Showing posts with label Eurabia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eurabia. Show all posts

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Mohammed Is Most Popular Boy's Name in Four Biggest Dutch Cities

THE TELEGRAPH: Mohammed, or other variations of the name of Islam's founding prophet, has become the most popular name choice for baby boys in the four biggest cities of the Netherlands.

Information collected by the country's social security agency has found that traditional Dutch names have been displaced in the urban centres of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and Utrecht as the country's Muslim population grows.

In The Hague variations of the name Mohammed have taken first, second and fifth place in the Dutch capital's league table of most popular names for boys, replacing traditional favourites such as Jan, Luuk, Gijs or Daan.

At a national level the name Mohammed is now the 16th most popular name for boys.

The figures, obtained by the Dutch Elsevier magazine, from the Dutch Social Insurance Bank, or Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB), are different from the official statistics which have in the past counted various spellings of Mohammed, Muhamed, or Muhammad as different names.

Previous government name counts, separating the different versions, have avoided controversy by keeping the name of Islam's founder outside the Dutch top 20 of favourite names for baby boys.

Geert Wilders, leader of the far-Right, anti-Islam Freedom Party, which is currently leading the Dutch opinion polls, has demanded a government investigation following the Daily Telegraph's Aug 8 report that over a fifth of the European Union's population has been forecast to be Muslim by 2050. >>> Bruno Waterfield | Thursday, August 13, 2009

Saturday, August 08, 2009

A Rude Awakening

At last, the mainstream media are beginning to recognise that Europeans have a dark, bleak future. Bat Ye’or has written much about Eurabia, warning us all of impending danger. I have written The Dawning of a New Dark Age. Many others have written, too, and have warned. Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch springs immediately to mind.

Alas, the powers that be, hitherto, have been unwilling to take the tough measures necessary to stop this trend of increasing Islamisation. Not only that, they have made matters far worse than they need be by allowing mass immigration from mainly Muslim countries, and giving in to Muslims’ demands at every turn so as to appease the Muslim voters and garner more votes for their party. This is particularly true of the Labour Party in the United Kingdom. Again, we see the leftist, socialist agenda kicking in to destroy our way of life.

Working women have little time to have babies, and when they do have them, it is usually late in life, allowing time for one or two babies at most.

In our warped Western way of life, these days a woman being able to climb the career ladder is far more important for society than a woman who elects to stay home and be a full-time, caring mother. The result of these mistaken choices are beginning to become plain to see: We are losing our Judeo-Christian civilisation to the Islamic world. What Muslims once failed to do by force, they are now doing by silent invasion; and Westerners are sitting back and allowing this to happen.

A civilisation which is unprepared to fight for what it believes in is destined to perish; and perish Western civilisation will unless this whole process is kicked into reverse. The process can be reversed. But the will has to be there. The will and the determination.

Surely people can by now see what life will be like for us and our children when Islam becomes dominant. Women will become second class citizens. Gays will be executed. Apostasy will be punishable by death. Christians and Jews will be given dhimmi status, i.e. will become protected citizens in return for the price of a punitive tax called the jizyah. Adherents to all other religions, i.e. those who are not ‘People of the Book’, will not be tolerated.

Sharia law will be introduced, and henceforward, the whole gamut of harsh punishments for transgressions, minor and major, will be utilised: stonings for adultery, beheadings for crime, amputations for theft. Of course, because of the changing mentality of the people, honour-killings for women who bring shame on the family will become ever more commonplace.

What many Westerners fail to understand is this: There is no such thing as Islam-lite. Islam remains as Islam always was: unchanging and unchangeable; strict and harsh; supremacist and domineering.

We, all of us, have tough decisions to make about our children’s future. Do we want to leave a world behind for them which will enable them to live as we have been able to live: in freedom and security, free from religious harassment? Or do we want to cast all fate to the wind and let the chips fall for them where they may?

It is to be hoped that we will all opt for the former; after all, it’s the only sensible, responsible option.

©Mark Alexander

All Rights Reserved

New Dark Age Alert! A Fifth of European Union Will Be Muslim by 2050

THE TELEGRAPH: Britain, Spain and Holland will have an even higher proportion of Muslims in a shorter amount of time, an investigation by The Telegraph shows.

