Friday, October 26, 2012

Barack Hussein Obama: Wenn der Name zum Ballast wird

Doctor Sees 'Proof of Heaven' after Coma

Non-believer says he spent 7 days in heaven

Sununu vs. Richardson

Former governors battle over 2012 race

Romney Camp Responds to Obama's 'BS-er' Comment

Bay Buchanan calls the president's campaign 'one long negative commercial'

Has Obama Become the Candidate He Campaigned Against?

Is the president out of ideas?

Obama Loses It with This Negative, Undignified Ad! Obama Sexy Lena Dunham Ad: Your First Time

Sixth Circuit: Michigan Can Ban Anti-Islam Ads from Buses

WSJ BLOG: Does First Amendment protect our right to say what we want in advertisements on the side of a city bus?

Yes and no.

A federal appeals court ruled Thursday that a Michigan transit authority could bar from the side of its buses an advertisement that read: “Fatwa on your head? Is your family or community threatening you? Leaving Islam? Got Questions? Get Answers!”[.]

The group behind the ads is the [the] American Freedom Defense Initiative, which describes its mission as acting “against the treason being committed by national, state, and local government officials, the mainstream media, and others in their capitulation to the global jihad and Islamic supremacism.”

The group had sought in 2010 to place the ads on the buses in Michigan’s four southeastern-most counties, but the authority refused, on the grounds that the ads violated a policy against political advertisements and offensive speech. Read on and comment » | Joe Palazzolo | Thursday, October 25, 2012
Permafrost-Schwund in den Alpen

Das Eis über und unter der Erdoberfläche verschwindet. Hänge im Hochgebirge verlieren zunehmend ihre Stabilität, stürzen ins Tal und gefährden Siedlungen und Infrastruktur. Erstmals haben Experten des Bundesamtes für Umwelt das Ausmass der Erdbewegungen mit Sensoren im Permafrost und hochauflösenden Satellitenbildern analysiert. Das Resultat ist alarmierend.

Einstein vom 25.10.2012

Zum großen Teil in Schweizerdeutsch übertragen.
Das Alte Ägypten: Großmacht am Nil

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Al Shabaab Converts Christians into Jihadists

WORTHY NEWS: NAIROBI, KENYA – The militant Islamist group al Shabaab is targeting converts from Christianity to Islam to wage jihad in Kenya.

Controlling southern Somalia, al Shabaab has been launching border attacks into Kenya with poor youths from Christian backgrounds.

Godffery Ngumi, senior lecturer at the Department of Religion and Philosophy at Kenyatta University, said recent converts can be easily manipulated because they know very little about their new religion.

"It is the recent converts who (are) being used to bomb churches," said Rev. Wellington Mutiso, head of the Evangelical Alliance. "It is not members of the Somali, Boran, or Swahili communities, which have many Muslims, but the other tribes which have been known to follow Christianity …" » | Joseph DeCaro, Worthy News Correspondent | Friday, October 26, 2012
A Surge of Serbs and Macedonians: Germany Seeks to Halt Influx of Balkan Asylum Seekers

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: With a massive surge in asylum applications from people of the Roma minority from Serbia and Macedonia, Germany's interior minister is calling for new rules to expedite processing these cases. Although many come to the EU for better economic opportunities, they also face racial discrimination at home, advocacy groups say.

After observing an extreme rise in the number of asylum seekers from Serbia and Macedonia in recent weeks, Germany's interior minister is calling for tighter rules for processing the applications.

"Those who originate from safe countries, should be provided with reduced cash benefits in the future," Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich, a conservative with Bavaria's Christian Social Union party, told the daily Die Welt.

Two weeks ago, Friedrich advised Germany's federal states that they could better defend themselves against the flood of applicants by providing vouchers for food and services rather than cash benefits to the asylum seekers, many of whom are of the Roma minority. » | dsl -- with wires | Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Mitt Romney est un «bullshitter», selon Barack Obama

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Barack Obama aurait traité son adversaire de «bullshitter», soit quelqu'un qui dit «des conneries», lors d'un entretien avec les journalistes du magazine Rolling Stone.

