Friday, January 17, 2025

Deranged Trump Demands All Windmills Be Ripped Down during Insane Rant

Jan 17, 2025 | The incoming President of the United States is not well, and he loves to prove that point over and over again. This week, Donald Trump went on an insane rant about how much he hates windmills, but this time instead of linking them to cancer or blaming them for bird deaths, he decided to immediately call for all of them to be ripped down. This is such a weird thing for him to obsess over and it makes absolutely no sense to anyone. Farron Cousins explains what happened.

It should be clear even to the dumbest American by now that Donald Trump should never have been re-elected to the White House. By re-electing Trump, they have seriously damaged the reputation of the USA and they have killed their democracy in one fell swoop.

Those who voted for Trump deserve all the shit that is coming to them. I have no sympathy for them at all. However, for those who had the good sense not to vote for him, I have a great deal of sympathy for them. They are all going to suffer greatly and unnecessarily. It will be hard for them to watch their democracy evaporate before their very eyes, and hard for them to watch their country go down the tubes. – © Mark Alecxander

Michael Bolton : Said I Loved You...But I Lied

Sep 28, 2010

Kemi Badenoch's Big Brexit Speech Yesterday

Jan 17, 2025

Kemi Badenoch is a bloody disaster for the Conservative Party. She has zero chance of reversing the party’s fortunes. In a short time, Badenoch will be nothing but a footnote in the history books.

The problem with Brexit is not that it has been badly executed, though it is true that it has been badly executed. The main problem with Brexit is that its execution should never have been tried from the start. There is no way that Brexit could have worked, regardless of how it was executed. No country can decouple itself from the greatest customs union in the world, which is on its doorstep, and expect to be able to thrive. This is economics 101!

Only a dimwit would have suggested a Brexit referendum. Cameron, put a referendum forward, and he was just that: a dimwit.

Kemi Badenoch need not bash herself on the head with Brexit being badly executed. Fact is that its execution should never have been tried in the first place.

We are led by dimwits! – © Mark Alexxander

‘Revolution Is Coming’: CNN Guest Delivers Dire Warning | The Kyle Kulinski Show

Jan 14, 2025

It’s a question of socialism for the superrich and raw capitalism for the poor, the working class, and the middle class.

One of the first things Trump will do is cut taxes for the superrich. So clueless is he! How little he understands economics! What a shitty system the American system is! Shitty, shitty, shitty!

No wonder the Iranians used to shout “Death to America!” I am no fan of the Islamic Republic of Iran, but can we conclude that they got that cry right?

What has become very clear to me is this: The re-election of Trump is speeding up the decline of America. America is going the way of all great empires before it: down the tubes. And if this is the best that America can offer the world, the sooner, the better. – © Mark Alexander

Europa: Machtlos gegen Musk? | ARTE Europa - Die Woche

Jan 17, 2025 | Über seine Plattform X verbreitet Tesla-Chef Elon Musk Fake News, rechtspopulistische Botschaften und macht Werbung für die AfD. Auch in die inneren Angelegenheiten von Italien und Großbritannien mischt er sich ein. Welche Ziele verfolgt Musk dabei? Müssen wir uns Sorgen machen und wie kann die EU darauf reagieren?

Video verfügbar bis zum 16/02/2025

Musk ist ein Mann-Kind. Sein Reichtum ist eine Sache, seine Meinungen eine andere. Nur weil Musk extrem reich ist, heißt das nicht, daß seine politischen Ideen überlegen sind. Das sind sie eindeutig nicht.

Es wäre viel besser für Musk, für Europa und für die Welt, wenn Musk seine abscheulichen Meinungen für sich behielte. Geld zu haben ist eine Sache, zu versuchen, die Richtung der Weltpolitik zu beeinflussen, ist etwas ganz anderes.

Kürzlich sprach er mit Alice Weidel von der AfD. Es wurde so viel Unsinn geredet und so viele Lügen verbreitet. Weidel versuchte zu sagen, daß Adolf Hitler ein Linker war. Einmal nannte sie ihn sogar einen Kommunisten! Nichts könnte ferner von der Wahrheit sein! Adolf Hitler haßte Kommunisten und Sozialisten. Tatsächlich ließ er sie foltern! Ja, seine politische Partei – die NSDAP – hatte das Wort „sozialistisch“ im Namen, aber das bedeutet keineswegs, dass sie sozialistischen Prinzipien folgte. Ganz im Gegenteil.

Elon Musk ist für viele westliche Staats- und Regierungschefs mittlerweile zu einem Ärgernis geworden. Es wäre besser, wenn er den Mund hielte. Es wäre besser für ihn, weiterhin Geld zu verdienen und die Politik den Politikern zu überlassen. – © Mark Alexander

New META Rules Allow Calling Queer People Mentally Ill

Jan 10, 2025

Who is really the “ill” one? Mark Zuckerberg is a very rich man. He is also a very weird man. Check this out for his eating habits. Ugh! – © Mark Alexander

Un long manteau noir qui scintille dans la nuit : le look inhabituel de Brigitte Macron lors d’un dîner d’Etat à l’Elysée

MADAME FIGARO : Le 16 janvier au soir, l’épouse du président de la République a osé le long manteau scintillant lors d’un dîner d’État orchestré au palais de l’Élysée.

Emmanuel Macron et Brigitte Macron accueillent le président de la République d’Angola et sa femme pour un dîner d’État au palais présidentiel de l’Élysée. (Paris, le 16 janvier 2025.) DIMITAR DILKOFF / AFP

Dans la froide nuit parisienne, une pluie d’étoiles scintillantes. Jeudi 16 janvier, Brigitte Macron a accueilli avec son époux le président angolais, Joao Lourenço, et sa femme Ana Dias Lourenço, à l’occasion d’un dîner d’État organisé au palais de l’Élysée. Ce soir-là, une fois encore coiffée de son impeccable chignon signature, la femme du président de la République a fait sensation en misant sur une longue robe bleu marine à peine visible sous un imposant manteau noir entièrement brodé de sequins et à col montant. » | Par Brigitte Macron a accueilli avec son époux le président angolais, Joao Lourenço, et sa femme Ana Dias Lourenço, à l’occasion d’un dîner d’État organisé au palais de l’Élysée. Ce soir-là, une fois encore coiffée de son impeccable chignon signature, la femme du président de la République a fait sensation en misant sur une longue robe bleu marine à peine visible sous un imposant manteau noir entièrement brodé de sequins et à col montant. » | Par Augustin Bougro | vendredi 17 janvier 2025

New EU Customs Deal Would 'Strengthen Our Hand' with Trump Say Sir Ed Davey

Jan 17, 2025 | Leader of the Liberal Democrats Sir Ed Davey says responding to a Trump presidency and growing the economy are the "two big problems facing the UK", and negotiating a new customs union with the EU "answers both of those questions".

He also accuses the Conservatives and Reform of being "weak and desperate" in their approach to Donald Trump, but says the Liberal Democrats will "stand up for Britain".