Photo: The Telegraph

Last year, five per cent of the total population of the 27 EU countries was Muslim. But rising levels of immigration from Muslim countries and low birth rates among Europe's indigenous population mean that, by 2050, the figure will be 20 per cent, according to forecasts.

Data gathered from various sources indicate that Britain, Spain and Holland will have an even higher proportion of Muslims in a shorter amount of time. >>> Adrian Michaels | Saturday, August 08, 2009

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Tory, Labour and Lib-Dem Treason: All Three Back Turkey’s Entry into the EU

Image courtesy of the BNP

BNP: Conservative Shadow minister Michael Gove has been exposed as the influential guiding hand behind propaganda attempts to get Turkey admitted to the European Union - a move, which if successful, will see Europe utterly swamped by Muslims.

Mr Gove, who is Tory Shadow Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families and MP for Surrey Heath, is one of a cross party group of patrons of a new magazine called Turkey In Europe launched last week at a reception at the Houses of Parliament.

According to the Turkish newspaper Hurriyet Daily News, the magazine was “launched on behalf of the patrons of Turkey in Europe who are Michael Gove MP, Dr Denis MacShane MP and Graham Watson MEP.”

Mr Macshane is from the Labour Party and Mr Watson is leader of the Liberal Democrats in the European Parliament.

The editor of the new magazine, Osman Streater, said that it “was established to bring international business together and to promote Turkish membership of the European Union,” according to Hurriyet. >>> BNP News | Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Wilders Says Pentagon Fears Europe Destabilised by Islam

DIGITAL JOURNAL: Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilders was told by Pentagon officials that they 'feared for European stability due to the continent's rapid islamisation'. Wilders said this in an interview after a speech at the National Press Club in Washington, DC Friday.

Wilders received a warm reception in Washington Friday - in stark contrast to last month's chilly expulsion of the elected Dutch official by the British government. Yet only a week after this British treatment, he was given the Oriana Fallaci's Freedom of Speech award in front of a welcoming audience in Rome Italy. >>> Adriana Stuijt | Saturday, February 28, 2009

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Monday, January 26, 2009

Leaders Without Testicles

In view of recent events in the Netherlands, I am reprinting this essay. It first appeared on this website in September 2007. It was relevant then; it is even more relevant today.

Our leaders are too weak to deal with the problems we are now facing, problems caused by the political system which masquerades as a religion, otherwise known as Islam.

The 'New Dark Age' which I wrote about in my book, The Dawning of a New Dark Age, which first appeared in November 2003, really is dawning alarmingly fast. Faster than anyone could ever have imagined.

I entitled this essay, Leaders Without Testicles. The title was pertinent when I wrote the essay; it is even more pertinent today. The liberal élite in The Netherlands are but a glowing example of what cravenness will do to freedoms: It will destroy them!

This was the essay I wrote back in 2006. I hope you enjoyed reading it then; and I hope you will enjoy reading it now. It needs to be read in the light of the darkness that is falling on The Netherlands, a country which till only very recently was a beacon of enlightenment and freedom! – ©Mark

The essay:

On a day in which the world has come to learn that one of the greatest tenors of all time, Luciano Pavarotti, died, a man who encapsulated much that is great about the West, we are reminded of much that is great about our civilization, and, if we sit back and think about things, we should be reminded, too, that this great civilization is threatened both from without and from within: By Islam. Islam is gaining in strength even here in Europe, and there, across the Pond, in America. Yet nobody has the balls to deal with the problem. The problem is akin to a snowball rolling down a mountainside: It keeps growing in size even as it rolls!

Throughout its history, Islam has always, but always, won the day, and subsumed each and every culture* it has ever entered and into which it has been allowed enter and put down its roots. I assure you here and now, Europe will be no exception. The writing is already on the wall. Our future, if we do nothing about this development, is plain for all to see. It will be Islamic, and it will be neither free nor democratic.

