Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Latvia Is First Country to Reimpose Lockdown in Europe’s New Covid Wave

THE GUARDIAN: Baltic state once seen as coronavirus success story announces month of restrictions including curfew

The prime minister, Krišjānis Kariņš, blamed Latvia’s low vaccination rate for the surge in hospital admissions.Photograph: Reuters

Latvia has announced a month-long Covid-19 lockdown after an unprecedented surge in infections, becoming the first country in Europe to reimpose far-reaching restrictions amid a new wave of cases in countries across the continent.

The Baltic country has one of the highest rates of new Covid cases relative to population in the world, according to the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), after successfully keeping the virus at bay for months.

“Our health system is in danger … The only way out of this crisis is to get vaccinated,” the prime minister, Krišjānis Kariņš, said on Monday evening at an emergency government meeting. He said the country’s low vaccination rate was to blame for the surge in hospital admissions. » | Pjotr Sauer in Moscow | Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Ein Lockdown als «Brandschneise»: Lettland versucht die vierte Covid-19-Welle in den Griff zu bekommen: In den baltischen Staaten wächst die Sorge vor einer übermächtigen vierten Covid-19-Welle. Lettland verhängt für die Dauer eines Monats einen drastischen Lockdown. Auch in Estland und Litauen steigt angesichts einer vergleichsweise tiefen Impfquote die Nervosität. »

Le bitcoin franchit un nouveau plus haut historique à plus de 65.000 dollars

Le bitcoin se démocratise sur les marchés financiers. OZAN KOSE / AFP

LE FIGARO : Le cours du bitcoin a augmenté de plus de 50% sur un mois et de plus de 450% sur un an.

Le cours du bitcoin s'envole mercredi à un nouveau plus haut, à plus de 65.000 dollars, porté par le lancement d'un produit financier à Wall Street lié à la cryptomonnaie, étape historique pour sa démocratisation.

La cryptomonnaie, qui s'échangeait pour moins d'un dollar il y a 12 ans, culminait en cours de séance à 66.273 dollars vers 14H00 GMT (16H00 à Paris), en hausse de plus de 50% sur un mois et de plus de 450% sur un an. Le bitcoin profite depuis un mois du lancement du premier fonds indiciel (ETF) lié à son cours à la Bourse de New York, dont les échanges ont commencé mardi: les investisseurs espèrent que de nouveaux fonds vont pouvoir se lancer sur le marché de la cryptomonnaie en utilisant ce nouveau produit financier régulé. » | Par Le Figaro avec AFP | mercredi 20 octobre 2021

British Police Have Transformed Into a Tool for Enforcing the State's Will -- Peter Hitchens

Oct 17, 2021 • Peter Hitchens discusses the British police's historic transformation into a form unrecognisable from decades past. He argues that the British police were once unique in the world. They were an important conservative & very English institution which was set up in complete distinction from continental police forces. Parliament had seen European police forces become tools of oppression. They were armed & uniformed state police whose job was to enforce the will of the state -- and it was not felt that such a body should exist in Britain. Consequently, the British police force that was set up was very different: unarmed, not given special powers, limited in their abilities. This is no longer the case.

Fox News Anchor Neil Cavuto Tests Positive for Coronavirus.

Fox News host Neil Cavuto learned on Monday that he had tested positive for Covid. | Rob Kim/Getty Images

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Neil Cavuto, a Fox News anchor, has tested positive for the coronavirus.

Mr. Cavuto, who is vaccinated against Covid, said he learned about the tests results Monday after his show, “Your World with Neil Cavuto,” and was not on the air Tuesday.

“While I’m somewhat stunned by this news, doctors tell me I’m lucky as well. Had I not been vaccinated, and with all my medical issues, this would be a far more dire situation,” Mr. Cavuto said in a statement released by Fox News. “It’s not, because I did and I’m surviving this because I did.”

Mr. Cavuto has been very public with his health issues throughout the years. He was treated for cancer in the 1980s and had open-heart surgery in 2016. He was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1997. » | Isabella Grullón Paz | Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Ein Bild sagt mehr als tausend Worte

A picture paints a thousand words / Une image vaut mille mots

Photograph: Adobe Stock

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Charge Bolsonaro with Murder over Covid Toll, Draft Brazil Senate Report Says

THE GUARDIAN: Draft text says neglect, incompetence and opposition to science fueled ‘stratospheric’ death toll

Jair Bolsonaro’s ‘deliberate and conscious’ decision to delay buying Covid vaccines led to thousands of deaths, the report says. Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

The Brazilian president, Jair Bolsonaro, should face murder charges for his role in the country’s “stratospheric” coronavirus death toll, a draft report from a senate inquiry into Brazil’s Covid crisis has recommended.

