Showing posts with label Bat Ye'or. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bat Ye'or. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Bat Ye’or: New Euro-Arab Judeophobia Bears the Destruction of the West Within Itself



Part 3:

Hat tip: KitmanTV Blogspot

Palestinism: The Real UN Disease

ARUTZ SHEVA: The report by the Goldstone Commission sponsored by the United Nations is a danger for all of us; it is a written document stating that it is necessary to give up the fight against systematic terrorism that hits and uses civilians.

From just a quick look at the 575 pages of the report designed to establish what happened in Gaza in the 2008-2009 war, it is clear that the Commission set up by the United Nations during the ninth special session of the Human Rights Council in January 2009 was not at all interested in truth, but only in still another criminalization of Israel. The UN embodied, once again, an example of moralistic Palestinism that exploits the guilty feelings of the contemporary world to delegitimize the West. And it practically aims at the physical and institutional death of the Jewish State.

Every year, the UN devotes two thirds of its resolutions on human rights to condemn Israel; its General Assembly has already echoed with the anti-Semitic speeches of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad; and now it is proceeding with another version of the same thing by Judge Richard Goldstone, who is actually a Jew with a daughter who lives in Israel. Let us proceed step by step. >>> Fiamma Nirenstein | Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Bat Ye’or: Politics and Freedom

ATLAS SHRUGS: Muslims might feel insulted by Geert Wilders’ opinions on Islam. However, Geert Wilders and non-Muslims feel insulted – threatened — by the hostile and negative opinions on them enshrined in Muslim holy books, laws and customs. These are not hidden or dismissed as outdated, but continuously and proudly published, taught and publicly expounded throughout the world — without being opposed by Muslim leaders. Westerners have been conditioned by their governments, their media, the Palestinisation of their culture and societies, to be the culprit and to accept without a murmur the continuous harassment of the permanent terrorist threat. Such terrorism has taken already many innocent lives and wounded countless others since it started, in the 1960s, in Europe with the collaboration of Palestinians and Nazi groups murdering Jews and Israelis.

In view of an aggressive indigenous and foreign terrorism within the Netherlands itself, it is clear that Geert Wilders is answering a provocation against him that obliges him to live under permanent security controls. How is it possible that in the XXIe century, in a democratic and peaceful Europe, some people, politicians, intellectuals, cartoonists or others, need 24-hour security when they have done nothing but lawfully express themselves ? Will self-censorship define our culture? >>> Bat Ye’or | Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

L'Eurabia ha una capitale: Rotterdam

L’ESPRESSO: Qui interi quartieri sembrano Medio Oriente, le donne camminano velate, il sindaco è musulmano, nei tribunali e nei teatri si applica la sharia. Un grande reportage dalla città più islamizzata d'Europa

ROMA – Uno dei frutti più incontestabili del viaggio di Benedetto XVI in Terra Santa è stato il migliorato rapporto con l'islam. I tre giorni passati in Giordania e poi la visita alla Cupola della Roccia a Gerusalemme hanno fatto circolare anche tra il grande pubblico musulmano – per la prima volta in misura così diffusa – l'immagine di un papa amico, attorniato da leader islamici visibilmente felici di accoglierlo e di collaborare con lui per il bene della famiglia umana.

Ma altrettanto incontestabile è la distanza tra questa immagine e la cruda realtà dei fatti. Non solo nei paesi a dominio musulmano, ma anche là dove i seguaci di Maometto sono minoranza, ad esempio in Europa.

Nel 2002 Bat Ye'or, una studiosa nata in Egitto e di nazionalità britannica, specialista della storia e della condizione delle minoranze cristiane ed ebraiche – dette "dhimmi" – nei paesi musulmani, coniò il termine "Eurabia" per definire il destino verso il quale vede incamminata l'Europa. Un destino di sottomissione all'islam, di "dhimmitudine".