5 Fakten, die ihr über Auschwitz wissen solltet | Terra X

Jan 27, 2021 | Das Vernichtungslager Auschwitz – Endstation für über eine Million Menschen. Wir haben Euch in diesem Video 5 Fakten zusammengefasst, die ihr über Auschwitz wissen solltet: Auschwitz hat Vorläufer. Seit Beginn des Dritten Reiches entstehen überall in Deutschland so genannte Konzentrationslager, kurz KZ, in denen politische Gegner inhaftiert werden. Im Mai 1940 wird in Auschwitz ein weiteres KZ gegründet. Der Ort liegt in Oberschlesien, das nach dem Sieg über Polen von Deutschland annektiert wurde. Die SS, Adolf Hitlers Terrortruppe, nutzt hierzu eine ehemalige polnische Kaserne, die nach bewährtem Muster umgebaut wird. Ein Jahr später, 1941, lässt der Führer der SS, Heinrich Himmler in Auschwitz ein weiteres Lager bauen. Es liegt drei Kilometer entfernt vom bereits bestehenden KZ, das nun Stammlager genannt wird, beim Dorf Brzezinka, das die Deutschen Birkenau nennen. Das Lager wird daher Auschwitz-Birkenau oder Auschwitz 2 genannt. Hier entsteht eine Architektur des Mordes. Die SS organisiert die Vernichtung von Menschen mit industrieller Perfektion: Die Opfer werden per Zug ins Lager deportiert. Ab Frühjahr 1944 führen die Bahngleise bis in den Lagerkomplex hinein. So können die Deportierten direkt im Zielort in Empfang genommen werden. SS-Ärzte teilen die Ankommenden auf der Rampe in arbeitsfähig und nicht-arbeitsfähig ein. Alte, Kranke und Kinder gelten grundsätzlich als nicht-arbeitsfähig. Nach der „Aussortierung“ werden die Opfer zum Duschen geschickt. Die Duschköpfe an der Decke sind Attrappen. Entscheidend sind die umgitterten Käfige, die vom Boden zu einer Luke in der Decke reichen. Es sind Einwurfschächte für das Gift Zyklon B. Rund 30 Minuten dauert der Todeskampf der Menschen. Danach werden ihre Leichen von der Gaskammer zu den Öfen gebracht, wo sie verbrannt werden. Alles ist unter einem Dach – eine systematische Vernichtung. Für diejenigen, die bei der Ankunft nicht „aussortiert“ werden, beginnt die Zwangsarbeit, manche von ihnen werden an die deutsche Kriegsindustrie verkauft. Die Opfer werden nicht nur ermordet und ausgebeutet. Sie werden auch beraubt. Ihr letztes Eigentum wird erst in riesigen Mengen gesammelt und sortiert. Danach wird es in Zügen nach Deutschland geschickt und dort verwertet. Anfang 1945 steht Deutschland kurz vor der Niederlage. Am 27. Januar befreien Sowjetsoldaten das Lager kampflos. Sie finden grauenvolle Beweise des Verbrechens, die die Täter vor ihrer Flucht nicht beseitigen konnten. Und sie stoßen auf lebende Zeugen: 6000 entkräftete Häftlinge, die die SS bei ihrer Flucht zurückgelassen hat. Die Erinnerung an das Grauen von Auschwitz bleibt in den Überlebenden lebendig, bis heute.

Dieses Video ist eine Produktion des ZDF.

Why Elon Musk Is a Danger to Europe

Jan 16, 2025

Ex-Pakistan PM Imran Khan Jailed for 14 Years in Corruption Case | BBCNews

Jan 17, 2025 | Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has been sentenced to 14 years in prison over a corruption case, in the latest of a series of charges laid against him.

It is the longest valid jail sentence the cricket star-turned-politician, who has been detained since August 2023, has received.

He has faced charges in over 100 cases, ranging from leaking state secrets to selling state gifts - all of which he has denounced as politically motivated.

The latest case has been described by Pakistani authorities as the largest the country has seen.

Scholz kritisiert Musks Unterstützung für Rechtsaußen-Parteien

Jan 17, 2025 | Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz findet klare Worte: Die politische Einmischung von Elon Musk zugunsten rechter Parteien in Europa sei „inakzeptabel“. Dabei stehe nicht Musks Recht auf Meinungsäußerung in Frage, sondern dessen inhaltliche Positionen. © REUTERS

The World Order Is about to Change as President Musk Seizes Office

Jan 17, 2025 | Trump, Musk, Vance, Putin and Orbán seize American freedom as 'day one' approaches and democracy dies in darkness. Anthony Davis reports.

Five Minute News can be supported on Patreon here.

Trumps neue Weltordnung – Angriff auf die Verbündeten? | maybrit illner vom 16. Januar 2025

Jan 17, 2025 | Donald Trump zum zweiten: Der Milliardär wird zum 47. US-Präsidenten vereidigt. Einblicke in seine außenpolitischen Pläne gab er bereits vorab: In Panama, Grönland und Kanada macht man sich auf etwas gefasst. Derweil attackiert Trumps Partner Elon Musk auf seiner Plattform X europäische Verbündete wie Großbritannien oder Deutschland. Hier mischt er sich in den Bundestagswahlkampf ein und beleidigt Bundespräsident, Kanzler und Minister. Kritik an Putin, Xi oder Nordkorea? Fehlanzeige.

Maybrit Illner diskutiert mit ihren Gästen über die Fragen: Welche geopolitischen Ziele verfolgt der neue, alte US-Präsident? Was bedeuten sie für die Ukraine und für Europa? Welche Auswirkungen können sie auf den Ausgang der Wahlen bei uns haben? Was kann, was muss Deutschland tun?

Banker, Investor, Prime Minister? Mark Carney Bids to Lead Canada.

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The former governor of the Canadian and British central banks announced he was running to become head of the Liberal Party and prime minister.

Mark Carney, a banker who served as an informal economic adviser to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, announced that he was vying to be leader of Canada’s Liberal Party. | Sean Kilpatrick/The Canadian Press, via Associated Press

Mark Carney, one of the world’s most prominent central bankers and an evangelist of green investment, announced on Thursday that he was running to be leader of Canada’s Liberal Party and the country’s next prime minister. If he wins, he would lead the party into national elections this year.

“I’m here to ask for your support,” Mr. Carney, 59, said as he announced his candidacy in Edmonton, Alberta. “I’m here to earn your trust.’’

Mr. Carney also said the country faced major challenges that he was prepared to take on. “My generation of Canadians is lucky,” he said. “We had a good time. A time to prosper. The system that our parents built worked well for us. But those good old times, my friends, are over. Our times are anything but ordinary.”

Canadian politics have been in turmoil since Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s announcement this month that he intended to step down, leaving the job after nearly a decade in power amid the steady fading of his once starry global profile.

Mr. Trudeau leaves a treacherous legacy to any successor: The party is in tatters, with the opposition Conservatives leading the Liberals by more than 25 percentage points in recent opinion polls as voters have grown disenchanted with the country’s direction.

Mr. Carney, who served as an informal economic adviser to Mr. Trudeau during the pandemic, is seeking to portray himself as an outsider and distance himself from Mr. Trudeau’s recent policy struggles, including soaring housing costs, an overstretched health care system and high prices for everyday goods. » | Vjosa Isai and Matina Stevis-Gridneff | Reporting from Toronto | Thursday, January 16, 2025

I feel sure that Mark Carney would make a great prime minister of Canada. If he gets elected, wouldn't it be a wonderful idea for the USA to be subsumed into the great country of Canada? The USA could be made either Canada's eleventh province, or it could be broken up into a few provinces and territories. Whichever way the annexation is executed, the Americans would be the winners. For starters, Americans would be entitled to free, first-class healthcare, a safer and more civilised country to live in, a country similar to their own country but with a European sophistication and flavour. Canada doesn't need a MACGA movement, because Canada never lost its greatness in the first place!

Go for it, Mr. Carney! Be gentle on Trump, don't threaten to invade, just do a deal with him. And when you do that deal, outmanoeuvre him. Show Mr. Trump that you understand the 'art of the deal' as well as he does!

