Monday, February 16, 2015

Egypt Strikes Islamic State Group in Libya after Video of Mass Killing

CAIRO (AP) - Egyptian warplanes struck Islamic State targets in Libya on Monday, just hours after the extremist group released a grisly video showing the beheading of several Egyptian Coptic Christians it had held hostage for weeks. An armed forces spokesman announced the strikes on state radio, marking the first time Cairo has publicly acknowledged taking…

Egypt Bombs IS in Libya after Beheadings Video

BBC AMERICA: Egypt says it has bombed Islamic State targets in Libya, hours after the militants released video of apparent beheadings of 21 Egyptian Christians.

State TV said the dawn strikes had targeted camps, training sites and weapons storage areas. A second wave of strikes was reported hours later.

Libyan officials said Egypt hit targets in the militant-held city of Derna. The strikes came amid widespread condemnation of the killings. The US and UN described them as "cowardly".

A video emerged on Sunday showing militants forcing a group of men to the ground and decapitating them.

The kidnapped Egyptian workers, all Coptic Christians, were seized in separate incidents in December and January from the coastal town of Sirte in eastern Libya, under the control of Islamist groups.

The video of the beheadings was posted online by Libyan jihadists who pledge loyalty to IS. It was one of the first such videos to come from an IS group outside its core territory in Syria and Iraq.

The video describes the Copts as "crusaders" and refers among other things to two women, wives of Coptic priests, whose alleged conversion to Islam triggered a sectarian dispute in Egypt in 2010.

IS militants claim to have carried out several attacks in Libya, which in effect has rival governments. (+ BBC video) » | Monday, February 16, 2015

How Isil Spread to Libya - and Now Has Europe in Its Sights

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: The slow creep of Islamic State through Libya has gone largely unnoticed, but the jihadists have gained support in the divided nation on Europe's doorstep

Isil's execution of 21 Egyptian Christians on Libya's Mediterranean shore is intended as a clear message to Europe: the group is expanding its geographical spread, and it has the West in its sights.

The slow creep of Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) through Libya has gone largely unnoticed, but it is here, in a divided nation spiralling further into chaos, that the Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's men are now finding find fertile ground.

The jihadist group - one of several now operating in Libya - gained a foothold in the port city Derna in back October, after a senior Isil official travelled to eastern Libya to unite a panoply of militant factions under a single banner.

The Isil leader has since recognised the Libyan "provinces" of Barqa in the east, Tripolitania in the west, and Fezzan in the desert south as belonging to his self-styled "caliphate." » | Louisa Loveluck | Monday, February 16, 2015

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Hundreds of Jewish Tombs Damaged in Northern France

Overturned grave stones in the Jewish cemetery in Saare-Union
THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: Several hundred Jewish tombs have been damaged in a cemetery near the northeastern French city of Strasbourg

Hundreds of graves have been vandalized at a Jewish cemetery in eastern France, in what the president called an "odious and barbaric" anti-Semitic act against French values.

The vandalism comes at a time of growing insecurity among French Jews and amid general religious tensions in Europe, after Islamic radicals attacked a kosher market and a satirical newspaper in Paris last month and similar attacks hit Denmark this weekend.

French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said in a statement Sunday that a criminal investigation team is at the damaged cemetery in Sarre-Union, near the German border, and authorities will do "everything" to pursue the vandals. » | Reuters | Sunday, February 15, 2015

Islamic State: Egyptian Christians Held in Libya 'Killed'

Egyptians had protested earlier this week calling for the return
of the kidnapped Copts
BBC AMERICA: A video has emerged purportedly showing the beheading of 21 Egyptian Christians who had been kidnapped by Islamic State (IS) in Libya.

The footage shows a group wearing orange overalls, being forced to the ground and then decapitated.

It was posted online by Libyan jihadists who say they are allied with IS.

Egypt's president had earlier this week offered to airlift Egyptian expatriates out of Libyan territory.

