Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Dozens of Missing Schoolchildren Could Have Been Forced into Arranged Marriages

DAILY MAIL: Dozens of children are missing from school amid fears they have been forced into arranged marriages, it was revealed yesterday.

In Bradford, 33 children remain "unaccounted for" after being off school for at least two months with no explanation.

The Government is also concerned about another 14 areas of the country where it is feared children under 16 could also be missing from school rolls. Dozens of missing schoolchildren feared forced into arranged marriages >>> By Chris Brooke

Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)
’Muslim Fanatics Benefiting from Public Grants'

THE TELEGRAPH: Muslim extremists should be banned from handing out literature and prevented from sitting on public bodies, David Cameron has said.

The Conservative leader has also accused ministers and councils of allowing fanatics to benefit from public grants to Muslim bodies.

"The Government has allowed hundreds of thousands of pounds to local authorities to improve community cohesion, but there are worrying signs that ministers have taken their eye off the ball," he said.

"I will be making proposals to isolate extremists and make certain they cannot obtain public grants or get invited to sit on public bodies.

"That won't just apply to Islamic extremists. We will be equally vigilant in ensuring that groups linked to the BNP or animal rights militants are excluded too.

"The message should be clear - to those who preach hate, to those who encourage violence, you are not part of the mainstream, you will not get public funding." 'Muslim fanatics benefiting from public grants' >>> By Andrew Porter, Political Editor

Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)
Korruptionsprozess gegen Geldgeber Obamas

NZZ Online: In Chicago hat diese Woche der Prozess gegen einen früheren Freund und Geldgeber des demokratischen Präsidentschaftsbewerbers Barack Obama begonnen. Der Geschäftsmann Tony Rezko ist angeklagt, er habe sich mit Wahlkampfspenden Einfluss in der Regierung des Staats Illinois erkauft und seine Stellung benutzt, um bei staatlichen Aufträgen Gelder abzuschöpfen.

A. R. Washington, 4. März

In Chicago hat diese Woche der Prozess gegen einen früheren Freund und Geldgeber des demokratischen Präsidentschaftsbewerbers Barack Obama begonnen. Der Geschäftsmann Tony Rezko ist angeklagt, er habe sich mit Wahlkampfspenden Einfluss in der Regierung des Staats Illinois erkauft und seine Stellung benutzt, um bei staatlichen Aufträgen Gelder abzuschöpfen. Korruption ist ein notorischer Bestandteil der politischen Kultur in Illinois; wegen einer ähnlichen Affäre sitzt der Vorgänger des jetzigen Gouverneurs im Gefängnis. Korruptionsprozess gegen Geldgeber Obamas: Peinlicher Fall für den demokratischen Präsidentschaftsbewerber

Mark Alexander (Paperback)
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Wilders Says His Film Is Legal

RADIO NETHERLANDS WORLDWIDE: The Hague - The leader of the right-wing Freedom Party, Geert Wilders says there is nothing illegal about his anti-Qur'an film Fitna. He is negotiating with a number of television stations about their broadcasting the film, under the condition that it be sent out in its entirety.

Mr Wilders hopes to find a television station willing to broadcast the 15-minute film within the next few days; otherwise he will show it at a press conference later this month and then broadcast it via the internet. He is willing to show the film to National Anti-Terrorism Coordinator Tjebbe Joustra one day before its broadcast. However, he wants a guarantee that the film will not be banned. Sources in the Justice Department say such a guarantee cannot be given.

In the Afghan capital Kabul around 300 MPs demonstrated against the Wilders film and the Danish cartoons portraying the Prophet Muhammad. They demanded that the Afghan government deliver an official protest to the Dutch and Danish governments. [Source: Wilders says his film is legal >>>]

Wilders is Refusing to Let Government See his Film

Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

CNN Report: The Detention of Fouad al-Farhan in Saudi Arabia

Fouad al-Farhan’s Blog
Free Fahad
Saudi Jeans

Jailed Saudi blogger remembered in campaign By Olivia Macleod

Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)
Thomas Landen's Viewpoint - The Wilders Controversy: Do Europeans Still Belong in Europe?

Geert Wilders likens Al-Qur’an al Karim (القرآن الكريم), ‘The Glorious Qur’an’, to Hitler’s Mein Kampf

BRUSSELS JOURNAL: While America is focused on its elections, which might bring the first Muslim-born president in the White House, Europe is anxiously awaiting Geert Wilders’ movie on the Koran. The Dutch government fears that the release of the movie might lead to terror attacks on the Netherlands or on Dutch citizens abroad. There are rumours that the government may seek to ban the film. NATO secretary general Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, a Dutchman, has also expressed concern about the Wilders movie. On Sunday he told Dutch television that he fears retaliations against Dutch NATO troops in Afghanistan.

