Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Enemies of West Will Exploit Reluctance to Engage in Conflict, Head of Army Warns

General Sir Peter Wall said a decade of "politically awkward
campaigning" over Iraq and Afghanistan has led to "defend
on the goal line"
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: General Sir Peter Wall warns a "moral disarmament" in a war weary West sends a message to future adversaries

A “moral disarmament” in the West that has resulted in a reluctance to engage in conflicts will be exploited by Britain’s enemies, the head of the army has warned.

General Sir Peter Wall said a decade of “politically awkward campaigning” over Iraq and Afghanistan has led to an appetite to “defend on the goal line”.

But adversaries will take advantage of such “reticence” and may have already changed their expectation on how the UK will react to provocation, he warned.

Although he did not name Russia, the comments come at a time when President Vladimir Putin is testing the West’s mettle in a tense stand-off over Ukraine.

Sir Peter, the Chief of the General Staff, also issued a thinly veiled warning against further cuts to the armed forces insisting the potential for “force on force” engagements is not a “thing of the past” as some believe.

The ability to manoeuvre all three forces together also takes a “generation” to create and could be needed “sooner than we think”, he said. » | Tom Whitehead, Security Editor | Wednesday, March 12, 2014

New York Building Collapse: Large Explosion at Block in Harlem

Explosion reported in the Harlem district of Manhattan, New York, as part of a block collapses

Read the Telegraph article here | Wednesday, March 12, 2014

David Cameron Tells Israelis About His Jewish Ancestors

In a speech to the Knesset, the Israeli Parliament, the Prime Minister says his great-great-grandfather was a Jewish man from Germany

Read the Telegraph article here | Matthew Holehouse, Political Correspondent, Jerusalem | Wednesday, March 10, 2014

Historischer Entscheid in Israel: Wehrpflicht für orthodoxe Juden

Einer der grossen Konflikte innerhalb der israelischen Gesellschaft ist gelöst: In Zukunft müssen auch ultra-orthodoxe Juden Militärdienst leisten. Verweigerern drohen dann drastische Strafen.

Der SRF Artikel hier lesen.

G7 Warns Russia on 'Annexing' Crimea

BBC: Leaders of the G7 group of nations have called on Russia to stop all efforts to "annex" Ukraine's Crimea region.

They said if Russia took such a step they would "take further action, individually and collectively".

The G7 leaders also said they would not recognise the results of a referendum in Crimea this weekend on whether to split from Ukraine and join Russia.

Meanwhile, Ukraine's national security chief has warned of a major Russian military build-up on Ukraine's borders.

Andriy Parubiy said Moscow had not withdrawn its troops after carrying out military exercises near Ukraine's eastern and southern frontiers.

"The Russian army is only two to three hours' march from Kiev," he said, adding that Ukraine's "units are positioned to repel attack from any direction." (+ BBC video) » | Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Proposed Military Cuts Could Be Rude Awakening for Veterans

Mar. 07, 2014 - 3:52 - Pentagon proposal may put vets on street

How to Handle Putin's Invasion of Ukraine

Mar. 11, 2014 - 6:29 - Charles Krauthammer reacts to a new poll on the crisis in Ukraine

Using Comedy to Promote ObamaCare

Mar. 11, 2014 - 2:47 - Talking Points 3/11

Ukraine Crisis: Angela Merkel Accuses Putin of 'Stealing' Crimea

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: The German Chancellor launches emotional attack on Russia and says its actions in Crimea are against 'European values'

German Chancellor Angela Merkel accused Russia of “annexing” Crimea and warned that the Kremlin must not be allowed to “get away with it” during an unusually emotional address to Germany’s ruling conservative Christian Democratic Party MPs late on Tuesday.

Der Spiegel magazine said that in a speech to members of her parliamentary party Mrs Merkel had been very critical of Russia and described Moscow’s actions in Ukraine as a breach of the principles of the post-war order in Europe.

“What has happened in Crimea is an annexation which Russia must not be allowed to get away with,” Mrs Merkel said. Other unconfirmed reports said the German Chancellor had accused Russia of “ stealing” Crimea.

Mrs Merkel told MPs to be prepared for the negative consequences of possible sanctions against Russia but insisted that it was essential not to break off the “threads of communication” with the Kremlin. “It is important that all European Union countries from Lisbon to Riga stick together,” she said.

