top Job, But She Passed | TIME

Ivanka Trump says father offered to give her world bank top job, but she passed.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — April 18, 2019

Facebook Bans Far-right Groups Including BNP, EDL and Britain First

THE GUARDIAN: Number of organisations and individuals permanently banned for being ‘dangerous’

Facebook has permanently banned a number of far-right organisations and individuals including the British National party (BNP), the English Defence League (EDL) and Britain First under its “dangerous individuals and organisations” policy.

The ban, which came into effect at midday on Thursday, extends beyond the groups and individuals specifically cited as hate organisations: posts and other content that “expresses praise or support” for them will also be banned, as will users who coordinate support for the groups. » | Alex Hern | Thursday, April 18, 2019

Billionaires Face 'Yellow Vest' Scorn over Notre-Dame Pledges

THE TELEGRAPH: Billionaire French tycoons faced a mounting backlash on Wednesday over tax breaks on their huge donations to restore Notre-Dame, as Yellow Vest protestors said the hundreds of millions of euros should be spent on tackling France's social problems.

The contributions to the cathedral's renovation approached €900 million (£780m) on Wednesday as the owners of Chanel and Dior stepped forward with donations along with Disney and the technology giant Apple.

However, the outpouring of cash has angered supporters of France's Yellow Vest movement, which noted that President Emmanuel Macron's "rich friends" stood to receive major tax breaks linked to donations in support of the public good and restoring national treasures.

They also pointed out that the sudden willingness of wealthy businesses to turn out their pockets showed that money was available to boost the French government's coffers. » | James Rothwell and Henry Samuel | Thursday, April 18, 2019

THE TELEGRAPH: Macron plans to shut elite school for future leaders » | Henry Samuel in Paris | Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Pete Buttigieg - Full Interview | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Watch Rachel Maddow's full interview with presidential 2020 hopeful Mayor Pete Buttigieg.

Mika: Mayor Pete Buttigieg Exposed Hate With Love | Morning Joe | MSNBC

While campaigning in Iowa, South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg calmly faced down anti-gay religious protesters during a rally. The Morning Joe panel compares and contrasts how the 2020 candidate and Donald Trump handle heckling.

Pompeo Is "Setting the Stage for a War with Iran"

In recent congressional testimony, Sec. of State Pompeo linked Iran to al Qaeda and 9/11 and would not say whether he would apply the 2001 war authorization (AUMF) to Iran. Col. Larry Wilkerson discusses the implications

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Allocution solennelle suite à l'incendie de la Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — April 16, 2019

Pete Buttigieg: My Husband Will Be an Amazing Father

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg discusses marriage and the prospect of becoming a father with CNN's Poppy Harlow and John Avlon.

Meet Mayor Pete Buttigieg: The Millennial Democrat Running for President

In the US, another Democrat has thrown their hat into the ring to become the nominee for President, but it’s a name many Americans won’t recognise.

Pete Buttigieg, or Mayor Pete as he’s known in the Midwest, is hoping to represent the Democrats and take on Donald Trump in 2020. If elected, the 37-year-old outsider would become America’s first ever gay president.

Warum uns Notre-Dame behrüht: „Da werden Untergangsvorstellungen aktiviert“

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Warum trifft es uns so, wenn ein historisches Gebäude brennt? Eine Kulturwissenschaftlerin erklärt, warum Notre-Dame so ikonisch aufgeladen ist – und woher die Verschwörungstheorien um den Brand rühren.

Frau Horstkotte, als Notre-Dame am Montagabend brannte, standen die Pariser scharenweise auf den Straßen, schauten fassungslos zu. Warum hat das die Menschen so berührt?

Die Zerstörung solch ikonischer Bauwerke, die stark mit Bedeutung aufgeladen sind, ist zunächst einmal visuell sehr eindrucksvoll. Da spielt auch Schaulust eine Rolle, das kennt man von anderen Unfällen. Diese besonders eindrucksvollen Bilder wecken aber besonders starke Emotionen. Die identitätsstiftende Wirkung der Kathedrale Notre-Dame für die Pariser, die französische Nation und für Europa ist dabei auch wichtig. » | von Johanna Dürrholz | Dienstag, 04. April 2019

Notre Dame Cathedral Fire: The World Mourns the Loss of a Paris Icon | DW News

French President Emmanuel Macron is vowing to rebuild the Notre Dame Cathedral, after a blaze destroyed much of the 12th-century church late on Monday. The exact cause is still unknown, but firefighters say it is now under control and partially extinguished. Authorities say the cathedral's structure was largely saved, but the fire gutted its roof and caused its spire to collapse. One firefighter was injured during the blaze. Many valuable artworks inside were lost or damaged. And, people around the world are lamenting the devastation of an architectural jewel that has survived well over eight centuries and is a symbol of France's heritage.

