Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Top US News & World Headlines — August 29, 2017

Tillerson Likely Trump's Next Fire?

Is Tillerson trying to get fired? Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian, the hosts of The Young Turks, tell you why Rex might be the next one to leave the administration.

Has America Become Ungovernable? BBC Newsnight | December 2016

America's Polarised Politics Spills onto Streets - BBC Newsnight

Donald Trump was in Phoenix Arizona for his first rally after the events in Charlottesville. Anti-Trump protesters and Trump supporters rallied to the city. BBC Newsnight's Gabriel Gatehouse was there too.

France: President Macron to Outline His Foreign Policy in Key Speech to Ambassadors

North Korea Fires Missile over Japan

North Korea has fired a missile over the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido which prime minister Shinzo Abe has called the ‘most serious and grave ever’ threat to the country.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Honeymoon Over? Macron Slides in the Polls as He Faces First Real Test

Diana: The People's Princess

Ahead of the 20th anniversary of the death of The Princess of Wales, this Sky documentary features moving accounts of those who witnessed the events surrounding her death.

Diana: The People's Princess, looks at Diana's final hours, the extraordinary events leading up to her funeral and the enduring legacy of her charitable work.

Bernard Lewis - Muslims about to Take Over Europe

Lewis is a widely read expert on the Middle East and is regarded as one of the West's leading scholars of that region. His advice has been frequently sought by policymakers, including the Bush administration. In the Encyclopedia of Historians and Historical Writing, Martin Kramer, whose PhD thesis was directed by Lewis, considered that over a 60-year career Lewis has emerged as "the most influential postwar historian of Islam and the Middle East."

"Resurrected From Irrelevance": Arizona Republic Columnist Slams Trump Pardon of Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Top US News & World Headlines — August 28, 2017

Trump Treats Secret Service "Like Servants"

The Real Reason Donald Trump Pardoned Joe Arpaio

'Arpaio a Thug'; Pardon Could Hurt Trump Later

On MSNBC's Morning Joe panel discuss President Trump made headlines Friday evening for his pardon of controversial former sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona, with several members of the president's own party criticizing him for the move.

Tillerson Talks North Korean Threat, Afghanistan Strategy

Aug. 27, 2017 - 13:08 - Secretary of state weighs in on 'Fox News Sunday'

Is the U.S. Ready for a Nuclear Attack?

The United States uses two different categories of missile defense to counter North Korea. Here’s how they work and — sometimes — how they don’t.

Tropical Storm Harvey: 'There's Water Up to Your Shoulder'

The storm has hurled record rainfall at Houston, forcing thousands to flee their homes and testing flood-control systems to their limits. Parts of the city area saw more than 22in (55cm) of rain in a 24-hour period to Sunday evening; too much for the bayous to handle, too much for roads to remain passable and threatening to overwhelm emergency teams

Guardian LIVE

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Australian Human Rights Commissioner Advocates for Sharia Law

Mark Latham of TheRebel.media reports on the outgoing Human Rights Commissioner of Australia Gillian Triggs, and her support for Sharia law courts.

Sebastian Gorka on Breitbart News Saturday | August 26, 2017

Dr. Sebastian Gorka Gives His First Interview Since Resignation - Breitbart News Saturday

The Cultural Factors Driving America's Departure From Reality

Kurt Andersen’s cover story “How America Lost Its Mind” argues that “being American means we can believe anything we want.” This is due to a combination of the new-age mentality born out of the 1960s that encouraged Americans to find their own truth and the internet age, which has allowed us to create communities that reinforce our beliefs. According to Andersen, the perfect manifestation of America’s journey away from reality is the election of Donald Trump.

Read the Atlantic article here

Texas kämpft gegen Harvey: Dramatische Überschwemmungen, Stromausfälle und ein Todesopfer

Hurricane Harvey Hits Coastal Texas

Hurricane Harvey made landfall near Corpus Christi, Tex., on Friday evening as a Category 4 storm. By Saturday afternoon, it had been downgraded to tropical storm. At least one person died.