Alas, we have no leaders with testicles, no leaders with balls, no leaders with spunk! Bush has proved himself to be a pussy – ineffectual in the extreme. As indeed was Blair. He was all hot air; all form and no substance. This current incumbent of Number 10, Gordon Brown, refuses to acknowledge still less deal with the problems we face with Islam in our midst. In fact, it was reported only recently that a Muslim group is the largest source of funding outside of the unions here in Great Britain. Ladies and gentlemen: It is high time we took stock!

Islam, if it is allowed to keep establishing itself here in the West, will destroy, nay annihilate, all that we have to come to hold dear. Make no bones about it, Islam is out to destroy all that is great about Western culture: great wines, great music, great literature, great art, and of course our great Judeo-Christian tradition. There will be no more Pavarottis, no more great music, no more great wines, no more great literature, no more great anything. The only thing that will be great is Allah, Allahu akbar! All will be destroyed if Islam is allowed to gain the upper hand. Islam is ruthless. It allows no-one and nothing to block its path to power.

Western politicians are ignorant of the force and power that is Islam. They are also weak, craven, and ineffectual. They faff around dealing with inconsequential matters when, in fact, they should be dealing with the one and only thing that matters today: The growth of Islam here in the West.

If they want to live under the yoke of Islam, then they are welcome to do so. But please move to the Islamic world to do so! I do not wish to live under Islam’s iron grip; and when I say this I believe I speak for many, nay for the majority.

These spineless leaders of ours want all the power, all the glory, and all the accoutrements of power; but one thing they do not want: They do not want to have to take the tough decisions which actually come with high office.

This, of course, is totally and utterly unacceptable. If they want the money, the big houses, the chauffer-driven cars, etc, then they should accept their responsibilities with equanimity. They need to tell Muslims that if they want to stay here in the West, then they have to start integrating and live like the rest of us. They have to stop thinking that they are superior, for superior they certainly are not. If anything, quite the reverse is true! What, I ask you, is superior about a 'culture' which condones public beheadings, the stonings to death of women, the cutting off of hands and feet for theft, and the suppression of women, homosexuals, and others who do not conform to their narrow ideals?

I think I speak for many, many people when I say that I am tired, sick to death, of politicians taking all the perks of high office, yet being totally unwilling to deal with the main danger that faces the people of the West today, totally unwilling to protect the people from darkness, protect the very people they are supposed to represent.

Many people, of course, are ignorant of the dangers that lie ahead of them; they are too busy earning a living to care. But they have a rude awakening awaiting them. This is 1938 all over again! In 1938, in their heart of hearts, people knew that Hitler would become a huge problem, but they refused to admit that such would be so. So it is in 2007! People, in their heart of hearts, know that Islam is a huge problem. But so many are afraid to admit it. I invite you to do so now. Go on! Be truthful with yourself! Admit to yourself what you already actually know!

Personally, I find it incredibly disconcerting that Islam has been allowed to grow here in the West, grow to the point that it is going to be extremely difficult to solve the problem. It is hard to believe that Western politicians are so ineffectual, so weak, so stupid, so without courage, so without testicles. But this is actually so.

But fight back we must if we are to rescue the West from the New Dark Age! Ask yourself one simple question: If the shoe were on the other foot, would they allow you, an infidel, the same freedoms to establish your religion (and political system) in their countries?

*It took centuries and much bloodshed to reverse Islam's influence on Spain.

©Mark Alexander

All Rights Reserved

Wilders or Wilderness: A Letter from Holland

Hat tip: Atlas Shrugs >>>

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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Eurabia Alert! EU Urged to Take In More Iraqi Refugees

YAHOO NEWS! (UK & IRELAND): BERLIN - Rights groups called Tuesday on the European Union to take in more refugees from Iraq, two days ahead of a meeting of EU justice and interior ministers in Brussels.

"Iraqi refugees are in urgent need of protection because in contrast to what Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki says, the security situation is alarming," Amnesty International Germany's Julia Duchrow told a news conference together with fellow rights group Pro Asyl (For Asylum).

"Periods of reflection, interruptions and playing for time with more research on the ground like the EU plans to do is irresponsible in view of the suffering of refugees," Pro Asyl's Europe representative Karl Kopp said.

