Tuesday, September 07, 2021

Au mariage de la princesse Maria Anunciata de Liechtenstein, nièce du grand-duc Henri

PARIS MATCH : Fille aînée de la princesse Margaretha de Luxembourg et du prince Nikolaus de Liechtenstein, la princesse Maria Anunciata s’est mariée religieusement à Vienne ce samedi, en présence de nombreux membres de la famille grand-ducale luxembourgeoise.

Princes et princesses s’étaient donnés rendez-vous à Vienne ce samedi 4 septembre 2021. Ce jour-là, la capitale autrichienne accueillait, dans la baroque Schottenkirche (l’église écossaise), le mariage religieux de la princesse Maria Anunciata de Liechtenstein et d’Emanuele Musini. Le couple s’était uni civilement en août dernier au Liechtenstein. » | Dominique Bonnet | lundi 6 septembre 2021

L'image à gauche est une capture d'écran de la princesse à Vienne le 4 septembre 2021, jour de leur mariage.

Ludwig van Beethoven: Piano Sonata No.14 In C Sharp Minor, Op.27 No.2 - Moonlight / Mondschein / Au Claire de Lune - 1. Adagio sostenuto | Maurizio Pollini

Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group

Aux origines des divisions européennes: la question des racines chrétiennes

En frappant aux portes de l’UE, «l’Europe de l’Est» pensait au contraire retrouver son identité et la grande famille démocrate-chrétienne. Ints Kalnins/REUTERS

LE FIGARO : DÉCRYPTAGE - Si certains pays d’Europe centrale et orientale violent les règles de l’UE, ils reprochent à l’Ouest d’avoir renié son héritage chrétien

On reproche à juste titre à certains pays d’Europe centrale et orientale de s’être écartés des valeurs de l’Union européenne et de violer les règles garantissant l’État de droit et la démocratie. Freins à l’avortement, loi interdisant la «promotion» de l’homosexualité auprès des mineurs, fermeture des frontières aux migrants, instauration de «zones sans LGBT», restrictions à la liberté de la presse et à l’indépendance de la justice: les institutions de Bruxelles sont en conflit permanent avec la Pologne et la Hongrie, chefs de file de la rébellion. » | Par Isabelle Lasserre | mardi 7 septembre 2021

Réservé aux abonnés

L'Observatoire de la laïcité défend-il suffisamment la laïcité ? : LA VÉRIFICATION - Présidé par Jean-Louis Bianco, l'organisme qui conseille le gouvernement est accusé d'être trop conciliant avec l'islam politique. Est-ce vraiment le cas ? »

Die Taliban bilden eine Regierung – und darin sitzen weder andere politische Kräfte noch Frauen

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Die Taliban hatten nach ihrer Machtübernahme in Kabul versprochen, eine «inklusive» Regierung zu bilden. Getan haben sie nun das Gegenteil.

Der Taliban-Sprecher Zabihullah Mujahid gibt in Kabul die Minister der neuen Regierung bekannt. | Muhammad Farooq / AP

Es gibt dieses Wort, das die Taliban in den vergangenen Wochen fast mantraartig wiederholt haben. «Inklusiv», sollte die neue Regierung Afghanistans werden, es war eines der Versprechen, dass die scheinbar geläuterten Taliban den besorgten Afghanen und der internationalen Gemeinschaft gaben. Am Dienstagabend haben die Taliban ihre Regierung nun bekanntgegeben. Und es ist ganz anders gekommen.

«Inklusiv» ist diese Regierung nicht. Es ist eine Regierung der Sieger. Auf der Liste, die am Dienstagabend den Medien übergeben wurde, stehen einzig die Namen von ranghohen Talibanvertretern. Die Besiegten, Repräsentanten der alten afghanischen Regierung, sind ausgeschlossen. Eine Art Generationenprojekt » | Andreas Babst, Delhi | Dienstag, 7. September 2021

Crusty Mussel Bake with Homemade 'sauce velouté' | Moules au gratin

Moules au gratin is a great recipe for any occasion. This delicious ‘mussel bake' comprises mussels pre-cooked in the marinière style which are then mixed with a duxelles of mushrooms and a creamy shellfish velouté. The mussel bake can be topped with cheese or bread crumbs before it is broiled (grilled) for a few minutes in the oven, [or under the grill in the UK].

