Sunday, January 15, 2023

A Tel-Aviv, des dizaines de milliers de manifestants défilent contre le gouvernement Nétanyahou

LE MONDE : Les manifestants se sont réunis samedi soir pour s’opposer à la nouvelle coalition formée par la droite, l’extrême droite et les ultraorthodoxes et pointer les risques de son projet de réforme judiciaire portant sur la démocratie israélienne.

Les manifestants israéliens protestant contre la réforme de la justice portée par la coalition de M. Nétanyahou, à Tel-Aviv, samedi 14 janvier 2023 au soir. ODED BALILTY / AP

C’est en scandant des slogans tels que « Démocratie, démocratie » que quelques dizaines de milliers d’Israéliens ont manifesté, samedi 14 janvier au soir, à Tel-Aviv. Ces derniers se sont rassemblés pour clamer leur opposition à la politique menée par la coalition au pouvoir de Benjamin Nétanyahou, dont ils craignent une dérive antidémocratique.

Aux alentours de 21 heures (18 heures en France), la place Habima, dans le centre de Tel-Aviv, était pleine et la foule débordait dans les rues adjacentes, selon des journalistes de l’Agence France-Presse sur place. De nombreux Israéliens étaient venus en famille, bravant la pluie sous une nuée de parapluie. En l’absence d’estimations officielles, plusieurs médias ont estimé à 80 000 le nombre de manifestants qui s’y étaient rassemblés, citant des « sources policières ». » | Le Monde avec AFP | samedi 14 janvier 2023

Saudi Arabian Academic on Death Row for Using Twitter and WhatsApp

THE GUARDIAN: Court documents reveal reasons for Awad Al-Qarni’s arrest – even though rulers are major investors in social media platforms

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman seeks to project a modernising image of his country.Photograph: AFP/Getty Images

A prominent pro-reform law professor in Saudi Arabia was sentenced to death for alleged crimes including having a Twitter account and using WhatsApp to share news considered “hostile” to the kingdom, according to court documents seen by the Guardian.

The arrest of Awad Al-Qarni, 65, in September 2017 represented the start of a crackdown against dissent by the then newly named crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman.

Details of the charges brought against Al-Qarni have now been shared with the Guardian by his son Nasser, who last year fled the kingdom and is living in the UK, where he has said he is seeking asylum protection.

Al-Qarni has been portrayed in Saudi-controlled media as a dangerous preacher, but dissidents have said Al-Qarni was an important and well-regarded intellectual with a strong social media following, including 2m Twitter followers. » | Stephanie Kirchgaessnerin Washington | Sunday, January 15, 2023

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Offensichtliche Freude am Küssen

Obvious pleasure in kissing / Plaisir évident à s'embrasser

Fürs schöne Bild bedanke ich mich bei Pookie’s Home auf Pinterest.

UK Imposes Sanctions on Iran after Execution of British-Iranian National Alireza Akbari

THE GUARDIAN: Prosecutor general punished as smuggled recording released of Akbari saying he was subjected to ‘3,500 hours of torture’

In the smuggled audio recording, Akbari says he was forced to make a ‘false confession’.Photograph: Khabar Online/AFP/Getty Images

Britain has imposed sanctions on the Iranian prosecutor general after the country’s execution of the British-Iranian dual national Alireza Akbari, while Iran has summoned the UK ambassador.

Akbar was executed on Saturday after Iranian authorities claimed he was an MI6 spy, charges his family and the Foreign Office deny.

Britain had already summoned the most senior Iranian diplomat in the UK to the Foreign Office to demand an explanation. And in what may prove a turning point in British-Iranian relations, the UK’s response is likely to go further by eventually including the proscription of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, a move that is also being considered by the EU.