The kidnapped Egyptian workers, all Coptic Christians, were seized from the coastal town of Sirte in eastern Libya, now under the control of Islamist groups. » | Sunday, February 15, 2015

Nétanyahou appelle les Juifs d'Europe à émigrer en Israël

LE FIGARO: «Aux Juifs d'Europe, comme à ceux du monde entier, je peux dire qu'Israël vous attend les bras ouverts», a déclaré le premier ministre israélien, dimanche, à Jéusalem.

Avec des mots comparables à ceux qu'il avait employés après la tuerie de l'Hyper Cacher, Benyamin Nétanyahou a lancé dimanche un appel à l'«émigration massive» des Juifs d'Europe vers Israël. «Le terrorisme islamique vient encore de frapper en Europe, a dénoncé le premier ministre israélien lors de la réunion hebdomadaire de son cabinet, et cette vague de terreur va se poursuivre.» Un plan de 180 millions de shekels (environ 40 millions d'euros), destiné à faciliter l'accueil des Juifs de France, de Belgique et d'Ukraine, était examiné au même moment par son gouvernement. «Aux Juifs d'Europe comme à ceux du monde entier, je peux dire qu'Israël vous attend les bras ouverts», a conclu Benyamin Nétanyahou. Cette invitation, lancée quelques heures seulement après l'attaque qui a coûté la vie à un jeune juif posté devant une synagogue de Copenhague, a été accueillie avec une certaine fraîcheur par le grand rabbin du Danemark. » | Par Cyrille Louis | dimanche 15 février 2015

Der neue Exodus der europäischen Juden

DIE WELT: Premier Netanjahu ruft Europas Juden erneut auf, nach Israel zu kommen. Diesmal begnügt sich seine Regierung nicht mit Worten. Sie stockt den Etat für Einwanderer auf und hofft auf einen Massenexodus.

Israels Außenminister Avigdor Lieberman ist nicht bekannt für diplomatische Zurückhaltung. Er pflegt das offene Wort. So auch jetzt, nach den Attentaten von Kopenhagen. Der Politiker forderte einen "kompromisslosen Krieg gegen den islamistischen Terror und seine Wurzeln". "Die internationale Gemeinschaft darf sich nicht mehr mit Erklärungen und Demonstrationen gegen den Terror zufriedengeben, sondern muss die Regeln der politischen Korrektheit aufgeben", verlangte Lieberman auf seiner Facebook-Seite.

Die Anschläge – auch auf eine Synagoge – bewiesen, dass Israel und die Juden "die Frontlinie im Krieg sind, den die Terroristen gegen den Westen und die ganze freie Welt führen". Bei einem Anschlag auf ein Kulturcafé und Schüssen auf eine Synagoge waren in Kopenhagen zwei Menschen getötet und mehrere verletzt worden. » | Von Gil Yaron, Tel Aviv | Sonntag, 15. Februar 2015

Al Qaeda-inspired Gunmen Seize Radio, TV Stations in Central Libya

TRIPOLI, Libya - Gunmen from an al Qaeda inspired militia have taken over radio and television stations in the central Libyan city of Sirte, a security official said. He said the seizure of the buildings happened on Thursday after militants from Ansar al-Sharia had warned the station to stop broadcasting music. The group, considered a terrorist…

European Group Seeks 24/7 Protection at Jewish Institutions

BRUSSELS (AP) - A European Jewish organization on Sunday demanded round-the-clock protection at Jewish institutions following the shooting attacks in Denmark at a synagogue and free speech event that left two people dead. Rabbi Menachem Margolin, general director of the European Jewish Association, accused European Union leaders of not doing enough to combat anti-Semitic attacks and…

Danish PM on Jihad Murders: “This Is Not a War between Islam and the West”

Helle Thorning-Schmidt, the Danish Prime Minister
JIHAD WATCH: “We feel certain now that it was a politically motivated attack, and thereby it was a terrorist attack,” said Thorning-Schmidt. But actually, it was a religiously motivated attack. Islam is the only belief-system that mandates violence against those who commit the crime of drawing cartoons of Muhammad and those who commit the crime of being Jews. Thorning-Schmidt’s denial of manifest reality only aids and abets the advancing jihad. Read on and comment » | Robert Spencer | Sunday, February 15, 2015

Saudi Arabia Condemns 'Terrorist' Killing of American Muslims in North Carolina

FOX NEWS: DUBAI, United Arab Emirates – Saudi Arabia on Sunday condemned the killing in North Carolina of three American Muslim college students as a "heinous terrorist" act, and called for an end to incitement against Muslims.

