Monday, April 03, 2017

Ayaan Hirsi Ali Cancels Australian Visit After Threats

Claire Lehmann reports that the Councils for the Prevention of Islamophobia is threatening a venue hosting Ayaan Hirsi Ali and co-opting the language of Black Lives Matter to do so.

Marine Le Pen Calls Merkel 'Toxic'

Sikh Man Comes Out to Himself and Family

How I came out to my Sikh family »

‘It Felt Amazing’ after Sikh man took off turban, cut hair, came out as gay »

Jared Kushner as the Defacto Secretary Of State | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Jared Kushner, President Donald Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser, is in Iraq, traveling with Marine Gen. Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The panel discusses.

Anne Will: Spitzelvorwürfe, Drohungen - Gefährdet Erdoğan unseren inneren Frieden? | April 2, 2017

President Trump: A Dishonest Man? An American Embarrassment?

Sir Richard Branson Calls Donald Trump "An Embarrassment for the World"

Sir Richard Branson talks with Newshub Live at 6 in New Zealand and shares his thoughts on the Trump presidency.

Saint Petersburg Attack: Who Is Responsible?

France 24 speaks to Associate Professor Oleg Kobtzeff about who may be responsible for today's attack in Saint Petersburg.

George W. Bush On Donald Trump, Michelle Obama, 9/11 & Much More | PEN | TIME

Former President George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Bush sit down to discuss President Donald Trump, Michelle Obama, the Royal Family, 9/11, the 43rd President's paintings and much more in "George W. Bush: Portraits of Courage."

'Russia Has Been On a State of High Alert' - BBC News

Oliver Carroll, the managing editor of The Moscow Times discusses the explosion between two underground stations in St Petersburg which has killed 10 people.

Saint Petersburg: Blasts Confirmed as Terror Attack

The explosions in Saint Petersburg's metro have been confirmed as a terror attack.

Petition Demands Melania Trump Move To White House | AM Joy | MSNBC

Joy Reid’s panel had differing views over whether Melania Trump has the right to live in Trump Tower at tremendous cost to taxpayers, as Trump family travel also costs millions.

Islam Critic Ayaan Hirsi Ali Cancels Tour

THE AUSTRALIAN: Internationally renowned author and anti-Islam campaigner Ayaan Hirsi Ali has pulled out of her Q&A appearance and cancelled her upcoming tour of Australia and New Zealand, citing security concerns as one of the reasons for the decision.

Ms Hirsi Ali was due to appear on the ABC’s panel program, along with 2006 Nobel Peace Prize winner Professor Muhammad Yunus; former Denmark PM Helle Thorning; and The Australian\s editor at Large Paul Kelly.

The ABC has yet to announce a replacement for Ms Hirsi Ali.

She had also planned to speak in Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney and Auckland from Thursday to Sunday this week, but pulled out suddenly.

Ms Hirsi Ali lives with around-the-clock security protection due to her criticisms of radical Islamists. » | Sam Buckingham-Jones | Journalist, Sydney | Monday, April 3, 2017

Russland: Explosionen in Metro von St. Petersburg - Tote und Verletzte

SPIEGEL ONLINE: In der Metro der russischen Großstadt St. Petersburg haben sich mehrere Explosionen ereignet. Es gibt viele Tote und Verletzte, die Hintergründe sind laut Präsident Putin unklar.

In einer U-Bahn-Station im Zentrum der russischen Stadt St. Petersburg hat sich eine Explosion ereignet. Die Behörden meldeten zehn Todesopfer. Es soll zudem mehr als 30 Verletzte geben, der örtliche Gouverneur sprach der Agentur Interfax zufolge von etwa 50 Verwundeten. Unter den Opfern sind auch Kinder. » | mxw/ala/dpa/AFP/Reuters | Montag, 3. April 2017

France's Araud Says EU Without UK Doesn’t Make Sense

Mar.30 -- France’s Ambassador to the United States Gérard Araud discusses Brexit, the security of the European Union, the French election and transitioning to the Trump administration. He speaks with David Gura on “Bloomberg Markets.”

What Brexit Means For America?

Gibraltar - My Rock Documentary

Brexit Lunacy: Michael Howard Threatens War with Spain over Gibraltar

Sunday, April 02, 2017

Edward VIII - The Uncrowned King

First Broadcast: May 30, 1972 (BBC1)

Two days after the death of the Duke of Windsor, Ludovic Kennedy asks what kind of monarch Edward VIII might have made if he had remained on the throne. Kennedy introduces an interview with the duke himself, filmed in 1969, in which the latter talks about his dislike for the formalities of his status, expresses strong opinions on the establishment and recalls many of the prime ministers he met while he was heir apparent and, subsequently, King.

In the studio, Kennedy discusses the duke's abdication and its effect upon the monarchy with historian AJP Taylor, Windsor family friend Lady Bridget Monckton, former Member of Parliament Lord Robert Boothby and journalist Colin Coote. The last word, thanks to the 1969 interview, is granted to the duke's wife, Wallis, Duchess of Windsor.

Islamism: #1 An Introduction

The First video of 3 about Islamism, what does it mean and how it is affecting the world.