Friday, October 24, 2014

NYPD Considering Terror Link to NYC Ax Attack

Oct. 23, 2014 - 7:21 - Unprovoked attack on New York police officers terror related?

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Why Obama Won’t Declare Ottawa Shooting Terrorism

Oct. 23, 2014 - 4:07 - Former State Department Senior Advisor Christian Whiton discusses the Canadian parliament attack and President Obama.

Canadian Parliament Attack: The Identical Terror Threat Facing Canada and Australia

An armed AFP officer stands guard outside
Parliament House [Canberra]
THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD: Canada and Australia have both featured prominently in the Islamic State's online diatribes, in which the group urges its global followers to kill.

But the similarities don't end there.

They are both parliamentary democracies whose leaders have vocally and materially backed international action against the Islamic State, with small but devoted extremist networks at home and some dozens of citizens currently fighting with jihadist groups in the Middle East. They both have tight gun laws and have ramped up security at their parliaments and government buildings in response to the current heightened threat.

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop's response to the assault overnight on Canada's war memorial and parliament in Ottawa highlighted the likenesses.

"For quite some time, these murderous, brutal terrorist organisations have been speaking about attacks on those sorts of institutions and in those sorts of countries, including Canada, Australia, the United States, any country that opposes their ideology, any country that embraces freedom and tolerance," she told the ABC. (+ video) » | David Wroe | National security correspondent | Thursday, October 23, 2014

Australien beunruhigt über Video des IS

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Die islamistischen Attacken in Kanada haben auch das australische Parlament in Alarmbereitschaft versetzt. Für Entsetzen sorgt zudem ein Video, in dem ein junger australischer IS-Kämpfer westlichen Staaten mit Vergeltung droht. » | Heidi Gmür, Sydney | Donnerstag, 23. Oktober 2014

Un article lié à cet article ici »

Ein Palast mit 1000 Zimmern für Erdogan

TAGES ANZEIGER: KommentarDer türkische Präsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan hat sich einen Palast der Superlative errichtet.

Das Weisse Haus in Washington hat 55'000 Quadratmeter, samt Kino und Kegelbahn. Im Buckingham-Palast in London verfügt die Queen über 78'000 Quadratmeter. Alles lächerlich wenig. Der türkische Präsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan kann nun in einem Palais repräsentieren, das 210'000 Quadratmeter und 1000 Zimmer umfasst. Es könnte den Amtssitz seines französischen Amtskollegen, den Elysée-Palast, fast 20-mal aufnehmen, wie türkische Medien vorrechnen. Nur die Wiener Hofburg ist noch ein wenig voluminöser. Abhörsichere Bunker, Tunnel, geschützt gegen Cyberangriffe und Chemiewaffen – das ist Erdogans Serail der Superlative. » | Von Christiane Schlötzer | Mittwoch, 22. Oktober 2014

Rekrutierer des "Islamischen Staats" im Interview: "Demokratie ist etwas für Ungläubige"

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Wie tickt der "Islamische Staat"? Wie sehen seine Anhänger die Welt? Ein IS-Rekrutierer schildert SPIEGEL ONLINE, wie sich die Extremisten die Zukunft vorstellen. Streitgespräch mit einem kompromisslosen Radikalen.

Die Bedingungen des Islamisten sind streng: Kein Foto, keine Tonaufnahmen, seinen richtigen Namen verrät er sowieso nicht. Ebenso wenig, aus welchem Land er stammt, nur dass er Araber sei. Sein Englisch ist geschliffen, mit britischem Akzent.

Abu Sattar nennt er sich, ein etwa 30-jähriger Mann mit dichtem, schwarzem Vollbart, der ihm bis zur Brust reicht, die Haare über der Oberlippe wegrasiert, den Kopf kahlgeschoren. Er trägt ein schwarzes, bodenlanges Gewand. In einer ledernen schwarzen Aktentasche transportiert er einen in ein Tuch gewickelten Koran.

Abu Sattar rekrutiert in der Türkei Kämpfer für die Terrormiliz "Islamischer Staat" (IS). Er prüft die Gesinnung der Interessenten, die aus vielen Ländern der Welt in die Türkei reisen und von hier in den "Heiligen Krieg" in den Irak oder nach Syrien ziehen wollen. Mehrere IS-Anhänger haben ihn unabhängig voneinander als Gesprächspartner empfohlen. Als jemanden, der am besten erklären könne, wofür der IS stehe. Für viele sei er so etwas wie ein ideologisches Vorbild.

