Tuesday, July 04, 2017

Naomi Klein: Trump Is the First Fully Commercialized Global Brand to Serve as US President

A decade after Naomi Klein published her now-iconic book "The Shock Doctrine," the best-selling author and activist reflects on how President Trump represents a form of continuous shock and how he ran a branding campaign—more than a political campaign—in order to capture the presidency. Naomi Klein’s latest book is "No Is Not Enough: Resisting Trump’s Shock Politics and Winning the World We Need."

Naomi Klein on Trump, Corbyn and the Global "War on Affordable Housing"

Naomi Klein says "Trump voters wanted to raise middle finger". The author and activist talks about her new book charting the Trump presidency, the shock tactics which got him elected, and about Jeremy Corbyn's success, and the wider causes of the Grenfell Tower fire in London.

Germany: Merkel's Party No Longer Considers US a 'Friend'

Monday, July 03, 2017

The Guardian View on Macron: Progressive and Pro-European. What’s Not to envy?

THE GUARDIAN – EDITORIAL: In a speech in Versailles, France’s centrist leader seized his moment. The contrast with Theresa May’s agenda is a sobering one

Emmanuel Macron went to the Palace of Versailles on Monday and proclaimed a French revolution. For those with a feel for French history, this juxtaposition of venue and idea was rich in irony. But the French president’s speech to the newly elected parliament and the senate was one that matters in the here and now, not just in the republic itself but across Europe – and in Britain, too.

In one sense, Mr Macron’s address was familiar for those who have studied his rise. There were few new policy commitments. Those that he made – they included a reduction in the size of the national assembly and other state bodies plus, importantly, the lifting later this year of France’s post-Bataclan state of emergency – were familiar from his presidential campaign. There will be more detail when France’s prime minister, Édouard Philippe, outlines the government’s legislative programme on Tuesday. » | Monday, July 3, 2017

The Debate – The 'Sun President': Macron Sets Out Five-year Plan at Versailles Palace

Inside Story - Can Washington Push for a Dialogue on the Gulf Crisis?

There's a week to go for Qatar to meet a list of 13 demands imposed on it by Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and Egypt. It includes shutting down the Al Jazeera network and aligning Qatar's foreign policy with that of the GCC among many other demands. Qatar has rejected the list, saying it violates its sovereignty.

Meanwhile, the US is calling on all sides to sit down and talk. A statement from Secretary of State Rex Tillerson says while some of the measures will be very difficult for Qatar to meet, there are significant areas which provide a basis for ongoing dialogue leading to resolution. So, is dialogue even possible?

Presenter: Hazem Sika | Guests: Abdulaziz Al-Horr - CEO of the Qatar Finance and Business Academy; Ahmed Al Burai - Lecturer at Istanbul Aydin University; Hillary Mann Leverett - Former White House official.

Stop Fascism: Chris Hedges in Portland (Parts 1 & 2)

Chris Hedges: America Is a Tinderbox

Helmut Kohl from the Province to the World Stage | DW Documentary

From the province to the world stage: Helmut Kohl maintained close ties to his home region, Rheinland-Pfalz, and used it to his political advantage. How did Kohl's relationship to this region influence his political career, and his historical legacy?

With his burial on the grounds of Speyer cathedral, Helmut Kohl returns to the region that made him what he was: an international politician from the provinces. Kohl was often pilloried for his provincialism, but he used it to his political advantage: he entertained world leaders at the Deidesheimer Hof hotel, and treated them to his favorite local dishes. In this way, he eased their concerns about the possibility of a unified Germany -- and especially, the concerns of the French. And as far as a united Europe was concerned, Kohl envisioned not an abstract bureaucracy, but a community of regions. At the same time, there were serious problems in Kohl's family life. His two sons and second wife argued about how to maintain Kohl's political legacy. The CDU in Kohl's hometown of Ludwigshafen is also divided on Kohl's place in history -- because of his participation in a campaign financing scandal. For this report, we traveled to Rheinland-Pfalz to find out how this region affected Helmut Kohl's political career.

Sunday, July 02, 2017

Does Trump Want to Redo 1953 CIA Coup in Iran?

Historian and author Ervand Abrahamian of Baruch College analyzes the recently revealed files on the CIA's role in the 1953 Iran coup, as Trump officials and allies float the possibility of regime change in Tehran

Inside Story - Will More Troops Protect the Sahel Region of Africa?

Emmanuel Macron has been president of France for just two months - and already has made his second visit to Mali, where French troops and UN peacekeepers are fighting armed groups.