The Foreign Office has known about Akbari’s detention for a long time, but had chosen, in line with the wishes of the family, to put private pressure on the regime to secure his release. He was arrested in 2019 after he returned to Tehran from London to advise the regime on the future of the Iran nuclear deal. » | Patrick Wintour, Diplomatic editor | Saturday, January 14, 2023

Iran executes British-Iranian national Alireza Akbari accused of spying: UK prime minister Rishi Sunak says execution was a ‘callous and cowardly act, carried out by a barbaric regime’ »

Mega Millions: Ticket Holder in Maine Wins $1.35bn Jackpot

THE GUARDIAN: Prize was second largest in Mega Millions history and the fourth time the game has had a billion-dollar win

An advertisement for the Mega Millions jackpot is seen in Great Neck, New York. Photograph: Shannon Stapleton/Reuters

Friday the 13th proved lucky for one – someone who won the estimated $1.35bn lottery jackpot after a period of three months and 25 drawings that had seen no one across the US win the grand prize.

The winner, whose name is not yet known, overcame steep odds of 1 in 302.6 million and had bought their ticket in Maine, the first time the state has scored the Mega Millions lottery jackpot.

“Congratulations to the Maine state lottery, which has just won its first-ever Mega Millions jackpot,” Pat McDonald, Ohio lottery director and lead director of the Mega Millions Consortium, said in a statement early Saturday.

Mega Millions is played in 45 states as well as Washington, DC, and the US Virgin Islands. » | Guardian staff and agencies | Saturday, January 14, 2023


Advisory: Be Alert for Mega Millions® Scams »

Whitehall Spending ‘Tens of Millions’ on Rees-Mogg’s Bill to Scrap EU Laws

THE OBSERVER: Opposition MPs call for government rethink on ‘reckless’ plans to rewrite almost 4,000 European regulations

The retained EU Laws bill returns to parliament this week. Photograph: Vuk Valcic/ZUMA Press Wire/REX/Shutterstock

Civil servants are estimated to be spending tens of millions of pounds establishing which laws and regulations could be scrapped under the government’s controversial retained EU laws bill.

The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) last week admitted it spent £600,000 on staffing costs alone in just two months as part of its review of the bill.

Ministers have now ordered other departments not to reveal details on what resources they have diverted, but analysis by the Observer suggests the final total for all government departments will be in the tens of millions. » | James Tapper and Michael Savage | Saturday, January 14, 2023


Our European neighbours now look at post-Brexit Britain and say simply: nein, danke: From political dysfunction to economic turmoil, the evidence of Brexit as a great problem-creator is all around. No wonder European support for leaving the EU has tanked since 2016 »

Arm trotz Arbeit - Die Krise der Mittelschicht | Doku HD | ARTE

Jan 10, 2023 | Existenzängste, trotz Job? Das ist in Europa keine Seltenheit mehr. Rund ein Drittel aller Beschäftigten lebt in Unsicherheit. Die Inflation und die unberechenbare Energiekrise treffen sie besonders hart. Katharina Wolff und Valentin Thurn begleiten junge und alte Menschen aus verschiedenen Ländern Europas bei ihrem Alltag in der prekären Gesellschaft.

Existenzängste trotz Job? Das ist in Europa keine Seltenheit mehr. Rund ein Drittel aller Beschäftigten leben in Unsicherheit. Wohnen wird immer mehr zum Luxus. Obwohl sie Arbeit haben, teilweise sogar mehrere Jobs gleichzeitig, kommen sie nur knapp über die Runden. Sie bilden eine neue soziale Klasse, die Ökonomen das „Prekariat“ nennen.

Die Inflation und die unberechenbare Energiekrise treffen nun gerade die ärmeren Schichten besonders hart. Deren wachsende Angst vor Armut führt zu einem Gefühl des sozialen Ausschlusses und auch zu Zweifeln an der Demokratie. Soziale Protestbewegungen werden zunehmend von rechtspopulistischen Parteien für ihre Zwecke genutzt.

