Friday, August 16, 2019

Danish Politicians Mock Trump as Crazy over His Idea to Buy Greenland

Germany Will Urge EU Allies to Hold Firm on No-deal Brexit

THE GUARDIAN: Berlin prepared for UK to crash out as leak suggests Boris Johnson’s threat has fallen flat

Germany is ready for a likely no-deal Brexit and will encourage its fellow EU member states to hold their nerve and refuse to renegotiate the withdrawal agreement, according to a leaked German government paper.

The document prepared by officials for the German finance minister, Olaf Scholz, before talks in Berlin with the chancellor of the exchequer, Sajid Javid, suggests that the UK’s threats to leave without a deal are falling flat.

Boris Johnson, who is expected to visit Emmanuel Macron in Paris on Tuesday and Angela Merkel on Wednesday, has insisted it is vital for the UK to appear ready to crash out if it is to secure a new and better deal without the Irish backstop. The new prime minister has accused those who oppose that policy of collaborating with Brussels. He will also have phone calls with the Irish prime minister, Leo Varadkar, and Donald Tusk, president of the European council, EU sources said. » | Daniel Boffey in Brussels | Friday, August 16, 2019

No Thanks, We're Not For Sale, Aghast Greenland Tells Trump

THE GUARDIAN: Danish politicians dismiss US president’s apparent interest in island as ‘hopefully a joke’

Donald Trump may have expressed an interest in acquiring Greenland for the US, but Denmark thinks the idea is frankly insane and Greenlanders have pointed out their home is not actually for sale.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the US president has asked his aides and the White House counsel to look into the possibility of buying the world’s largest island, a largely autonomous country of the kingdom of Denmark.

The Greenland government was diplomatic, saying it had a good working relationship with the US and saw the inquiry as “an expression of general greater interest in investing in our country and its opportunities”. But it added firmly: “Greenland is obviously not for sale.”

In comments echoed in somewhat stronger terms by other politicians in both Greenland and Denmark, Ane Lone Bagger, Greenland’s foreign minister, confirmed the country was “open for business, but not for sale”. » | Jon Henley, Europe correspondence | Friday, August 16, 2019

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — August 16, 2019

George Galloway on Jeffrey Epstein: It Ain’t No Conspiracy Bruv!

'It ain't no conspiracy bruv!' George Galloway asks the questions you've all been thinking about Jeffrey Epstein.

Juden in Deutschland: „Kippa tragen auf deutschen Straßen ist gefährlich“

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Bespuckt, beschimpft oder verletzt: In den letzten Wochen gab es mehrere antisemitische Angriffe in Deutschland. Gady Gronich, Generalsekretär der Europäischen Rabbinerkonferenz zeigt sich besorgt – und fordert Prävention an Schulen.

Herr Gronich, wie reagieren in Deutschland lebende Juden auf die steigende Zahl antisemitischer Angriffe?

Die Angst nimmt spürbar zu. Juden in Deutschland sind sehr besorgt, denn antisemitische Angriffe werden mehr und mehr zur Normalität. Wenn ein Gläubiger mit Kippa auf die Straße geht, muss er sich immer wieder umdrehen und schauen, ob ihn jemand verfolgt. Wer offen als Jude erkennbar ist, kann plötzlich in Gefahr geraten.

Ein Problem ist auch, dass die Angriffe Nachahmern Mut machen. Besonders, wenn sie sehen, dass die Strafen nur gering ausfallen. Viele Juden fühlen sich in Deutschland zuhause, doch was ihnen fehlt ist das Gefühl von Sicherheit und die Möglichkeit ihre Religion frei ausüben zu können. » | von Nadine Graf | Freitag, 16. August 2019

Trump Tweets, Then Netanyahu Bans Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib from Israel

Jim Zogby and Phyllis Bennis discuss the Trump-Netanyahu dynamic, the diminishing power of AIPAC, and the political battle against Rep. Omar and Rep. Tlaib

Thursday, August 15, 2019

L’Allemagne face au risque d’une terreur brune

LE MONDE: Editorial. Face à l’inquiétante hausse des violences liées à l’extrême droite, qui ciblent les élus et les étrangers, Angela Merkel se doit d’agir.

L’Allemagne avait été stupéfaite en apprenant la mort, le 2 juin, de Walter Lübcke, préfet de l’arrondissement de Kassel (Hesse), tué d’une balle dans la tête sur sa terrasse. Sur les réseaux sociaux, plusieurs comptes proches de l’extrême droite s’étaient réjouis de la disparition de ce chrétien-démocrate de 65 ans qui, en 2015, avait résolument soutenu la politique d’accueil des réfugiés décidée par Angela Merkel. Un suspect est aujourd’hui en détention provisoire : il s’agit d’un néonazi de 45 ans déjà emprisonné dans les années 1990 pour avoir fait exploser une bombe devant un foyer d’étrangers. » | Éditorial | jeudi 15 août 2019

Trumps Sicherheitsberater: Der mit dem großen Hammer

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Die amerikanische Regierung würde einen harten Brexit „begeistert“ unterstützen, verkündet Trumps Sicherheitsberater John Bolton. Es macht einen fassungslos, wie ein solcher Mann an das Ohr des Präsidenten gelangen konnte.