The Chancellor said that a "certain amount of toughness” was needed in Europe’s dealings with Russia in order to defend what she described as “ European values”. » | Tony Paterson, Berlin | Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Verwandt »

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Chris Wallace Discusses Phone Call Between Obama, Putin

Mar. 07, 2014 - 4:31 - Ukraine on the verge of a 'historic change'

Mark Carney and His Stupid ‘Forward Guidance’

Ukraine-Krise: Merkel wirft Russland "Annexion" der Krim vor

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Angela Merkel hat deutliche Worte zur Ukraine-Krise gefunden. Vor der Unionsfraktion warf die Kanzlerin dem Kreml eine "Annexion" der Krim vor, die man Russland "nicht durchgehen lassen dürfe". Teilnehmer beschrieben ihren Auftritt als emotional.

Berlin - Angela Merkel hat sich am Dienstag in der Fraktionssitzung der Union sehr kritisch über das Vorgehen Russlands in der Ukraine geäußert. Nach Angaben von Teilnehmern sagte die CDU-Vorsitzende, Moskaus Kurs verstoße gegen die Prinzipien der Nachkriegsordnung. "Das Vorgehen auf der Krim ist eine Annexion, die man Russland nicht durchgehen lassen kann", sagte Merkel demnach. Ihr Auftritt wurde von Teilnehmern als emotional beschrieben.

Die Nachrichtenagentur AFP berichtet unter Berufung auf Teilnehmer sogar, Merkel habe Russland vorgeworfen, die Krim "geraubt" zu haben. Für diese Aussage gibt es bislang allerdings keine Bestätigung.

Die Kanzlerin machte deutlich, man sei bereit, auch negative Folgen möglicher Sanktionen gegen Russland hinzunehmen. Wenn es Sanktionen gebe, müsse man sich auch auf Nachteile einrichten. Gleichzeitig dürfe man die Gesprächsfäden mit Russland nicht abreißen lassen. Wichtig sei, dass die EU-Staaten von "Lissabon bis Riga" zusammenblieben. » | fab/AFP/dpa/Reuters | Dienstag, 11. März 2014

Syria Bomber Hailed as 'Hero' by Family

Abdul Waheed Majeed moments before his attack in February
BBC: The brother of a British man who blew himself up in Syria has told Newsnight he should be regarded as a hero.

Abdul Waheed Majeed, of Crawley, died last month when he drove a truck bomb at the gates of Aleppo Prison.

His brother Hafeez said that his family wanted to challenge the idea that the attack represented a terrorist threat to the UK. More than 30 people have been arrested this year as police step up operations to stop people fighting in Syria.

The government fears that some people going to fight in Syria against President Bashar al-Assad's regime will become radicalised and battle-hardened by joining al-Qaeda linked groups.

Security chiefs believe that hundreds of people have gone to fight in Syria and their return poses the greatest national security challenge since to the UK since 9/11.

Speaking exclusively to Newsnight, Hafeez Majeed said he believed his 41-year-old brother had died trying to save Syrian people who were being tortured in the regime's prisons.

"If my brother had been a British soldier and there were British people in that prison and the act of heroism or bravery that he did, I know he would have been awarded the posthumous Victoria Cross," said Mr Majeed. » | Dominic Casciani, Home affairs correspondent, BBC News | Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The full story of Abdul Waheed Majeed's life and death is on Newsnight, BBC Two at 2230 GMT.

Tschechen zeigen Putin mit Hitlerbart

Putin-Plakat mit Hitlerbart, Hakenkreuz und napoleonischer Hand
zwischen zwei Knöpfen
DIE WELT: Aus Protest gegen die russische Militärintervention auf der Krim haben tschechische Aktivisten ein riesiges Putin-Banner aufgehängt. Pikantes Detail: Russlands Präsident trägt darauf einen Hitlerbart.

In Tschechien haben Kritiker der Militärintervention auf der Krim den russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin als Hitler dargestellt. Aktivisten enthüllten am Dienstag ein riesiges Banner am Rathaus in Liberec (Reichenberg). Die Fotomontage zeigt den Kremlchef mit Hitlerbart und Hakenkreuzsymbol, wie er eine Hand wie Napoleon auf Brusthöhe hält.