Related NYT article here

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Thousands Join Anti-Terror March in Barcelona

An estimated half-million people gathered in Barcelona on Saturday in a rally against terrorism.

It comes a week after two Islamist militant attacks in Catalonia left 15 people dead.

Holding placards and banners which read "I am not afraid", the march was led by emergency workers, shopkeepers and residents of the city's Las Ramblas boulevard, where a van was deliberately driven into pedestrians.

Understanding Islam : Jay Smith (2011)

Prophet Muhammad: Found in the Old Testament?

Jay Smith's Story (2011)

Pamela Geller: Silicon Valley's War on Free Speech

Ezra Levant and Pamela Geller discuss the efforts of private corporations to silence conservatives.

Within 24 Hours, Trump Gives Very Different Speeches

Another day, another political rally with more statements from US President Donald Trump that counter to his comments from the previous day.

Trump Sides With Anti-Science Goons, Disbands Federal Climate Change Panel

Donald Trump has made the decision that science does not matter, and he’s decided to disband the advisory panel for the National Climate Assessment panel, the group that helps monitor climate change and assess the threat that it poses to the United States. Someone needs to tell Donald and the rest of the science-denying members of the Republican Party that just because you disband the panel doesn’t mean that climate change goes away – it just means that we’ll be left unprepared to deal with it. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

Robert Spencer: House Votes Down Proposal to Know the Enemy

Jihad Watch director Robert Spencer discusses the House of Representatives' vote against a measure that would require military officials to study the motivating ideology behind the jihad threat.

Sebastian Gorka Resigns from Trump Administration

Aug. 25, 2017 - 0:33 - Fox News confirms White House official's resignation

Friday, August 25, 2017

Sam Harris: Identity & Terror: A Conversation with Douglas Murray

Tariq Ramadan: The US & Allies Are Destabilizing the Middle East & Selling Arms to All Sides

Extended web-only interview with Islamic scholar Tariq Ramadan about U.S. arms trade, the so-called "democratization" of the Middle East and much more. Ramadan is Professor of Contemporary Islamic Studies at Oxford University. Ramadan was named by Time Magazine as one of the most important innovators of the twenty-first century. In 2004, Tariq Ramadan accepted a job at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana, and Time magazine listed him among the top 100 thinkers in the world. But nine days before Ramadan was set to start teaching here in the United States, the Bush administration revoked his visa, invoking a provision of the PATRIOT Act that allows the government to deny entry to non-citizens who "endorse or espouse terrorism."

Part 1 »

White House Press Briefing

Who Are the ‘Alt-right’?

F24Debate - The Future of Shopping: Google and Walmart Take On Amazon

Meet the State Dept. Science Envoy Who Spelled Out "Impeach" in His Resignation Letter to Trump

The science envoy for the U.S. State Department Dan Kammen has resigned in protest of President Trump’s refusal to quickly condemn the deadly white supremacist violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, earlier this month. In his resignation letter, Kammen, referring to Trump, wrote, "Your presence in the White House harms the United States domestically and abroad and threatens life on this planet." The first letter of each paragraph of his resignation letter spells out the word: "Impeach." We speak with Dan Kammen, professor of energy at University of California, Berkeley.

Top US News & World Headlines — August 25, 2017

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Inside Story - Can Trump Succeed in Ending the War in Afghanistan?

The US President has signalled more US troops will be sent to fight the Taliban in Afghanistan. He said the United States was no longer “nation-building” and that America will “fight to win”.

Announcing his new strategy he singled out Pakistan, saying it must stop providing safe havens for those he calls terrorists. And he warned Islamabad it had much to lose if it didn't stop harbouring them.

Will the US president succeed in ending America's longest war where others have failed? | Presenter: Hashem Ahelbarra | Guests: Shafiq Hamdam, former NATO Adviser; Ayaz Wazir, former Pakistan Ambassador to Afghanistan; Hardin Lang, senior fellow at the Center for American Progress

Pakistani Journalist: Why Is Trump Pushing For Failed Military Solution Instead of Diplomacy?