John Bolton sitzt an einer Schlüsselstellung im amerikanischen Machtapparat. Er ist Sicherheitsberater des Präsidenten und damit für Fragen von Krieg und Frieden nicht ganz unbedeutend. Bolton ist Nationalist vom Scheitel bis zur Sohle, einer, dem die Unbegrenztheit amerikanischer Macht über alles geht und für den Verträge, welche die Handlungsfreiheit der Vereinigten Staaten einhegen könnten, des Teufels sind. Wo ein Nagel ist, also ein Problem, ist der amerikanische Hammer das Werkzeug der Wahl; wo kein Nagel ist, auch.

John Bolton hatte auch in der Regierung von George W. Bush hohe Ämter bekleidet. Und auch schon damals war er dadurch aufgefallen, dass er die EU verabscheut – aus ideologischen Gründen und weil ja nicht auszuschließen war, dass diese EU gegenüber den Vereinigten Staaten „frech“ werden könnte, dass sie stark werden und ihre Interessen gegenüber Amerika selbstbewusst vertreten würde. Widerworte – das ist nicht das, was Bolton von „Europa“ erwartet, sondern Gefolgschaft. » | Ein Kommentar von Klaus-Dieter Frankenberger \ Dienstag, 15. August 2019

Jeffrey Epstein Kept Super Creepy Painting of Bill Clinton in Manhattan Townhouse

The searches of Jeffrey Epstein’s homes and his private island were bound to uncover some seriously bizarre items, but the painting of Bill Clinton that Epstein had hanging in his Manhattan townhouse might already be the weirdest thing. The oil painting features Bill Clinton sitting in a chair, pointing at the artist while wearing a blue dress and high heels. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins attempts to make sense of the painting and why Epstein had it in the first place.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

No Chance of US-UK Deal If Northern Ireland Peace At Risk - Pelosi

THE GUARDIAN: Senior US politician says Brexit cannot be allowed to imperil Good Friday agreement

There is no chance that a trade agreement between the United States and Britain will pass Congress if Brexit undermines the Good Friday peace agreement between Ireland and Northern Ireland, the speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, has said.

“Whatever form it takes, Brexit cannot be allowed to imperil the Good Friday agreement, including the seamless border between the Irish Republic and Northern Ireland,” Pelosi said. » | Staff and agencies | Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Jailed Saudi Feminist Refuses to Deny Torture to Secure Release

THE GUARDIAN: Loujain al-Hathloul will not retract electric shock and sexual assault claims, family says

The prominent Saudi women’s rights activist Loujain al-Hathloul has rejected a proposal to secure her release from prison in exchange for a video statement denying reports she was tortured in custody, her family said.

Hathloul was arrested more than a year ago with at least a dozen other women’s rights activists as Saudi Arabia ended a ban on women driving cars, which many of the detainees had long campaigned for.

Some of the women appeared in court earlier this year to face charges related to human rights work and contacts with foreign journalists and diplomats, but the trial has not convened in months.

The case has drawn global criticism and provoked anger in European capitals and the US Congress after the journalist Jamal Khashoggi was murdered by Saudi agents inside the kingdom’s Istanbul consulate last year.

Rights groups say at least three of the women, including Hathloul, were held in solitary confinement for months and subjected to abuse including electric shocks, flogging and sexual assault. » | Reuters | Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Tom Watson Urges Labour to Work with Lib Dems to Stop No-deal Brexit

THE GUARDIAN: Labour deputy leader says union with Jo Swinson only way to block no-deal Brexit

Labour’s deputy leader Tom Watson has urged his party to work with the Liberal Democrats in order to stop a no-deal Brexit, as the party’s new leader Jo Swinson made clear she would work with Watson, despite having ruled out an alliance with Jeremy Corbyn.

The remarks by the two senior politicians at a round table on Wednesday are likely to spark anger from the Labour leadership. Swinson has previously ruled out working with the Labour leader, branding him a Brexiter who could not be trusted to fight for a second referendum to keep the UK in the EU. » | Jessica Elgot | Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Lili'uokalani – Hawaii's Last Queen | Documentary Excerpt

WIKIPEDIA: Queen Lili'uokalani »

THE PALACE: Iolani Palace »

7 Remarkable Things About Khadija, Wife of Prophet Muhammad

FAIR OBSERVER°: Khadija was one of history’s most remarkable women.

I often get into debates with people about women in Islam. How we dress. How we don’t dress. What we think or don’t think or should be thinking.

I also get into debates about feminism. What it is and what it isn’t. I think I’ve spawned permanent foes because I don’t care to apply the label, feminist, to describe myself. (I’m not one for labels, sorry. But if it’s even required of me, “Muslim woman” suits me just fine.)

But if we could agree for a moment that there exists a pure definition of the word feminist — to mean awesomely fierce to the millionth degree — then I’d like to introduce you to Islam’s first feminist: Khadija bint Khuwaylid.