Nach einigem Zögern willigt Abu Sattar in ein Treffen ein. Er vereinbart einen Termin und verspricht, rechtzeitig einen Ort zu nennen. Aber dann lässt er die Verabredung platzen, nur um einen Tag später abermals ein Treffen auszumachen, am Morgen, an einem öffentlichen Platz. Diesmal taucht er tatsächlich auf: ein Mann mit braunen Augen hinter einer rahmenlosen Brille. Er wirkt selbstsicher und streitlustig, bestellt Tee und lässt während des Gesprächs eine Gebetskette mit Holzperlen durch seine Hände gleiten. zum Interview » | Hasnain Kazim | Donnerstag, 23. Oktober 2014

Standing Ovation for Hero Who Stopped Ottawa Attack

Oct. 23, 2014 - 4:07 - Parliament back in session after shooting rampage

Growing Concern in Canada over Radical Islam

Read the FoxNews article here | FoxNews | Thursday, October 23, 2014

Canadian Killer Was Recent Convert to Islam Identified as Terror Risk

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Witnesses describe seeing Michael Zehaf-Bibeau raise his arms in gesture of triumph after shooting dead soldier guarding war memorial in Ottawa

Terror came to the heart of the Canadian capital Ottawa on Wednesday as a suspected jihadist gunman shot dead a soldier at the national war memorial and then rampaged through the halls of the federal parliament.

The attacker, who was killed in a gun battle inside parliament, was named as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, a Canadian-born 32-year-old.

He was a recent convert to Islam from Quebec with a history of drug abuse and whose passport had been seized by authorities after he was designated a "high-risk traveller", Canadian media reported. » | Philip Sherwell, New York | Thursday, October 23, 2014

Stephen Harper: 'Canada Will Never Be Intimidated'

Canadian prime minister delivers defiant message, saying shootings are a reminder that the country is not immune to terror attacks

Read the Telegraph article here | Rob Crilly, New York | Thursday, October 23, 2014

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

George Osborne Gets Stay-at-home Mothers Back to Work

George Osborne, Chancellor of the Exchequer
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: The Chancellor wants to see nearly 500,000 more women in the workplace by the beginning of 2016, which would allow the UK to match the female employment rate in Germany

Hundreds of thousands of stay-at-home mothers will be encouraged to go to work under Government plans to reform childcare in the UK.

George Osborne, the Chancellor, wants to see nearly 500,000 more women in the workplace by the beginning of 2016, which would allow the UK to match the female employment rate in Germany.

The Treasury said it will achieve the target by increasing access to childcare across the country, giving Britain one of the highest rates of female employment in the world.

However, campaigners warned that the Government risks unnecessarily “stigmatising” stay-at-home mothers.

Mr Osborne said that the Government will “support women who want to work” and said that the figures show they “are playing an ever larger role in the economy”. » | Peter Dominiczak, and Steven Swinford | Wednesday, October 22, 2014

My comment:

This Chancellor must be stupid! This is exactly the opposite of what the Chancellor should be encouraging. Children need their mothers to be at home; they don’t need them to be absent, in the workplace. Can’t this Chancellor observe all around him the result of increasing numbers of mothers going out to work?

Clearly, it is high time to kick this shower out of office. They have proved beyond a shadow of doubt that they are unworthy of the trust that the voters have placed in them. – © Mark

Un Australien de 17 ans devient le nouveau visage de l'État islamique

LE FIGARO: L'adolescent est à l'honneur d'une vidéo publiée en début de semaine dans la série « Message de moudjahid » orchestrée par l'État islamique.

Il avait quitté sa mère en prétextant une simple partie de pêche. Aujourd'hui, ce jeune Australien de 17 ans se retrouve au cœur de l'appareil de propagande de l'État islamique. Abdullah Elmir est apparu en début de semaine dans une vidéo mise en scène par l'organisation terroriste. Entouré d'une cinquantaine de combattants, celui qui se fait à présent appeler Abu Khaled al-Australia dénote du reste de l'assemblée par le teint pâle de sa peau, bien que sa chevelure rousse soit partiellement camouflée sous un keffieh. Le jeune homme, au centre de l'image, prêche le djihad en anglais et menace les États-Unis, la Grande-Bretagne et «spécialement» son pays d'origine, l'Australie. «Nous continuerons à nous battre jusqu'à ce que le drapeau noir flotte dans tous les pays, jusqu'à ce que le drapeau noir flotte sur Buckingham Palace, jusqu'à ce que le drapeau noir flotte sur la Maison-Blanche», scande-t-il avec arrogance. » | Par Roland Gauron | mercredi 22 octobre 2014

Senior Al-Qaeda Jihadist Speaks Out In Defence Of Peter Kassig

Peter Kassig had founded his own relief group, delivering
medical aid in conflict zones
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Abu Omar Aqidi, a prominent member of Jabhat al-Nusra, the al-Qaeda linked Syria group, recalls being treated by Peter Kassig for a shrapnel wound

A senior al-Qaeda jihadist has spoken out in defence of a Western hostage slated as the next to be beheaded by the rival extremists Isil in Syria.

Abdul-Rahman Kassig, the American Muslim convert and aid worker formerly known as Peter, has been named by Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant as the next victim in their series of videoed murders of British and American captives.

Isil members warned on Twitter that Mr Kassig was to be killed on Wednesday, as a "deadline" passed for meeting their demands – that America call off its bombing campaign.