Millions of Iraqis have fled their homes since the US-led invasion in 2003, with many heading to neighbouring countries such as Jordan and Syria.

Justice and interior ministers from the 27-nation EU were due to discuss on Thursday and Friday the issue at a meeting in Brussels.

In April the EU's Slovenian presidency rejected German proposals to give priority to refugees from Iraq's Christian minority, saying that asylum should be provided without consideration of religion.

After a meeting with Maliki in July German Chancellor Angela Merkel expressed support for Iraqi government plans to see refugees return home rather than have some of them stay in Europe. [Source: YAHOO! NEWS (UK & IRELAND) AFP | September 23, 2008

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Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Great Bat Ye'or in Interview

Photo of Bat Ye'or courtesy of The Jerusalem Post

”The whole Muslim world is becoming more and more radicalized - more rooted in Shari'a, and less open to anything outside the religion.” - Bat Yeor

THE JERUSALEM POST: 'I always thought I'd be writing novels," says Bat Ye'or, her wistfulness somehow adding an extra touch of class to her thick French accent. "Not such serious work."

Given the gravity of her subject matter, and what some might consider her alarmist way with words, this is hard to believe. But then, so is the historian's life story, which is the stuff that sagas are made of.

Hers began in Egypt during World War II. The daughter of a middle-class Jewish family named Orebi, Bat Ye'or (her trademark pseudonym, which in Hebrew means "daughter of the Nile") fled with her parents to England in 1957 - after suffering the brunt of the anti-Semitism she claims characterized the entire Arab world.

In 1959, she married a Briton - also a historian - whom she prefers not to name, to protect his and her privacy. The couple then moved to and settled in Switzerland in 1960, where they raised their children and continue to reside.

She is the author of eight books, including The Dhimmi: Jews and Christians under Islam (1985); The Decline of Eastern Christianity: From Jihad to Dhimmitude (1996); Islam and Dhimmitude: Where Civilizations Collide (2001); and - the one which captured international attention and catapulted her into the center of controversy - Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis (2005). Saying that Europe is basically finished, due to its kissing up to the Arabs, will do that.

Here recently to promote the release of her best-selling "cautionary tale" in Hebrew (EuroArabia, Schocken Publishers; translation by Arie Hashavia), Bat Ye'or explains why she believes the West in general, and Europe in particular, is in state of denial at best, and dhimmitude at worst. To make matters more complicated, she asserts, though the citizens of European countries long to preserve their individual and collective cultures of freedom and democracy - which they have been exhibiting at the polls - the European Union, influenced by the UN-backed Islamic leadership, advocates appeasement and passivism.

In an hour-long interview on the terrace of her Mishkenot Sha'ananim digs overlooking the Old City of Jerusalem, Bat Ye'or expounds on her bleak prognosis in an articulate tirade, raising her voice now and then for emphasis, pausing occasionally to laugh. What she has to say about the state of the world, however, is more likely to make one cry. One on One: A Dhimmi View of Europe >>> By Ruthie Blum | July 9, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Dust Jacket Hardcover, direct from the publishers (US) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Paperback, direct from the publishers (US) >>>

Monday, June 02, 2008

We Are Destroying the Very Values Which Could Save Us in Our Battle against Islam

THE INDEPENDENT: Europe has immense strengths. The resources of civilisation are not exhausted

In 1683, a Turkish army reached the suburbs of Vienna. The outcome trembled in the balance until Jan Sobieski of Poland arrived with his army, threw back the Ottomans and finally freed western Europe from the threat of Muslim domination, thus completing the work begun by Charles Martel at Poitiers in 732.

Or did he? Today, there are plenty of Europeans who would say: "Charles Martel, Jan Sobieski, you are needed at this hour." There are widespread fears that Muslim immigrants, reinforced by political pressure and, ultimately, by terrorism, will succeed where Islamic armies failed and change irrevocably the character of European civilisation.