Khadija was the wife of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). And she is one of the people I think about when I face or debate issues surrounding women today. Khadija’s existence precedes mine by more than 1,400 years. But if I can, at the very least, continuously strive to emulate her character, I will consider myself a success in life.

Seven things you might not know about the awesomely fierce Khadija (may God be pleased with her): » | Yasmina Blackman | Thursday, April 23, 2015

Sir Winston Churchill 's Family Feared He Might Convert to Islam

THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: The discovery of a letter to Sir Winston Churchill from his future sister-in-law has thrown new light on his fascination with Islam and Muslim culture

He is indelibly associated with the fight to preserve Britain and its Empire from Nazi invasion and his subsequent denouncement of Soviet totalitarianism’s Iron Curtain.

In the public eye, Sir Winston Churchill’s long political career earned him a place among the greatest of Britons.

But what may come as a surprise is that he was a strong admirer of Islam and the culture of the Orient — such was his regard for the Muslim faith that relatives feared he might convert.

The revelation comes with the discovery of a letter to Churchill from his future sister-in-law, Lady Gwendoline Bertie, written in August 1907, in which she urges him to rein in his enthusiasm.

In the letter, discovered by Warren Dockter, a history research fellow at Cambridge University, she pleads: “Please don’t become converted to Islam; I have noticed in your disposition a tendency to orientalise [fascination with the Orient and Islam], Pasha-like tendencies, I really have.”

Lady Gwendoline, who married Churchill’s brother Jack, adds: “If you come into contact with Islam your conversion might be effected with greater ease than you might have supposed, call of the blood, don’t you know what I mean, do fight against it.” » | Patrick Sawer | Sunday, December 28, 2014

John Bolton Doesn’t Want a Trade Deal with the UK – He Wants to Colonise Us

THE GUARDIAN: Trump’s national security adviser wants the UK to be beholden to the US for its daily bread, making the country a timid American outpost

John Bolton doesn’t do free trade. He does regime change in countries such as North Korea, Venezuela and Cuba. He does military interventions, notoriously in Afghanistan in 2001, Iraq in 2003 and Libya in 2011. He does punitive sanctions and embargoes. He does spite.

Bolton’s speciality is tearing up multilateral agreements, such as the Iran nuclear deal and the Paris climate accord, which he claims undermine US national sovereignty. For the same reason, he reviles the very idea of the UN, international law and the international criminal court (ICC).

So when Bolton, whose actual job is national security adviser to Donald Trump, came to London this week to meet Boris Johnson and senior ministers, the real focus of his visit, despite the Whitehall briefings, was not on a post-Brexit bilateral trade deal. It was on regime change in the UK. Bolton, a lifelong neoconservative ideologue, Muslim-baiting thinktanker and erstwhile Fox News commentator, does not give a hormone-filled sausage or chlorine-rinsed chicken wing for a free trade pact, fair or otherwise. Midwest wheat and soya exports are not his thing. What Bolton really does care about is exploiting the UK’s recent governmental upheaval, which almost anywhere else would be described as a rightwing coup, to America’s, and Trump’s, advantage. In short, the former colonies are out to colonise the UK. » | Simon Tisdall | Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — August 13, 2019

Of Course the US Supports a No Deal – It Makes a Minnow Out of Britain

THE GUARDIAN: After Trump security adviser John Bolton’s visit it’s clear the price of US backing will be paid both in trade and foreign policy

If you thought it was bad enough when Donald Trump held a reluctant Theresa May’s hand, then look away now. For things are about to get sweatier.

The president’s clammy embrace of the British right continued this week with the arrival of his national security adviser John Bolton in London, to declare the most isolationist US regime in living memory would “enthusiastically” support a no-deal Brexit.

A weakened country, desperate for a trade deal and in no position to refuse Donald Trump’s demands not just to lower our stringent standards or hamstring our car industry but on foreign policy too? Step right this way, sir! No wonder Bolton talks of us being at the front of the queue for trade talks, a line every bit as clearly crafted to help Downing Street as President Obama’s suggestion during the 2016 referendum that Brexit would push us to the back of it. And if these presidents can’t both be right, then arguably neither can the two very different British Conservative administrations responsible for ghostwriting their respective lines. » | Gaby Hinsliff | Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Special Report: Death of Jeffrey Epstein

Manila Chan (in for Rick Sanchez) anchors a special newscast on the apparent suicide of infamous pedophile and accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. RT America’s Trinity Chavez reports on the latest twist in the Epstein saga. Then Mike Papantonio, host of “America’s Lawyer,” shares his expertise. RT America’s John Huddy discusses Epstein’s personal history, his association with Donald Trump and his mysterious private island in the Caribbean. RT America’s Michele Greenstein breaks down the timeline of the struggle to bring Epstein to justice and analyst Steve Malzberg addresses the media coverage of Epstein’s trial and sudden death. Finally attorney and conservative commentator Rory Riley-Topping weighs in on Epstein’s many victims.