The 1,078-page document, published by Brazilian media on Tuesday afternoon, is not due to be voted on by the commission until next week and could yet be modified by senators.

But the draft text paints a devastating portrait of the neglect, incompetence and anti-scientific denialism many believe has defined the Bolsonaro administration’s response to a public health emergency that has killed more than 600,000 Brazilians.

Bolsonaro’s “deliberate and conscious” decision to delay buying Covid vaccines needlessly condemned thousands of citizens to early graves, the report claims. » | Tom Phillips in Rio de Janeiro | Tuesday, October 19, 2021

‘French Trump’ Eric Zemmour Threatening to Upset Presidential Election

Oct 19, 2021 • One man is taking the French presidential race by storm - and he's not even a candidate yet

Dubbed the “French Trump”, Eric Zemmour rails against Muslims, immigration, feminism and the supposed decline of France.

He has rocketed up the opinion polls and is crisscrossing the country, under the guise of a book tour, holding rallies where he is mobbed by adoring fans.

We spoke to him in the southern French city of Nimes.

Japan hat die gesündesten Schulkinder der Welt – woran liegt das?

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Schülerinnen und Schüler lernen in Japan nicht nur Lesen, Schreiben und Rechnen, auf dem Stundenplan steht auch die Gesundheitserziehung. Eine wichtige Rolle nimmt das Mittagessen in der Schule ein.

Japanisches Schulessen soll frisch, gesund und ausgewogen sein. | Toshiyuki Aizawa / Bloomberg

Mittagessen in der Tsutsujigaoka-Primarschule in Yokohama gleicht einer Choreografie in Weiss. Kaum erklingt der Gong zur Pause, treten kleine Trupps in weissen Kitteln und Hauben aus den Schulzimmern und trotten zur Schulküche. Zu zweit greifen die Schüler Körbe mit Reis, dem Mittagessen, den Getränken und dem Geschirr und tragen sie in ihre Schulzimmer. » | Martin Kölling, Tokio | Dienstag, 19. Oktober 2021

Taïwan: l’Amérique est-elle encore capable de défendre «l’île rebelle» face à la Chine?

Démonstration de l’armée chinoise dans les environs de Taïwan. Armée Chinoise / Weibo

LE FIGARO : DÉCRYPTAGE - Au cœur du Pentagone, un immense kriegspiel est censé prédire le véritable affrontement que redoutent les stratèges. Depuis qu’il existe, les chances de victoire américaine sont allées s’amenuisant.

L’invasion de Taïwan se joue chaque année dans le plus grand secret, au cœur du Pentagone: forces «bleues» américaines contre forces «rouges» chinoises, pour un immense kriegspiel censé prédire le véritable affrontement que redoutent les stratèges. Or, depuis que ce kriegspiel existe, les chances de victoire américaine sont allées s’amenuisant. En 2018, un des «gourous» de ces simulations suggérait aux généraux de faire cesser l’exercice, chaque scénario aboutissant à une victoire inéluctable de l’adversaire et ne présentant plus guère d’intérêt intellectuel, vu le déséquilibre insoluble entre belligérants.

Le constat ne s’est pas arrangé depuis. «La question n’est plus de savoir si on perd, mais à quelle vitesse on va perdre, résume le général Clinton Hinote, de l’US Air Force. Nous savons ce qui va se passer, désormais. Et si l’armée américaine ne change pas de cap, nous allons perdre très rapidement. Dans ce cas, un président américain se verrait présenter un quasi-fait accompli.» On imagine le premier briefing de Joe Biden sur la question le 20 janvier 2021 lors de son entrée à la Maison-Blanche, et son humeur massacrante à l’issue. » | Par Maurin Picard | Publié : lundi 18 octobre 2021 ; mis à jour : mardi 19 octobre 2021

Réservé aux abonnés


Taïwan, épicentre des tensions militaires entre la Chine et les États-Unis : DÉCRYPTAGE - Le sort de l’île volcanique, que la Chine communiste a promis de réintégrer dans son giron, donne lieu à une surenchère rhétorique aussi bien que militaire. »

Annie Lennox: A Whiter Shade of Pale

Russia Sees Record Numbers of Coronavirus Deaths | Covid-19 Special

Oct 19, 2021 • Russia is well into its fourth wave of the coronavirus pandemic. But Moscow is unwilling to put the country in lockdown. Add to that low adherence to hygeine rules and Russia recently recorded 1,000 over 24 hours due to Covid – a record.

That's despite the country's vaccine Sputnik V being the first to be registered for use in any nation. But Russia's population is among the most vaccine-skeptical in the world.