The Queen’s Mother-in-Law: Princess Alice

Prince Philip: The Plot To Make A King

Thousands of UK Protesters March against Austerity

Demonstrators in Britain marched through central London demanding an end to austerity measures from the Conservative government. They are pressuring Prime Minister Theresa May to change her government’s economic policies. Al Jazeera’s Sonia Gallego reports from London.

Thailand Cracks Down on Criticism of the Royal Family

Thailand's military government is ramping up its crackdown on people insulting or criticising the royal family.

Over the past three years, more than one-hundred people have been charged or convicted under strict lèse-majesté laws.

Wayne Hay reports from Khon Kaen.

The Richest Scot in the Empire | BBC Documentary

John Crichton-Stuart, the 3rd Marquess of Bute, was a fabulously rich, maverick Scottish aristocrat. He spent a Welsh fortune on his many passions, creating some of the most extraordinary Gothic architecture in the world.

Canada Celebrates 150th Birthday

Canadians are celebrating the nation's 150th birthday. In 1867, a constitution was created to merge three colonies into one dominion which would eventually become present-day Canada. Al Jazeera’s Daniel Lak reports from Canada.

Trump Escalates His War On The Press, Threatens To Sue CNN

During his first re-election fundraiser this week, Donald Trump joked with the crowd about the possibility of suing CNN over their retracted Russia story. Republicans are trying to make attacking the press the staple of their 2018 campaigns – they’ve admitted that themselves – but it is never wise to attack outlets that reach millions of people throughout the day. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

Is Al Jazeera at the Heart of the GCC Crisis? -– The Listening Post

N24 Nachrichten - Brandstiftungen und Sabotageakte bei G20-Gipfel befürchtet

'I'm President, They're Not': Donald Trump at Rally in Washington

Trump declared victory over the press while at the same time claiming it was trying to silence him, at a gathering of evangelical Christians honouring veterans in Washington on Saturday. The president said terrorism is “one of the most grave and dire threats to religious freedom in the world today”.

Read the Guardian article here

Saturday, July 01, 2017

Qatar Envoy to UK : Saudi-led Blockade Is Collective Punishment

Qatari Ambassador to UK talks Qatar-UK relations during on-going crisis.

LIVE: Mourning Ceremonies for Former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl in Speyer

Mourning ceremonies for former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl are taking place in Speyer, on Saturday, July 1. Helmut Kohl, who died on June 16, aged 87, served as German chancellor from 1982 to 1998 and was credited with bringing East and West Germany together after the fall of the Berlin Wall, as well as the introduction of the euro with Former French President Francois Mitterrand.

Theresa May's Government At Risk of Collapse within Two Years, Warns Lord Heseltine

Trauerakt für Altkanzler: So verabschiedet sich Europa von Helmut Kohl in Straßburg

Hochrangige Politiker, Freunde und Familienmitglieder nehmen Abschied von Helmut Kohl. Seine Beisetzung ist mit einem enormen Aufwand verbunden. Der Sarg wird in der Luft, auf dem Land und auf dem Wasser unterwegs sein.

Es ist eine der größten Beerdigungen der deutschen Nachkriegsgeschichte: Zwei Wochen nach seinem Tod wird der frühere Bundeskanzler Helmut Kohl am heutigen Samstag beigesetzt. Die Trauerfeierlichkeiten an den drei Schauplätzen Straßburg, Ludwigshafen und Speyer erstrecken sich über den gesamten Tag. Kohl war 16 Jahre Bundeskanzler und 25 Jahre CDU-Vorsitzender. Er war am 16. Juni im Alter von 87 Jahren gestorben. Tausende Menschen werden zu den Trauerfeierlichkeiten erwartet.

Zunächst nehmen Politiker und Staatsgäste bei einem Trauerakt im EU-Parlament in Straßburg Abschied von Kohl. Erstmals wird damit ein gestorbener Politiker für seine Verdienste um Europa mit einem solchen europäischen Trauerakt geehrt. Reden sind unter anderem von Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU), EU-Ratspräsident Donald Tusk und dem früheren US-Präsidenten Bill Clinton geplant. Einen deutschen Staatsakt für Kohl wird es dagegen nicht geben.

