Saturday, January 14, 2023

Michael Lambert: Brexit – A Massive Confidence Trick

Jan 14, 2023 | Brexit was about money. It was about protecting the interests of a small and wealthy sector of the economy concerned with money-laundering and tax avoidance The EU Anti Tax Avoidance Directive which was due to be implemented in June 2016 would have severely restricted the activities of wealthy individuals and companies to avoid taxes using secretive UK tax havens. 'Taking Back Control' and the promises of cheaper food clothing and footwear were simplistic and dishonest messages which persuaded millions who knew no better to vote to leave the EU

An excellent synopsis. Never were truer words spoken. You've really hit the nail on the head with this great video. The politicians in favour of Brexit knew exactly how to manipulate the man in the street, didn't they? And the man in the street fell for the twaddle hook, line and sinker. Brexiteers bought into the nonsense being peddled at the time; and they were really taken in. They were played by the politicians like the proverbial fiddle.

I was raised in a Conservative-voting household and raised also to be proud of 'king and country'. I'm afraid that I no longer feel the way I was raised to feel. All the warts have been exposed for the whole world to see; and the Conservative Party is as corrupt as corrupt can be. Most of the politicians that I see are not especially bright or competent either. Many of them are chancers.

I read in the last few days that there is now talk of that 'BoJo the clown' might well be on the way back. Another corrupt politician and an incompetent, self-aggrandising buffoon to boot. The quicker I find a way out of this hellhole, the better it will be, the happier I will feel. Living in my home country makes me feel like a fish out of water. It's as bad as that. It was bad before, but Brexit has put the kibosh on any good feelings I had left for my country.

It is my sincere belief that this country will find it difficult to recover from the difficulties it now finds itself in. Furthermore, its international reputation has been trashed by successive, ridiculous Conservative prime ministers and recent events. The weather in the UK makes it all the more depressing. Her Majesty the Queen held it all together wonderfully, but now that she has passed, it is difficult to see even how the monarchy won't continue to get even shakier.

Happy days! – © Mark Alexander