Executed well, this could be a win-win situation for both parties. – © Mark Alexander

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Trump's Cabinet Nominees Are an Embarrassment to Americans | The Warning with Steve Schmidt

Jan 16, 2025 | After Pete Hegseth and Pam Bondi's confirmation hearings, it's clear the American people are going to be given whatever Trump wants. Steve Schmidt breaks down the cabinet hearings and looks at what will happen if (or when) they're confirmed.

How will anyone ever be able to look up to the USA anymore for sensible and moral direction and leadership? With Pete Hegseth in charge as US Secretary of Defense, are we even going to be able feel safe in our beds at night anymore? Are we even going to be able to sleep soundly? In Trump’s first term in office, he bragged about choosing “only the best people” for positions of State. So, what happened to that notion? Why has Trump now, for his second term, chosen people who are ill-equipped and ill-qualified for the positions he wants to bestow on them?

It grieves me to have to say this, but now, because of Donald Trump & Co, I have lost all respect for America. And I speak as a man who had the greatest respect for the nation before. Trump has made, and will continue to make, a laughing stock of that once great nation. – © Mark Alexander

The History of Christianity and Homophobia | Sir Noel Malcolm: The History of Homosexuality (2/4)

Jan 16, 2025 | How has Judaism and Christianity understood and treated homosexuality throughout history? Throughout this fascinating lecture, learn how the answer is that it was radically different and varied across time and place. Discover the influence theology has had in the development of how various romantic acts were legally categorised.

Sir Noel Malcolm is a British historian and author, known for his work in early modern history and the relationship between Europe and the Islamic world. He's a Senior Research Fellow at All Souls College, Oxford, and has written extensively on Thomas Hobbes, among other subjects. Knighted in 2014, he's also a Fellow of the British Academy and the Royal Society of Literature

Part 1 of this lecture is to be found here.

US-Außenpolitik unter Trump: Gilt ab jetzt das Recht des Stärkeren? | Auf den Punkt

Jan 16, 2025 | Donald Trump zieht zum zweiten Mal ins Weiße Haus ein – als Präsident der USA übernimmt er eines der mächtigsten Ämter der Welt.

Wohin wird Trump die Weltmacht steuern mit seinem "America first"? Im Ausland gibt es einerseits die Hoffnung, dass Trump gelingen könnte, was seine Vorgänger nicht geschafft haben: Die Kriege in der Ukraine (und im Nahen Osten) zu beenden. Jüngste Äußerungen zu Grönland und Kanada lassen wiederum Zweifel an Amerikas Zuverlässigkeit als Bündnispartner aufkommen. Was steckt dahinter?

Wir fragen: US-Außenpolitik unter Trump: Gilt ab jetzt das Recht des Stärkeren?

Thorsten Benner, Mitgründer und Direktor des Global Public Policy Instituts
Moritz Gathmann, Auslandsreporter beim Stern
Melinda Crane, langjährige Senior Political Analyst der DW

They’re Coming After Marriage Equality Now

Jan 10, 2025

The backwardness of US Republicans reminds me of my late grandmother who always used to say about such negative decisions: “What do you expect from a donkey but a kick?” 😀 – © Mark Alexander

European Union Moving Right? | Documentary

Jan 13, 2025 | Far-right parties are on the rise in Europe, both in the European elections and in national elections. In the European Parliament, they have never had so many MEPs and they are making themselves heard, particularly on migration policy. But how much influence do they really have?

European Union Moving Right? | Documentary
Available until 01/11/2025

Trump Will Destroy Everything (Because He Believes Nothing)

Jan 11, 2025

Europe’s ‘Holiday from History Is Now Over’, Finnish President Stubb Tells Euronews

Jan 14, 2025 | "It is in our vested self-interest to promote and spend more on defence," Finnish president Alexander Stubb tells Euronews.

How Historians Study Gay History | Sir Noel Malcolm: The History of Homosexuality (1/4)

Jan 14, 2025 | The same romantic behaviours have been categoried in radically different ways by varying cultures throughout history. This has created numerous issues for professional historians when trying to understand the historical homosexuality. In this lecture, these issues are covered as well as the stark differences in who was considered sexually 'deviant' in the High Islamic Age as well as The Renaissance Mediterranean.

Sir Noel Malcolm is a British historian and author, known for his work in early modern history and the relationship between Europe and the Islamic world. He's a Senior Research Fellow at All Souls College, Oxford, and has written extensively on Thomas Hobbes, among other subjects. Knighted in 2014, he's also a Fellow of the British Academy and the Royal Society of Literature

NZZ erklärt: Feuer in Kalifornien: Diese drei Probleme machen das Löschen extrem schwierig

Jan 16, 2025 | Die Waldbrände in Kalifornien sind die teuersten in der Geschichte der USA. Kalifornien ist Waldbrände eigentlich gewohnt. Dennoch standen die Feuerwehrleute den Flammen lange hilflos gegenüber. Wie konnte das passieren? NZZ-Korrespondentin Marie-Astrid Langer ordnet ein.

USA: Prohibition Is Ratified by the States | 1919

HISTORY.COM: The 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, prohibiting the “manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors for beverage purposes,” is ratified by the requisite number of states on January 16, 1919.

The movement for the prohibition of alcohol began in the early 19th century, when Americans concerned about the adverse effects of drinking began forming temperance societies. By the late 19th century, these groups had become a powerful political force, campaigning on the state level and calling for total national abstinence. In December 1917, the 18th Amendment, also known as the Prohibition Amendment, was passed by Congress and sent to the states for ratification. » | History.COM Editors | Thursday, January 16, 2025

Democracy Now! Top US & World Headlines — January 16, 2025

Democracy Now! can be supported here.

El Pastificio de Nicola: Busecca alla milanese (Milanese-style Tripe)

Jul 7, 2023

For the full recipe, click here and then click on ‘more’.

Mehdi Hasan: Elon Musk Is a ‘White Supremacist and Fascist Enabler’

Jan 15, 2025 | “With Musk, I think he has red-pilled himself in plain sight.”

Mehdi Hasan says he’s always found Elon Musk has become a “white supremacist and enabler of fascists”. In conversation with Hugo Rifkind, they discuss the Israel-Hamas war, Trump, and if he has plans to return to the UK.

Musk vs Albanese: The Election Showdown

Jan 15, 2025 | Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has issued a stark warning to Elon Musk ahead of the federal election, reminding him of foreign interference laws, but will the billionaire heed the call?

The Washington Note's Editor Steve Clemons explains.

Elon Musk is a man-child who thinks far more of himself than he ought to. He is a dangerous force whose wings need to be clipped before he does some serious damage. The man-child is sickening. – © Mark Alexander

Hollyoaks Star Paul Danan Dies Aged 46

THE TELEGRAPH: Actor, who also appeared on Celebrity Love Island, collapsed last year after his vape addiction caused respiratory failure

Paul Danan, the Hollyoaks star, has died after a health battle from “obsessive vaping”.

The actor’s management confirmed the 46-year-old’s death on Thursday morning.

Danan, who featured in the Channel 4 soap from 1997 to 2001, last year revealed that he collapsed after his vape addiction caused respiratory failure.

He was rushed to hospital and eventually revived with CPR, where doctors told him he needed to quit.

Speaking at the time, he said vaping had “pushed him over the edge” as he wrongly thought it was a “safer way to smoke”. » | Tom McArdle | Thursday, January 16, 2025

Smoking conventional cigarettes is, in my opinion, far safer than vaping. Politicians and quacks have been very wrong and totally irresponsible to push vaping as a safer alternative to smoking cigarettes. They are pushing a product which we know far too little about.