Notre-Dame Fire: Pledges to Rebuild Cathedral Pass 600 Million Euros after Donations from French Billionaires - Latest News

THE TELEGRAPH: … Pledges to rebuild Paris's Notre-Dame Cathedral have now topped 600 million euros (£518 million) as French billionaires signalled they would contribute significant donations.

According to AFP, promises made by France's corporations along with the country's richest families have poured in after a devastating fire ravaged the 850-year-old building, leading to fears it could collapse.

Business tycoon Bernard Arnault, and his luxury goods group LVMH, pledged 200 million euros (£173 million) towards the reconstruction of Notre Dame, while a billionaire fashion mogul, Francois Pinault, said he would give 100 million euro (£86 million) to the cause.

French President Emmanuel Macron last night launched a fund-raising campaign to rebuild the national landmark. » | Chris Graham, David Chazan and Jamie Bullen | Tuesday, April 16, 2019

THE NEW YORK TIMES: A France in Turmoil Weeps for a Symbol of Paris’s Enduring Identity » | Michael Kimmelman | Monday, April 15, 2019

On Contact: Assange with Vijay Prashad

The arrest of Julian Assange eviscerates all pretense of the rule of law and the rights of a free press. Joining Chris Hedges to discuss the arrest and pending extradition of Julian Assange is the historian Vijay Prashad.

Insight: Hitler Hunter | UNILAD Original Documentary

Hitler killed himself with his wife Eva Braun in his bunker in 1945 right? Think again. In UNILADs brand new series Insight, we meet investigative journalist Gerrard Williams, known for his appearances on History channels 'Hunting Hitler' and his book 'Grey Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler'. He talks us through his own research and what he's found on the ground in his hunt to find out what happened to Adolf Hitler.

Notre Dame Fire: Paris Mourns as Emmanuel Macron Commits to Rebuilding the Famous Cathedral

French president declares: 'We will rebuild Notre Dame together' as distraught Parisians and stunned tourists gaze in disbelief at inferno in the 850-year-old Gothic cathedral, which sits on the Île de la Cité in the River Seine. Macron hails the courage of firefighters who saved the façade and main towers from the fire's ravages, which caused the spire to collapse and the roof to fall in. An investigation has been launched into the cause of the fire which may be linked to renovation work.

THE GUARDIAN: Notre Dame is a warning to Europe: don’t take what you value for granted » | Gilles Gressani and Mathéo Malik | Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Monday, April 15, 2019

The Guardian View on the Notre Dame Fire: We Share France’s Terrible Loss

THE GUARDIAN: One of the great symbols of France has suffered terrible fire damage. The whole of Europe is scarred too

It feels as though the very heart of France and the soul of Europe have been suddenly and viciously ripped out. The fire that coursed through large sections of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris on Monday evening was an act of blind and terrible destruction that causes a great stab of emotional pain to us all.

In a frighteningly short time, it gutted and humbled one of the great buildings of Paris, in an act of annihilation of one of the emblematic places of Europe that had survived the brutality of the French revolution and the world wars of the 20th century.

The fire struck quickly and seemingly uncontrollably. It gathered force with immense power and ferocity, engulfing much of the roof and the central spire as it caught hold. The difficulty of marshalling full and effective firefighting operations to protect the building, which is on a small and historic island in the middle of the Seine, was quickly evident and agonizing. » | Editorial | Monday, April 15, 2019

Grey Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler (2012)

Hitler makes a last minute escape to South America where he lives a quiet and peaceful life until his death in 1962. Based on the 2011 book by Simon Dunstan and Gerrard Williams.

Hitler Of The Andes – Conspiracy Documentary | Timeline

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — April 15, 2019

Pompeo and Bolton Push Us Closer to War with Iran

With the United States designating a part of Iran’s military as a terror group, the administration is inching even closer towards a war with Iran. And thanks to a law passed by Congress shortly after the 9/11 attacks, they might be able to do it without having to get approval from Congress first. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains how this new designation could allow the administration to act unilaterally against Iran.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Sultan of Brunei, Who Passed Anti-LGBT Laws, Owns Slew of Luxury UK Properties

THE GUARDIAN: Hassanal Bolkiah, who believes gay people should be stoned to death, is assisted by leading City auditing firms

The architect of new laws mandating the stoning to death of gay people in Brunei has billions of pounds of property wealth in the UK, shares in a leading tech fund and gets assistance from City auditing firms, a Guardian analysis has found.