On Monday President Trump announced an escalation of the U.S. war in Afghanistan. He also issued a warning to Afghanistan’s neighbor, Pakistan. President Trump went on to say that the U.S. would develop its strategic partnership with India, calling on the Modi government to help in Afghanistan. Observers say that the move might be a signal to Islamabad that the U.S. would back India in the struggle between the South Asian rivals, unless Pakistan severed ties with the Afghan Taliban and the Haqqani network, one of its factions. For more we speak with Pakistani journalist Raza Rumi, editor of the national Pakistani newspaper The Daily Times and a professor at Cornell University and Ithaca College.

Tariq Ramadan: As Muslims Condemn Spain Attack, Americans Must Denounce U.S. Killings in Syria, Iraq

Spanish police are continuing to investigate last week’s attack in Barcelona, where 15 people died after a van plowed into a crowded walkway along Las Ramblas—the city’s most famous avenue. On Monday police shot dead the man suspected of driving the van: a Moroccan-born, 22-year-old named Younes Abou-Yaqoub. Police believe he was part of a 12-person cell plotting to carry out a series of bomb attacks. Eight of the cell’s members are now dead, four suspected members have been detained. The events of the past week have shocked many in the Barcelona region. On Sunday, thousands of Muslims, including many from Morocco, marched against violence in Barcelona, chanting, "Islam is peace" and "not in my name." We speak to Tariq Ramadan, Professor of Contemporary Islamic Studies at Oxford University. Ramadan was named by Time Magazine as one of the most important innovators of the twenty-first century. In 2004, Tariq Ramadan accepted a job at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana, and Time magazine listed him among the top 100 thinkers in the world. But nine days before Ramadan was set to start teaching here in the United States, the Bush administration revoked his visa, invoking a provision of the PATRIOT Act that allows the government to deny entry to non-citizens who "endorse or espouse terrorism."

Trump and the Dysfunctional American State

Real News Senior Editor Paul Jay speaks with Truthdig editor-in-chief Robert Scheer on the crisis in the White House and the calls for removing Trump as president

Top US & World Headlines — August 24, 2017

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

The Battle over Posted Workers: Macron On Tour to Convince EU Leaders

Arizona Migrant Justice Activist: Pardon the Immigrants Arpaio Criminalized, not the Racist Sheriff

Ahead of Trump’s speech in Phoenix on Tuesday, there was much speculation that Trump would pardon Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio, who was convicted of contempt of court for defying an order to stop his deputies from detaining people on suspicion of being undocumented. While he didn’t pardon Arpaio on Tuesday, Trump hinted during his speech that a pardon would be coming soon. For more we speak with Francisca Porchas, organizing director of Puente Arizona, a grass-roots human rights movement for migrant justice.

Predicting Trump Won’t Last Full Term, Alec Baldwin Speaks Out on Impersonating the President

Earlier this week, we sat down with award-winning actor Alec Baldwin, the acclaimed Donald Trump impersonator on Saturday Night Live. Baldwin’s performances have been seen by millions—including President Trump himself. Baldwin is currently preparing for another run of Trump impersonations on the upcoming season of Saturday Night Live. We spoke with Baldwin on Monday at Guild Hall, in East Hampton, New York.

Thousands Protest in Phoenix as Trump Hints He May Pardon Joe Arpaio

'Back Up, You Creep!': MSNBC Reveals Excerpt from Hillary Clinton's New Book

Read the Guardian article here

Top US News & World Headlines — August 23, 2017

Fake Bannon Email Account Learns Breitbart's Deep Dark Secrets

Breitbart editors told a fake Steve Bannon all their plans for the destruction of Jared and Ivanka. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down.