But the Isil threat to Mr Kassig has caused dissent from within the ranks of the jihadists' own community, with a number of Islamists speaking out in support of him, particularly because of his conversion.

Abu Omar Aqidi, a prominent member of al-Qaeda faction Jabhat al-Nusra, said in a public statement that he had been told Mr Kassig was the medic who treated him and other fellow jihadists. » | Ruth Sherlock in Istanbul and Richard Spencer | Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Canada: Soldier Dies in Chaotic Parliament Hill Attack

A Canadian soldier and a security guard were shot in Ottawa.

Read the Toronto Star article here

France : Manuel Valls n'exclut pas un changement du Parti socialiste

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Interviewé sur l'avenir de la gauche française, le premier ministre socialiste propose un «nouveau compromis» avec toutes les forces progressistes du pays pour bâtir une «maison commune», dans le cadre d'une fédération ou d'une seule formation.

Le premier ministre français Manuel Valls n'exclut pas un changement de nom du Parti socialiste (PS). Il propose en outre un «nouveau compromis» avec toutes les forces progressistes du pays pour bâtir une «maison commune», dans le cadre d'une fédération ou d'une seule formation.

Dans une interview au magazine L'Obs, il refuse de se dire socialiste. Il dénonce par ailleurs une gauche «qui se recroqueville sur le passé», alors que les écologistes ont quitté le gouvernement et que la grogne monte au Parti socialiste.

Répétant que la «gauche peut mourir», Manuel Valls estime qu'elle ne s'en sortira pas «si nous restons tous dans nos chapelles et nos boutiques à défendre nos prés carrés.» » | ats/Newsnet | mercredi 22 octobre 2014

Die gekaufte Demokratie

«Die USA sind nur noch dem Namen nach eine Demokratie»

Den Artikel hier lesen

Schweiz: Migros zieht Konsequenzen aus Kaffeerahm-Patzer

SCHWEIZER RADIO UND FERNSEHEN: Wegen fehlender Kontrollen vertrieb eine Migros-Tochter Kaffeerahmdeckel mit Porträts der faschistischen Diktatoren Hitler und Mussolini. Nun stellt sie die Geschäftsbeziehungen mit der Karo Versand ein. Die Firma hatte die Sujets an die Migros weitergegeben, für eine Sammleredition.

Eigentlich hätte das nicht passieren dürfen: Eine Migros-Tochter vertrieb Kaffeerahmportionen an Gastrobetriebe, deren Deckel unter anderem Porträts von Adolf Hitler und Benito Mussolini zeigten. » | Mittwoch, 22. Oktober 2014

Locals Demand White-Only Taxi Drivers in Child Rape Scandal Town

BREITBART: A taxi company in the child-sex scandal hit town Heywood is now offering customers the opportunity to choose white-only cab drivers, after two former 'Asian' drivers were imprisoned for sexual assault and sexual exploitation.

The owner of company Car 2000, Stephen Campbell defended himself from accusations of racism when speaking to the Guardian, reflecting that he was merely reacting to the demands of the market place. He said: “We have had quite a lot of customers requesting what they call a ‘local’ [White] driver. A bit insane if you consider that most of the [Asian] lads were born in Rochdale.

“But its a business and we have got a duty to do what the customer asks us to. I don’t think we can discriminate against the customer in the same way. It is a business at the end of the day. We have a large bank loan to pay back”.

Heywood, an area of Rochdale in Manchester was at the heart of the 2011 child sex-ring case, a scandal which brought nationwide attention to the phenomenon of predominantly Pakistani, Muslim men engaging in criminal abuse of young, white girls. During the proceedings of the court case against the men it was revealed on one occasion one under-age girl from Heywood was raped by twenty men in one night who ‘lined up’ outside her room, another was so drunk she threw up as she was raped by two men. » | Oliver Lane | Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Isis Releases First Video Showing Stoning of Woman Accused of Committing Adultery as Her Father Shouts 'Don't Call Me Dad'

THE INDEPENDENT: Amnesty International says apparent murder is 'yet another example of the disgusting depravity of Isis'

Isis have released a video appearing to show a young woman being stoned to death in the presence of her father, who refuses to forgive her alleged crimes.

The execution, which was released in the early hours of Tuesday night by Isis, who also call themselves the Islamic State, took place in Hama, Syria, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, but the date of the stoning cannot be confirmed.

In the video the militants press the father to forgive his daughter, accused of committing adultery, before she is stoned to death - in order to set an example.

“This punishment right now, is a result of your action you chose. No one forced you, therefore you need to accept God’s law, and to accept and submit to God. Islam is submitting to the will God,” one of the militants says to the girl. » | Rose Buchanan | Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Mormons Say 'Our Underwear Is Not Magic'

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints releases video showing the sacred undergarments worn by its members, asking for "respect and sensitivity" for their holy clothing

Read the Telegraph article here | Nick Allen, Los Angeles | Wednesday, October 22, 2014