Get the printable recipe here.

The Daily Life of Gay Parents | DW Documentary

Two fathers; two babies

I posted this documentary in German back in August; so, today I am posting it in English. There is no particular reason why I posted it in German first. I didn’t actually know that it existed in English until this afternoon. For the German version, please click here.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — September 7, 2021

Vintage Gay Photos Set to Music

Serie de fotografías Vintage de parejas gay.

Warning of Income Gap, Xi Tells China’s Tycoons to Share Wealth

THE NEW YORK TIMES: As the country’s leader prepares for a likely third term, he is promising “common prosperity” to lift farmers and working families into the middle class.

Xi Jinping has declared that China’s Communist Party will work toward “common prosperity,” and he has pressed businesses and entrepreneurs to give back more to society. .Ju Peng/Xinhua, via Associated Press

Four decades ago, Deng Xiaoping declared that China would “let some people get rich first” in its race for growth. Now, Xi Jinping has put China’s tycoons on notice that it is time for them to share more wealth with the rest of the country.

Mr. Xi says the Communist Party will pursue “common prosperity,” pressing businesses and entrepreneurs to help narrow the stubborn wealth gap that could hold back the country’s rise and erode public confidence in the leadership. Supporters say China’s next phase of growth demands the shift.

“A powerful China should also be a fair and just China,” Yao Yang, a professor of economics at Peking University who endorses the shift in priorities, said by email. “China is one of the worst countries in terms of redistribution, despite being a socialist country. Public spending is overly concentrated in cities, elite schools and so on.”

Officials are pledging to make schooling, housing and health care less costly and more evenly available outside big cities, and to lift incomes for workers, helping more people secure a place in the middle class. The “common prosperity” campaign has converged with a crackdown on the country’s tech giants to curb their dominance. Facing scrutiny, some of China’s biggest billionaires, like Jack Ma, have lined up to pledge billions of dollars to charity.

The pledges hold out the prospect, endorsed by Mr. Xi in a meeting last month, that China is now affluent enough to shift closer to the Communist Party’s longstanding ideal of wealth sharing. For Mr. Xi, the Communist Party’s long-term authority is at stake. » | By Chris Buckley, Alexandra Stevenson and Cao Li | Tuesday, September 7, 2021

On the NYT website, under the image, there are links of translations of this article into “Simplified” Chinese and “Traditional” Chinese for your ease and convenience.

Verlieh das Königshaus Orden gegen Geld?


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: In britischen Hofkreisen gilt es als üble Nachrede, dass man Orden kaufen kann. Enge Berater von Prinz Charles lassen daran nun aber keinen Zweifel mehr.

Großbritannien ist als Land der sogenannten self-deprecation bekannt, also des humorvollen Herunterspielens der eigenen Bedeutung. Das heißt aber nicht, dass Orden nicht äußerst beliebt wären. Das gilt auch und besonders für Ausländer, die schon lange im Königreich leben – erst recht, wenn sie gerne einen britischen Pass hätten. Der saudische Geschäftsmann Mahfouz Marei Mubarak bin Mahfouz etwa sparte nicht mit Bemühungen um einen Orden und steckte in den vergangenen Jahren Hunderttausende Pfund in die Renovierung königlicher Besitztümer und Wohltätigkeitsprojekte.