The statement carried by the official Saudi Press Agency also condemned as a "terrorist" act the recent attacks that killed two people in Denmark, one at a panel discussion that included an artist who caricatured the Prophet Muhammad and the other outside a synagogue.

In neighboring Qatar, several thousand people held a march Sunday in the capital Doha in solidarity with the families of the North Carolina victims. The marchers appealed for protection against hate crimes for the tens of thousands of young Arabs studying in the United States on scholarships funded by the energy-rich governments of the Gulf. » | Associated Press | Sunday, February 15, 2015

Muslim Population in England and Wales Nearly Doubles in 10 Years

THE GUARDIAN: More children and fewer elderly people help Muslim population grow faster than population overall, analysis of latest census data shows

The Muslim population of England and Wales is growing faster than the overall population, with a higher proportion of children and a lower ratio of elderly people, according to an analysis of official data.

One in three Muslims is under 15, compared with fewer than one in five overall. There are also fewer elderly Muslims, with 4% aged over 65, compared with 16% of the overall population.

In 2011, 2.71 million Muslims lived in England and Wales, compared with 1.55 million in 2001. There were also 77,000 Muslims in Scotland and 3,800 in Northern Ireland. » | Aisha Gani | Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Obama Receives Secret Letter by Iranian Leader Ayatollah Khamenei

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Al Khamenei reportedly sent a secret letter to President Obama responding to requests the president made amid nuclear talks. Iran's spiritual leader wrote to Obama in recent weeks to respond to a presidential letter sent in October that suggested the possibility of U.S.-Iranian cooperation in fighting the Islamic State is a nuclear…

'Copenhagen Gunman' Shot Dead

THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: Danish police shoot dead man they believe was responsible for two 'Charlie Hebdo-style' attacks in Copenhagen that left two people dead and several injured

Copenhagen police said on Sunday they believe a man shot dead by officers was responsible for two fatal attacks that shocked the normally peaceful Danish capital.

The killings, coming little more than a month after bloody Islamist attacks in Paris that left 17 people dead, were described by Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt as "a cynical act of terror".

The man believed to be behind the shootings was shot dead after he opened fire on police at a rail station, a spokesman said.

It came after a 55-year-old man was killed at a panel discussion about Islam and free speech on Saturday attended by the Swedish cartoonist behind controversial caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed.

In the second attack, a Jewish man was killed and two police officers were wounded outside Copenhagen's main synagogue early on Sunday.

"We believe the same man was behind both shootings and we also believe that the perpetrator who was shot by the police action force at Noerrebro station is the person behind the two attacks," Torben Moelgaard Jensen told a press conference. » | AFP | Sunday, February 15, 2015

Copenhagen shooting during debate on Islam: live »

Danish Rabbi Criticises Benjamin Netanyahu's Jewish Emigration Call

THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: Leader of Denmark's Jews voices "disappointment" over Israeli leader's "come to Israel" plea following deadly anti-Semitic attack

Benjamin Netanyahu has clashed with Denmark's chief rabbi after seizing on the weekend's deadly shootings in Copenhagen to call on European Jews to emigrate en mass to Israel.

Rabbi Jair Melchior said he was "disappointed" by the comments of Mr Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, who made a fresh plea for Jewish emigration while extending condolences to Denmark over the twin attacks. An armed assailant killed a Jewish man guarding Copenhagen's main synagogue at around 1am on Sunday morning, following an earlier incident at a cultural centre hosting a conference on free speech in which another man was shot dead.

