Thursday, October 13, 2016

US Election: Trump Support Plunges as Evangelical Leaders Express Concerns

Donald Trump’s support has plunged in the past week among many groups, but many white evangelical Christians are still standing by him.

Never Before Seen Video: Obama Whines About White Privilege

Never before seen video provided exclusively to Infowars shows President Barack Obama complaining about white privilege during a 1990 trip to Kenya.

Cold Britannia: Searching for the True Britain

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: What happened to Britain? It's a question many Europeans are currently asking. I traveled through the country on the search for answers -- and found a deeply divided land.

Europe seems to have come up with a narrative about the United Kingdom: The British are losing their minds. An otherwise extremely rational people, according to this oft-repeated tale, succumbed to a fit of irrationality in listening to populist clowns and turning their backs on the European Union. All that's left to us is to prevent the virus from jumping the Channel and infecting the Continent. » | An Essay by Christoph Scheuermann | Thursday, October 13, 2016

Thailand's King Bhumibol Adulyadej Dies at 88

Thailand's venerated King Bhumibol Adulyadej, the world's longest-reigning monarch, has died at the age of 88, the palace has announced.

Open Your Eyes to the Parlous State of American Medicine! Oncology Nurse Quits after Discovering Nutrition Heals Cancer

After 17 years as an oncology nurse, Valerie Warwick took a huge risk and walked away from a lucrative income because she could not be a part of the conventional cancer industry anymore. In our interview, Valerie shares insider information about the industry as well as vital resources and therapies that every cancer patient should consider.

My Wellness Tutor »

RT Presenter Oksana Boyko Responds to Boris Johnson - BBC Newsnight

Emily Maitlis speaks to RT presenter Oksana Boyko about Boris Johnson's call for protests outside the Russian embassy over its actions in Syria. Note: this video has been edited to remove a delay on the line.

Can Trump Still Beat Clinton? – BBC Newsnight

Democrat pollster Celinda Lake from Washington DC and Republican strategist and pollster Frank Luntz crunch the numbers on whether Trump still beat Clinton, with Newsnight's Emily Maitlis.

Australia: New South Wales Parliament Agrees That Donald Trump Is a "Revolting Slug, Unfit for Public Office"

An Interview with an African American Who Converted to Islam Then Left It

Chelsea is an African American who was searching for truth and meaning for his life; he thought he found it in Islam, he converted to Islam and tried to live as a devout Muslim, when he got to know Islam deeply he started doubting it, then later on he left it to be a true Christian. Find out why he converted and why he left Islam and embraced Christianity.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Wie sieht der Islam aus ? – Doku 2016

Die Anschläge von Nizza, Würzburg und Ansbach im Sommer 2016 waren nicht nur Taten psychisch labiler Personen, die Täter hatten offenbar auch islamistische Motive. Der islamistische Terror hat Deutschland erreicht. Viele Menschen sind verunsichert: Was ist das für eine Religion, in deren Namen solche Attentate verübt werden?

The Trump Fans of Ohio: Gabriel Gatehouse Reports - BBC Newsnight

What's the appeal of Donald Trump? Gabriel Gatehouse reports from Youngstown, Ohio.

WIKI: Youngstown, Ohio »

‘Get Out!’ Merkel Booed at Protest While Attending German Unity Day Ceremony (October 3, 2016)

Hopes for a smooth 'Day of German Unity' have been shattered. That's due to hundreds of anti-migrant PEGIDA movement protesters gathering in Dresden city centre. They jeered and whistled at Angela Merkel and other politicians who were present for the celebrations.

Nicht mehr unantastbar: Alle rücken von Merkel ab

KRONEN ZEITUNG: Ohne sie geht in Europa nichts - das trifft noch immer zu. Doch nachdem Deutschlands Kanzlerin Angela Merkel lange Zeit als unantastbar galt, rücken nun alle von ihr ab. Die mächtigste Frau der EU ist aufgrund ihrer Asylpolitik zunehmend isoliert. Heftige Kritik kommt vor allem aus Österreich. Nun bezeichnete sogar Bundeskanzler Christian Kern Merkels berühmten Ausspruch "Wir schaffen das" als überholt.

Die deutsche Kanzlerin ist es gewohnt, dass sich alle nach ihr richten. Sie gibt den Weg vor, alle Augen sind auf sie gerichtet, sie entscheidet, was in Europa passiert. Kritik gibt es, wenn überhaupt, nur still und leise hinter vorgehaltener Hand. Niemand traut sich, die große Angela Merkel offen zu attackieren.

So war es bisher - so ist es aber nicht mehr. Rund um die deutsche Kanzlerin wird es zunehmend einsamer, die Front gegen ihre Flüchtlingspolitik wächst, sowohl in Deutschland als auch in ganz Europa. » | Doris Vettermann, Kronen Zeitung | Dienstag, 11. Oktober 2016

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Brink of Nexit: Soaraway Leader in Dutch Polls Is Demanding His Nation Quit[s] EU

EXPRESS: DUTCH leadership hopeful Geert Wilders is calling for a quick exit from the European Union because of Angela Merkel’s 'stupidity'.

The controversial anti-immigration MP, who is leading all the polls to be the country’s next leader, has attacked the German chancellor’s open-door asylum policy and vowed to cut ties with Brussels if he takes power after next spring's parliamentary elections.

Mr Wilders said in a recent interview: "We have a political elite at the top not listening to them and that is why parties like mine all over Europe are getting votes.

"We should not have to pay for the stupidity of Angela Merkel. » | Simon Osborne | Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Ayaan Hirsi Ali Slaps Down Islamic Apologists like Barkha Dutt

'Islam Not Part of Germany': German Right-wing AfD Party Adopts Anti-Islamic Manifesto

Delegates from the anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD) party have backed an election manifesto which slams Islam as incompatible with the country's constitution and calls for a ban on Islamic symbols.

Inside Story - Are Russia and US Entering a New Cold War?

The Kremlin is talking up its military might as the Americans accuse the Russians of war crimes in Syria. Presenter: Hazem Sika

Monday, October 10, 2016