Oriana Fallaci riprese nei suoi scritti la parola "Eurabia" e diede ad essa una risonanza mondiale. Il 1 agosto 2005 Benedetto XVI ricevette la Fallaci in udienza privata, a Castel Gandolfo. Lei rifiutava il dialogo con l'islam, lui lo voleva e lo vuole. Ma si trovarono d'accordo – come poi riferì la Fallaci – nel riconoscere "l'odio di sé" che l'Europa mostra, il suo vuoto spirituale, la sua perdita d'identità, proprio mentre aumentano in essa gli immigrati di fede islamica. >>> di Sandro Magister | Martedi 19 maggio 2009

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Great Bat Ye'or in Interview

Photo of Bat Ye'or courtesy of The Jerusalem Post

”The whole Muslim world is becoming more and more radicalized - more rooted in Shari'a, and less open to anything outside the religion.” - Bat Yeor

THE JERUSALEM POST: 'I always thought I'd be writing novels," says Bat Ye'or, her wistfulness somehow adding an extra touch of class to her thick French accent. "Not such serious work."

Given the gravity of her subject matter, and what some might consider her alarmist way with words, this is hard to believe. But then, so is the historian's life story, which is the stuff that sagas are made of.

Hers began in Egypt during World War II. The daughter of a middle-class Jewish family named Orebi, Bat Ye'or (her trademark pseudonym, which in Hebrew means "daughter of the Nile") fled with her parents to England in 1957 - after suffering the brunt of the anti-Semitism she claims characterized the entire Arab world.

In 1959, she married a Briton - also a historian - whom she prefers not to name, to protect his and her privacy. The couple then moved to and settled in Switzerland in 1960, where they raised their children and continue to reside.

She is the author of eight books, including The Dhimmi: Jews and Christians under Islam (1985); The Decline of Eastern Christianity: From Jihad to Dhimmitude (1996); Islam and Dhimmitude: Where Civilizations Collide (2001); and - the one which captured international attention and catapulted her into the center of controversy - Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis (2005). Saying that Europe is basically finished, due to its kissing up to the Arabs, will do that.

Here recently to promote the release of her best-selling "cautionary tale" in Hebrew (EuroArabia, Schocken Publishers; translation by Arie Hashavia), Bat Ye'or explains why she believes the West in general, and Europe in particular, is in state of denial at best, and dhimmitude at worst. To make matters more complicated, she asserts, though the citizens of European countries long to preserve their individual and collective cultures of freedom and democracy - which they have been exhibiting at the polls - the European Union, influenced by the UN-backed Islamic leadership, advocates appeasement and passivism.

In an hour-long interview on the terrace of her Mishkenot Sha'ananim digs overlooking the Old City of Jerusalem, Bat Ye'or expounds on her bleak prognosis in an articulate tirade, raising her voice now and then for emphasis, pausing occasionally to laugh. What she has to say about the state of the world, however, is more likely to make one cry. One on One: A Dhimmi View of Europe >>> By Ruthie Blum | July 9, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Dust Jacket Hardcover, direct from the publishers (US) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Paperback, direct from the publishers (US) >>>

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Creating a European Indigenous People’s Movement

BRUSSELS JOURNAL: An American friend of mine has proposed that native Europeans should create a European Indigenous People's Movement. I have hesitated with supporting this because it sounded a bit too extreme. However, in more and more European cities, the native population is being pushed out of their own neighborhoods by immigrant gangs. The natives receive little or no aid from their authorities, sometimes blatant hostility, when faced with immigrant violence. In an age where the global population increases with billions of people in a few decades, it is entirely plausible, indeed likely, that the West could soon become demographically overwhelmed. Not few of our intellectuals seem to derive pleasure from this thought.

Bat Ye'or in her book about Eurabia has documented how the European Union is actively allowing Muslims to colonize European countries. The next time EU leaders complain about China's treatment of minorities, I suggest the Chinese answer the following: "Yes, we represent an anti-democratic organization dedicated to subduing the indigenous people of Tibet, but you represent an anti-democratic organization dedicated to displacing the indigenous peoples of an entire continent." There is no love lost between me and the Chinese Communist Party, an organization responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of its citizens, but even Chinese authorities do not actively seek to displace their own people with violent Muslims. European authorities do. Creating a European Indigenous People’s Movement >>> By Fjordman

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback)