Saturday, November 07, 2015

Muslim World Failures Are Not the West's Fault - Niall Ferguson

‪Was WWI the Error of Modern History? | Interview with Niall Ferguson

Niall Ferguson, author of "The Pity of War", argues that Britain should have stayed aside from the continental war in 1914.

The Necessary War | WWI Documentary | BBC

‪Hungary's PM Orbán Calls the European Élite Traitors‬

"Chaos angerichtet": Flüchtlingspolitik: FDP- Chef geht auf Merkel los

KRONEN ZEITUNG: Die deutsche Koalition steht trotz ihrer Einigung auf neue Registrierverfahren und einer Einschränkung des Familiennachzuges weiterhin im Kreuzfeuer der Oppositions-Kritik. In einem Zeitungsinterview wird Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel von FDP-Chef Christian Lindner heftig kritisiert. Sie habe mit ihrer Willkommenspolitik "ein Chaos angerichtet", so Lindner.

"Frau Merkel hat das unhaltbare Versprechen gegeben, dass jeder, der ein neues Leben sucht, es in Deutschland finden kann. Sie hat den Eindruck erweckt, die Grenzen unserer Aufnahmefähigkeit seien unendlich", erklärt der FDP- Chef gegenüber der "Welt". Mit ihrer Politik habe sie nicht nur in Deutschland, sondern vielmehr in ganz Europa Chaos angerichtet, lautet der schwere Vorwurf des Oppositionspolitikers. » | red | Samstag, 7. November 2015

WIKI: Freie Demokratische Partei (FDP) » E

Inside the Private Diaries of George Herbert Walker Bush

Nov. 06, 2015 - 11:23 - 'Fox News Reporting' goes behind the scenes of the Bush 41's presidency

Ben Carson Opens Up about His Faith, Career and Policy Views

Nov. 06, 2015 - 4:54 - On 'The Kelly File,' Dr. Marc Siegel sat down for a personal one-on-one with the GOP frontrunner

When Will Obama Defend Christians and Defeat Radical Islam?

America has the strongest fighting force and most advanced military technology on Earth. There's no reason we should be losing to these evil thugs.

FOX NEWS: Radical ISIS snakes sliver outside Damascus, just miles from where God revealed himself to the Apostle Paul. The dead bodies of decapitated ISIS victims are rotting in Palmyra, the ancient city that Chronicles tells us was built by King Solomon. ISIS black flags now wave on the same streets where the Lord commanded Jonah to witness to the people of Nineveh. In the ancient Christian village of Sadad, an armed Christian militia will soon clash with ISIS jihadists that have overrun a neighboring city. Sadad is home to many Christian churches and its people even speak Christ’s native tongue: Aramaic.

While President Obama sits silently, the same soil that sustained our Biblical forefathers is now stained with blood. Anyone who who defies these evil Islamic radicals risks death. The White House abandons Christians and denies, disguises and hides the existence of Radical Islam, but I will not!

You don’t negotiate with sin and evil, you destroy it. You don't contemplate what to do with cancer, you kill it before it kills you! » | Mike Huckabee | Friday, November 6, 2015

Patriarch of Antioch: Muslims Want to Conquer Europe with ‘Faith and the Birthrate’

BREITBART.COM: In a stunning interview, the Maronite patriarch of Antioch, Cardinal Bechara Boutros al-Rahi, has contended that Islam has a clear, two-pronged strategy to take over Europe: religion and procreation.

The cardinal said that Muslims look on Christians as weak and believe that since they have no children and barely practice their faith, Islam will easily conquer them. Sadly, he said, Muslims take their faith more seriously than most Christians, and they are gaining ground because of it.

“I have often heard from Muslims that their goal is to conquer Europe with two weapons: their faith and their birthrate,” al-Rahi said in a recent interview with Famiglia Cristiana, an Italian Catholic weekly magazine.

For the Muslims, the Cardinal said, “the practice of the faith is essential and fundamental. In Saudi Arabia they go to Friday prayers even if they need a walking stick. They know the Koran by heart, and when they talk they often cite it. The same is not true for Christians who do not refer either to the Bible or the teachings of the Church.”