I was in Vienna for a conference on post-Christian Europe and resurgent Islam. The history of all important cities is a duet for grandeur and original sin but, even by those standards, Vienna is a masterpiece of complexity and ambivalence. An imperial city which has diminished into the capital of a gemütlich little republic, it was the nursery for so many of the glories of German culture – and for so much of the foulness of mid-20th century German history. So it was an appropriate setting for a pessimistic agenda.

In contemporary Britain, there are many grounds for anxiety. Even so, we cannot rival the continental Europeans when it comes to pessimism. Our home-grown product is shallow and pallid in comparison to the length, depth and sophistication of its continental rival. This is hardly surprising. The pessimism of the European mainland is the product of shattered hopes and a failed century. The first half of the 20th century was the most disastrous epoch in history. The Channel spared us from the worst of the ravages and savageries, but those whose nations experienced them or inflicted them can be forgiven for their distrust of the human condition. After such knowledge, what forgiveness, especially as recent events have added fresh inspissation to the gloom.

By 1990, it seemed as if whatever brute or blackguard made the world had decided to forgive mankind for the 20th century. The Cold War was won. George Bush celebrated a new world order. Francis Fukuyama announced the end of history. But history disagreed.

There is a basic difference between our circumstances now and the Cold War order. In the first place, it was an order. The threat was terrible but it was also predictable. We could analyse our enemies, understand them, even compromise with them. In the grimmest paradox of all, peace and stability had found a secure footing, upon the rock of mutual, assured destruction. Then, the enemy had a name, a capability, an order of battle. We had insights into his intentions, diplomatic means of mitigation, geopolitical concepts. Now, we do not even have a map of our ignorance. We are blundering in the dark, wrestling with unknown unknowns.

Europe has immense strengths. The resources of civilisation are not exhausted. Yet many of my conference colleagues were defeatists who believed that those strengths could never be mobilised. Some even argued that Islam would inevitably prevail and, within a few decades, Europe would decline into Eurabia. We Are Destroying the Very Values Which Could Save Us in Our Battle against Islam >>> By Bruce Anderson | June 2, 2008

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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Fjordman: European Parliament Bans Opposition

BRUSSELS JOURNAL: The European Union, the "free trade organization with a few added extras," is officially turning into a pan-European dictatorship. The Daily Telegraph reports:
The European Union assembly's political establishment is pushing through changes that will silence dissidents by changing the rules allowing Euro-MPs to form political groupings. Richard Corbett, a British Labour MEP, is leading the charge to cut the number of party political tendencies in the Parliament next year, a move that would dissolve UKIP's pan-European Eurosceptic "Independence and Democracy" grouping. Under the rule change, the largest and most pro-EU groups would tighten their grip on the Parliament's political agenda and keep control of lavish funding.
The EU already has clear authoritarian leanings and is moving in a totalitarian direction with astonishing speed.

The pace with which these changes are occurring is so breathtaking that it even surprises me sometimes, and I'm one of the most militant anti-EU persons around. Within the past two years, EU leaders have ignored the referendums in several countries rejection the EU Constitution. The Lisbon Treaty is virtually identical to the Constitution, and is now being pushed through without referendums, with the exception of Ireland. This Constitution/Lisbon Treaty will more or less dismantle the existing nation states throughout much of Europe, which constitutes high treason against dozens of countries simultaneously.

That's bad enough. What's worse is that the same EU leaders, including the British Foreign Minister, the French President and the German Chancellor, have officially announced the enlargement of the EU to include Muslim North Africa and the Middle East. A proposed European Arrest Warrant lists a number of crimes, including terrorism, armed robbery, rape, and racism and xenophobia, which are punishable throughout the EU. The European Arrest Warrant requires that anyone who is charged by a member state under the listed group of offenses (which could cover just about anything) may be arrested by the authorities of the issuing state within any other member state. The accused must then be transited for trial to the issuing state within ten days, without any interference, judicial or otherwise, by the executing state. European Parliament Bans Opposition >>> From the desk of Fjordman | May 28, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback - UK)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback - UK)

Tuesday, May 06, 2008


TOWNHALL.COM: Even Americans knowledgeable about Europe’s growing accommodation to the totalitarian ideology known alternatively as Islamism, jihadism or Islamofascism tend smugly to believe the same thing can’t happen here. Think again. Every day, new evidence appears of similar acts of submission – the Islamists call it “dhimmitude” – on the part of the U.S. government, judges, the press and leading corporations.