It is clear to me, and it should be clear to you, that e-cigarettes are bound to be unhealthier than cigarettes, and for several reasons. Firstly, they are full of plastics – imagine inhaling all that gunge into your lungs! Secondly, people who vape do so incessantly! They hold their e-cigarettes constantly in their hands and puff on them forevermore. This is not how a normal smoker smokes. When you smoke a cigarette, you smoke it, enjoy it, inhale the smoke, get the pleasure, and then stub it out. Then, for a not too heavy smoker, time elapses before you light another one. The people I have observed vaping do so constantly.

This poor actor clearly bought into the lies that politicians and quacks have fed him. May the poor man rest in peace.

This war on conventional cigarette-smoking needs to stop. Of course it is better not to smoke in an ideal world. Unfortunately, we don’t live in an ideal world. People seek out their pleasures and their kicks. And when cigarettes are now so expensive and when it has become virtually impossible to smoke anywhere but in one’s own home, they turn to other sources of pleasure. And most of those sources of pleasure are even unhealthier than cigarette-smoking.

This social engineering must stop. The health of the nation is at stake. – © Mark Alexander

Biden Warns of American Oligarchy in Final Address

Jan 16, 2025 | President Joe Biden concluded his five-decade political career on Wednesday with a final Oval Office address, with a stark warning about the growing concentration of wealth in the United States.

He also cautioned against the rise of a "tech industrial complex," which he said is fueling an "avalanche of misinformation and disinformation" and enabling abuses of power. The free press, he added with concern, "is crumbling."

Five Minute News can be supported on Patreon here.

Joe Biden Warns ‘Oligarchy Is Taking Shape in America’ in Farewell Address

THE GUARDIAN: President sounds alarm about growing power of ultra-wealthy before handing presidency back to Trump

Joe Biden’s final address to the nation struck an ominous tone after warning of the growing power of America’s ultra-wealthy, and cautioning that an emerging oligarchy threatens the foundations of US democracy.

The Wednesday prime-time Oval Office speech came as Biden prepares to hand the presidency back to Donald Trump, who he defeated in 2020 only to see return to power after Biden’s own dramatic exit from politics last summer.

“Today, an oligarchy is taking shape in America of extreme wealth, power and influence that literally threatens our entire democracy, our basic rights and freedoms, and a fair shot for everyone to get ahead,” Biden said. » | Joseph Gedeon in Washington | Thursday, January 16, 2025

America is ALREADY an oligarchy, Mr President. Oligarchy has been in the making for a very long time. America has been governed for the benefit of the rich for years. Trump has dotted all the 'i's' and crossed all the 't's'. He's completed the task.

Lincoln’s famous phrase, “Government of the people, by the people, for the people’ is passé now. Trump has changed all that. And it hasn’t taken him long to do so, either. From here on in, it’s ‘government of the superrich, by the superrich, for the superrich’. “The people” will get the crumbs that fall under their masters’ tables – if the are lucky!

The American political system has been usurped and poisoned, probably forever. Democracy has been supplanted by oligarchy. You call it oligarchy; I prefer to call it plutocracy, since it is a more accurate nomenclature.

In any case, darkness has befallen your nation, Mr President. America is no longer a “City upon a Hill” as has so often been quoted by many a president or a president-elect; it is no longer a beacon – a shining light in the distance; rather, it is a source of darkness in the distance. And that dark shadow will surely now be cast upon the rest of the free world. Enlightened thinking is already in the process of being replaced by benighted thinking. Ignorance is taking hold. It is already discernable right across the free world. Even here in Europe. Gee! Thanks America! You've done the free world proud. – © Mark Alexander

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

UK Should Seek New Customs Union with EU, Lib Dems to Say

THE GUARDIAN: Leader Ed Davey to call for talks to begin immediately, urging ministers to be ‘far more positive, far more ambitious’

The Liberal Democrats are to call for the government to seek a formal customs union with the EU to boost growth and insulate the UK from the impacts of a Trump presidency, a move that will place new pressure on Keir Starmer over Europe.

The changed Lib Dem stance – the party’s election manifesto argued only for closer links with Europe – will be made by its leader, Ed Davey, in a speech in London on Thursday.

Calling for talks to begin immediately on a customs union, with a target of 2030 for it to come into force, Davey says ministers should be “far more positive, far more ambitious” rather than “tinkering around the edges of the botched [Brexit] deal the Conservatives signed four years ago”. The Liberal Democrats are to call for the government to seek a formal customs union with the EU to boost growth and insulate the UK from the impacts of a Trump presidency, a move that will place new pressure on Keir Starmer over Europe.

The changed Lib Dem stance – the party’s election manifesto argued only for closer links with Europe – will be made by its leader, Ed Davey, in a speech in London on Thursday. Calling for talks to begin immediately on a customs union, with a target of 2030 for it to come into force, Davey says ministers should be “far more positive, far more ambitious” rather than “tinkering around the edges of the botched [Brexit] deal the Conservatives signed four years ago”. » | Peter Walker, Senior political correspondent | Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Kyle Kulinski Obliterates Elon and the Oligarch's Plot to Rob Us Blind

Jan 15, 2025 | n this fiery video, Kyle Kulinski of Secular Talk explains how Elon Musk and the other oligarchs and plutocrats plans to rob us blind. On his show, Kyle Kulinski points out Professor Scott Galloway's appearances on CNN and Morning Joe.

Kyle Kulinksi and Scott Galloway describe just how disgusting Elon and the other figures in Trump's upcoming administration are. Scott Galloway does something that is rarely done on mainstream news - he says that being rich doesn't make you any happier. Kyle Kulinski provides his analysis of what Galloway revealed. It's Kyle Kulinski's assertion that things could get very bad in our country from an economic standpoint, and people will start to fight back.

This is a must-watch to understand what Kyle Kulinski and Scott Galloway had to say!

The USA has been turned into a sewer. Unfortunately, dumb Westerners continue to look up to the country and its corrupt ways.

They need to avert their gaze eastwards! America can no longer teach the West anything of value. The big idea for the West is democracy. America is no longer a democracy; rather, it is a plutocracy. Some prefer the term oligarchy. Whichever term you prefer, one thing is for sure: it is far away from democracy. America is now ruled by the rich, for the rich, and for the exclusive benefit of the rich. – © Mark Alexander

Pete Hegseth's Confirmation Hearing Was a Joke | The Warning with Steve Schmidt

Jan 15, 2025 | After yesterday's confirmation hearing for Pete Hegseth, it's clear Trump's nominees will be given a free ride. Steve Schmidt breaks down the most appalling moments of the hearing and looks at who might be able to prevent Hegseth's confirmation.

The USA no longer deserves our respect or reverence. Sadly! Its standards in public life are in the tank. The American century is rapidly coming to its end. – © Mark Alexander

How Global Autocrats Will OWN Trump | Anne Applebaum

Jan 13, 2025 | Anne Applebaum, Pulitzer prize winning historian and writer for The Atlantic, joins David to discuss her book Autocracy, Inc.: The Dictators Who Want to Run the World

Dr Daniel Lacalle: Inflation Expectations Soar: Protect Your Wealth

Jan 15, 2025

Bannon Savages Elon Musk in Brutal Takedown!

Jan 13, 2025 | Bannon has launched a vicious attack on Elon Musk.

Do Starmer and Reeves Have a ‘Big Idea’ to Save the Economy?