The Muslims “believe that God’s will is to procreate and that marriage is aimed at this,” he said. “They think that numbers will give them the upper hand.”

Christians, however, “hardly get married anymore, and have few children,” he said. » | Thomas D. Williams, PH.D | Friday, November 6, 2015

FAMIGLIA CHRISTIANA: «VOLETE SALVARE I CRISTIANI? FERMATE LA GUERRA» » | Antonio Sanfrancesco | giovedi 5 novembre 2015

'Too Many White Christian Faces in Britain' Says David Cameron

The Prime Minister David Cameron says that there's "too many white faces in Britain" & he wants more "muslims in government & the British Army".

Friday, November 06, 2015

Gescheiterte Integration in Deutschland oder Islamisierung des Alltags Multikulti

Germany Imposes Surprise Curbs On Syrian Refugees

Berlin decided against setting up 'transit zones' for processing
refugees on Germany's borders with Austria.
THE GUARDIAN: In abrupt U-turn by Merkel government, people fleeing civil war will no longer be granted asylum or refugee status

Angela Merkel has performed an abrupt U-turn on her open-door policy towards people fleeing Syria’s civil war, with Berlin announcing that the hundreds of thousands of Syrians entering Germany would not be granted asylum or refugee status.

Syrians would still be allowed to enter Germany, but only for one year and with “subsidiary protection” which limits their rights as refugees. Family members would be barred from joining them.

Germany, along with Sweden and Austria, has been the most open to taking in newcomers over the last six months of the growing refugee crisis, with the numbers entering Germany dwarfing those arriving anywhere else.

However, the interior minister, Thomas de Maiziere, announced that Berlin was starting to fall into line with governments elsewhere in the European Union, who were either erecting barriers to the newcomers or acting as transit countries and limiting their own intake of refugees.

“In this situation other countries are only guaranteeing a limited stay,” De Maiziere said. “We’ll now do the same with Syrians in the future. We’re telling them ‘you will get protection, but only so-called subsidiary protection that is limited to a period and without any family unification.’” » | Ian Traynor, Europe editor | Friday, November 6, 2015

Justin Trudeau imprime son style à Ottawa

LE MONDE: C’est à pied plutôt qu’en limousine et au son de la cornemuse que Justin Trudeau, 43 ans, a fait son entrée à Rideau Hall, la résidence du gouverneur général du Canada à Ottawa, mercredi 4 novembre, entouré des membres de son cabinet. Voulant donner une image d’équipe « forte, diversifiée et expérimentée », le nouveau premier ministre canadien avait réservé au grand public la primeur de la composition du conseil des ministres. Envahis par plus de 2 000 personnes, les jardins de Rideau Hall étaient parés aux couleurs de l’été indien quand le chef libéral s’est avancé dans l’allée centrale avec sa femme et sa nouvelle équipe. » | Par Anne Pélouas (Montréal correspondence) | jeudi 5 novembre 2015

Sinai Plane Crash: Bomb Theory Prevails While Probe Still Ongoing

The UK says it has concluded that the Russian A321 jet that crashed over Egypt’s Sinai on Saturday was likely brought down by an “explosive device.” The British government decided at a crisis meeting to ground all UK passenger flights to and from Sharm el-Sheikh.

Netanyahu Freezes Appointment of Spokesman Who Accused Obama of Anti-Semitism

'Kerry's mental age doesn't exceed that of a 12-year-old,' Netanyahu's new media czar wrote / Netanyahu's new media adviser said Obama's Iran policy is 'modern anti-Semitism'

THE JERUSALEM POST: Ran Baratz apologizes to Netanyahu for not telling him about the Facebook posts prior to his appointment; PM distances himself from comments by new adviser who suggested Obama anti-Semitic.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday night froze Ran Baratz’s appointment as his new media chief after past Facebook posts he had written insulting US President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry became headline fodder around the world.