Un magazine américain a affirmé jeudi que le président Barack Obama avait évoqué son adversaire Mitt Romney en termes peu amènes lors d'un entretien avec ses journalistes. La Maison Blanche a appelé à ne pas se laisser «distraire» par un seul mot, alors que le chef de l'Etat devait voter dans son fief de Chicago.

Le directeur de la communication de la Maison Blanche, Dan Pfeiffer, n'a pas démenti jeudi que M. Obama ait employé le mot «bullshitter», soit quelqu'un qui dit «des conneries» dans cet entretien avec le bimensuel «Rolling Stone».

M. Pfeiffer a toutefois souhaité que les médias ne se laissent pas «distraire» par cette expression, et a affirmé que «la confiance est quelque chose de très important dans cette élection». » | ats/Newsnet | jeudi 25 octobre 2012

ZEENEWS: Mitt Romney a ‘bullshitter’: Barack Obama » | PTI | Friday, October 26, 2012
Le majordome du pape incarcéré au Vatican Le majordome du pape sera incarcéré dans la journée de jeudi dans une cellule de la gendarmerie du Vatican, après que le parquet a renoncé à faire appel de la condamnation prononcée contre lui. Paolo Gabriele a été condamné à 18 mois de prison début octobre par le tribunal du Vatican pour avoir subtilisé des documents confidentiels du pape. » | | jeudi 25 octobre 2012
Sweden's Princess Madeleine to Marry British-American Banker

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: A London-born banker is set to join the Swedish royal family after the announcement of his engagement to Princess Madeleine.

Christopher O’Neill, 38, met Princess Madeleine while the pair were both living in New York and their engagement was announced on the Swedish royal family’s website.

“Chris proposed to me in New York at the start of October, and we are very happy,” Princess Madeleine said in a video recorded at Drottningholm Palace outside Stockholm and posted online [see below].

The 30-year-old princess is the youngest of King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia’s three children and is fourth in line to the throne. » | Barney Henderson | Thursday, October 25, 2012

Sarkozy-Nostalgie in Frankreich: Das Phantom des Elysée

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Monatelang war er untergetaucht, abgehakt, fast vergessen. Jetzt ist Nicolas Sarkozy wieder im Gespräch: Gattin Carla Bruni äußert sich zur Karriere des französischen Ex-Präsidenten. Bereitet der einstige Elysée-Chef sein Comeback vor?

"Er ist ein Kämpfer, er beklagt sich nicht. Die Politik ist schonungslos, vor allem während einer Präsidentschaftswahl. Und diese Kampagne war letztlich die schönste seines politischen Lebens. (...) Er hat sich geschlagen bis zum Ende, und als er verstanden hatte, dass er verloren hatte, akzeptierte er einfach seine Niederlage - mit Würde."

Was Carla Bruni - Ex-Model, Musikerin und Gattin des früheren französischen Präsidenten Nicolas Sarkozy - in der jüngsten Ausgabe des Magazins "Elle" über ihren Ehemann erzählt, klingt beinahe wie ein politischer Nachruf. Denn der Mann, der "Tag und Nacht arbeitete" im Dienst der Nation, muss jetzt "sein Leben neu gestalten", ein "neues Kapitel aufschlagen, nach 30 Jahren Politik".

Die Einlassungen der ehemaligen "Première Dame", als "Interview der Wahrheit" auf dem Titel der Modezeitschrift verbreitet, werden als Scoop nach sechs Monaten Stille verkauft: Einblicke auf vermeintlich Intimes ("Nicolas ist durchaus kein autoritärer Ehemann"), Berichte zum Innenleben des "Elysée" ("Dort arbeitet die Elite der französischen Traditionen") und immer wieder rührende Bewertungen des famosen Ex-Staatschefs. "Konstruktiv, kreativ, neugierig, luzid, tolerant", ein Mensch "ohne jeden Anflug von Sektierertum, geistig offen". Und dabei ein Mann, der auch im Urlaub täglich 50 Kilometer auf dem Fahrrad strampelt und mit 57 Jahren "nach vorne blickt": "Er wird erst innehalten, wenn er stirbt." » | Von Stefan Simons, Paris | Donnerstag, 25. Oktober 2012
"Gangster-jihadists" in the Sahara Funded by the West, Experts Say - Reuters Investigates