Nicht nur in Deutschland oder Frankreich wächst die Kluft zwischen Arm und Reich. Selbst in Schweden, das vielen noch als Sozialparadies gilt, wird die soziale Schere immer größer. Jeder fünfte Rentner lebt dort unter der Armutsgrenze, Frauen sind besonders betroffen. In Spanien sind mehr als die Hälfte der unter 30-Jährigen prekär beschäftigt.

Welche Explosivität steckt in der neuen Klasse des Prekariats? Wie steht es um Europas sozialen Frieden? Und wie könnte man der großen Unsicherheit und der Polarisierung des politischen Systems entgegenwirken? Katharina Wolff und Valentin Thurn spüren diesen Fragen in der Dokumentation „Arm trotz Arbeit – Die Krise der Mittelschicht“ nach und begleiten junge und alte Menschen aus verschiedenen Ländern Europas bei ihrem Alltag in der prekären Gesellschaft.

Dokumentarfilm von Katharina Wolff und Valentin Thurn (D 2022, 90 Min)
Video verfügbar bis zum 10/01/2024

Prince Harry's Book Spare Highlights a 'Complete Lack of Accountability' | Royal Insight

Jan 13, 2023 | Copies of Prince Harry’s memoir Spare are being read around the world, and it was just as explosive as expected. Even as the book was leaked ahead of its publication date, sales have soared ready for readers to hear ‘Harry’s truth’.

Camilla Tominey, Associate Editor at the Telegraph has read Prince Harry’s book ‘Spare’, so that you don’t have to.

The revelations vary from the sublime to the ridiculous, from the tragic to the infantile, says Camilla. As Harry divulges his recollections of Princess Diana’s death, his time in Afghanistan, and reiterates his hatred for the British press, Camilla says he has handed the media “a silver platter of royal stories to end all royal stories”.

In the first Royal Insight episode of 2023, The Telegraph's Associate Editor Camilla Tominey analyses the Duke of Sussex’s memoir in all of its glory.

Michael Lambert: Brexit – A Massive Confidence Trick

Jan 14, 2023 | Brexit was about money. It was about protecting the interests of a small and wealthy sector of the economy concerned with money-laundering and tax avoidance The EU Anti Tax Avoidance Directive which was due to be implemented in June 2016 would have severely restricted the activities of wealthy individuals and companies to avoid taxes using secretive UK tax havens. 'Taking Back Control' and the promises of cheaper food clothing and footwear were simplistic and dishonest messages which persuaded millions who knew no better to vote to leave the EU

An excellent synopsis. Never were truer words spoken. You've really hit the nail on the head with this great video. The politicians in favour of Brexit knew exactly how to manipulate the man in the street, didn't they? And the man in the street fell for the twaddle hook, line and sinker. Brexiteers bought into the nonsense being peddled at the time; and they were really taken in. They were played by the politicians like the proverbial fiddle.

I was raised in a Conservative-voting household and raised also to be proud of 'king and country'. I'm afraid that I no longer feel the way I was raised to feel. All the warts have been exposed for the whole world to see; and the Conservative Party is as corrupt as corrupt can be. Most of the politicians that I see are not especially bright or competent either. Many of them are chancers.

I read in the last few days that there is now talk of that 'BoJo the clown' might well be on the way back. Another corrupt politician and an incompetent, self-aggrandising buffoon to boot. The quicker I find a way out of this hellhole, the better it will be, the happier I will feel. Living in my home country makes me feel like a fish out of water. It's as bad as that. It was bad before, but Brexit has put the kibosh on any good feelings I had left for my country.

It is my sincere belief that this country will find it difficult to recover from the difficulties it now finds itself in. Furthermore, its international reputation has been trashed by successive, ridiculous Conservative prime ministers and recent events. The weather in the UK makes it all the more depressing. Her Majesty the Queen held it all together wonderfully, but now that she has passed, it is difficult to see even how the monarchy won't continue to get even shakier.

Happy days! – © Mark Alexander

Friday, January 13, 2023

What Has Brexit Done for Britain?

