Saturday, January 09, 2016

Cologne NYE Assaults: Women Buying Pepper Spays, Fearing Refugees

The chaos took place in Cologne, Germany, on New Year's Eve when over a hundred women were reportedly assaulted by asylum seekers. Now there is an enormous rise in the demand for self-defence products, as women react to the mass assaults on December, 31. 22 asylum seekers are among the suspects.

And the Mayor of Cologne has accused the police of withholding information from her.

Hungary Says Migrant Influx to Europe Must Be Stopped Altogether

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán
THE TELEGRAPH: Hungarian prime minister calls for fences to be built on Greece's northern border to stem flow of refugees

Hungary’s prime minister on Friday said that the flow of refugees and migrants pouring into Europe must be halted altogether, not just reduced, and called for new border fences to be built in northern Greece.

Viktor Orban, who has maintained one of the hardest lines of any European leader against the unprecedented influx, called for the building of what he called a “European defence line” on Greece’s borders with Bulgaria and Macedonia.

He told Hungarian state radio that stopping the flow of migrants - the biggest refugee crisis in Europe since the Second World War - would be “the decisive issue of 2016”. » | Nick Squires, Rome | Friday, Janury 8, 2016

Friday, January 08, 2016

The Crusades: Episode 1: Holy War

Dr Thomas Asbridge re-examines the story of the Crusades. He traces the epic journey of the first crusaders as they marched from Europe to recapture the city of Jerusalem.

Watch this episode here | Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Merkel muss weg!

Merkel und die Volksentscheide

Is Angela Merkel Stupid?: Germany: Cologne Assaults: 31 Suspects Identified, 18 of Them Refugees

Just a week after mass assaults against women by a group of Arab and North African men in the German city of Cologne, the authorities are cracking down on hate speech against migrants. Germany has reached a deal with social media giants to remove any offensive comments deemed to be targeting asylum seekers.

Pat Condell: ‪The Invasion of Europe‬

The EU is breaking the law to import rape and jihad.

Paris Being Destroyed by Islam

Pat Condell: Goodbye to the First Amendment

Its days are numbered. 41% of Americans want to criminalise “hate speech”

Pat Condell: We Want The Truth

Heiko Maas hat kein Problem mit Vollverschleierung

WESTDEUTSCHE ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Berlin. Minister Maas kritisiert die CDU für ihren Beschluss gegen die Vollverschleierung. Dafür fordert er einen engeren religiösen Dialog.

Bundesjustizminister Heiko Maas (SPD) hat den Parteitagsbeschluss der CDU gegen eine Vollverschleierung muslimischer Frauen kritisiert. „Ich bin dagegen, einzelne Themen zu dramatisieren“, sagte der Minister. Sicherlich müsse man in den muslimischen Gemeinden deutlich sagen, dass jede Einzelne selbst eine Entscheidung treffen kann, wie sie sich der Öffentlichkeit zeigt. „Solange das der Fall ist, habe ich kein Problem damit, wenn jemand ein Kopftuch trägt oder sich verschleiert“, betonte Maas. » | epd | Samstag, 26. Dezember 2015

Can Trump Win?

Jan. 07, 2016 - 2:53 - 'The O'Reilly Factor': Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points 1/7

Reports Across Germany Of Organized Sexual Assault Attacks

Jan. 07, 2016 - 5:14 - Country's refugee policy faces fierce criticism; Analysis on 'The Kelly File'

Recordings Reveal Qaddafi Foretold Rise of Radical Islam, Euro Invasion

FOX NEWS: Doomed Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi delivered a prophetic warning in 2011, saying Islamic terror would spread across North Africa and hit Europe if he was removed from power, newly released phone transcripts revealed Thursday.

Speaking to former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Qaddafi said "[jihadists] want to control the Mediterranean and then they will attack Europe," British media reported.

A British foreign affairs committee investigating the Qaddafi ouster released the transcripts of two phone calls to Blair, both of which reportedly took place on February 25, 2011. Qaddafi fled the Libyan capital city of Tripoli that summer, and rebels killed him in October. » | | Thursday, January 7, 2016

Tommy Robinson on Cologne – New Years Eve Attacks

Tommy Robinson speaks about the New Years Eve sexual assaults in Cologne, Germany.

