Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Angela Merkel - Ihr großes Geheimnis

Angela Merkel | Das unglaubliche Video

Angela Merkels Aufruf zur grenzen- und bedingungslosen Einwanderung nach Deutschland wird in großem Ausmaß angenommen. Die Aussicht auf Sicherheit, Startgeld und Sozialleistungen und vieles mehr hat eine Völkerwanderung in Gang gesetzt. Während allein in München 10.000 an nur einem Tag ankommen, versinkt das Land in einem täglich wachsenden Chaos. Es ist keine Bewerbung erforderlich. Es erfolgt keine Prüfung von potentiellen Gefahren. Alle sind willkommen. Wer zuerst kommt, mahlt zuerst.

Der kanadische Journalist Ezra Isaac Levant berichtet über Angela Merkels Antworten auf kritische Fragen zur inneren Sicherheit. Merkel macht Deutschland für den Terror in Irak, Syrien und Libyen verantwortlich, weil einige Muslime aus Deutschland beim IS mitwirken. Deswegen müsse Deutschland jetzt mehr Muslime aufnehmen.

Merkels Antworten auf Sorgen vor Terror, Gewalt und fehlender Trennung zwischen Religion und Staat lauten: Angst ist kein guter Ratgeber. Man sollte nicht auf Ängste hören. Als Lösung könne man in die Kirche gehen, sich dort Bilder anschauen und Bücher lesen. Levant wirft Merkel vor, dass es ihr überhaupt nicht um Fakten ginge, wenn sie sagt, dass man sich über Terror in Deutschland angesichts der deutschen Geschichte nicht beklagen sollte. Levant spricht von einer Art nationaler Psychotherapie, einer ethnischen Strafe, Selbsthass und dem Entschluss, sich selbst auszulöschen wegen dessen, was Deutschland in den 1930ern und 1940ern war.

Flüchtlinge in Deutschland: Solidarität und Gewalt

Alleine gestern sind in Deutschland 10‘000 Flüchtlinge angekommen. Zwar herrscht vielerorts noch immer Solidarität gegenüber Neuankömmlingen, doch ist es in den letzten Tagen auch vermehrt zu Gewalttaten gekommen.

Theresa May Unveils UK Surveillance Measures In Wake Of Snowden Claims

THE GUARDIAN: Spy agencies will be able to track everyone’s internet use without warrant / UK governments have signed secret orders on data collection for years

New surveillance powers will be given to the police and security services, allowing them to access records tracking every UK citizen’s use of the internet without any judicial check, under the provisions of the draft investigatory powers bill unveiled by Theresa May.

It includes new powers requiring internet and phone companies to keep “internet connection records” – tracking every website visited but not every page – for a maximum of 12 months but will not require a warrant for the police, security services or other bodies to access the data. Local authorities will be banned from accessing internet records. » | Alan Travis Patrick Wintour and Ewen MacAskill | Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Related video »

Theresa May: Internet Data Will Be Recorded Under New Spy Laws: Breathtaking Attack on Liberty

Home Secretary sets out new spying laws which will force internet firms to help spies to hack into computers

AfD plant Großdemonstration in Berlin

Bald auch in Berlin?: Demonstranten protestieren mit Plakaten
und Slogans am 7. Oktober 2015 in Erfurt (Thüringen) auf einer
AfD Kundgebung gegen die Asylpolitik der Bundesregierung.
FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Die AfD will wie in Erfurt am Wochenende auch in Berlin tausende Demonstranten gegen die Flüchtlingspolitik von Bundeskanzlerin Merkel auf die Straße bringen. Unterdessen scheint die Talfahrt der Union in den Umfragen vorerst gestoppt.

Die rechtspopulistische Partei Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) hat für den kommenden Samstag zu einer Großdemonstration in Berlin gegen Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) und die Flüchtlingspolitik der Bundesregierung aufgerufen.

Die Kundgebung unter dem Motto „Asyl braucht Grenzen - Rote Karte für Merkel“ soll am Samstagmittag vor dem Roten Rathaus in Berlins Mitte beginnen. Dort sollen die Europaabgeordnete und stellvertretende AfD-Bundesvorsitzende, Beatrix von Storch, sowie der brandenburgische AfD-Fraktionsvorsitzende und stellvertretende Bundessprecher, Alexander Gauland die Eröffnungsreden halten. » | Quelle: holl./dpa | Mittwoch, 4. November 2015

Neue deutsche Gewalt: Vier Wochen im Herbst

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Deutschland erlebt eine Welle der politisch motivierten Gewalt. Flüchtlinge werden überfallen, ehrenamtliche Helfer angegriffen, Polizisten, Politiker und Journalisten attackiert. Ein Überblick.

Die Flüchtlingskrise verändert Deutschland. "Die enthemmte Republik", betitelte der SPIEGEL kürzlich einen Bericht über die Lage im Land: Der Hass ist zurück. Aber es bleibt inzwischen nicht mehr bei Parolen und Plakaten - auch wenn es schon gruselig genug ist, Politiker mit einem Galgen abzubilden oder ihnen zu drohen.