Amid turmoil in the bond market and a plummeting pound, Sir Keir Starmer has had to defend his chancellor Rachel Reeves while dealing with the resignation of the former anti-corruption minister Tulip Siddiq. So, can Keir Starmer and Rachel Reeves turn it around?

The Prime Minister says it will take 10 years to solve some of the chronic issues facing the UK, but will he even get a second term with Labour's support sliding in the polls and Nigel Farage's Reform UK breathing down his neck?

In this episode of the Fourcast, Matt Frei is joined by the Financial Times’ columnist Katie Martin, psephologist Luke Try and Channel 4 News' political editor Gary Gibbon.

Produced by Calum Fraser, Silvia Maresca and Ka Yee Mak.

"China Will Destroy the USA" – Yanis Varoufakis

Jan 14, 2025 | Yanis Varoufakis examines the escalating rivalry between China and the United States, predicting how China’s rapid economic and technological advancements could challenge, and potentially surpass, American global dominance. In this gripping analysis, Varoufakis explores China's strategic investments, its role as a manufacturing powerhouse, and its growing influence in international markets. He contrasts this with the U.S.’s struggles with economic inequality, political polarization, and reliance on outdated systems. Is America prepared for the rise of China, or is a seismic power shift inevitable? Discover what Varoufakis sees as the future of this high-stakes competition.

Trump Says He Wants Control of Danish Island of Greenland

Jan 14, 2025

Daniel Gritzer: Lomo Saltado – Peruvian Stir-fried Beef with Onion, Tomatoes, and French Fries | Serious Eats

”Tender slices of deeply seared beef, blistery onions, juicy tomatoes, and crispy French-fried potatoes unite in this classic Chinese-Peruvian stir-fry.”

Mayy 28, 2019 | When Chinese immigrants arrived in Peru more than a century ago, they brought their cooking with them, and it didn't take long for a new, hybrid Chinese-Peruvian cuisine, called chifa, to emerge. This dish of stir-fried beef with tomatoes, onion, and French fries in a savory brown sauce is one of the most famous of the chifa tradition, cooked throughout Peru and around the world today.

The secret to success is knowing how to stir-fry properly, which at home often means dividing ingredients into very small batches to guarantee that they sear instead of just steaming. For the best flavor, you'll want to toss the wok or pan over an open flame, allowing the contents to briefly catch fire. But if that makes you nervous, it's okay to avoid the pyrotechnics.

Get the full recipe here.

German Economy Shrinks for Second Year in a Row

THE GUARDIAN: First consecutive year of declining GDP since early 2000s highlights challenges facing next government

Germany’s economy has shrunk for a second consecutive year for the first time in more than two decades, highlighting the challenges the next government will face after snap elections in February.

As voters prepare to head to the polls amid heightened political uncertainty in Europe’s largest economy, official figures showed gross domestic product fell by 0.2% last year after dropping by 0.3% in 2023.

The figures represent only the second two-year contraction in the German economy since the 1950s, after it shrank in 2002 and 2003.

“The early 2000s were the last time Germany received the very flattering title of ‘sick man of Europe’. History doesn’t repeat but it rhymes,” said Carsten Brzeski, an analyst at the Dutch bank ING. » | Richard Partington, Economics correspondent | Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Democracy Now! Democrats Grill Pete Hegseth on Rape Allegation, Drunkenness and Women in Combat

Jan 15, 2025 | Pete Hegseth, Donald Trump's pick to become defense secretary, appears to be moving toward confirmation after a contentious Senate hearing on Tuesday. He was grilled over his alleged history of sexual misconduct, reports of frequent public drunkenness at work, financial mismanagement at veterans' organizations he led, and statements he has made disparaging women, LGBTQ people and others in the military. Hegseth's confirmation can only be blocked if three or more Republicans join Democrats in opposing the former Fox News host, but so far the party appears aligned behind Trump's nominee. Watch the highlights from Tuesday's Senate confirmation hearing.

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Democracy Now! Top US & World Headlines — January 15, 2025

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Is Poland at the Helm of European Security? | Documentary

Jan 15, 2025 | On 1st January 2025, Poland took over the Council of the European Union presidency. European security is its top priority. With its aggressive war against Ukraine, Russia once again represents a threat for Poland and for Europe. The Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk has made it clear that Europe shouldn't rely on its own forces and try to defend itself without America.

Is Poland at the helm of European security? | Documentary
Available until 30/12/2025

Eat High Fat: Get Rid of Insulin Resistance Once & For All | Dr Robert Lustig

Jan 12, 2025 | Dr Lustig discusses the best way to fix insulin resistance and the 5 types of fat you need to eat.

In this episode, my guest is Dr. Robert Lustig, M.D., neuroendocrinologist, professor of pediatrics at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), and a bestselling author on nutrition and metabolic health. We discuss how to fix insulin resistance, the 3 ways you can become insulin resistant, and nutritional protocols to fix insulin resistance without medications.

Michelle Obama to Skip Trump Inauguration

Jan 15, 2025 | Former first lady Michelle Obama will not attend Donald Trump’s inauguration next week, her office said, without providing an explanation for her decision.

“Former President Barack Obama is confirmed to attend the 60th Inaugural Ceremonies. Former First Lady Michelle Obama will not attend the upcoming inauguration,” a statement from the Office of Barack and Michelle Obama said.

The decision to forgo attendance at Trump’s formal swearing-in is a break with tradition for the ceremony, in which former presidents and their wives typically participate. Former President George W. Bush and Laura Bush will attend the inauguration, his office said, and sources familiar told CNN that former President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton also will be there.

Drogues : plus d'un million d'usagers de cocaïne en France en 2023, un record

LE FIGARO : Les chiffres restent relativement stables sur le cannabis, drogue la plus consommée du pays, avec 5 millions d’usagers dans l’année. L’usage de MDMA/ecstasy a quant à lui bondi.

La demande en cocaïne n'a jamais été aussi forte : 1,1 million de personnes en ont consommé au moins une fois dans l'année en 2023 en France, montre la dernière étude de l'Observatoire français des drogues et des tendances addictives (OFDT) publiée ce mercredi 15 janvier. Ce chiffre a presque doublé depuis le précédent rapport de l'OFDT dressant, avec les données les plus récentes, le panorama de la demande, de l'offre et de la réponse publique en matière de drogues et d'addictions. Selon ce rapport paru en 2022, la France comptait 600.000 usagers dans l'année. » | Par Le Figaro avec AFP | mercredi 15 janvier 2025

Trump vor Inauguration: „Musks Geist ist aus der Flasche“ - F.A.Z. Podcast für Deutschland

Jan 14, 2025 | In einer Woche ist Schlüsselübergabe im Weißen Haus. Was können wir von Trumps zweiter Amtszeit als US-Präsident erwarten und wie viel Einfluss hat sein Buddy und Tech-Milliardär Elon Musk?

Pete Hegseth Grilled over Misconduct in Senate Hearing.

Jan 15, 2025 | Pete Hegseth, Donald Trump’s contentious nominee for U.S. Secretary of Defense, faced a Senate confirmation hearing on Tuesday amid intense scrutiny over allegations of sexual assault, excessive alcohol consumption, and financial misconduct. Anthony Davis reports.

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Farage and Truss Attend UK Launch of US Climate Denial Group

THE GUARDIAN: British arm of Heartland, which has taken oil and Republican funding, to be led by ex-Ukip head Lois Perry

Climate science deniers are lining up a political offensive in Britain after a US lobby group opened a UK branch which is already working with Nigel Farage.

The Reform UK leader was the guest of honour at the launch of Heartland UK/Europe, which is to be headed by a former leader of Ukip and climate denier.