Brexit, Britain was promised, would allow the country to ‘take back control’ – of its economy, its borders and its land. But what has that really meant for people now living with its consequences?

It’s three years since the UK officially left the EU. For many of those who voted to leave in the 2016 referendum, it was in answer to a promise to take back control – of funding, over farming, over immigration and trade. But have those promises been kept?

Listen to the podcast here.

As leave voters’ Brexit regret rises, will political parties dare to follow?: Even leavers might be changing their minds, but there’s little incentive for opposition to revisit issue, say analysts »

What has Brexit done for Britain? In two words: Sod all! – © Mark Alexander

Nouriel Roubini : « Nous entrons dans la grande stagflation »

LE MONDE : Inflation, guerre commerciale, réchauffement climatique… Dans un entretien au « Monde », l’économiste américain, réputé pour son pessimisme, dresse la liste des grandes menaces auxquelles nos pays seront confrontés ces prochaines années.

Il est l’un des rares à avoir vu venir la crise de 2008. Parfois surnommé « Docteur Catastrophe » en raison de ses prévisions très sombres, Nouriel Roubini, professeur d’économie à la Stern School of Business de l’université de New York, a publié un nouvel ouvrage (Mégamenaces, Buchet-Chastel, 384 pages, 23,50 euros), où il recense les risques auxquels nos économies seront confrontées en 2023 et au-delà. A commencer par celui d’une crise financière.

Vous êtes l’un des rares à avoir vu venir la crise de 2008. La situation d’aujourd’hui est-elle comparable ?

Difficile à dire, car nous sommes confrontés à une série de risques aux horizons temporels différents. A court terme, il y a ceux liés à la guerre en Ukraine, bien sûr, à l’inflation et au spectre d’une crise financière qui pourrait advenir ces prochains mois ou dans les deux ou trois années à venir. S’ajoutent à cela des « mégamenaces » susceptibles de se matérialiser plus ou moins sévèrement sur le long terme, et qui ne relèvent pas seulement de l’économie. » | Propos recueillis par Marie Charrel | vendredi 13 janvier 2023

Article réservé aux abonnés

Rishi Sunak: Der technokratische Premierminister hat die Briten aus der akuten Krise geführt – doch nun steht er im politischen Gegenwind

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Rishi Sunak präsentiert sich als Krisenmanager, der die grossen Probleme in der Wirtschafts-, Migrations- und Gesundheitspolitik lösen will. Doch die Autorität des neuen Premierministers ist begrenzt, und im Haifischbecken von Westminster liebäugelt Boris Johnson bereits mit einem Comeback.

Rishi Sunak gibt sich als lösungsorientierter Macher, doch mangelt es ihm an politischer Durchsetzungsfähigkeit. | Toby Melville / Reuters

Es hätte ein Moment für die Geschichtsbücher werden sollen. Hunderte von Briten waren Anfang Woche zum Flughafen Newquay im Südwesten Englands gepilgert, um der ersten Entsendung eines Satelliten ins All von britischem Boden aus beizuwohnen – Premierminister Rishi Sunak sprach im Vorfeld stolz von einem «unglaublichen Job». Doch als die zweite Stufe des Raketentriebwerks zündete, kam es zu einer Panne: Die Firma Virgin Orbit sprach von «einer Unregelmässigkeit im System, die die Mission vorzeitig beendete».

