Friday, October 02, 2015

Attacks on Jews Rise to Five-year High in Germany - More Than Any Country in Europe

The political right, rather than jihadism, is behind most attacks
on Jews in Germany, official figures suggest
THE TELEGRAPH: Jewish leaders warn of mass emigration from Europe as Germany records more anti-Semitic incidents than any EU state

Anti-Semitic crimes have risen to a five-year high in Germany, according to a new report which finds it is recording more incidents than any country in Europe.

There were 1,596 recorded hate crimes against Jewish people last year in the country, the highest level since 2009 and a greater level than recorded in any other EU state. It was an increase from 1,275 the previous year, and it reverses a long-term trend of declining incidents.

Jewish leaders yesterday warned of hundreds of thousands of Jews are preparing to emigrate from Europe in the face of resurgent anti-Semitism.

EU officials warned against “singling out” Germany, with the official report by the bloc’s Agency for Fundamental Rights cautioning that data collection is patchy with some countries refusing to count anti-Semitic attacks at all, while others are more scrupulous.

Nevertheless, the “notable increase” in incidents raises difficult questions for Berlin some seventy years after the end of the Second World War. Of the incidents, 45 were classed as violent by the German police. » | Matthew Holehouse, Brussels | Thursday, October 1, 2015

Thursday, October 01, 2015

‘Russians Are Going to Succeed Where the West Did Not ... Or Did Not Want’ – Assad’s Adviser

Russian war planes have started precision air strikes against Islamic State positions in Syria, after lawmakers granted the Kremlin permission to use the military outside of Russia's borders. RT discusses the developments with political and media adviser to the Syrian President, Bouthaina Shaaban.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: “Deafening Silence” (C-SPAN)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on “Deafening Silence” during address to United Nations General Assembly.

Putin 'Bidding for Dominance' in the Middle East?

Oct. 01, 2015 - 4:55 - Amb. John Bolton breaks down Syria dispute

BBC Panorama - Muslim First, British Second

Britain First: The "Most Dangerous Far-right Party"?

Britain First are far-right political party who say they want Islam to be banned and would hang their enemies if in power. The group has more followers on Facebook than any other political party in the UK and have just announced their leader is running for Mayor of London. The anti-racism group Hope Not Hate say they're "the most dangerous group to have emerged on the British far-right scene for several years” The Victoria Derbyshire programme’s Benjamin Zand finds out who they are and meets them at one of their protests in Rotherham.

PEGIDA Dresden: Stoppt den Asylantenwahnsinn ihr Politiker-Pack (28. September 2015)

Pegida Dresden 28.09.15. Stop für den Asylantenwahnsinn, Wir brauchen keine Moslems, keine Islamisten, Bleibt in eurer islamischen Welt,.Refugees not welcome in Dresden, Sachsen und ganz Europa. Flüchtet in eure islamischen Länder

Wegen der Politik Merkels brodelt es in Deutschland: PEGIDA Dresden: Rede von der Tschechische Gastwirtin aus Zinnwald (21. September 2015)

WIKI: Zinnfeld-Georgenfeld »

Saudi Arabia Demands Russia End Syria Raids, Criticizes Iran

REUTERS.COM: Saudi Arabia, a leading foe of President Bashar al-Assad, demanded his ally Russia end its raids on Syria, saying the strikes had caused civilian casualties while failing to target the hardline Islamic State militants Moscow says it opposes.

In remarks at the United Nations in New York, a senior Saudi diplomat suggested both Russia and Assad's other main ally Iran could not claim to fight Islamic State "terrorism" at the same time as supporting the "terrorism" of the Syrian authorities.

Saudi ambassador Abdallah Al-Mouallimi expressed "profound concern regarding the military operations which Russian forces have carried out in Homs and Hama today, places where ISIS forces are not present. These attacks led to a number of innocent victims. We demand it stop immediately and not recur."

"As for those countries that have claimed recently to join in the fight against ISIS terrorism, they can’t do that at the same time as they support the terrorism of the Syrian regime and its terrorist foreign allies like Hezbollah and the Quds Force and other terrorist sectarian groups," he added in comments broadcast by Saudi-owned al-Arabiya television. » | Reporting by Noah Browning, William Maclean; Editing by Peter Graff | Dubai | Thursday, October 1, 2015

Iran Troops to Join Syria War, Russia Bombs Group Trained by CIA

REUTERS.COM: Hundreds of Iranian troops have arrived in Syria to join a major ground offensive on behalf of President Bashar al-Assad's government, Lebanese sources said on Thursday, a further step in the rapid internationalization of a civil war in which every major country in the region has a stake.

Russian warplanes that joined the fight this week bombed a camp run by rebels trained by the CIA, the group's commander said, putting Moscow and Washington on opposing sides in a Middle East conflict for the first time since the Cold War.

The U.S. and Russian militaries will hold talks at 11 a.m. EDT via video link to seek ways to keep their militaries apart as they wage parallel campaigns of air strikes in Syria, a U.S. defense official said.

Russian jets struck targets near the cities of Hama and Homs in western Syria on the second day of their surprise air campaign.

Moscow said it had hit Islamic State positions, but the areas it struck are mostly held by a rival insurgent alliance, which unlike Islamic State is supported by U.S. allies including Arab states and Turkey. » | Leila Bassam and Andrew Osborn | Beirut/Moscow | Thursday, October 1, 2015

Graphic link here

Muslims Want Sharia Law in Non-Muslim Countries: Robert Spencer, Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi

Muslim Americans, even the ones born in USA wanted Sharia Law in USA, it's the same for Muslims all around the world, wanted Islam in non- Muslim countries

Germany: Anti-refugee Activists Rally in Grossenhain

Hundreds of anti-refugee protesters gathered in Grossenhain near Dresden, Tuesday, to protest against Germany's policy towards refugees and asylum seekers.

