Sunday, February 03, 2013
TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Il n'a reçu qu'une peine légère pour avoir tué sauvagement sa fillette de 5 ans. Mais un homme ne peut être condamné à mort en Arabie saoudite pour le meurtre de sa femme ou de son enfant.
Un prédicateur saoudien a été récemment condamné à une courte peine de prison et à verser une compensation financière pour le viol et le meurtre de sa fille de 5 ans, ont rapporté samedi 3 militantes des droits humains. Ces dernières ont dénoncé la mansuétude du jugement, l’estimant révélatrice du statut des femmes dans le pays.
Selon ces militantes saoudiennes, la petite Lama, hospitalisée le 25 décembre 2011 avec le crâne fracassé, des côtes cassées, des traces de brûlures et un ongle arraché, a succombé à ses blessures le 22 octobre.
La mère, qui était divorcée et n’avait pas pu voir sa fille dans les mois précédant l’hospitalisation, et une assistante sociale ont aussi évoqué des séquelles de viols particulièrement cruels, selon ces militantes. » | ats/afp/Newsnet | dimanche 03 février 2013
l'Arabie saoudite
Saturday, February 02, 2013
REAL CLEAR POLITICS: MARK LEVIN – What the hell's happening? Now we've backed the Muslim Brotherhood? And then of course, our dear friend Michele Bachmann and Louie Gohmert and three other brave members of the House of Representatives asked questions about the Muslim Brotherhood's infiltration of our own government and they're treated like pariahs. Well, the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated our government, it's called Barack Obama. No, he's not a formal member, he's a sympathizer. There, I said it. Prove otherwise. (+ video) » | Ian Schwartz | Thursday, January 31, 2013
2009 erfuhr der Dokumentarfilmer Robb Leech aus der Zeitung, dass sein Stiefbruder Rich zum Islam konvertierte und unter dem Namen Salahuddin mit den Jihad Fundamentalisten sympathisierte. Geschockt über diesen Artikel und die radikalen Aussagen seines Bruders begab sich Robb Leech auf eine sehr persönliche Suche nach den Motiven seines Bruders, die sein Leben derart radikal änderten.
Wie konnte dieser Mann, dereinst sein großes Vorbild in Teenager-Zeiten, all seine kulturellen und familiären Werte über Bord werfen und unter dem Namen Salahuddin zu einem radikalen Islamisten werden? Für welche Welt hatte sich sein Bruder freiwillig entschieden, in der Frauen zu Tode gesteinigt und Ungläubige zur Hölle geschickt werden? Während der zwölfmonatigen Dreharbeiten versuchte Rob Leech das Phänomen zu ergründen, warum immer mehr - vor allem weiße junge - Männer vom Islam fasziniert sind.
THE GUARDIAN: Supplier of meat pies and pasties to prisons suspended after FSA informed of contamination
The Ministry of Justice is suspending one of the suppliers of meat to prisons after it discovered that halal pies and pasties sourced from a properly halal certificated supplier may contain traces of non-halal meat.
The products concerned have been withdrawn immediately, a spokesman said.
He added: "All prisons have been informed about this very regrettable incident and we reported this issue to the Food Standards Agency immediately.
"We are taking immediate steps to suspend the contract with the relevant subcontractor."
Justice minister Jeremy Wright said: "This is an absolutely unacceptable situation and one which we regret greatly. Clearly this must be distressing for those affected and they can be reassured we are doing everything we can to resolve the situation. The prison service is investigating this as a matter of urgency.
The FSA said the incident involved traces of pork. » | Press Association | Friday, February 01, 2013
halal foods,
UK prisons
THE GUARDIAN: The people of Gao endured nine months of amputations and floggings under the rule of Islamist rebels – much of it aimed at ethnic groups
The jihadis carried out amputations in the sandy square where the residents of Gao used to watch basketball. The men who ruled Gao for nine months, until French and Malian troops drove them out last weekend, replaced the words "Place de l'Indépendence" in the green, red and yellow of the national flag with simple white on black: Place de la Sharia.
A thief would lose his right hand. Those accused of burglary would lose both right hand and left foot. On 21 December last year, people were assembled, as they had been several times before, and told to watch.
"No one was allowed to speak," said Issa Alzouma. "Then they cut off my hand with a knife."
Alzouma had been accused of stealing a motorbike, which he denies. At 39, he made a living digging gravel for construction companies. It was enough to support his wife and three children. Now he roams Gao in tattered clothes, the stump of his right arm wrapped in a grubby bandage, a flimsy black plastic bag dangling from his remaining wrist. Inside he keeps a few antibiotics and replacement bandages given by a Red Cross doctor who treated him at Gao hospital a week after his amputation.
"The doctor had to cut in and remove flesh because it was infected," he said. "Under the bandage you can see my bones. It hurts and I feel as if my bones are coming out."
Alzouma has no idea how he and his family will survive. "My wife just cries and cries," he said. His friend Algalas Yatara, who was also accused of stealing a motorbike, carries a sheaf of papers in Arabic in his remaining hand. He thinks it is the judgment but is not quite sure, as neither man can read Arabic. Read on and comment » | Lindsey Hilsum in Gao | The Observer | Saturday, February 02, 2013
sharia law
SPIEGEL ONLINE: "Es lebe Frankreich, es lebe Hollande" - drei Wochen nach dem Beginn des Militäreinsatzes in Mali hat der französische Präsident das Land besucht. In der von Islamisten befreiten Sahara-Stadt Timbuktu wurde er von Tausenden Menschen frenetisch empfangen.