In Hofkreisen gilt es natürlich als üble Nachrede, dass Orden sich erkaufen lassen, aber nun veröffentlichten zwei Zeitungen eindeutige E-Mails aus den Jahren 2014 bis 2017. Darin ließen enge Berater von Mahfouz und von Prinz Charles keinen Zweifel daran, dass hier Geld gegen Orden getauscht wurden. Am Wochenende ließ sich die langjährige rechte Hand des Kronprinzen, Michael Fawcett, von seiner Funktion entbinden, bis eine interne Untersuchung abgeschlossen sei. Ein früherer Minister kündigte sogar an, Scotland Yard einzuschalten. » | Jochen Buchsteiner, London | Sonntag, 5. September 2021

The prince, his valet and a Saudi billionaire: meritocracy in action »

Journée de manifestations pro-Bolsonaro à haut risque au Brésil, un barrage policier forcé à Brasília

Des partisans du président Jair Bolsonaro, le 6 septembre dernier à Brasília. ADRIANO MACHADO / REUTERS

LE FIGARO : Le président a appelé ses partisans à se réunir ce mardi à Brasília et à Sao Paulo, où deux millions de personnes sont attendues. Les opposants descendront aussi dans la rue.

Des manifestations de soutien à Jair Bolsonaro sont prévues mardi à l'occasion d'une fête nationale à haut risque dans des centaines de villes du Brésil, mais aussi de l'opposition soucieuse de frustrer le président d'une démonstration de force.

La tournure que prendront les mobilisations est incertaine et a monopolisé le débat public au Brésil, avec notamment des alertes pour éviter un événement similaire à l'invasion du Capitole des États-Unis en janvier dernier par des partisans du président de l'époque, Donald Trump, un modèle pour Jair Bolsonaro. » | Par Le Figaro avec AFP | mardi 7 septembre 2021

Mort de Jean-Paul Belmondo : un hommage national sera rendu jeudi aux Invalides, annonce l'Élysée

Emmanuel Macron avait fait l'acteur grand officier de la Légion d'honneur en novembre 2019. VALERY HACHE / AFP

LE FIGARO : L'acteur est décédé lundi à l'âge de 88 ans. Emmanuel Macron a fait part de ses condoléances «à sa famille et à ses proches, ainsi qu'à tous les Français qu'il a fait rire et qu'il a émus durant plus de 60 ans».

«En lui, nous nous retrouvions tous», a salué sur Twitter Emmanuel Macron en hommage à Jean-Paul Belmondo, décédé ce lundi à l'âge de 88 ans. «Il restera à jamais Le Magnifique. Jean-Paul Belmondo était un trésor national, tout en panache et en éclats de rire, le verbe haut et le corps leste, héros sublime et figure familière, infatigable casse-cou et magicien des mots», a-t-il écrit.

L'Élysée a annoncé mardi matin qu'un hommage national à l'acteur serait rendu jeudi 9 septembre aux Invalides. » | Par Le Figaro | Publié : lundi 6 septembre 2021 ; mis à jour : mardi 7 spetembre 2021

Liens pertinents vers d'autres articles ici.

Princess of Monaco Rushed to Hospital in South Africa

MONACO LIFE: Princess Charlene is in a “reassuring state” after being admitted to hospital in South Africa and later released, the Palace has confirmed.

Just days after saying goodbye to her husband Prince Albert and children Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella who were in South Africa for a brief visit, Princess Charlene was rushed to hospital on Wednesday night after collapsing.

Following widespread media reports of the late-night dash to the emergency room, the Prince’s Palace issued a statement Friday evening confirming the Princess’ health situation: » | Cassandra Tanti | Saturday, September 4, 2021

Tom Hardy, a Real Man, Enjoying a Really Good Smoke

This handsome man doesn’t look to be hen-pecked!

My thanks for this great photo go to chardlidos on Pinterest and on Tumblr.

A Wedding


Lovely photo courtesy of Basing House Same Sex Wedding Photography – Sam & Sarah on Pinterest. And here.

One More ‘Precious’ Kiss…

Photo of Jonny Lee Muller kissing Jude Law courtesy of ‘Precious Things’ on Pinterest and on Tumblr.