Anschließend fliegt ein Hubschrauber der Bundespolizei den Sarg mit Kohls Leichnam von Straßburg in seine Geburtsstadt Ludwigshafen zurück. Dort wird der Sarg am Nachmittag in einem kurzen Trauerzug durch die Innenstadt gefahren, damit die Menschen dort Abschied nehmen können. Anschließend wird der Sarg auf ein Schiff gebracht, das dann die letzten Kilometer auf dem Rhein ins nahe gelegene Speyer fährt.

Zu der Domstadt hatte Kohl seit seiner Kindheit eine besondere Beziehung gepflegt. Im Kaiserdom ist am frühen Abend das Requiem angesetzt, zu dem noch einmal rund 1500 geladene Gäste erwartet werden. Dazu zählen Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier und Kanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU). Bis zu 3500 Menschen können Totenmesse per Videoleinwand in der Nähe des Doms anschauen. Mehr als tausend Polizisten sollen alleine im Raum Speyer und Ludwigshafen für Sicherheit sorgen.

Nach dem Trauergottesdienst ehrt die Bundeswehr den gestorbenen Bundeskanzler mit einem militärischen Zeremoniell. Dann wird der Sarg auf einen nahe gelegenen Friedhof gebracht und soll dort im engsten Freundes- und Familienkreis beigesetzt werden.

Kohls sterbliche Überreste kommen damit nicht in das Familiengrab nach Ludwigshafen, in der seine 2001 gestorbene erste Ehefrau Hannelore beigesetzt worden war. Streitigkeiten zwischen der Witwe Maike Kohl-Richter und Kohls Sohn Walter hatten die Vorbereitungen der Trauerzeremonien überschattet. (Quelle: dpa)

Tribute to a Fighter: France Remembers Simone Veil; Grubby Deal? Theresa May's Tenous Grip on Power

Friday, June 30, 2017

Intimate Interview with Oliver Stone

Top U.S. & World Headlines — June 30, 2017

#MerciSimone: Tributes Pour In for Simone Veil

Spain and the General – Spain (2007)

For decades, Spain cast a veil over the atrocities committed during its civil war. But this isolated vast sections of society. Now, breaking this pact of silence is opening old wounds.

Franco - Caudillo of Spain

The Hidden History Of The Spanish Civil War

Franco's Ghost (2007): There are two sides to the story of every war

40 Years On, Franco's Ghost Still Haunts Spain

Naomi Klein: The Worst Is Yet to Come with Trump, So We Must Be Ready for Shock Politics

Austria Seizes Hitler's House

Austria's Constitutional Court has upheld the law that permits the compulsory purchase of the house in which Adolf Hitler was born.

Mark Owen: Women in Saudi Arabia: A Long Road to Equality

Morning Joe and Mika Brzezinski Respond to Trump’s Tweets

Read the NBC News article here

NZZ Standpunkte zu Islam und Islamkritik – Gespräch mit Hamed Abdel-Samad

Hannity on Morning Joe

White House: ‘President Is Pushing Back Against People Who Attack Him

Trump’s ‘Morning Joe’ Tweets Are Just the Latest Step in a Year-long Feud

Read the Washington Post article here

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Historian: Republican Push to Replace Obamacare Reflects Radical Right's Stealth Plan for America

The Debate - What Does the UK Want? Tide Turns against Weakened Theresa May

Joe Scarborough Rips Trumpcare: It's Going To Devastate The Working Class That Voted For Trump

Mika Brzezinski Demolishes Trump & His 'Lobotomized' Staffers Over Tillerson Report: Out Of His Mind

’Not a Good Idea': German Foreign Minister on Erdoğan's Public Appearances Outside G20

German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel has advised Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan not to hold public events during his trip to G20 summit.

Fighting Terrorism: What Can the UN Do?

Morning Joe | June 29,2017 | 'It's Like Quitting Smoking': Writer on Leaving Twitter

Yusuf al-Qaradawi: Muslims Are Lazy

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Oliver Stone on How the US Misunderstands Putin

The Oscar-winning filmmaker spent 20 hours shooting a documentary with the Russian president, and tells the FT's Matthew Garrahan that the western world has Vladimir Putin all wrong.

'Trump Was Slapped in the Face' | Tucker Chats With Oliver Stone About 'The Putin Interviews'

Tucker Carlson interviews Oliver Stone about his upcoming Showtime documentary "The Putin Interviews"

Saudi Demands Are Unacceptable - Qatari FM in Washington

The foreign minister of Qatar is in Washington, seeking ways to resolve an ongoing diplomatic crisis. He met with the U.S. secretary of state, to discuss the Saudi-led blockade of Qatar.