Paris/Bamako - Frankreichs Präsident François Hollande ist am Samstag in Mali angekommen: Tausende jubelnde Menschen begrüßten ihn auf dem Hauptplatz der historischen Wüstenstadt Timbuktu.
"Es lebe Frankreich, es lebe Hollande", riefen sie. Sie wollen Frankreich "Danke" sagen für den schnellen Militäreinsatz gegen die Islamisten. Die Einwohner der Stadt tanzten zu den Rhythmen von Trommeln, die unter den Islamisten verboten waren. "Wir freuen uns, ihn zu treffen, denn er ist unser Befreier, er hat uns von diesen bewaffneten Banditen befreit", sagte ein Händler. "Ohne die Franzosen wäre es eine Katastrophe gewesen." "Wir, die Frauen von Timbuktu, wir danken François Hollande unendlich", rief eine 53-jährige Frau, die sich in eine französische Flagge gehüllt hatte. » | fln/dpa/AFP | Samstag, 02. Februar 2013
Timbuktu Hails France's President François Hollande Its Saviour »
François Hollande,
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Francois [sic] Hollande is to have the word "race" removed from the French Constitution's guarantee that all citizens will be treated equally.
The French president declared "there is no place for race in the Republic" in March last year while campaigning against his predecessor Nicolas Sarkozy.
Mr Hollande's election commitment will be honoured before the summer, aides told Le Figaro on Friday, as part of a wider programme of constitutional reform.
The French Constitution, drafted in 1946, states: "France shall be an indivisible, secular, democratic and social republic. It guarantees equality before the law for all citizens without distinction of origin, race or religion." » | Foreign Staff | Friday, February 01, 2013
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: The image of a severed hand lying beside a bloodied sword was passed from one mobile phone to the next.
The 25-year-old man had been held down while the hand was cut off before a crowd of appalled onlookers, recalled Mousa Ag-Mohammed, 29, who witnessed this punishment. "Some people said that he stole something, but it was not true," he said. "They wanted to do this just to frighten people, for the people to be scared of them."
Whatever the reason, the footage showed how the Islamist overlords of the ancient Malian city of Timbuktu had united high technology with medieval cruelty during their occupation.
Indeed terror was Mr Ag-Mohammed's dominant memory of the 10-month occupation of Timbuktu that ended with a lightning French assault on Monday. » | David Blair, Timbuktu | Friday, February 01, 2013
sharia law,
Friday, February 01, 2013
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Divisions over gay marriage could cost the Conservatives enough votes to force them out of power at the next election, a new poll suggests.
One in five of voters who supported the party in 2010 would “definitely not” do so again if the Coalition presses ahead with the change, it found. Even though a majority of Conservative voters polled insisted they would stay with the party, the loss of a fifth of its support would be enough to force it out of power.
On Friday night some Conservative MPs described the findings as a “wake up call” to David Cameron, just a few days before the Commons votes for the first time on legalsing gay marriage.
But Tory supporters of the change dismissed the poll, which was commissioned by the Coalition for Marriage, which campaigns against same-sex unions, as “skewed”. » | John Bingham, Social Affairs Editor | Friday, February 01, 2013
THE GUARDIAN: No concessions for Tory right in David Cameron's push for gay marriage: Prime minister rules out tax breaks for married couples in March budget ¶ David Cameron has slapped down traditionalists in the cabinet opposed to proposed gay marriage laws by saying he would not introduce tax breaks for married couples in the March budget. » | Patrick Wintour | Friday, February 01, 2013
David Cameron,
gay marriage,
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Hillary Clinton bid an emotional farewell to the State Department on Friday as she stepped down from her post as America's top diplomat to become a private citizen for the first time in decades.
The US Secretary of State addressed a cheering crowd of staff in Washington, telling them that while the world remains "very complex and even dangerous" she was "more optimistic today than I was when I stood here four years ago".
"I'm proud of the work we have done to elevate diplomacy and development, to serve the nation we all love, to understand the challenges, the threats and the opportunities that the United States faces," she said. » | Raf Sanchez, Washington | Friday, February 01, 2013
headscarf ban,
TAGES ANZEIGER: Aus Protest gegen Mohammed Mursi sind in mehreren ägyptischen Städten tausende Menschen auf die Strasse gegangen. In Kairo gerieten erneut Demonstranten und Polizisten aneinander.
In Ägypten ist es bei den Massendemonstrationen gegen die islamistische Regierung zu Krawallen gekommen. Die arabischen Nachrichtensender Al-Jasira und al-Arabiya berichteten von Auseinandersetzungen am Präsidentenpalast in Kairo.
In der Hauptstadt marschierten Tausende Demonstranten trotz Regens zum Tahrir-Platz und zum Präsidentenpalast und riefen dabei Parolen wie «Freiheit» und «Mursi ist nicht rechtmässig». Augenzeugen zufolge bewarfen Demonstranten und Sicherheitskräfte einander in einer Seitenstrasse des Tahrir-Platzes mit Steinen. » | ses/AFP/sda | Freitaag, 01. Februar 2013
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