Perfect Harmony

Photo: Adobe Stock

Harmonie parfaite / Perfekte Harmonie

Boris Johnson’s Biggest Lie about Europe Is Finally Coming Home to Roost

THE GUARDIAN: From plummeting trade to drastic shortages of workers, needlessly leaving the single market has been disastrous

‘The sensible path now would be for Boris Johnson to eat humble pie.’ Photograph: Ben Stansall/AFP/Getty Images

It was the big Brexit lie. No, not the £350m a week to spend on the NHS or the “bonfire” of red tape. The lie was that the shambles now enveloping British trade with Europe was an unavoidable price worth paying to leave the EU. That was rubbish.

In order to further his chances of becoming Tory leader Boris Johnson made two commitments. One was to resign from the EU, the other was to depart Europe’s customs union and single market, aspects of which embrace other non-EU states such as Norway. The second decision was an almost casual gesture to make him look macho to the party’s hardline Brexiters. It was not put to referendum and was beyond stupid.

No news item today is free of the consequences. Earlier this year, the effects of leaving the single market could be seen in plummeting trade with the continent, even accounting for the pandemic. Additional red tape is awesome. HMRC estimates traders will be handling 215m more import/export documents a year, at an estimated bureaucratic cost of £7.5bn a year. Tariffs may not apply but rules of origin and health standards do. Every truck, every cargo requires inspection.

As for migration, the overall shortage of seasonal farm labour, according to BBC Radio 4’s Farming Today, is 20% and often more. Fruit will rot in fields, pigs cannot get to abattoirs and Christmas turkeys will be a “nightmare”. Meanwhile, care homes in England are short of 170,000 staff, and delivery firms short of 100,000 drivers. Hotels have abandoned rooms and restaurant tables. Creative industries – worth £110bn to the UK economy – were forgotten by the Brexit negotiators and are now virtually isolated from Europe. » | Simon Jenkins | Monday, September 6, 2021

Our decision to leave the European Union was as stupid as it is showing to be economically disastrous. The once great and respectable Conservative Party has been hijacked by fools – self-serving fools!

I was raised in a Conservative-voting household; indeed, the very word ‘socialism’ in my family was a dirty word! In fact, I myself have been a Conservative voter. I voted Conservative all my adult life – until Cameron came along! I took one look at him and smelled trouble (my instincts proved to be dead right!); so, I voted for Nick Clegg (LibDem) instead. But that was the very first time in my life that I deviated from the Conservative cause.

After the fiasco of Brexit, however, I shall never vote for the Conservatives again. The 1 percenters in the Conservative Party have manipulated the masses in order to fill their own pockets, fill their own banks accounts. But in so doing, they have taken people’s rights as European citizens away; and many of us resent that. I know I certainly do.

Much of it started with Trump. It was he who stoked the fires of anti-EU politics in this country. The man who neither knew nor understood anything about geopolitics. What Trump knew about geopolitics, or economics, you could write on the back of a cigarette packet!

Boris Johnson is a Trump clone. He is also a Trump-like clown. The only difference between Trump and BoJo is that Johnson has a posh accent and a better education, much of which, incidentally and ironically, was paid for by the EU! (His father worked for the EU for years.) Such hypocrisy!

Margaret Thatcher must be turning in her grave! Although she was against a federal Europe, which I most certainly am not, she was very pro-EU trade and bringing down all barriers to trade. Indeed, ‘Maggie’ was one of the Single Market’s principal architects: she worked tirelessly to bring it about. Now BoJo and his band of über-rich nation-destroyers have undone all her hard work. These people can indeed be thought of as nation-destroyers, because in all my adult life, I have never seen this country so divided. Even friendships and family ties have been destroyed by Brexit. And this is true right across the country. The cracks and fault-lines in British society have been laid bare. One now has cause to doubt whether they will ever heal. This Brexit nonsense could quite possibly lead to the break-up of the once so united, United Kingdom.

Boris Johnson’s posh accent doesn’t make him any less of a clown. The man is not fit to lead this nation and his administration is not fit for purpose. – © Mark