Brexit: Michel Barnier's Post-Brexit Warning to UK and EU - "Be Careful" | Interview

With the UK hit by a fuel crisis and labour shortage, many in the country have pointed the finger at Brexit.

Amid the disruption, Michel Barnier, the EU’s former chief Brexit negotiator, sat down with the New Statesman to discuss his new book, My Secret Brexit Diary, an account of his time leading talks with the UK ahead of its exit from the Union.

Barnier, who is seeking the nomination of France’s centre-right Republican party ahead of the 2022 presidential election, told how he fears that Brexit was a warning to the rest of Europe, where Euroscepticism could rise if voters continue to be ignored. “It is too late for the British people, but it is not too late for us,” he said.

He also spoke about his run for the Elysée and the future of international relations in the wake of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan and the US, UK and Australia’s Aukus treaty. On the future of the transatlantic relationship, Barnier noted that the new arms deal had tested the trust between France and the US and UK. “An alliance needs trust and confidence… I recommend that the UK and the US, who are our allies, be careful and [bear in mind] the necessity for us to work together.”

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — October 19, 2021

Polish PM Morawiecki Takes Defiant Tone in EU Rule of Law Clash | DW News

Oct 19, 2021 • Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki struck a defiant tone as he addressed the European Parliament over a case that's sparked fears his country could be on course to leave the bloc.

It's a cornerstone principle of the EU that European law takes precedence over member states' national laws. But in a ruling earlier this month, Poland's Constitutional Tribunal found that very principle was incompatible with its own constitution. The dispute is really about a number of key issues where Poland is at loggerheads with the EU, above all over controversial judicial reforms. But it's also about media reforms and LGBTQ rights. EU officials have threatened to launch legal action against Poland.

Liens connexes ici, ici et ici.

Im Streit um die Rechtsstaatlichkeit in Polen droht von der Leyen mit Sanktionen der EU: Nach dem jüngsten Entscheid aus Polen, Teile des europäischen Rechts nicht anzuerkennen, ist die Stimmung zwischen Warschau und dem Europäischen Parlament auf dem Tiefpunkt. Die EU-Kommissions-Präsidentin Ursula von der Leyen droht mit der Kürzung von Geldern. Polens Ministerpräsident Mateusz Morawiecki spricht von «Erpressung». »

Editor of BILD Tabloid Sacked after New York Times Exposes Misconduct | DW News

Oct 19, 2021 • The editor in chief of Germany's best-selling newspaper BILD has been removed from his post over revelations of misconduct. Publishing company Axel Springer said Julian Reichelt would be axed from the helm with immediate effect. The 41-year-old was suspended earlier this year as part of a company probe into his management style, and later reinstated. His sacking comes after a New York Times investigation uncovered fresh allegations against him, including an affair with a trainee and financial impropriety.


Trump Files Lawsuit to Block Release of Capitol Attack Records

THE GUARDIAN: Ex-president challenges Biden’s decision to waive executive privilege that protects White House communications

Donald Trump has sought to block the release of documents related to the Capitol attack on 6 January to a House committee investigating the incident, challenging Joe Biden’s initial decision to waive executive privilege.

In a federal lawsuit, the former president said the committee’s request in August was “almost limitless in scope” and sought many records that were not connected to the siege.

He called it a “vexatious, illegal fishing expedition” that was “untethered from any legitimate legislative purpose”, according to the papers filed in a federal court in the District of Columbia.

Trump’s lawsuit was expected – as he had said he would challenge the investigation – and at least one ally, Steve Bannon, has defied a subpoena.

But the legal challenge went beyond the initial 125 pages of records that Biden recently cleared for release to the committee.

The suit, which names the committee as well as the National Archives, seeks to invalidate the entirety of the congressional request, calling it overly broad, unduly burdensome and a challenge to separation of powers. It requests a court injunction to bar the archivist from producing the documents. » | Associated Press in Washington | Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Bannon and other top Trump officials face legal peril for defying subpoenas: Developments in select committee’s move to secure Bannon’s conviction come as Trump files lawsuit blocking the release of his White House records »

It Doesn’t Get Much Better Than This!

A screenshot from the video.

If kissing is your thing, check out THIS video from Tel Aviv.

My regular visitors will probably have watched this ‘kissathon’ before; however, as it is very long, they might well not have watched it all the way through to the end. I have watched it all the way through now, but it took me a while to get to the end because it is 84 minutes long. It is well worth your time, however, since it is so good and it is hard to find anything comparable to it on the Internet, still less anything as good.

It is not possible to embed this video because of age restrictions, so it must be watched on YouTube itself. Do yourself a favour and click on this link to watch it. Fortunately, it can be watched in stages. YouTube will remember where you left off.