"Jews have been murdered again on European soil only because they were Jews and this wave of terrorist attacks – including murderous anti-Semitic attacks – is expected to continue," Mr Netanyahu told the Israeli cabinet, as it met to approve a £30 million scheme to absorb Jewish immigrants from France, Belgium and Ukraine.

"Jews deserve protection in every country but we say to Jews: Israel is your home. We are preparing and calling for the absorption of mass immigration from Europe. I would like to tell all European Jews and all Jews wherever they are: 'Israel is the home of every Jew.' ... Israel is waiting for you with open arms." Read on and comment » | Robert Tait, Jerusalem | Sunday, February 15, 2015

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Dresden: Tausende bei Pegida-Kundgebung

DIE PRESSE: Zur ersten Kundgebung seit dem Ausscheiden von Ex-Sprecherin Kathrin Oertel kamen am Montagabend rund 2000 Personen. Pegida-Gründer Lutz Bachmann trat erstmals seit seinem Rücktritt wieder auf.

In Deutschland rückt mit der Rückkehr von Pegida-Gründer Lutz Bachmann die islamkritische Dresdner Bewegung weiter nach rechts. Zur ersten Pegida-Kundgebung seit Abspaltung der Gruppe um Ex-Sprecherin Kathrin Oertel zogen am Montagabend laut Polizei rund 2000 Demonstranten vor die Dresdner Frauenkirche. » | APA/dpa | Montag, 09. Februar 2015

Record de neige à Boston, des centaines de vols annulés

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVES: Météo – Une nouvelle tempête hivernale, la troisième en deux semaines, paralysait lundi une partie du nord-est des Etats-Unis.

Une nouvelle tempête de neige a provoqué l'annulation de centaines de vols et la fermeture d'écoles et d'administrations dans le nord-est des Etats-Unis, notamment à Boston.

La tempête pourrait encore voir 60 cm de neige tomber sur la principale ville du Massachusetts, qui a déjà battu un record, avec 1,54 mètre de neige tombée en un mois. Le précédent record, qui datait de 1978, était de 1,49 m de neige en un mois. » | lundi 09 février 2015

Monday, February 09, 2015

BROOKE GOLDSTEIN: Denying the Real Motivation for Islamist Terrorism

Islamists are winning their war to silence critical commentary in the West about Islam. So says Flemming Rose, culture editor of the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, which originally published the now-infamous images of Muhammad, in his recent book, "The Tyranny of Silence." Whether motivated by a cowardly nature or by an obsequious desire to be nice, much…

Vladimir Putin's Egypt Visit Sends Message to US

THE GUARDIAN: Russian president’s arrival in Egypt allows both countries to signal that their foreign policies are not to be dictated by others

Russian president Vladimir Putin has flown to Cairo for a two-day visit, in a move nominally aimed at bolstering bilateral ties with Egypt that also allows both countries to send pointed messages to the US.

As Russian and western diplomats struggle to reach a peace deal over the conflict in Ukraine, Putin will spend Monday evening at Cairo’s opera house. In meetings on Tuesday, the day before the resumption of Ukraine peace talks, Putin is expected to hold discussions about ending the use of the US dollar in bilateral trade between Egypt and Russia. Collaboration between a Russian and Egyptian newspaper is also reported to be scheduled for discussion.

Analysts believe both sides, though interested in forming stronger relations, primarily seek to signal to the international community that their foreign policies are not to be dictated by others. In the middle of negotiations that have left him with few friends, Putin wants to show that he still has allies, said Ben Judah, a chronicler of Putin’s life, and the author of Fragile Empire, a book about Putin’s Russia. Read on and comment » | Patrick Kingsley in Cairo | Monday, February 09, 2015

Queen Rania Addresses Government Summit Delegates

رانيا العبدالله في كلمة للقمة الحكومية المنعقدة في دبي