UN: Demand to Shut Al Jazeera a Threat to Media Freedom

The United Nations has condemned a Saudi-led bloc’s demand for Qatar to close Al Jazeera, calling it “a major blow to media pluralism”.

Jeremy Scahill on Trump Team: A Cabal of Religious Extremists, Privatization Advocates & Racists (January 2017)

In this web exclusive, investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill of The Intercept talks in depth about Trump’s team, from unofficial adviser Erik Prince to Defense Secretary James "Mad Dog" Mattis to education secretary nominee Betsy DeVos.

Trump's Only Iran Policy Is Confrontation

If the White House has an Iran policy, "the only one visible is confrontation," says Adam Weinstein of the National Iranian American Council

Martin Wolf on the Rise of Populism | Opinion

FT chief economics commentator Martin Wolf explores with comment editor Jonathan Derbyshire the causes of populism today, cultural and economic, and they also discuss why populism has become more potent nearly a decade after the financial crisis.

The Last Hong Kong Governor: Chris Patten on 20 Years after the Handover

Chris Patten, Hong Kong’s last governor, handed the former colony back to China on 1 July 1997 to be ruled with a degree of autonomy under a system called “one country, two systems”

Angela Merkel Softens Resistance to Gay Marriage

Qatar Crisis: "Saudi King Salman Knows He Has the Ear of Trump, the Most Powerful Man in the World"

Monday, June 26, 2017

Libya before and after Gaddafi

France's Macron and Germany's Merkel to Lead Post-Brexit EU Revival

Can Washington Push for a Dialogue on the Gulf Crisis? – Inside Story

There's a week to go for Qatar to meet a list of 13 demands imposed on it by Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and Egypt. It includes shutting down the Al Jazeera network and aligning Qatar's foreign policy with that of the GCC among many other demands. Qatar has rejected the list, saying it violates its sovereignty. Meanwhile, the US is calling on all sides to sit down and talk. A statement from Secretary of State Rex Tillerson says while some of the measures will be very difficult for Qatar to meet, there are significant areas which provide a basis for ongoing dialogue leading to resolution. So, is dialogue even possible? | Presenter: Hazem Sika | Guests: Abdulaziz Al-Horr - CEO of the Qatar Finance and Business Academy; Ahmed Al Burai - Lecturer at Istanbul Aydin University; Hillary Mann Leverett - Former White House official.

Douglas Murray ‒ Islam and Democracy

Divided They Stand? Liberal and Conservative States Spar over LGBT Laws, Climate Change

Donald Trump has been promising to bring the nation together since his 2016 presidential campaign. However the divisions appear to have deepened since last year’s election, pitting not only political rivals, but even US states against each other. RT’s Caleb Maupin has more.

Top U.S. & World Headlines — June 26, 2017

What Is the Secret of Putin’s Appeal, Explained

The Russian president Vladimir Putin enjoys approval ratings Western leaders can only dream of, even as they dismiss him as an isolationist and authoritarian leader. What is the secret of Putin’s appeal?

Ivanka Trump: 'I Try to Stay Out of Politics'

Read the FoxNews article here

New Documentary Video: Halal Certification — The Unpalatable Facts

Raed the Jihad Watch article here

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Islam - The Official Lie

The Official Lie: In the wake of 'recent events' Douglas Murray, Mark Steyn and Nigel Farage have been in the news discussing 'said events' and the sociopolitical factors that allowed them to happen.

Douglas Murray ‒ The Origins of Islamic Violence

ZDF-History: Die zwei Leben der Hannelore Kohl (HD Doku)

Helmut Kohl's Last Major Television Interview | DW Documentary

Helmut Kohl, considered by many the Chancellor of German unity, has passed away. Kohl held the office of Chancellor from 1982 to 1998.

He made very few public appearances since suffering a stroke in 2008. The last major television interview with the former Chancellor was conducted by Stephan Lamby and Michael Rutz in 2003.

Never before had Helmut Kohl talked so candidly in front of the camera and in such detail about his life and his policies - and he never did again. In honor of this great statesman, Deutsche Welle is broadcasting excerpts from this remarkable interview. Helmut Kohl talks about reunification, Europe and the introduction of the Euro, and about extremely difficult periods in his life such as the party donation scandal and his wife Hannelore’s suicide. Helmut Kohl: up-close and personal.

Exciting, powerful and informative – DW Documentary is always close to current affairs and international events. Our eclectic mix of award-winning films and reports take you straight to the heart of the story. Dive into different cultures, journey across distant lands, and discover the inner workings of modern-day life. Subscribe and explore the world around you – every day, one DW Documentary at a time.