Eurabia, meet the United States of Amerabia.

On May 4, an ominous alarm was sounded in a Pajamas Media column by Youssef Ibrahim, a former New York Times reporter. Ibrahim is an astute critic of the Islamists’ steady, tireless and increasingly effective efforts to impose – on Muslims and non-Muslims alike – the repressive theo-political-legal agenda they call Shariah law. He warned that “In the very real war on terror, a noisy squabble over ‘fighting them there so we don’t have to fight them here’ clouds a simple truth: namely, that ‘they’ are here already. Indeed, Islamists are busy constructing a wing of jihad in America’s backyard.” Amerabia >>> By Frank J Gaffney Jr | May 5, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback – USA)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardcover – USA)

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Stumbling Toward Eurabia

FOCUS NEWS AGENCY: In the summer of 2004, in an interview little noticed outside the country, the prominent academic scholar of Islam Bassam Tibi predicted a future for Germany that many decried as provocative nonsense at the time.1[sic] In ten years, Tibi said, Germany will be the scene of large running battles between police and gangs of marginalized Muslim youth, bringing cities like Berlin, Cologne and Frankfurt to the brink of chaos. This will be the inevitable result, according to him, of a trend that is already visible. Muslims are not interested in integration. They are, in fact, obligated not to integrate by the radical Islamic ideology dominant in their communities, and live increasingly segregated in parallel societies. The main difference between 2004 and 2014, Tibi believed, would be that the highly marginalized Muslim population would have more than doubled to 10 million, sharia would have been gradually introduced in Germany and the Islam preached there would be even more radical and resemble Nazi totalitarianism.

Today, more than three and a half years later, a new study of attitudes among young Muslims by the German interior ministry would seem to confirm Tibi’s fears. According to the survey, 44 percent of respondents have fundamentalist Islamic beliefs, 50 percent believe that “Muslims who die in the armed struggle for the faith (Jihad) go to paradise,” and one in four is ready to engage in violence against non-Muslims.2 [sic] Stumbling Toward Eurabia >>> By Alex Alexiev

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback - UK)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback - UK)

Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Islamization of Europe

These two videos are not the newest, and I have placed them up before, but the message in them is important enough to be watched again and again and again:

Part 2

Part 3

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback - UK)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback - UK)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Tony Blankley: Rising Euro-Muslim Tensions

TOWNHALL.COM: Perhaps the greatest secular gift to the world by Judeo-Christian civilization is its seminal concept of the individual, which it raises above the tribe or the collective. In Genesis, we are told that man is made in the image of God. Deuteronomy tells us that "each human by his own sin is to be judged" and "do not punish children for the sins of their fathers." And of course, the biblical life and teachings of Jesus reflect the deep importance of the individual. Thus was planted in the soil of the West our uniquely heightened respect for the individual.

It is impossible to imagine Western civilization -- and particularly America -- without the existence in our culture of the instinctive respect for the individual to offset the more general human instinct to be subordinated in the tribe or the group.

Conversely, there is no more dangerous incubus inserted into a Western nation than hostility or indifference to the inherent value and rights of the individual.

But radicalized Islam places little value on the individual, while holding up for supreme value the interests of the group, particularly their view of the group called Islam. And it is this aggressive, assertive insistence by radicalized Muslims in the West to subordinate our inherent rights to their collective demands that slowly and more or less quietly is forcing Westerners to take sides in the radicals' demands. The resolution of this developing conflict -- if not managed by the elites in Western countries on behalf of indigenous Western rights -- inevitably will result in unnecessary violence.

A recent example of such intimidation was reported in The Washington Times Monday: Muneer Fareed, head of the Islamic Society of North America, is "demanding" that Sen. John McCain stop using the word "Islamic" to describe terrorists who are radical Islamists. He insists that McCain (and all others) just call Islamic terrorists "criminals." "That is more acceptable to the Muslim community," Fareed said. McCain, being as tough as nails, has said he has no intention of submitting to Fareed's demand and will continue to use "Islamic" to describe Islamic terrorists. But it will be interesting to see what the two Democratic candidates for president choose to do about this demand.