'France Has Its Own Ghosts'

Trump Lashes Out at 'Truly Dishonest' Media Reporting of Charlottesville

US president blames the media for the widespread condemnation of his response to the Charlottesville protest organised by white supremacists that led to the killing of a counter-protester. Donald Trump was speaking at a rally in Phoenix on Tuesday

Read the Guardian article here

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

The Debate - New President, Old War: Trump Outlines His Strategy for Afghanistan

Emmanuel Macron - From Child Prodigy to President | DW Documentary

Emmanuel Macron is the youngest president in French history. How did he go from banker to economic minister to the President of France?

France’s youngest ever president has now been in office for over 100 days. Emmanuel Macron came to power at the age of just 39. He had no party of his own, but his political movement had thousands of supporters. This documentary follows Macron’s meteoric rise, as seen through the eyes of those who know him personally. Archive footage gives insights into his private life and his unusual marriage.

The American Prospect Editor Robert Kuttner on His Extraordinary Interview with Steve Bannon

White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon has left the White House and rejoined the far-right-wing website Breitbart News as the executive chairman. Bannon has been one of Trump’s closest and most trusted advisers. After departing the White House, he said, "In many ways I think I can be more effective fighting from the outside for the agenda President Trump ran on. And anyone who stands in our way, we will go to war with.” Before his departure, Bannon granted an extraordinary interview to Robert Kuttner, co-founder and co-editor of the liberal magazine The American Prospect. For more on Bannon’s departure and his interview, we speak with Robert Kuttner, co-founder and co-editor of The American Prospect.

Arnoud van Doorn: Why I Converted to Islam | Full Lecture

Lecture held in Maldives Alimas Carnival.

Rex Tillerson ‘Up There’ For Worst Secretary Of State: Columnist | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Columnist Bret Stephens shares his thoughts on current Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.

State Dept. Official Who Quit in 2009 over US War in Afghanistan Speaks Out on Trump’s Troop Surge

President Trump has announced plans to escalate the U.S. war in Afghanistan—already the longest war in U.S. history. While Trump offered few specifics during his prime-time address Monday night, he has reportedly already signed off on a plan to send about 4,000 more troops to Afghanistan. For more we speak with Matthew Hoh, who resigned from the State Department in 2009 over the Obama administration’s escalation of the war in Afghanistan. Prior to his assignment in Afghanistan, he served in Iraq and Afghanistan including time as a Marine Corps company commander in Anbar Province.

Top US News & World Headlines — August 22, 2017

What Happened to Trump’s Beef With North Korea? | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann | GQ

He was pushing for a war that would have embroiled China.

Donald Trump Hit Pakistan On Afghanistan War With Provocative Criticism | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Andrea Mitchell, NBC News chief foreign affairs correspondent, talks with Rachel Maddow about Donald Trump's provocative criticism of Pakistan and the dearth of State Department officials in position to handle the diplomatic side of Trump's Afghanistan strategy.

Trump Announces His Afghanistan Strategy

Monday, August 21, 2017

Inside Story - Will Donald Trump Last through His First Full Term as US President?

There has not been a dull moment in the White House since US President Donald Trump took office. In the past eight months there's been a series of executive orders and a string of high profile departures.

Yet the president insists there is "no chaos" in his administration. But the polls tell a different story. His approval ratings have plummeted and members of his own Republican party are questioning his capability as president, with some calling the White House a "sinking ship'.

Trump has become increasingly isolated in recent months, shunned by major business leaders and at odds with his party's congressional leadership. And his comments after the violence in Charlottesville estranged him from more than half the nation.

Many are now beginning to wonder how long he will last as president. | Presenter: Hashem Ahelbarra | Guests: Oliver McGee - former Trump adviser; David A Love - Executive Editor of Black Commentator dot com; Jeanne Zaino - Professor of political science and international studies at Iona College

UN Accuses Saudi, UAE of Funding Armed Groups in Yemen

A confidential report by the United Nations accuses Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates of financing armed groups in Yemen. It also accuses all parties of violating international humanitarian laws in a war that has killed thousands of people and devastated the country. Al Jazeera's Mohammed Jamjoom reports.