Attacken auf noch unbewohnte Flüchtlingsheime oder geplante Unterkünfte gibt es seit Monaten, aber nun werden immer häufiger auch Menschen angegriffen. Sicherheitsbehörden sehen eine neue Qualität der Gewalt. Beim Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) will man inzwischen nicht mehr ausschließen, dass es künftig auch Todesopfer geben könnte.

Alleine in den vergangenen Tagen gab es mehrere Übergriffe auf Flüchtlinge, aber auch Helfer, Journalisten und Polizisten werden inzwischen gezielt attackiert. Und es ist erst wenige Wochen her, dass die Kölner Oberbürgermeisterin Henriette Reker im Wahlkampf schwer verletzt wurde - der Täter hatte einen rechtsextremen Hintergrund.

Droht gar ein Rückfall in Zeiten, als gewalttätige politische Auseinandersetzungen alltäglich waren, wie in der Weimarer Republik? » | Von Florian Gathmann und Anna Reimann | Mittwoch, 4. November 2015

In Merkels Deutschland: Priest Turns Church into Refugee Centre despite Local Opposition

The priest at the Schmachtendorf Church in Oberhausen, Joachim Deterding, met with churchgoers on Tuesday amid anger over the church being used to house refugees during winter months.

In Merkels Deutschland: German Government Uses Hotel to House Migrants without Notice, 100 Jobs Lost

Germany: Sleepy Sumte to Be Inundated with Refugees

Christian Fabel, the Mayor of Sumte, a German village population of 102, was making hurried preparations on Tuesday, following the news that his village could receive up to 750 refugees.

Islamic Extremists 'Break into Church and Spray Allah on Walls before Destroying Crucifix'

The vandals also spray-painted the word 'Allah' on the church
EXPRESS: ISLAMIC vandals were today being blamed for breaking into a church and spray-painting "Allah" on the walls and destroying holy objects.

The attackers smashed wooden statues of the Virgin Mary and Jesus on the cross during the shocking attack earlier this week.

They stormed the Church of our Lady of Carmen in the Spanish town of Rincon de la Victoria, Andalucia on Monday morning. » | Tom Parfitt | Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Refugee Crisis Could Spark War If Austria Closes Border with Germany, Merkel Warns

EXPRESS: GERMAN Chancellor Angela Merkel has warned of fresh conflicts in Eastern Europe if countries fail to properly manage the refugee crisis.

Ms Merkel said Balkan states could be plunged back into war - the first time since the 1990s - if Germany closed it border with Austria.

She told members of her conservative Christian Democratic Union party that erecting a fence to stem the unrelenting flow of migrants would "lead to a backlash".

Referencing the bloody conflicts in the former state of Yugoslavia, she said: "I do not want military conflicts to become necessary there again."

The German leader, giving a speech in Darmstadt, southern Germany, said barbed wire fences along the borders of Hungary and Serbia "will build up fault lines" and threatens to provoke new tensions. » | Tom Batchelor | Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Gretchen's Take: Americans Are Shifting Away from Religion

Nov. 03, 2015 - 1:14 - What this rapid change means for politics

'Secret Wife' of Late Saudi King Wins Payout Worth More Than £20m

Janan Harb told the court she married King Fahd in 1968,
when she was 19.
THE GUARDIAN: High court judge rules Saudi royal family must honour promise that Janan Harb would be looked after for the rest of her life

A woman who claims to be the secret wife of the late King Fahd of Saudi Arabia has won a payout worth more than £20m to honour a promise that she would be looked after for the rest of her life.

Palestinian-born Janan Harb, 68, claimed she had lived a cosseted life in the embrace of one of the world’s richest and most secretive families for more than 20 years and had married Fahd in 1968.

The Saudi royal family has fought her claims through the high court for more than a decade, insisting that no official marriage took place and that she was owed nothing.

On Monday, however, a judge ruled in Harb’s favour, saying she was entitled to more than £15m plus the value of two expensive west London properties.

Mr Justice Peter Smith also ordered Fahd’s son, Prince Abdul Aziz, to pay legal costs estimated at more than £1m.

The prince, who did not attend the court hearings to counter Harb’s claims, must pay damages of £12m with interest of £3.25m for leaving her without her money for years.

Smith also ordered the prince to transfer two luxury flats in Chelsea worth around £5m to her name, making a total award of £20.25m. » | Rajeev Syal | Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The Lonely Chancellor: Merkel Under Fire as Refugee Crisis Worsens

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: Until recently, German Chancellor Angela Merkel was considered to be the most powerful politician in Europe. But now, her approach to the refugee crisis has her under fire at home and in Brussels. Can she survive? By SPIEGEL Staff

The government, in short, has lost control. And Germany is in a state of emergency.