Die Bürgermeisterin der Stadt unterstützte die Aktion der antikommunistischen Bürgervereinigung Dekomunikace. "Wir drücken damit dem ukrainischen Volk unsere Unterstützung aus, das schwere Tage durchlebt", sagte die Sozialdemokratin Martina Rosenbergova. Das Plakat hängt unmittelbar über einem Mahnmal für neun während des Sowjet-Einmarschs von 1968 ums Leben gekommene Einwohner der nordböhmischen Stadt. » | dpa/AFP/smü | Dienstag, 11. März 2014

‪The Eagles‪ - Lyin Eyes (Remastered)‬

Mark Carney: Independent Scotland Must Sign Up for the Euro to Join the EU

Mark Carney has warned an independent Scotland would have
to sign up for the euro to join the EU
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: The Bank of England Governor tells MSPs Scotland would have to join the euro in the "fullness of time".

The Bank of England’s Governor has warned an independent Scotland would be forced to promise to replace the pound with the euro if it wanted European Union membership.

In a major blow to Alex Salmond’s economic case for separation, Mark Carney told a Westminster inquiry that all new applicants to the EU have to join the single currency in the “fullness of time”.

He also told MPs it is a “distinct possibility” the Royal Bank of Scotland would have to move its headquarters south of the Border if there is a ‘yes’ vote in September’s independence referendum.

In triple blow to Alex Salmond’s economic case for independence, the Governor said a separate Scotland’s taxpayers would have to guarantee billions of pounds of deposits held by Scottish banks in England. » | Simon Johnson, Scottish Political Editor | Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tempête à la CIA, accusée d'avoir espionné le Congrès américain

Le directeur de la CIA, John Brennan, a dit que «la CIA n'espionnait
pas, d'aucune façon, la 
commission du Renseignement».
LA PRESSE: La CIA s'est retrouvée mardi au centre d'un scandale politique aux États-Unis, accusée d'avoir violé la Constitution en fouillant des ordinateurs utilisés par des enquêteurs parlementaires, dans une affaire relative aux anciennes techniques d'interrogatoire de l'agence d'espionnage.

Les accusations ont déclenché une bagarre publique rare entre la CIA et le Congrès, le directeur de l'agence d'espionnage John Brennan niant avoir cherché à faire obstacle à l'enquête du Sénat, sans toutefois commenter les faits en détail.

«Nous n'essayions pas de bloquer quoi que ce soit», a déclaré John Brennan lors d'un événement organisé par le Council on Foreign Relations. «La CIA n'espionnait pas, d'aucune façon, la commission du Renseignement».

Les rumeurs de presse s'amplifiaient depuis plusieurs jours sur la surveillance supposée par l'agence de renseignement d'ordinateurs utilisés par des enquêteurs de cette commission. » | Ivan Couronne, Agence France-Presse | Washington | mardi 11 mars 2014

Related »

Senate Intelligence Head Says CIA 'Searched Computers'

BBC: The head of the US Senate intelligence committee has publicly accused the CIA of improperly accessing computers used by congressional staff.

Senator Dianne Feinstein said on the Senate floor that such activities "may have undermined the constitutional framework" of government oversight.

The Senate panel was investigating allegations of abuse during a CIA detention and interrogation programme.

A CIA internal watchdog has been tasked with looking into the alleged hacking.

"I am not taking it lightly," Ms Feinstein said of the matter on Tuesday, adding that the CIA may have violated federal laws in its alleged conduct. » | Tuesday, March 11, 2014

R.I.P. : Swedish-British Journalist Gunned Down in Kabul

Nils Horner had been working for Swedish Radio
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Nils Horner shot dead in smart neighbourhood, close to where militants killed 21 people at a restaurant in January

A foreign journalist with dual British and Swedish nationality was shot dead in the Afghan capital Kabul on Tuesday.

Nils Horner, who worked for Swedish Radio, was declared dead on arrival at the city’s emergency hospital.

Witnesses said two attackers fled the scene.

“I heard a single gunshot and saw the man fall down,” a passer-by told the AFP news agency.

The killing is a reminder of the dangers in Afghanistan as the country prepares for an election next month and for the withdrawal of Nato-led combat forces this year. » | Zubair Babakarkhail, Kabul and Rob Crilly | Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Inside Story: World Wide Web: Global Force for Good?

We celebrate and analyse the 25th anniversary of Tim Berners-Lee's landmark invention.