Deutschland als Recht-s-Freier Staat

Die Kölner Silvester Exzesse kommen nicht unerwartet sondern passen genau ins Bild dessen, was sich 2015 bereits als Trend etabliert hat. Es ist die Fortsetzung der Vergewaltigung deutscher Grundwerte und Kultur.

Die sexuellen Übergriffe von Köln und Hamburg haben das Vertrauen der Deutschen in den Staat untergraben. Sicherheit, Recht und Ordnung. sind durch die gesetzwidrige Grenzöffnung ebenso weggefallen. Die langfristigen Folgen dieser Politik zeigen jetzt zum ersten Mal ihre hässlichen Auswirkingen.

Übergriffe in Köln: Das Gespräch mit Saïda Keller-Messahli in voller Länge

Den Artikel hier lesen.

Was tun gegen die Parallelwelt in Grossbritannien? : «Es braucht eine gesellschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit dem Problem»

Tuesday, January 05, 2016

German Women Report String of Sexual Assaults by 'Arab and North African Men'

THE TELEGRAPH: Mayor of Cologne to investigate "outrageous" series of New Year's Eve attacks on women by large gangs of men “of Arab or North African appearance”

Police in Germany are investigating an alarming series of sexual assaults on women trying to celebrate the New Year by large groups of single men “of Arab or North African appearance”.

Authorities in the city of Cologne are to hold a crisis meeting on Tuesday after police described a group of some 1,000 men who took over the area around the main station on New Year’s Eve.

Women were robbed, groped, and had their underwear torn from their bodies, while couples had fireworks thrown at them.

Police have received 90 criminal complaints, around a quarter of them for sexual assault, including one case of rape.

Police in Hamburg say there was a series of similar incidents in the city’s Reeperbahn red-light area. Witnesses described groups of five to 15 men of who “hunted” women in the streets.

In Cologne, the attacks took place around the main station, opposite the cathedral, a traditional gathering spot to see in the New Year. » | Justin Huggler, Berlin | Tuesday, January 5, 2015

Fatwa in der Türkei: Flirten verboten

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Verlobte sollten in der Öffentlichkeit nicht Händchenhalten, flirten oder "anderes Benehmen" an den Tag legen, das "nicht im Islam gebilligt" werde. Das untersagte jetzt die oberste Religionsbehörde der Türkei. Und noch mehr sollten Verliebte besser nicht tun.

Eine Fatwa, ein islamisches Rechtsgutachten, sorgt in der Türkei für Diskussionsstoff: Das Amt für religiöse Angelegenheiten, bekannt unter dem Namen Diyanet, will Verlobten vorschreiben, wie sie sich zu verhalten haben. Zum Beispiel sollten sie nicht in der Öffentlichkeit Händchen halten oder als Paar alleine sein.

"In dieser Phase ist es nicht ungewöhnlich, dass Paare sich treffen und miteinander reden, um sich kennenzulernen", heißt es in dem Gutachten. "Gleichwohl könnte es unerwünschte Ereignisse geben, ob mit oder ohne Wissen der Familien." Dazu zählten "flirten, das Zusammenleben, ohne verheiratet zu sein, oder als Paar unbeobachtet zu sein". Dies fördere Tratsch und Gerüchte. Auch das Händchenhalten in der Öffentlichkeit gehöre zu den Dingen, die sich demnach nicht mit dem Islam vereinbaren ließen. » | Momtag, 4. Januar 2016

Obama to Close Background Checks Loophole on Gun Show Sales

THE GUARDIAN: President to set out plan on Tuesday that will prevent firearms from being sold at gun shows and on the internet without having to go through necessary checks

Thousands of unlicensed gun shows and online dealers will be forced to conduct customer background checks for the first time in a fresh effort by Barack Obama to tackle America’s epidemic of deadly shootings.

In measures aimed at circumventing political deadlock in Congress that will inevitably set off a fierce battle in the courts, the president is due to close a loophole in the current system as well as call for greater spending on enforcement and new technology that could prevent unauthorised gun use.

“The gun lobby may be holding Congress hostage, but they can’t hold America hostage,” Obama said in a tweet that accompanied an official preview of the announcement due on Tuesday. “We can’t accept this carnage in our communities.” Read on and comment » | Dan Roberts in Washington | Tuesday, January 5, 2016