The fall of northern Mali to a mix of Islamist rebels and criminal groups has raised the prospect of a safe haven for terrorists in the Sahara. The groups fund themselves in part by kidnapping Westerners and then demanding ransom money. Reuters correspondent David Lewis in Mali's capital details the growing threat in the region. For more, follow him on twitter @DG_Lewis.

Most French See Islam Too Influential In Society: Poll

REUTERS.COM: An increasing majority of people inFrance believe Islam plays too influential a role in their society and almost half see Muslims as a threat to their national identity, according to a poll published on Thursday.

The survey by pollster Ifop in Le Figaro newspaper showed that 60 percent of people believed that Islam was "too important" in France in terms of its influence and visibility, up from 55 percent two years ago.

It found that 43 percent of respondents considered the presence of the Muslim community as a threat to their national identity, compared with just 17 percent who said it enriched society. Forty percent of those questioned were indifferent to the presence of Islam, Le Figaro said.

"Our poll shows a further hardening in French people's opinions," Jerome Fourquet, head of Ifop's opinion department, told the newspaper.

The struggle of secular France, whose people are mainly Catholic, to assimilate the largest Islamic population in Europe was thrust into the spotlight in March when Muslim Mohamed Merah, went on a shooting spree in southwest France that killed three Jewish children, a rabbi and three soldiers.

"In recent years, there has not been a week when Islam has not been in the heart of the news for social reasons: the veil, halal food, for dramatic news like terrorist attacks or geopolitical reasons," Fourquet said. » | Reporting By Daniel Flynn | Paris | Thursday, October 25, 2012

ifop pour Le Figaro : L’image de l’islam en France – Résultats détaillés » | Octobre 2012
Hajj Pilgrims Gather on Mount Arafat

Millions of pilgrims gather at Mount Arafat for the annual Hajj, including groups from Syria, who call for an end to the Assad regime in their country.

Millions of Muslims Gather in the Saudi City of Mecca to Perform the Hajj

To the gallery »
Feminists Betray Islamic Women

HUFF POST – THE BLOG: Last week, Afghan girl Mah Gul was beheaded on the instruction of family because she rejected prostitution. Fifteen-year-old Malala Yousufzai was shot in the head by Pakistani Taliban gunmen in the Swat Valley because she campaigned for women's secular education. Absence of outrage by Muslim leaders is shameful, but why are so many Western feminists silent?

In Swat, the Pakistani Taliban systematically restricted girls' education. During 2008, they destroyed about 150 private schools and converted others into madrassas, or religious seminaries. Government schools were closed down, teachers murdered, acid was thrown on to the faces of schoolgirls and several officials were beheaded.

A local Islamist leader explained: "Female education is against Islamic teachings and spreads vulgarity in society."

The attack on Malala and two companions on a school bus has shocked Pakistan, especially in view of the bloody war in Swat fought by the army in 2009 to unseat the Taliban and enforce national law. In Pakistan, more than half the adult population is illiterate and in rural Sindh and Balochistan, femaleliteracy rates are less than 2 percent. "Honor killings," bartering of women for land and animals, domestic violence and rape are endemic.

Many intellectual feminists value cultural practice, but as Afghan women's rights activist Sima Samar asserted, this respect does not apply to traditions that oppress women and violate human rights. Some feminists have joined an unholy alliance with political Islam, disregarding the oppression of women and homosexuals in favor of overarching aims to rid the world of colonialism, neo-colonialism and capitalism. Read on and comment » | Ida Lichter *, M.D. | Wednesday, October 24, 2012

*Author, 'Muslim Women Reformers: Inspiring Voices Against Oppression'