Last week Wilders complained that the Dutch authorities are putting him under pressure not to release his 10-minute film. Yesterday, a poll showed that the governing Dutch Christian-Democrats of Prime Minister Jan-Peter Balkenende are losing popularity because of their attempts to tone Wilders down. Dutch public opinion, however, tends to be very volatile. Two month ago, I wrote here that “if the Wilders movie results in (fatal) attacks on Dutch citizens and Dutch interests abroad, it might lead to an anti-Wilders backlash. The Dutch are not Danes. They have a history of swinging from one extreme to another. Like the Spanish after the Madrid bombings they might paint their hands white and surrender.”

There is little doubt that Muslim radicals are already preparing ‘punishment’ for the Dutch if they deem the Wilders movie to be ‘blasphemous.’ Westerners do not seem to have a clue about what Muslims consider to be blasphemous. The mere depiction of Muhammad enrages Muslims, even if Wilders were to do it ‘in a respectful way.’ On the other hand, however, things that seem outrageous to Westerners will not at all be outrageous to Muslims. Wilders likes to point out that the Koran is “as intolerant and dangerous as Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf.” If his movie shows praying Muslims next to marching Nazis, or if it compares Koran verses to anti-Semitic rants by Hitler, that may seem outrageous to Western eyes. However, a Nazi comparison, which is the worst form of libel in contemporary Holland and destroys a man’s reputation there, will hardly affect Muslim radicals who tend to agree with Hitler and who will in all likelihood take the comparison as a compliment rather than an insult.

Al-Qaeda is not going to blow The Hague to Kingdom Come for comparing Osama bin-Laden to Adolf Hitler, but they will be inclined to take revenge over a cartoon, a picture or a joke. Suppose Wilders’ movie is outrageous by our standards, but not by those of Muslim extremists. Hence, nothing happens after the release of the movie. Then Dutch public opinion will in all likelihood regard Wilders as the extremist, as someone who tries to provoke others with Nazi slurs, and the Muslim radicals as paragons of tolerance.

Obviously, Westerners – and especially elected officials such as Geert Wilders – should never be forced to take the sensitivities of other cultures into account when making public statements (be it in a film or otherwise) in their own countries. The fact that Wilders is under considerable pressure to do just that shows that the Netherlands is no longer his home country and that it has already been penetrated and colonized by another culture. There is no place anymore that Europeans can call their own. The Wilders Controversy: Do Europeans Still Belong in Europe? >>> By Thomas Landen | Tue, 2008-03-04

Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)
MPs Reject Call for EU Membership Referendum

Photo of EU flags courtesy of The Guardian

THE GUARDIAN: MPs voted today overwhelmingly against the idea of having a referendum on Britain's membership of the European Union.

Labour and the Conservatives joined forces to vote down the Liberal Democrat proposal, which was rejected in the Commons by 471 votes to 68, a majority of 403.

William Hague, the shadow foreign secretary, claimed the Lib Dem proposal was a "fig leaf", designed to disguise the fact that Nick Clegg's party was breaking a promise it made at the last election to support a referendum on the proposed EU constitution.

Today's vote was on a technical motion, and a Lib Dem win would not automatically have led to the holding of a referendum on Britain's EU membership.

But their defeat means that the issue is highly unlikely to be put to a vote again while the European Union (amendment) bill, the legislation ratifying the Lisbon treaty, goes through parliament. MPs reject call for EU membership referendum >>> By Andrew Sparrow, senior political correspondent | Tuesday March 4 2008

Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)
Islam Dreaming In Australia

"Wherever you are Osama Bin Laden, I love you," proclaims Khaled, an Aboriginal Muslim.

Be prepared to be shocked by some of the controversial views expressed in the following video. “After centuries of oppression, indigenous Aborigines are now turning to Osama Bin Laden for support.” How this problem with Islam in the Western world is growing and growing and growing. One could say: Spiralling out of control.

Watch Video HERE

Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)
”Balkenende Is a Weak, Frightened Man Who Gives Way to Threats”, Says Wilders

DUTCH NEWS: Anti-Islam MP Geert Wilders says he will allow the Dutch anti-terrorism coordinator to see his controversial anti-Koran film before it is released, but only on condition that the viewing is not used as and excuse to ban it, NOS tv reports on Tuesday.