I’m sure you will be as delighted by this wonderful video as I have been. It is clean and in no way objectionable (unless one is prejudiced). Enjoy it and have fun! Viel Vergnügen! – Mark

Monday, October 18, 2021

"Angriff auf die Demokratie - Wurde der Brexit gekauft?"

Die britische Wahlkommission ist überzeugt: Es gibt Anhaltspunkte dafür, dass große Teile der Gelder für eine Kampagne vor dem Brexit-Referendum aus dubiosen Quellen stammen.

Im Fokus steht der britische Geschäftsmann Arron Banks, Strippenzieher und enger Freund des ehemaligen Ukip-Anführers Nigel Farage. Über seine Offshore-Konten sollen fast neun Millionen Pfund Spenden geflossen sein.

Die "ZDFzoom"-Dokumentation geht der Frage nach: "War das Brexit-Referendum ein Komplott mit dem Ziel, auch die Grenzen der Demokratie auszutesten?" Die Recherchen legen nahe, dass Wähler verdeckt und so effektiv wie möglich beeinflusst werden sollten. "ZDFzoom"-Autor Dirk Laabs verfolgt nicht nur die Geldströme, sondern redet mit Insidern aus der Kampagne und konfrontiert ihrenNigel Farage,Steve Bannon, Kopf, den ehemaligen Chef der Ukip, Nigel Farage. Farage redet im Interview mit dem ZDF auch darüber, welchen Einfluss US-amerikanische Berater für die Kampagne hatten. Steve Bannon, früherer Berater von US-Präsident Trump, war einer der wichtigen Berater in diesem Spiel.

Konkret geht es um millionenschwere Kredite, die die Pro-Brexit-Kampagne von Banks erhalten haben soll. Demnach stammte das Geld möglicherweise nicht von ihm selbst, sondern von Firmen mit Sitz auf der Isle of Man und in Gibraltar, die sich damit in den Wahlkampf eingemischt hätten. Mittlerweile ermittelt die National Crime Agency. Sie soll die bislang verschleierte Kampagnen-Finanzierung offenlegen.

Nigel Farage spricht im Interview mit dem "ZDFzoom"-Autor Dirk Laabs ganz offen darüber, wie eng die Lager zusammengearbeitet haben und wie wichtig auch der ehemalige Trump-Berater Steve Bannon für die Kampagne in Großbritannien war: "Zuvor hatte ich keinerlei Verbündete in den Medien, keine Stimme. Dann half uns Steve. Wenn Du plötzlich mehrere Stimmen auf Deiner Seite hast, ändert das alles."

All diese Männer sind abscheulich. Sie haben etwas ganz Schmutziges gemacht mit Großbritannien und mit den Briten. Sie haben etwas sehr Unpatriotisches getan. Es ist wirklich eine Schande! - © Mark

Editor of German Tabloid Bild Sacked after Sexual Misconduct Claims

THE GUARDIAN: Julian Reichelt departs after reports that he promoted an employee he had an affair with

Julian Reichelt temporarily stepped aside in March but was reinstalled to a powerful position after less than two weeks. Photograph: Clemens Bilan/EPA

The editor of Germany’s biggest tabloid has been relieved of his duties as its publisher faced allegations that it tried to cover up the full findings of an investigation into sexual misconduct and bullying within its own offices.

Media giant Axel Springer SE, the largest media publishing firm in Europe, recently expanded its global portfolio by acquiring the US political news website Politico for more than $1bn, inviting closer scrutiny of its workplace culture on the other side of the Atlantic.

The New York Times reported on Sunday that Julian Reichelt, the editor of Bild, Axel Springer’s flagship tabloid and Europe’s biggest-selling newspaper, promoted a female junior employee to a high-level newsroom job while having an affair with her.

Axel Springer announced on Monday night that Reichelt had been relieved of his duties with immediate effect. The company said in a statement that after recent revelations, further information regarding the editor’s behaviour had come to light. » | Philip Oltermann in Berlin | Monday, October 18, 2021

«Bild»-Chef Julian Reichelt muss gehen: Die «New York Times» wirft Reichelt Machtmissbrauch gegenüber Mitarbeiterinnen vor. Wegen neuer Erkenntnisse über Fehlverhalten hat ihn der Axel-Springer-Verlag nun von seinen Aufgaben bei der «Bild»-Zeitung entbunden. »

Allemagne : le rédacteur en chef de Bild limogé pour une liaison et un comportement «fautif» : »

Mahler Symphony No 5 | Adagietto | Herbert von Karajan

Slide-show of Venice with contemporary photographs and antique oil paintings. | Berlin Philharmoniker | Deutsche Grammophon