Hassanal Bolkiah, the sultan of Brunei, owns a slew of properties in the super-rich enclaves of Kensington and Ascot, including luxury hotels and polo parks. One property alone could be worth an estimated £500m in rent each year.

He has also invested millions of pounds in Draper Esprit, a tech-focused venture capital fund with holdings in Trustpilot and the financial services firm Revolut. Until recently his global hotel empire was audited by the accountancy firm PricewaterhouseCoopers.

Bolkiah has become an international pariah for his implementation of sharia laws, including the stoning to death of people thought to be gay or to have committed adultery, in the country he has ruled as a supreme monarch for decades. » | David Pegg, Hilary Osborne and Caelainn Barr | Sunday, April 14, 2019

Steve Bannon Is Going After Pope Francis | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Former adviser to President Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, along with other conservatives are taking aim at Pope Francis. NBC News' Richard Engel explains what's driving Bannon.

British PM Tony Blair: Brexit or Not, Britain Will Remain a Great Country | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Former British PM Tony Blair discusses the latest in Brexit, his best guess for what happens in October at the end of the extension, the rise of populism and why he says 'if a populism of the left fights a populism of the right, the right wins.'

Duty to Warn: Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess the “Dangerous Case” of President Trump

We revisit our interview with someone who’s led a discussion of mental health professionals who are deeply concerned about President Trump’s psychological instability. Dr. Bandy Lee is a forensic psychiatrist on the faculty of Yale School of Medicine who organized the “Duty to Warn” conference at Yale and edited the best-selling book, “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President.”

Dr. Bandy Lee declares that she is not representing the views of Yale University, Yale School of Medicine or Yale Department of Psychiatry.

World Mental Health Coalition »

Psychiatrist Bandy Lee On What's Wrong With Trump's Mental Health

Trump has been exhibiting some concerning signs of multiple impairments. John Iadarola and Dr. Bandy Lee break it down on The Damage Report.

'We Are Not Going to Shut Up': New York Protesters Demand Freedom for Assange and Manning

Rally was held at the steps of Times Square in New York on Saturday to protest against the recent detention of Julian Assange. Holding banners and delivering speeches criticizing the Pentagon, protesters demanded freedom for Assange. Assange, who was found guilty of breaching his bail at Westminster Magistrates Court, is facing up to 12 months in jail for breaching bail when he is sentenced at the Crown Court, as well as a formal request by US prosecutors that he be extradited on espionage charges.

Geoffrey Robertson QC: Assange's Arrest a Deterrent to Journalists Exposing US War Crimes!

Next we speak to Geoffrey Robertson QC of Doughty Street Chambers on the arrest of Assange, the legality of the revocation of his asylum status, the legality of the UK complying with the US extradition request and what this episode tells journalists around the world.

Assange Indictment: A Threat to the Foundation of US Democracy?

A panel discussion between FAIR's Jeff Cohen and Jacqueline Luqman, with host Marc Steiner examines whether this is the beginning of an attempt to stop investigative journalists from working with whistleblowers and exposing corruption

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Paul Craig Roberts Interview on Julian Assange Arrest, Brexit, Venezuela

My talk with Paul Craig Roberts, secretary to the treasury with Ronald Reagan, about the brutal arrest of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange at the Equadorian Embassy today, we also discuss the suppression of freedom of speech, the Washington coup in Venezuela, and the Brexit façade.

Italy: Steve Bannon's Populist Academy in the Trisulti Monastery | Focus on Europe

Former advisor to US President Donald Trump, Steve Bannon and British right-wing founder of the Dignitatis Humanae Institute have transformed the medieval Trisulti monastery into an academy for nationalist and identitarian populism. Are they lookng to find a right-wing answer to George Soros' Open Society Foundation by emulating it?

Democracy Now! US Trying to Make Assange “Suffer” for Publishing Secrets, His Former Lawyer Says

British human rights lawyer Geoffrey Robertson, who formerly represented Julian Assange, says the WikiLeaks founder has made many enemies, including the governments of Ecuador, Australia, the UK and US."

At the end of the day, you come down to the question of free speech, whether it’s right that a publisher who has received information from sources who want it published ... should be jailed and punished for the efforts he’s made on behalf of free speech," says Robertson.