Earlier the Telegraaf said Wilders had refused to show the 10-minute film to Tjibbe Joustra, who is responsible for Wilders' security.

Wilders also blamed prime minister Jan Peter Balkenende for ‘all the trouble to come’, according to NOS. Balkenende is a ‘weak, frightened man who gives way to threats’, Wilders, leader of the PVV anti-immigration party said. Wilders to show film to anti-terrorism tzar >>>

Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)
82 Kurt Westergaards!

Cartoon courtesy of Google Images

THE TELEGRAPH: Denmark's security services have provided protection to namesakes of the Danish cartoonist behind controversial cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed.

There are 82 Kurt Westergaards living in Denmark but only one of them is the man who[se] life is under daily threat because of his caricatures of the founder of Islam.

However, some of other 81 "Kurts" scattered across Denmark have also received mistaken identity death threats because they share the same name as the illustrator.

One, a businessman from the Danish town of Aabenraa, has been offered protection by Denmark's intelligence agency, the PET, after receiving multiple death threats.

"The worst thing was that they also called my three children. They wanted to kidnap my family and murder me," he said. Danish cartoonist's 81 namesakes in terror risk >>> By Bruno Waterfield in Brussels

Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)
Anti-Dhimmitude in Österreich: Richter verbietet Burka im Gerichtssaal

Foto dank der Presse

DIE PRESSE: Terror-Prozess: Eine 21-jährige Angeklagte erscheint voll verschleiert im Gerichtssaal. Die streng gläubige Muslimin weigert sich, ihr Gesicht zu zeigen – und wird des Saales verwiesen.

WIEN. Die Angeklagte ist von oben bis unten schwarz verschleiert. Abgeschirmt von drei Justizwachebeamtinnen wartet sie auf das Erscheinen des Richtersenats. Wenn die junge Frau sitzt und ihre Burka nicht mehr ganz den Boden berührt, entdeckt man ein paar Zentimeter ihrer Jeans und Sportschuhe. „Ich darf mein Gesicht fremden Männern nicht zeigen“, sagt Mona S., als der Richter erscheint und sie auffordert, den Schleier abzunehmen. Sie weigert sich. Der Richter duldet die „Vermummung“ nicht und verweist die 21-jährige nach zähem verbalem Ringen des Saales.

Die Szene zum Auftakt des für mehrere Tage anberaumten Terror-Prozesses im Straflandesgericht Wien hätte dramatischer nicht sein können. Zuerst wendet sich der Vorsitzende des Geschworenen-Senats, Richter Norbert Gerstberger, demonstrativ an die Justizwache: „Wer ist die vermummte Person?“ Pause. „Ist das die ,Zweitangeklagte‘?“ Kopfnicken bei den Wachebeamtinnen.

Apropos „Zweitangeklagte“: Als „Erstangeklagter“ hat sich Mohamed M. (22) zu verantworten. Nach islamischem Recht ist er der Ehemann von Mona S. Ihm wird vorgeworfen, sich an einer terroristischen Vereinigung beteiligt zu haben, indem er im Internet zu Terroranschlägen im Namen des Islam aufrief. Mona S. soll als Übersetzerin fungiert haben. Beide Angeklagte sind in Wien geboren, beide bekennen sich nicht schuldig, beide berufen sich auf die Vorschriften des Koran. Mona S.: „Viele fremde Männer“ >>> Von Manfred Seeh | 03.03.2008

Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)
Hillary Clinton braucht dringend einen Sieg: Entscheidende Runde bei der Kandidatenkür der US-Demokraten

Foto von Hilary Clinton dank Times Online

NZZ Online: Der Demokratin Hillary Clinton droht am Dienstag das endgültige Aus im Ringen um die Präsidentschaftsnomination ihrer Partei. Falls ihr bei den Vorwahlen in Texas und Ohio kein überzeugender Sieg gelingt, kann sie ihren Rivalen Obama nicht mehr einholen.