Qatar Slams Saudi-led Demands

Qatar has dismissed a list of demands submitted by four Arab countries, which have imposed a transport and economic embargo against their neighbour, as neither reasonable or actionable.

Authorities in Doha, however, say they are reviewing the demands and is preparing an official response after confirming the receipt of a document containing demands from the countries that cut ties with it and imposed a blockade against it earlier this month amid a major diplomatic crisis.

Al Jazeera's Tony Birtley reports.

Mohammed bin Salman al-Saud: The Hothead Who Would Be King

THE GUARDIAN: The new heir to the Saudi kingdom is a man with vast ambitions, but it is his international aspirations that are causing the most concern

The sudden elevation of Mohammed bin Salman to the position of crown prince and heir apparent to his father, King Salman of Saudi Arabia, is a welcome surprise for many Saudis. It is also a matter of deep concern for some of the kingdom’s neighbours, notably Iran, which is locked in a region-wide power struggle with its Arab arch-rival that increasingly risks sucking in the US and Russia.

For younger Saudis frustrated by the kingdom’s hidebound traditionalism and inflexible religious laws, Prince Mohammed is seen as a reform-minded new broom who could sweep the country to a brighter, more open future. For critics at home and abroad, he is a dangerous and inexperienced firebrand who could undermine stability and lead Saudi Arabia to unintentional disaster. » | Simon Tisdall | Sunday, June 25, 2017

Robert Spencer on “Is Islamic Terrorism Islamic?

Robert Spencer speaks to students at YAF's High School Conference at the Reagan Ranch

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Inside Story: What Is Behind the Campaign against Al Jazeera?

Unreasonable, unbalanced and not actionable. That's the Qatari government's reaction to the list of 13 demands from Saudi Arabia, the UAE and their allies. The demands include closing down the Al Jazeera network.

It's often said that journalists should avoid becoming part of the story. But the story of this regional crisis is now putting journalism at the centre of it.

Al Jazeera says the ultimatum - which must be met within 10 days - would not affect daily business.

Fellow journalists and industry representatives are voicing their angry reactions. They see it as an attempt to silence freedom of expression and using the news organisation as a bargaining chip in political differences. | Presenter: Hazem Sika | Guests: Marwan Kabalan - Associate analyst at the Doha Institute, Arab Center for Research & Policy Studies; Philippe Leruth - President of the International Federation of Journalists; Rami Khouri - Professor of Journalism, American University of Beirut

Why the World Should Take Notice of the Change in Saudi Arabia? - BBC News

Saudi Arabia's king has appointed his son Mohammed bin Salman as crown prince - replacing his nephew, Mohammed bin Nayef, as first in line to the throne.

King Salman's decree also means Prince Mohammed bin Salman, 31, will become deputy prime minister while continuing as defence minister.

Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, 57, has been removed from his role as head of domestic security, state media say.

He has pledged allegiance to the new crown prince, his younger cousin.

Assad Say’s “Trump's a Puppet”

Arab States Issue Qatar Demands | World

The Arab states that have cut ties with Qatar have given the Gulf nation 10 days to comply with a series of demands, including the closure of the Al Jazeera satellite television channel.

13 Demands on Qatar Escalate Saudi-Led Stand-off

Saudi Arabia and its allies' list of far-reaching demands for Qatar--including cutting ties with the Muslim Brotherhood, reducing cooperation with Iran, and closing news channel Al Jazeera--is "absurd," says CODEPINK's Medea Benjamin

View from Iran: Saudi Arabia – Qatar Crisis

Saudi-led countries list of demands from Qatar begins with “end relations with Iran” & closes with a distrustful, pompous, demand for alignment to their policies within 10 days. It is also hypocritical that Qatar is being called out for supporting terrorism by the very Persian Gulf dictators who are just as guilty in that regard. Qatari media influence, too, is a thorn in the side of its neighbors, with them calling for a shutdown of Qatar-affiliated media, a judgment on their view of free media & speech. The Saudi-led alliance also wants Qatar to end support for pro-Palestine resistance, while they sing their own praises for seemingly standing for the Palestinian cause.