Meanwhile, in Canada, Mark Steyn awaits trial before the Canadian Human Rights Commission and the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal for the crime of committing hate speech by writing a book and a magazine article that warned against the dangers of Islam overwhelming Europe (No. 1 best-seller in Canada; New York Times best-seller in the United States). Rising Euro-Muslim Tensions >>> By Tony Blankley

*Tony Blankley served as press secretary to then Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Newt Gingrich. He is the author of The West's Last Chance: Will We Win the Clash of Civilizations?

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback - UK)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback - UK)
Theologians: Stop Wasting Your Time and Go Home! Europe Is Turning Into Eurabia Without You. You Don’t Need to Help the Process Along!

SPIEGELONLINE INTERNATIONAL: Leading Muslim scholars are laying the theological foundations for a "Euro-Islam" which would reconcile their religion with the challenges of modernity. But just how compatible is Islam with secular Western values?

The air in the conference room is stale, and the dour mood among those present is not much better. The room smells of sweat, cigarette smoke, cold coffee -- and plenty of problems. That comes with the territory at a meeting of some 100 social workers who work in flashpoints like the London boroughs of Hounslow, Eastleigh and Ealing.

In their districts they often have to deal with angry youth gangs, unemployment and failed integration policies. Today, on this particular Thursday, they have gathered here in the large hall of the Holborn Bars conference center to learn that multiculturalism also has positive aspects and, most importantly, that no one needs to be afraid of Muslims.

Up on the stage, Lucy de Groot, the organizer of the one-day seminar "Cultural Diversity and Social Cohesion," presents “with great pleasure” a speaker whose appearance alone is enough to add a touch of brilliance to this gloomy conference room. Smiling here and nodding there, the “esteemed guest” strides up to the podium with the confidence of an entertainer who has grown accustomed to success. Tariq Ramadan knows how to win people over.

Many of the veteran social workers have an almost enraptured expression on their faces as they look up at the tall, thin man. With his striking features and dark well-trimmed beard, his sand-colored suit with its elegant casualness, the unbuttoned collar of his bright yellow shirt and his slightly dark complexion, Ramadan resembles a Latino singer. “It’s wonderful to be in London,” he says warmly into the microphone. “Thank you very much for inviting me.” Ramadan places the fingertips of his well-manicured hands together and gazes confidently at the audience. His fan club is guaranteed to be even bigger after this afternoon.

Officially, Ramadan, 45, is a professor of Islamic studies in Geneva. But now he has just come from Oxford, where he teaches at St. Antony’s College as a visiting fellow. In effect, Ramadan is something of a modern-day itinerant preacher. His mission is to boost the self-confidence of Europe’s Muslims and to explain his vision of a “European Islam” to Europe’s Christian elite.

The new brand of faith which, according to Ramadan, “is currently taking shape among European Muslims with Islamic-European culture” aims to reconcile Western values with the teachings of Islam. This “Euro-Islam” has allowed Ramadan to win friends among immigrant children and proponents of interreligious dialogue -- and make enemies among right-wing nationalists and hardline Islamists.

Ramadan has given thousands of presentations over the past few years, speaking to a wide range of audiences, including Muslims and Christians, atheists and Jews, church representatives and politicians, industrialists, students and anti-globalization activists. Over the weekend, he made four appearances in France where he spoke to over 2,500 people, mostly young Muslims. Tonight he will speak in Birmingham at a police convention, tomorrow morning his schedule takes him to Blackpool; he can't remember off the top of his head who he's talking to there.

The highly popular speaker can devote little more than half an hour to Lucy de Groot’s seminar. But that’s enough time for a brilliant presenter like Ramadan to talk about his religion, Muslim minorities, integration and exclusion -- and to alleviate the fears of his audience of an impending “clash of civilizations,” as prophesized by Harvard University political scientist Samuel Huntington.