A. R. Washington, 3. März

In den USA finden am Dienstag in vier Staaten Partei-Vorwahlen für die Präsidentschaft statt, unter anderem in den bevölkerungsreichen Staaten Texas und Ohio. Während bei den Republikanern die Entscheidung längst gefallen ist, sorgt das Rennen bei den Demokraten weiterhin für Spannung. Die Vorwahlrunde gilt als letzte Chance für Senatorin Hillary Clinton, auf die Erfolgsspur zurückzukehren. Ihr parteiinterner Rivale Barack Obama hat in den letzten Wochen elf Vorwahlen in Serie gewonnen und damit einen grossen Vorsprung aufgebaut. Obama kann aufgrund der Resultate nun mit 1388 Delegierten für den Nominationsparteitag rechnen, Clinton mit 1283. In den verbleibenden Vorwahlen werden bis Anfang Juni knapp 1000 weitere Delegierte zugeteilt. Davon sind allein am Dienstag 370 Delegierte zu holen, was die Bedeutung dieses Urnengangs unterstreicht. Gute Ausgangslage für Obama >>>

Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)

Monday, March 03, 2008

Vatican-Muslim Talks Due to Begin in Italy


BBC: Vatican officials and senior Muslims are due to meet in Rome, hoping to lay the groundwork for landmark Catholic-Islamic talks later this year.

Five senior figures from each religion will define the terms of a larger meeting involving Pope Benedict XVI.

Catholic-Muslim relations soured after a 2006 speech in Germany, in which the Pope quoted a 14th Century Byzantine emperor's criticisms of Islam.

The Regensburg speech provoked Muslim fury and triggered protests worldwide. Vatican-Muslim Talks Due in Italy >>> By Frances Kennedy

The Pope’s Regensburg Lecture in Full

Die komplette Vorlesung des Papstes in Regensburg

The Islamization of Europe a Real Concern for the Vatican

Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)
Anti-Semitic to the Core!

BBC: A book fair in Paris has become the subject of controversy with several Muslim countries announcing boycotts because the guest of honour is Israel.

Saudi Arabia has become the latest to withdraw, following Iran, Lebanon, Yemen, Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria.

The Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (Isesco) has also urged its 50 members to pull out from the fair, which starts on 14 March.

Isesco said Israel had committed crimes against humanity in Palestinian areas.

The organisers of the book fair have said their aim is to honour literature and promote dialogue between cultures. Israel 'unworthy' >>> By Frances Harrison, BBC religious affairs correspondent

Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)
Voters Punish CDA for Appeasement Politics over Wilders Film

NIS NEWS BULLETIN: THE HAGUE, 04/03/08 - The Christian democrats (CDA) would only win 29 seats if general elections were held now. The disfavour of the voters is the result of the party's attempts to prevent Geert Wilders's film on the Koran from being shown, pollster Maurice de Hond reported.

Last week, CDA still scored 32 seats. The new result of 29 is the party's lowest score since the spring of 2006. CDA currently has 41 seats in the Lower House, which has 150 members.

The three seats lost by the CDA would be divided between Wilders' anti-'Islamisation' Party for Freedom (PVV), the conservatives (VVD) and Proud of the Netherlands (TON). Each of these parties would win one more seat than last week.

PVV (now 9 seats) and VVD (now 22 seats) would each win 16 seats. Proud of the Netherlands, the new party being set up by ex-VVD MP Rita Verdonk, would enter the Lower House with 19 seats, De Hond reports. Voters Punish CDA for Appeasement Politics over Wilders Film >>>

Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)
Libyan Leader Muammar al-Qaddafi on the Predicament of Europe and America

Hat tip: Ibn Misr

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Mark Alexander (Hardback)
Anti-Qur’an Film to Air in the Netherlands

Photo of Geert Wilders courtesy of Google Images

ASSOCIATED PRESS: THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) — Protesters already have torched Dutch flags in Afghanistan ahead of a new Dutch film portraying Islam's holy book as a "fascist" text that incites violence and preaches the oppression of women and homosexuals.

A Dutch Cabinet minister postponed his trip to Somalia on Friday due to "specific threats" linked to the film, and the Dutch government has urged lawmaker Geert Wilders to scrap his film for the safety of its citizens abroad.

But Wilders said Monday he has begun negotiations with Dutch broadcasters about airing the 15-minute film, "Fitna." He said he will only allow them to show it in its entirety, and if they refuse, he plans to show it to the media and post it on the Internet.

"We have never learned to be intolerant toward people who are intolerant toward us, toward cultures that are intolerant toward us," he said in a recent Associated Press interview.

The right-wing legislator previously warned of a "tsunami" of Islam swamping the Netherlands and said Muslims should tear up half of the Quran if they want to live here.

Wilders has lived under round-the-clock security since the 2004 murder of filmmaker Theo van Gogh by an Islamic radical enraged by his short film, "Submission," a fictional study of abused Muslim women with scenes of near-naked women with Quranic texts engraved on their flesh.

The film "Fitna" — an Arabic word meaning discord — puts the centuries-old Dutch traditions of religious tolerance and freedom of speech on a collision course.