The former prime minister Liz Truss was seen at the event in London, alongside current Tory MPs Andrew Griffith, who is the shadow trade minister, and Christopher Chope.

The establishment of this UK branch of the Heartland Institute – which has links to the incoming Trump administration and has drawn on funding from companies including ExxonMobil and wealthy US Republican donors – comes as Farage seeks to make hostility to net zero a centrepiece of Reform’s electoral pitch. Reform MPs have used speaking time in parliament to push for the scrapping of net zero targets and to call for new coalmines. » | Helena Horton and Ben Quinn | Wednesday, January 15, 2025

This gathering must have been the chumps’ night out! It’s surprising what you find when you upturn a few rocks and stones: fossils galore and prehistoric woodlice! – © Mark Alexander

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Jeffrey Sachs: The US Is Leading Us Closer to Nuclear War | The InnerView

Jan 13, 2025 | World-renowned economist Jeffrey Sachs tells Imran Garda he doesn’t trust the US — its intentions, foreign policy, or direction — no matter the administration. He says that the United States is steering the world toward disaster.

As he castigates America, the Columbia University professor denies that this has made him an apologist for countries like China and Russia.

Rather than Israel being an extension of US policy in the region, Sachs provocatively declares that Benjamin Netanyahu is steering American policy with Israel’s wars in Gaza, Lebanon and even had a hand in earlier wars such as Iraq.

He also argues that western countries, led by the US, and not Vladimir Putin, are ultimately to blame for starting Russia’s war in Ukraine.

An advisor to UN Secretaries General and governments around the world, Sachs gives us some personal insights into his own experience of what he says was a CIA orchestrated coup in Haiti, and how he decodes the intentions of those he is certain are taking us ever closer to global nuclear catastrophe.

American Pie : Don McLean - Remastered 2020

Feb 9, 2020

A song from America when America was truly a land of freedom, a land of hope, and a land of progressive thought. That was before the far-right fossils took over and started steering the country into darkness.

Truth to tell, America has never been able to recover its equilibrium since the heinous crime of 9/11. Ever since that fateful date, Americans have totally lost their way; and it is doubtful that the USA will ever be the same again. I am old enough to remember the USA to be the country that all other Western countries aspired to follow. Sadly for Americans, those days are long gone. – © Mark Alexander

Argentina’s Economy in Crisis, Soup Kitchens Struggle after Government Spending Cuts

Sep 13, 2024 | Argentina's economic crisis has led to widespread poverty, affecting over half of the population. Soup kitchens, essential to many struggling families, are facing shortages after the government halted a food distribution program in December as part of a major cost cutting effort. President Javier Milei is being urged to reinstate the program to address the urgent needs of the country's most vulnerable citizens. The situation is deteriorating, with many families relying solely on soup kitchens for their meals. Inflation, high unemployment, and budget cuts continue to exacerbate the hardship.

Javier Milei is another unfeeling, cruel clown who wants to “fix” the economy even if half of the population of Argentina has to starve to death for him to achieve his desired results! The secret of running a successful economy is to get good economic results with the minimum of hardship and suffering.

I recently watched a documentary on Milei’s anarcho-capitalistic policies and what Argentinians thought of them. It was very clear to me that the people who thought his policies were good were all well-heeled individuals living in beautiful homes. When the government’s policies have minimal impact on your lifestyle, it is easy to be uncritical of them. But for those who are dependent on assistance, for those who are suffering shortages, it’s a different story.

I said from the very start that this experiment will end in tears. I still believe it will. I stand by my original assessment. – © Mark Alexander

Princess of Wales Tells of 'Tough' Cancer Treatment as She Meets Patients | BBC News

Jan 14, 2025 | The Princess of Wales has revealed she is in remission from cancer after making an emotional return to the hospital where she received treatment.

In a message posted on social media, Catherine spoke of her "relief" and said she remained "focused on recovery".

"As anyone who has experienced a cancer diagnosis will know, it takes time to adjust to a new normal. I am however looking forward to a fulfilling year ahead," the princess wrote in the post, which she signed off as "C".

Earlier, on a visit to the Royal Marsden Hospital in west London, Catherine thanked staff and empathised with cancer patients about the "tough" treatment but reassured them there was "light at the end of that tunnel".

Reform UK MP Wants to Kill the NHS by Opting Out?

Jan 14, 2025 | Is the NHS safe in the hands of Nigel Farage and Reform UK? Well, according to Rupert Lowe MP, it is a beast on the backs of British people and they should be allowed to opt out of what he called a centrally planned system. However what Reform would like is something akin to what is in place in the US, a private health insurance model which see thousands go bankupt due to medical bills each year.

Clearly, Rupert Lowe is an ignorant man! An ignorant man in a party led by a numbskull!

So, if this man opts out of the NHS, what happens to him if he is involved in a car accident? When a person is in a car accident, regardless of whether he/she has private health insurance or not, the person is taken to the NEAREST NHS HOSPITAL. There is no time to drive the injured patient to a private hospital of his choice. Even if the injured person has the most expensive health insurance available, he/she will be driven poste haste to the nearest NHS hospital – and free of charge. By contrast, when I once needed an ambulance in the States to take me to the nearest hospital which was only five miles down the road, I ended up with a bill of approximately $650 — that was about thirteen years ago — for the one-way trip. At the time, I could have flown from Boston to Heathrow second class cheaper! So much for the American private healthcare system!

The NHS is no longer as good as it used to be, largely because of Cameron and his Conservative henchmen who imposed austerity on the nation, but it can be improved again. And it will. It must be. Let the Americans have their hugely expensive private healthcare system, and we’ll stick to the NHS. Even with an NHS, it is still possible to have private medical care on top of it. But this is usually used for elective medical care rather than for emergencies.

It seems to me that all that was good about this country is under attack now from the far right. We must resist their attempts to destroy the UK. – © Mark Alexander

Ham Makes Brazilian Chicken Stroganoff | NYT Cooking

Sep 13, 2024 | Watch Ham El-Waylly make Brazilian stroganoff, a riff on the classic Russian American beef, mushroom and sour cream stew that was considered peak haute cuisine in the United States during the 1950s. In Brazil, stroganoff is often made with beef, chicken or shrimp, but with a tomato base and heavy cream instead of sour cream. The biggest difference is in the accompaniments: The stew is served with rice and topped with crispy potato sticks. Don’t skip the crunchy potato — it’s essential.

Get the recipe here.

MAGA Civil War: Steve Bannon Pledges to Have Elon Musk Run Out of Trump Orbit by Inauguration Day

Jan 14, 2025 | Tim Miller, former RNC Spokesman and host of The Bulwark Podcast and Eddie Glaude, Princeton University Professor, join Nicolle Wallace on Deadline White House to discuss the infighting among Donald Trump’s allies as they pit the different factions of the coalition that got Donald Trump elected for a second time.

Biden Expected to Lower Nicotine Levels in Cigarettes

THE CAROLINA JOURNAL: During the final days of the Biden administration, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is expected to issue a mandate for Very Low-Nicotine (VLN) products. The proposed rule could come as soon as Monday.

As tobacco is such a large part of North Carolina’s agricultural industry, the ban would significantly impact one of the state’s top crops. VLN products would lower the nicotine content by 96% as compared to the majority of cigarette brands dominating the market, according to the FDA.