Top US News & World Headlines — August 21, 2017

Making Sense of a Chaotic Week at the White House

It was another turbulent week at the White House, featuring the departure of President Trump's senior strategist Steve Bannon, who promised to wage "war" at figures inside the White House and Republicans from his Breitbart website, and the collapse of several advisory panels. PBS NewsHour Special Correspondent Jeff Greenfield joins Hari Sreenivasan from New York to put the chaos in context.

Army Pro-Nazi Party: Elite German Military Unit Probed over Far-right Extremist Claims

Another branch of the German military is being investigated over far-right activities – this time, an elite unit's accused of giving Nazi salutes and playing neo-Nazi rock music at a party. There's been a series of similar scandals stretching back months. Miguel Francis Santiago reports.

Watters' Words: Dismantling America's History

Aug. 19, 2017 - 3:44 - Statues of Confederate war heroes are a part of our nation's history and can serve as important relics to reflect upon

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Inside Story - Why Does Europe Continue to Be a Terrorist Target?

In a couple of attacks to hit Spain this week, at least 14 people were killed when a speeding van ploughed through pedestrians on the famous Rambla boulevard in Barcelona on Thursday.

A woman died of her injuries following a similar attack in a car in the seaside resort of Cambrils nearby. Five men were shot dead by police. That followed an explosion at a house in the town of Alcanar, 200km south of Barcelona, where bomb makers are thought to have lived.

Authorities said the attacks in Barcelona and Cambrils were related and the work of a large cell that had been plotting for a long time from Alcanar.

Four arrests have been made, while seven other members of the suspected cell are confirmed dead.

The attacks in Spain are the latest in cities all over Europe. Most were claimed by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS), which is being driven from strongholds in the Middle East. So how potent a force are ISIL fighters in Europe? | Presenter: Hashem Ahelbarra | Guests: Yasser Louati - Human rights activist; Milo Comeford - Tony Blair Institute for Global Change; Greg Barton - Professor of Global Islamic Politics, Deakin University.

The Listening Post - Charlottesville, Trump and the Media

When hundreds of far-right protesters gathered in Charlottesville, Virginia last week, it was ostensibly to protect the planned removal of a Confederate monument. They were also out to assert themselves on the public stage, in front of the news cameras.

Given that the Robert E. Lee monument in question harkens back to the era of slavery in the US, a potent message was being sent. They were met with force that didn't come from the police. And when a car ploughed into a crowd of anti-fascist protesters, killing one and injuring many more, the recriminations were swift.

One of the so-called news sites that has been incubating far-right culture - a favourite of white supremacists, The Daily Stormer, was dumped by its online hosts for its toxic take on what happened in Charlottesville.

But that will hardly shake the confidence of the movement, not with the mixed, coded messaging coming out of President Donald Trump's White House.

Some of the president's comments had voices in the white power movement rejoicing.

"The response of Trump to say that 'we're seeing hatred on many sides' is really conspicuous and I think that people on the right are saying 'We got away with it,' says Shuja Haider, editor of Viewpoint Magazine.

Trump waited another 48 hours to condemn racism.

"Everyone heard that silence as an unwillingness to call out white supremacy and Nazism by name," explains Andrew Marantz, contributing editor for The New Yorker. "I think that the neo-Nazis heard it that way. I think that the far left heard it that way. I think Republican senators heard it that way."

Like many politicians, Donald Trump leaves much open to interpretation.

And for all his bluntness, all the hectic, late-night tweeting, Trump is more skilled at using coded messaging - what's known as dog whistling. It all started with his campaign slogan "Make America Great Again", which is seen by some as a rallying cry for a return to a different America, a whiter one.

"Dog whistle politics is just that. An attempt to convey racialised sentiments without using actual racialised language," says Osamudia James, a law professor at the University of Miami.

"One of the reasons these coded dog whistles are so effective is because while they reach the extremists that they're targeted towards, they kind of escape detection by most people," adds Haidar.