Baratz had described Obama actions as “modern anti-Semitism,” referred to Kerry as someone “whose mental age doesn’t exceed 12” and charged that President Reuven Rivlin is unworthy to hold office.

The posts threatened to cast a pall on Netanyahu’s visit to Washington next week, when he is scheduled to hold his first face-to-face meeting with Obama in a year. » | Tovah Lazaroff | Thursday, November 5, 2015

Die Abschaffung Deutschlands - Merkels Asylpolitik ist Verrat am Volk

Frau Merkel sagte ja, der Islam ist stärker, weil wir ja zu wenig in die Kirche gehen. Ok, heutzutage kann man das auch via Internet.

Thursday, November 05, 2015

Anne Will | Zäune, Transitzonen, Abschiebungen - Richtige Flüchtlingspolitik | 04.11.2015

Anne Will, Sendung in HD vom 4.11.15 in der ARD: Der Streit zwischen Union und SPD über die Einrichtung von Transitzonen geht unvermindert weiter. Morgen soll ein erneutes Treffen eine Einigung bringen, doch ob die gelingen kann, ist völlig offen. Wird die Große Koalition eine Einigung in der Flüchtlingspolitik erzielen? Transitzonen oder Einreisezentren – begrenzt das wirklich die Zahl der Flüchtlinge, die nach Deutschland kommen? Österreich erwägt bauliche Maßnahmen an den Grenzen, will Asyl künftig nur noch für drei Jahre gewähren. Ist das die richtige Flüchtlingspolitik für Europa?

European Union: Three Million More Migrants Could Arrive by End of 2016

THE TELEGRAPH: Autumn economic forecasts show extra three million people expected to reach 28-nation block by end of next year as arrival rates unlikely to slow

The European Union is predicting that three million more migrants could arrive in the 28-nation bloc by the end of next year.

More than 700,000 people have come to Europe seeking sanctuary or jobs so far this year, overwhelming reception centres and border authorities.

EU autumn economic forecasts released on Thursday say that, based on current migrant entries and a "technical assumption" about future flows, arrival rates are unlikely to slow before 2017.

The EU's executive Commission said that "overall, an additional three million persons is assumed to arrive in the EU over the forecast period." » | Agency | Thursday, November 5, 2015

NHS: UK Now Has One of the Worst Healthcare Systems in the Developed World, According to OECD Report

THE INDEPENDENT: Hospitals so underequipped that people are dying needlessly because of a chronic lack of investment

The UK has one of the worst healthcare systems in the developed world according to a damning new report which said the nation has an “outstandingly poor” record of preventing ill health.

Hospitals are now so short-staffed and underequipped that people are also dying needlessly because of a chronic lack of investment. The verdict, from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), will make embarrassing reading for David Cameron who denied the cash-strapped NHS is heading for its worst winter crisis. » | Paul Gallagher | Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Strache: "Österreich fast schon Bananenrepublik"

KRONEN ZEITUNG: FPÖ-Parteiobmann Heinz Christian Strache hat sich am Mittwoch gemeinsam mit dem steirischen FPÖ-Chef Mario Kunasek ein Bild von der Lage in Spielfeld an der Grenze zu Slowenien gemacht. Strache erkundigte sich bei den Einsatzkräften nach Zwischenfällen und kritisierte die EU und die Bundesregierung. Strache meinte außerdem, Österreich sei "fast schon eine Bananenrepublik" und zum "Catering-Service" geworden. Auch SPÖ-Kanzleramtsminister Josef Ostermayer war in der Südsteiermark bei einem Lokalaugenschein.

Strache plädierte für Grenzzäune und hält diese für "selbstverständlich in Ordnung", denn momentan setze sich der Rechtsstaat selbst außer Kraft: "Was wir hier erleben, ist ungeheuerlich." Der FPÖ- Parteiobmann forderte Maßnahmen, um den Notstand abzustellen. Das geschehe aber nicht. Außerdem frage er sich, "was die EU seit Monaten an der Außengrenze" getan habe. » | AG/red | Mittwoch, 4. November 2015