Beruhigungspille für die Märkte

Der Fehlstart wirkte symptomatisch für den Zustand Grossbritanniens unter Sunak. Der 42-Jährige war Ende Oktober als dritter Premierminister innert drei Monaten an die Macht gekommen. Seine Vorgängerin Liz Truss hatte in ihren bloss 45 Tagen im Amt mit einem durch Schulden finanzierten Steuersenkungsprogramm Chaos an den Märkten ausgelöst. Sunak und seinem Schatzkanzler Jeremy Hunt ist es gelungen, die Investoren mit einem Bekenntnis zu Steuererhöhungen und haushaltspolitischer Vernunft zu beruhigen und das Land auf stabilen Grund zurückzuführen. » | Niklaus Nuspliger, London | Freitag, 13. Januar 2023

Italia Squisita: Leftover Pasta: Baked vs. Fried vs. Gourmet with Luciano Monsilio

Jan 13, 2023 | We are back in Rome together with Luciano Monosilio to discover his new fine dining adventure, the Follie restaurant inside the Villa Agrippina Gran Melia hotel. On the occasion of the launch of the new ItaliaSquisita publication dedicated to the most loved Italian food, Monosilio illustrates 3 leftover pasta cooking techniques. From the most comfortable and familiar (baked pasta), to the Neapolitan recipe for fried pasta omelette (scammaro), up to a research dish on overcooked pasta inspired by the work of chef Davide Scabin (pasta itself!).

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — January 13, 2023

Mariah Carey : Against All Odds (Take a Look at Me Now) | Official HD Video | ft. Westlife

Aug 25, 2015 | 34,426,815

Mariah Carey : My All | Official HD Video

Nov 24, 2009 | 204,093,149

Lisa Marie Presley, Singer and Daughter of Elvis, Dies Aged 54

THE GUARDIAN: Presley was rushed to hospital on Thursday night after suffering a suspected cardiac arrest

Musician Lisa Marie Presley, pictured in 2013 in Nashville, Tennessee. She has died. Photograph: Christopher Polk/Getty Images for Wonderwall

Lisa Marie Presley, singer and the only child of Elvis and Priscilla Presley, has died at the age of 54, after suddenly being hospitalised on Thursday.

Her 77-year-old mother confirmed Presley’s death later on Thursday night.

“It is with a heavy heart that I must share the devastating news that my beautiful daughter Lisa Marie has left us,” Priscilla Presley said in a statement. “She was the most passionate strong and loving woman I have ever known. We ask for privacy as we try to deal with this profound loss. Thank you for the love and prayers. At this time there will be no further comment.”

Presley was taken to hospital from her home in Calabasas, California, after a reported cardiac arrest, TMZ first reported. Her mother asked fans to keep her daughter in their prayers in a statement issued when the news first broke. » | Sian Cain | Friday, January 13, 2023

Mort de Lisa Marie Presley, la fille unique du King, à 54 ans « : Selon les médias américains, elle avait été transportée d’urgence à l’hôpital, jeudi matin, après un arrêt cardiaque à Los Angeles. Ancienne chanteuse, elle a fait la une de la presse internationale pour son mariage avec Michael Jackson en 1994. »

Thursday, January 12, 2023

'Prince Harry Wants to Destroy the Monarchy!' Royal Experts React to Spare | Palace Confidential

Jan 12, 2023 | Prince Harry wants to destroy the monarchy!' Royal experts react to Spare | Palace Confidential. One of the most ‘disturbing’ narratives in Prince Harry’s memoir Spare, is his obsession with his brother William. That’s the view of Daily Mail’s Royal Editor Rebecca English, whose reporting of a breakdown in relations between the princes was often denied by the Palace. ‘The issue about the brothers is fascinating. It’s obsessional his relationship with his brother in this book and it’s quite disturbing actually in parts,’ she tells our royal talk show Palace Confidential. ‘He really has barely a nice word to say about his brother, it gives Cain and Abel a run for its money, it doesn’t strike me as healthy at all.’ The Daily Mail’s diary editor Richard Eden believes that Harry’s fixation on his brother has the duke on a collision course with the institution of the monarchy itself.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — January 12, 2023

Die vielen Nutzungsmöglichkeiten eines Schwimmbades

Les multiples usages d'une piscine / The many uses of a swimming pool

Ich bedanke mich bei Ben Gutiérrez auf Pinterest für dieses schöne Bild.