Historic Rivalry for Regional Dominance at the Root of Saudi-Qatar Crisis

The battle for regional power between Saudi Arabia and Qatar dates back to the very creation of the State of Qatar; back then, just as it is now, it was about regional dominance, explains Professor Seif Da'na

Qatar Given 10 Days to Comply with Saudi-led Bloc's 'List of Demands'

Qatar has reportedly been given 10 days to comply with a list of demands from Arab nations which have imposed a blockade on the Gulf nation. News agencies say the Saudi-led bloc is demanding financial compensation and wants Qatar to downgrade its relations with Iran. It has also called for the closure of Al Jazeera. Al Jazeera’s Tony Birtley explains.

BBC Question Time | June 22, 2017

Question Time BBC 22.06.2017. David Dimbleby chairs topical debate from Plymouth. On the panel are Conservative justice secretary David Lidington, Labour's shadow health secretary Jonathan Ashworth, the SNP's new Westminster leader Ian Blackford, businesswoman Gina Miller, and Daily Mail columnist Peter Oborne.

France's New Frontman, America's Absent Center, May's Brexit Gambit, Saudi Royal Reshuffle

Saudi's Outrageous Demand! 'We Call on All Governments to Respect Media Freedoms': Al-Jazeera on Saudi Demands for Its Closure

Qatar-funded broadcaster al-Jazeera denounces the demand for its closure from Saudi Arabia and several other countries. They accuse the network of being a propaganda tool for Islamists intent on undermining other governments. Acting managing director Giles Trendle says the network will continue its ‘editorial mission’. The demand is part of a 13-point list that Qatar must agree to if it wants a diplomatic and trade embargo lifted

Read the Guardian article here

Friday, June 23, 2017

WWII Survivor Warns of Socialism and Gun Control – Must Watch

Kitty Werthmann, an Austrian World War II survivor, gives her account of Hitler's takeover of Austria. The similarities to today's left and their "progressive agenda", are staggering!

Qatar Blockade: Arab States Give Doha 10 Days to Cut Ties with Iran & Close Turkish Base

The Arab states which have imposed an economic blockade on Qatar over its alleged financing of terrorism have issued a severe list of demands, which includes giving Doha 10 days to cut ties with Iran, shutting down Al Jazeera, closing a Turkish military base and paying a fine.

America’s Missing Moderates: Could a Political Center Spring from the Republican Party?

Brexit Means Brexit - The Unofficial Version | BBC Documentary | June 22, 2017

Award-winning director Patrick Forbes goes beyond the headlines to film the bitter battle to govern Britain after 2016's referendum vote. Filmed over one extraordinary year, it's a story of low politics, high ambition and bitter personal animosities - at stake the biggest decision the UK has taken for decades. Can the prime minister tame the judges, the opposition and finally the public to deliver Brexit? One thing everyone involved agrees on, get this wrong and, 'we will see another even bigger seismic change in this country's politics'.

BREXIT Negotiations - Tusk: UK Offer for EU Citizens "Below Expectations" - BBC News

UK offer for EU citizens "below expectations" & "risks worsening the situation" - EU Council President Donald Tusk

World War II Documentary

Pakistan: Police Enforce Ramadan Fasting in Streets of Lahore

'Accusations of Terrorism Are False', Says Qatar's Foreign Minister

Thursday, June 22, 2017

As Yemen War Rages On, Saudi King Elevates the War's Architect—His Own Son—to Be Crown Prince

As the U.S. moves ahead with a massive arms deal with Saudi Arabia, Saudi’s king has deposed his nephew as crown prince and has replaced him with his son—the same man presiding over the devastating U.S.-backed, Saudi-led war in Yemen. The move comes a month after President Donald Trump signed a series of arms deals with Saudi Arabia totaling a record $110 billion during a visit to Riyadh. The arms deal includes tanks, artillery, ships, helicopters, missile defense systems and cybersecurity technology. We speak to Kristine Beckerle of Human Rights Watch.

Inside Story - What Can Be Done To Stop Cultural Genocide?

For nearly a thousand years Al Nuri Mosque has been the centerpiece of the Old City in Mosul - until Wednesday when it was blown up destroyed during fighting. The mosque's been added to a long list of ancient pieces of history destroyed during wars in Iraq and Syria. How can the destruction be stopped? | Presenter: Sohail Rahman | Guests: Ahmed Zaidan, Journalist and documentary filmmaker: Michael Danti, Academic Director, American Schools of Oriental Research; Amr Al Azm, Shawnee State University in Ohio and former head of the Centre for Archaeological Research, University of Damascus

Panorama : Putin's Secret Riches

Brexit: 'Dreamer' Tusk Says UK May Yet Stay in the EU