“The Biden administration’s proposed menthol cigarette ban is a direct attack on North Carolina’s hardworking families, farmers, and small businesses,” said freshman Congressman Pat Harrigan, NC-10. “This ban threatens over 27,000 jobs in our state, many of which have been the backbone of our communities for generations. By eliminating the menthol cigarette industry, the government risks devastating our local economies, pushing products into the black market, and undermining the livelihoods of thousands who rely on this industry to support their families.” » | Katherine Zehnder | Monday, January 13, 2025

Leer en español aquí.


The war on smoking turns to cigarettes with ultralow nicotine: The Biden White House is expected to formally propose a plan ordering cigarette nicotine levels to be reduced dramatically. »

Democracy Now! White Nationalism, Sexual Assault & Corruption: Pete Hegseth Faces Senate Confirmation

Jan 14, 2025 | The confirmation hearing for President-elect Donald Trump's pick for defense secretary, former Fox News host and military veteran Pete Hegseth, begins today amid backlash over his history of sexual assault, misusing funds in his previous positions, and various violations committed while under the influence of alcohol. Hegseth was also one of 12 National Guard members removed as guards for President Biden's 2021 inauguration over possible extremist ties. He has tattoos associated with the white supremacist and neo-Nazi movements, including what's known as a Jerusalem cross, a symbol used by Christian nationalists. If Hegseth is confirmed, "the Trump administration would stand to gain a loyalist," says reporter Alice Herman, who is covering Hegseth in _The Guardian_.

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Democracy Now! Top US & World Headlines — January 14, 2025

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‘Don’t Allow You to Go to the Bathroom’: Big Tech’s Call Center Workers in Greece On Strike

THE GUARDIAN: Workers at Teleperformance, customer support company for Apple, Google and Netflix, accuse it of union busting and surveillance

Call center workers for some of the world’s biggest tech companies including Apple, Google, Microsoft and Netflix are accusing their employer of retaliating against union organisers, constantly surveilling staff and even refusing bathroom breaks.

In the US or Europe, if you call for technical or customer support from a big tech company, you may be speaking with a worker at one of Teleperformance’s call centers in Greece.

Teleperformance, the largest call center operator in the world, employs about 12,000 workers in Greece, serving more than 140 markets around the world in 43 different languages and dialects. The company has seven multi-language hubs in Greece – in Athens, Chania, and Thessaloniki. » | Michael Sainato | Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Churches for Sale | Documentary

Jan 10, 2025 | With declining congregations across Europe, many churches are in danger of closing altogether. But what happens to churches after they shut their doors? How should these often-beautiful buildings be put to new use? A report from Germany and the Netherlands.

Parteitag in Riesa: AfD scheut sich nicht vor noch radikaleren Forderungen | DW Nachrichten

Jan 13, 2025 | Sechs Wochen vor der Bundestagswahl am 23. Februar hat die AfD ihr Wahlprogramm vorgelegt und ihre Kanzlerkandidatin gekürt. Parteichefin Alice Weidel verschärft den Ton und fordert Massenabschiebungen von Asylsuchenden aus Deutschland. Weidel nutzt dafür auch einen bislang umstrittenen Begriff: "Wenn das dann Remigration heißen soll, dann heißt es eben Re-migra-tion."

Ich bin verwirrt. Wie kann Alice Weidel lesbisch und mit einer anderen Frau verheiratet sein und trotzdem nicht zur queeren Community gehören? Das ist einfach nicht möglich. – © Mark Alexander

The British Public Dislikes Elon Musk. He Can Still Sway Politics.

THE NEW YORK TIMES: His influence is partly the result of a very online political establishment, and partly thanks to a right-leaning media that is hostile to Keir Starmer’s Labour government.

Elon Musk at an event hosted by President-elect Donald J. Trump in Palm Beach, Fla., shortly after the U.S. election. | Haiyun Jiang for The New York Times

He is a deeply unpopular figure in Britain, according to opinion polls, and his social media channel has lost users in the country since he took it over in October 2022. Yet when Elon Musk put Britain in his cross hairs on X in recent weeks, pounding the political establishment over a decade-old child sex abuse scandal, he instantly catapulted the issue to the top of the news agenda.

Mr. Musk’s success is rooted in two obvious factors: his mammoth fortune and his alliance with the incoming president of the United States, Donald J. Trump. But it also reflects a British political and media establishment that is divided and deeply in flux, all of which has made Britain easy pickings for an outside influencer with vast resources and a single-minded mission to disrupt.

Britain’s right-leaning newspapers have picked up and amplified Mr. Musk’s call for a new national investigation of young girls who were sexually exploited in several towns in the 2000s, including in Rotherham, where an estimated 1,400 girls were exploited by “grooming gangs” composed largely of British Pakistani men. » | Mark Landler | Reporting from London | Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Être apostat, en 2024, en France : le témoignage de Majid Oukacha

an 14, 2025 | Majid Oukacha, auteur de «Ex-musulman - Le guide de survie», est l'invité de Vincent Roux dans Points de Vue.

Musk macht Weltpolitik: Wird seine Macht zur globalen Gefahr? | Kontraste

Jan 13, 2025 | Der reichste Mann der Welt dominiert derzeit die politische Debatte in Deutschland. Elon Musks Wahlaufruf für die AfD war für viele ein Tabu-Bruch. Doch Musk mischt sich nicht nur in deutsche sondern auch in die Politik anderer Länder ein - wenn er etwa den britischen König Charles zur Auflösung des Parlaments im Vereinigten Königreich auffordert.

Monday, January 13, 2025

The US Is Exploiting Britain | Angus Hanton

Jan 11, 2025 | "The profits go to the US." Angus Hanton says the too much of the UK economy is owned by American companies, like Boots, Manchester United, Cadbury's and Costa Coffee.

We are Europeans, we are NOT Americans. Thank God! FA!

The pro-USA dude speaking in this video — is his name Gabriel? — is talking BS. One should ignore him. – © Mark Alexander

I Am a Committed European

MARK ALEXANDER: I should like to take this opportunity to remind my visitors that I am a totally committed European. I am NOT an American. And nor do I want to be one. The Americans have screwed me over once in my life — BIG TIME — so they will never get another chance to do so. Their despicable behaviour has turned me, a one-time lover of America, into an America-sceptic. Americans talk the talk, but fail miserably to walk the walk.

I have lots of experience of what life is like in America. I have spent lots of time there. Life there is not in accordance with our European way of life. Please be wise enough to refrain from holding the American way of life in such high regard. The European way of life is far, far better, far more cultured, and far healthier, too. Let Americans enjoy their corrupt ways; we can enjoy something better, something healthier, something altogether more cultured and altogether different.

© Mark Alexander
All Rights Reserved

Giorgia Meloni: “I Am a Woman, I Am a Mother, I Am Italian, I Am a Christian…”

Did you know these things? If you didn’t, you do now! I wonder how Giorgia, the Christian, would react if one of her children turned out to be gay? Sono una donna cristiana

Spain Plots 100pc Property Tax to Block Expats from Buying Homes

THE TELEGRAPH: Britons could be hit by exorbitant levy under new measures to fix the country’s housing crisis

British expats will be forced to pay 100pc tax on their holiday home in Spain under new measures to fix the country’s housing crisis.

Spanish prime minister, Pedro Sánchez, announced 12 reforms amid an ongoing row over the impact of foreigners on local house prices.

This includes the introduction of a tax for those from outside the European Union (EU) who do not currently live in Spain.