Marlene Dietrich - No Angel - A Life of Marlene Dietrich

No Angel - A Life of Marlene Dietrich - Documentary

What Does Julian Face in the US? Chris Hedges Explains

Will Julian Assange Be Extradited? | Inside Story

WikiLeaks founder faces an uncertain future after being kicked out of the Ecuadorian embassy in London. For 2,487 days, Julian Assange was within touching distance of the British police, but was always untouchable.

Assange was an unintended guest of the Ecuadorian embassy in London, as he tried to avoid angry governments and accusations of sexual assault and hacking. But on Thursday that all changed, as Ecuador revoked his political asylum, and then allowed police into the embassy, where he was arrested on the spot.

It's a complicated story because there are many allegations across multiple countries. Some have been dropped on technicalities. This first arrest, dramatically played out in front of the media, was for breaching bail and could mean 12 months in prison. But then later Assange was arrested again at the request of the United States, which wants him extradited.

Is this all about freedom of speech? Or about a man hiding from charges against him?

Presenter: Kamahl Santamaria | Guests: Michael Patchett-Joyce, barrister in International and European law; Claire Finkelstein, Professor of Law at the University of Pennsylvania Law School; Vaughan Smith, freelance journalist and personal friend of Julian Assange

John Pilger: Julian Assange Exposed US' 'Kill Them All' Mentality!

We speak to legendary journalist and film-maker John Pilger who discusses the arrest of Julian Assange after his asylum status was revoked by Lenin Moreno of Ecuador and subsequent removal from the Ecuadorian Embassy. He discusses the importance of Wikileaks’ work, why it is a threat to the United States, the danger the arrest poses to journalists everywhere and the possibility of extradition to the US.

Amerika und Julian Assange: Aktivist, Journalist, Hochverräter?

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Seit Julian Assanges Festnahme ist in den Vereinigten Staaten die Diskussion über die Grenzen der Pressefreiheit neu entbrannt. Donald Trumps Haltung in der Sache ist eindeutig uneindeutig.

Heldenhafter Freiheitskämpfer oder terroristischer Hochverräter? Mit der Festnahme von Julian Assange, die aller Voraussicht nach in seine Auslieferung an die Vereinigten Staaten münden wird, ist in Amerika abermals eine heftige Diskussion um den Wikileaks-Gründer entbrannt. Ob Assange als Held oder Verräter gilt, hängt ganz davon ab, ob die Veröffentlichungen des Australiers als Journalismus eingestuft werden – wie er und seine Befürworter es stets für Wikileaks reklamiert haben. » von Nina Rehfeld, Phoenix | Samstag, 13. April 2019

Steve Bannon ‘Told Italy’s Populist Leader: Pope Francis Is the Enemy’

THE GUARDIAN: Trump’s ex-strategist advised Matteo Salvini ‘to target pontiff’s stance on plight of refugees’

Donald Trump’s former chief strategist Steve Bannon advised Italy’s interior minister Matteo Salvini to attack the pope over the issue of migration, according to sources close to the Italian far right.

During a meeting in Washington in April 2016, Bannon – who would within a few months take up his role as head of Trump’s presidential campaign – suggested the leader of Italy’s anti-immigration League party should start openly targeting Pope Francis, who has made the plight of refugees a cornerstone of his papacy.

“Bannon advised Salvini himself that the actual pope is a sort of enemy. He suggested for sure to attack, frontally,” said a senior League insider with knowledge of the meeting in an interview with the website SourceMaterial. » | Mark Townsend, Home affairs editor | Saturday, April 13, 2019

1944: Language Does Not Lie

Under arrest: The Future of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks | The Listening Post (Full)

Friday, April 12, 2019

Hillary Clinton: Julian Assange Must 'Answer for What He Has Done'

Hillary Clinton told an event in New York that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's arrest was not about 'punishing journalism', and that he should be held to account for the charges against him. WikiLeaks released a cache of hacked Democratic Party emails that embarrassed Clinton's campaign during the 2016 presidential election.

Chomsky: Arrest of Assange Is “Scandalous” and Highlights Shocking Extra-territorial Reach of US

Attorneys for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange are vowing to fight his possible extradition to the United States following his arrest in London, when British police forcibly removed Assange from the Ecuadorean Embassy, where he had taken asylum for almost seven years. On Thursday night, Democracy Now!'s Amy Goodman spoke to Noam Chomsky about Assange's arrest, WikiLeaks and American power.