The showdown in Charlottesville took many Americans by surprise. But should it have?

Fascism Is Rising In America - Richard Wolff

In this video clip, Dr. Richard Wolff is interviewed by Thom Hartmann on 'The Big Picture'. Their discussion focuses on the rise of fascism in the United States.

Richard D. Wolff is Professor of Economics Emeritus, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He is currently a Visiting Professor in the Graduate Program in International Affairs of the New School University in New York. Wolff has also taught economics at Yale University, City University of New York, and the University of Paris I (Sorbonne).

Saturday, August 19, 2017

The Islamic State's Claim to Spain

Spain hasn’t been in ISIS’ crosshairs as much as France and Britain, but it has been as a through-point for ISIS recruits and target of its propaganda for years.

Chris Hedges 2017 - Stop Fascism - Chris Hedges in Portland | Part 1 (August 18, 2017)

Tucker: Left Won't Stop with Civil War Era Monuments

Aug. 17, 2017 - 3:28 - Tucker's Thoughts: By the standards of the modern Left, Abraham Lincoln would be considered a racist and wouldn't be able to be hired at Google. Libs will want to do away with the Declaration of Independence and Constitution next #Tucker

Tucker: Bannon Never Forgot Why Trump Got Elected

Aug. 18, 2017 - 8:29 - Tucker's Thoughts: The departure of chief Trump strategist Steve Bannon will make the White House more placid. But better? Bannon was one of the few populists in the Trump admin that wouldn't feel comfortable working with Hillary

‘Next to Go?’ CNN Airs Segment Designed Entirely to Ridicule Sebastian Gorka

Bannon 'Going to War for Trump' after White House Exit

President Trump's chief strategist departs; reaction and analysis on 'The Five'

Krauthammer: Steve Bannon Is a Double-edged Sword for Trump

President Trump's chief strategist rejoins Breitbart after White House departure; reaction and analysis from the 'Special Report' All-Star panel

Inside Story - How Open Is Saudi's Invitation to Hajj Pilgrims from Qatar?

Almost three months after Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt cut off diplomatic ties with Qatar, Saudi's King Salman appears to offer a small step towards reconciliation. He's ordered the reopening of the border with Qatar to Hajj pilgrims. The invitation comes the day after the US described the Gulf crisis as being at a stalemate. Qatar's foreign minister welcomed the move, although he said it was a "politically-motivated decision". In reality, at the border crossing, some Qataris are still not being allowed to make the journey. What will it take to restore trust between sparring Arab neighbours? | Presenter: Hashem Ahelbarra | Guests: Ibrahim Fraihat, Assoc. Prof. Conflict Resolution & Humanitarian Studies, Doha Institute; Maysam Behravesh, Political Science, Lund University; Arwa Ibrahim, News editor, Middle East Eye

Friday, August 18, 2017

Breitbart Editor Pollack: If Trump Tries To Reinvent, Support 'Will Erode'| Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC

Joel Pollack, the Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News, joins Ali Velshi to talk about Steve Bannon's departure from the White House and whether he will return to Breitbart.

Steve Bannon on the Crisis of Capitalism and the Divine Right of Billionaires

Mathew Fox and Paul Jay discuss Bannon's alliance with the far-right Catholic Opus Dei, and his vision of the Judeo-Christian West

How Will the Right React to Steve Bannon's Ouster?

Aug. 18, 2017 - 3:46 - Could Bannon turn on members of the Trump administration? Reaction from Politico's Josh Gerstein

President Trump Removes Steve Bannon from Administration

Read the Fox News article here

Max Blumenthal Live with Paul Jay on Bannon Firing

Max Blumenthal and Paul Jay talk about the forces that backed Bannon and what his firing from the White House means for far right politics in the US

Anne Frank Center: Trump's Personal Twitter Account Amplifies Hate and Should Be Suspended

President Donald Trump continues to face outrage over his response to last weekend’s deadly white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, where racism and anti-Semitism were on clear display. We speak with Steven Goldstein, executive director of the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect, which is calling on Twitter to suspend Trump’s personal account, after branding him an accomplice to domestic terrorism.