Merkel can still rely on a large number of supporters within her own party. But each day that thousands of refugees cross into Germany, the certainty that such support is sustainable erodes a bit further. Not long ago, Merkel was considered the strongest political leader in Europe, one whose term in office could only come to an end were she to decide herself against running for reelection in 2017. Now, both foreign and domestic media outlets are wondering aloud whether she will run into serious trouble before Christmas, or shortly thereafter. "The end of the Merkel era is within sight," the Financial Times wrote a week ago.

Merkel's historic decision to open Germany's borders to refugees stuck in Hungary was morally unassailable. But politically, it has put her on the defensive. Now, in order to tighten up Europe's external borders, she is dependent on the help of erstwhile opponents such as Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras.

In the EU, meanwhile, her maxim that Europe should not get back into the business of building border fences is being openly questioned. Austrian Interior Minister Johanna Mikl-Leitner, for example, announced last week that her country was being forced to build additional security facilities because the "inflow" from Slovenia was larger than the "outflow" into Germany.

There is no shortage of schadenfreude these days when European politicians speak about the German chancellor. The true ruler of Europe, who forced her austerity policies upon the entire Continent, must now come begging for help in dealing with the refugee crisis, people in Brussels are saying.

Read the whole article here | Melanie Amann, Matthias Bartsch, Jan Friedmann, Konstantin von Hammerstein, Björn Hengst, Horand Knaup, Ralf Neukirch, Michael Sauga and Steffen Winter | Monday, November 2, 2015

German Journalist Assaulted Over Column Decrying Xenophobia

THE GUARDIAN: Attackers knocked him to the ground and accused him of being a ‘left-wing pig’

A German journalist has told of being attacked in the street after writing a column about the rise of xenophobia among right-wing extremists in his country.

Helmut Schümann, a columnist for the Berlin newspaper, Tagesspiegel, wrote on Facebook about the assault, reports The Local.

According to his account, he was attacked from behind by a group of people on Friday. One asked: “Are you Schümann for Tagesspiegel? You left-wing pig.” He was then knocked to the ground. » | Roy Greenslade | Tuesday, November 3, 2015

TAGESSPIEGEL: Tagesspiegel-Autor Helmut Schümann angegriffen: Tagesspiegel-Autor Helmut Schümann wurde in Charlottenburg als "linke Drecksau" beschimpft und geschlagen. Immer wieder positioniert er sich in der Flüchtlingsdebatte klar. » | tsp | Montag, 2. November 2015

Islam. Die Wahrheit von einem Priester

Germany: Economic Migrants Have to Return Home, Says Merkel

German Chancellor Angela Merkel addressed members of her Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party during the so-called 'Conference of the future' (Zukunftskonferenz) in Darmstadt in the western German state of Hesse, Monday.

Libya Warns It Could Flood Europe with Migrants If EU Does Not Recognise New Islamist Government

130 illegal immigrants who were intercepted by Libyan
coastguards off Tripoli coast
THE TELEGRAPH: Islamists who took power in Tripoli issue veiled threat in response to West's refusal to accept their legitimacy

Libya has issued a veiled threat to send "hundreds of thousands" of extra migrants to Europe if Brussels does not give official recognition to its self-declared Islamist government.

Officials say they could hire boats to send large numbers of African migrants across the Mediterranean, massively adding to the numbers already reaching Europe's borders.

The warning was made by a spokesman for Libya's General National Congress in an interview with The Telegraph in the Libyan capital, Tripoli.

The Congress took control of Tripoli last year after fighting against forces loyal to the internationally- recognised House of Representatives government, and is not recognised by the European Union as Libya's legitimate government. A fortnight ago, both factions also rejected the terms of a United Nations-brokered peace deal. » | Colin Freeman, Chief Foreign Correspondent in Tripoli | Monday, November 2, 2015

Monday, November 02, 2015

SPD empört über Goebbels-Maas-Vergleich von Bachmann

DIE WELT: Am Montagabend haben sich in Dresden Tausende "Pegida"-Anhänger versammelt. Cheforganisator Bachmann verglich in seiner Rede Justizminister Maas mit NS-Propagandachef Goebbels. Die SPD ist empört.

Die SPD fordert Ermittlungen gegen Pegida-Chef Lutz Bachmann, der am Montagabend in Dresden Justizminister Heiko Maas (SPD) mit Nazi-Propagandaminister Joseph Goebbels verglichen hatte. SPD-Parteivize Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel sagte der Deutschen Presse-Agentur: "Verfassungsfeinde wie Bachmann sind ein klarer Fall für den Staatsanwalt und schon lange für den Verfassungsschutz."

Den "rechtsextremen Kriminellen" in der Führung von Pegida dürfe keinen Millimeter Raum gegeben werden. "Der Hass von Pegida bereitet den Boden für die Schlägerrudel, die Flüchtlinge überfallen oder Wohnheime anzünden", sagte der hessische SPD-Landeschef. » | dpa/mak | Montag, 2. November 2015