Proposals from the Spanish government suggest this levy could be as high as 100pc of the value of the home, much higher than current rates. Real estate purchases in Spain are currently subject to 10pc tax on newly-built homes and 6pc on old properties. » | Madeleine Ross, Money Reporter. James Badcock in Madrid | Monday, January 13, 2025

Gosh! This must be another one of those Brexit benefits that that numbskull Farage spoke about! – © Mark Alexander

Sir Keir Starmer Sets Out Plan to Make UK World Leader in AI | BBC News

Jan 13, 2025 | Artificial intelligence (AI) presents a "vast potential" for rejuvenating UK public services, Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has said.

In a speech setting out the government's plans to use AI across the UK to boost growth and deliver services more efficiently, the prime minister said the government had a responsibility to make AI "work for working people".

But the announcement has prompted questions from critics over how much time and money will be needed to make the government's vision a reality, after concerns over current borrowing costs and the pound falling to a recent low.

Democracy Now! Top US & World Headlines — January 13, 2025

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Donald Trump répète vouloir annexer le Groenland

Jan 8, 2025 | Le fils de Donald Trump s’est déplacé au Groenland, mardi 7 janvier, en tant que « touriste ». Le même jour, depuis sa résidence de Mar-a-Lago, en Floride, le président élu américain a tenu une conférence de presse au ton provocateur, réaffirmant son ambition d’annexer le Groenland.

Donald Trump behaves like the quintessential spoiled child. He demands exactly what he wants when he wants it. And if he can't have what he wants, he throws a tantrum.

Donald Trump verhält sich wie das typische verwöhnte Kind. Er verlangt genau das, was er will, wenn er es will. Und wenn er nicht bekommen kann, was er will, bekommt er einen Wutanfall.

Donald Trump se comporte comme l'enfant gâté par excellence. Il exige exactement ce qu'il veut quand il le veut. Et s'il ne peut pas avoir ce qu'il veut, il pique une crise de colère. – © Mark Alexander

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg Bashes Biden, 'Sucks Up' to Trump

Jan 12, 2025 | After ending outside fact-checking on Meta platforms, Mark Zuckerberg slammed the Biden administration's crackdown on Covid disinformation during the pandemic. Status newsletter founder Oliver Darcy shares why Zuckerberg is suddenly giving Donald Trump "exactly what he wants."

Zuckerberg is like the rest of these tech billionaires, he's an arse-kisser, a brown-noser, and arsehole scraper.

These people should never have been allowed to get as wealthy as they have become at our expense. They should have been taxed until the pips squeak. Ordinary folk have to pay their taxes; these people, however, are allowed to get away with not paying their taxes and, as a result, their power has grown exponentially. This is all because politicians of all stripes and hues have had neither the balls nor the spunk to tax them. Now, we ordinary folk will have to pay the inordinately high price for the weaknesses of our so-called leaders. – © Mark Alexander

Feeling Stressed?

May 7, 2024

As Trump Enters the Fray, the Danger Is that a Nationalist Europe Will Fragment, Not Stick Together

THE GUARDIAN: Rightwing leaders such as Meloni and Orbán set themselves up as Trump whisperers – but they only want to preserve their own interests

Afar-right wind is blowing across the Atlantic. While the rise of the populist right in Europe predated Donald Trump’s re-election, far-right parties, leaders and governments across Europe are being bolstered by his imminent return to power, and by Elon Musk’s rising political star. There is some hope that Trump’s presidency could have a unifying effect on Europe – and on issues such as defence policy, I believe it might.

Trump’s apparent disregard for international law, sovereign borders and the US’s Nato allies with his ludicrous threat, even before his second term begins, to annex Greenland by force, drew a swift and unified reaction from France, Germany and Spain, whose leaders made it clear that they are, as you would expect, appalled and standing with Denmark. Germany’s chancellor, Olaf Scholz, said Trump’s remarks had triggered “incomprehension” among European leaders.

But in areas such as trade, technology and space, there is a much higher chance that a more nationalistic Europe, confronted by a predatory divide-and-rule US, will fragment rather than stick together. And this is exactly what the Trump-Musk axis seems to be after. » | Nathalie Tocci | Monday, January 13, 2025

Isn’t it high time that God did His thing? – © Mark Alexander

Trump Deportation Threat Puts US on Collision Course with Vatican

THE GUARDIAN: Pope’s appointment of progressive Robert McElroy comes as rightwing Catholics wield notable influence in US capital

When the Texas attorney general, Ken Paxton, sought to shut down a Catholic charity that was was providing shelter and aid to undocumented migrants at the border, the San Diego cardinal, Robert McElroy, took a robust public stand against the attempt.

“The state of Texas is using governmental pressure to curtail the work of the church in one of its most fundamental obligations: to feed the hungry, to shelter the homeless, and to provide drink to the thirsty,” McElroy said in a statement at the time. “No government can morally tell us to abandon or limit this mission.”

Last week, as billionaires like Mark Zuckerberg adopted policies that seemed designed to ingratiate themselves with the incoming Trump administration, Pope Francis took a different tack when he tapped the Harvard and Stanford-educated McElroy to the role of archbishop of Washington DC – one of the most high-profile positions in the US Catholic church. » | Stephanie Kirchgaessner in Washington | Monday, January 13, 2025

Donald Trump Isn’t Even In Office Yet and Silly Season Has Already Begun

THE GUARDIAN – OPINION: He wants to seize the Panama Canal, Canada and Greenland. And now wants to rename the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of America

Donald Trump’s silly season has already caused irreparable damage to United States national security. Despite not yet holding office for a minute, Trump has made it plain that in his second term the U.S. will be an unreliable partner swayed by his personal whim, that he has no respect for historic alliances and that he has contempt for the rule-based international order that the U.S. has led since the end of World War II to prevent the reemergence of catastrophic great power collisions.

Beginning with his “Merry Christmas to all” tweet that he wanted to seize the Panama Canal, Canada and Greenland, Trump has not relented in his absurd claims, extended to renaming the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of America. His disdain for the sovereignty of independent nations—two of them NATO allies and Panama a fellow member of the Organization of American States—has undermined the credibility of opposition to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and China’s ambition to grab Taiwan. The soft power of the U.S., ultimately based on its democratic example and respect for international order, has been tossed away by Trump’s fantasy Manifest Destiny that is simply the latest wrinkle in his isolationism. Hardly the Rough Rider, if Trump were acting as Putin’s or Xi’s agent he could not have kowtowed more for their benefit. » | Sidney Blumenthal | Monday, January 13, 2025

Americans voting for Donald Trump is like American turkeys voting for Christmas! They’ll get roasted. Watching this spectacle is going to be lots of fun. – © Mark Alexander

Ryanair Calls for Limit of Two Alcoholic Drinks at Airports in Europe

THE GUARDIAN: Airline asks authorities to impose new curbs as it seeks to recover €15,000 in costs related to diverted flight

Ryanair wants a limit of two alcoholic drinks at airports, as the airline released further details of legal action to recover €15,000 (£12,615) in costs related to a diversion it said was caused by an allegedly disruptive passenger.

The airline has called on European authorities to bring in new curbs on alcohol to stop passengers getting drunk before boarding a plane.

Airlines reserve the right to deny boarding to anyone they deem to be excessively intoxicated. However, Ryanair now wants airports to require boarding passes be shown when passengers purchase alcohol at airport bars and pubs as they are in duty free shops.

“We fail to understand why passengers at airports are not limited to two alcoholic drinks (using their boarding pass in exactly the same way they limit duty free sales), as this would result in safer and better passenger behaviour on board aircraft, and a safer travel experience for passengers and crews all over Europe,”the airline said on Monday. » | Lisa O’Carroll in Dublin | Monday, January 13, 2025

This tells us all we need to know about Ryanair and its passengers! Now they want to spoil things for the rest of us. – © Mark Alexander>