Former Briebart Editor Ben Shapiro: Steve Bannon Marginalized for Months | MSNBC

Ben Shapiro, former Brietbart editor and colleague of Steve Bannon, explains how Bannon’s activity this past week foreshadowed the eventual departure.

Stephanopoulos Puts Kellyanne Conway In Her Place When She Won't Stop Lying | Full Interview | August 6, 2017

Jimmy Kimmel Interviews Kellyanne Conway About Trump Damage Control

The White House is trying to do some damage control after Trump’s latest press conference. They reportedly sent a memo to Republicans in Congress with talking points to use when discussing Charlottesville like saying that Trump’s comments on the violence were “entirely correct.” So we got in touch with Kellyanne Conway in Washington to discuss these allegations and get some answers.

Steve Bannon Out At White House | MSNBC

Two senior White House officials confirm that Trump chief strategist Steve Bannon will be leaving the White House after a chaotic tenure.

Police: Man Shot After Stabbing Several People In Finland | MSNBC

Police in Finland say that they have shot a man after he stabbed several people in the city of Turku. NBC's Ali Arouzi reports.

Jimmy Kimmel's Plan to Save Us from Trump

After one of the craziest days in Donald Trump’s presidency, Jimmy delivers a message to those who voted for him and presents a plan that could solve all of our problems.

Republicans Run Out Of Patience With The President | Morning Joe | MSNBC

President Trump is getting some tough, straight talk from top-ranking Republican Senator Bob Corker, who says that the president's conduct requires 'radical changes.'

Top US News & World Headlines — August 18, 2017

Undercover Nazi Michael German: Police Inaction Encourages White Nationalist Groups | MSNBC

As a former undercover Nazi for the FBI, Michael German relates his covert experiences to the outbreak of white supremacist violence in Charlottesville, VA, this week.

Is Germany Becoming More Right-wing? – BBC Newsnight

The German election is a little over a month away and Angela Merkel is on course to win her fourth term as chancellor. But her CDU party is under mounting pressure from the populist right-wing Alternative for Germany party. Gabriel Gatehouse visited Hamburg to ask what's motivating its supporters.

Lawrence: Donald Trump Responds To Barcelona Terror Attack With A Lie | The Last Word | MSNBC

Lawrence O'Donnell reacts to President Donald Trump's newest lie about fighting terrorism, as well as top Republican senator Bob Corker saying Donald Trump lacks the "stability" and "competence" to be president.

Spain Attacks: Bigger Attacks Were Planned, Police Say – BBC News

The Barcelona and Cambrils attackers had been planning bigger attacks than the ones they carried out, police have said.

Catalan police chief Josep Lluis Trapero told a press conference officers believed the group had been preparing the attacks at a home in Alcanar. But an explosion in the house on Wednesday, which killed one person, wounded seven and destroyed material they were planning to use in the attacks, meant they had to carry them out in a "more rudimentary way", Mr Trapero said.

The four people arrested include three Moroccans and one Spanish national, police have said.

None of them had a criminal history relating to terrorism, police chief Josep Lluis Trapero told a press conference. Three were arrested in the village of Ripoll and one in the town of Alcanar, where the house at the centre of the investigation exploded on Wednesday night. The youngest person arrested was 21, while the others were 28, 34 and 27 years old, Mr Trapero said.

'We Are in the Midst of a Global Jihadist Insurgency' – Maajid Nawaz on Fox News

Watch Quilliam Founder Maajid Nawaz appear on Fox News discussing the Barcelona Terror Attack.

Terror Attack, Trump Turmoil Rattle Stock Markets

'I Saw a Lot of Blood' - Barcelona Attack Eyewitness to RT

13 dead & more than 30 injured in a “massive crash” involving a van in Barcelona's city center, local police have confirmed. Authorities have called the incident a “terrorist attack.”