If it airs, Dutch Muslims are expected to file criminal complaints for racial or religious vilification. Prosecutors would then have to decide whether to charge Wilders with any offense.

"Our law is very clear — anybody can make a film. We have freedom of expression and you cannot restrict that," says Moroccan-born Sadik Harchaoui, chief of the Forum Institute for Multicultural Development.

"Can you offend people? The answer is yes. I'm not saying you should do it or it is desirable, but you can," he added. "But if the film is insulting and preaches hate, then the law has to take action."

The Dutch government says it cannot ban the film but is attempting to distance itself from Wilders, the leader of the Freedom Party, which holds nine of Parliament's 150 seats. Anti-Quran Film to Air in Netherlands >>> By Mike Corder

Mark Alexander (Paperback)
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A Big Question Mark Hangs Over the Netherlands!

”The Great Undoing” - Will the Netherlands Destroy Its Own Freedom of Speech? - By Andrew Bostom >>>

Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)
Al-Adhan, the Islamic Call to Prayer, “One of the Prettiest Sounds on Earth” at Sunset, According to Barack Hussein Obama, the Wannabee US President

This is the Call to prayer that Obama finds so “pretty”!

Mr. Obama described the call to prayer as “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.” - [Source: The New York Times]

Hat tip: Klein Verzet

Does Obama need his ears syringed, I wonder? Many adjectives could be used to describe this monotonous din, but ‘pretty’ is NOT one of them!

Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)
Egypt: Married to Four Wives

Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)
Madeleine Albright glaubt, daß Hillary Clinton die richtige Präsidentin für den Moment wäre

DIE PRESSE: Die ehemalige US-Außenministerin Madeleine Albright sieht im Irak-Krieg eine schwere Verletzung der Demokratie und des Rufs der USA. Sie warnte dennoch vor einem Rückzug der USA von der globalen Bühne.

Die frühere US-Außenministerin Madeleine Albright hat den Irak-Krieg als "größte Katastrophe" der amerikanischen Außenpolitik bezeichnet. Dem Nachrichtenmagazin "Focus" sagte Albright, der Krieg sei "schlimmer als Vietnam". Er habe den Ruf Amerikas und der Demokratie schwer beschädigt.

Früher hätten die Menschen, wenn sie das Wort Amerika hörten, an die Befreiung Europas von den Nazis oder den Marshall-Plan gedacht. "Heute denken sie an Guantanamo Bay und Abu Ghoreib", sagte die 70-jährige Politberaterin. Albright: Irak-Krieg ist "schlimmer als Vietnam" >>> | 02.03.2008

Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)
Cowardly Dutch Government Considers Banning Geert Wilders’ Anti-Koran Film

THE GUARDIAN: The Dutch government was today examining the legality of banning a film attacking Islam amid fears that it would fan sentiment against the Netherlands in Muslim countries.

The Telegraaf newspaper reported that the coalition government was divided on the film, with the Christian Democrats leaning towards a ban but Labour favouring freedom of expression and calling on Muslim countries to prevent violence against the Netherlands.

The 15-minute film, called Fitna - an Arabic term used in the Qur'an and sometimes translated as "strife" - was made by Geert Wilders, a rightwing politician who leads the nine-member PVV (Freedom) party.

Wilders has argued that there is no such thing as moderate Islam, and has called for a ban of the Qur'an, which he compares to Hitler's Mein Kampf.

"The core of the problem is fascistic Islam, the sick ideology of Allah and Muhammad as it is set out in the Islamic Mein Kampf: the Koran," he wrote in a comment piece for the Volksrant newspaper last year.

Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, the Nato secretary general, has expressed concern about the safety of Nato troops after protests against the film in Afghanistan.

"If the [troops] find themselves in the line of fire because of the film, then I am worried about it and I am expressing that concern," he said in a television interview.

Yesterday, around 1,000 Afghans protested against the republication of a cartoon of the prophet Muhammad in Danish newspapers and Wilders' plan to air the film.

The protesters, mostly religious clerics in the northern Afghan city of Mazar-i-Sharif, demanded the withdrawal of Danish and Dutch troops from Afghanistan.

The Dutch prime minister, Jan Peter Balkenende, warned last week that the Netherlands risked economic sanctions and attacks against its troops because of the film. He stopped short, however, of saying that it should not be broadcast. Dutch government could ban anti-Islam film >>> By Mark Tran and agencies

Backlash begins even before Dutch lawmaker's anti-Quran film airs The Associated Press | March 3, 2008

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