“We start to run into problems when we construct new dividing lines, when we cease to see society as a whole,” says Ramadan to the worn-out-looking men and women sitting at large round tables. “Instead of perceiving Muslims as ‘the other’ or foreigners, try to see them as fellow Englishmen and women.”

All the listeners can do is nod in approval. After all, this man is one of the most prominent Muslims in Europe -- even if he is also one of the most controversial. The Theologians Working Towards a Euro-Islam >>> By Dieter Bednarz and Daniel Steinvorth | April 22, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback - UK)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback - UK)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Daniel Pipes: Europe or Eurabia?

THE AUSTRALIAN: THE future of Europe is in play. Will it turn into "Eurabia", a part of the Muslim world? Will it remain the distinct cultural unit it has been for the past millennium? Or might there be some creative synthesis of the two?

The answer has vast importance. Europe may constitute a mere 7 per cent of the world's landmass but for 500 years, 1450-1950, for good and ill, it was the global engine of change.

How it develops in the future will affect all humanity, especially daughter countries such as Australia that still retain close and important ties to the old continent. I foresee potentially one of three paths for Europe: Muslims dominating, Muslims rejected or harmonious integration.

* Muslim domination strikes some analysts as inevitable. Oriana Fallaci found that "Europe becomes more and more a province of Islam, a colony of Islam". Mark Steyn argues that much of the Western world "will not survive the 21st century and much of it will effectively disappear within our lifetimes, including many if not most European countries".

Such authors point to three factors leading to Europe's Islamisation: faith, demography and a sense of heritage.

The secularism that predominates in Europe, especially among its elites, leads to alienation from the Judeo-Christian tradition, empty church pews and a fascination with Islam. In complete contrast, Muslims display a religious fervour that translates into jihadi sensibility, a supremacism towards non-Muslims and an expectation that Europe is waiting for conversion to Islam.

The contrast in faith also has demographic implications, with Christians having on average 1.4 children a woman, or about one-third less than the number needed to maintain their population, and Muslims enjoying a dramatically higher, if falling, fertility rate. Amsterdam and Rotterdam, in about 2015, are expected to be the first large majority-Muslim cities.

Russia could become a Muslim-majority country in 2050. To employ enough workers to fund existing pension plans, Europe needs millions of immigrants, and these tend to be disproportionately Muslim due to reasons of proximity, colonial ties and the turmoil in majority-Muslim countries.

In addition, many Europeans no longer cherish their history, mores and customs. Guilt about fascism, racism and imperialism leaves many with a sense that their own culture has less value than that of immigrants.

Such self-disdain has direct implications for Muslim immigrants, for if Europeans shun their own ways, why should immigrants adopt them? When added to the existing Muslim hesitations over much that is Western, especially concerns about sexuality, the result is Muslim populations who strongly resist assimilation.

The logic of this first path leads to Europe ultimately becoming an extension of North Africa.

* But the first path is not inevitable. Indigenous Europeans could resist it and, as they make up 95per cent of the continent's population, they can at any time reassert control should they see Muslims posing a threat to a valued way of life.

This impulse can be seen at work in the French anti-hijab legislation or in Geert Wilders's film, Fitna. Anti-immigrant parties gain in strength; a potential nativist movement is taking shape across Europe as political parties opposed to immigration focus increasingly on Islam and Muslims. These parties include the British National Party, Belgium's Vlaamse Belang, France's National Front, the Austrian Freedom Party, the Party for Freedom in The Netherlands and the Danish People's Party.

They are likely to continue to grow as immigration surges ever higher, with mainstream parties paying and expropriating their anti-Islamic message. Should nationalist parties gain power, they will reject multiculturalism, cut back on immigration, encourage repatriation of immigrants, support Christian institutions, increase indigenous European birthrates and broadly attempt to re-establish traditional ways. Europe or Eurabia >>> By Daniel Pipes* | April 15, 2008

* Daniel Pipes ( is director of the Middle East Forum and Taube/Diller distinguished visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution of Stanford University. He is in Australia for the Intelligence Squared debate to take place this evening in Sydney. This article derives from a talk he delivered yesterday to a Quadrant dinner.

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