Donald Trump Says He Will Send All Refugees Back to Syria If Elected President

THE TELEGRAPH: Republican front-runner says Syrian refugees may be Isil fighters in disguise, and if he is elected "they are going back"

Republican US presidential front-runner Donald Trump said on Wednesday that he would send thousands of Syrian refugees back to their home country if he is elected in November.

Mr Trump's remarks to CNN television came the same day Russian warplanes began air raids in Syria's center and north - their first military engagement outside the former Soviet Union since the occupation of Afghanistan in 1979.

"Look, if Russia wants to go in there, would have been nice if we went in as a unified front, to be honest. But if Russia wants to go in there and knock out Isis and maybe stabilize, this big migration with 200,000 people into the United States..." Mr Trump said.

"If I win, I'm going to say it right now and I'll say it to you, those 200,000 people - they have to know this and the world will hear it - are going back. (+ videos) » | AFP, video source APTN | Thursday, October 1, 2015

Muslim Man Beaten to Death over Rumours He Had Eaten Beef in India

THE TELEGRAPH: Mohammad Akhlaq was attacked by around 100 people and despite being taken to hospital, police said "his life could not be saved"

A 50-year-old Muslim man was beaten to death over rumours he had eaten beef, a taboo in India, a Hindu-majority nation.

Mohammad Akhlaq was dragged from his house on the outskirts of the capital and attacked by around 100 people on Monday night, a police officer told AFP.

"When our team reached the spot a crowd was there outside his house. They (police) managed to rescue him and take him to the hospital, but his life could not be saved," said senior police superintendent Kiran S.

Indian police said on Wednesday they had arrested six people and "deployed additional personnel to contain any further repercussions".

Mr Akhlaq's 22-year-old son was also seriously injured in the attack and was in intensive care at a nearby hospital. » | Afp | Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Gen. Keane: Putin 'Outmaneuvered and Outbluffed' Obama

Sep. 30, 2015 - 3:49 - Russia begins airstrikes in Syria in support of Assad; demands U.S. remove its warplanes

Second German Woman Evicted from Her Home to Make Way for Refugees

Gabrielle Keller with her letter
THE TEEGRAPH: Towns and cities across Germany are struggling to find accommodation for the tens of thousands of refugees streaming into the country

A woman in Germany is being evicted from her home of 23 years to make way for asylum-seekers, in the second such case to emerge.

Gabrielle Keller has been given until the end of the year to leave her flat in the small southern town of Eschbach, near the border with France.

The flat belongs to the local municipality, which says it is needed to house refugees.

“I think it’s a scandal to throw tenants out of their apartments,” the 56-year-old Ms Keller told SWR television. “I can’t see the sense of it.”

Towns and cities across Germany are struggling to find accommodation for the tens of thousands of refugees streaming into the country. » | Justin Huggler, Berlin | Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Es gärt unter den Herrschenden Saudiarabiens

Ein Prinz und Enkel des saudischen Staatengründers ruft anonym zum Sturz von Prinz Mohammed bin Salman auf, der seit Januar Saudiarabien regiert: Die Art und Weise wie Salman das Land führe, sei in der Königsfamilie umstritten, sagte der Prinz gegenüber dem britischen «Guardian». Gespräch mit Ulrike Freitag, Professorin am Zentrum Moderner Orient in Berlin.

Deutsche Flüchtlingspolitik im Herbst

Der Wind hat gedreht in Deutschland. Die öffentliche Meinung zu den Flüchtlingen hat sich zwar nicht komplett verändert, aber die Tonlage ist anders als vor drei Wochen. Nach der Willkommens-Kultur hat Deutschland ein Problem mit der Willkommens-Struktur.

ZDF - Islam - Effects on Germany

A very important and sobering documentary that clearly illustrates how catastrophic Islam and non-Western immigration, has been, and still very much is, for Germany.

My comment / Mein Kommentar:

Frau Merkel verdirbt Deutschland. Sie ist die Architektin der Islamisierung Deutschlands. Sie hat selber gesagt, daß Deutschland nimmer mehr das Selbe sein wird. Mich wundert, warum das deutsche Volk es ihr erlaubt, ihr Land zu ändern auf diese Art und Weise. Frau Merkel pflegte sehr vorsichtig zu sein. Nun scheint sie mir, den gesunden Menschenverstand verloren zu haben. – © Mark

Le Royaume-Uni va bannir la cigarette de ses prisons

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Les autorités britanniques ont décidé d'interdire progressivement la cigarette dans les prisons. Quelque 80% des détenus sont fumeurs.

Le gouvernement britannique a décidé d'interdire la cigarette dans les prisons. Cette mesure sera appliquée pour commencer au Pays de Galles et dans quatre prisons en Angleterre à compter de janvier.

Actuellement, les prisonniers du pays sont autorisés à fumer dans leurs cellules. Mais une décision de la Haute Cour de justice en mars a tranché en faveur de l'application, là aussi, de la législation anti-tabac en vigueur depuis 2007, à la suite d'une requête d'un détenu qui se plaignait des conséquences pour sa santé.

Dans un courrier adressé mardi soir au président de la Commission parlementaire de la justice, le ministre des prisons Andrew Selous a expliqué que l'interdiction serait introduite par phases progressives. Il s'agit de tenir compte de la forte proportion de fumeurs parmi les détenus et de «la particularité des lieux». » | ats/nxp | mercredi 30 septembre 2015